Colombian novelist and Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez died Thursday, according to a source close to the family. He was 87. The author, affectionately called “Gabo,” was well-known for defining the genre of magical realism. He exposed readers around the…

The 45th Man Booker Prize for Fiction was awarded Tuesday to Eleanor Catton for "The Luminaries." Set in 1860s New Zealand during the Gold Rush, Catton's second novel is a murder mystery that constructs its own astrological calendar…

Jul 10

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Wednesday on the NewsHour: Poet Liao Yiwu

Liao Yiwu was in his early 30s when he was arrested for writing and performing a poem about the brutality of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. A new memoir about his time in prison called "For a Song and…

Jul 10

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Weekly Poem: ‘Massacre’

By Liao Yiwu, Translated by Wenguang Huang (Composed on the morning of June 4, 1989) Dedicated to those who were killed on June 4, 1989 Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution Leap! Howl! Fly! Run! Freedom feels…