Your Advocate for Greater Profitability.

Risk Management

It’s already a full-time job being a producer and managing the daily activities and issues within your operation, much less contending with changes in market conditions.  Most producers simply don’t have the dedicated time to focus on a key driver of profitability: marketing.

Farmers and ranchers, both large and small, are turning to market advisory services to manage risk and cash flow on a daily basis.

Leveraging Our Experience, Expertise & Relationships for Your Gain

Pinion’s ag advisors provide the marketing solutions you might be lacking:  breakeven analysis, profit summaries, annual grain or livestock merchandising plans, or a customized hedge report.  Our primary objective is to manage the risk around your production, and help your hard work pay off.

Experience. Pinion’s grain and livestock advisory teams are solely dedicated to solving the merchandising challenges of producers, and expertly trained to keep their eyes on the pulse of your market’s trends 24/7.

Expertise.  We take the time to not only learn your costs, breakevens, and financial specifics, but to learn your individual risk tolerances and beliefs.  Our hands-on advisors design an action plan to help you manage your risk, as well as maximize returns when selling your cash grain or livestock.

Relationships.  Our relationships in the industry run deep. Pinion advisors formulate recommendations based on assessments of your product information and operations, and make comparisons with market futures and industry resources to stay ahead of the curve. Producers receive timely updates and proactive communication to secure the best price.

Your Gain.   We analyze many factors within and surrounding your operations – your region, projected yields, inputs, etc. – and provide help with marketing decisions and timing to determine the best price and source attractive bids.

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Smart Quote for DRP & LRP

Our Smart Quote tool cuts through complexity and empowers you and your agent to make informed risk management decisions optimized for your specific dairy, cattle or swine operation. To begin generating quotes or tracking your insurance positions login or sign up with the links below


Our primary objective is to manage the risk around your production, and help your hard work pay off.


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