Exposing Corruption and Preventing Abuse of Power

The Problem

The Problem

There’s a reason Americans are losing faith in government: Our anti-corruption laws don’t go far enough to prevent abuses of power, and even when there are rules, they aren’t always enforced. This leaves the people questioning the motives of their lawmakers. Time and time again we’ve seen officials at the highest levels face few, if any, consequences for wrongdoing. We are working to build a government worthy of the public’s trust. We’re pushing for rules that will reduce corruption and cut down on abuses of power. And if officials violate those rules, we’re working to ensure they’re held to the same legal standards as the rest of us.

Collage of a man with his fingers crossed behind his back and a man making a speech at a podium
Our Priorities

Our Priorities

We’re working to curb corruption and abuses of power in two key ways: reducing conflicts of interest and ensuring nobody is above the law.

  1. Reducing Conflicts of Interest

    Reducing Conflicts of Interest

    Current laws do not go far enough to ensure that officials are working for the public interest. We’re pushing for reforms so the American people don’t have to wonder whether their leaders are working to help us or to line their own pockets.

    Collage of shady figures, government buildings, money, and a stock market chart line
  2. Ensuring Nobody Is Above the Law

    Ensuring Nobody Is Above the Law

    No one in the government should be above the law. We are working to make sure the most powerful people in government are held to the highest standards of conduct.

    Collage of Lady Justice holding scales, the U.S. Capitol building, and a person being sworn in
What’s at Stake

What's at Stake?

Legal Stock Trading Lets Members of Congress Profit from Office

Congress members have access to privileged, nonpublic information, and they have the power to move markets with their decisions. Yet they and their families are still free to buy and sell stocks — even while they’re in office.

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Top Officials Face Weaker Ethics Rules than Junior Staff

Entry-level White House staffers are bound by stricter ethics requirements than the president and the vice president. In fact, many ethics laws don’t even apply at the highest levels. That’s just backward.

Insurrectionists Could Return to Office if States Don’t Act

There is a ready-to-use tool in the Constitution that officials across the country could use to disqualify government officials who participated in the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol from holding public office. States need to use it.

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