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Metroid Prime 4 coming to Nintendo Switch

Your patience has been rewarded

Nintendo announced a new Metroid Prime game during its Nintendo E3 2017 Spotlight briefing today. We don’t have a lot of detail to go on — the game will be called Metroid Prime 4, we saw a title screen but were shown no video — but fans will nonetheless likely lose their minds knowing that a new game is coming. And it’s coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Metroid has been one of Nintendo’s most neglected franchises for years now, with the most recent entry in the series being the forgettable Metroid Prime: Federation Force in 2016. The last actual Metroid Prime that wasn’t a repackaging of past titles or a disappointing mobile game was Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, in 2007.

Then, there was Metroid: Other M. Yeah.

It’s likely the game won’t be here anytime soon, but it is coming. This is one of the best surprises of E3 2017.

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