Insecure's Season 4 Finale Made Some Points and Raised Some Serious Questions

Just when you think things are going well in the Insecure world, everything comes crashing down in a few scenes. Season four has been an emotional upheaval for fans, especially those of us who relate to a lot of the experiences Issa and company go through. Who hasn't been on the outs with their best friend like Issa and Molly? And who hasn't strayed back into the arms of a former lover like Lawrence and Issa find themselves doing? Or maybe you're struggling to find your footing in a new relationship, like Andrew and Molly? Either way, everything our favourites have been trying to juggle came to a head during the season finale — there was a chase through the neighbourhood, a (not-so-shocking) surprise, and some "low-key" heartbreaking breakups. Keep reading for the lowdown on how things ended up during Insecure's season four finale, "Lowkey Lost."

What Happens to Issa and Lawrence on Insecure Season 4?

What Happens to Issa and Lawrence on Insecure Season 4?

If you're one of the fans who was frustrated with Issa and Lawrence deciding to get back together, you're probably feeling a little vindicated right now. The pair made a really convincing argument of why they could work this time around, and at the beginning of episode ten, it was really hard not to believe them. When Lawrence reveals that he got the job in San Francisco, Issa is genuinely happy for him and not worried about where the move will take their relationship. She tells him that she's at a point in her life where she wants to focus on what makes her happy and Lawrence is included in that. She even mentions possibly moving to San Francisco to join him if their relationship progresses further! Lawrence is shocked (same, honestly) but happy, telling her that he wants to work on their relationship just as much.

Unfortunately for them, life isn't going to make anything that easy. Near the end of the episode, Lawrence visits Issa to break some news: Condola came to see him the other night and revealed that she's pregnant. In a flashback interwoven with Lawrence and Issa's conversation, Condola tells Lawrence that she plans on keeping the baby, even though they aren't together. Lawrence tells Issa that she's the woman he wants and he won't be getting back with Condola, but it's all too much for her. They have enough baggage from their past without adding baby mama drama to the equation.

This one hurts, I'm not going to lie. Issa and Lawrence really seemed like they were going to make it, which is the all-time tell that it was all going to go wrong. There are plenty of people who can handle being with a single parent, but I don't see Issa being able to handle this new aspect of Lawrence's life. It feels like Insecure is telling us all that getting back with your ex never works, and anyone who is trying to, should stop immediately. We get it, okay! Is it too late to wonder what Nathan's up to?

What Happens to Molly and Andrew on Insecure Season 4?

What Happens to Molly and Andrew on Insecure Season 4?

Though Lawrence and Issa's breakup is hard to watch (they were so cute!), the second breakup on the list was much more expected. Molly and Andrew have been struggling to figure out their relationship since the beginning of the season. Because of his initial guardedness to Molly's inability to compromise, their relationship was doomed to crumble. It didn't help that Molly had Issa's omen of their failure lurking around the back of her head.

The final straw for the couple occurs after Andrew accompanies Molly to a work event. Though he wants to cut out early, Molly convinces him to go out for drinks with her coworkers. However, when they get back to her place, she scolds him for attempting to watch Looking For LaToya without her. Fed up, Andrew confesses that accommodating Molly with no reciprocity is getting old. Later in the episode, Molly attempts to steer things right, saying she's willing to go to therapy to work things out. But it's too little too late and Andrew asks her what is she truly fighting for? Was what they had what she wanted? Molly doesn't seem to have an answer for him, which is an answer in itself.

We all saw this coming a mile away, but I was still sad to see them break up. Andrew's been a breakout star this season and I wanted to see Molly get her head out of her ass long enough not to mess it up. But in the end, I can't help but feel like Andrew had a point. It seemed like Molly was fighting to keep from adding another failed relationship to her list of many. It sucks because she had a really good thing going! I can only hope that this isn't the last we see of Andrew. (And I mean that literally, because Alexander Hodge is still bae.)

What Happens to Tiffany and Derek on Insecure Season 4?

What Happens to Tiffany and Derek on Insecure Season 4?

We've been waiting for the fallout from the brief hints we've gotten that allude to Tiffany having postpartum depression, and the finale comes through. Issa and Molly are called in by Derek and Kelli to search for the new mom when she pulls a disappearing act after a night out alone. "I knew she wasn't happy, but I thought maybe time would help. I just didn't think it would get this bad. I can't believe I let this happen," Derek tells the women as they hunt her down using an Uber receipt, security camera, and Issa's intuition. They finally track her down at a nearby Sheraton, where the new parents are reunited.

I wish this story had been properly fleshed out to make this moment feel more significant, but what we did get made me feel bad for Tiffany. Pregnancy is hard enough for Black mothers, and we rarely get to see what postpartum looks like from their point of view. Hopefully, season five spends a little more time exploring Tiffany's journey through motherhood as she deals with her struggles.

Will Molly and Issa Become Friends Again on Insecure?

Will Molly and Issa Become Friends Again on Insecure?

Molly and Issa's friendship has been on the fritz for a while now, but it isn't until a few episodes before the finale that they formally call it quits. And regardless of whether you're Team Issa or Team Molly, that sh*t hurt to watch go down. By the finale, the two haven't been in contact since the disastrous dinner at Andrew's place, but they come together to search for Tiffany. In the end, after they've both been through their respective heartbreaks, Molly asks Issa to join her at Merkato Restaurant and the two reunite for what seems like a better talk than their last brunch.

Maybe it's the messy b*tch within, but I would have liked to see Molly and Issa apart for a few more episodes. I love their friendship, but I think they both need more time to figure out who they're trying to be and what they're willing to accept from the people around them before they jump back into being best friends again. The wounds between them are still too deep and their issues with one another are valid ones that they've never properly addressed. I hope that when we return in season five, we see them working to repair their relationship. And I don't want them to get back to where they used to be, I want them to find a new space for each other that allows them to grow as individuals and as a pair.