OK, We Are Definitely Obsessed With Trader Joe's Healthy Turmeric Salad Dressing

As the best of salad intentions can completely be unraveled by the wrong salad dressing choice (or overdoing it with the right one), I've been in constant pursuit of a healthy (or healthy-ish) dressing and this week came across the new Almond Butter Turmeric Salad Dressing at Trader Joe's.

The Almond Butter Turmeric Salad Dressing was introduced at Trader Joe's in November of 2017 and sells for just $3.69. While the golden yellow colour may make you think you are about to get involved with a citrus-themed dressing, it's actually from the turmeric — our favourite wonder spice that's great for reducing inflammation.

This dressing tastes a bit like a lightened version of a restaurant ginger dressing to me. It may be most familiar to that dressing that comes with the side salad on sushi lunch specials. It goes so with a note of nut butter taste from the almond butter, a hint of orange, and flecks of black pepper; and a nutty, lemony aroma.

I tried the dressing on a basic mixed kale salad and it was quite good, but if you are not a salad-every-day kind of person and want to use up that bottle fast (it is all natural, after all, so it won't last forever), it also works excellently as a marinade or finishing sauce for grilled or sautéed fish, chicken, tofu, or vegetables

At just 60 calories for a 2-tablespoon serving, and with so much versatility, this is something I'd absolutely try again, but I remain partial to the Trader Joe's green goddess dressing — THAT is worth stocking up on.