There's More to TikTok's "April Theory" Than Meets the Eye

If you're anything like me, you love a theory, an explainer for something that seems like it's more than a coincidence, like this was the way things were fated to be. It may sound ridiculous but I know I'm not alone — and now "April theory" is making the rounds on TikTok. According to astrologers, manifestation creators and relationship gurus that reside on the app, April theory (which tails on from March theory) explains the positive newness in your life that typically hits as March comes to an end.

March theory says that the third month of the year will bring to an end old cycles and bad habits, maybe a toxic relationship or an unhealthy habit you've been trying to kick. This all makes room for April, a time for positivity, happiness, better mental health, passion, new relationships, a new job — you name it, you got it, and that's April theory for you.

These theories have been backed up by celebrity breakups hitting in March, take our "Love Island" favourites for example: Toby Aromolaran and Georgia Steel, Molly Marsh and Zachariah Noble, Maura Higgins and Curtis Pritchard, Nas Majeed and Eva Zapico, all calling it quits just three months into the new year.

So, March is bad, sad and lonely but it's to make space in your life for the best of what April is set to bring? Well, not quite. Inbaal Honigman, celebrity psychic and astrologer at Tarotoo, says that while March and April theory do have some truth to them, there's far more at play than you'd think.

"The belief that moods change, goals become focused, and energies intensify at the stroke of midnight between March and April is far from incorrect, but isn't as miraculous and inexplicable as it would seem. Late March and early April are times of new beginnings in many cultures. Christian Easter, Jewish Passover, Hindu Holi, Burmese Thingyan and other spring festivals across the globe signify the optimism that arrives as days get longer and nature is reborn," she tells PS UK.

From an astrological viewpoint, there's a lot going on at the end of March, beginning of April, and this year, the Mercury Retrograde is already in full swing. "The spring Equinox on March 21, when the astrological signs move from Pisces to Aries, is seen as the astrological new year," Honigman explains. "Pisces is now mature, knowledgeable and wise. Ruled by the planet Neptune, planet of dreams, it lets us daydream of what we'll do when we turn over a new leaf. While Aries is childlike, curious, adventurous, and ruled by Mars, planet of passion, allowing us to take a fearless leap into the unknown, feet first and daring. Therefore, goal setting is the most natural thing to do, these are the real new year's resolutions."

So if you find yourself pinning new inspiration on your Pinterest boards, or eager to try something new, it might just be the spring Equinox coming into play, rather than April theory. However, Honigman warns that with the Mercury Retrograde looming over us, things won't be as smooth as expected. "In 2024, April is actually a little less exciting than usual, because we endure the double trouble of a Mercury Retrograde between April 1 and 25, and a total Solar eclipse on the April 8. Both cause delays and confusions, and can dampen the joy of Aries excitability until after the Mercury Retrograde is over," she says.

It's not all about the star signs, nature is on your side too as spring has finally sprung, proving that maybe April theory has more to do with the change in season and less about your destiny.

Honigman explains: "As the days get longer, as buds and shoots appear in gardens and riverbanks, as temperatures rise and as foals and lambs arrive, it is natural to feel more hopeful. The short daylight hours of winter may have caused seasonal affective disorder in some. Now that long walks outdoors in nature are possible again, we can fill our lungs with fresh air, sense the sun on our skin and relax, safe in the knowledge that winter is a long, long way away."

Whether you're eagerly embracing the clocks springing forward or placing your faith in cosmic signs, know that April theory isn't about looking over your shoulder; it's simply an acknowledgment that April is the ideal time for transformation. Start by decluttering your life or simply tidying up your bedroom. Seize the opportunity to embrace change and welcome the freshness of spring.

Lauren Gordon is the editorial coordinator at PS UK, where she creates lifestyle and identity content. Lauren has a degree in journalism from University of the Arts London and previously worked as a showbiz and TV reporter at The Mirror US. Lauren specialises in pop culture, hair and beauty, focusing on trends, sharing in-depth tutorials, and highlighting hidden gems in the beauty industry.