What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Worst Dating Habit

When it comes to dating and astrology, many people start with zodiac sign compatibility. Would a Taurus mesh well with a Cancer? What about two Leos? Or if you're a real pro, you may even compare your sun, moon, and rising signs together. But when it comes to the stars and how you date — flaws and all — it's really your Venus sign that you need to pay attention to.

POPSUGAR spoke with Narayna Montúfar, Senior Astrologer at Astrology.com, and Debbie Stapleton of Modern Mystic, to get the details on how the planet of love influences your less than charming dating habits. According to Montúfar, "Venus rules the manifestation of pleasure in all forms." That includes the pleasurable things in life such as art and fashion, but also money and what we spend it on. Traditionally, though, this planet governs our love lives to the fullest. "When it comes to dating, Venus rules who you feel attracted to . . . the way we dress, our charm, and how we attract partners, as well as our long-term sense of security in the relationship."

It's also important to note your birth date when it comes to looking a this. "What sign Venus is in when you are born says a lot about what you'll be attracted to and how you'll express affection," said Stapleton, adding that, of course, this includes the negative ways you express affection as well. Here's what your Venus sign says about your dating faux pas.

Venus in Aries: The Selfish Lover
Getty | Willie B. Thomas

Venus in Aries: The Selfish Lover

If you have Venus in Aries, "you know what you like and your approach is direct," Montúfar told POPSUGAR. She added that while it's great to know what you're looking for, "the one thing to watch out for is becoming too self-centreed and making it all about you."

Venus in Taurus: The Worshipper
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Venus in Taurus: The Worshipper

Love is wonderful and whimsical, but sometimes we can get a little too caught up in the ride. That's exactly what happens with this Venus sign. "This placement is romantic and loves to shower their lovers (and be showered with) beautiful gifts and affection," Stapleton explained. But because a person with their Venus in Taurus tends to value their lovers so highly, they may "put them on a pedestal," meaning they can't do no wrong when that's just not realistic.

Venus in Gemini: The Lover of Love
Getty | Stephen Zeigler

Venus in Gemini: The Lover of Love

"Venus in Gemini has a crush on the whole world . . . for 15 minutes," said Stapleton. While this sign can make for fun parties and get-togethers, plus "endless curiosity about all kinds of people," they're often attracted to fun and fun only. That means they have no strings attached connections. If you've fallen for them, you might have a lot of trouble getting them to commit.

Venus in Cancer: The Passive Aggressive Lover
Getty | Roger Richter

Venus in Cancer: The Passive Aggressive Lover

"Caring, very sensitive, and sometimes moody" are the first words that Montúfar used to describe this placement. For a person with Venus in Cancer, snuggling and showering a significant other with affection is literally a way of life. But this is also a touchy Venus sign. As Montúfar explained, this placement will need to "watch out for passive-aggressiveness when feeling insecure or things don't go [their] way."

Venus in Leo: The Attention-Seeker
Pexels | Malcolm Garret

Venus in Leo: The Attention-Seeker

Leo is the sign that loves to be noticed. According to Stapleton, "compliments and sharing your wardrobe will get you everywhere with these folks, as will going on the town to have fun and be seen." But while "they may radiate confidence and independence [while dating someone], they can easily feel neglected," she continued.

Venus in Virgo: The Fixer Upper Lover
Getty | Petri Oeschger

Venus in Virgo: The Fixer Upper Lover

Virgos love a good project and are one of the most dependable partners out there, according to Montúfar. But someone with their Venus in Virgo can go beyond just being there for their partner. "You're happiest when you're neck-deep in fixing something — just watch out that the subject matter is not your partner," she warned.

Venus in Libra: The People Pleaser
Unsplash | Giulia Bertelli

Venus in Libra: The People Pleaser

This placement is often gracious and charming, which often brings you no trouble when it comes to love. Unfortunately, it also means that you can have a hard time saying "no." Montúfar said this may be because you consider fair treatment to be of the upmost importance in a relationship, so may find yourself putting the feelings of others in front of your own.

Venus in Scorpio: The One With High Expectations
Pexels | Jonathan Borba

Venus in Scorpio: The One With High Expectations

This Venus sign "falls in love completely, heart and soul," Stapleton said. And that's great — for a bit. "Because they give so much to their lovers, they expect to be given the same, and may doubt your affections unless they can see you're 'all in," she continued.

Venus in Sagittarius: The Wanderer
Unsplash | Brandless

Venus in Sagittarius: The Wanderer

Unfortunately, you may not have a "type" if your Venus is in Sagittarius. That makes it really hard to pin down what you actually want. "Venus in Sagittarius is the roving heart, who may have a lover in every town and port," Stapleton told POPSUGAR. "Anyone with passion, zeal, and a sense of adventure could potentially woo them into love."

Venus in Capricorn: The Loner
Getty | Andrea Gjestvang

Venus in Capricorn: The Loner

This placement makes a great partner . . . once you get them to loosen up. "Practical and realistic, you project a confident and self-controlled presence," explained Montúfar. That's hardly romantic. "But once you find the right person, you're in it for the long haul," she added.

Venus in Aquarius: The Too Close For Comfort Lover
Unsplash | Henri Meilhac

Venus in Aquarius: The Too Close For Comfort Lover

You may get squeamish at the thought of PDA, you certainly aren't one to use pet names, and yeah, you do worship your alone time. "Venus in Aquarius may not be a typical romantic," revealed Stapleton. But there is a way to their seemingly aloof hearts. She added: "If you can challenge their mind and pique their curiosity, you'll have their hearts for sure."

She also shares that this sign may be into more unconventional partnerships like open relationships or polyamory.

Venus in Pisces: The Heart-Eyed Lover
Unsplash | Roman Purtov

Venus in Pisces: The Heart-Eyed Lover

Montúfar explained that, because "you're in love with romance and the idea of unconditional love, having awareness of boundaries is hard." Being naturally empathetic in your relationships, you'll want to give your love (and feel their love in every way you can). Having boundaries is the best way to maintain a steady balance.