Woman Explains Why Pregnancy Tests "Bring You to Your Knees" If You're Struggling to Have a Baby

Elisha Kearns and her husband Daniel have done everything they possibly could over the past six years to start a family. But after being diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in 2010, Elisha knew that the odds were stacked against them.

"We've been married for 11 years," Elisha told POPSUGAR. "The first five years we were 'trying but not trying'; however the past six years, we've been trying and trying and trying. We've sought out medical intervention and even went as far to try a natural/holistic approach via supplements and dietary changes in order to enhance our ability to get pregnant."

"Hope is the breeding ground for miracles to happen. It is the spark that lights the dynamite of faith."

Unfortunately for Elisha and Daniel, they haven't had a ton of luck so far with their fertility treatments. In a gut-wrenching Instagram post she wrote with other moms struggling to conceive in mind, she opened up about just how emotionally taxing the process of trying to get pregnant can be.

"I know that negative pregnancy test you just saw. And I am so sorry because it stings doesn't it? It brings you to your knees," she wrote. "It has you crying on the floor, begging for change. I also know how while on the floor, curled up in a ball you were mad at yourself. Mad that you were hopeful and believed things would be different this time around."

Elisha says she leans on her family and friends when she's dealing with her day-to-day struggles with fertility, but when it comes to navigating her darkest moments, she relies on her faith alone.

"My family and friends provide me with a lot of support when I ask them for it. My husband is also a rock to which I can lean on when I need him to be there," she explained. "But to be honest, nothing satisfies my soul on the hard days like God can. Because when it comes down to it, my family can say the wrong things. My husband can do the wrong thing. And my friends? Especially the fertile ones? Well, they just don't always understand. But God always does and in my moments of doubt and frustration."

And because of what she's learned throughout her own process, Elisha has a message for women who are desperately trying to become mothers: even if you have a few setbacks, it's all going to be OK.

And I bet you can't help but wonder why you did this to yourself because it always ends the same . . . in disappointment. But can I whisper something to you? It's OK and even good to get our hopes up. No, really, it is. Because hope is the breeding ground for miracles to happen. It is the spark that lights the dynamite of faith . . . while I know it didn't work out this month, don't be afraid to get your hope up for the next. I know it hurts. I know you feel so vulnerable. And I even know how you might be tired of the roller coaster ride of it all. But just imagine how amazing it will feel when the hope you have lights the faith within you that one day births your miracle.