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Photo of Harry Cooper, MUKCP, Psychotherapist
Tues/Thurs twice weekly
Hosted by: Harry Cooper

Tues/Thurs twice weekly

Photo of Harry Cooper, MUKCP, Psychotherapist
Hosted by: Harry Cooper
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today

01273 092027
Let's Connect 01273 092027
Photo of Harry Cooper, MUKCP, Psychotherapist

90 minute sessions. Same time, place, and people. A space to better understand what troubles you with the support of peers, using what happens in the group to better understand the relational patterns which impact our lives. Group members often come with a range of experiences and difficulties, finding a sense of community and understanding between one another. They often find deep connections with one another, despite potential misgivings about opening up in front of others. I am there to help the group to think about what may be going on for the members and the group in the moment.

Group Details


Seven Dials

Brighton BN1

Session Cost


Group Meets

Every Tue, Thu 7:30 P.M. - 9 P.M.


Email Harry Cooper about this group or call - 01273 092027
Let's Connect 01273 092027
Photo of Harry Cooper, MUKCP, Psychotherapist

Group Practice at a Glance

Seven Dials

Brighton BN1


Seven Dials

Brighton BN1