Terms and Conditions
For Contribution Funding under the Contribution Program To Combat Serious And Organized Crime

Public Safety Canada will proceed with a targeted solicitation process to allocate funding to support Canadian law enforcement agencies’ work to combat auto theft and will communicate directly with potential applicants.

1. Authority

The authority of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (hereinafter referred to as “the Minister”) to make transfer payments is found at paragraph 6(1) (c) of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act, S.C. 2005, ch. 10.

The Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime (CPCSOC) is to enable the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (herein referred to as “the Department”), to act on behalf of the Minister to support projects that contribute to the achievement of the objectives to combat serious and organized crime, through funding allocations to eligible recipients (herein referred to as “the Recipient”) described in Section 5 of these Terms and Conditions. 

The Department's policy authority to develop this contribution program is derived through the National Strategy for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation on the Internet, the Canada Tobacco Strategy, Measures to Combat Serious and Organized Crime, and the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy.

2.Program description and objectives

Serious and Organized Crime (e.g., drug trafficking, driving under the influence of drugs, financial crimes, illicit tobacco activities, human trafficking, child sexual exploitation on the internet) pose significant threats to the health and safety of Canadians. 

The Department's Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime (CPCSOC) supports initiatives, research, partnership building, specialized police services, projects and programs to increase knowledge, raise awareness and/or help advance efforts to combat serious and organized crime, through funding allocations to eligible recipients as described in section 5 of these Terms and Conditions.

The overall objective of the CPCSOC is to contribute to the achievement of departmental legislative, policy development, and partnership building objectives by:

2.1 Expected results and outcomes

Initiatives and/or projects funded under the CPCSOC are expected to contribute to one or more of the following immediate and intermediate outcomes:

Immediate Outcomes

Stream A:
Stream B: 

Intermediate Outcomes

Stream A:
Stream B:

Ultimate Outcomes:

Streams A & B:

3. Eligible recipients

Contributions may be provided to the following classes of recipients in support of the objectives of the CPCSOC:

Stream A

  1. A domestic not-for-profit organization that supports public safety, if:
    1. it is a legal person; or
    2. it is an association or society of persons, including a professional association, that has voluntarily associated themself and that have a mandate to represent their membership;
  2. An international organization that supports public safety including non-governmental organizations and organizations which Canada is affiliated, if:
    1. it is a legal person; or
    2. it is an association or society of persons or states that have voluntarily associated themselves and that have a mandate to represent their membership;
  3. A Canadian university and educational institution;
  4. Another level of government (provincial, territorial, regional, municipal, local, including Indigenous government); and
  5. A provincial or local police service, including an Indigenous police service, and/or its governing authority (also known as a board, a police board).

Stream B

  1. An Indigenous community or band within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.I-5, or a First Nation, Métis or Inuit community recognized as a legal entity that has entered into a self-government agreement, which has been approved and has force of law under an act of Parliament or a legislature.
  2. A First Nation and/or Inuit and/or Metis police service, if it is a legal person;
  3. An Indigenous police governing authority (also known as a board, a police board, a designated board, or a police commission), if it is a legal person.

Under both streams, police services must be constituted under a Police Act to be eligible for the purposes of the terms and conditions of this program.

Government departments as defined in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act (including the RCMP), federal Crown corporations and for-profit organizations are not eligible for funding. The funding provided is not to be used for any costs already dealt with through existing police service agreements.

4. Eligible types of initiatives

Under the CPCSOC, the Department provides funding to support:

  1. Stream A - Projects and/or initiatives to combat serious and organized crime priorities aligned with CPCSOC objectivesFootnote 1.
  2. Stream B - Specialized policing services to enhance capacity of Indigenous police to address organized crime and related criminal activities in and around high-risk Indigenous communities. Funding does not apply to Indigenous police structures provided by the RCMP in the context of a police agreement.

4.1 Eligible activities

Stream A

Stream B

5. Type and nature of eligible expenditures

Stream A & B

Funds shall be used only for expenses directly related to the activity identified in the budget approved by the Department. The Department may consider reimbursement of eligible pre-execution expenditures incurred prior to the signing of the Contribution Agreement on an exceptional basis. Such exceptional basis entails the potential loss of critical project resource(s) or the delivery of the project will be jeopardized.

The Minister will not pay for any eligible expenses incurred by a Recipient prior to the date of approval of the Proposal/Application as per the Delegated Financial Signing Authority Matrix and reimbursement of pre-execution expenditures must not cross fiscal years. The Minister shall not reimburse an Applicant for costs incurred should the Agreement not be executed. None of the eligible expenses identified are eligible if incurred by the RCMP while acting in their provincial, territorial, municipal and Indigenous capacity.

Due to their nature, Stream B initiatives are exempt from the limitations imposed under Public Safety Canada's Pre-execution Expenditures Directive and Pre-execution Expenditures Procedure.

Eligible expenses specifically for the purpose of delivering the project:

Stream A

The following categories of expenditures are eligible:

  1. Salaries and wages for, permanent or temporary professional, clerical, technical and administrative services, including contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Commission, the Canada Pension Plan, the Workers' Compensation Board, and the Provincial Pension Plan or other Employee Benefit Plans.
  2. Rent (or equivalent to rent) cost, normal utilities such as electricity, heat, water and telephone, maintenance of offices and other buildings, and insurance and taxes, where these expenses are directly related to the project and/or initiative.
  3. Office equipment, minor capital acquisitions (minor capital is defined as up to $10,000 per acquisition), and program supplies and materials (less than $5000 per acquisition). Note for office equipment: The rental of equipment to be used directly for the purpose of the project is permitted if it is determined that renting the equipment is more cost-effective than purchasing the equipment.
  4. Travel and living expenses related to delivery of the project, including transportation rental costs.
  5. Training costs directly related to the project and/or initiative's delivery, including the cost of developing training manuals and/or procedures.
  6. Honoraria, defined as time-limited remuneration or gift for a volunteer service or participation in a project and/or initiative that is consistent with, and essential to the attainment of, the project and/or initiative's objectives. Honoraria will be considered in line with the accepted practices of the particular organization, region or community. For instance, the standard monetary honorarium given by an Indigenous group or not for profit organization for participating in or contributing to a specific activity.
  7. Professional and consulting fees directly related to the project objectives, including, where applicable, professional fees for the preparation of audited financial statements.
  8. Computer services, library expenses, research costs and collection and analysis of statistics, including subscription and data access fees related to the project outcomes (i.e., electronic subscriptions and publications, services related to the collection, dissemination, provision, analysis and access to external data).
  9. Translation and simultaneous interpretation activities.
  10. Shipping charges, postage, printing and distribution costs.
  11. Public awareness and educational costs consistent with the research project and/or initiative's objectives (e.g., Public Service Announcements).
  12. Costs associated with the purchase and/or upgrade of information technology hardware and software.
  13. Administrative & Overhead Costs: This category may include costs related to bookkeeping, payroll services, financial management and reporting. The amount must be supported by reasonable methodology and breakdown and be for costs directly related to the administration of the project.
  14. Other eligible expenses: These costs may be proportionally applied and must be explicitly defined by the recipient, in writing, in the budget request. These expenses should not exceed a combined total of 15% of total Public Safety funded eligible project costs.

Stream B

The following categories of expenditures are considered eligible: 

  1. Pay and benefits for law enforcement personnel (including overtime), permanent or temporary professional, clerical, technical and administrative services including contributions to Employment Insurance, the Canada Pension Plan, provincial or other pension plans, other employee benefit plans, and workers compensation programs.
  2. Police facility costs, including: rent (or equivalent to rent cost), normal utilities such as electricity, heat, sewer and water, and telephone; minor repairs; alarm systems; janitorial equipment and ground maintenance supplies; and insurance and taxes.
  3. Police equipment, including but not limited to uniform/officer kit; provincially-approved use of force equipment (handcuffs, batons, guns, etc.); ammunition; photographic equipment; portable radios; and, protective equipment (vests, helmets, shields, etc.).
  4. Transportation expenses, including the purchase of vehicles (cars, boats, ATVs, snowmobiles, etc.) and accessories (lights, sirens, etc.); repairs and maintenance of vehicles; licensing; fuel; and, in-car video.
  5. Professional and consulting fees directly related to the project objectives, including, where applicable, professional fees for the preparation of audited financial statements.
  6. Expenses associated with the formal evaluation of a project, as specified in the project proposal.
  7. Information technology expenses directly related to the project objectives (i.e. software, computers).
  8. Communications, advertising, educational or outreach materials directly related to the project objectives.
  9. Travel and living expenses related to delivery of the project, which are deemed reasonable through the detailed budget review and not to exceed National Joint Council guideline amounts.
  10. Training costs directly related to the project and/or initiative's delivery, including the cost of developing training manuals and/or procedures.
  11. Administrative & Overhead Costs: This category may include costs related to bookkeeping, payroll services, financial management and reporting. The amount must be supported by reasonable methodology and breakdown and be for costs directly related to the administration of the project
  12. Other eligible expenses: These costs may be proportionally applied and must be explicitly defined by the recipient, in writing, in the budget request. These expenses should not exceed a combined total of 15% of total Public Safety funded eligible project costs:

Stream A & B:

Ineligible Costs:

6. Stacking limit

Stream A

The maximum level (stacking limit) of Total Government Assistance (federal/provincial/ territorial/municipal assistance for the same purpose and eligible expenses) shall not exceed 95% of the eligible expenditures. When reviewing proposals for contribution funding, departmental officials will ensure that contributions made under the funding program will not cover expenses already covered through another funding program or strategy. When applying for funding, applicants will be required to indicate what, if any, government funds a project is expected to receive. Total Government Assistance (federal/provincial/regional/municipal/local assistance for the same purpose and eligible expenses) is not to exceed 95% of eligible project costs. In exceptional cases, the total Government Assistance will be considered to a maximum of 100% (i.e. for provincial, territorial and/or municipal government recipients and for communities or organizations with limited capacity, for example, where the provincial, federal and/or municipal governments are the only funders). 

In the event that actual Total Government Assistance to a recipient exceeds the stacking limit, it will be necessary for the Department to adjust its level of assistance so that the stacking limit is not exceeded or seek reimbursement of funding provided to the recipient. 

The Program will require all recipients of contributions to disclose all confirmed and potential sources of funding for a proposed project before the start and at the end of a project.

To be eligible for the 100% stacking limit, recipients must demonstrate that they have met a certain readiness level. Hence, to determine the stacking limit for a particular project/ initiative, the program manager will consider the recipient's:

Stream B

The maximum level (stacking limit) of Total Government Assistance (federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal and territorial assistance for the same eligible expenses) shall not exceed 100% of eligible expenditures.

7. Maximum duration and amount

Stream A & B:

The maximum duration of agreement under both Streams is 60 months. However, under special circumstance, projects could go up to 84 months.

The maximum amount of contributions is the amount that, in the opinion of the Minister, is required by the recipient to proceed successfully within the proposed timing, scope and location and will not exceed 20 million per project.

8. Basis of payment

Stream A & B:

Payments will be issued to recipients pursuant to the provisions of the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments and based on the reimbursement of eligible expenditures. Payment amounts will be based on cash flow requirements and the Agreement's risk profile. The assessed level of risk will also determine requirements for a holdback provision to be included in the Agreement.

Progress payments will be issued to reimburse the recipient for expenditures incurred. They will be based upon receipt and acceptance by the Department of financial and non-financial project reports outlining activities and expenditures to date.

Where advance payments are required for the successful delivery of the project, they will be issued in accordance with the recipient's cash flow requirements and the Agreement's risk profile.

Recipients must meet, and continue to meet, the specific Terms and Conditions of the Contribution Agreement, prior to payments being made.

Provided that the recipient has met the terms and conditions of the contribution agreement, a final payment will be made only upon receipt and acceptance of final deliverables as stated in the Agreement.

9. Proposal requirements

Stream A

The following will be required of all proposals for consideration:

The supporting material should include: 

In addition, to prevent the risk of conflict of interest, the recipient must:

Stream B

When making a request for funding for specialized police services related to Indigenous police to address organized crime, applicants are required to provide the Government of Canada with information related to the establishment and maintenance of the police service. Such information may include:

The supporting material should include: 

When making a request for funding, applicants are also required to provide the Government of Canada with a business plan that contains the following information:

9.1 Selection criteria and review procedure

Proposals for consideration under the CPCSOC must be submitted by an eligible recipient organization and the project and/or initiative must be for a set period of time, not exceeding 84 months. In addition, all application requirements, as outlined in section 6, must be met.

Eligible proposals will be reviewed against the following criteria:

  1. The extent to which the project description and objectives, expected results and outcomes meet and advance the objectives of the program;
  2. The amount of funding requested and the expenses outlined in the proposal are eligible and reasonable and support the project description and objectives, expected results and outcomes as assessed in a);
  3. The previous experience of the Department or other federal departments or agencies in working with the applicant, and the quality of and success of the project(s);
  4. The degree of involvement of the applicant, the level of support of provincial/territorial governments, federal departments and agencies, and other stakeholders and partners relevant to the project;
  5. The organization seeking support has the reputation, capability and facility to conduct the specific project and/or initiative.

10. Reporting procedure

Stream A & B:

The Department will ask recipients to submit copies of any literature, reports or other products produced in the course of the initiative and/or research project, and to provide an activities report (including a cashflow document) on the previous year's accomplishments, audited (if appropriate) financial statements, and current and/or future years' budgets. The recipient may also be required to provide additional supporting documentation (e.g. receipts, purchase orders, materials or products produced).

The recipient should also have a plan for monitoring, regular reporting, evaluation and dissemination of the final results of the initiative and/or research project or evaluation conducted. 

To assist in determining the effectiveness of the contribution relative to the Department's objectives, the project manager will review and document the overall activities of the applicant during the previous year, and file relevant copies of reports, proceedings of conferences and special studies or projects undertaken.

11. Performance measurement strategy and indicators

The following non-exhaustive list of indicators will assist in measuring and monitoring the progress of the Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime:

Stream A

Note: Metrics to be gathered will include monitoring the trend of serious and organized crime activities, and whether and to what extent the information gathered (increase or decrease in crime rate) are expected to help inform government policy and/or legislative development and decision-making.

Stream B

Additional indicators may be developed to enhance performance measurement as contribution agreements are developed and finalized within the CPCSOC. Recipients will be required to report on results achieved in line with the expected outcomes and performance indicators outlined in this program terms and conditions and in contribution agreements.

The reports (e.g. activity and data reports) would inform program and project performance measurement for future policy and programmatic needs. A template will be provided by the Department as part of the contribution agreement.

12. Official languages

Stream A & B:

Ensuring, when transfer payment programs support activities that benefit members of both official language communities, that the Recipient's design and delivery respects the obligations of the Government of Canada as set out in Part VII of the Official Languages Act and that services and benefits are made available in both official languages in compliance with the Official Languages Act.

Contribution agreements signed with Recipients will include a clause guaranteeing that communications with and services to the public will be in both official languages, according to the Treasury Board's policies and directives on official languages.

Public access to Government and non-governmental websites in both French and English, as well as access to French and English Media (written and visual) where public education and awareness messages will be displayed, should be considered to promote the use of both official languages in Canada. 

13. Further distribution of contribution

Contribution can be paid to an initial eligible recipient (e.g. provinces, territories) which in turn, can further distribute the contribution to ultimate recipients which are the same Eligible Recipients as identified under stream A and B above.

When an initial recipient (e.g. provinces/territories) is entering into an agreement with ultimate recipients, the initial recipient will use the following accountability / management framework and decision-making process:

  1. Assess applications received from ultimate recipients against the eligibility criteria of the CPCSOC Terms and Conditions and will make independent decisions in the selection of projects to be funded;
  2. Be responsible for undertaking due-diligence assessment including a detailed review of expected results and outcomes of the projects, their proposed budgets and eligible expenditures, an assessment of the risks associated to the projects, and a strategy for measuring and reporting of results of the projects.

14. Intellectual property

Stream A & B:

If a project produces intellectual property, the Recipient retains copyright for any work produced under the funding agreement. However, in situations where Public Safety Canada wishes to use the intellectual property produced by a Recipient, the Recipient shall retain copyright for any work produced under this agreement but may give Public Safety Canada a royalty-free, permanent and non-exclusive license.

15. Additional contribution funding approaches

Additional contribution funding approaches for transfer payments to Indigenous Recipients for projects that target specifically Indigenous people or has a component specifically targeted to Indigenous people.

Where deemed appropriate, additional contribution funding approaches will be considered and determined for Indigenous Recipients for projects that target specifically Indigenous people or has a component specifically targeted to Indigenous people in accordance with the objectives of the Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime.

15.1 Flexible Contribution Funding

The Government of Canada will consider utilizing a flexible contribution funding approach where a recipient has demonstrated the capacity to manage transfer payments. A flexible contribution approach can be used for First Nation, Inuit and Metis recipients when they have demonstrated capacity to effectively manage transfer payments.

This approach enables the recipient to redirect funding among the cost categories established in the funding agreement. It also allows the recipient, in a multi-year funding agreement, to roll-over unexpended funding remaining at the end of each fiscal year for use in the next fiscal year to further achieve results toward the funding objectives. A request or notification letter must be made in writing by the recipient, prior to the end of the fiscal year, to roll-over unexpended funding to the next fiscal year. Before approval by the Government of Canada of such a request, the funding manager will consider the recipient's:

All unexpended funding from Canada at the termination or expiry of a funding agreement, unless it is renewed, will constitute a debt due to Canada and will need to be reimbursed.

15.1.2 Fixed Contribution Funding

The Government of Canada will consider utilizing a fixed contribution funding approach for modern treaty recipients.

A fixed contribution approach allows the recipient, in a multi-year funding agreement, to carry over unexpended funding remaining at the end of each fiscal year for use in the next fiscal year to further achieve results toward the funding objectives. It also allows the recipient to retain unexpended funding remaining at the expiry of the contribution agreement provided that the obligations and objectives set out in the contribution agreement are met and the recipient agrees to use the unexpended funding for purposes consistent with the objectives of these Terms and Conditions.

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