Our aim is to help you
protect what counts

R2S Academy has been created to give our clients the convenience of a self-paced, online training platform that includes elements of the expert content we deliver via our face to face training, webinars, workshops, masterclasses and board briefings. Our online courses are built to provide participants with an easy, convenient, fast and in depth way of learning about personal risk management, safety, security, emergency response, medical and much more. Our company mantra is Protecting What Counts, R2S Academy's learning content and courses are centred around this to provide participants with a practical way to stay safe and secure.


star rating

5 star rating


Uche Nwokedi

One of the best online courses I have done

One of the best online courses I have done

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5 star rating

Brilliant Course

Kandia Du Bruyn

This course is excellent as is the instructor. Content is relevant and must for all organisations.

This course is excellent as is the instructor. Content is relevant and must for all organisations.

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5 star rating

Great Short Course

Lynn Meecham

Very comprehensive and well laid out :)

Very comprehensive and well laid out :)

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5 star rating


Carol Hibbert

This course is not only convenient but gives an important teaching on general safety and security that everybody should know. There is no doubt that ignoran...

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This course is not only convenient but gives an important teaching on general safety and security that everybody should know. There is no doubt that ignorance can render a person totally ineffective and traumatised in an emergency situation unless they have attended training and have a reference to what one can and can't do in dangerous situations. Being informed is being armed and prepared.

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5 star rating


Jacob Nottage

This was great! Very informative.

This was great! Very informative.

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5 star rating

Skills that can crossover to many parts of life.

Lincoln Stephen

The content was relevant and useful whereby it can be applied to an array of situations in life. The importance of 'situational awareness' is something I fee...

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The content was relevant and useful whereby it can be applied to an array of situations in life. The importance of 'situational awareness' is something I feel is widely underestimated.

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5 star rating

An insight into being aware

Keith Mahamooth

Well presented detailed course to understanding and identifying aggressive behaviour

Well presented detailed course to understanding and identifying aggressive behaviour

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5 star rating

Valuable Content

neil redfern

Very simple and straight forward strategies that can be applied to any environment.

Very simple and straight forward strategies that can be applied to any environment.

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5 star rating


Angus Chapple-Harris

Knowledge is power. Being able to properly understand aggressive behaviour gives me the confidence to be able to manage and deal with it. This course is full...

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Knowledge is power. Being able to properly understand aggressive behaviour gives me the confidence to be able to manage and deal with it. This course is full of knowledge and useful tips that can be put into action straight away.

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Our courses will assist you or your organisation in managing personal risk, safety, security and wellbeing