13 Reasons Why Harry And Hermione Should Have Ended Up Together, Ranked

Rebecca Shortall
Updated May 23, 2024 257.6K views 13 items
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Vote up the points that make you think Hermione and Harry would wingardium leviosa together.

Hermione Granger is smart, capable, and caring. She keeps her cool in dangerous situations, and is always there to help you finish that last scroll for History of Magic. Hermione quickly became many readers' favorite character from the Harry Potter books (spawning plenty of memes and fan theories in the process)– and who does she end up with? Ronald Bilius Weasley.

Really, J. K. Rowling? You're going to have this frizzy-haired angel end up with the series' comic relief? At least have her settle for the franchise's title character. Plenty of fans think Rowling did Hermione dirty by having her end up with Ron, and that opinion goes way beyond just shipping Harry and Hermione. More insane fan theories ship Harry and Draco Malfoy than Ron and Hermione, for goodness' sake. And who's even checking for Harry's canon significant other, Ginny Weasley?

It's clear that Hermione and Ron were a huge mistake. Even Rowling revealed she thinks she messed up her romantic pairings. From their compatible personalities to their undeniable chemistry, check out all the reasons why Harry Potter and Hermione Granger should have ended up together.

  • 1
    4,838 VOTES

    Harry Is Actually Willing To Learn From Hermione

    Hermione teaches Harry how to perfect the summoning charm before he enters the first round of the Triwizard Tournament in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. And he's receptive and grateful! Compare that to Ron mimicking Hermione's pronunciation of "wingardium leviosa" in the first book and movie. Ron is reluctant to learn, and he gets defensive when Hermione tries to help.

    Harry is all for learning from Hermione, and he clearly respects her intelligence instead of feeling threatened by it.

    4,838 votes
  • 2
    4,344 VOTES

    Harry And Hermione Don't Constantly Argue

    Ron's jealousy and mood swings lead to some animosity-peppered conversations with both Harry and Hermione. He's jealous of their friendship and he's jealous of them as individuals. His resentment of Harry's status as the Chosen One manifests itself frequently, and he tends to rankle at Hermione's intelligence.

    Harry and Hermione, on the other hand, rarely get up in each other's faces, and they seem to have a fairly easy-breezy friendship. Sure, some would argue that Ron and Hermione's bickering would make for a more passionate coupling, but it could also lead to all-out hatred. Rowling even said she thinks Ron and Hermione would definitely be in "relationship counseling."

    4,344 votes
  • 3
    3,835 VOTES

    J. K. Rowling Herself Admits They Should Have Been Together

    That's right – J. K. Rowling regrets pairing Hermione with Ron. Rowling talked to Emma Watson (Hermione herself) about how, looking back at the coupled-up Hermione and Ron, she couldn't help but wish she'd had Harry and Hermione end up together. Rowling said she "wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment":

    "For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron... I know, I’m sorry. I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I’m absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people’s hearts by saying this? I hope not."

    Watson seemed to agree with Rowling's assessment of Ron and Hermione's incompatibility, saying, "I think there are fans out there who know that too, and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy."

    3,835 votes
  • 4
    4,484 VOTES

    Hermione Chose To Stay With Harry Instead Of Ron

    When Ron's underlying jealousy is worsened by the Horcrux in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, he abandons Harry, claiming their mission to weaken Voldemort is fruitless. Hermione declines to go with him, opting to stay with Harry because she has faith in their cause and in Harry.

    If she was all in on Ron, she wouldn't want him wandering off into the woods on his own. Sure, Ron comes back, but Hermione was there by Harry's side the whole time.

    4,484 votes
  • 5
    3,698 VOTES

    That Tent Dance Was Pretty Cute

    That Tent Dance Was Pretty Cute

    This tender moment between Harry and Hermione was added for the movies, but that doesn’t make it any less endearing or important. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, the pair of them take a moment out of the non-stop magical madness of their lives to share a dance to "O Children" by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, and it's downright adorable.

    3,698 votes
  • 6
    3,340 VOTES

    Ron Is Super Jealous

    Ron's propensity for jealousy was exacerbated during the trio's Horcrux-seeking camping trip in the woods in the seventh book, but nefarious magical talismans weren't necessary to bring out Ron's pettier side. As early as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Ron was prone to pitching fits, being dramatic, and falling prey to mood swings – and all because Viktor Krum showed up and asked Hermione to a dance.

    Harry and Hermione had their moments, but they didn't snip at each other the way Ron and Hermione did.

    3,340 votes
  • 7
    3,424 VOTES

    Harry And Hermione Both Grew Up As Muggles

    Growing up in the wizarding world is markedly different from growing up in a Muggle household. While Ron was zipping around on broomsticks with his family and talking to portraits, Harry and Hermione were having a decidedly non-magical scholastic experience, learning math and history, counting normal money, and plugging along in the real world.

    The two of them have the shared experience of coming into the wizarding world as outsiders, and that's probably a better foundation for romance.

    3,424 votes
  • 8
    3,176 VOTES

    Ron Doesn't Challenge Hermione

    Hermione is an extremely intelligent girl. Ron is... special in his own way. They're not going to be on the most even of playing fields over the course of their relationship, and it seems likely that Ron just wouldn't be able to challenge her. Without that, their relationship would probably prematurely stagnate.

    Or, Ron might challenge Hermione in a less romantic way. Perhaps he'd always consume ill-advised quantities of chocolate frogs, and she'd have to challenge herself not to be put off by that. Or maybe she'll challenge herself to not get mad at being called a "nag" for reminding Ron to wipe his face or tie his shoelaces for the umpteenth time that day.  

    No one's saying Harry is as intelligent as Hermione. He's not. But he's far more her intellectual equal than Ron is.

    3,176 votes
  • 9
    3,480 VOTES

    Everyone Already Thinks Harry And Hermione Are Together

    Everyone around Harry and Hermione seems to sense their chemistry. Ron doesn't freak out on them for nothing; he can sense they have a connection, one that probably surpasses his own with Hermione. Rita Skeeter assumes Harry and Hermione are dating, and Cho Chang exhibits a little jealousy over Hermione in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. So why shouldn't these crazy Gryffindors make it official?

    3,480 votes
  • 10
    3,135 VOTES

    Harry And Hermione Have Both Faced Wizarding World Discrimination

    Hermione has the wizarding world slur "mudblood" frequently flung at her by the likes of Draco Malfoy, and Harry faced a similar level of shunning after it became common knowledge that he speaks parseltongue. And then there's Harry's history of abuse at the hands of the Dursleys, which gives him yet another thing in common with Hermione. As a Muggle-born witch, she faces frequent prejudice from so-called "pureblood" wizards.  

    Ron is only really discriminated against by Malfoy for being poor and a Weasley. And that discrimination only comes from Draco and his cronies. He really doesn't get what it's like to be an outsider in the magical community.

    3,135 votes
  • 11
    2,949 VOTES

    Hermione Seems To Find Ron Disgusting

    Hermione Seems To Find Ron Disgusting

    There are more than a few instances where Hermione visibly recoils at Ron's eating habits. Now imagine the fact that she has to sit opposite him doing that for the rest of her life. There's no way someone so viscerally disgusted by one guy's mastication could stand to bear witness to it for the span of a marriage.

    2,949 votes
  • 12
    3,204 VOTES

    Ginny's Kind Of A Non-Character

    You're probably familiar with the Mary Sue character trope. Basically, it's a flawless character who's more wish-fulfillment than real person. In the Potter-verse, there's one pretty clear Mary Sue candidate: the protagonist's love interest, Ginny Weasley.

    Ginny goes from being Ron's irrelevant little sister to being the coolest of cool girls. Suddenly she's a drop-dead gorgeous Quidditch prodigy who also happens to be a super-skilled witch. You can't detect a flaw in her character, and because of this she reads as kind of boring. Hermione's flaw was that she was an annoying know-it-all. Ginny's just... there. It's hard to root for a couple when one half of it is a flawless cipher.

    3,204 votes
  • 13
    246 VOTES

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