Legal expert points out 'most troubling' part of Judge Cannon's latest Trump decision
Judge Aileen Cannon, official photo, Trump, Shutterstock

The judge overseeing Donald Trump's documents case recently issued an order that isn't sitting right for some professional legal experts.

Raw Story recently reported that Judge Aileen Cannon said she will hear former President Trump's argument that he was entitled to keep any presidential documents he wanted, sending what some experts called an ominous signal in the former president's case. Trump's legal team has argued in court filings that the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case should be dismissed because they say the Presidential Records Act gave him the authority to decide which records he could take with him from the White House.

Secrets and Laws, an account that purports to be run by a former CIA lawyer, recently highlighted what might be the most upsetting part of the judge's decision.

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"What's most troubling about Cannon entertaining Trump's Presidential Records Act argument is that's she's SEEN all the records now, during the Sec. 4 hearing. She knows they are all highly classified intel products. And yet she's still entertaining this 'personal' record BS," the account wrote on Wednesday. "At least during the search warrant litigation, she hadn't seen them, & there were some personal or some potentially borderline unclassified records caught up in the FBI search. So one can maybe give her a break there. But now, there's just no excuse. She knows the reality."

The account continued:

"If Trump wants to put on a defense that he thought the PRA made his retention of these highly classified records lawful, that's fine -- she should let him, and Tom Fitton can be his star witness. But going beyond that just gets into crazy town."