
'Watch as it unfolds': Trump shooter reportedly posted cryptic message to gaming platform

The young man who died after making an assassination attempt against Donald Trump reportedly posted a cryptic online message in advance of the attack.

Jacqui Heinrich, Senior White House Correspondent for Fox News, reported Wednesday evening that Fox learned that Senators had been briefed on the postings on a gaming website.

"Fox has learned that Senators were told in the all-member briefing today that Thomas Crooks wrote on a gaming platform called ‘Steam’, 'July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds,'" the report states. "When investigators reviewed the laptop, they found a few searches in July of: Trump, Biden, when is DNC convention, and July 13 Trump rally."

She added that, "Investigators have found no evidence of a particular ideology, which the FBI believes is notable, and nobody in interviews reported Crooks discussing politics."

ALSO READ: Do presidents’ popularity increase after assassination attempts? History has an answer

She further reported that the "suspect has two cell phones," and that the "primary phone was recovered from the scene along with a remote transmitter (detonator)."

His "secondary cell phone was found at the home, it had only 27 contacts and the FBI is in the process of tracking down and interviewing those people," according to the Fox report.

'That's rich': Internet erupts as presidential shooter proclaims 'violence is not the way'

A man who shot a president said on Wednesday that "violence is not the way to go," prompting laughter online.

John Hinckley, who shot President Ronald Reagan in a 1981 assassination attempt, decided to weigh in days after former president Donald Trump was grazed in the ear by a bullet while speaking at a political rally in Pennsylvania.

"Violence is not the way to go," he said on his social media. "Give peace a chance."

ALSO READ: Associated Press issues warning about iconic Trump assassination attempt photo

@BryanStarnes1 wrote, "John Hinckley? The advocate for peace?"

@machineiv added, "Ironically if you were a better shot, our world would be much more peaceful."

@normposter said, "Peaceful fella went by the name JOHN HINCKLEY! Huh! And it says here he... hold the fort."

@cjohnson999 said, "Please let Jodie Foster retweet this." Hinckley famously thought his shooting might get the attention of the actress.

@MarshallWheels chimed in, "Wtf timeline are we in."

@Angelica_Reed1 wrote, "violence isn't created equally. some violence isn't morally good and justifiable. while the majority is bad and unjustifiable. like violently protecting your children from an attacker."

@groipa wrote, "Wow what a great message, I've never heard of you before but I'm sure you're a great advocate for Peace."

@missed_3pointer said, "That’s rich coming from you."

'He may have squared the circle': Biden's Oval Office address has many singing his praises

President Joe Biden on Sunday gave a speech from the Oval Office in which he condemned political violence that led to his opponent, Donald Trump, being grazed on the ear by a bullet on Saturday at a political rally.

Biden, who has been until recently facing more and more frequent calls from within his own party to drop out of the presidential race, may have turned a corner with the speech, according to onlookers.

"Violence has never been the answer," a defiant Biden stated.

Former Republican lawmaker Adam Kinzinger, for instance, said the speech was a "Very good, and very important Oval Office address" by the president.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

MSNBC columnist Michael A. Cohen said the speech was "excellent" and "both a plea for national unity and a clear political message that resonates with the themes of his re-election campaign."

Brian Krassenstein said Biden’s address "is just what we need right now."

"He’s calling for unity and making sure we know that we are all in this thing together. He’s doing an amazing job at orating as well," he said. "Regardless of what you think of Biden or Trump, please listen to Biden’s words and take them to heart. America is better than we’ve shown."

New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie said he thinks Biden "circled this square politically by simultaneously showing his support for Trump's recovery and reminding viewers that other notable and recent instances of political violence are all, well, associated with Trump and his movement."

He added, "Totally possible that he ends [up] being the one who benefits most politically by both tamping down the Democratic crisis and putting him in the limelight as president."

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Trump is making one major change after assassination attempt: report

Donald Trump is making a change after being grazed by a bullet while on stage at a Pennsylvania rally, according to an exclusive interview with the former president.

Trump was scheduled to give an interview to a Washington Examiner reporter, but that reporter ended up being only feet away from the ex-president when he was shot on stage.

They did the interview today, instead, and Trump dropped a bomb about his upcoming speech for the Republican National Convention.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

"Former President Donald Trump has completely rewritten his convention speech in light of the assassination attempt against him on Saturday and will call on Thursday for a new effort at national unity," the report states. "In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner a day after being hit by a sniper’s bullet, Trump said he wanted to take advantage of a historic moment and draw the country together."

According to the conservative outlet, Trump said, "The speech I was going to give on Thursday was going to be a humdinger ... Had this not happened, this would’ve been one of the most incredible speeches” that he said would have targeted President Joe Biden.

“Honestly, it’s going to be a whole different speech now," the ex-president then added.

The report continues:

"He has switched, he said, from planning to excite his voter base to one that demonstrates his belief that the attack on him at a rally in Pennsylvania had changed the election campaign entirely."

"Both Republicans and Democrats have acknowledged this in the aftermath of Saturday’s shocking incident," the report also says. "Trump said people all across the country from different walks of life and different political views have called him, and he noted that he was saved from death because he turned from the crowd to look at a screen showing data he was using in his speech."

Read it here.

Marjorie Taylor Greene called on to 'resign in disgrace' after 'reprehensible' statement

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Sunday was hit with a barrage of criticism after apparently changing her tone when it comes to changing her tone.

Greene was quick to blame Democrats for the shooting attack that ended up with Donald Trump getting a grazed ear.

She singled out Democrats for their rhetoric, especially as it relates to calling Trump an absolute threat to our democracy.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

But over the weekend, Greene appeared to abandon her attempts to reform the rhetorical standards for American politics.

"We are in a battle between GOOD and EVIL," Greene said over the weekend. "The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars."

She continued, "They want to lock up their political opponents, and terrorize innocent Americans who would tell the truth about it."

"The Democrat party is flat out evil, and yesterday they tried to murder President Trump," the lawmaker added.

The comments weren't positive.

@AesPolitics1 responded with, "Resign in disgrace. It was a Republican."

@OmarRiverosays said, "Donald Trump almost got shot dead by a Republican gun nut wielding an AR-15 — and this is how you respond? You’re truly beyond deplorable…"

@ArtCandee wrote, "Your rhetoric is REPREHENSIBLE. Sit down." In a separate post, the user wrote that "Marjorie Taylor Greene has been crying about Democrat’s rhetoric for almost a day."

"Then she posts this," they wrote. "Vile hypocrisy from that woman."

@swimmerbr78 wrote in response, "The shooter was a registered Republican. Most pedophiles are white, conservative males. Trump flew on Epstein’s jet seven times, and made numerous late night calls to Epstein."

"We see your disgusting divisive rhetoric for what it is," the user added. "You are unable to govern- only sow hatred."

'Extremely disgusting': Fox News contributor unleashes examples of GOP's violent rhetoric

A Fox News contributor on Sunday made it clear she is fed up with the talking points on the conservative network.

Leslie Marshall appeared on Fox News over the weekend, where she responded to the suggestion that Democrats are stuck on their rhetoric about Trump being a danger to Americans. The question is what they will do in the wake of the attempted assassination of the former president, Donald Trump.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

“On January 6th, I saw extremely disgusting, vile comments about killing Nancy Pelosi, AOC," Marshall said. "I certainly have seen things about killing former Secretary of State Clinton, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden.”

She continued:

“Speaking at the very convention that we’re having in Milwaukee this week: Tom Cotton, throw protesters off bridges, Kari Lake, strap on a Glock, Andy Biggs, eye for an eye, and Trump bloodbath if Biden wins.”

She then encouraged both sides to turn down the temperature.

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Rumors swirl as 'three black trucks with US government plates' show up at J.D. Vance house

Republican U.S. Senator J.D. Vance, one of Donald Trump's reported top picks for his vice presidential slot in his political campaign, is the subject of a rumor mill after "three black trucks with US government plates" arrived at his house, according to a news report.

Shawna Mizelle, 2024 political campaign reporter for CBS News, reported on Sunday that Vance was in his yard "when three black trucks with US government plates arrived."

"The Senator has been floated as one of Trump's VP picks and has had increased presence of law enforcement officers since the shooting," the reporter wrote on social media.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

Another social media user, Mark Niehaus earlier reported a similar event.

"Bunch of official, secret service-looking vehicles + two cop cars parked outside JD Vance’s house this afternoon," he wrote Sunday, saying he saw the vehicles for himself. "He’s been told he’s VP already for sure," he speculated.

Henry J. Gomez, senior national political reporter for NBC, addressed the Niehaus report.

"A spox for Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine tells me this is state law enforcement that he approved Saturday at 6:40 pm," the reporter wrote on Sunday. "A source familiar says it’s NOT Secret Service, not related to veepstakes and that the presence is strictly precautionary after yesterday."

In response to Mizelle's report, @critthinkskilz said, "The fact that he is even a candidate for the second most important job in the land shows how absolutely pathetic Trump and the GOP are."

"There’s not even one candidate any rational person would think is actually deserving of the job," the user added.

Trump allies accused of 'abusing and misusing God's Word' by linking shooting to the Bible

Donald Trump being nearly killed at his own rally has caused some unexpected reactions, including some of the ex-president's allies and supporters who have responded by linking the shooting to the Bible.

Trump-aligned U.S. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) is in hot water on Sunday after he claimed that Donald Trump went golfing the day after being shot in the ear at his rally.

Other MAGA influencers, on the other hand, have turned to the Bible.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

Jack Posobiec, a right-wing host and activist who previously said he wants to overthrow democracy, said Sunday, "The bullets were fired at 6:11pm. Ephesians 6:11." Ephesians 6:11 says, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."

Turning Point USA executive director Charlie Kirk responded to Posobiec, saying, "Armor of God."

Kirk then added that, "The next verse is this: 'For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

Jon Root, a faith, sports, and culture commentator, said in response, "Stop abusing and misusing God’s Word. Stop."

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, who was indicted alongside the ex-president in Georgia, shared that message from Root on her social media.

"This is exactly what scripture tells us NOT to do," she said, citing Matthew 16:4.

@_angelquiroz called it a "Goofy use of scripture."

GOP senator's false claim about Trump after shooting said to have damaged public 'trust'

Donald Trump-aligned U.S. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) is in hot water on Sunday after he claimed that Donald Trump went golfing the day after being shot in the ear at his rally.

Trump on Saturday was grazed by a bullet from a shooter outside of the event. The shooter was killed by Secret Service, and authorities are investigating to determine a motive.

But Lee the next day claimed Trump felt great enough to go golfing.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

"Gets shot. Gets up the next day. Goes golfing," the senator wrote, along with a video of Trump at Bedminster traveling in a golf cart.

He then added, "The man has the energy of a dynamo. He’s undeterred by things that would rattle others for months. And apparently he’s got cat-like reflexes—or at least really good timing and luck."

He continued: "He’s like a duck in the rain. Sometimes we really need a man like that."

"There’s a specific scientific term for this kind of (very unusual) man—you know, the kind of man that gets shot, gets up the next morning, and goes golfing," the Republican lawmaker added. "In case you’re not familiar with this word, I’ll share it with you. The word is 'bada--.'"

The problem for Lee, however, is that the video wasn't filmed after the attempted assassination.

Meridith McGraw, national political correspondent for Politico, provided a fact check.

"Bedminster is closed to members today. Spoke with two members who said they cannot access the property because of security," she wrote. "This video was not taken today per the account that posted it."

Anti-Trump conservative George Conway sarcastically said, "Nice to know we can trust the social media account of a United States Senator."

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'Why won't you be seen in public with your husband?': Internet responds to Melania Trump

Melania Trump on Sunday issued her first statement regarding the shooting attempt on her husband, Donald Trump, leading some to put the former first lady on the spot.

Melania over the weekend revealed a rare statement about her husband. She did not attend his criminal trial in New York, nor has she been seen at his campaign events.

In her statement, Melania called for unity.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

"When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron's life, were on the brink of devastating change," she said in her statement. "I am grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband."

She continued: "Let us not forget that differing opinions, policy, and political games are inferior to love. Our personal, structural, and life commitment — until death — is at serious risk. Political concepts are simple when compared to us, human beings."

MAGA was firmly behind Melania, but she was also hit with some criticisms.

@ArtCandee wrote in response, "Why won’t you be seen in public with your husband?"

@smc429 wrote, "You're not even gonna live under the same roof with him you're so disgusted. Nice fake out"

@WUTangKids asked, "Be Best?"

@glamelegance said, "Why won’t she and her husband condemn gun violence? It’s the guns."

@JustVent6 also chimed in: "You don’t even recognize your husband as your husband. You don’t even want to be seen in public with him! What message does that send?"

@ConservBlue2020 said, "Tell your husband to tone down the rhetoric."

'Could be very ugly': CNN analyst warns of GOP convention 'clash' security can't prevent

CNN reported from the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Sunday, with one of the network's political analysts giving an ominous warning about a potential "clash" that event security won't be able to stop.

Kaitlan Collins and Mark Preston were discussing President Joe Biden's call for unity among Americans, when Preston elaborated about a lurking threat behind the scenes.

"Unity is an elusive goal. And he hit the nail on the head," Preston said. "The fact of the matter is we are very much, you know, a divided nation at this point. and I only think that this has heightened it."

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

Preston continued, saying "we're going to see both political sides that are going to dig in for their, you know, their reasons."

"And there's going to be a little bit of a clash," he added before explaining what worries him most.

"The concern I have, Kaitlan, about security specifically is not necessarily what happens in here. I think everything here is gonna be fine. There is so much protection here," he said. "I wonder what's going to happen out in the city. I wonder if there's going to be a lot of MAGA protests or supporters who come to the city just to be here, just to be part of this, this historic occasion at the same time, we know there's going to be a lot of anti-Trump protesters that are going to be here in the city and just seeing those two clash, I think could be very ugly."

Watch the video below or click the link here.

'Setting off alarms': Testimony of Trump shooter eyewitness 'raises serious questions'

A man who claims to have seen the shooter who injured Donald Trump while the former president was speaking at his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday has raised a lot of serious questions about how the attack occurred.

Trump is reportedly fine after the shooting, although he posted on Truth Social that "much bleeding took place." One individual in the crowd was killed, as was the alleged shooter.

CNN Saturday evening replayed a video of a BBC interview in which an individual claims to have seen the shooter several minutes before any shots had been fired. He said he tried to warn those protecting Trump, to no avail.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

The animated pro-Trump witness says he saw the shooter in tan clothes with a rifle "crawling" up on the roof. He says he tried to point out the individual to police and Secret Service, but for some reason they didn't have a good vantage point, and his calls were ultimately ignored.

"I'm sitting here pointing at him for two or three minutes," the man says to the BBC. "Secret Service is just looking at us."

CNN's Anderson Cooper said the video raises "a lot of questions" and asked about the thoughts of John Miller, chief law enforcement intelligence analyst for CNN. Miller agreed the testimonial raised "serious questions."

The whole situation, he added, must have been "setting off alarms" for those protecting Trump.

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'JD Vance is not a leader': Trump V.P. hopeful under fire for 'reckless' shooting comments

One of Donald Trump's vice presidential shortlisters was scorched by political experts and onlookers on Saturday after the GOP lawmaker put the blame for the rally shooting attempt at the feet of President Joe Biden.

Trump earlier in the day appeared to be shot in the ear as he addressed a rally in Pennsylvania. The former president was tackled by U.S. Secret Service agents, who have been criticized for their response to the emergency threat.

Trump's statement from his social media site focused on the fact that such an event shouldn't occur in the U.S., while Senator J.D. Vance had a different take on it.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

Vance stated on social media that the shooting "is not just some isolated incident."

"The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs," he claimed on Saturday. "That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination."

Gregg Nunziata, executive director of the Society for the Rule of Law, called Vance's statement "extremely unhelpful, reckless, and dishonest."

"It turns up the heat and invites retribution," he added over the weekend. "We should demand better from our leaders."

Norman Ornstein — who is an emeritus scholar at the Koch-funded American Enterprise Institute — said that Vance "is not a leader."

"He is a pandering, cowardly, disgraceful lickspittle to Trump and and Putin," he said Saturday. "That he would say this is a true reflection of who he is."

@JDCocchiarella, a Democrat, said, "F--- JD Vance and this disingenuous and dangerous statement."

Vance's statement comes after another GOP lawmaker, Mike Collins, got himself in hot water by stating that President Joe Biden himself had ordered the shot at Trump.

'Much bleeding took place': Trump issues first statement since shooting at rally

Donald Trump has broken his silence after being injured while on stage during an apparent shooting.

Trump appears to be fine after the attack, but one individual in the crowd is reportedly dead.

Trump took to Truth Social to explain his view of what had occurred.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

"I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania," Trump said Saturday. "Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured."

He continued:

"It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead."

Finally, Trump claims he "was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear."

"I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin," Trump added. "Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

'God help us': GOP lawmaker shredded for saying 'Joe Biden sent the orders' to shoot Trump

Donald Trump was injured on stage due to an apparent shooting Saturday, and at least one Republican lawmaker is directly blaming President Joe Biden for the purported attempt on the ex-president's life.

The former president was bleeding as he left the event, but his team has said that he is indeed fine. At least one member of the crowd, however, was killed.

The event comes just after the Supreme Court ruled that presidents and former presidents enjoy absolute immunity for official actions, leading some, such as Trump's own attorney, to wonder if the president could order Seal Team 6 to shoot a political opponent and escape any accountability for it.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

Republican Georgia Congressman Mike Collins, who was recently in hot water over jokes he made about political assassination, said after the attack, "Joe Biden sent the orders."

This led to widespread condemnation.

@kim replied to Collins, saying, "At a time requiring responsible leadership, Mike Collins is an emotional basket case and has decided to spew a knee-jerk response—@CommunityNotes this is a despicable lie. Mike Collins is unfit to serve in government. Abject cowardice."

Political and legal commentator Allison Gill, better known as "Mueller, She Wrote," simply replied, "You are despicable."

James Surowiecki, an American journalist, said Saturday, "The fact that Mike Collins is a U.S. congressman is a complete embarrassment to this country."

Norman Ornstein — who is an emeritus scholar at the Koch-funded American Enterprise Institute — said, "Disgusting."

Columnist Michael J. Stern wrote, "Nutcase congressman Mike Collins is accusing Joe Biden of trying to assassinate Trump."

"The GOP are crazy. Not figuratively, but literally," Stern then added Saturday.

Journalist Yashar Ali said, "To give you a preview of what’s to come… Republican Congressman Mike Collins of Georgia is calling on the District Attorney to file charges against the President of the United States for inciting an assassination."

"God help us," he then added.