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IL daycare placing ankle weights on my child

School Related Issues
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Please let your pediatrician know about this and ask if an immediate exam is needed. File a complaint with the state.

Good call! Thank you!

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u/TotsAndShots avatar

Make a DCFS complaint. But also demand the contact information for their licensor and report this to them. They legally have to provide you with their licensor information, it may even be on their parent board (in my state, we legally have to have their contact information, our licensing number and all valid licensing complaints posted for parent awareness.) If they have a Google review page or a Facebook page, post this on their for parents to be aware of.

Don't let this situation leave a sour taste in your mouth for childcare. Most of us in the industry truly love your children and will go to the ends of the earth to take care of them... But there is always someone out there to ruin it for people and I'm so sorry you and your child had to experience this. As an ECE professional, I would NEVER do this to a child without documentated guidance from a medical professional, using weighted supports must be done with such critical attention and care behind them and this was not it. They had no right.

u/royalic avatar

Yes, you should make a DCFS complaint! The number is easily found on Google.  Call NOW.

Not a lawyer but I teach special Education and I’m a home RBT for children with developmental disabilities (mainly autism). As both of these things, I cannot even legally use a sensory brush unless prescribed by an OT. Weighted items need very specific things individualized to each person. (And cannot be used for an extended period of time). If your city or state has a department/office for people with disabilities I would 100% report the daycare to them as well. Reporting it is the best way to allow other parents to be aware. Absolutely do not send him back to that daycare.

File a complaint and remove your child from this daycare ASAP. DCSF will be there within 72 hours I believe. If your daycare is corporate involve the district manager..

So sorry they did this to your poor kid.


Make a complaint, and never return your child to that facility. That is absolutely abhorrent. And PS, toddlers throw toys all of the time. It is normal and developmentally appropriate. How his throwing a toy car one time in 1.5 years was logged as an "incident" is literally beyond the scope of my imagination. No ankle weights for toddlers. That SCREAMS laziness on the part of his daycare provider.


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They have uses in OT and PT. But not as punishment or restraints

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u/xxxccbxxx avatar

Please contact DCFS. Using weights to stop a child from running (which is normal for a two year old) is abhorrent.

I work with special needs kids, and I have NEVER done this or ever even heard of it. That could be considered a restraint, in fact. Make the call immediately.

u/sageberrytree avatar

DCFS and his Dr.

Weights can put an incredible strain on tendons and developing bones.


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