Tuesday, September 10, 2024  |

About Us


The Ring was founded in 1922 by Nat Fleischer. The first issue, dated February 15, 1922, was 24 pages and cost 20 cents. The cover featured black and white photographs of American promoter Tex Richard and Lord Lonsdale, a British aristocrat and boxing patron. Originally located in New York City, the magazine relocated to Long Island, New York, in 1990, and then moved to suburban Pennsylvania in 1993. It is now based in Los Angeles.

The Ring has had five owners throughout its history: Nat Fleischer and family, Dave DeBusschere and Nick Kladis, Stanley Weston, Nick Karabots, and now, Oscar De La Hoya.

There have been only seven editors-in-chief in the magazine’s history. The Ring began awarding championship belts in 1922. The first Ring belt was awarded to heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey, the second to flyweight champion Pancho Villa. The magazine stopped giving belts to world champions in the 1990s, but began again in 2002 when it launched its new championship policy intended to reward fighters who, by satisfying rigid criteria, can justify a claim as the true and only world champion in a given weight class.

The Ring Magazine Team

Nathaniel S. Fleischer
Douglass Fischer
Art Director
Lamar Clark
Senior Editor
Brian Harty
Deborah L. Harrison

Contributing Writers:

Bernard Fernandez, Ron Borges, David Greisman, Thomas Hauser, Dan Rafael, Ryan Songalia, Tom Gerbasi, Don Stradley, Joseph Santoliquito and Anson Wainwright.

[email protected]

Print Subscription Inquiries:

Phone: 818-286-3101
[email protected]



Doug Fischer

Copy/Content Editor:

Tom Gray, Brian Harty, Ryan Songalia, Diego Morilla, Tris Dixon, Coyote Duran

Contributing Videographers:

Daniel Morales, Cynthia Conte, Constantino Garcia.

Contributing Photographers:

Naoki Fukuda

Contributing Writers:

Joe Santoliquito, Lee Groves, Francisco Salazar, Ryan Songalia, Anson Wainwright, Diego Morilla and Tris Dixon