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Lower Leg Workouts to Keep Your Calves, Shins, and Achilles Healthy

It’s not just your quads and glutes that need strength on the run. Build your lower leg muscles with these targeted exercises.

by and Runner's World Editors
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If you’ve ever done a hilly run to wake up the next day with crazy sore calves, you know how important it is to have these muscles strong and robust for your running. The same goes for the muscles around the ankle, and those on the front of the lower leg a.k.a. the shin. That’s why doing a lower leg workout two to three times a week can be super beneficial to your running and help you power through your miles with speed and without aches.

The fact is, running can create muscle imbalances or accentuate ones you already have. Weak calves, for example, put too much stress on the Achilles and break down the fibers that make up the tendon. Unstable hip and core muscles hurt your biomechanics and overload your shins, which can lead to shin splints and stress fractures.

So in order to run well and stay healthy, it’s essential to incorporate some strategic strength training (especially lower leg workouts) into your regular run routine. If you’re generally healthy—but especially if you have had shin splints, calf, or Achilles issues in the past—these five calf exercises and the full video workout above will build the resilience and endurance you need to run well.

How to use this list: Perform the exercises below, demonstrated by Mat Forzaglia, certified trainer and founder of Forzag Fitness, twice a week. Do not perform these exercises if you are currently injured; they are preventative only. You will need a box or step and a set of weights. An exercise mat is optional.

Want a full workout that you can follow along? Join Danielle Hirt, a.k.a. Coach D, a certified run coach and trainer, for the lower leg workout in the video above. She takes you through a 15-minute routine that works to strengthen the lower legs, as well as improve ankle mobility and power.

Zancada pliométrica

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Ponte de pie con los pies separados a la altura de las caderas. Mueve el pie izquierdo hacia atrás y baja el cuerpo hasta adoptar la posición de estocada, con las rodillas formando un ángulo de 90 grados. Haz fuerza con el talón derecho para saltar, cambiar la posición de las piernas en el aire y caer en posición de estocada con la pierna izquierda adelantada. Continúa alternando las estocadas con salto en el medio, aumentando el tiempo que permaneces en el aire y disminuyendo el tiempo que pasas en el suelo. Hacer 10 a 15 repeticiones por cada lado.

Elevación de gemelos

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Coloca los pies separados a la altura de las caderas sobre el borde de una caja. Haz fuerza hasta ponerte de puntillas. Haz una pausa de un segundo y luego baja los talones. Realiza de 10 a 15 repeticiones.

Elevación de gemelos con pierna flexionada

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Coloca los pies separados a la altura de las caderas sobre el borde de una caja con las rodillas flexionadas a 45 grados. Apoya el peso sobre la pierna derecha y deja que la izquierda cuelgue. Haz fuerza con el pie derecho hasta ponerte de puntillas. Haz una pausa de un segundo y luego baja los talones hasta recuperar la posición inicial. Haz de 10 a 15 repeticiones y luego cambia de pierna.

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Elevación excéntrica de gemelos

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De pie con la mitad de los pies apoyados sobre un cajón. Baja lentamente los talones, procurando mantener el equilibrio por debajo del borde del cajón. Haz una pausa de un segundo y luego vuelve lentamente a la posición inicial. Haz de 10 a 15 repeticiones.

Farmer’s Walk on Toes

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Hold heavy dumbbells at sides. Rise up onto toes and walk forward for 60 seconds, keeping heels elevated. If you feel that you could’ve gone longer than 60 seconds, increase the weight. Do 3 sets.

15-Minute Lower Leg Workout

lower leg workouts
David Monk

To work your entire lower leg with one 15-minute routine, follow along with Coach D’s workout above. You will perform the following exercises:

Set 1, 3 rounds

  1. Half-Kneeling Ankle Mobility, 5 sec per side, 3 reps per side
  2. Calf Raise With Mobility Ball, 15 reps
  3. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift, 8 reps per side

Set 2, 2 rounds

  1. Creeper Walk, 20 steps total
  2. Lateral Walk, 10 steps in each direction
  3. Reach to Drop, 5 reps

    Jordan Metzl is a sports medicine physician in New York City. He’s the author of three bestselling books and the creator of the Ironstrength Workout, a functional fitness program for runners.

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