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Public Library

Where We Come From: Winter Reading Challenge 2024


Start the new year by signing up for the 2024 Winter Reading Challenge! This year’s theme, Where We Come From encourages readers of all ages to explore the history of their own family (biological and found), culture, and identities, as well as the experiences of our incredibly diverse San Diego community. Every person has a rich history and unique stories to tell — dive deeper into your own this winter!

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Program Details

  • Program runs January 1st - January 31st
  • For readers of all ages
  • Read a combination of books, hours, or Where We Come From activities to claim prizes.

Program Rules and Reading Log | EnglishPDF icon Spanish

Finisher Prizes for All Ages

Youth ages 0-11 will receive:
  • San Diego Public Library branded animal drawstring backpack
  • Passes for (2) to Museum of Us
Teens and adults (ages 12+) will receive:
  • San Diego Public Library branded USB flash drive for your memories
  • Passes for (2) to Museum of Us
Prizes will be available for pick up from January 3 – February 14.  View library locations and hours here.
Prizes given while supplies last.

Winter Reading Challenge Finale Celebration


 Saturday, January 27 | Museum of Us | 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Visitors of all ages are encouraged to celebrate with Us and San Diego Public Library. This family-friendly program features both read-alouds and crafts inspired by this year's theme, a book swap and even FREE admission to the rest of the Museum with photo ID and library card! Learn more.


Activity Descriptions


  1. Explore Diverse Cultures - Check out a book, watch a film or documentary, attend a community celebration, try food that is new to you, or book free visits to one of San Diego’s museums through our Discover and Go app to learn about more about our vibrantly diverse community.
  2. Attend a program at the San Diego Public Library - Visit one of our locations to attend a cultural storytime, craft, or performance program. Visit Central Library’s Marilyn & Gene Marx Special Collections Center to access our archives, resources, or tools to learn more about the history of your family or San Diego’s local history!
  3. Share Stories – Storytelling is a great way to get to know people and build empathy.  Share your story with a family member or friend or ask someone older than you like a grandparent or neighbor to tell you a story from their past.  Start with the three magic words “Tell me about…” and then fill in the blank, such as:   
  4. Create Something – Create a piece of art, write a poem or story, make a video for social media, or try to make a new recipe that inspired you from the stories or information you discovered!
  5. Collect Memories- Start a Journal or memory book, create a digital or physical photo album, interview family members or friends and write down the stories that are shared with you, or visit the digital memory labs at Central Library or La Jolla Library to digitize the photo, audio, or video memories of your family, friends, and community.


  1. Explora Diversas Culturas:- Saque un libro, mire una película o un documental, asista a una celebración comunitaria, pruebe comida nueva para usted o reserve visitas gratuitas a uno de los museos de San Diego a través de nuestro Aplicación Discover and Go para obtener más información sobre nuestra vibrante y diversa comunidad.
  2. Asiste a un programa en la Biblioteca Pública de San Diego - Visite una de nuestras ubicaciones para asistir a un programa cultural de cuentos, de manualidades o espectáculos. Visite las Colecciones Especiales de la Biblioteca Central para acceder a recursos/herramientas para aprender más sobre la historia de su familia o la historia local de San Diego.
  3. Comparte una Historia – Contar historias es una excelente manera de conocer personas y generar empatía.  Comparta su historia con un familiar o amigo, o pídele a alguien mayor que usted, por ejemplo un abuelo o un vecino, que le cuente una historia de su pasado.  Empiece con las tres palabras mágicas “Cuénteme sobre…” y luego complete el espacio en blanco, como por ejemplo:   
  4. Crea Algo – Crea una obra de arte, escriba un poema o una historia, haga un vídeo para las redes sociales o intente hacer una nueva receta que le haya inspirado de las historias o la información que usted descubro.
  5. Preserva Recuerdos- Empiece un diario o un libro de recuerdos, crea un álbum de fotos digital o físico, entreviste a familiares o amigos y escriba las historias que se comparten con usted, o visite los laboratorios de memoria digital. en la Biblioteca Central o la Biblioteca de La Jolla para digitalizar los recuerdos en fotografía, audio o vídeo de su familia, amigos y la comunidad.

Reading Recommendations


Presented by:

Winter Reading Challenge Sponsors

Presented by Library Foundation SD, Friends of the San Diego Public Library and Museum of Us 

For other questions or concerns, call 619-236-5800 or email [email protected]