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The moment that won the 1997 World Series needs a deep rewind

Neither team was expected to be there. Therefore, we got a legendary World Series with this iconic moment.

The 1997 World Series between Cleveland and Florida came down to do-or-die extra innings in a do-or-die Game 7. In the bottom of the 11th, the score was tied, the bases were loaded, and there were two outs. Clutch hitter Edgar Renteria was at the plate for the Marlins. A non-closer with something to prove, Charles Nagy, was on the mound for Cleveland. This is edge-of-your-seat stuff.

But maybe you want to just stand up, a seat’s edge is only so big because with the context of what and who and how we got to this moment, it becomes even more tense.

We’ve got hired guns going up against a pitcher 3 years out of high school. We’ve got a 4x Gold Glove winner embarrassing himself. We’ve got a Cuban defector breaking records. We’ve got baseball purists frothing over the idea that either of these teams could win - and obviously, one of them is about to.

So, see ya in hell, seat. It’s rewind time.

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