Jun 30, 2015 by News Staff

A new inherited form of type 2 diabetes and obesity has been discovered by a team of scientists co-led by Dr Anthony Goldstone and Prof Alexandra Blakemore...

Jun 30, 2015 by News Staff

A multinational team of astronomers has determined precise ages and other fundamental properties of 33 Kepler stars with the so-called ‘solar-like oscillations.’...

Jun 30, 2015 by News Staff

Just four days after being lofted into orbit, European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2A satellite delivered its first images of Earth. Acquired on 27 June...

Jun 30, 2015 by News Staff

A new study led by Dr Sabrina Engesser from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, has revealed that the chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps)...

Jun 30, 2015 by News Staff

NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has beamed back a new photo of a cluster of bright spots on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres. The space probe took this image...

Jun 29, 2015 by News Staff

An international team of astronomers, led by Dr Francesca D’Antona from the INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy, has found that the so-called...

Jun 29, 2015 by News Staff

A multinational team of paleontologists has discovered the remains of a new species of sauropodomorph dinosaur that roamed what is now South Africa at...

Jun 29, 2015 by News Staff

An international team of paleontologists, co-led by Dr Xi-guang Zhanga and Dr Jie Yang of Yunnan University, has described a new species of super-armored...

Jun 29, 2015 by News Staff

According to a new study published in the journal eLife, when rats (Rattus rattus) sleep or rest, their brains simulate journeys to a desired goal. Rats...

Jun 29, 2015 by News Staff

The Advanced Camera for Surveys (or ACS), one of the Hubble Space Telescope’s advanced instruments, has taken a spectacularly detailed image of a galaxy...

Jun 26, 2015 by News Staff

NASA’s Cassini probe obtained new images of Saturn’s moon Dione during a close flyby on June 16, 2015. This image was taken in visible light with the...

Jun 26, 2015 by News Staff

Some reef-building corals have genetic variants necessary to tolerate warm waters, according to a new study co-led by Dr Line Bay from the Australian Institute...

Jun 26, 2015 by News Staff

Carbon 14 dating of scarlet macaw remains from Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico indicates that interaction between the pre-Hispanic Pueblo people...

Jun 26, 2015 by News Staff

A group of geoscientists led by Dr Tavi Murray of Swansea University, UK, has shown that during the glacier edge breaking process, known as calving, the...

Jun 26, 2015 by News Staff

Astronomers using a fleet of orbiting telescopes, including ESA’s Integral satellite, NASA’s Swift satellite and the Japanese MAXI telescope, have...

Jun 25, 2015 by News Staff

High-speed flight recordings of lovebirds making quick in flight turns reveal how these birds improve sight and shorten blur by rotating their head at...

Jun 25, 2015 by News Staff

A giant elliptical galaxy called Messier 87 merged with a medium-sized spiral galaxy in the last billion years, according to a comprehensive study of 300...

Jun 25, 2015 by News Staff

A team of paleontologists has discovered a new species of turtle-like reptile that lived in what is now Germany during the Middle Triassic period, approximately...

Jun 25, 2015 by News Staff

Using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, a group of astronomers has discovered an enormous cloud of hydrogen dispersing from the warm, Neptune-sized...

Jun 25, 2015 by News Staff

Marine biologists from British Antarctic Survey and the University of Southampton, UK, have described the first species of yeti crab known from the Southern...