Sep 30, 2022 by News Staff

A team of researchers from Curtin University and Peking University has used a supercomputer to simulate how a supercontinent forms and found that because...

Sep 30, 2022 by News Staff

Cacao, known as the money that grew on trees and as a food from the gods, was brought to the world stage by ancient Mesoamericans. The historical background...

Sep 30, 2022 by News Staff

This new image of Jupiter’s moon Europa, captured during NASA’s Juno spacecraft’s closest approach on September 29, 2022, shows a region near the...

Sep 29, 2022 by News Staff

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope and the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope teamed up to collect data before and after NASA’s Double Asteroid...

Sep 29, 2022 by News Staff

Paleontologists have examined the shoulder girdle bones of an extinct species of temnospondyl amphibian called Metoposaurus krasiejowensis. Metoposaurus...

Sep 29, 2022 by Enrico de Lazaro

The Webb team has released a vivid image of the intermediate spiral galaxy IC 5332. This Webb image shows IC 5332, a spiral galaxy some 25 million light-years...

Sep 29, 2022 by News Staff

Dog can smell the changes in our breath and sweat that occur when we’re stressed, according to new research by scientists from Newcastle University and...

Sep 29, 2022 by News Staff

Paleontologists have examined the fossilized remains of Tujiaaspis vividus, a species of galeaspid that lived 436 million years ago (Silurian period) in...

Sep 28, 2022 by Natali Anderson

Astronomers using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) have discovered a Jovian planet orbiting the M4-type dwarf TOI-5205. Their paper...

Sep 28, 2022 by News Staff

In a large prospective cohort study, decaffeinated, ground, and instant coffee — particularly at 2-3 cups a day — were associated with significant...

Sep 28, 2022 by News Staff

The very first stars likely formed when the Universe was only 100 million years old. Known as Population III stars, these stellar objects were so massive...

Sep 27, 2022 by News Staff

Wufengella bengtsoni, an extinct species of tommotiid worm that lived during the Cambrian period, resembles the ancestor of three major groups of living...

Sep 27, 2022 by News Staff

After 10 months flying in space, NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft crashed into the 160-m-wide asteroid moonlet Dimorphos —...

Sep 27, 2022 by News Staff

Unlike most plesiosaurs, Serpentisuchops pfisterae had both a long neck and large, elongated jaws. Serpentisuchops pfisterae used both its neck and snout...

Sep 26, 2022 by Enrico de Lazaro

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft is set to crash into Dimorphos, a moon of the asteroid Didymos, on September 26, 2022, at 7:14...

Sep 26, 2022 by Natali Anderson

Platystele peruviana, which occurs in the Peruvian Department of Pasco, is the smallest species of orchid found in this South American country. Platystele...

Sep 26, 2022 by Enrico de Lazaro

A light pillar is an optical phenomenon where a column of light can be seen emanating from a light source. If the light comes from the Sun, the phenomenon...

Sep 26, 2022 by News Staff

Researchers have assessed the habituation, learning and cognitive flexibility of a wild population of raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Wyoming, the United States. Raccoons...

Sep 26, 2022 by Enrico de Lazaro

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have taken a detailed image of the spiral galaxy NGC 5495. This Hubble image shows NGC 5495, a spiral...

Sep 25, 2022 by News Staff

Paleontologists have collected and examined over 1,000 dinosaur eggshell samples from a fossil-rich site in the Shanyang Basin of central China —...