OpenOSPFD - Paper

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Design and Implementation of

by Claudio Jeker <[email protected]> Internet Business Solutions AG

Abstract OpenOSPFD is a free and secure implementation of the Open Shortest Path First protocol. It allows ordinary machines to be used as routers exchanging and calculating routes within an OSPF cloud. OpenOSPFD is the next major step after OpenBGPD for full router capabilities in OpenBSD and other BSDs. Together with OpenBGPD it is possible to re-route trafc in case of link loss resulting in a higher-level of availability.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

1.1 Routing Protocols
The Internet is split into regions called Autonomous Systems (AS). Each AS is under the control of a single administrative entity for example a university or an ISP. The edge routers of these AS use an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) to exchange routing information between AS. Currently BGP4, the Border Gateway Protocol is the only EGP in widespread use. Routers within an AS use an Interior Gateway Protocol to exchange routing information. There are different IGPs. OSPF, IS-IS, and RIP are the most commonly used. It is possible and common to have multiple IGPs running inside one AS. The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a legacy protocol that is often found on appliances. It is not suitable for larger networks because the distance vector algorithm used by RIP converges slowly. Especially in the face of certain network failures (count to innity). OSPF and IS-IS on the other hand are both link-state protocols. The Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) protocol was developed for the OSI protocol suite under the lead of the ITU. Why not use one protocol for everything, EGP and IGP? The requirements for an IGP differ from those of a an EGP. For an IGP it is important to recalculate the routing table quickly when the network changes. Another factor is automatic neighbor discovery. On the other hand the most important feature of an EGP is the ability to express routing policies. The resulting routing table is normally cost optimised.

the network topology is distributed. This results in one of the biggest weaknesses of RIP the count to innity problem resulting in slow convergence and routing loops if a network becomes unavailable. There are some countermeasures against this. The simplest is to pass the full routing path instead of only the metric. This path distance vector algorithm is used by BGP. It is easy to implement routing policies on distance vector algorithms. 1.2.2 Link-State Algorithms In a link-state protocol every router or node sends out his current link-states. The link-state advertisements are distributed to all nodes in the network. The resulting replicated distributed database represents the entire network topology. Every node uses this connectivity map to calculate the shortest path to every other router. Link-state protocols have good convergence properties. The biggest weakness of link-state protocols is the replicated distributed database. If the database gets out of sync non optimal routes are used and in worst case routing loops are created. Link-state protocols are more complicated than distance vector protocols.

OSPF the protocol

The OSPF routing protocol was developed within the IETF. The work started in 1987. The current version (OSPFv2) of the specication was published in 1998 as RFC 2328.
area (stub)



There are two main concepts to exchange routing information. These algorithms are working in a totally different ways. 1.2.1 Distance Vector Algorithms Distance vector algorithms got their name from the form of the routing updates: a vector of metrics. In a distance vector algorithm every router exchanges its routing table with all his neighbors. The neighbors then walk through the list and compare if their current route entry is better or not. If not the route is replaced and redistributed again. In case of RIP the list of routes and their metric is exchanged every 30 seconds. This results in a slow convergence because an update propagates only one hop every 30 seconds. On the other hand the protocol is simple and robust because every router cares only about his own neighbors. In other words the information about


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area (backbone)

RIP cloud

Figure 1: Sample OSPF network









lin k

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker



The Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol is a linkstate, hierarchical routing protocol. It is probably the most used IGP in the world. It is capable of doing neighbor discovery on different types of networks with minimal need for conguration. OSPF encapsulates its routing messages directly on top of IP as its own protocol type (89). TCP connections are not used because the link-state ooding algorithm already includes its own way for reliable communications adding to OSPF's complexity. Most obvious the massive use of IP multicast in OSPF makes TCP infeasible. 2.1.1 Networks An OSPF router discovers neighbors by periodically sending OSPF Hello packets out on all congured interfaces. Depending of the interface type different methods are used. The ooding algorithm depends on the interface type as well. The simplest interface type is a point-to-point interface. Neighbor discovery is easy there is only one neighbor on the other side of the link and no special link-state ooding enhancement is required. For ethernet and other broadcast networks OSPF uses multicast to nd all neighbors on the segment. The linkstate updates are ooded via multicast as well. To make the thing even more complicated a designated router (DR) was introduced. The DR has the duty to enforce the reliable ooding for all other routers connected to the same LAN. A backup designated router (BDR) was introduced to take over in case of a DR failure. Additionally more ooding procedures where dened for other important network types like NBMA (nonbroadcast multiple-access) or point-to-multipoint networks. Examples include X.25, Frame Relay, or ATM using full mesh or switched virtual circuits. OpenOSPFD does not support these exotic networks mostly because of lack of support by the OS and missing infrastructure. 2.1.2 Database synchronisation and reliable ooding Database synchronisation in a link-state protocol is crucial. The routing calculation ensures a loop-free routing as long as the database remains perfectly synchronised. It is no wonder that this is the most fragile part of the specication. Especially with all the additional complexity added by multicasting of updates and the presence of DR and BDR routers. A reliable and robust ooding procedure is very important because a little inadvertence can result in a major network melt down where only a full reset of all routers cures the situation.

Database synchronisation takes two forms. First there is the initial database synchronisation. Following it the distributed copies of the database need to be kept in sync by reliably ooding updates to all routers in the network. The initial database exchange is done when two routers build an adjacency. First a request list is built up through a TFTP like database exchange phase. In the exchange phase one of the two neighbors is elected as master of that session. This router sends a Database Description packet to the slave and waits for an answer. If none is received within some amount of time the packet is retransmitted. A sequence number identies duplicates. At any given point in time only one packet can be outstanding. Afterwards Link-State Requests are sent between the two routers. The other side then sends the requested link-state announcement (LSA) back to the requesting router. A full adjacency has been set up when the request list is empty. Now reliable ooding needs to ensure that the databases remain perfectly synchronised. Every time a link changes state or after a 30 minute timeout a LSA needs to be reooded. A LS update received on one interface needs to be sent out on all other interfaces. This simple rule is unfortunately not sufcient because the ooding would never stop. So the router checks his database to see if the update was already received on a different path. In that case the update does not need to get reooded. It is also necessary to acknowledge the updates because an non reliable transport layer was chosen. Additionally implicit acknowledgements and timeouts, throttling the generated LS updates, help to make the ooding more robust and the implementation more complex, yet again. 2.1.3 Areas One problem of a link-state protocol is the computation cost bourn by every router, particularly in large networks. Many routers have an underpowered CPU and so OSPF areas where invented to divide a large network into smaller pieces. Every area is connected to a special backbone area. In most cases inter-area routing goes via the backbone. Routers that are connected to multiple areas are area border routers (ABR) and are always connected to the backbone area. If no direct connection to the backbone is possible, a virtual-link has to be established to at least one backbone router. Areas where no transit trafc is exchanged can be converted into stub areas, reducing the routing table to a bare minimum. Stub areas are useful to connect routers with minimal memory congurations to large OSPF clouds. LSAs are ooded only inside an area. The ABR has the duty to reood the other areas with special summaryLSAs to inform them of available prexes inside the originating area.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

2.1.4 Border routers Besides ABRs another kind of boarder router exists. A router is automatically an AS border router (ASBR) if it imports routes from external sources into the link-state database. External sources are other routing protocols or manually congured static routes. These routers are on the boarder of the OSPF cloud but are not necessary on the real AS border. The external routes redistributed by a ASBR are special as they are ooded through the full OSPF cloud instead of per area as all other LSAs. Only stub areas are left out to avoid overloading those poor little routers in them.

2.2.1 Hello
Version # 1 Router ID Area ID Checksum Authentication Type Authentication Data Authentication Data Network Mask Hello Interval Options Router Dead Interval Designated Router Backup Designated Router Neighbor ... Router Priority Packet Length


Figure 3: Hello Header

There are ve different packet types dened. Every packet starts with a common 24 byte OSPF header. This header includes all necessary information for the recipient to determine if it should be accepted and processed or ignored and dropped.
Version # Type Router ID Area ID Checksum Authentication Type Authentication Data Authentication Data Packet Length

Hello packets are sent periodically in order to establish and maintain neighbor relationships. Hello packets are sent to a multicast group to enable dynamic discovery of neighboring routers. All routers to a common network must agree on certain parameters. The most important part of the hello packet is the neighbor list at the end. The router ID of each router from which a valid Hello packet has recently been received is added to that list. Only after the own router ID is seen in a neighbors Hello packet an adjacency can be formed. 2.2.2 Database Description
Version # 2 Router ID Area ID Checksum Authentication Type Authentication Data Authentication Data Interface MTU Options Flags DD Sequence Number LSA Header Packet Length

Figure 2: Common OSPF header

The standard IP CRC checksum is used to validate packet integrity. Multiple authentication procedures are dened but only one can be considered useful. Only the cryptographic authentication is enough strong to protect OSPF trafc. Only cryptographic authentication can prevent spoong and replay attacks. After the verication the payload of the packet is examined. The following packet types are dened:
Table 1: OSPF packet types

1 2 3 4 5

Hello Database Description Link-State Request Link-State Update Link-State Acknowledgement


Figure 4: Database Description Header

These packets are exchanged when an adjacency is initialised. They describe the contents of the link-state database. The initial database exchange is done similar to the TFTP protocol. For that reason a sequence number is included in the header. Additionally the MTU of the outgoing interface is included to detect possible forwarding issues with large packets. The rest of the packet consists of a list of LSA headers. A LSA header contains all information to uniquely identify a LSA.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

2.2.3 Link-State Request

Version # 3 Router ID Area ID Checksum Authentication Type Authentication Data Authentication Data LS Type Link-State ID Advertising Router Packet Length

2.2.5 Link-State Acknowledgement

Version # 5 Router ID Area ID Checksum Authentication Type Authentication Data Authentication Data LSA Header Packet Length



Figure 5: Link-State Request Header

Figure 7: Link-State Acknowledgement Header

After exchanging Database Description packets with the neighboring router, Link-State Request packets request pieces of the neighbors LS database that are more up-todate. Each LSA requested is specied by its LS type, Link-State ID, and Advertising Router. This uniquely identies the LSA, but not its instance. Link-State Request packets are understood to be requests for the most recent instance. It is possible to request multiple LSA with one LS request packet. 2.2.4 Link-State Update
Version # 4 Router ID Area ID Checksum Authentication Type Authentication Data Authentication Data Number of LSAs LSA Packet Length

In order to make the ooding procedure reliable, ooded LSAs are acknowledged in Link-State Acknowledgement packets. Multiple LSAs can be acknowledged in a single Link-State Acknowledgement packet. The format of this packet is similar to that of the Data Description packet. The body of both packets is simply a list of LSA headers. 2.2.6 Link-State Advertisements Header Each LSA begins with a common 20 byte header. This header is enough to uniquely identify a LSA. So it is enough to use the LSA header in LS acknowledgements and Database Description packets. LSAs are identied by the LS type, Link-State ID, and Advertising Router triple. Additionally a LS sequence number and LS age are included to determine which instance is more recent. The LS checksum protects the integrity of LSAs. Instead of the known CRC algorithm specied in many IP protocols a ISO checksum algorithm also known as Fletcher Checksum is employed.
LS age Options Link-State ID Advertising Router LS sequence number LS Checksum Length LS Type


Figure 6: Link-State Update Header

These packets implement the ooding of LSAs. Each Link-State Update packet carries a collection of LSAs one hop further from their origin. Several LSAs may be included in a single packet. The body of the Link-State Update packet consists of a list of LSAs.

Figure 8: Link-State Advertisements Header

Each LSA type has a separate advertisement format. The LS types dened in the OSPF standard are as follows:
Table 2: LS types

1 2 3 4 5

Hello Database Description Link-State Request Link-State Update Link-State Acknowledgement

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

Router- and Network-LSA describe the network inside an area. Summary-LSA are injected by area border routers (ABRs) and describe inter-area destinations. ASexternal-LSAs are originated by ASBRs to describe destinations external to the OSPF routing domain.



3.1.1 ospfd parent The ospfd parent process is the only one running with root privileges. This is necessary to update the kernel routing table. This process listens on a routing socket for changes and updates and distributes that information to the OSPF engine or the RDE. At a later time cong-le reloads will be handled by the parent process too. 3.1.2 OSPF engine

update table fetch table

routing socket




root priviledges
route updates


The OSPF engine listens to the network and processes the OSPF packets. Both the interface and the neighbor nite state machine are implemented in the OSPF engine. This includes the DR/BDR election process. Additionally the reliable ooding of LS updates with retransmission and acknowledgement is done by the engine. 3.1.3 Route Decision Engine The RDE stores the LS database, calculates the SPF tree, and informs the parent process about changes in the resulting routing table. Premature LSA aging is done by the RDE as well. Additionally redistribution of networks is handled by the process. The RDE synchronises multiple areas if the router is acting as ABR and reoods summaryLSA into the different areas if necessary.


redistribute list








requ est




OSPF engine
jailed child runs as _ospfd:_ospfd chroot to /var/empty

socketpair updates flood request

jailed child runs as _ospfd:_ospfd chroot to /var/empty

UNIX socket /var/run/ospfd.sock

The design of OpenOSPFD is based on the one in OpenBGPD. The routing daemon is split into three processes. The privileged parent process handles the kernel routing table updates. The OSPF engine handles all incoming packets and the state machines with all the necessary periodic events and timeouts. Finally the route decision engine stores the LS database, calculates the SPF tree and the resulting routing table. This separation into three processes does not only enhance the security but also the stability. Even a large database recomputation in the RDE will not hold up the keep alive packets sent out by the OSPF engine. The Inter-Process Communication (IPC) system is almost the same as in OpenBGPD. The only major difference is the use of libevent for timers and le descriptor polling instead of poll(2). The basic imsg framework is still the same. OpenOSPFD switched to libevent mostly because of the OSPF engine. The engine is mostly event driven with many concurrent timers running. OpenOSPFD can be controlled and monitored via ospfctl. It works very similar to bgpctl for OpenBGPD.

res po ns

raw IP socket proto 89

Figure 9: Design of OpenOSPFD

3.1.4 ospfctl ospfctl is the tool to control and monitor OpenOSPFD. It uses a UNIX local socket to communicate with ospfd. Over this socket imsgs are passed which encapsulate the information. There is no command line interface to OpenOSPFD because it doesn't make sense to write a clumsy CLI on a UNIX system shipping with very powerful shells and many tools to manipulate the status output. ospfctl is mostly an adapted bgpctl.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

OpenOSPFD currently consist of around 12'000 lines of C code. For comparison OpenBGPD is currently a bit under 20'000 lines. Zebra/Quagga ospfd has almost 40'000 lines of code. And that is just the ospfd directory, not including the 35'000 lines in lib and the 15'000 lines for the zebra daemon. Lets start with a short overview of the source les.
Table 3: Overview of source les

Table 3: Overview of source les

ospfd.c ospfe.c

Parent process, home of main(). OSPF engine main event loop plus functions for self originated LSAs. Packet reception and sending. Conguration parser. Conguration dumping used by the -n switch. RDE main event loop plus other RDE specic functions. LS database code. SPF algorithm and RIB calculation.

packet.c parse.y printconf.c rde.c rde_lsdb.c rde_spf.c

area.c auth.c

Area handling which is actually very simple. Implementing all OSPF authentication extensions. Nobody wants to run a OSPF network without using cryptographic authentication. buffer handling mostly for the imsg framework but also used to generate outgoing packets. ospfctl session management and message verication. Code for the initial database exchange. This is not related the LS database that is managed by the RDE. Generating and parsing of Hello packets is done here. imsg framework mostly copied from OpenBGPD. Implementation of the CRC16 checksum of the TCP/IP standards. Interface nite state machine, event handling and interface specic functions. ISO checksum also known as Fletcher checksum for LSAs. Kernel routing socket handling including the FIB table. Various logging functions mostly adapted from OpenBGPD. Link-State Acknowledgement construction and parsing. Link-State Request construction and parsing, including the request list functions. Link-State Updates construction and parsing, including the ooding function and retransmission lists. Neighbor nite state machine and event handling.


Important datastructures


control.c database.c

There are four main datastructures in OpenOSPFD. It is important to know what such a structure represents to understand the code. Most of the time when the term interface is used, the actual struct iface of that interface is meant. Ditto for neighbor or area. 4.1.1 ospfd_conf This is the main cong of the router. It holds the parameters like the router ID, spf_delay or redistribute_flags. The lsa_tree and cand_list are used in the RDE by the LS database and SPF algorithm. The area_list holds all congured areas. Finally there is one event handler used for polling the raw socket or implementing the SPF timer depending on the process it is used in.
Code snip 1: struct ospfd_conf
struct ospfd_conf { struct event struct in_addr struct lsa_tree LIST_HEAD(, area) LIST_HEAD(, vertex) u_int32_t u_int32_t u_int32_t int int int int int u_int8_t u_int8_t }; ev; rtr_id; lsa_tree; area_list; cand_list; opts; spf_delay; spf_hold_time; spf_state; ospf_socket; flags; redistribute_flags; options; /* OSPF options */ rfc1583compat; border;

hello.c imsg.c in_cksum.c interface.c

iso_cksum.c kroute.c log.c lsack.c lsreq.c

4.1.2 area Area specic congurations are stored in the area descriptor. There are many parameters that are mostly used by the OSPF engine. Exclusively for the RDE are lsa_tree and the nbr_list. The rst stores the per area LS database. The second is a list of all active neighbors from the RDE perspective. The OSPF engine tells the RDE when neighbors are created, deleted, or when their state changes. On the other hand active is only used by



OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

the OSPF engine. active tracks the number of neighbors which are in state FULL. If the number is zero the area is considered inactive. This counter is used to determine if a router is an area border router.
Code snip 2: struct area
struct area { LIST_ENTRY(area) struct in_addr struct lsa_tree LIST_HEAD(, iface) LIST_HEAD(, rde_nbr) u_int32_t u_int32_t u_int32_t int u_int16_t u_int16_t u_int16_t u_int16_t u_int8_t u_int8_t u_int8_t }; entry; id; lsa_tree; iface_list; nbr_list; stub_default_cost; num_spf_calc; dead_interval; active; transmit_delay; hello_interval; rxmt_interval; metric; priority; transit; stub; };

u_int16_t u_int16_t enum iface_type enum auth_type u_int8_t u_int8_t u_int8_t u_int8_t

rxmt_interval; metric; type; auth_type; auth_keyid; linkstate; priority; passive;

4.1.4 neighbor
Struct neighbor represents the neighbor relationship

4.1.3 interface Every congured interface is represented by a struct iface. It stores values like the link_state, baudrate, MTU, and interface type. There are some additional OSPF specic parameters like the auth_type, list of keys used for cryptographic authentication (auth_md_list), interface metric and interface state. Lets have a look at the neighbor list and the three neighbor pointers dr, bdr, and self. dr and bdr are pointers to the active DR or BDR neighbor or NULL if there is none. self is used for a dummy neighbor structure that represents the router himself. Using this dummy neighbor simplies many cases but additional care needs to be taken to not remove it by accident or doing some other stupid action with it. A back pointer to the parent area this interface is part of is also included. An interface can have up to three concurrent timers running and therefore three different event structures are needed.
Code snip 3: struct iface
struct iface { LIST_ENTRY(iface) struct event struct event struct event LIST_HEAD(, nbr) TAILQ_HEAD(, auth_md) struct lsa_head char struct struct struct struct char struct struct struct struct in_addr in_addr in_addr in_addr nbr nbr nbr area entry; hello_timer; wait_timer; lsack_tx_timer; nbr_list; auth_md_list; ls_ack_list; name[IF_NAMESIZE]; addr; dst; mask; abr_id; *auth_key; *dr; *bdr; *self; *area; baudrate; dead_interval; ls_ack_cnt; crypt_seq_num; ifindex; fd; state; mtu; flags; transmit_delay; hello_interval;

from the local point of view. To maintain a session successfully a LS retransmission and request list is required plus a list for the database snapshot. Then a few values dd_seq_num, dd_pending, last_rx_options, last_rx_bits, and master are only used in the EXCHANGE phase when Database Description packets are transmitted. peerid is a unique ID used in all three processes. The peerid is used in imsgs to tell the recipient of the message which neighbor is guilty for the just received message. The interface, over which this neighbor is reached, is stored in iface. The neighbor structure is per interface so if two routers are connected via two different networks two different neighbor structures will be created for the same router but the structures are added to different interfaces.
Code snip 4: struct nbr
struct nbr { LIST_ENTRY(nbr) struct event struct event struct event struct event struct event struct struct struct struct struct struct struct struct nbr_stats lsa_head lsa_head lsa_head in_addr in_addr in_addr in_addr entry, hash; inactivity_timer; db_tx_timer; lsreq_tx_timer; ls_retrans_timer; adj_timer; stats; ls_retrans_list; db_sum_list; ls_req_list; addr; id; dr; bdr;

/* designated router */ /* backup DR */

struct iface *iface; struct lsa_entry*ls_req; struct lsa_entry*dd_end; u_int32_t u_int32_t u_int32_t u_int32_t u_int32_t int u_int8_t u_int8_t u_int8_t u_int8_t u_int8_t }; dd_seq_num; dd_pending; peerid;/* unique ID in DB */ ls_req_cnt; crypt_seq_num; state; priority; options; last_rx_options; last_rx_bits; master;


Parent Process

u_int32_t u_int32_t u_int32_t u_int32_t unsigned int int int int u_int16_t u_int16_t u_int16_t

4.2.1 Start-up On start-up ospfd rst initialises the log subsystem and fetches the list of available interfaces. This list is required for the next step, the conguration le parsing. The yacc parser used by ospfd is based on bgpds parser which in turn has his origin in the pf parser. Explaining

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker



the parser goes beyond the scope of this paper. Important to know is that the conguration is parsed into a hierarchy of structures. The conguration consists of a list of areas and every area holds a list of interfaces that are part of this area. Last but not least every interface has a list of neighbors that is dynamically created as soon as a valid Hello packet is received from an other OSPF router on that interface. After the le got parsed ospfd daemonises and starts the child processes. Beforehand a set of socketpairs a special sort of pipes are created. Finally the event handlers are set up, rest of the kroute structures is initialised and the parent reports ready for service. Meanwhile both children have started. First of all both chroot(2) to /var/empty and drop privileges by switching to the special user _ospfd. Before doing that the OSPF engine creates a UNIX local socket for ospfctl and opens the raw IP socket to receive and send packets to the network. After dropping privileges the OSPF engine initialises the different subsystems, sets the event handlers and starts the actual work by kicking the interface nite state machine. The RDE start-up is even simpler as it just has to initialise the internal structures and event handlers. 4.2.2 Routing socket and FIB The main purpose of the parent process is to maintain the Forward Information Base (FIB) and keep the information in sync with the kernel routing table. This synchronisation is to be done in both directions. Additionally link-state changes and arrival or departure of interfaces are handled via the routing socket as well. The kroute code maintains two primary data structures. A prex tree (kroute) and an interface tree (kif). These two trees are kept in sync with the kernel through the routing socket. On start-up fetchtable() loads the kroute tree and fetchifs() does the same for the kif tree. Routing changes are tracked by dispatch_rtmsg() which handles kroute changes directly but off-loads interface specic messages to if_change() and if_announce(). To modify the kernel routing table send_rtmsg() is used. send_rtmsg() translates a struct kroute into a rt_msg structure expected by the routing socket. The parent process uses kr_change() to add or modify routes and kr_delete() to remove routes. These changes are propagated to the kernel routing table if needed. Both the kroute and kif tree are implemented as redblack trees a balanced binary tree. An API to nd, insert and remove nodes is specied to simplify the tree manipulation. Everytime a route is added or removed to the kroute tree kr_redistribute() is called. This function transmits possible candidates for redistribution to the RDE. In the RDE kif_validate() veries that the nexthop is actu-

ally reachable. This is a work a round that should be xed later as it is currently not possible to track and handle newly arriving network interfaces at runtime. Last but not least kr_show_route() and kr_ifinfo() pass information about kroutes or interfaces to ospfctl.


OSPF Engine

The nite state machines implemented in ospfd are simple table driven state machines. Any state transition may result in an specic action to be run. The resulting next state can either be a result of the action or is xed and pre-determined. 4.3.1 Interface state machine




LoopIndication Up Up



Neighbor Change

Neighbor Change

Neighbor Change



Figure 10: Interface FSM

DOWN In this state, the lower-level protocols have indicated that the interface is unusable. No protocol trafc at all will be sent or received on such an interface. LOOPBACK In this state, the router's interface to the network is looped back. Loopback interfaces are advertised in router-LSAs as single host routes, whose destination is the interface IP address. POINT-TO-POINT Point-to-point networks or virtual links enter this state as soon as the interface is operational. WAITING Broadcast or NBMA interfaces enter this state when the interface gets operational. While in this state no DR/ BDR election is allowed. Receiving and sending of Hello packets is allowed and is used to try to determine the identity of the DR/BDR routers.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

DROTHER The router is neither DR nor BDR on the connected network. In this state the router will only form adjacencies to both the DR and the BDR. All other neighbors will stay in neighbor state 2-WAY. BACKUP The router is the BDR on the connected network segment. If the DR fails it will promote itself to be the new DR. The router forms adjacencies to all neighbors in the network segment. DR The router is the DR on the connected network segment. Adjacencies are established to all neighbors in the network segment. Additional duties are origination of a network-LSA for the network node and ooding of LS updates on behalf of all other neighbors. Only a few events are needed. The events UP, DOWN, LOOP, UNLOOP are obvious. The other events WAITTIMER, BACKUPSEEN and NEIGHBORCHANGE are restricted to broadcast and NBMA networks. WAITTIMER and BACKUPSEEN are used to move out of state WAITING by running the election process. The NEIGHBORCHANGE event is issued when there is a change in the set of the bidirectional neighbors. This event will force a re-election of the DR and BDR. The most important actions are if_act_start() and if_act_elect(). if_act_start() sets the correct next state (POINT-TO-POINT or WAITING), initialises the interface and starts the hello timer to begin with the neighbor discovery process. if_act_elect() elects a DR and BDR for a network. This function caused major problems because of subtle bugs and a sloppy written RFC. First a backup designated router has to be elected.
Code snip 5: BDR election
/* elect backup designated router */ LIST_FOREACH(nbr, &iface->nbr_list, entry) { if (nbr->priority == 0 || /* not electable */ nbr->state & NBR_STA_PRELIM || /* not available */ nbr->dr.s_addr == nbr->addr.s_addr || nbr == dr) /* don't elect DR */ continue; if (bdr != NULL) { /* * routers announcing themselves as BDR * have higher precedence over those * routers announcing a different BDR. */ if (nbr->bdr.s_addr == nbr->addr.s_addr) { if (bdr->bdr.s_addr == bdr->addr.s_addr) bdr = if_elect(bdr, nbr); else bdr = nbr; } else if (bdr->bdr.s_addr != bdr->addr.s_addr) bdr = if_elect(bdr, nbr); } else bdr = nbr; }

Every neighbor is evaluated, neighbors with a priority of 0 are skipped. Additionally all neighbors that are not in state 2-WAY or higher plus possible DRs are skipped. From the remaining set a BDR is selected. Routers announcing themselves as BDR have higher precedence so the code checks if the current neighbor is announcing himself BDR. The same thing is done with the current candidate. If both are announcing themselves as BDR or both are not announcing themselves as BDR if_elect() elects a new candidate. The helper function if_elect() compares two neighbors and returns the preferred one. In the other two cases no additional comparison needs to be done as the next candidate is known.
Code snip 6: DR election
/* elect designated router */ LIST_FOREACH(nbr, &iface->nbr_list, entry) { if (nbr->priority == 0 || nbr->state & NBR_STA_PRELIM || (nbr != dr && nbr->dr.s_addr != nbr->addr.s_addr)) /* only DR may be elected check priority too */ continue; if (dr == NULL) dr = nbr; else dr = if_elect(dr, nbr); } if (dr == NULL) { /* no designate router found use backup DR */ dr = bdr; bdr = NULL; }

Almost the same process is done for electing a DR. Neighbors that are neither in state 2-WAY or higher or have a priority of 0 are skipped again. Additionally all neighbors that don't announce themselves as DR are skipped as well, with the only exception of the current DR itself. This is done because the election process can be restarted with the current candidates. If no DR was elected the current BDR is promoted DR. If the router is involved in the election it has to redo the election.
Code snip 7: nal step of election
/* * if we are involved in the election (e.g. new DR or no * longer BDR) redo the election */ if (round == 0 && ((iface->self == dr && iface->self != iface->dr) || (iface->self != dr && iface->self == iface->dr) || (iface->self == bdr && iface->self != iface->bdr) || (iface->self != bdr && iface->self == iface->bdr))) { /* * Reset announced DR/BDR to calculated one, so * that we may get elected in the second round. * This is needed to drop from a DR to a BDR. */ iface->self->dr.s_addr = dr->addr.s_addr; if (bdr) iface->self->bdr.s_addr = bdr->addr.s_addr; round = 1; goto start; }

Before doing that we set the current candidates in our own structure so that the second round will actually modify the behaviour. It is well possible that some checks are unnecessary or to complex but this current implementation seems to behave correctly and so we keep it as is.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

After the election process a bit of housekeeping has to be performed. If the DR or BDR changed, all neighbors have to be checked if the adjacency is still OK. Additionally it may be necessary to join or leave the AllDRouters multicast group. In case the router was or is now the DR an updated network-LSA needs to be reooded. Getting the DR/BDR election right was one of the most difcult parts of the development. Often unexpected behaviours where found because of small mistakes here and in recv_hello(). It took multiple retries and many debugging sessions to get that code where it is now. The poorly written RFC doesn't help much in clarifying the issues. 4.3.2 Neighbor state machine
KillNbr InactivityTimer LLDown

EXSTART This is the rst step in creating an adjacency between the two routers. In this state the initial DD sequence number and the master is selected for the upcoming database exchange phase. SNAPSHOT This state is actually an extension of the state machine dened by the RFC. Because the LS database is stored in the RDE, a current snapshot of all LSA headers have to be requested by the OSPF engine. The database exchange will start after the snapshot is done. EXCHANGE This is the database exchange phase. Additionally all neighbors in state EXCHANGE or higher (LOADING, FULL) participate in the ooding procedure. Starting from this state all packet types can be received inclusive ooded LS updates. LOADING

1-WayReceived HelloReceived Start

SeqNumberMismatch BadLSReq true 2-WayReceived

HelloReceived AdjOK? false






Snapshot EXCHANGE Done ExchangeDone

The state is only entered if the Link-State Request list is not empty. In that case Link-State Request packets are sent out to fetch the more recent LSAs from the neighbors LS database. FULL




Figure 11: Neighbor FSM

DOWN A neighbor is considered down if no hello has been received for more than router-dead-time seconds. This is also the initial state of a neighbor. ATTEMPT This state is only valid for neighbors attached to NBMA networks. Therefore it is currently unused. INIT In this state, a Hello packet has recently been seen from the neighbor. However, bidirectional communication has not yet been established. 2-WAY The communication between the neighbor and the router is bidirectional. Neighbors will remain in this state if both the router itself and the neighbor are neither DR nor BDR.

The two routers are now fully adjacent. The connection will now appear in router-LSAs and network-LSAs. Only in this state real trafc will be routed between the two routers. 4.3.3 Packet reception The OSPF engine uses the recv_packet() libevent handler to receive packets from the raw IP socket. The packet is validated via ip_hdr_sanity_check() and ospf_hdr_sanity_check(). Some additional length checks are done to ensure that no access outside of the packet is done. It is currently not possible in OpenBSD 3.8 to get the incoming interface via recvfrom(2) so we need to nd the interface the hard way. find_iface() does this job by walking through all congured interfaces and comparing the source address of the incoming packet with the interface address. This is not optimal and will be changed soon. The next step is looking up the neighbor and afterwards the OSPF authentication is run. nbr_find_id() takes the unique router ID to get the neighbor structure with all information needed. This is done before auth_validate() because the cryptographic authentication method uses a per neighbor specic sequence number to immunize against replay attacks. If necessary auth_validate() does the CRC

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

checksumming of the packet. Finally the packet is passed on according to its packet type to one of the following functions. recv_hello() Every hello-interval seconds a Hello packet is sent to all neighbors. On broadcast networks this is done with one multicast packet. The Hello packet is used for neighbor discovery and to maintain neighbor relationships. As rst step all the common options need to be compared. If one of hello-interval, router-dead-time, or the stub area ag differs the packet is not accepted. So all routers on a common network must have the same conguration for these values.
Code snip 8: neighbor look up
switch (iface->type) { case IF_TYPE_POINTOPOINT: case IF_TYPE_VIRTUALLINK: /* match router-id */ LIST_FOREACH(nbr, &iface->nbr_list, entry) { if (nbr == iface->self) continue; if (nbr->id.s_addr == rtr_id) break; } break; case IF_TYPE_BROADCAST: case IF_TYPE_NBMA: case IF_TYPE_POINTOMULTIPOINT: /* match src IP */ LIST_FOREACH(nbr, &iface->nbr_list, entry) { if (nbr == iface->self) continue; if (nbr->addr.s_addr == src.s_addr) break; } break; default: fatalx("recv_hello: unknown interface type"); } if (!nbr) { nbr = nbr_new(rtr_id, iface, 0); /* set neighbor parameters */ nbr->dr.s_addr = hello.d_rtr; nbr->bdr.s_addr = hello.bd_rtr; nbr->priority = hello.rtr_priority; nbr_change = 1; }

if (len == 0) { nbr_fsm(nbr, NBR_EVT_1_WAY_RCVD); /* set neighbor parameters */ nbr->dr.s_addr = hello.d_rtr; nbr->bdr.s_addr = hello.bd_rtr; nbr->priority = hello.rtr_priority; return; }

Multiple neighbor events have to be generated. First of all is the hello received event. Next it is checked if there is already bidirectional communication between the routers. This is done by walking through the list of neighbors in the hello packet and compared it with the own router ID. If no match was found a 1-WAY received event gets issued. If the match is done the rst time the neighbor is in an embryonic state like INIT a 2-WAY received event is generated. Now the scariest part of OpenOSPFD is coming. Handling fast start-ups and the famous interface event BACKUPSEEN. This part of the Hello protocol was rewritten multiple times and the result was always some other obscure problem in the election process. In the end OpenOSPFD had to violate the RFC a bit. The RFC is not very clear about how to handle the event BACKUPSEEN correctly. From the RFC:


the neighbor is both declaring itself to be Designated Router (Hello Packet's Designated Router eld = Neighbor IP address) and the Backup Designated Router eld in the packet is equal to and the receiving interface is in state Waiting, the receiving interface's state machine is scheduled with the event BACKUPSEEN. Router (Hello Packet's Backup Designated Router eld = Neighbor IP address) and the receiving interface is in state Waiting, the receiving interface's state machine is scheduled with the event BACKUPSEEN.

If the neighbor is declaring itself to be Backup Designated

The packet is now accepted and the neighbor is looked up. Depending on the interface type either by router ID or by interface address. If no neighbor could be found a new one is created. A new neighbor is considered a NEIGHBORCHANGE and the nbr_change ag is set that an interface neighbor change event can be issued later.
Code snip 9: bidirectional or not
nbr_fsm(nbr, NBR_EVT_HELLO_RCVD); while (len >= sizeof(nbr_id)) { memcpy(&nbr_id, buf, sizeof(nbr_id)); if (nbr_id == ospfe_router_id()) { /* seen myself */ if (nbr->state & NBR_STA_PRELIM) nbr_fsm(nbr, NBR_EVT_2_WAY_RCVD); break; } buf += sizeof(nbr_id); len -= sizeof(nbr_id); }

Now this sounds simple but it isn't. The rst case is not problematic but the second one is. Why? Because it is not known in which order hello packets are received. What does happen if we start an election process and the actual DR neighbor is still in state 1-WAY? A major confusion is the result. The election process evaluates the BDR as DR and himself as BDR or something like this and the result is a network with too many DR / BDR routers.
Code snip 10: scary fast start-ups
if (iface->state & IF_STA_WAITING && hello.d_rtr == nbr->addr.s_addr && hello.bd_rtr == 0) if_fsm(iface, IF_EVT_BACKUP_SEEN); if (iface->state & IF_STA_WAITING && hello.bd_rtr == nbr->addr.s_addr) { /* * In case we see the BDR make sure that the DR is * around with a bidirectional connection */ LIST_FOREACH(dr, &iface->nbr_list, entry) if (hello.d_rtr == dr->addr.s_addr && dr->state & NBR_STA_BIDIR) if_fsm(iface, IF_EVT_BACKUP_SEEN); }

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

To clear up the situation OpenOSPFD does an additional check. It veries that the DR has a bidirectional connection to the router and only if that is true a backup seen event is issued. The result is that it may take a bit longer to establish an adjacency and that some initial Database Description packet are dropped. But the confusion of too many DR/BDRs is avoided. The rest of recv_hello() is simply here to issue the possible neighbor change events that were detected earlier. recv_db_description() While the send_db_description() function ended up pretty simple recv_db_description() turned out to be more problematic. Usual sanity checking is done rst. Afterwards additional checks are performed to verify the MTU and detect possible duplicates because of retransmissions. The MTU check is required by the RFC, the problem is that some OSPF implementations are lying about their MTU and so only bigger MTUs are considered a problem. The code path is dependent on the neighbor state. Packets received from neighbors in unexpected states are just ignored. This includes state SNAPSHOT because during the time the LSA snapshot is done we cannot respond to a received packet. Funnily it is allowed to get Database Description packets in state INIT. In that case some kind of super fast start-up needs to be done. It looks like it was simpler to x the RFC than to x someone's OSPF implementation. So both the interface and neighbor FSM are kicked and afterwards the new neighbor state has to be checked again. If it is now in state EXSTART a fallthrough into the next case can be done. In case EXSTART there are two possible scenarios. The rst is the reception of a Christmas packet one with all ags turned on. This is the initial packet and OpenOSPFD has to evaluate if it is master or slave of the database exchange phase. The slave will issue a negotiation done event and sends back a packet with just the M bit set.
Code snip 11: EXSTART scenario 1
/* * check bits: either I,M,MS or only M */ if (dd_hdr.bits == (OSPF_DBD_I | OSPF_DBD_M | OSPF_DBD_MS)) { /* if nbr Router ID is larger than own -> slave */ if ((ntohl(nbr->id.s_addr)) > ntohl(ospfe_router_id())) { /* slave */ nbr->master = 0; nbr->dd_seq_num = ntohl(dd_hdr.dd_seq_num); /* event negotiation done */ nbr_fsm(nbr, NBR_EVT_NEG_DONE); }

Code snip 12: EXSTART scenario 2

} else if (!(dd_hdr.bits & (OSPF_DBD_I | OSPF_DBD_MS))) { /* M only case: we are master */ if (ntohl(dd_hdr.dd_seq_num) != nbr->dd_seq_num) { log_warnx("recv_db_description: invalid " "seq num, mine %x his %x", nbr->dd_seq_num, ntohl(dd_hdr.dd_seq_num)); nbr_fsm(nbr, NBR_EVT_SEQ_NUM_MIS); return; } nbr->dd_seq_num++; /* packet may already have data so pass it on */ if (len > 0) { nbr->dd_pending++; ospfe_imsg_compose_rde(IMSG_DD, nbr->peerid, 0, buf, len); } /* event negotiation done */ nbr_fsm(nbr, NBR_EVT_NEG_DONE); }

Afterwards the actual transfer starts or continues. First of all, packets with invalid ags and options result in a reset of the session (sequence number mismatch event). If the slave receives a duplicate packet it has to resend the last packet. The master does not care about duplicate packets. Actually the master should never see a duplicate the slave will never send a packet by its own. If the neighbor state is either LOADING or FULL the only packets received should be duplicates. Anything else is considered an error and the session is reset. Side effect of this is that sending a packet with the Initialise (I) bit set can be used to reset a neighbor relationship. Now the sequence number is checked. Only the master is increasing the number so the slave receives packets with the current sequence number plus one. In case of the master the sequence numbers are equal on receive and afterwards the sequence number is increased. Our rst implementation was a bit buggy and it took some debugging to nd all the small issues like forgetting to bump the sequence number in a specic case.
Code snip 13: synchronising part 1
/* forward to RDE and let it decide which LSAs to request */ if (len > 0) { nbr->dd_pending++; ospfe_imsg_compose_rde(IMSG_DD, nbr->peerid, 0, buf, len); }

The second scenario a packet with just the M bit set, is received. The M bit stands for more as in more data. The master will nally issue the negotiation done event. So the slave is actually sending valid data ahead of the master. This is a bit strange but we are used to it.

The received LSA headers have to be sent to the RDE where they are compared with the LS database. This resulted in an interesting issue: if the RDE was busy the OSPF engine could move forward and suddenly think that no LSAs have to be requested and move the neighbor directly into state FULL. Afterwards the RDE would send some LSAs to request to the OSPF engine but it was too late. To solve this race condition the dd_pending counter was added. It gets increased for each sent database description packet.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

Code snip 14: synchronising part 2 ospfe_dispatch_rde()

nbr->dd_pending--; if (nbr->dd_pending == 0 && nbr->state & NBR_STA_LOAD) { if (ls_req_list_empty(nbr)) nbr_fsm(nbr, NBR_EVT_LOAD_DONE); else start_ls_req_tx_timer(nbr); }

4.3.4 Packet delivery send_hello()

send_hello() is called by the if_hello_timer() function that is run every hello-interval seconds if an interface is not in state DOWN. Sending hellos is pretty simple so it is a good example how the buffer framework is used in OpenOSPFD.
Code snip 15: Allocate dynamic buffer
/* XXX READ_BUF_SIZE */ if ((buf = buf_dynamic(PKG_DEF_SIZE, READ_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) fatal("send_hello");

When an IMSG_DD_END message arrives from the RDE the counter gets decremented. If the counter drops to zero no DD packets are pending. In case that the neighbor state is now LOADING we actually hit the race condition and so we have to either move to state FULL if the request list is empty or start sending out LS requests. Sometimes running a single daemon as three processes needs some additional work to synchronise the processes. This is a nice example. Finally the next packet is prepared for being sent by send_db_description(). If there is nothing left to send and the received packet has no M bit set then the exchange phase is mostly done. The slave is nished but the master has to ensure that at least one packet without the M bit has been sent and acknowledged. The result is that the slave will always change state before the master. Why should the end of the exchange be less strange than the beginning? recv_ls_req() Link-State Requests are simply passed to the RDE but only if the neighbor state is EXCHANGE or higher. In all other states Link-State Request packets are ignored. recv_ls_update() Link-State Updates are simply dropped if the neighbor is not in state EXCHANGE or higher. Otherwise all LSAs are extracted from the packet and sent to the RDE one after the other. While doing that additional length checks are done to guard against buffer overows. recv_ls_ack() Link-State Acknowledgements are only accepted in neighbor state EXCHANGE or higher. Otherwise the packet is dropped. Every LSA header included in the packet needs to be roughly validated with lsa_hdr_check() and then possibly deleted from the retransmission list. In case the interface is in state DROTHER ls_retrans_list_del() will be called twice. First it deletes LSAs from the global retransmission list of updates sent to the AllDRouters multicast address. Second the per-neighbor queue is purged in case the interface state changed lately.

First a dynamic buffer is allocated. Currently a xed size of PKG_DEF_SIZE bytes is used but the buffer is allowed to grow till READ_BUF_SIZE. This is not optimal as packets should not be fragmented by OSPF. For Hello packets this is not a big issue because the embedded data is often very small. Other send functions use a different approach by limiting the resulting packet size to the MTU of the corresponding interface.
Code snip 16: Set correct destination
dst.sin_family = AF_INET; dst.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); switch (iface->type) { case IF_TYPE_POINTOPOINT: case IF_TYPE_BROADCAST: inet_aton(AllSPFRouters, &dst.sin_addr); break; case IF_TYPE_NBMA: case IF_TYPE_POINTOMULTIPOINT: /* XXX not supported */ break; case IF_TYPE_VIRTUALLINK: dst.sin_addr = iface->dst; break; default: fatalx("send_hello: unknown interface type"); }

The outgoing address needs to be determined. For broadcast and point-to-point networks this is the multicast address AllSPFRouters. Virtual links are sent as unicast. NBMA and point-to-multipoint are special and currently not supported. For NBMA and point-to-multipoint the packet has to be sent to all neighbors directly and send_packet() would be called for every neighbor once.
Code snip 17: create Hello packet
/* OSPF header */ if (gen_ospf_hdr(buf, iface, PACKET_TYPE_HELLO)) goto fail; /* hello header */ hello.mask = iface->mask.s_addr; hello.hello_interval = htons(iface->hello_interval); hello.opts = oeconf->options; hello.rtr_priority = iface->priority; hello.rtr_dead_interval = htonl(iface->dead_interval); if (iface->dr) { hello.d_rtr = iface->dr->addr.s_addr; iface->self->dr.s_addr = iface->dr->addr.s_addr; } else hello.d_rtr = 0;

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

if (iface->bdr) { hello.bd_rtr = iface->bdr->addr.s_addr; iface->self->bdr.s_addr = iface->bdr->addr.s_addr; } else hello.bd_rtr = 0; if (buf_add(buf, &hello, sizeof(hello))) goto fail;

Finally the packet is constructed. First of all the common OSPF header is added. This is done for every packet type and so a helper function gen_ospf_hdr() is used. The Hello specic contents are lled in afterwards and added with buf_add().
Code snip 18: Add active neighbors
/* active neighbor(s) */ LIST_FOREACH(nbr, &iface->nbr_list, entry) { if ((nbr->state >= NBR_STA_INIT) && (nbr != iface->self)) if (buf_add(buf, &nbr->id, sizeof(nbr->id))) goto fail; }

Obvious differences to send_hello() are the use of buf_open() instead of buf_dynamic(). Buf_open() allocates a xed size buffer of size nbr->iface->mtu sizeof(struct ip) which is the maximum packet size that does not get fragmented. Later buf_reserve() is used on that buffer to reserve sizeof(dd_hdr) bytes. The rest of the packet can be added and later buf_seek() can be used to write into the reserved space like this:
Code snip 21: Usage of buf_seek()
memcpy(buf_seek(buf, sizeof(struct ospf_hdr), sizeof(dd_hdr)), &dd_hdr, sizeof(dd_hdr));

The Hello packets include a list of all bidirectional neighbors (state 2-WAY or higher). Again the neighbor IDs are added directly with buf_add(). The neighbor ID is stored in network byte order or htonl() is used to correctly switch byte order.
Code snip 19: Final step
/* update authentication and calculate checksum */ if (auth_gen(buf, iface)) goto fail; ret = send_packet(iface, buf->buf, buf->wpos, &dst); buf_free(buf); return (ret); fail: log_warn("send_hello"); buf_free(buf); return (-1);

The remainder of the function sets up the Database Description header with its bit elds and sequence number. If in state EXCHANGE, as many LSA headers as possible are appended. While appending LSA headers one must keep in mind that the cryptographic authentication will append MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH bytes to the end of the packet. send_ls_req()
send_ls_req() uses like send_db_description() buf_open() to get a buffer that doesn't get fragmented.

While lling in the requested LSA headers some additional space gets reserved for the possible MD5 sum.
Code snip 22: Filling packet with requests
/* LSA header(s), keep space for a possible md5 sum */ for (le = TAILQ_FIRST(&nbr->ls_req_list); le != NULL && buf->wpos + sizeof(struct ls_req_hdr) < buf->max MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; le = nle) { nbr->ls_req = nle = TAILQ_NEXT(le, entry); ls_req_hdr.type = htonl(le->le_lsa->type); ls_req_hdr.ls_id = le->le_lsa->ls_id; ls_req_hdr.adv_rtr = le->le_lsa->adv_rtr; if (buf_add(buf, &ls_req_hdr, sizeof(ls_req_hdr))) goto fail; }

Last is updating authentication and checksum of the outgoing packet. The interface pointer is passed to auth_gen() to get the necessary keys and sequence number for the simple and cryptographic authentication. The packet gets sent out via send_packet(). Before sending the packet it is necessary to set the outgoing interface for multicast trafc. This is done by if_set_mcast() inside of send_packet(). Finally the no longer needed buffer is freed. send_db_description()
send_db_description() implements the sending part

The rest is straight forward and mostly the same as in send_hello(). send_ls_ack() Actually we have to start in ls_ack_tx_timer() because send_ls_ack() is just the last step to send out an ack. send_ls_ack() will add the common OSPF header and add the data passed to the function to the packet. The list of acknowledgements is created by ls_ack_tx_timer() in a not so nice way and therefore it should not be used as example for other code. Especially as it will be rewritten soon. send_ls_update() Sending out LS updates is easy but the retransmission list and ooding procedure are a bit tricky. send_ls_update() will just add a LSA to a buffer together with a common OSPF header and send the

of the database exchange. It sends out the initial Database Description packet when moving the neighbor state to EXSTART.
Code snip 20: Allocate xed buffer
if ((buf = buf_open(nbr->iface->mtu - sizeof(struct ip))) == NULL) fatal("send_db_description"); /* OSPF header */ if (gen_ospf_hdr(buf, nbr->iface, PACKET_TYPE_DD)) goto fail; /* reserve space for database description header */ if (buf_reserve(buf, sizeof(dd_hdr)) == NULL) goto fail;

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

results out. But there is one thing that must to be done with the LSA rst. It has to be aged with the value of transmit-delay.
Code snip 23: LSA aging
pos = buf->wpos; if (buf_add(buf, data, len)) goto fail; /* age LSA before sending it out */ memcpy(&age, data, sizeof(age)); age = ntohs(age); if ((age += iface->transmit_delay) >= MAX_AGE) age = MAX_AGE; age = htons(age); memcpy(buf_seek(buf, pos, sizeof(age)), &age, sizeof(age));

u_int32_t u_int32_t u_int8_t u_int8_t };

ls_id; adv_rtr; type; flooded;

First the current write position is stored and the LSA is added to the buffer. The LS Age is stored in the rst two bytes of the LSA. The memcpy() extracts the age because a direct memory access could end on unaligned memory. Then the LSA is aged and written into the buffer with the help of buf_seek() and the previously stored position. 4.3.5 Control handling The handling of control sessions is actually a small UNIX local socket server. There is a listener event (control_listen()) that accepts (control_accept()) connections and creates a per control connection structure. control_dispatch_imsg() reads the request from ospfctl. First the per connection structure are retrieved and then the imsg's sent are extracted. They get either forwarded to the parent, the RDE, or directly answered. Messages forwarded to the other processes will often require a response that needs to be relayed to ospfctl because neither the RDE nor the parent process have access to the socket. Relaying is done by control_imsg_relay(). It has to be called for those imsgs that need to get forwarded. This is done in the imsg dispatch functions ospfe_dispatch_main() and ospfe_dispatch_rde().

The vertex contains all necessary information not only for the LS Database but for the SPF calculation too. entry and cand are used to put the vertex into the redblack tree or into the candidate list respectively. The event ev is for a per-LSA entry timeout for aging. Additionally stamp is used for aging as well. changed is set to the time the last modication was done to the LSA. ls_id, adv_rtr and type are shorthands for the actual values that are stored inside of lsa. These are used by the tree search routine. The flooded ag should indicate that a LSA was received as part of a ooding. Flooded LSA are locked for MIN_LS_ARRIVAL seconds whereas requested LSA are not. nbr represents the neighbor from which the LSA was received. nbr has nothing to do with the actual originator of the LSA. This is only done to correctly ood out LSAs and sending an acknowledgement back to the neighbor. prev is the parent vertex in the SPF tree. It is possible to construct the actual path through the network by following all prev pointers. This is used to calculate the nexthop. The nexthop is the address for forwarding packets to that destination. It is normally the address of the last router-LSA before the root node. 4.4.2 LSA aging Before using a LSA that is in the DB it normally needs to be aged. This is done by lsa_age() with help of the vertex time stamp.
Code snip 25: LSA aging
now = time(NULL); d = now - v->stamp; /* set stamp so that at least new calls work */ v->stamp = now; if (d < 0) { log_warnx("lsa_age: time went backwards"); return; } age = ntohs(v->lsa->hdr.age); if (age + d > MAX_AGE) age = MAX_AGE; else age += d; v->lsa->hdr.age = htons(age);


Route Decision Engine

4.4.1 LS Database The LS database is implemented as a red-black tree actually multiple trees exist one per area and a global one for AS-external-LSAs. The key is the LS-type LS-ID advertising router triple. The LSA is part of a vertex that builds a node of the network connectivity graph.
Code snip 24: struct vertex
struct vertex { RB_ENTRY(vertex) entry; TAILQ_ENTRY(vertex) cand; struct event ev; struct in_addr nexthop; struct vertex *prev; struct rde_nbr *nbr; struct lsa *lsa; time_t changed; time_t stamp; u_int32_t cost;

Normally it is enough to just add the difference of the current time and stamp. Nonetheless some additional care is needed. First of all time() returns the system time and this can be modied by the user. I remember a complete network outage at an ISP because the UNIX time got changed on a Zebra/Quagga router. Afterwards Zebra/Quagga was no longer working until a reboot on the changed machines was performed. So by checking whether the difference is positive it is at least possible to fail in a save way. The other case that needs to be considered is that a LSA may never get older than MAX_AGE (1 hour).

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

4.4.3 Comparing LSA There are two functions to compare LSA. lsa_equal() is similar to a memcmp() but compares a bit more. One thing is important to note: LSA with age MAX_AGE are never considered equal. This comes from the fact that lsa_equal() is mostly used to determine if a recalculation of the SPF tree is required or for similar situations. In that context LSAs with an age of MAX_AGE are always special and it is OK to force an update. The other compare function is lsa_newer() and implements the RFC specication of newer, equal and older LSA. It works similar to other compare functions by returning -1 if the rst LSA is older, 1 if newer and 0 if equal to the second LSA passed. The function compares the sequence number, the LS checksum, and the LS age. Once again a bit care needs to be taken when comparing ages.
Code snip 26: Comparing ages
a16 = ntohs(a->age); b16 = ntohs(b->age); if (a16 >= MAX_AGE && b16 >= MAX_AGE) return (0); if (b16 >= MAX_AGE) return (-1); if (a16 >= MAX_AGE) return (1); i = b16 - a16; if (abs(i) > MAX_AGE_DIFF) return (i > 0 ? 1 : -1); return (0);

Code snip 27: First set sequence number

if (v == NULL) { lsa_add(nbr, lsa); rde_imsg_compose_ospfe(IMSG_LS_FLOOD, nbr->peerid, 0, lsa, ntohs(lsa->hdr.len)); return; } /* * set the seq_num to the current one. * lsa_refresh() will do the ++ */ lsa->hdr.seq_num = v->lsa->hdr.seq_num; /* recalculate checksum */ len = ntohs(lsa->hdr.len); lsa->hdr.ls_chksum = 0; lsa->hdr.ls_chksum = htons(iso_cksum(lsa, len, LS_CKSUM_OFFSET));

Sure if there was no LSA in the database in the rst place there is no need to merge. It is enough to just add and ood the LSA. When changing the sequence number the checksum has to be recalculated. The sequence number is only set to the current value because there is no need to increase it already. Especially if lsa_merge() is used to remove a self originated LSA from the database there is no need to rise the sequence number, it is sufcient to set the age to MAX_AGE.
Code snip 28: Then overwrite and reood if necessary
/* * compare LSA; most header fields are equal * so don't check them */ if (lsa_equal(lsa, v->lsa)) { free(lsa); return; } /* overwrite the lsa all other fields are unaffected */ free(v->lsa); v->lsa = lsa; start_spf_timer(); /* set correct timeout for reflooding the LSA */ now = time(NULL); timerclear(&tv); if (v->changed + MIN_LS_INTERVAL >= now) tv.tv_sec = MIN_LS_INTERVAL; evtimer_add(&v->ev, &tv);

If both LSA are at age MAX_AGE they are considered equal. If only one has age MAX_AGE that one is newer and last but not least the LS ages need to be at least MAX_AGE_DIFF (15 minutes) apart to be not considered equal. 4.4.4 LSA refresh All LS_REFRESH_TIME seconds a LSA needs to be refreshed by its originator. The age is reset to the initial value and the sequence number is bumped. After modifying the LSA the checksum has to be recalculated. The LSA is ooded and a new timeout event is registered. Non self originated LSA have the same timer running but with MAX_AGE instead of LS_REFRESH_TIME. If the timer res the LSA will be deleted from the LS database by ooding it out with age MAX_AGE. How to delete LSA will be explained later as it is fairly complex. 4.4.5 LSA merging If a self originated LSA changes, for example because a neighbor relationship is established or lost, an updated LSA needs to be reooded. lsa_merge() takes care of replacing the LSA in the database with the new one and sets the LS sequence number of the new LSA to the current used number.

Now lsa_equal() is used to determine whether to actually reood the LSA. If the LSA did not change there is nothing to modify and we're done. Otherwise the LSAs are exchanged and a SPF recalculation is issued. Finally the reooding is prepared. This is done via a timer because it is not allowed to send out updates faster than MIN_LS_INTERVAL (5) seconds. 4.4.6 lsa_self() Identifying self originated LSA is an important task. This comes from the fact that if a router leaves the network the other routers will not remove the LSAs of this router until the LS age hits MAX_AGE. If the router joins the network again after a reboot for example the old LSAs are still oating around. So it is the routers duty to detect those old self originated LSAs and renew them or remove them from the database. This task is done by lsa_self().

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Claudio Jeker

Code snip 29: Detect self originated LSA

if (nbr->self) return (0); if (rde_router_id() == new->hdr.adv_rtr) goto self; if (new->hdr.type == LSA_TYPE_NETWORK) LIST_FOREACH(iface, &nbr->area->iface_list, entry) if (iface->addr.s_addr == new->hdr.ls_id) goto self; return (0);

LSAs that are sent to stub areas get silently discarded. At the end the LS age is checked and if it is MAX_AGE some special care needs to be taken.
Code snip 31: MAX_AGE handling
if (lsa->hdr.age == htons(MAX_AGE) && !nbr->self && lsa_find(area, lsa->hdr.type, lsa->hdr.ls_id, lsa->hdr.adv_rtr) == NULL && !rde_nbr_loading(area)) { /* * if no neighbor in state Exchange or Loading * ack LSA but don't add it. Needs to be a direct * ack. */ rde_imsg_compose_ospfe(IMSG_LS_ACK, nbr->peerid, 0, &lsa->hdr, sizeof(struct lsa_hdr)); return (0); }

First of all the newly received LSA (new) gets classied. If the router ID is the same or if an interface address matches the LS ID of a network-LSA the LSA is considered self originated.
Code snip 30: Remove or update
self: if (v == NULL) { /* * LSA is no longer announced, remove by premature * aging. The problem is that new may not be * altered so a copy needs to be added to the LSA * DB first. */ if ((dummy = malloc(ntohs(new->hdr.len))) == NULL) fatal("lsa_self"); memcpy(dummy, new, ntohs(new->hdr.len)); dummy->hdr.age = htons(MAX_AGE); /* * The clue is that by using the remote nbr as * originator the dummy LSA will be reflooded via * the default timeout handler. */ lsa_add(rde_nbr_self(nbr->area), dummy); return (1); } /* * LSA is still originated, just reflood it. But we need to * create a new instance by setting the LSA sequence number * equal to the one of new and calling lsa_refresh(). * Flooding will be done by the caller. */ v->lsa->hdr.seq_num = new->hdr.seq_num; lsa_refresh(v); return (1);

If the LS age is MAX_AGE and the LSA is not in the database there is actually no need to add the LSA to the database. However this is a fallacy, there are some additional checks required. The RFC mentions that if a neighbor is currently establishing an adjacency state EXCHANGE or LOADING no short-cuts are allowed. Additionally self originated LSA generated by the OSPF engine have to be passed. Therefore nbr->self is tested. If all conditions are met the LSA will not be added. Instead only a direct acknowledgement is sent back. 4.4.8 Deleting LSA Deleting something from a replicated distributed database is not a trivial task. Especially if there is no LS remove packet type. Removing is done via the LS age. LSA with LS age MAX_AGE are ready to be removed from the database. Especially for OpenOSPFD removing LSAs is even more complicated. To remove a LSA it rst has to be reooded and all neighbors have to acknowledge the reception before removing it from the database. In OpenOSPFD the database and the retransmission logic are in two different processes so additional IPC is needed. If the RDE tries to delete the LSA either because it exceeds the MAX_AGE age or because of premature aging used to clean the database from no longer valid LSAs it simply sets the age to MAX_AGE and sends a ood request to the OSPF engine. The OSPF engine will then start the ooding procedure. The LSA is added to the LSA cache and the different retransmission lists refer to the cached LSA. If the last reference to the cached object drops the following happens:
Code snip 32: lsa_cache_put()
void lsa_cache_put(struct lsa_ref *ref, struct nbr *nbr) { if (--ref->refcnt > 0) return; if (ntohs(ref->hdr.age) >= MAX_AGE) ospfe_imsg_compose_rde(IMSG_LS_MAXAGE, nbr->peerid, 0, ref->data, sizeof(struct lsa_hdr)); free(ref->data); LIST_REMOVE(ref, entry); free(ref); }

In case of a self originated LSA there are two cases. The rst one is that the LSA is no longer announced. In that case the LSA gets added to the Database with a LS age of MAX_AGE. The database code will then reood the LSA as soon as possible and by doing that removing it from the database. There is no other way in doing this because removing LSAs is a complex task that only works if the LSA is in the database. The other case is much simpler because there is already a self originated LSA in the local database but the sequence number is lower then the new one. In this case the sequence number is bumped like in the lsa_merge() case and lsa_refresh() is called to ood the LSA. 4.4.7 LSA check Before even accepting a LS update the embedded LSA has to be veried. Once again lengths are compared and especially the ISO checksum is veried. Additionally the LS age and sequence number are checked to be in a valid range. Per LS type checks follow the generic ones. It is veried that the packet has the right size for this type and that values like the metric which is a 24bit value stored as 32bit integer is in the correct range. AS-external-

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

The LS age is compared with MAX_AGE and if true a IMSG_LS_MAXAGE is sent back to the RDE. In the RDE the message is received and veried. If something is incorrect the RDE bombs out.
Code snip 33: IMSG_LS_MAXAGE handling
case IMSG_LS_MAXAGE: nbr = rde_nbr_find(imsg.hdr.peerid); if (nbr == NULL) fatalx("rde_dispatch_imsg: " "neighbor does not exist"); if (imsg.hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct lsa_hdr)) fatalx("invalid size of OE request"); memcpy(&lsa_hdr,, sizeof(lsa_hdr)); if (rde_nbr_loading(nbr->area)) break; v = lsa_find(nbr->area, lsa_hdr.type, lsa_hdr.ls_id, lsa_hdr.adv_rtr); if (v == NULL) db_hdr = NULL; else db_hdr = &v->lsa->hdr; /* * only delete LSA if the one in the db isnt newer */ if (lsa_newer(db_hdr, &lsa_hdr) <= 0) lsa_del(nbr, &lsa_hdr); break;

case LINK_TYPE_POINTTOPOINT: case LINK_TYPE_VIRTUAL: /* find router LSA */ w = lsa_find(area, LSA_TYPE_ROUTER, rtr_link->id, rtr_link->id); break; case LINK_TYPE_TRANSIT_NET: /* find network LSA */ w = lsa_find_net(area, rtr_link->id); break; default: fatalx("spf_calc: " "invalid link type"); } break; case LSA_TYPE_NETWORK: net_link = get_net_link(v, i); /* find router LSA */ w = lsa_find(area, LSA_TYPE_ROUTER, net_link->att_rtr, net_link->att_rtr); break; default: fatalx("spf_calc: " "invalid LSA type"); } ... cand_list_add(w); } /* get next vertex */ v = cand_list_pop(); w = NULL; } while (v != NULL);

If there is still a neighbor in state EXCHANGE or LOADING the LSA may not be removed. It is possible that the neighbor may request that LSA just a bit later. Now the LSA is searched in the database and the entry of the database is compared with the LSA that should be removed. If the database entry is newer the entry will not be removed else it would get nally removed from the database and freed. 4.4.9 SPF and RIB calculation The SPF calculation is still a large construction area. The code should be split up as some steps are not necessary in all cases. Especially on ABRs this is not optimal and creates a lot of superuous load. Worth knowing: RIB and FIB are terms from BGP and got inherited into OpenOSPFD. RIB is the Routing Information Base and FIB is the Forwarding Information Base. The FIB is mostly the kernel routing table and is stripped from unneeded ballast whereas the RIB contains all additional protocol specic informations. To calculate the routing table three calculations are performed. First the SPF tree gets built. Then the local LSAs are added to the RIB and nally the AS-externalLSAs are inserted.
Code snip 34: SPF calculation
/* calculate SPF tree */ do { /* loop links */ for (i = 0; i < lsa_num_links(v); i++) { switch (v->type) { case LSA_TYPE_ROUTER: rtr_link = get_rtr_link(v, i); switch (rtr_link->type) { case LINK_TYPE_STUB_NET: /* skip */ continue;

The loops starts at the root vertex and moves through one vertex after another. After a vertex is selected all next vertices that are connected to this vertex are extracted and added to the candidate list. After all vertices are added the one with the lowest cost is popped from the list and the loops starts over with this vertex. Before a vertex is added to the candidate list it is veried that the connection is still valid.
Code snip 35: the three dots in the previous snippet
if (w == NULL) continue; if (w->lsa->hdr.age == MAX_AGE) continue; if (!linked(w, v)) continue; if (v->type == LSA_TYPE_ROUTER) d = v->cost + ntohs(rtr_link->metric); else d = v->cost; if (cand_list_present(w)) { if (d > w->cost) continue; if (d < w->cost) { w->cost = d; w->prev = v; calc_next_hop(w, v); /* * need to readd to candidate list * because the list is sorted */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&cand_list, w, cand); } } else if (w->cost == LS_INFINITY && d < LS_INFINITY) { w->cost = d; w->prev = v; calc_next_hop(w, v); }

On leaf nodes w is NULL there is nothing to do. If the next vertex has an age of MAX_AGE it is no longer considered valid and dropped. The connection between the two vertices has to be bidirectional and this is checked by

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Claudio Jeker

linked(). The next steps calculate the cost to the new vertex w. There is one important thing to note: only links

noack += lsa_flood(iface, nbr, &lsa_hdr,, l); } } } else { /* * flood on all area interfaces on * area include also virtual links. */ area = nbr->iface->area; LIST_FOREACH(iface, &area->iface_list, entry) { noack += lsa_flood(iface, nbr, &lsa_hdr,, l); } }

into a network have a cost but links from the network to the router have no cost. The result is that modifying the cost of an interface will often not change incoming trafc ow only outgoing trafc may be rerouted due to the change. Before adding a vertex to the candidate list it is necessary to check if the vertex is already on the list. If it is, then the calculated cost is compared with the current one. The new path must be shorter than the current selected one. In that case the cost and the prev pointer are modied and the nexthop is recalculated. The vertex is also removed from the candidate list and later added back to keep the list sorted. If the vertex is not on the candidate list then cost and prev pointer are initialised and the nexthop is calculated. Finally the new candidate is added to the list of candidates. Now the RIB needs to be built. To start the area specic routes are added. First of all, all LSAs with LS age MAX_AGE, a cost of LS_INFINITY, or a zero nexthop address are skipped. They are invalid. All valid networkLSAs are added to the RIB and all router-LSAs for ABRs and ASBRs are added as well. Summary-LSAs are put into the RIB. On ABRs only for area 0. On non ABRs there is no limitation. A summary-LSA is only valid if the ABR was previously added to the RIB. The last step is adding of the AS-external routes to the RIB. This is done only once and not for every area. Similarly to summary-LSAs AS-external-LSAs will do a look-up of the ASBR router and if the router is not found the route is considered invalid. When updating the RIB with rt_update() some order is retained. Intra-area routes (router and network-LSAs) have highest priority, interarea routers (summary-LSAs) follow and Type1 and Type2 AS-external routes have the lowest priority. So if a network is added multiple times that order will favour intra-area trafc over inter-area or external routes.

Before starting the ooding decision process the LS update is added to the LSA cache. Later, if the LSA is added to different retransmission queues, only a reference to the LSA cache is retained. Depending on the LS type it must be ooded to all areas (AS-external-LSA) or only to the current area (all other LSAs). lsa_flood() is doing the per interface specic part of the ooding. More about that a bit later.
Code snip 37: ooding part2
/* remove from ls_req_list */ le = ls_req_list_get(nbr, &lsa_hdr); if (!(nbr->state & NBR_STA_FULL) && le != NULL) { ls_req_list_free(nbr, le); /* * XXX no need to ack requested lsa * the problem is that the RFC is very * unclear about this. */ noack = 1; } if (!noack && nbr->iface != NULL && nbr->iface->self != nbr) { if (!(nbr->iface->state & IF_STA_BACKUP) || nbr->iface->dr == nbr) { /* delayed ack */ lhp = lsa_hdr_new(); memcpy(lhp, &lsa_hdr, sizeof(*lhp)); ls_ack_list_add(nbr->iface, lhp); } } lsa_cache_put(ref, nbr); break;



4.5.1 Flooding The ooding and retransmission of LS updates is entirely done in the OSPF engine. The RDE sends a IMSG_LS_FLOOD imsg with the peer ID of the neighbor from which the update was initially received. The OSPF engine uses that information to ood out the LS update to all affected networks.
Code snip 36: ooding part 1
ref = lsa_cache_add(, l); if (lsa_hdr.type == LSA_TYPE_EXTERNAL) { /* * flood on all areas but stub areas and * virtual links */ LIST_FOREACH(area, &oeconf->area_list, entry) { if (area->stub) continue; LIST_FOREACH(iface, &area->iface_list, entry) {

After ooding the LSA out on all affected interfaces an acknowledgement has to be sent back to the initial sender of the LS update. In some cases there is no requirement to send a LS acknowledge back. One of those cases are requested LSAs sending back a LSA ack to an explicitly requested LSA does not make much sense. However the RFC is not very clear about this fact. So let's be prepared for some broken implementations out there. The last step adds the LSA to the LS acknowledge list so that a, possibly delayed, acknowledge can be sent back. This is only done if an ack is required, the neighbor where the ack is sent to is not ourselves and additionally no acks were sent from the BDR to the DR. Finally the acquired reference of the LSA gets passed back. Reference counting makes careful programming a necessity to avoid missing a reference change somewhere.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

lsa_ood() As mentioned earlier lsa_flood() is used for ooding on a per interface scope. In particular it loops over all neighbors and decides if it has to send the update to this neighbor or not.
Code snip 38: neighbor loop part 1
LIST_FOREACH(nbr, &iface->nbr_list, entry) { if (nbr == iface->self) continue; if (!(nbr->state & NBR_STA_FLOOD)) continue; if (nbr == originator) { dont_ack++; continue; }

Code snip 41: neighbor loop part 4

/* non DR or BDR router keep all lsa in one retrans list */ if (iface->state & IF_STA_DROTHER) { if (!queued) ls_retrans_list_add(iface->self, data); queued = 1; } else { ls_retrans_list_add(nbr, data); queued = 1; }

First of all self is skipped. Then all neighbors which are not available for ooding their state is neither FULL nor LOADING nor EXCHANGE are skipped as well.
Code snip 39: neighbor loop part 2
if (iface->state & IF_STA_DROTHER && !queued) if ((le = ls_retrans_list_get(iface->self, lsa_hdr))) ls_retrans_list_free(iface->self, le); if ((le = ls_retrans_list_get(nbr, lsa_hdr))) ls_retrans_list_free(nbr, le);

Afterwards the retransmission lists are searched for an older LS update for the same LSA. If an older LSA is found it is removed and replaced later with the new one. A special queue is used for interfaces with state DROTHER as explained later on. Because only one queue is used, redoing this check after the LSA got queued once results in unexpected behaviour. So this case is protected by the !queued check.
Code snip 40: neighbor loop part 3
if (!(nbr->state & NBR_STA_FULL) && (le = ls_req_list_get(nbr, lsa_hdr)) != NULL) { r = lsa_newer(lsa_hdr, le->le_lsa); if (r > 0) { /* to flood LSA is newer than requested */ ls_req_list_free(nbr, le); /* new needs to be flooded */ } else if (r < 0) { /* to flood LSA is older than requested */ continue; } else { /* LSA are equal */ ls_req_list_free(nbr, le); continue; } }

If the current neighbor is the initial sender of this LS update there is high chances that no ack has to be sent back. This decision is done later. At least there is also no need to ood the LS update back to this router. Finally the LS update or actually a reference to the LS update is added to the retransmission queue. Depending on the interface state, different queues are chosen. If the interface is not in state DROTHER it will be added to the neighbor retransmission list. In case of DROTHER only one global queue is used because all updates go to the AllDRouters address. For this special case iface->self is abused. Because only one queue is used it is important to protect the queue from multiple adds. Currently there is a known feature in the queuing behaviour of OpenOSPFD that needs to be solved. In case of the router being BDR it will queue the update to all neighbors on that interface including the DR. The DR therefore is required to send an acknowledge to the BDR. This will not happen and so one retransmission is done from the BDR to the DR and the DR will then answer with a direct acknowledge. This is unnecessary and no updates to the DR should be queued unless they are self originated or from a different interface.
Code snip 42: sending LS update
if (!queued) return (0); if (iface == originator->iface && iface->self != originator) { if (iface->dr == originator || iface->bdr == originator) return (0); if (iface->state & IF_STA_BACKUP) return (0); dont_ack++; } /* flood LSA but first set correct destination */ switch (iface->type) { case IF_TYPE_POINTOPOINT: inet_aton(AllSPFRouters, &addr); send_ls_update(iface, addr, data, len); break; case IF_TYPE_BROADCAST: if (iface->state & IF_STA_DRORBDR) inet_aton(AllSPFRouters, &addr); else inet_aton(AllDRouters, &addr); send_ls_update(iface, addr, data, len); break; ... } return (dont_ack == 2);

If the adjacency is not yet full, the LS request list is examined. If a LSA is found we know the exact LSA the neighbor has in his database. So if the LSA in the request list is older than the new one, the requested one is removed and the new one will be ooded. Otherwise if the LSA is older than the requested one, there is no need to ood it to the neighbor and the request list is left alone so that the newer LSA of that neighbor is requested later. In case both LSAs are equal there is no need to request the LSA anymore. There is also no need to ood the LSA to that neighbor.

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Claudio Jeker

After inspecting every neighbor and adding LSA references to the retransmission lists an initial ooding gets sent out. If nothing got queued there is no reason to send the LSA, do a return. In the other cases we send the update to the correct address. For point-to-point links it is always AllSPFRouters. For broadcast networks it is either AllSPFRouters or AllDRouters to multicast the update to the correct group. All other interface types use unicast to send the updates. Before sending out the LS update a special check is done mostly for broadcast and NBMA networks. In case the originator of the initial LS update is on the now outgoing interface more checks have to be done. First of all if the originator is DR or BDR there is no need to send an update. The actual ooding was already done by the DR respectively BDR. Additionally if the router itself is BDR there is no need to ood the network. This will be done by the DR. If none of these two tests where true it is now clear that no acknowledgement needs to be sent back. Therefore dont_ack is bumped a second time and so lsa_flood() will return true. 4.5.2 Retransmission Lists and LSA Cache Now lets have a look at the retransmission lists. All other lists acknowledge, request, and database descriptor list are implemented in a similar way. The retransmission list is a bit more complex because of the LSA cache. To add a LS update to the request list ls_retrans_list_add() is used.
Code snip 43: ls_retrans_list_add()
if ((ref = lsa_cache_get(lsa)) == NULL) fatalx("King Bula sez: somebody forgot to lsa_cache_add"); if ((le = calloc(1, sizeof(*le))) == NULL) fatal("ls_retrans_list_add"); le->le_ref = ref; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nbr->ls_retrans_list, le, entry); if (!evtimer_pending(&nbr->ls_retrans_timer, NULL)) { timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = nbr->iface->rxmt_interval; if (evtimer_add(&nbr->ls_retrans_timer, &tv) == -1) log_warn("ls_retrans_list_add: evtimer_add failed"); }

Code snip 44: ls_retrans_list_free()

void ls_retrans_list_free(struct nbr *nbr, struct lsa_entry *le) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&nbr->ls_retrans_list, le, entry); lsa_cache_put(le->le_ref, nbr); free(le); }

ls_retrans_list_free() will not only unlink the LSA

from the request list but hands the LSA cache reference back by calling lsa_cache_put(). Again it is important to take care of those references. How does this LSA cache work? The LSA cache is nothing more than a hash list. A simple hash is built over the LSA header and used to nd the correct hash bucket. In the LSA cache a LSA is identied not only by LS type, LS ID, and advertising router. The sequence number and LS checksum is compared as well. To nd a LSA in the cache the internal lsa_cache_look() function is used. lsa_cache_get() returns a new reference to an existing LSA.
Code snip 45: lsa_cache_get()
struct lsa_ref * lsa_cache_get(struct lsa_hdr *lsa_hdr) { struct lsa_ref *ref; ref = lsa_cache_look(lsa_hdr); if (ref) ref->refcnt++; return (ref); }

This function is very simple and the only important step is not to forget to bump the reference count. lsa_cache_add() works very similar to lsa_cache_get(). Again lsa_cache_look() is used to nd already added LSAs. In that case a bump of the reference count is enough. Else a new reference object gets allocated and lled in. There is a timestamp included to age the LSA when it is sent out. The initial reference count is set to one because a reference is immediately returned to the caller.
Code snip 46: lsa_cache_add()
struct lsa_ref * lsa_cache_add(void *data, u_int16_t len) { struct lsa_cache_head*head; struct lsa_ref *ref, *old; if ((ref = calloc(1, sizeof(*ref))) == NULL) fatal("lsa_cache_add"); memcpy(&ref->hdr, data, sizeof(ref->hdr)); if ((old = lsa_cache_look(&ref->hdr))) { free(ref); old->refcnt++; return (old); } if ((ref->data = malloc(len)) == NULL) fatal("lsa_cache_add"); memcpy(ref->data, data, len); ref->stamp = time(NULL); ref->len = len; ref->refcnt = 1;

First of all a LSA cache reference is acquired via lsa_cache_get(). If this call fails we have an internal program error and the OSPF engine has no way to recover from that. The reference is added to a list element that in turn is added to the retransmission list. And if there is no timer pending a new retransmission timer is started. Removing works in a similar way. First the correct entry is searched with the help of ls_retrans_list_get() and afterwards it gets freed if the LSA was the same. ls_retrans_list_get() uses the known LSA triple to identify a LSA.

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Claudio Jeker

head = lsa_cache_hash(&ref->hdr); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, ref, entry); return (ref); }

/* LSA header */ if (iface->state & IF_STA_DR) lsa_hdr.age = htons(DEFAULT_AGE); else lsa_hdr.age = htons(MAX_AGE); lsa_hdr.opts = oeconf->options;/* XXX */ lsa_hdr.type = LSA_TYPE_NETWORK; lsa_hdr.ls_id = iface->addr.s_addr; lsa_hdr.adv_rtr = oeconf->rtr_id.s_addr; lsa_hdr.seq_num = htonl(INIT_SEQ_NUM); lsa_hdr.len = htons(buf->wpos); lsa_hdr.ls_chksum = 0;/* updated later */ memcpy(buf_seek(buf, 0, sizeof(lsa_hdr)), &lsa_hdr, sizeof(lsa_hdr)); chksum = htons(iso_cksum(buf->buf, buf->wpos, LS_CKSUM_OFFSET)); memcpy(buf_seek(buf, LS_CKSUM_OFFSET, sizeof(chksum)), &chksum, sizeof(chksum)); imsg_compose(ibuf_rde, IMSG_LS_UPD, iface->self->peerid, 0, -1, buf->buf, buf->wpos); buf_free(buf);

lsa_cache_put() was only roughly explained in the MAX_AGE handling. First the reference count is decreased

and if it hits zero the cache is no longer referenced and can be freed. Now the known MAX_AGE dance comes. Sending back an IMSG_LS_MAXAGE if the LSA has an age of MAX_AGE to make it possible to remove the LSA from the LS DB. Afterwards the cache object is cleaned and removed.
Code snip 47: lsa_cache_put()
void lsa_cache_put(struct lsa_ref *ref, struct nbr *nbr) { if (--ref->refcnt > 0) return; if (ntohs(ref->hdr.age) >= MAX_AGE) ospfe_imsg_compose_rde(IMSG_LS_MAXAGE, nbr->peerid, 0, ref->data, sizeof(struct lsa_hdr)); free(ref->data); LIST_REMOVE(ref, entry); free(ref); }

4.5.3 Self originated LSA There are three kinds of self originated LSAs. First router and network-LSAs those are generated in the OSPF engine. Then AS-external-LSAs which are generated in the RDE with the help of the parent process. Finally on ABRs summary-LSAs are generated this happens in the RDE as well. To create a self originated LSA in the OSPF engine and commit it to the LS DB in the RDE is a bit tricky. Let's have a look at orig_net_lsa() because it is a lot simpler than orig_rtr_lsa().
Code snip 48: originate network-LSA
if ((buf = buf_dynamic(sizeof(lsa_hdr), READ_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) fatal("orig_net_lsa"); /* reserve space for LSA header and LSA Router header */ if (buf_reserve(buf, sizeof(lsa_hdr)) == NULL) fatal("orig_net_lsa: buf_reserve failed"); /* LSA net mask and then all fully adjacent routers */ if (buf_add(buf, &iface->mask, sizeof(iface->mask))) fatal("orig_net_lsa: buf_add failed"); /* fully adjacent neighbors + self */ LIST_FOREACH(nbr, &iface->nbr_list, entry) if (nbr->state & NBR_STA_FULL) { if (buf_add(buf, &nbr->id, sizeof(nbr->id))) fatal("orig_net_lsa: " "buf_add failed"); num_rtr++; } if (num_rtr == 1) { /* * non transit net therefor no need to generate * a net lsa */ buf_free(buf); return; }

Once again the buf API is used. First space for the header is reserved then the network mask is added and nally a list of all fully adjacent routers is added. The router itself needs to be added as well but this is no problem because of the special self neighbor. If there is no other OSPF router on the network it is not necessary to create a network-LSA. A stub network entry in the router-LSA will do the job. In that case the buffer gets freed and the function returns. Otherwise the LSA header has to be built. First the correct age is set. To remove a network-LSA the age is set to MAX_AGE else the initial DEFAULT_AGE is used. Other important elds are LS type, LS ID and advertising router. Also the sequence number has to be set but the correct instance number is only known by the RDE. The RDE uses lsa_merge() later on to merge this LSA into the database and lsa_merge() will take care of the sequence number so here we set it just to the initial value. Copy the header into the buffer, calculate the checksum and nally send this self originated LSA with the peerid of the special neighbor self to the RDE. Originating a router-LSA is done in a similar way. It is just more complex because many additional informations are added in the router-LSA. One tricky part is setting the correct router ags.
Code snip 49: originate router-LSA
/* LSA router header */ lsa_rtr.flags = 0; /* * Set the E bit as soon as an as-ext lsa may be * redistributed, only setting it in case we redistribute * something is not worth the fuss. */ if (oeconf->redistribute_flags && (oeconf->options & OSPF_OPTION_E)) lsa_rtr.flags |= OSPF_RTR_E; border = area_border_router(oeconf); if (border != oeconf->border) { oeconf->border = border; orig_rtr_lsa_all(area); } if (oeconf->border) lsa_rtr.flags |= OSPF_RTR_B; if (virtual) lsa_rtr.flags |= OSPF_RTR_V;

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

There are three bits that have to be set. The E bit indicates that the router is an AS border router and will announce AS-external routes. The E bit is used in the SPF calculation and for summary-LSAs. In the SPF calculation routers with E bit set are added to the RIB. Without setting the E bit all AS-external routes using this router as advertising router are considered invalid because the router is not present in the RIB. Similar happens for summary-LSAs. On ABRs router summaryLSAs will be generated for every router with E bit set. OpenOSPFD tricks a bit with the E bit by setting the bit as soon as it is possible that a AS-external route is redistributed and not when the router actually redistributes a route. Other implementations have the same sloppy behaviour. Even more complex is setting the B bit, which is used to mark ABRs. As soon as a router is part of two active areas the B bit has to be set on all router-LSA. area_border_router() returns true if there are two or more active areas. If the state of the ABR changes all self originated router-LSAs in all areas have to be updated. This is done via orig_rtr_lsa_all() which in turn calls orig_rtr_lsa() for all areas but the current one. Afterwards setting the B bit is no longer a problem. The last bit that can be set is the V bit. It is used to mark interfaces where a virtual link is terminated. Areas where one router has a V bit set are transit areas. Transit areas need some special handling in the SPF calculation as example it is not allowed to send aggregated summary routing information into a transit area. 4.5.4 ABR and summary-LSA The code handling ABRs and summary-LSAs is still in some ux. There are to many work a rounds and some stuff is still missing. Lets have a look at it anyway. It actually starts in the SPF calculation. The code that recalculates the RIB looks currently like this:
Code snip 50: SPF timer
rt_invalidate(); LIST_FOREACH(area, &conf->area_list, entry) spf_calc(area); RB_FOREACH(r, rt_tree, &rt) { LIST_FOREACH(area, &conf->area_list, entry) rde_summary_update(r, area); if (r->d_type != DT_NET) continue; if (r->invalid) rde_send_delete_kroute(r); else rde_send_change_kroute(r); } LIST_FOREACH(area, &conf->area_list, entry) lsa_remove_invalid_sums(area); start_spf_holdtimer(conf);

changes in that area. In the next step a walk over the RIB is done. By calling rde_summary_update() for every area and any route all required summary informations are generated. Afterwards the kernel routing table is updated by sending change or delete messages to the parent process. This is only done for routes that describe networks. After that old invalid summary-LSAs get removed from all areas. Finally the hold timer is started. This is specied in the RFC so that the SPF calculation does not kill the underpowered routers. rde_summary_update() does the decision if it necessary to create a summary-LSA.
Code snip 51: Is summary-LSA needed?
/* first check if we actually need to announce this route */ if (!(rte->d_type == DT_NET || rte->flags & OSPF_RTR_E)) return; /* never create summaries for as-ext LSA */ if (rte->p_type == PT_TYPE1_EXT || rte->p_type == PT_TYPE2_EXT) return; /* no need for summary LSA in the originating area */ if (rte->area.s_addr == area->id.s_addr) return; /* TODO nexthop check, nexthop part of area -> no summary */ if (rte->cost >= LS_INFINITY) return; /* TODO AS border router specific checks */ /* TODO inter-area network route stuff */ /* TODO intra-area stuff -- condense LSA ??? */

First of all only network routes or router routes where the E bit is set are summarised into other areas. The E bit is the same as the one in router-LSAs specifying that the router is an ASBR. An ASBR has to be added to other areas so that they can validate the AS-external-LSAs. As AS-external routes are ooded through all areas there is no need to create summaries for those networks. The originating area and all invalid routes are skipped. Finally there are some other minor but very complicated things left out for now.
Code snip 52: update summary-LSA
/* update lsa but only if it was changed */ if (rte->d_type == DT_NET) { type = LSA_TYPE_SUM_NETWORK; v = lsa_find(area, type, rte->prefix.s_addr, rde_router_id()); } else if (rte->d_type == DT_RTR) { type = LSA_TYPE_SUM_ROUTER; v = lsa_find(area, type, rte->adv_rtr.s_addr, rde_router_id()); } else fatalx("orig_sum_lsa: unknown route type"); lsa = orig_sum_lsa(rte, type); lsa_merge(rde_nbr_self(area), lsa, v); if (v == NULL) { if (rte->d_type == DT_NET) v = lsa_find(area, type, rte->prefix.s_addr, rde_router_id()); else v = lsa_find(area, type, rte->adv_rtr.s_addr, rde_router_id()); } v->cost = rte->cost;

First the RIB is invalidated by agging routes as invalid. While doing that old invalid routes are removed from the tree. Afterwards the SPF calculation is run for every area. This is one of the things that should be changed. There is no need to recalculate an area if there was no

To update the LS DB lsa_merge() is used. Before it is possible to call lsa_merge() two things have to be done. First the current database version of the LSA has to be found. Secondly a new LSA is generated by orig_sum_lsa(). After merging the LSA it is necessary

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

to update the cost of the vertex so that a later call to lsa_remove_invalid_sums() sees that this vertex is still in use. In case the LSA was newly added the previous lsa_find() returned NULL so the search has to be repeated to get a valid vertex. lsa_remove_invalid_sums() does nothing more than a tree walk looking for summary-LSAs with a cost of LS_INFINITY and removes those by setting their age to MAX_AGE and calling lsa_timeout() to ood them out. 4.5.5 Originating AS-external-LSA To redistribute AS-external-LSA the parent process sends a list of candidates to the RDE. The RDE uses rde_asext_get() to convert the kroute into a LSA and with the help of lsa_find() and lsa_merge() the LSA is added to the database. Similarly on remove rde_asext_put() is used to get the no longer needed LSA and again lsa_find() and lsa_merge() do the actual job. rde_asext_put() has a more or less simple job. Find the kroute, remove it from the list and create a LSA with LS age MAX_AGE if the LSA was used.
Code snip 53: rde_asext_put()
LIST_FOREACH(ae, &rde_asext_list, entry) if (kr->prefix.s_addr == ae->kr.prefix.s_addr && kr->prefixlen == ae->kr.prefixlen) { LIST_REMOVE(ae, entry); used = ae->used; free(ae); if (used) return (orig_asext_lsa(kr, MAX_AGE)); break; } return (NULL);

Code snip 55: rde_redistribute()

int rde_redistribute(struct kroute *kr) { struct area*area; struct iface*iface; int rv = 0; if (!(kr->flags & F_KERNEL)) return (0); if ((rdeconf->options & OSPF_OPTION_E) == 0) return (0); if ((rdeconf->redistribute_flags & REDISTRIBUTE_DEFAULT) && (kr->prefix.s_addr == INADDR_ANY && kr->prefixlen == 0)) return (1); /* only allow if REDISTRIBUTE_DEFAULT */ if (kr->prefix.s_addr == INADDR_ANY && kr->prefixlen == 0) return (0); if ((rdeconf->redistribute_flags & REDISTRIBUTE_STATIC) && (kr->flags & F_STATIC)) rv = 1; if ((rdeconf->redistribute_flags & REDISTRIBUTE_CONNECTED) && (kr->flags & F_CONNECTED)) rv = 1; /* * interface is not up and running so don't * announce */ if (kif_validate(kr->ifindex) == 0) return (0); LIST_FOREACH(area, &rdeconf->area_list, entry) LIST_FOREACH(iface, &area->iface_list, entry) { if ((iface->addr.s_addr & iface->mask.s_addr) == kr->prefix.s_addr && iface->mask.s_addr == prefixlen2mask(kr->prefixlen)) /* already announced * as net LSA */ rv = 0; } return (rv); }

On the other hand rde_asext_get() has a bit more to do. It rst looks if the route was added already before. In that case the route needs to be updated, else a new one is created.
Code snip 54: rde_asext_get() part 1
LIST_FOREACH(ae, &rde_asext_list, entry) if (kr->prefix.s_addr == ae->kr.prefix.s_addr && kr->prefixlen == ae->kr.prefixlen) break; if (ae == NULL) { if ((ae = calloc(1, sizeof(*ae))) == NULL) fatal("rde_asext_get"); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&rde_asext_list, ae, entry); } memcpy(&ae->kr, kr, sizeof(ae->kr)); wasused = ae->used; ae->used = rde_redistribute(kr);

First it is checked if we have to redistribute anything. Afterwards the default route gets handled. The default route is only redistributed if explicitly enforced via redistribute default. Dependent on the ags it is now decided if routes gets redistributed. The interface state is checked and nally all congured interfaces are inspected to see if the route is not already part of a network-LSA or is announced as a stub network. After the rde_redistribute() call it is now clear what remains to be done.
Code snip 56: rde_asext_get() part 2
if (ae->used) /* update of seqnum is done by lsa_merge */ return (orig_asext_lsa(kr, DEFAULT_AGE)); else if (wasused) /* * lsa_merge will take care of removing the * lsa from the db */ return (orig_asext_lsa(kr, MAX_AGE)); else /* not in lsdb, superseded by a net lsa */ return (NULL);

Next task is to nd out if the route should be redistributed. The actual logic is in rde_redistribute() and so lets have a look at that.

If the route has to be redistributed a LSA with the initial LS age is generated and returned. If it is no longer used a LSA with LS age MAX_AGE is generated and returned.

OpenOSPFD design and implementation

Claudio Jeker

Otherwise the work is completed and function returns. In case an interface state changes, rde_update_redistribute() is called and all routes that depend on this interface are recalculated very similar to the presented code here. Again going through rde_redistribute(), orig_asext_lsa(), lsa_find(), and lsa_merge().


Issues and other stuff

There are still some problems in OpenOSPFD that have to be solved. Some features are incomplete and so there is still a lot of work to be done. Lets look back at the solved problems. The rst problem encountered was probably the privilege separation because a clever splitting had to be done. This is still sometimes an issue for example the current redistribute code is partially done in the wrong place. The result is massive overhead if the router does redistribute static with a full view in the routing table. All ~170'000 routes are passed to the RDE and evaluated there. It works but is inefcient. Other problems with privsep were solved like the MAX_AGE or the database exchange problems explained earlier. A good example of a work a round is the multicast handling. A real x for this problem is in progress but some kernel patches are required to make it y. At least many issues and bugs were identied and xed in the ooding and database exchange phase the most important part of the protocol. Things that remain to be xed include the redistribute code or the missing support for interface aliases. The ABR code is still not optimal and is not as good tested as the normal case. Virtual links still need a lot of work to get them ying a lot of code is around but some important bits are missing. Interface handling should be improved, like supporting aliases and dynamic interfaces. Last but not least there are all those supercool new features planned but that's a different paper. :)

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Moy, J. OSPF version 2. RFC 2328, April 1998. Moy, J. OSPF: Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol. Addison-Wesley, September 1998 OpenBSD, OpenBGPD, OpenOSPFD source code, cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.sbin/ospfd/

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