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Lotus Traveler 8.

5 Domino Console Commands

Console commands
This topic provides a detailed description of the Lotus Notes® Traveler console commands.

The Lotus Notes® Traveler server component functions as a Domino® server add-in task and,
as such, responds to Domino server console commands. You can perform the following tasks
on the Domino console:
• Start: load traveler
• Stop: tell traveler quit
• Restart: restart task traveler
The following Tell commands are available through the Domino console.

Usage: tell traveler <command>

Command Result

Delete <device> <user> Deletes all data associated with the specified user, including all device

Dump<user> Dumps the information about the specified user to a file.

Help Displays help topics.

Log Help Displays help topics for the log command.

Push flagsAdd Sends a command to all Lotus Notes Traveler clients to retrieve their
serviceability configGet * configuration settings from the server.

Reset <device> <user> Forces a synchronization reset for a user's device.

Show <user> Displays all the information associated with the specified user and all
the user's devices. This command also validates whether the user is
correctly configured for Lotus Notes Traveler server.

ShowActive Shows the users who are currently synchronizing with the server.

ShowStats Displays the Lotus Notes Traveler server statistics.

Shutdown The server stops accepting new work requests, allows current work to
complete, and then quits.

SystemDump Saves the current Lotus Notes Traveler Server system state to a file.
Command Result

Version Displays the version information for the Lotus Notes Traveler server.

Log Level <level> Sets the logging capture level to FINEST, FINER, FINE, INFO,

Log Logs records for this user at the specified log level. This level
AddUser <level> <user overrides the system log level until this user is removed from the list.

Log Removes a user from the list of users that are logging. Remove all
RemoveUser <user> users by specifying the wildcard asterisk (*).

Log AddPackage <pkg> Adds a package to the log filter. Only packages in the filter list are
logged. Wildcard (*) can be used after the package name. Use
AddPackage * to log all packages.

Log Removes a package from the log filter.

RemovePackage <pkg>

Log SyncML <on/off> Enables or disables SyncML message flow logging.

Log Size <#> Maximum size in megabytes before the activity file overwrites itself.

Log Count <#> Maximum number of activity files to keep.

Log Fields <fields> Controls which fields are logged in the activity file: S=Subject,
B=Body, L=Location, A=Address, P=Phone, *=show all fields,
blank=hide all fields. For example, "Log Fields SB" shows Subject
and Body fields only.

Log Show Displays current log settings.

Policy Update <user> Push updates to Lotus Traveler policy settings to users now. This
command only affects Lotus Traveler users on Domino mail servers
prior to Domino 8.0.1. Specify * to indicate all users.

Security Policy <device> Display device security policy compliance status.


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