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Assignment On Marketing Plan of Robi Axiata Ltd.

Marketing Plan of Robi

Course title: Marketing Management Course code: MKT-331

Submitted To:
Mr.Nur-E-Alam Siddique
Lecturer, Faculty of Business ASA University Bangladesh

Submitted By :
Section-6E Name Kazi Md. Sarwer Rahman Sabbir ahmed Md. Golam Rabby A.R. Ferdous Md. Abu Sayeed Mia ID 091-12-0152 091-12-0153 091-12-0149 091-12-0159 091-12-0150

Date of Submission: October 22, 2011

Letter of Transmittal
October 22, 2011 Mr.Nur-E-Alam Siddique Lecturer Faculty of Business ASA University Bangladesh

SUB: SUBMISSION OF THE REPORT. Dear Sir, Its a great pleasure for us to submit the report titled Marketing plan of Robi Axiata Ltd. under your great consideration and help. We find this report as an interesting one when we were engaged in preparing this report. We are very much hopeful that this report will meet the criteria of yours and help us in gathering a huge knowledge on that particular sector. The Assignment deals with several important aspects on the particular mobile company. The issues include the study of the current growth in company, the trends and policies undertaken by the Robi. We are grateful for your sincere co-operation throughout the duration of the study.

Thanking you. Yours sincerely, Kazi Md. Sarwar Rahman. Md. Golam Rabby Md.Abu Sayeed Mia Sabbir ahmed A.R Ferdous 091-12-0152 091-12-0149 091-12-0150 091-12-0153 091-12-0159


At the very nascent, all praises for almighty Allah for enabling us to complete the report o Marketing plan of Robi Axiata Ltd. Then, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my Course Teacher for her continuous inspiration, supervision and patience. Without her guidance and support it would not have been possible to come to this far. We thank to others who were involved and helped directly and indirectly in preparing this report as well as Faculties of Business Studies ASA University Bangladesh. Finally, We would like to thank our family for their numerous support in both financially and mentally which helps me lot to finish the report successfully.

Table of Content
Serial No. 1 2 3 4 Title Executive summary Introduction Company Overview Market share, Mission, Vision, Principal Page No. 4 5 6 7

Product portfolio, Chain of command

6 7 8 9

Marketing Strategy Company achievement Financial division Conclusion, Reference

9 10 11 12


The report starts with a general introduction Robi Axiata Ltd As well as its purpose, scope and limitation. Then this report proceeds onto the preliminary talk about Robi Axiata Ltd. Robi Axiata Ltd. one of the pioneers in the telecommunications private sector of Bangladesh, It is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. At first it introduced with a brand name AKTEL in 1997 then it started a new journey 28th March, 2010. I have shown the vision, strategic goal and principles of it. Afterward here discuss about Robi Axiata Ltd.s different Division and Department. Then it carries on with Robis Long Term Vision, CSR activities, Achievement. Than the report proceeds with the job part, where the jobs which is done by me is discussed. After that I continue on to the my main focus of the report-Robis marketing plan.


Our main objective is to learn overall about the company of Robi Axiata Ltd. and also know each and the marketing plan of Robi. In order to know our desired query we want to know the companies profile and their functions and various kinds of information related to the companys marketing plan.

Previously we mentioned that we have chosen Robi Axiata Ltd to learn the marketing plan of this company. So we mainly try to explain the marketing plan related information of this company. But this is a huge company so we mainly focused on certain portion of these company. Those are their mission vision functions and so on.

Methodology (secondary)
We tried our best to collect information of marketing plan of Robi Axiata Ltd. from secondary sources. The secondary information collected from website, Magazine, Memorandum, Journals, books and some other relevant sources.

Limitations of the research

The main limitation of the study is the collection of information. Because most of the information are confidential. So they dont want to disclose them.

Literature review
Marketing plans are vital to marketing success. They help to focus the mind of companies and marketing teams on the process of marketing. What is going to be achieved and how we intend to do it. A written plan, usually in-depth, describing all activities involved in achieving a particular marketing objective and their relationship to one another in both time and importance. A marketing plan aims to help organize the strategy for a company its products or services. Planning is essential in all organizations and company plans should be documented.


Background of Robi:
In order to get on with the rhythm of the modern world, infra-structural development of the telecommunication sector should get the priority. As a consequence, Robi Axiata Ltd. one of the pioneers not only in the telecommunications private sector of Bangladesh, but also is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solution provider. It is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. With a mission to meet the communication needs of the people of Bangladesh, Robi Axiata Ltd. formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced its operation in 1997 under the brand name of Aktel. Later, on 28th March, 2010 the company started its new journey with the new brand name Robi. By serving the urban dwellers and rural people simultaneously, Robi is going to fulfill the countrys vision to make communication a basic necessity and with the reach at all levels of the society. Sharing Robis experience and expertise with people of Bangladesh will not only assist in the development of the telecom infrastructure in the country but most importantly the people of Bangladesh remains connected and closer with each other. Robi is truly a people-oriented brand of Bangladesh. Robi believes in ahead with innovation and creativity. The company is providing the telecommunication services to support national telecommunication policy for a higher rate of telecommunications ratio and coverage in Bangladesh. Robi is committed to provide warm, friendly approachable service to its valued customers as well as mass society. Robi services its subscribers with the philosophy of the excellence with the limited interconnection. To ensure leading-edge technology, Robi has the international expertise of Axiata and NTT DOCOMO INC that support 2G voice, CAMEL phase 2 and GPRS/EDGE service with high speed internet connectivity. Its GSM service is based on a robust network architecture and cutting edge technology such as Intelligence Network (IN), which provides peace of mind solutions in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage and multiple global partners for international roaming (IR). It has the widest International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 553 operators across 207 countries. Its customer centric solution includes value added services (VAS), quality customer care, easy access call centers, digital network security and flexible tariff rates. As a customer focused Information Communications Company, Robi believes in providing superior service that leads to good business and good development in the society. Robi believes that quality is continuous and never ending journey. Hence, a step Robi is taking continuously to upgrade and expand their network for better and more efficient services to subscribers.

Market share of Robi

Robi has got 18% market share in the Telecommunication industry in Bangladesh considering the subscriber base and is in the third position based on the number of customers. But when revenue is concerned, Robi has a lot of valuable customers who are keeping Robi at second position.

To be a leader as a Telecommunication Service Provider in Bangladesh.

Robi aims to achieve its vision through being number one not only in terms of market share, but also by being an employer of choice with up-to-date knowledge and products geared to address the ever changing needs of our budding nation.

Principle of Robi:
Principles statements define how people want to behave with each other in the organization. Robi Axiata Limited statement is about how the organization will value their customers, suppliers, and the internal community. For this reason Robi Axiata Limited Employees hold themselves accountable to the following guiding Principles for the organization. From the perspective of Robi: Emotional: Passionate, Creative, Respectful, Open Functional: Simple, Ethical, Transparent, Ownership No matter what we do in order to realize our purpose, we hold ourselves accountable to the following overarching guiding Principles for our organization. Passionate: We are Passionate-its in all of us. Whether visible or hidden within for whatever reason. Everything we do is about doing the best we can. We are there for each other and we endeavor to help in every way we can. Creative: Everything we do we should do in a creative innovative manner. We bring energy to our work. Our communications demonstrates our creative flair. We provide creative and imaginative and services to our customers. Respectful: We are truly respectful to each other, our subordinates, peers, partners and customers. We treat everyone equally and we allow people to express their thoughts opinions in a respectful manner. Open: We have no hidden agendas. We share information freely. We can only be open with our customers, partners, and stakeholders if we are open with ourselves- regardless of hierarchy. Simple: Everything we do and say should be simple and easy to understand. In terms of communications we make sure the massaging is in plain, simple language. Our plains are simple and uncomplicated.

Ethical: we are moral, upright, honest, righteous, virtuous, honorable, keeping our promises in all we say and do. We clearly align to our internal and organizational code of ethics and code of honor. We will oppose all forms of corruptions. Transparent: A few key words and phrases sums this up: Honesty, openness, frankness, no lies, no deceit, no games, easily understood. We are transparent with our customers, with each other, with our subordinate and peers. Ownership: whilst working individually or correctively, we clearly demonstrate individual and collective ownership. Making mistakes is clearly part of daily business as it is part of daily life- as long as we own up to this clear, no culture of fear.

Product Portfolio:
Robi mainly offer two types of product based on the subscription category for general subscribers Pre-paid and Post-paid. Pre-paid package: Robi Pre-paid is continuously offer new features and plans to provide absolute freedom to the customer. Robi offers a single Pre-paid package with different tariff plans to meet different types of needs instant, easy and multiple migration facility form one tariff to another. Tariff plans are as follows Robi Club Tariff Plan. Robi Prothom. Muhurto Tariff. Shoccho Tariff. Shasroyee Tariff. Shorol Tariff

For the entrepreneurs Robi offer a different package called Uddokta & Easy Load Tariff. Post-paid package: Robi offers few lucrative Post-paid Packages named Simple plans, Normal plans, and Robi corporate. These Tariff and facilities can be easily found from the webpage:

Chain of Command
The organization is headed by its Chief Executive designated as the Managing Director entrusted with overall responsibilities of business direction of the organization and leading dynamically towards the attainment of its Vision, Mission and Goal. In attaining the above mission, the MD is assisted by 4 general managers Robi Axiata Ltd. Has established a strong and formidable sales channel, which consists of direct dealers and its own sales force.


Marketing Strategies:
RAX always wants to achieve the desired sales growth and customer base. RAX wants to encourage the existing customers to use more of their services. They launched a package called "Robi EID DOUBLE BONUS" which was one of their successful initiatives for obtaining potential customers. Product Positioning Initially RAX's target was to reach the top, but other mobile operators are also targeting to the grass roots level and thus increasing their customer base. RAX wants to be the leader with good quality and designing products for the middle and lower middle class range too. Marketing division constitutes seven units. A brief description of each unit is given below: Brand and A&P: Brand and A&P denotes to brand and advertising & promotion. This unit deals with the overall brand management and promotion activities of the company. The unit covers both outdoor (billboards, roadoverhead etc.) media and indoor (print & electronic) media. Product Development: Product development unit is like the R&D unit of a company, which is responsible for developing new products and services. This unit is closely related to the marketing research unit. International Roaming: International roaming (IR) unit is basically responsible for ISD, international SMS etc services. The core task of this unit is to negotiate with foreign telecommunication companies and to expand the international coverage by making deals with them. Corporate Sales: Corporate sales unit deals with the sales of products and services to other companies. The unit makes agreements with different companies to be the corporate clients of Robi and only handle the corporate level sales. Direct Sales: Direct sales unit is responsible for the sales of products and services to the mass customers through the customer service centers. Dealer Management: Dealer management unit oversees the dealers of the company around the country. Information Technology Division: IT division constitutes seven units and they closely work together.

Value Added Services (VAS) Value added service is a unit that implements the developed concepts and ideas of the marketing division. This handles the VAS content providers who are the third party to the company. Billing: The billing unit is responsible for processing and monitoring the billing systems for the postpaid users. The unit has a manager who reports to the AGM of IT. Rating (postpaid) This unit is responsible for charging the rates of postpaid services. The unit fixes per- minute and pulse rates and also fix the pulse durations. It has changes the rates on demand basis. Prepaid: This unit only deals with the prepaid service. It administers the e-fill and scratch card systems. At the same time, it fixes per-minute and pulse rates and fix the pulse durations. Product Configuration: This unit is responsible for designing and developing products and services. It develops the blueprints of the product design. Billing Operation Team: Billing operation team is responsible for administering the entire billing process and developing required software for collecting bills from postpaid users. Customer Relation Management (CRM): This unit supplies required software to the customer care centers and work with these centers side by side. The centers usually inform CRM concerning their necessaries and the unit prepares suitable software for them.

Company Achievements:
Robi has been conferred the prestigious Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific ICTAward 2010 for Emerging Market Service Provider of the Year Awarded the prestigious fund grant from GSMA MMU (Mobile Money for the Unbanked) in 2009 Crossing 10 million subscribers mark in 2009 Ranked within top 6 global comparable telcos in A.T. Kearney benchmarking exercise in 2009. Cost optimization project saved 2 times of what was projected.

The weekly Financial Mirror Samsung Mobile & Robintex Business Award 2008-2009 as the best Telecommunication Company. TeleLink Telecommunication Award 2007 for its excellence in service, corporate social responsibilities and dealership management for the year 2006 in commemoration of World Telecommunication Day 2007 Arthakantha Business Award given by the national fortnightly business magazine of Bangladesh for its excellence in Service in telecom sector. Financial Mirror Businessmen Award given by the national weekly Tabloid business magazine. Deshbandhu C. R. Das Gold Medal for contribution to telecom sector in Bangladesh. Beautification Award for exceptional contribution to the Dhaka Metropolitan City from Prime Minster Office on 13th SAARC summit. Standard Chartered-Financial Express Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2006 for contribution in Education, Primary Health, Poverty Alleviation and Ecological Impact. Desher Kagoj Business Award 2006 for corporate social responsibilities activities.

Finance Division:
Financial division has eight units dealing with financial matters of the company. Treasury Management: Corporate finance unit consists of the treasury management and L/C. Treasury management deals with the inflow and outflow of the company, whereas L/C (letter of credit) deals with the L/C opening banks and other foreign banks. Accounts Payable: This unit keeps track on the accounts payable of the company. Accounts Receivable: This unit keeps track on the accounts receivable s of the company while preparing the balance sheet. As Axiata is a large company with thousands of financial transactions every day, a unit to keep track on the accounts is necessary. Core Account: Core account is an important unit of the finance division dealing with the budget and fixed assets. The annual budget of various departments is prepared under the closeobservation of this unit.


Revenue Assurance: Revenue assurance unit consists of the revenue assurance and fraud management. Revenue assurance monitors the transactions and assures all protection of the finances. On the other hand, fraud management protects the fraudulences take place in the daily transactions. Taxation: Taxation unit takes care of the tax, VAT and tariffs of the company. Reporting unit: The reporting unit reports the entire financial transactions Axiata to the parent company. Costing: This unit forecasts the costing of different departments and resorts them regarding the expected expenditure of any alternation.

A nations development much depends on its telecommunication sector. The common people of the developed countries are connected with the telecommunication network information highway. People are directly depending on the telecommunication. And mobile phone is the media, which anyone can take anywhere he or she want. Robi technology is the most widely accepted digital system in Bangladesh. Robi believes in service, a service that leads to goo d business and good development. They have provided their service by their product Robi Club Tariff Plan. Robi Prothom.Robi Muhurto, Robi Shoccho,Robi Shasroyee,Robi Shorol.They have given better service to their s u b s c r i b e r s . B u t s t i l l m a n y a d d i t i o n a l s e r v i c e s c a n b e a d d e d u p w i t h t h e e x i s t i n g services. Robi can give emphasis on the services for continuous improvement.


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