Recent Trends in IC Engine

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Direct injection is where fuel is injected (directly) into the cylinders, not mixed with air in the inlet manifold or inlet ports before being drawn into the cylinders. The advantages of direct injection are that the fuel can be placed in the combustion space in a more controlled manner than with conventional (inlet) injection systems. "Lean running" is possible by forming a richer cloud in the vicinity of the spark plug. The challenge is to control precisely the amount, size and distribution of the fuel droplets to suit varied driving conditions, and to do this reliably over the life of the vehicle.

Used in some of Mitsubishi and Mercedes Cars

The fuel cell, as used in space-craft, reverses this reaction combining hydrogen and oxygen to release electrical energy with pure water as a byproduct. The attraction of using the fuel cell to generate electricity, over burning the hydrogen in an internal combustion engine, is that the fuel cell is very efficient indeed, achieving 45% to 60% efficiency versus a petrol engine's 15% to 35% There are problems: hydrogen is an explosive gas that is difficult to store. This could be solved in the "cost no object" space program, but distributing hydrogen, storing it at service stations, refueling cars safely, devising fuel tanks that are safe-ish in accidents is going to be difficult.

Used in Daimler Chrysler Necar 4 of Mercedes

A hybrid propulsion system uses a petrol or diesel engine with an electric motor in some combination. One variation is to have the wheels driven only by the electric motor or motors, current coming from batteries. The petrol engine (say) drives a generator to charge the batteries; it can be turned on and off as needed, and can be optimized to run efficiently in a narrow rev' range. Batteries can be smaller than in an all-electric car because they only have to supply current for short periods. The hybrid car still has the range of a conventional petrol or diesel car.

A second variation is to have a relatively small petrol engine drive the wheels through a mechanical transmission. An electric motor provides assistance when high power is needed - overtaking and climbing hills. Some engine power is diverted to charging the batteries at times of low power demand. The Honda Insight is one such car, for sale in America from December 1999 (probably being sold at a loss to test the waters). It is said to achieve a low consumption figure of 3.85 litres per 100km. The electric motor can also act as a generator slowing the car - called regenerative braking - to help recharge the batteries and reducing wear on the brakes.

Used in Honda Insight, Dodge Durango, Toyota Prius

The efficiency of an engine is generally improved if its expansion ratio is increased.This could be achieved by having an exhaust stroke that is longer than the compression stroke. The compression stroke uses a fraction of the upward movement of the piston, but the power expansion stroke uses its full downward movement. Such tricks have been played with large marine diesel engines for many years, but they only recently became practical on car engines with improved tolerances and electronic controls. Mazda has been fitting 2.3 litre Miller cycle engine to its Eunos 800M since about 1997.


Forcing more air into a cylinder allows more fuel to be burned, generating more power from an engine of a given weight and size; that's the basic idea behind supercharging and turbo-charging. Super-charger is driven by the engine, either by gears or by a belt from the crank-shaft. Super Charging increases power but not necessarily efficiency; it increases the compression of the intake air but not its expansion after the fuel is burned.

Variable Compression (SVC) engine can vary its compression ratio between 8.0:1, for wide throttle, highpower settings and 14.0:1, for light throttle, fuel efficient operation. The trick is made possible by tilting the "monohead" (head and cylinders) by up to 4 about an axis on the left of the engine. This changes the distance of the cylinder head from the crank by a few millimetres - enough to change the cylinder volume at top dead centre by nearly a factor of two. By itself, lowering the compression ratio would not increase power at all but it enables the super-charger to switch to a higher boost pressure without any danger of pre-ignition. Squeezing more air into the cylinders allows more fuel to be burned - more power.

Used in Mercedes ML320


It uses electronically controlled hydraulic valves that direct high pressure engine oil into the camshaft phaser cavity. These oil control solenoids are bolted into the cylinder heads towards the front of the engine near the camshaft phasers. The powertrain control module (PCM) transmits a signal to the solenoids to move a valve spool that regulates the flow of oil to the phaser cavity. The phaser cavity changes the valve timing by rotating the camshaft slightly from its initial orientation. The PCM adjusts the camshaft timing depending on factors such as engine load and RPM. This allows for more optimum engine performance, reduced emissions, and increased fuel efficiency compared to engines with fixed camshafts.

Used in Ford Triton, Ford Escort ZX2


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