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A Monthly Publication of First Presbyterian Church

Hilltop Highlights
Worshipping, learning, and serving together in the name of Jesus Christ.

From the Pastor: On Penn State and Who We Follow

The terrible story that has come to light at Penn State over the last many months has delivered blows to so many of our sensibilities. Our hearts grieve for the victims of the abuse, and Rev. Matt Nieman our minds are overwhelmed that crimes which took place at least 14 years ago were never reported to the proper authorities until fairly recently. Among the many themes of this tragedy is the role played by its most famous character, Joe Paterno. By all accounts, the head coach of Penn State football for nearly fifty years did vast amounts of good work as coach, mentor, benefactor, and friend to many. He won the most games of any coach and a couple of national championships, his players graduated at high levels, he prided himself on integrity, and he donated millions to his university. His legacy seemed to be permanently cemented in the category of accomplished celebrities who did everything the right way. Yet, were now finding out that Paterno, despite all he did right, suffered a serious lapse in judgment when he didnt do enough to stop the heinous behavior of one of his coaches, Jerry Sandusky. Since Paterno died a few months ago, well never know why he didnt go further in reporting what he was told about Sandusky and following up more vehemently. We can only speculate. If Paterno did know what Sandusky was up toor even if he had hints about ithis unwillingness to take bold action to protect Cont. on page 3

August 2012

Sunday School for the 201213 School Year Starts on August 19

Inside this issue:
We Keep in Prayer Congregational News General Assembly Calling All Ladies! Building Fund Update From the Mailbox Make a Joyful Noise

2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7

Culture of Invitation
Theres a statistic which says the average United Methodist only invites someone to worship once every 38 years! So thank goodness were not Methodists! But chances are the average Presbyterian isnt much different. The Membership Committee at First Presbyterian is working on a plan to change this statistic. We are setting out to create a Culture of Invitation within our congregation. Our first event will be Bring A Friend to Church on Sunday, September 9, 2012. In addition to being kick-off Sunday, we hope you will bring someone you know who is not a regular church-goer to join you for worship followed by lunch. During the month of August, we will make postcards available for you to give to that person. It will have all of the information they need to know about the day including date, time and place. Personal invitations have proven to be the most effective method of increasing worship attendance. Please join us in our efforts to welcome others into our church family and create a Culture of Invitation.
Welcome School Update Adult Class Children's News Youth News Calendar

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Hilltop Highlights

We Keep In Prayer

Tannis Clark and family upon the death of her mother in Canada Elaine Smith and Family upon the death of her husband, Chuck Smith Bobbi Peterson who had surgery for a broken hip Warren Robinson who is recovering from a stroke

Calling All Ladies!

Since 1997, one of the better Asian restaurants in the area has been Jade Palace in Bellevue. They offer a basic Chinese menu with Malaysian touches. No wonder its a favorite of our Ladies Lunch group! And thats where were headed for lunch in August! Thursday, August 9 is the last chance this summer to join us for Ladies Lunch! Well meet at noon at the Jade Palace which is located at 1702 Galvin Road South. All ladies of the congregation are invited and guests are always welcome! All you need to do is phone the office to RSVP (402-291-1104) and well save a place for you!

General Assembly Highlights by Pastor Matt

Because I served as an alternate commissioner from our presbytery, I was able to attend the first four days of our denominations General Assembly in Pittsburgh June 30-July 7. My trip was funded by the presbytery and I was able to observe the opening worship and plenary sessions, as well as some of the committee meetings. Rev. Dr. Neal D. Presa, Moderator pursuits in Israel and Palestine Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlett-Packard.

After several hours of debate, the Assembly defeated a motion from its Assembly Committee on Civil Union and Marriage Issues to propose an amendment to the Book of Order that would have changed the definition of of the 220th General Assembly marriage from a man and a woman General Assembly meets every two to two people. The vote was 308-338. years and is the body which makes decisions about our life together as Presbyterians. It is also the opportunity The Assembly declared a church-wide commitfor many different affinity groups to meet as they chamment to ignite a movement that results in the pion their causes. And finally, it also serves as our biencreation of 1001 new worshiping communities in nial family reunion, where friendships are renewed the next 10 years. Also approved were recomamong Presbyterians from around the country. mendations to find new ways to start new churches and revitalize existing churches. Here is a quick summary of some of the actions taken by the Assembly: For a much more detailed report of the As By a razor-thin margin (333-331), the Assembly said semblys work, go to no to divestment as part of its position on peace in or the Middle East. The Assembly Committee on Midconsult the Assembly in dle East Peacemaking Issues had proposed that the Brief, which is located PC(USA) divest from three companies that the Comon the shelf next to the mittee on Mission Responsibility Through Investchurch office. ment says are profiting from non-peaceful business

August 2012

Page 3

From the Pastor (cont. from page 1)

further victims of Sanduskys abuse speaks of the temptation we all face from time to time: following those forces that, despite all the good weve done, can still threaten to derail us from the right path. Through nearly all of his life, Joe Paterno had traveled down a glorious roadone filled with great integrity and good works. Yet, his long history of positive acclaim didnt protect him against the temptation we all feel at times to look the other way in order to protect ourselves and what weve built. This sad story reminds us that no matter our age, our accomplishments, and our resolve to do right, we still have a choice to make every day. That choice is between virtue and vice, between selfishness and selflessness, between a God of goodness and forces of evil. Throughout all his days, Joe Paterno made the right decision thousands and thousands of times. And yet, late in his life, a few poor decisions just might be the ones that reshape his legacy. In our own much-less-public lives, Paterno has taught us that good choices in past days dont make the choices of today any easier. Each morning confronts us with the task of following the God of goodness, righteousness, and compassion or that of arrogance, self-preservation, and ambivalence. Who will we follow?

Continuing the Journey: Building Fund Update

In the early 2000s our church began planning for the addition we now know as the Family Life Center, with all its new classrooms, Fellowship Hall as well as our enhanced sanctuary. The total cost of this effort was a staggering $1,700,000 with the total financed at $1,616,000. Despite the recession and the desultory economy, our giving has been more than generous and has exceeded all expectations. Our current balance as of June 30, 2012 is $708,438. This means we have paid off more than $907,000 of our $1,616,000 loan. There is even more good news. Because of our congregations faithful stewardship, we have been able to pay an extra $3,000 every month to reduce the principle. Additionally, because we are required to keep a security deposit with our lender in the form of an interest bearing CD and savings account, we will have an additional $142,125 to apply to our loan balance over the remaining term of the loan. As we approach June 2013, the end of our third three-year building fund campaign, we anticipate the need for a fourth and hopefully final campaign of approximately $485,000. Congratulations to all who have given generously through their nonpledged contributions and those who have been faithful to their generous pledges.

From the Mailbox

There are many expressions of thanks owed to this church for all the kind deeds and well wishes my family and I received preceding and after Tommys death. We are grateful. Thank you to the Deacons who delivered food to our home prior to Tommys memorial service. Thank you to all the volunteers who prepared food and served the lunch after the inurnment. Lastly, thank you to Pastor Matt for leading the service and for the love and support we experienced. Judy Thompson & Family Thanks to my church family for their prayers, cards, calls, flowers and goodies during, before and after my surgery. In Christian love, Jean Martin Family, Dear Church Family I cant thank the church enough for the scholarship that allowed my daughter, Ellie, to attend Camp Calvin Crest this summer. She had a wonderful time at horse camp and made several new friends that she has kept in touch with. One new friend, Madelyn, lives in Papillion and has become a playmate. And this shared experience has caused a closer bond with her school friend who attended camp with her. Thank you again for the memories of camp and making these friendships possible. Jen Northouse

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Hilltop Highlights

Make a Joyful Noise by Alice Renner

Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Im sitting in the choir room, its 105 degrees outside, the fan is blowing on full speed, and I am listening to Christmas music. It's July, and all of the fall and Christmas preview music is out. Didn't we just finish with Easter??? It doesn't seem possible, but fall planning is in full swing. I have found some wonderful new pieces for the Chancel Choir to sing. We are so blessed to have not only such good singers, but all of our wonderful instrumentalists. I've ordered several new pieces that will highlight the talent that we have in our choir and congregation. We will be kicking off our fall season for choir with a potluck in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, August 22, at 6:00 p.m. Rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, August 29, at 7:00 p.m. If you have ever thought of joining the choir, now would be a great time. No audition is necessary, but there are certain rituals (one of which is giving Vaughn Lippoldt a big kiss) but don't let that stop you -- come join the Chancel Choir. Any one high school aged or over is welcome! Come and help us Make a Joyful Noise!!

Welcome School Update from Molly

We have big news to share from our little school. Welcome School is growing! We are adding an additional 5 day class for the upcoming school year. In keeping with our mission to be an outreach to the families of young children in our community, we are meeting the needs of many families who were in search of a preschool. With this wonderful opportunity we anticipate a few challenges here and there, but it is an exciting time for all of us, and with the amazing support of this congregation, I am certain that the year will be full of blessings as well. One blessing we are already counting is the fact that Sheila Sloniker has joined our staff. Many of you know her as one of our nursery attendants, but Sheila comes to Welcome School with many years of experience with preschool aged children which began in the 1970s as she earned her degree in speech and language development. Over the years, Sheila has taught preschool in California and here in Bellevue at Little Big School. The teachers of WS will all learn from each other this year as we share the best of what we have to offer the children we are privileged to teach. Another blessing we are counting is John Perrins expertise and his friend, Plumber Daves, handiwork as our bathroom gets spruced up! We now have two sinks where we had one, and soon a fresh coat of paint and new mirrors will make our potty a much fresher place to be! Also, many thanks to Linda Fouts who enlightened me to the pure joy that comes from stripping wallpaper. Who knew it was so fun! Classes begin on September 4th, but in the meantime, we will be busy getting things ready to roll. Stop in to take a peek!

Arrows to Aerospace Parade

Saturday, August 18th, is the Arrows to Aerospace Parade. We will meet in the church parking lot at 9:00am. We need every willing man, woman or child who wants to ride on the Steeple Float or walk along in the parade route to join us. We will smile and wave and sing songs to everyone on the parade route and represent First Presbyterian Church. Be sure to wear your church T-shirt if you have one!

August 2012

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Adult Sunday School in August Embracing An Adult Faith

During the month of August, the adult Sunday School class will embark on a video study titled Embracing An Adult Faith. It is an exciting, five-session, adult-formation resource for those seeking a richer understanding of issues in contemporary Christian practice and theology: Who was Jesus? Who is God? What is salvation? How do we practice our faith? How do we live in community? We will watch and listen as bestselling author and theologian Marcus Borg stimulates thoughtful and heartfelt conversation among us. Join us at 9 a.m. in the Valley Vista Room.

Childrens News from Carol

The summer is running away again and there is no confusing just what season it is outdoors! As you know we try hard to coordinate our calendar to help make it easier for families and their children to fellowship and worship more with their church family. There are so many things going on with the hustle and bustle of life that sometimes whats on the top gets pushed to the bottom. I suspect when many of you were children, there were no other activities on Sunday. I still recall my father saying "keep holy the Lord's day". It is a different time and it has become more and more difficult to do just that. Those of you who have children in our children's Sunday School program know just what a great group of teachers we have teaching (y)our children. Having taught and had my children in Sunday School and mid-week programs I can't begin to tell you how blessed we are to have such a fine group of both men and woman to lead these children in their "spiritual walk". Before we know it, our children will be grown and on their own. Will you be asking yourself, Did we equip our child(ren) with the spiritual foundation to sustain them through life?. Sunday School starts soon (August 19). If you and your child aren't a part of this program, I strongly recommend it.

Word on Wednesday
The new Word on Wednesday Director for the 2012-13 school year is Tannis Clark. When asked about her experience with WOW, Tannis said: I have been a WOW volunteer for 13-14 years (time flies when youre having fun)! WOW is an AWESOME after school program for kids who may not have any other exposure to Jesus and His teachings. They can learn about God in a fun, relaxing atmosphere where they dont have to sit still, be quiet and listen to a sermon. The kids are actually LIVING the sermon each week. My favorite thing about WOW is the kids we have an AMAZING group from church who attend regularly. If EACH child brings a friend, well double the size of WOW this year. Think of the life lessons these kids will learn!! Lets have an amazing year at WOW! Thank you for the opportunity to serve God!

Tannis Clark


19 9am- Sunday school for all ages starts 19 3pm- Youth Fellowship Lake Party 21 7pm - Bell Choir starts 22 6 pm Chancel Choir Picnic in Fellowship Hall 26 Youth Mission Trip Lunch following worship 29 7pm- Chancel Choir starts


2 Memorial Day Week-end- No Sunday School Worship is at 10 am 5 4:30Word on Wednesday starts 9 Worship returns to 10:30 start time 9 Kick-off Luncheon follows worship 12 5:30 Illuminate starts

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Hilltop Highlights

Youth Fellowship (YF) News from Shelli

August is here, believe it or not, and along with that school and back to the norm. I'm still riding the high of two fantastic mission trips with our Jr High and Sr High youth. Of all the opportunities and options the youth had available for the summer, 28 young people decided to serve others on mission trips. Following our wonderful trip to Calvin Crest with the Jr Highs, the Sr High trip to Joplin, MO was amazing. It was also the first trip EVER that the youth asked for the lights to be turned off so they could go to sleep!! I almost fainted from the shock, and one night it wasn't even 10 pm yet! Because of the heat, some days hovering around 104, our days started with breakfast at 6:15 a.m. and report for work assignments at 7:00 a.m. In 5 days we completed 4 projects and got a great start on another. The remarkable part was everyone worked so well together even when we were hot and tired. We met amazing people and heard so many stories of close calls, heroic rescues and the hope and perseverance that seems to infuse Joplin. The High School was even renamed Hope on their sign, in front of a field of rubble. We are excited for our luncheon this month to share our pictures and memories. The trip was inspiring and uplifting, even though we were surrounded by destruction. One thing we did during devotions was if the youth didn't have a scripture they wanted to use, we flipped through the Bible and got a "God picked" verse. Some of the verses were quite remarkable and fit so well with the tone of the week. 2 Corinthians 5:1 "For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." This was one of the most amazing God picked verses and an important reminder to us all that no matter what, where ever we are, what our circumstances are, the things of the world are temporary and God is faithful always.

Sr. High Mission Trip To Joplin MO

The High School Was Renamed Hope

Rebuilding Amidst the Ruins in Joplin

~ August 2012 ~
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



9a Women's Bible Study 6:15p Mission Team 7p Women's Bible Study 7p Troop 467

9a Women's Bible Study 7p Women's Bible Study



9a Adult Sunday School 10a Worship Service

1:15p Heritage Ridge Communion 2p Harmony Court 3p Richmont Comm. 7p Deacons

6p Fellowship Meeting 8:30a Men's Group 12p Ladies' Lunch 10a Book Club 3p Worship Committee 7p Finance Comm. 7p Membership Comm. 7p Troop 467

9a Women's Bible Study 7p Women's Bible Study




6:30p Quilting Group 7p IT Committee


Arrows to Aerospace

9a Adult Sunday 6:30p Personnel Com- 6p Christ. Ed. CommitSchool mittee tee 10a Worship Service 12:30p Severn Shower 7p Troop 467

19 21
7p Bell Choir


6p Chancel Choir Picnic

7p Session

Newsletter Articles Due

August 2012

9a Sunday School 10a Worship Service 3p YF Back to School Lake Party 5p Crossroads

7p Bell Choir



7p Chancel Choir



Page 7

9a Sunday School 10a Worship Service 11a Youth Mission trip luncheon

First Presbyterian Church 1220 Bellevue Blvd. South Bellevue, NE 68005 Phone:402-291-1104 Fax: 402-291-1084

Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Bellevue, Nebraska Permit No. 16

Staff Rev. Matt Nieman Pastor [email protected] Shelli Dart Youth Ministry [email protected] Linda Fouts Church Administrator [email protected] Carol Ruggles Children's Ministry [email protected]

Happy Birthday to:

1 Sara Renner Dan Sheldon 2 Florence Maurer 3 Morgan Fenster Will Kroeger 4 Mattie Carver Matt Fenster 5 Charlene Brown Mike Webster Clayton Lytle 12 Steve Renner 15 Don Glenn Val Jean Hansen Toby Higgs Lacey Williams 16 Amber Tucker 17 Chad Rawson Nancy Worm 18 Lori Irvine Nancy Shultz 19 Gary Marks 21 Mary Lehr Don McCon Carl Seaman Brittni Yates 22 Sue Howard Dave Norton Mary Jo Schiefelbein 23 Lucille Williams 25 Betty Cash Marilyn Parker Nick Sulser Pete Wood 27 Elliot Ruggles 28 Denise Seaman Tyler Smith 29 Dan Clark Lance Johnson 30 Riley Keene 31 Bill ODonnell

August Birthdays

7 Noelle Kilpatrick 8 Mickey Stiverson 9 Jenny Wahonick 10 Audrey Kirmis Phyllis Langheine Kate Radosta 11 Gene Cash

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