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Kamoru Jimoh Ms Caruso English 1102 26 July 2012

Soccer: The Beautiful Game

What words come to mind when you think of sports? Physical, masculine, competitive, dangerous, fun, and risky are some common answers to this question. It is no secret that soccer is the worlds most popular spot. The description that labels the nature of this sport is not included in the previous list. This sport is called the beautiful game by its players, coaches and fans. Soccer is played with 11 players on each team and two goals. Eleven players on each team set up in differing formations. There are two goals on either side of the playing field and the purpose is to kick the ball being used into the opponentsopponents goal while not allowing the opponent the glory of kicking it into your goal. Its beauty can be seen on multiple levels. Each individual player can use all parts of his or her body to control the ball except for the hands. Now as you can imagine, individual players have come up with miraculous ways of manipulating the ball. "In more phenomenological terms, a soccer player, for example, might sense which individual (including possibly him-or herself) is in the best strategic position to receive the ball and then 'move' in a manner to place the ball or him-or herself in a location to be effective. This requires on the part of the athlete not only a mastery of the technical (athletic) skills but also a sense of

Comment [NM1]: Reviewed By Matt Naurayan Questions: In what direction can I take my paper? I think your paper is going in a good direction. I believe defining what people think The beautiful part of soccer is and elaborating on the direction that soccer is going in due to facts would be a great way to continue writing your paper. You could also write about how professional soccer has evolved over the years specifically in the top soccer leagues (English Premier League, Serie A, Bundesliga, La Liga) and how players are encouraged to be more exciting and take more risks or more about just going for the win and taking less risk.

Comment [NM2]: Why?

Comment [NM3]: You could compare how soccer player manipulate the ball in their sport compared to other athletes such as basketball, football, and baseball players.

soccer-specific 'judgement' that, as Lasch (10) points out, requires a sense of timing and proportion with respect to the excerciseexercise of technical expertise." (Hemphill 110) All teams strive to play beautifully, in entertaining ways, but this is not always the case. I grew up playing soccer so I have firsthand experience of the game and how it is played. One thing that I know for sure is that the beauty of the game has differing perspectives. When you are watching soccer as a fan of course you would like an action packed, high scoring and mesmerizing game to be seen from beginning to end. As a player, surely all you care is that your team wins. If your team wins in a 'beautiful' fashion then that is seen as the cherry on top of the ice cream Sunday. What is most important is having ice cream to be able to put a cherry on top of. In all sports winning is at the top of all priorities. In soccer we have recently seen the media and different fan bases go against this 'winning is whats important' theory. There have been teams playing the beautiful way of soccer and losing. Teams playing what they call anti-football (soccer) and winning. On top of all they have labeled these turn of events as being detrimental to Thethe beautiful game (soccer). " itit is also not uncommon to hear elite professional athletes being castigated by journalists and fans for not measuring up to the high standards that they have been expected to maintain. This pressure can be exacerbated by the more cynical journalists and fans that might find exorbitant and incredulous the salaries and other financial and social rewards of star athletes, especially if they consider what athletes do only a game. (Hemphill 112) This brings all kinds of questions into my mind. Who determines if the game was played in a beautiful manner? What happens when teams are not able to successfully play the beautiful way? Is not playing "The beautiful way" really detrimental to soccer?
Comment [NM6]: I think these are all good questions that could be addressed in future paragraphs Comment [NM5]: Define the beautiful way of soccer Comment [NM4]: I would put this in quotes as it is a figurative statement and not meant literally

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