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Written by Lori Wareham & Rebecca Hynes, as guided by the Official Rule

RULES of QUIDDITCH St. Johns Scrimmage Quidditch League

(Are subject to change to improve quality and fairness of the sport)
(We reserve the right to play the game with OPTION B: There will be no seekers or snitch. We will run the games on a time/period basis. There will be 4 quarters to the game, each quarter will last 10 minutes.)

SET UP There will be two teams present, each with 7 players: 3 chasers, 2 beaters, one keeper and one seeker. If playing a typical game, there will also be a snitch present. Each team must have a representative. Preferably both will have a coach as well. Each team must also have at least one or two extras. Quidditch, though fun, is also very exhausting. All teams must be briefed (however quickly or extensively) on the rules stated as according to the most current St. Johns Scrimmage Quidditch League before playing and must therein agree in their fairness. On opposite ends of a field there will be three hoops on each side. Preferably there will also be markings showing the end of the playing field, as well as where the keeper lines are. If not, there must be agreed upon boundaries (i.e. between a garbage can and a bench) The balls used will be a soccer ball/volleyball sort (slightly deflated, so easier to grab and less bouncy). This will be the quaffle. There will be one (1) on the field. There will be two (2) bludgers. These will be something soft, heavy enough to not blow away and easy to hold on to. Preferably slightly-deflated dodgeballs or large enough foam balls Players are to be holding some forms of brooms. It is recommended, if there are many new players, that the safer pool noodles are used, however it is up to the discretion of the attending players and referees to decide on that before hand. There must be an agreed upon boundary for the snitch/seekers. The snitch must also be agreed upon to be a fair non-partial person in the game. The snitch is permitted to create a bit of spectacle. I.e. throwing water-balloons at the seekers / riding a bike, etc However, the referee must approve this before hand. And it must be agreed upon that it will be safe for all involved. Location of the match must also be taken into consideration (will it be bothering others, rude, etc).

Location must be safe and bystanders must be watching at an appropriately safe distance. By breaking any of the rules stated below, the referee is to judge and apply penalties as deemed appropriate.

STARTING THE GAME In order to begin the game: All seven starters must line up on the starting line in any order they choose with their brooms on the ground. All balls must be stationary (excluding the snitch) and resting in their respective positions on the pitch. The quaffle must be placed at one of the ball marks closest to the center spot. The head referee then shouts to each team, [TEAM NAME], are you ready? If both teams confirm that they are by shouting, dancing, or otherwise, then the head referee shouts, Brooms down! All players must have at least one knee on the ground with closed eyes. Any substitutes also must close their eyes. Anyone caught peeking must be cautioned. The head referee shouts, THE SNITCH IS LOOSE! At this point the snitch runner may run wherever she likes off the pitch while respecting the snitch perimeter established at the beginning of the match Once the snitch runner is out of sight (or at least a good distance away if playing on an open pitch), the head referee shouts, BROOMS UP! On the first B sound of Brooms up! all players may immediately begin play. If someone in the audience yells Brooms up! too early, the head referee resets the players and announces the cadence again. In the case of an overtime period, this procedure must be repeated in the same way.

CHASERS Objective is to earn goals by throwing the Quaffle through the goalposts These are the only players allowed to be holding the quaffle at any point. While holding the quaffle, chasers are allowed to only take 4 steps. Chasers are not to be permitted to catch/throw bludgers. KEEPERS Objective is to block enemy team's shots at the goalposts/defend the goalposts Keepers must stay in their designated zone. They are immune to bludgers BEATERS Objective is to throw bludgers at the opposite team to deter them from getting goals They are the only players allowed throwing the bludger For the bludger to be effective, it must have left the beaters hand (no tapping) The bludger is active until it hits the ground (it can hit more than one player) If the bludger hits someone of the same team as the beater throwing it, it is not effective. When in possession of the bludger, beaters may only take 2 steps If hit by a bludger; give up possession of any ball the player is holding by dropping it. While giving up possession, the player must not pass, toss, roll, or kick the ball. Dismount the broom. Retreat back to their own set of hoops & touch any part of any hoop. Then get back on the broom and continue play. Can only hit players in the neck down, no face contact. SEEKERS Objective is to catch the snitch to end the game/earn points

Only players allowed catching the snitch If seekers are hit with a bludger while removing tennis ball from snitch, then the snitch does not count as being caught and the runner is to run off again. Game ends when successful capturer of the snitch returns with the tennis ball onto the playing field. Seekers may follow the snitch wherever (their boundaries are not the pitch, but in a pre-established area. Re: Set up) SNITCH Traditionally dressed in yellow to differentiate them from the other players Are given a head start before a game. Must report who successfully caught them, if there is a disagreement Are given some exemptions to the rules (no need for broom, etc) Are allowed running anywhere within the agreed upon space. They have permission to hide, run around, and be silly. If the tennis ball drops, or the runner falls down, then the snitch is uncatchable and the seekers must therein wait until the snitch is ready and give the snitch a 3 second head-start GENERAL If you fall off your broom, it is the same procedure as if you were hit by a bludger. If you purposefully get off your broom, penalties will range from knockout (same effect as being hit by a bludger) to being sent off the field if using the broom for malice, or hurting other players. Once a goal is scored, the quaffle is then tossed back into play by the keeper A player has the right to pause the game if they feel they are in danger of being hurt, or another player is acting an a fashion that may seriously injure others. (I.e. madly swinging the broom, throwing the bludger in a way that could seriously harm someone etc) Excluding the seekers and the snitch, no one is permitted to leave the pitch. If a player crosses the boundaries, they are still in play, but must return within the boundaries within 10 seconds of leaving. If within that time they do not return to the field, the game is paused and the opposite team gets possession of the ball. If a player holding a ball crosses the boundaries, the same rule applies as if they were not holding a ball. If a ball, not being held by a player, crosses the boundaries, and lands outside them, the team opposite of the last player touching the ball is to throw the ball back in. SCORING

Teams will score ten (10) points every time they get a quaffle through the opposite teams hoops. Any part or the entirety of the scoring players body may pass through the hoop during a legal score. Goals can be scored through either side of the hoops. If there is no snitch, the game will end when the whistle blows 3 times (the end of the 4th quarter) and whichever team has scored the most points, will win. With snitch; once snitch has been successfully caught, then the game ends (3 whistles blown by the referee) and the team with the most points wins. The snitch is worth 30 points STOPPING A PLAY When the referee blows the whistle twice, all players must stop immediately (except for seekers when the snitch is not on the pitch) and remain exactly where they are when the whistle blows. If the snitch returns to the pitch during a stoppage, seekers are required to stop until play resumes. The referee will blow the whistle twice; all players must immediately stop and freeze in their position. Every 10 minutes there will be a pause so as players may change up as seen fit. A time out can be called before then. As well; players may switch in and out throughout the game, but no more than the 7 players from your team may be on the field at once.

PENALTIES There will be a little amount of physical contact in the sport. Anything attacking, or coming close to injury, will be treated with a penalty, changing upon the severity of the situation. It is ok to use a stiff arm, to poke & gently grab quaffles from the opponents arms, charging and mild tackling are also ok. It is NOT ok to reach around someones neck to grab a ball, tripping, forcefully tacking or charging, using your broom or any other object to abuse another player. It is the judgement of the referee to call if a situation is too violent or in danger of being unfair/ harmful to anothers health. Penalties may consist of; knockout (the same rules as being hit with a bludger), a time out, a shot on your hoops by the other team, and, in severe situations or after multiple warnings, being sent out of the game.

CURRENT AS OF AUGUST 3rd 2012 (Lori Wareham & Rebecca Hynes, organizers)

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