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Maryville Spoofhound Football

Shot Gun Wing-T

Chris Holt
[email protected] 660 - 626 - 5136

Why Shotgun Wing-T

Provides more time for the QB to pass the football. Provides more running opportunities for the QB. Good formation if you are lacking a quality fullback. Can still run Wing-T plays without chang

Shot Gun Wing-T

Sweep Counter XX Trap Jet Belly Belly Sweep Passes


Notes: We replace the FB with another Wing Back The QB will set up at 5 yards and H will set up at 4.5 yards

Sweep (Read Play)

Rules Strong Tackle - gap-read-down Strong Guard - pull and kick out the force Center - reach-on-backside Quick Guard - pull and wall off Quick Tackle - on, reach Y - gap-read-down X - Backside - run a 14 back to 12. Play side - stalk block. Z - gap-down-backer. H - run through the heels of the FB and receive handoff and run flat, cut under the kick out block. QB - Receive the snap, extend the ball and read the backside LB, handoff to H or pull the ball and follow S. S - take a reach step and reach block or kick out the force defender.

Counter XX

Rules Strong Tackle - Covered - on, outside. Uncovered - pull and kick out. Strong Guard - Covered - on, outside. Uncovered - pull and kick out. Center - post-backside Quick Guard - post, gap, down. Quick Tackle - gap, down, linebacker. Y - pull and wall off. X - stalk block. Z - shuffle back on 3 step path, receive the inside handoff from H, then read the TE's block. H - run through the heels of the FB and receive handoff and give an inside handoff to Z, then attack the DE. QB - Receive the snap and step to H and handoff, then get into pitch relationship with Z. S - Release to the outside and look to kick out the force defender.


Strong Tackle 1st backer inside. Strong Guard gap-lead-down. Center reach-on-LB. Quick Guard - pull and trap the 1st defensive lineman past the strong guard. Quick Tackle scoop to LB. Y 1st LB inside then to Safety. X - Backside - run a 14 back to 12. Play side - stalk block. Z release downfield to LB or to Safety. H - run through the heels of the FB and receive handoff and run flat, cut under the kick out block. QB - Receive the snap, extend the ball and handoff to H then attack the flank.

Jet Sweep

Strong Tackle - climb to cutoff. Strong Guard - climb to cutoff. Center - area cut. Quick Guard - pull and lead. (Block the third number) Quick Tackle - on, reach. Y - climb to cutoff. X - Block the first called number. H - Take a reach step and block the Safety. Z - go 3 step motion, receive the handoff and attack the flank and read the blocks. QB - send Z in motion, receive the snap, extend the ball and handoff to Z, then fake the Belly into the LOS. S - Block the second called number.


Rules Strong Tackle - gap-on-outside. Strong Guard - gap, pull and kick out. Center - scoop to LB. Quick Guard - scoop to LB. Quick Tackle - scoop to LB. Y - protect the C gap. X - stalk block. Z - Go in three step motion and mesh with the QB and then fake the Jet. H - take a jab step and lead up on the inside linebacker. QB - Receive the snap, extend the ball to Z and mesh, pull and follow H into the hole. S - kick out the force defender.

Belly Sweep

Rules Strong Tackle - gap-down-LB. Strong Guard - pull for depth and kickout or log the force defender. Center - scoop to LB. Quick Guard - scoop to LB. Quick Tackle - scoop to LB. Y - protect the C gap. X - stalk block. Z - Go in three step motion and mesh with the QB and then lead around the edge. H - attack down hill and fold over the down block of S and seal the LB to the inside. QB - Receive the snap, extend the ball to Z, then follow Z around the edge and read the blocks. S - gap-down-LB.

Waggle (Switch)

Rules Strong Tackle - gap-down-on. Strong Guard - pull and log the DE. Center - reach-on-backside Quick Guard - pull, crossover for depth and block at the flank. Quick Tackle - short pull, check #2 to #3. Y - run a drag route. X - run a 14 back to 12. (Switch Call - run a 5 yard out route.) Z - run a seam route. H - fake the sweep, sink into the LOS and block the backside DE. QB - Receive the snap, mesh with H, then drop step, attack the flank and read short to deep. S - run a five yard out route. (Switch Call - run a Flag route.)

Waggle Screen

Notes: All players execute normal Waggle Rules The Quick Tackle and Center will block for 1 count and then release. The HB will chip the DE and then release for the pass route.

Jet Pass

Rules Strong Tackle - on, outside. Strong Guard - on, outside. Center play side gap, hinge block. Quick Guard play side gap, hinge block. Quick Tackle play side gap, hinge block. Y - on, outside. X - run a fade route. H - fill the B gap. Z - go 3 step motion, mesh with the QB, carry out Jet fake and then settle into the flat. QB - send Z in motion, receive the snap, extend the ball, then step outside, read the CB to the flat defender. S - run a banana route.

Keep Pass

Rules Strong Tackle - on, outside. Strong Guard - on, inside. Center - playside gap, hinge block. Quick Guard - playside gap, hinge block. Quick Tackle - playside gap, hinge block. Y - run a Flag Route. X - run a backside Dig Route. Z - release to the Flat. H - run through the heels of the QB, mesh with H and then drop step outside, read deep to short. QB - Receive the snap, extend the ball to H and mesh, then drop step behind the ST, read deep to short. S - block the backside edge rusher.

Rollout Pass

Rules Strong Tackle - step forward with the right foot and pivot on the left, engage anything that crosses your face. Strong Guard - step forward with the right foot and pivot on the left, engage anything that crosses your face. Center - step forward with the right foot and pivot on the left, engage anything that crosses your face. Quick Guard - step forward with the right foot and pivot on the left, engage anything that crosses your face. Quick Tackle - step forward with the right foot and pivot on the left, engage anything that crosses your face.. Y - step forward with the right foot and pivot on the left, engage anything that crosses your face. X - run the called route. Z - seal the backside edge rusher. H - at the snap, lead the QB around the edge. QB - Receive the snap, drop step and attack the edge and read the CB, if the receiver is not open run the ball. S - seal the first defender inside of you.

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