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Life Beyond Duality; Beyond Thought Every thought held, every action taken towards or against the other

is reflective of the person it emanates from; not the person it is projected towards. Thus, the wisdom in love thy Neighbour; and Do unto others what you would have done unto you. The good or bad one does, speaks only of that person; not of the world or people it is committed for or against.

Duality is the off-spring of thought. Thought births the this and that; thought is the genesis of separateness. The Genesis that popular religion speaks of is not a genesis of Human Beings and least of all the Genesis of Life; rather it indicates the genesis or creation of duality through thought. Before the advent of thought Adam, the primordial man, lived in union with all that is; with the Creator, with all creation and with his mate. Mythically, this is depicted as the fall or the eating of the forbidden fruit; simply the buying-into thought that entailed life in duality as opposed to the natural state of oneness or wholeness which religiously was depicted as (w)hol-e-ness (holiness). Thus, that Eve was created from Adams side is symbolic only of the fact that prior to duality, male and female existed in one entity; in union. Each entity contains its counter-part within; male or female. With thought the inner union was projected outward and thus humans have been seeking an external partner to unite with as an indication of that internal loss of union between the inner male and


To live beyond duality is to live beyond thought as thought is the creator of duality: good and bad; up and down; in and out; beginning and end; life and death; man and woman etc. In essence All IS One. The In IS Out; Up IS Down; the End IS the Beginning, and beginning the End; Death IS Life; Man IS Woman.

To Live beyond duality is to live in and through the HEART; to reside in States of Being. All encapsulated in a State of Eternity knowing that Life on Earth is just a moment; a page in the Book of everlasting Life. Heaven, then, is right here and Now on Earth and the states of Love, Peace, Joy, Compassion are what those abiding in a state of Heaven embody in any given moment. All these are states of Oneness for in Love there is no division of any kind, neither in Joy nor in Compassion or Peace and so on.

States have no beginning or end; simply a continuum of experience stemming from a given state of being and hence everything projected outward onto the Created world from such states reflect that state of Being. States of Being are Internal; yet they Create the external reality, but only 100%. It is like seeing through a certain prism or lens, hence the expression viewing Life through Rose tinted glasses.

To Live in and from a state of Being is not a thing one does, nor something one has, cultivates or possesses in any way like one possesses the car one drives or a house one lives in that is bought, secured, and stored for future purposes. In States of Being, there is only NOW yet in this Now, Eternity IS. States of Being is what one IS. I AM Love; I AM Peace; I AM Joy as much as I AM Rage or Anger in the moments that they express through me as inner feelings projected outwards. I do not have anger any more that I have Love. I AM that. I cannot create or cultivate Love or Joy, I can simply BE Love or Joy and thus Live in and from the state of Being that I AM, Now, not tomorrow; not next week. The future, as the past exists only in my mind, only in thought, only as a 3D concept of functionality.

If I Am not it now, I cannot be it the next minute or the next day because what we create in the next moment is simply what we are in THIS moment; hence the oft-spoken of power of NOW. The power of Now is simply the universal law that one replicates what one is in any given moment. Joy births Joy; Anger births Anger. In Swahili, this is encapsulated in the wisdom that states, the child of a snake is a snake.

Choosing to Live in the NOW is thus choosing to Live beyond Duality/Thought. It is choosing to see and BE primarily what one IS, already, in essence having stripped away all the layers of illusion inculcated and conditioned by thought (in the time-space realm) and

re-turning to the ESSENCE, the Consciousness, that one already IS.

In this SPACE of the Now, All IS One. In the Now, there is no yesterday or tomorrow, you/it/they and I; there is only Now and WE are all ONE. A moment in total One-ness, Wholeness and Completeness in and of All; the INDIVISIBLE moment which, when embodied by a human being, makes one an INDIVIDUAL. The word individual thus implies a whole/(w)hol-e (or holy) being who is one with all that Is.

The Now is a powerful creative space. All that emanates from the Indivisible Now is inherently One; whole and complete. How then does one tap into and Live in/Create from the Now?

The answer is both extraordinarily simple and complex all at Once (naturally, since there is no distinction between them!). Through awareness.

Through Awareness one observes.

In observation there is no

distinction and separation, simply an awareness of what IS. By choosing to be aware, one instantly rises beyond Duality because in awareness thought is not; In a State of awareness there is only presence; what IS.

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