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Gurgaon Institute of Technology and Management (AFFLIATED TO MAHARISHI DYANAND UNIVERSITY, ROHTAK) 2007-09

STUDENT DECLERATION This project has been undertaken in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the masters of Business Administration of Maharishi Dyanand University, Gurgaon. I, Sheenu Budhiraja, Roll No. 52, student of M.B.A (2nd Year) IV Sem. Of Gurgaon Institute of technology and management hereby declare that the Project Report entitled IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION ON ORGANISATIONAL EFFECTS is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other Institute for award of any degree. The project report was presented to the supervisor of the project. The feasible suggestions have been duly incorporated in consultation with the supervisor of the project.

PREFACE Theoretical knowledge as well as practical exposure is necessary in a professional degree. Research project help us to get familiar with real environment of business. The research project and title Employees Satisfaction is an original work. The information garnered from employee satisfaction surveys give the management knowledge that directly impacts the bottom line and fosters positive employee relations in any or all of the following ways. Identifying cost-saving opportunities Improving productively Reducing turnover Curbing absenteeism Strengthening supervision Evaluating customer-service issues Assessing training needs Streamlining communication Benchmarking the organizations progress in relation to the industry This descriptive project report is an attempt to highlight various aspects of employees satisfaction, thoroughly analyzing the reasons of dissatisfaction and finally giving effective suggestions to mgmt for better functioning. I have tried to discuss in details about my topic on Performance Appraisal of workers and how it helps it any organization. This is based on the theoretical study at my institute ad practical study in the organization. Result of my study is based on the findings of the questionnaire, survey and fieldwork taken by me and data collected by Personnel Department. I sincerely hope that the research work and the analysis done with fulfill the requirement of the project work assigned. I am grateful to all those including my project guide who have helped me and encouraged me in preparing this project.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I deem it my proud privilege to express my indebtedness and sincere thanks to all those who have, in various ways, helped me in the successful completion of the project and without their invaluable help this project would not have been a reality. I m also grateful to other member of management who have share in seeking me through in this research effort which was not possible without their sincere corporation.

I am also extremely thankful to Ms. SHIKHA (Project Guide & Lect. In MBA Deptt.) Who was constant source of knowledge and inspiration at all levels throughout my training. Finally I express my appreciation and thanks to all the employees. Whom I interacted and whos thought and insight help me in understanding of the subject and moral support during completion of this project report.









WHY I HAVE CHOSEN THIS TOPIC? I have chosen this topic because; I want to know about the IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION ON ORGANISATIONAL EFFECTS and Employee has to feel satisfied with the environment within which they are working. Employee satisfaction is necessary for the organization because overall growth of the organization is dependent on employees who are working therein. They must be satisfied with their job, salary, working condition etc which is providing by the organization to them. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The job occupies an important place in the life of an individual. It is the chief source of satisfaction of an individuals satisfaction psychological, biological and social needs. Selection of ob therefore is a crucial importance to any one. Employee satisfaction consists of linking for the work involved and acceptance of the pressure and aspirations connected with the work. It implies the identification of oneself with the requirements of work involved in the job. All type of work are not impotently satisfying people engaged in the work which is not satisfying in itself naturally look for satisfaction from the source external it employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction given happiness efficiency and success in ones professional activity. It represents harmony to the worker and progress to community. The employee satisfaction plays an important role in the job behavior of an individual. It has been defined by Gilmer, Employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction is the result of various attitudes the person holes towards this job, toward related factors and towards life in general. Employees satisfaction improves the performance as well as the effectiveness of an individual irrespective of his nature of work, the friendly, enthusiastic, source and well adjusted employee can work steadily and carefully.

Satisfaction of a employee in the industry which his job depends upon various factors such as salary, interest, interpersonal relationship, co-workers, supervision, status, recognition, promotion, environment, opportunity of advance, training and company policy. The sum of these factors increase employee satisfaction of a employee.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM My study is concerned with studying the impact of employee satisfaction at the organizational performance. To what extent employees are satisfied with the organizational practices at YAHAMA. What are the various facilities and provisions provided by the organization that motivate the employees and affect their performance level? What are the positive points of the organization responsible for making the employees satisfaction level and what is the impact of those points on organizational and individual performance. To recommend the changes in present organization practices to increase the satisfaction level of employees and ultimately performance.


The literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is significant to the work that the researcher carries out. Keeping in mind that the literature review should provide the context for the present research by looking at what work has already done in the present research area.

A DQ-IDC INDIA SURVEY: BPO Employee Satisfaction Survey 2003

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 The first survey of its kind in India discovers that while call center employees may be more satisfied than IT pros that satisfaction rapidly decreases with experience promising high attrition. And that high stress and work-related ailment are a workplace reality They are all over the place. At dingy placement consultants officesbeing reprimanded for saying yel, yum and yen (instead of l, m and n). At air-conditioned call center test rooms being checked out for their ability to sound pleasant on the phone. At city college campusesarguing if Convergys was a better bet or GE. If this were an age in which pioneers were easily born, one would say they looked a lot like those who hotfooted it to California during the gold rush days. The stereotypes are different of course. That was a bearded, scraggly, more often middle-aged man. This is a smart, clean, well-dressed personmostly young enough to be called lad or lassie. Beyond the looks though, there are surprising similarities. For both the Californian gold-digger and the call center employee it is about what the West called "easy money". If one said, "I isnt got what it takes to be a Senator," the other says, "I really dont want to put in what it takes to be an engineer." If one was in it for the wide-open spaces, the other is in it for enclosed, air-conditioned partitions (read work environment). That may have been fine if the similarities ended there. They dont. Both classes of people may have changed the face of a state or a nation, but both have found that it isnt easy money. That being a gold digger or a voice-for-hire requires a completely different kind of perseverance. That too

much of gold dust or too much of re-circulated air takes its toll on people. DQ-IDCs BPO Employees Satisfaction Survey 2003 is the first ever of its kind in the country. It looks at why people join the industry, why they leave, what work-related stress and ailments they suffer from in this unique workplace and most of allat what they have to say about the companies they work for. In short, it takes the closest look ever at the HR environment of this nascent but quickly growing sector.

Customer No.1 on employee satisfaction survey

By BPO Watch News Desk October 14, 2008

customers Corporation, a leader in delivering customer care and technical support solutions has been recognized yet again as 'the No.1 BPO company to work for' in India, as per the annual survey conducted by Dataquest Magazine and IDC, a consulting firm specializing in market intelligence and advisory services. The study recognizes individual recognition and growth opportunities provided by global service providers to their employees. A company statement said that customers' employee empowerment agenda reached a new high, and attrition rates continued to fall. Congratulating all the employees of customers, Sanjay Kumar, Founder & CEO said, "It's clear that our initiatives aimed at achieving employee satisfaction have been successful". He added that, "Winning the No.1 ranking in ESAT for the second year in a row when competing with some of the largest global brands is a true testimonial to our strong commitment towards our Employee First initiatives." One of the key highlights in the race to the top has been customers ability to automate employee processes by migrating all employee queries and grievances to an online forum, thus leading to greater transparency, faster resolution and improving the overall employee experience.

A substantial investment in employee training both behavioral and skills helped employees move up the value chain, significantly pushing the employee satisfaction index. customers also provides trainings targeted towards employees' health & wellness. Quarterly health camps are organized where every employee can get a health checkup done free of cost. The annual DQ-IDC INDIA BPO ESAT SURVEY revealed that the employee satisfaction scores in 2008 for customers were substantially higher than the competition on all the broad employee satisfaction measures. The survey rated companies on 12 key parameters: Employee Size, Percentage of last salary hike, Cost to company, Overall Satisfaction Score, Company Image, Company Culture, Job Content or Growth, Training, Salary and Compensation, Appraisal System, People and Preferred Company.


WHY STUDY ABOUT THE EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION-----in my point of view, study of "Employee satisfaction" helps the company to maintain a standards & increase productivity by motivating the employees. This study tells us how much the employees are capable & their interest at wok place? What are the things still to be satisfy to the employees. Although "human resource" is the most important resources for any organization, so to study on employees satisfaction helps to know the working conditions & what are the things that affect them not to work properly. Always majority of done by the machines/equipments but without any manual moments nothing can be done. So to study on employee satisfaction is necessary. Employee satisfaction and retention have always been important issues for physicians. After all, high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover can affect your bottom line, as temps, recruitment and retraining take their toll. But few practices (in fact, few organizations) have made job satisfaction a top priority, perhaps because they have failed to understand the significant opportunity that lies in front of them. Satisfied employees tend to be more productive, creative and committed to their employers, and recent studies have shown a direct correlation between staff satisfaction and patient satisfaction.1 Family physicians who can create work environments that attract, motivate and retain hard-working individuals will be better positioned to succeed in a competitive health care environment that demands quality and cost-efficiency. What's more, physicians may even discover that by creating a positive workplace for their employees, they've increased their own job satisfaction as well.

Employees satisfaction: This is not an easy area to tackle. There are few organizations where most of the employees are satisfied. Human mind is not satisfied with what it has achieved and therefore to expect that employees will be satisfied with certain facilities is far from being true; however the organization must collect feedbacks through formal/informal assessment methods and relate these findings to identify improvement priorities. This will at least make the employees feel that management is sincere. Research shows that satisfied, motivated employees facilitate higher customer satisfaction and, in turn, positively influence organizational performance.

Organizations that invest in measuring employee opinions and attitudes, by incorporating Employee Satisfaction Surveys into their existing HR processes, can develop such a workforce. Organization is nothing but a group of people whose activities have been planned & coordinated to meet organization objectives. An organization that exists to produce & services has a good chance to service & prosper it. It consists of right people. The vast majority of people work to support themselves & their families. But people work for many other reasons other than economic security e.g. many also work to keep busy & feel useful, to create & achieve something. They want to gain recognition & achiever status or to test & stretch their capabilities. To meet these multifarious needs, people & organization join forces. The biggest challenge to the manager is to make all employees contribute to the success of the organization in an ethical & socially responsible way. The society well-being, to a large extend depends on its organization particularly business organization. It is the business organization which makes goods & service available, provided job, generate wealth & land stability & security to the people. To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least in so for as these goals enhance the individuals contribution to the organization. Personal objective of employees must be met if workers leave the organization is to be maintained retained & motivated. Otherwise, employee performance & satisfaction may decline & employee may leave the organization. Human resource is the important factor of the organization. If this factor is not satisfied or not work properly then organization cannot achieve their target. Employees are the most valuable assets of an organization there should be a conscious effort to realize goals by satisfying needs and aspiration of employees. Organization must meet their goals by which employees feel satisfied in their work lines due to the key strength of the company determined by the human power of the organization. Basically two types of functions performed by HR Manager these are operative & managerial both functions are helpful to get the employee satisfaction working in the company.


Operation Functions

Managerial Functions


Wages Nature of work Promotion Chances Supervision Work Group Working Conditions

High employee satisfaction levels can reduce employee turnover. Dissatisfied employees tend to perform below their capabilities, result in high turnover of staff and leave their jobs relatively quickly and are not very likely to recommend the company as an employer. Employee satisfaction research give employees a voice and also allow the pinpointing of problematic areas leading to the raising of staff satisfaction levels, developing and reviewing of staff management and optimizing corporate communication. Issues covered include the current workplace situation, management styles/attitudes,

internal communications, workplace atmosphere, corporate culture/vision and image. Employee satisfaction research encompasses many different research techniques but the measurement of satisfaction is only the first step to improving employee satisfaction. Job Satisfaction is influenced by: Opportunity Stress Leadership Work Standards Fair Rewards Adequate authority

Research done by various researcher shows that satisfied, motivated employees will create higher customer satisfaction and in turn positively influence organizational performance. Noticing this trend, many organizations are investing in measuring and quantifying employees opinions and attitudes by incorporating Employees Satisfaction Surveys into their existing HR and organizational processes.

Employee is one of the most important elements among various resources of production in an organisation. Hence their involvement with organisational processes and system is most important. And thus, while performing their task their wholesome dedication and commitment with their work is desirable. Employee has to feel satisfied with the environment within which they work for it would result in high productivity. When administrative policies and all-important announcements are communicated to the employees, it boosts their morale. The methods chosen for communication also play an integral role. Some of the methods that could be used are intranet, monthly newsletters, weekly meetings etc.

Benefits of Employee Satisfaction: More Accurate Perspective: Organization achieve a more accurate view of current policies and a more clear perspective of issue that are of priority to employees than others, such as benefits versus career development, versus compensation. Increased Employee Loyalty: By quantifying and analyzing employee attitudes and opinions, enterprises can identify problem areas and solutions to create a supportive work environment encouraging a motivated and loyal workforce. Training Needs Assessment: Employees Satisfaction Surveys aid in developing individual goals and career potential. With more insight into their opinion and attitudes, management can establish professional development initiatives. Improved Customer Service: Because motivated employees are critical to improved organizational initiative, such as increasing customer satisfaction, enterprises that value had strive for greater employee satisfaction ultimately create higher customer satisfaction.

A comprehensive employee satisfaction process can be keys to a more a motivated and loyal workforce leading to increased customer satisfaction and overall profitability for an enterprise. Herzberg's theory In the late 1950s, Frederick Herzberg, considered by many to be a pioneer in motivation theory, interviewed a group of employees to find out what made them satisfied and dissatisfied on the job. He asked the employees essentially two sets of questions: 1. 2. Think of a time when you felt especially good about your job. Why did you feel that way? Think of a time when you felt especially bad about your job. Why did you feel that way?

From these interviews Herzberg went on to develop his theory that there are two dimensions to job satisfaction: motivation and "hygiene" ("Two dimensions of employee satisfaction"). Hygiene issues, according to Herzberg, cannot motivate employees but can minimize dissatisfaction, if handled properly. In other words, they can only dissatisfy if they are absent or mishandled. Hygiene topics include company policies, supervision, salary, interpersonal relations and working conditions. They are issues related to the employee's environment. Motivators, on the other hand, create satisfaction by fulfilling individuals' needs for meaning and personal growth. They are issues such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility and advancement. Once the hygiene areas are addressed, said Herzberg, the motivators will promote job satisfaction and encourage production. Applying the theory To apply Herzberg's theory to real-world practice, let's begin with the hygiene issues. Although hygiene issues are not the source of satisfaction, these issues must be dealt with first to create an environment in which employee satisfaction and motivation are even possible. Company and administrative policies. An organization's policies can be a great source of frustration for employees if the policies are unclear or unnecessary or if not everyone is required to follow them. Although employees will never feel a great sense of motivation or satisfaction due to your policies, you can decrease dissatisfaction in this area by making sure your policies are fair and apply equally to all. Also, make printed copies of your policies-and-procedures manual easily

accessible to all members of your staff. If you do not have a written manual, create one, soliciting staff input along the way. If you already have a manual, consider updating it (again, with staff input). You might also compare your policies to those of similar practices and ask yourself whether particular policies are unreasonably strict or whether some penalties are too harsh. Supervision. To decrease dissatisfaction in this area, you must begin by making wise decisions when you appoint someone to the role of supervisor. Be aware that good employees do not always make good supervisors. The role of supervisor is extremely difficult. It requires leadership skills and the ability to treat all employees fairly. You should teach your supervisors to use positive feedback whenever possible and should establish a set means of employee evaluation and feedback so that no one feels singled out. Think of a time when you felt especially way? Salary. The old adage "you get what you pay for" Salary is not a motivator for employees, but they do

good about your job. Why did you feel that tends to be true when it comes to staff members. want to be paid fairly. If individuals believe they are not compensated well, they will be unhappy working for you. Consult salary surveys or even your local help-wanted ads to see whether the salaries and benefits you're offering are comparable to those of other offices in your area. In addition, make sure you have clear policies related to salaries, raises and bonuses. Interpersonal relations. Remember that part of the satisfaction of being employed is the social contact it brings, so allow employees a reasonable amount of time for socialization (e.g., over lunch, during breaks, between patients). This will help them develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. At the same time, you should crack down on rudeness, inappropriate behavior and offensive comments. If an individual continues to be disruptive, take charge of the situation, perhaps by dismissing him or her from the practice. Working conditions. The environment in which people work has a tremendous effect on their level of pride for themselves and for the work they are doing. Do everything you can to keep your equipment and facilities up to date. Even a nice chair can make a world of difference to an individual's psyche. Also, if possible, avoid overcrowding and Even a nice chair can make a world of difference to an individual's psyche.

allow each employee his or her own personal space, whether it be a desk, a locker, or even just a

drawer. If you've placed your employees in close quarters with little or no personal space, don't be surprised that there is tension among them. Before you move on to the motivators, remember that you cannot neglect the hygiene factors discussed above. To do so would be asking for trouble in more than one way. First, your employees would be generally unhappy, and this would be apparent to your patients. Second, your hardworking employees, who can find jobs elsewhere, would leave, while your mediocre employees would stay and compromise your practice's success. So deal with hygiene issues first, then move on to the motivators: Work itself. Perhaps most important to employee motivation is helping individuals believe that the work they are doing is important and that their tasks are meaningful. Emphasize that their contributions to the practice result in positive outcomes and good health care for your patients. Share stories of success about how an employee's actions made a real difference in the life of a patient, or in making a process better. Make a big deal out of meaningful tasks that may have become ordinary, such as new-baby visits. Of course employees may not find all their tasks interesting or rewarding, but you should show the employee how Two dimensions of employee satisfaction Frederick Herzberg theorized that employee satisfaction depends on two sets of issues: "hygiene" issues and motivators. Once the

those tasks are essential to the overall processes that hygiene issues have been addressed, he make the practice succeed. You may find certain said, the motivators create satisfaction tasks that are truly unnecessary and can be eliminated among employees. or streamlined, resulting in greater efficiency and satisfaction. Achievement. One premise inherent in Herzberg's theory is that most individuals sincerely want to do a good job. To help them, make sure you've placed them in positions that use their talents and are not set up for failure. Set clear, achievable goals and standards for each position, and make sure employees know what those goals and standards are. Individuals should also receive regular, timely feedback on how they are doing and should feel they are being Hygiene issues (dissatisfiers) Company and administrative policies Supervision Salary Interpersonal relations Working conditions Motivators (satisfiers) Work itself Achievement Recognition Responsibility Advancement

adequately challenged in their jobs. Be careful, however, not to overload individuals with challenges that are too difficult or impossible, as that can be paralyzing. Recognition. Individuals at all levels of the organization want to be recognized for their achievements on the job. Their successes don't have to be monumental before they deserve recognition, but your praise should be sincere. If you notice employees doing something well, take the time to acknowledge their good work immediately. Publicly thank them for handling a situation particularly well. Write them a kind note of praise. Or give them a bonus, if appropriate. You may even want to establish a formal recognition program, such as "employee of the month." Responsibility. Employees will be more motivated to do their jobs well if they have ownership of their work. This requires giving employees enough freedom and power to carry out their tasks so that they feel they "own" the result. As individuals mature in their jobs, provide opportunities for added responsibility. Be careful, however, that you do not simply add more work. Instead, find ways to add challenging and meaningful work, perhaps giving the employee greater freedom and authority as well. Advancement. Reward loyalty and performance with advancement. If you do not have an open position to which to promote a valuable employee, Employees will be more motivated to do consider giving him or her a new title that reflects the their jobs well if they have ownership of level of work he or she has achieved. When feasible, their work. support employees by allowing them to pursue further education, which will make them more valuable to your practice and more fulfilled professionally.

SCOPEOF THE STUDY For studying satisfaction of employee at YAHAMA automobile sector. Following people contacted:LEVEL Top management Middle management PEOPLE CONTACTED GM-HR Engineer, Supervisor, Managers, Sr.Managers

The following areas were covered in the study;1. Currently used method 2. Involvement of employees in policy making 3. Review of employee satisfaction 4. Relationship with supervisors 5. Satisfaction of employees 6. Involvement of employees 7. Purpose of employee satisfaction. SUPERVISORS;Information area covered Changes noticed in: Behavior Motivation Absenteeism Productivity Cycle times Wastage Frequency of accidents Reduction in grievances

HR-DEPARTMENT Information area covered; Duration of programmed Effect on profitability Appraisal of training Objective of training Regular review of training programmed Feedback from employees

Problems faced There are so many parameters of EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION are: Salary , Incentive, Benefits Work condition and work life Welfare facilities Relation with Superior, Peers, Subordinates Opportunities for growth Opportunities for value addition or development Fairness in promotion policies

In this project, Focus is on measuring the satisfaction of employee .Satisfaction is measured in term of various parameters like salary & wages, employee welfare, training & development etc.

OBJECTIVE 1. To find out the level of satisfaction of the employee in the organization. 2. To study about the impact of employee satisfaction on organizational effectiveness.

3. To know about the causes of dissatisfaction if it persist among the employee. 4. To identify the various measure for improving employee satisfaction in the organization. 5. To study the effectiveness of various welfare measures and other employee related activities in generating satisfaction level among employee. 6. To study the relation between different variables of employee satisfaction and their impact on employees performance and productivity. 7. To recommend different alternative and suggestion as a means for improving employee satisfaction. 8. To know the high satisfaction job factor and low satisfaction job factor. 9. To know the relationship of job and ages of employee. 10. To know the relationship of jo satisfaction and income of employees.


1. Biasness can be observed in the response by the employee acted as a hurdle in narrating true picture to the research work.

2. Organizational culture/behaviors can be barrier. 3. Of course time will play its crucial role while making the study. 4. Sample size does not exactly represent the total population. 5. Language problem while interacting with few south Indian employees. 6. Response from respondents may be different from actual view. Respondents might not disclose actual views. 7. Unresponsiveness nature of certain respondents. 8. Lack of reliability of data.

CHAPTER ARRENGMENT This report is divided into six parts Chapter 1: This chapter is showing that we have included the Introduction, Objectives of study, Scope, limitation etc

INTRODUCTION WHY I HAVE CHOSEN THIS TOPIC PROBLEM STATEMENT REVIEW OF LITRATURE CONCEPTUALISATION SCOPE OF THE STUDY OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY LIMITATION CHAPTER ARRANGEMENT Chapter 2: (Theoretical Background) this chapter includes about the company what business it does and its structure. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PROFILE OF THE COMPANY Chapter 3: it includes the concept of the employee satisfaction in the Yahma CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Chapter 4: (Core Chapter) it includes all the core parts of this report such as the conclusion of the data analyzed and findings. CONCLUSION OF DATA ANALYZED FINDINGS Chapter 5: this chapter includes the summary of conclusion and suggestions Summary of Conclusion Recommendations Chapter 6: this chapter includes bibliography it means from where we collect the data and questionnaire

Bibliography Annexure



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research is an art of scientific investigation, the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and experiment. The advanced Learners dictionary of current English, lays down the meaning of research as a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Some people

consider research as a movement, a movement from the known to the unknown. It is actually a voyage of discovery. Research aims to analyze interrelationship between variables and to drive explanations and thus enables us to have a better understanding of the world in which we live. It aims at developing new tools, concepts and theories for a better study of unknown phenomena. A significant part of research is the Research Methodology. In it, a researcher studies the various steps that are adopted to the research problem. In research methodology we not only consider the research method but also the logic behind the method chosen. Research methodology helps to answer many questions concerning a research problem or study.

Types of research:i) Descriptive:- Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-findings enquiries of different kind. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. The main characteristics of this method are that the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has happened or what is happening. ii) Analytical:- In Analytical research, the researcher has to use facts or information already available, and analyze these to make a critical evaluation of material.

iii) iv) v) vi)

Applied:- It aims at findings a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an organization/business organization. Fundamental:- Fundamental research is mainly concerned with generalizations and with the formulation of a theory Quantitative:- It is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. Qualitative:- It is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e., phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind. For instance, when we are interested in investigating the reasons for human behavior (i.e. why people think or do certain things), we quite often talk of Motivation Research, an important type of qualitative research.


Conceptual:- Conceptual research is that related to some abstract idea(s) or theory. It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers tp develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones.


Empirical:- Empirical research relies on experience or observation alone, often without due regard for system and theory. It is data-based research, coming up with conclusions which are capable of being verified by observation or experiment.

In this present study descriptive type of research is used.

Research Design:A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. Different types of Research Design are as follows:1. Research design in case of exploratory research studies.

2. Research design in case of descriptive studies. 3. Research design in case of diagnostic research design. 4. Research design in case of hypothesis-testing research design. In this study Descriptive research studies is used because descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or a group and situation etc. and in this report the descriptive research design is used to find out the satisfaction level of employees. The design in such studies must focus attention on the following or process in descriptive research design is as follows:(a) Formulating the objective of the study. (b) Designing the methods of data collection. (c) Selecting the sample (d) Collecting the data. (e) Processing and analyzing the data. (f) Reporting the findings.

Process of research
There is no consensus about how to conceptualize the actual undertaking of research. There are, however, two main traditions of approaching a research topic quantitative and qualitative. Each approach demands different research methods.

Quantitative research The quantitative approach usually starts with a theory or a general statement proposing a general relationship between variables. With this approach it is likely that the researchers will take an objective position and their approach will be to treat phenomena as hard and real. They will favour methods such as surveys and experiments, and will attempt to test hypotheses or statements with a view to generalizing from the particular. This approach

typically concentrates on measuring or counting and involves collecting and analyzing numerical data and applying statistical tests.

Qualitative research The alternative tradition is the qualitative approach. Here the investigator views the phenomena to be investigated as more personal and softer. He or she will use methods such as personal accounts, unstructured interviews and participant observation to gain an understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations for peoples attitudes, preferences or behaviors. With this approach, the emphasis is more on generating hypotheses from the data collection rather than testing a hypothesis. In reading around the subject you will find many alternative names for qualitative and quantitative research. It is good to have an understanding of these and to recognize them when you see them in research methods textbooks.

The features and differences between the two research processes are detailed below.You should note the following points:

Qualitative and quantitative research methods are not clear-cut nor mutually exclusive most research draws on both methods. Both approaches can generate quantitative and qualitative data. The difference between the two methods is in the overall form and in the emphasis and objectives of the study.

Outcome of research

Applied research

Applied research is problem-oriented as the research is carried out to solve a specific problem that requires a decision, for example, the improvement of safety in the workplace, or market research. For your dissertation it is not usually acceptable to carry out applied research as it is very much limited to one establishment or company and you are required to look at issues of wider significance, perhaps to your industry as a whole or to a sector of it. You may have already carried out a problem-based piece of research related to your placement. It is important to understand that the dissertation requires you to carry out some form of basic research see below.

Basic research Basic research is also called fundamental or pure research, and is conducted primarily to improve our understanding of general issues, without any emphasis on its immediate application. It is regarded as the most academic form of research since the principal aim is to make a contribution to knowledge, usually for the general good, rather than to solve a specific problem for one organisation. This may take the form of the following:

Discovery where a totally new idea or explanation emerges from empirical research which may revolutionise thinking on that particular topic. An example of this would be the Hawthorne experiments. (Gillespie, 1991) Invention where a new technique or method is created. An example of this would be the invention of TQM (total quality management). Reflection where an existing theory, technique or group of ideas is re-examined possibly in a different organisational or social context. For example, to what extent can Herzbergs theory of motivation be applied to front-line workers in the contract catering sector? (Torrington & Hall, 1995)

For an undergraduate dissertation it is most likely that you will be concentrating on reflection, as the scope of the project is unlikely to be large enough to consider discovery or invention.

Action research This is a form of research where action is both an outcome and a part of the research. The researcher interferes with or changes deliberately what is being researched. The critics of action research argue that since the researcher is changing what is being researched during the process of research, the work cannot be replicated. If it cannot be replicated its findings cannot be tested in other situations. This prevents general knowledge being developed and thus it cannot contribute to theory. Also, as the researcher is involved in the change process there is a loss of critical, detached objectivity. There are two approaches to action research:

Classical action research begins with the idea that if you want to understand something you should try changing it. New paradigm research is based on a new model or framework for research. It claims that research can never be neutral and that even the most static and conventional research exposes the need for change in what is being researched. It involves inquiry into persons and relations between persons, and is based on a close relationship between researcher and those being researched. The research is a mutual activity of a co-ownership involving shared power with respect to the process and the outcomes of the research. Those being researched can, for example, decide how the research will be undertaken, in what form and with what questions being asked. The researcher is a member of a community and brings to it special skills and expertise. The researcher does not dictate what will happen. This type of research is most easily carried out when working with individuals or small groups. It means that the researcher must be highly skilled not only in research methods but also in the interpersonal skills of facilitating others. It is not, therefore, usually appropriate for an undergraduate student who is carrying out a major piece of research for the first time. Action research is often used by educationalists who are trying to improve their own practice by making changes to the delivery of their classes and by observing and asking students which actions work best.

As you can see, there are a number of types of research and not all may be suitable for you in your dissertation. The key points to remember are as follows:

While the purpose of your dissertation may have some elements of exploratory or descriptive research you should concentrate on research that will mainly fall into the explanatory area, or perhaps predictive research if you are very confident. Explanatory research gives you the opportunity to demonstrate the skills of analysis and evaluation which will help you to score highly in your final marks. The process of your research can either be quantitative or qualitative and the different methods that can help you to carry out your research in this way are outlined more fully in Unit 3. It is likely that you will be carrying out basic or pure research in the reflection mode (rather than applied or action research) as this will give you the best chance of showing that you can test out a theory in a new situation.

METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION For every research, related data can be collected in two ways: Primary data Secondary data

Sources of primary data collection were:

Observation Questionnaire Interview

Sources of secondary data collection are: Document sources of the organization Various publications Official research and process data collected by the organization.

In all two approaches were adopted to collect data and information regarding this study. The strategy applied was to have a wide coverage of the organization, and at the same time, ensure an in-depth perspective of the study. The first step involved the administering of the various questionnaires to the relevant people within the organization, of different department and designation. The second step was the collection of data from documents and manuals, which provided the details of HR matters, training and its programs, and requisite organizational information pertinent to the study. In the present study, primary as well as secondary data has been used.

Sample Design:In most of the research design it becomes almost impossible to examine the entire universe. So the only alternative is to report to sampling. This is true for the present study as well. Basic principles to be followed in sampling are that the sample chosen must be representative of entire universe to be studied.

Sampling plan
For the conducting this study the following sampling plan was used and the sample was randomly selected.

Universe and Survey Population:It comprised of:100 employees which included: 50 30 20 Engineer and supervisor Managers Sr.Managers

Sample Size:In this present study we have taken the sample size of 50 employees to get their views regarding how much they are much satisfied with their job, training provided to them for their future growth and other facilities provided to them.

Sampling Method:In the present study, random sampling method has been used.


About India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd.

Yamaha made its initial foray into India in 1985. Subsequently, it entered into a 50:50 joint venture with the Escorts Group in 1996. However, in August 2001, Yamaha acquired its remaining stake

becoming a 100% subsidiary of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd, Japan (YMC). In 2008, YMC entered into an agreement with Mitsui & Co., Ltd. to become a joint investor in the motorcycle manufacturing company "India Yamaha Motor Private Limited (IYM)". IYM operates from its state-of-the-art-manufacturing units at Surajpur in Uttar Pradesh and Faridabad in Haryana and produces motorcycles both for domestic and export markets. With a strong workforce of more than 2000 employees, IYM is highly customer-driven and has a countrywide network of over 400 dealers. Presently, its product portfolio includes MT01 (1670 cc), YZF-R1 (998 cc), the all new YZF-R15 (150 cc), Gladiator Type SS & RS (125 cc), Gladiator Graffiti (125cc), G5 (106 cc), Alba (106 cc) and Crux (106 cc).

We will establish YAMAHA as the "exclusive & trusted brand" of customers by "creating Kando" (touching their hearts) - the first time and every time with world class products & services delivered by people having "passion for customers".

We are committed to: Be the Exclusive & Trusted Brand renowned for marketing and manufacturing of YAMAHA products, focusing on serving our customer where we can build long term relationships by raising their lifestyle through performance excellence, proactive design & innovative technology. Our innovative solutions will always exceed the changing needs of our customers and provide value added vehicles. Build the Winning Team with capabilities for success, thriving in a climate for action and delivering results. Our employees are the most valuable assets and we intend to develop them to achieve international level of professionalism with progressive career development. As a good corporate citizen, we will conduct our business ethically and socially in a responsible manner with concerns for the environment.

Grow through continuously innovating our business processes for creating value and knowledge across our customers thereby earning the loyalty of our partners & increasing our stakeholder value.

Core Competencies
Customer #1 We put customers first in everything we do. We take decisions keeping the customer in mind. Challenging Spirit We strive for excellence in everything we do and in the quality of goods & services we provide. We work hard to achieve what we commit & achieve results faster than our competitors and we never give up. Team-work We work cohesively with our colleagues as a multi-cultural team built on trust, respect, understanding & mutual co-operation. Everyone's contribution is equally important for our success. Frank & Fair Organization We are honest, sincere, open minded, fair & transparent in our dealings. We actively listen to others and participate in healthy & frank discussions to achieve the organization's goals.

Service / Technical

Stroke: Single direction movement of the piston, when the piston moves up from BDC to TDC or
TDC to BDC, the single direction movement of the Piston in one direction is called 'Stroke'. Bore: The bore is inside Diameter of Cylinder RPM: Revolution per minutes Effect of bore and stroke on engine performance: Engines of the same displacement vary in character depending on "bore and stroke". Short stroke engines: Stroke is smaller than bore diameter. Square engines: Stroke and bore diameter are even. Long stroke engines: Stroke is larger than bore diameter. Compared with a long stroke engine, the square or short stroke type is easy to raise the engine speed and develop high power. If the engine speeds are the same, the piston speed is slower and friction resistance can also be reduced. Among other merits are the lower overall height and compact design. Therefore, the square type and short stroke engines are dominant. Displaced Volume: The compression ratio indicates to what extent the air - fuel mixture is compressed when piston is at TDC. Combustion Chamber volume: The volume of space between the cylinder head and the piston at TDC is called "combustion chamber volume". Compression ratio: The compression ratio indicates to what extent the air - fuel mixture is compressed when piston is at TDC in compression stroke. The higher Compression ratio is used for High speed Vehicles.

Compression Ratio:

Volume of Combustion chamber (v) + Displacement (v) divided by Volume of Combustion chamber (v) Torque : The turning force exerted on rotating parts is called torque. Motorcycles are driven by the torque of the crankshaft. Torque = Force distance (kgm Nm = kgN m) Change in torque (Primary and secondary reductions, and speed reduction from the gear box). The greater the number of gear teeth, the greater the torque. However, the rotational speed is reduced. The maximum torque is indicated along with the engine speed at which maximum torque is delivered. When a motorcycle is run at maximum torque, the rear wheel driving force is at the maximum. Difference between BHP (Brake Horse power) & PS (Pfred Scale): Both are the unit of Power 1 Bhp = 1.0143 Ps Single Over Head Cam Shaft (SOHC): In this type of Cam Mechanism, Cam shaft is positioned in the cylinder head & driven by Cam Chain to operate Inlet & exhaust valve thru Rocker arms. In this type mechanism lesser parts are used to operate valves hence operation is stable even at high speed. Trochoid Type Oil Pump: Two rotors rotating at different Speeds causing variations in the volume between them. This Variation in volume causes oil flow in and out of the Pump. The Trochoid Pump is more commonly used due to its advantages and compact design.

Four Stroke Engine Basic construction: A 4-stroke engine requires two complete revolution of the crankshaft (4 strokes of the piston) to complete a full cycle (Intake, Compression, Combustion and Exhaust). Power stoke: A power stroke takes place on every other full rotation of the crankshaft. The cylinder head has two ports. An intake and an exhaust. Valves control the opening and closing of these ports. The opening and closing of the valves is timed to piston movement and location in its travel. All air/fuel mixture compression takes place above the piston. Advantages: Intake, compression, combustion and exhaust occur independently, so operation is more precise, efficient and very stable. Fuel loss caused by "stroke" over lap is less than 2-stroke. Fuel consumption is lower. Single Axis Balancer

As engine runs, vibrations are caused from inertia force created by motion of engine Components (Piston & Connecting rod). In order to lessen the vibration a balancer weight is added on a axis positioned at an angle above Crank Shaft and made to rotate in the opposite direction of Crank Shaft to reduce engine vibrations. Wet Sump system: Oil is stored in the oil sump in bottom of crank case, from here oil is pumped under pressure to various parts of the Engine. Oil is fed to both the Crank Shaft & Valve Train. The Crank Shaft assembly is lubricated with the same oil used to lubricate the Transmission & Clutch .The oil is fed directly from the Oil Pump. The Cylinder & Piston are lubricated by splash oil that previously lubricated the Crank pin & connecting rods. The Valve Train is also lubricated by Pressure fed oil. After lubrication, the oil returns to the sump (Oil Chamber). Diamond Frame: In this type of Frame the Engine is mounted at five locations (One at the top & two each at the front & rear of the Crank cases) and used as a stressed member of the frame for better stability, less vibrations & light weight The large size & thickness of the main pipe provide extra rigidity. What is BS type Carburetor and what is the benefit of that for the user? The BS carburetor (B stands for butterfly valve and S for SU, designating the maker Skinner Union.) In this type of the Carburetor, the air-fuel mixture is controlled by the regulation of the Engine Intake vacuum (negative pressure) which results in smooth operation of the vehicle, stable idling & good fuel economy. Also due to this carburetor, the user gets smooth acceleration, even if the rider opens or closes the throttle sharply. YTPS technology and its benefit: Yamaha Throttle position sensor (YTPS) is a unit fitted on the carburetor on same axis of Butterfly valve.

It is adopted in order to control the ignition timing for each engine RPM. This helps to ensure excellent combustion efficiency and hence smooth throttle response, superior fuel economy and less emissions. With the use of YTPS technology, 3- dimensional digital mapping has been done among, engine revolution, ignition timing and throttle opening for optimum combustion their by ensuring maximum mileage.



Founded Capital President Employees (Consolidated) July 1, 1955 48,302 million yen (as of March 31, 2008) Takashi Kajikawa 46,850 (as of December 31, 2007) Parent: 9,019 (as of December 31, 2007) Sales (Consolidated) 1,756,707 million yen (from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007) Parent: 799,209 million yen (from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007) Sales Profile Sales (%) by product category (consolidated)

Sales (%) by region (consolidated)

Major Products & Services

Manufacture and sales of motorcycles, scooters, electrohybrid bicycles, boats, sail boats, Water Vehicles, pools, utility boats, fishing boats, outboard motors, diesel engines, 4-wheel ATVs, side-by-side vehicles, racing karts, golf cars, multi-purpose engines, generators, water pumps, snowmobiles, small-sized snow throwers, automotive engines, intelligent machinery, industrial-use

remote control helicopters, electrical power units for wheelchairs, helmets. Biotechnological production, processing and sales of agricultural and marine products and microorganisms. Import and sales of various types of products, development of tourist businesses and management of leisure, recreational facilities and related services. Headquarters Affiliated Companies 2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan Consolidated subsidiaries: 112 Non-consolidated subsidiaries: 8 (by the equity method) Affiliates: 27 (by the equity method)

Yamaha strives to provide the best environment to its employees. The company has provision for day care for children of the employees. It follows the management principles of kaizen (continuous improvement), leadership, teamwork, empowerment, etc.

Board of Directors of Yamaha Motors Position Chairman President & Representative Director Sr. Managing Director & Representative Director Managing Director Directors Hiroyasu Miyao Shuji Ito Wataru Suzuki Yukio Suganuma Shohei Kato Toyoo Ohtsubo Takaaki Kimura Shinji Terashita Tetsuo Uchiyama Personnel Toru Hasegawa Takashi Kajikawa Tsuneji Togami

Recruitment and Training Training and development programs for the employees are held from time to time. The company welcomes engineers and management professionals.

It has its own training and development centers for various divisions such as motorcycles service skills, etc.

Since launching the first premium website in 2006 September, we empower automotive consumers with the tools and information they need to make smart, well-informed vehicle purchasing and ownership decisions. The company has helped thousands of automotive shoppers and generated billions of rupees in vehicle sales for dealers. By providing a convenient and comprehensive automotive consumer experience across the purchase and ownership lifecycle, AutoIndia provides new value and touch-points for automotive marketers. Through AutoIndia's marketing network, the company connects dealerships with a steady, diverse stream of exceptionally motivated, serious shoppers, while providing both dealers and manufacturers with precision-targeted brand and product marketing opportunities. The company's advanced web-based advertising and marketing programs also help dealers and manufacturers build relationships with customers, as well as helping them to efficiently manage and convert online business.


Our Mission at is to be your ultimate online solution for buying and selling used cars, bikes and commercial vehicles. Our site is designed to give you more control of the buying process and make finding a used vehicle that meets your personal needs easier than ever before. Our customers are our partners. We exist to serve the needs of our customers We strive to be the preferred choice of our customers and clients We focus on the development and retention of customer and client relationships Giving unbiased views to help our customers make informed decisions Giving a wide choice to our customers in all aspects of car buying Business Excellence is our goal

We demonstrate competitively superior quality in all our products and services We focus on continual business process and technological improvement We recognize value creation is best measured by sustained profitability We benchmark with the Best in class in the world to improve continuously

Our people are our foundation We value each employee's contributions to the growth and profitability of We are committed to our team member's continued professional development and personal success We cultivates a rewarding, and enjoyable experience for our customers and employees

CORPORATE BIOS Chandramouli Venkataraman, President and CEO A veteran of online and digital media, Chandramouli Venkataraman provides Online Pvt Ltd. with an exceptional balance of leadership experience, broad operational and marketing skills, and extensive domain expertise in Search, Local, Classifieds, and eCommerce. As President and CEO, Chandramoulis mission is to further evolve AutoIndias mandate to provide cost-efficient and effective marketing services to the automotive industry by extending its innovations in automotive Search, digital media, Internet broadcasting, and advertising, as well as by leveraging his deep technological expertise to support AutoIndias continued emergence as a leading provider of solutions for automotive dealers. An integral part of this mission is to further expand AutoIndias popularity with vehicle shoppers and buyers by building on its pro-consumer legacy of creating and distributing innovative products that improve the automotive shopping, purchasing and ownership experience. Chandramoulis career spans over nineteen years including six years in a leadership role as the head of a Business Unit where he played a key role in strategic planning and new business initiatives and was instrumental in driving sales from start to Rs.100+ Crores (Approx US$ 22 Million) in less than five years. In his various assignments he has led businesses to market leadership status in a short span. Chandramouli was most recently at, the Indias first and leading online portal where he

was heading content for the various channels in News, Finance, Sports, Mobile Entertainment & others. Before heading Chandramouli spent over fifteen years at NIIT in India and USA, one of Asias leading Software, Training, Consultancy and IT Services Companies. Chandramouli started his career as a Management executive with The Murugappa Group, headquartered in Chennai, India, a USD 2 billion (Rs. 8,500 crore) conglomerate. A recognized authority in digital media, marketing and Search, Chandramouli is a frequent speaker at media industry events. He holds a Bachelors degree in Chemical Technology from the Osmania University, Hyderabad and an MBA from IRMA, Anand. Satish Ramakrishnan, Co-Founder and Director Satish has over 18 years of experience building companies and growing technology teams. He has worked at large companies like Wipro and BEA and has helped build companies from the ground floor, including PointCast (acquired by AOL), KnowNow Inc., Good Technologies (acquired by Motorola) and (acquired by village) the last of which he helped take public. He has successfully raised capital, been instrumental in key sales and partnership opportunities, and built large and small teams from scratch both in the U.S. and off-shore. Satish was the head of Weblogic Integration at BEA and also the original VP of Engineering at KnowNow Inc. where he launched the company, championed new product development, acted as the primary contact for prominent clients such as Morgan Stanley, PeopleSoft, and others and managed the release of five cutting-edge products. Satish has been at the helm of pioneering internet consumer companies including PointCast which introduced media and personalization to the Web and - the first true portal targeted at the female demographics online.

Binu, Co-Founder and Director

Binu is an accomplished information systems professional with more than 12 years of experience in the areas of ERP/CRM/SCMs, Databases, software development and design. He has worked with fortune 200 companies like Computer Sciences Corporation, Paramount Technologies and DSQ Software. Binu was the Sr. EIS Consultant at Computer Sciences Corporation(CSC) where he championed new products planning, acted as the primary contact for prominent clients such as, DuPont and SC Johnson. Babu Sivadasan, Director Babu Sivadasan, who was the founding Chief Technology Officer for few startup companies including (Nasdaq:STMP) and is currently serving as the EVP of Engg, responsible for firm-wide engineering activities at Envestnet Asset Management, the leading, independent wealth management platform provider for the financial advisory marketplace. Babu has a distinguished career as an entrepreneur and executive, having been involved in successful technology start-up companies in the internet, infrastructure and financial services sectors. He has a distinguished record working with entrepreneurs turning their ideas into innovative companies, and delivering solutions for Fortune 500 companies. He has extensive experience in global software delivery models and coordinating engineering activities across geographically distributed groups. He has delivered technology solutions to leading financial services organizations like AIG, ING, Northwestern Mutual, Russell, S&P, Discover etc. Patrick Stanton, Advisor Patrick has over 12 years experience as a consultant, entrepreneur, and executive to a variety of established and start-up high technology companies in the Internet, clean technology, life science and transportation industries. Patrick is an expert in developing and executing strategic plans with a particular focus on revenue growth and strategic account management. Patrick served as vice president, business development for Dealix Corporation (acquired by The Cobalt Group), where he was part of the early executive team that built Dealix into one of the web's most successful

automotive Internet marketing organizations. A prolific dealmaker, Patrick built strategic alliances with some of the industrys most well known brands including, Yahoo!, Microsoft, AOL, General Motors, and Ford. Prior to Dealix, Patrick enjoyed similar success while running enterprise sales and affiliate marketing for (acquired by Autobytel) as vice president, business development. Patrick is a founder and the corporate development chair of the California Clean Tech Open, the worlds largest business plan competition to promote the commercialization of clean technologies. Additionally, Patrick recently founded angel investment and advisory group, Chobe Group, LLC, to bring best practices in automobile retailing to emerging markets, notably in India and China.


Car Models in India: Indian auto models market is accelerating with fast pace and in tandem with it car market in India is also galloping. From its early sign of status, Cars have become a necessity in today's fast paced style of living, and India is no exception to it. Earlier, there were only two or three Cars brands, like Fiat and Ambassador, ruling the Indian roads, but today global auto players like Honda, Skoda, General Motors, Volvo, Ford Motors are investing big bucks in India and launching their Car models with more refined technology, design, comfort, styling and safety. This section of Surfindia makes your search of dream vehicle so easy. You can find here every necessary detail like the striking features, price, technical specifications, colors etc. about your dream car. Motorcycle Models in India: See through this section the latest and upcoming bikes of India loaded with power packed performance, superb riding comfort and excellent fuel-economy. Premier Motorcycle makers of India like Hero Honda, Bajaj, TVS and Yamaha are launching their Bikes to lead in the race of stiff competition. Today, there is a bike for the need of every individual whether style, power or comfort and here you can find useful and accurate information about Bikes in India. Get all details of latest automobiles bikes models launched in India and go through their cutting edge technology, variant color options and safety features. Scooter Models in India: Get on the more powerful, convenient, fuel economic and stylish Scooters with this section. This is the new face of modern scooters in India that have gone through sea changes since its prime stages. The Indian market of scooters is growing at fast pace and in the near future new players will be joining the race to outshine each other and grasp the market share of this segment. The Scooter Models section of Surfindia will keep you updated with the latest Scooter launches in India giving useful details covering key features, price, power, performance and available variants of colors. So kick start your search through the links here and grab complete knowledge of Scooters before paying a visit to showrooms..

Electric Bikes & Scooters in India: The power of electricity is all set to change the face of personal transport in India. Electric Bikes & Scooters will start a new era of transportation in face of regular fuel prices hike, traffic congestion, fuel-economy and cost of maintenance. E Bikes & Scooters runs through electricity and it do not require license or registration. E Bikes are simple in design, light weight and very economical providing low cost of maintenance. This section of Surfindia would provide you every needful information about the E Bikes & Scooters in India.

Group Companies
Country/RegionCompany The Netherlands


Yamaha Motor Europe N.V. (YMENV) Yamaha Motor Middle Europe B.V. (YMME) Yamaha Motor Netherland B.V. (YMNL B.V.)

Yamaha Motor Finance(Europe) B.V. (YMFE)



MBK Industrie (MBK) Yamaha Motoro France S.A. (YMF)


Yamaha Motor Italia S.p.A. (YMIT) Motori Minarelli S.p.A. Yamaha Motor Research & Development Europe S.r.l. (YMRE) YEC Europe S.r.l. (YEC Europe) Elm Design Europe S.r.l. Yamaha Motor Racing S.r.l. (YMR)


Yamaha Motor Espana S.A. (YMES) Motor Center BCN S.A.


Yamaha Motor Portugal S.A. (YMP)


Yamaha Motor (UK) Ltd. (YMUK)


Yamaha Motor Deutschland GmbH (YMG)


Yamaha Motor Scandinavia AB (YMS) Ohlins Racing AB


Yamaha Motor Austria GmbH (YMAG)


Yamaha Motor Hungary Kft. (YMH)


D'Ieteren Sport S.A.


Beldeyama A.S.


Yamaha Motor CIS (YMCIS)

Czech Rep- Yamaha Motor CZECH spol.s.r.o (YMCZ)

Our Brand Image speaks for itself. Complementing the Marketing team is our vast and strong Dealer network - the backbone of our vital marketing operations.

Recent initiatives have been launched by Yamaha in the field of business-to-business as well as business-to-consumer cooperation with Dealers. The new showrooms based on YAMAHA VISUAL IDENTITY are one of the many steps in this direction. Our dealer network works on the "3S" fundamentals of -SALES SERVICE and SPARE PARTS under one roof. With a strongly dedicated team of Sales and Service engineers, IYM targets the fulfillment of customer's needs. Every single customer matters to us. Together the 3S operate in tandem to serve our customer and forge an everlasting bond with them. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is our motto and we remain steadfast in our commitment to our valued customers... Offering Nothing But the Very BEST to Them.

IYM is an active player in the exports market. Currently, we export motorcycles to 50 countries including Argentina, Mexico, Philippines, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Nigeria and lvory Coast. The export Product line boasts of RX 100, Crux, YD 125, Enticer and Libero. To consolidate our position in the exports arena, we are rapidly expanding our presence in Asia, Africa, Central and South America. Strengthening our reputation as an export base for YMC global operations, we are bright and optimistic about our emergence as a top-notch bike exporter of India.


FZ16 YZF-R15 YZF-R1 MT01 \Gladiato Alba

G5 Crux

Racing Instinct. - Passing on the R series DNA - Humachine Technologies & Sensual Racing Form The YZF-R1 and YZF-R6 are equipped with under cowls that are based on the image of a diffuser, to give them the best form for aero-management. These are not cowls for simply enclosing the engine, but forms composed of blade surfaces that actively control airflow. This spirit has been directly inherited by the YZF-R15. Harmony between rider and machine. YAMAHA's Human Technology involves studying the form of the motorcycle actually in motion with the rider on it. The R series is the embodiment of 1) a wide frontal space that protects the rider, 2) an easy to ride seating area that gives riders the

freedom of movement and allows them to steer effectively, 3) the glamorous tail treatment that takes into account the management of airflow behind the rider, and 4) a sensual racing form that brings all 3 of these elements together in a harmonious package. These characteristics have been splendidly reproduced in the YZF-R15. Additionally, the designs were developed in the same modeling room where YZF-R1 designers worked. Information was shared, ensuring that the R lineage would be transmitted. In addition, the model also incorporates a multitude of adjustments for the Indian market including seat shape that allows for tandem riding (integrated with the main seat), tandem grips that are easy to grip and also contribute to the supersport design, and a riding position that takes into account comfort, etc. In other words, the YZF-R15 is characterized by a hybrid design that combines the world-class design of the R series with localized functions. The YZF-R15 was created to lead the supersport category in India.


During the 1920s, cars exhibited design refinements such as balloon tires, pressed-steel wheels, and four-wheel brakes. In Brief-----------The origin of automobile is not certain. In this section of automobile history, we will only discuss about the phases of automobile in the development and modernisation process since the first car was shipped to India. We will start automotive history from this point of time. The automobile industry has changed the way people live and work. The earliest of modern cars was manufactured in the year 1895. Shortly the first appearance of the car followed in India. As the century truned, three cars were imported in Mumbai (India).

Within decade there were total of 1025 cars in the city. The dawn of automobile actually goes back to 4000 years when the first wheel was used for transportation in India. In the begining of 15th century Portuguese arrived in China and the interaction of the two cultures led to a variety of new technologies, including the creation of a wheel that turned under its own power. By 1600s small steam-powered engine models was developed, but it took another century before a full-sized engine-powered vehicle was created. The actual horseless carriage was introduced in the year 1893 by brothers Charles and Frank Duryea. It was the first internalcombustion motor car of America, and it was followed by Henry Ford's first experimental car that same year. One of the highest-rated early luxury automobiles was the 1909 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost that featured a quiet 6-cylinder engine, leather interior, folding windscreens and hood, and an aluminum body. It was usually driven by chauffeurs and emphasis was on comfort and style rather than speed. During the 1920s, the cars exhibited design refinements such as balloon tires, pressed-steel wheels, and four-wheel brakes. Graham Paige DC Phaeton of 1929 featured an 8-cylinder engine and an aluminum body. The 1937 Pontiac De Luxe sedan had roomy interior and rear-hinged back door that suited more to the needs of families. In 1930s, vehicles were less boxy and more streamlined than their predecessors. The 1940s saw features like automatic transmission, sealed-beam headlights, and tubeless tires.

The year 1957 brought powerful high-performance cars such as Mercedes-Benz 300SL. It was built on compact and stylized lines, and was capable of 230 kmh (144 mph).

This was the Indian automobile history, and today modern cars are generally light, aerodynamically shaped, and compact. four metros i.e. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta and Chennai through Honda exclusive stores. The expected price of Hond


Browse this division of Surfindia and do not miss any latest Car, Bike, Sports Bike and Scooter or any new vehicle launches in India.In an attempt to outshine each other under stiff competition, Indian auto companies, manufacturing Cars, Motorcycles and Scooters, are coming up with new models on regular intervals. In every three months there are some new models plying on the road with more utility compiled to it and speed, fuel efficiency and comfort has become the call of the time in auto industry. Car Motorcycle Scooter

Keep yourself updated with all the new auto launches in India comprising category of Cars, Motorcycles, Scooters and Sports Bikes. Here we have provided a brief on key aspects of latest auto models and further given a link to its detailed information. This section will give you handy details of every latest Car, Bike and Scooter model, So keep surfing to see your dream vehicle becoming real sometime in future. New Skoda Superb

Skoda is all set to launch the newest version of its Superb model in India around the month of March, 2009. Set to be the most anticipated launches of the year, this car is set to rule the roost with its elegant design, safety features, increased interior space and a variety of electronic devices. The price of the New Skoda Superb is set to be between 20-25 lakh. We will bring an exciting range of engines: a 1.8-litre, 160bhp TSI petrol, a 2.0-litre diesel with 140bhp, and a new 3.6-litre V6 petrol with 260bhp. said Thomas Kuehl, Board Member of Skoda India.

Fiat Linea

Fiat India Automobile Pvt. Ltd. a joint venture between Fiat and Tata Motors has launched its C-Segment Sedan in India by the name of 'Fiat Linea'. The striking looks of the Fiat Linea along with its spacious interiors have been the features of this new luxury Sedan which have been widely appreciated by one and all.

Hyundai i20

Hyundai i20 is the 05 door hatchback car model launched in India's by the leading automaker Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL). With this launch Hyundai has added another car mode in its 'i' series fitted with advanced Kappa engine technology. The all new Hyundai i20 car is packed with attractive features in terms of styling, safety and performance. Follow the link to find out more about Hyundai i20.

Maruti Suzuki A-Star

Check out the all new A Star that, as per the features provided by its maker, promises to be the best in its class. India's auto giant Maruti Suzuki has launched A Star which would be made completely in the company's Gurgaon Plant. Maruti Suzuki A Star boasts an eye catching looks and host of futuristic qualities in its engine and transmission. So click the following link and know more about this cool looking hatchback.

Toyota Corolla Altis

Check out the new avatar of Toyota Corolla range that has been rolled out recently. The all new Toyota Corolla Altis has been packed with number of

eye-catching features that make this premium sedan segment car an asset to flaunt. Toyota Altis has the distinctive exterior flow line, small turning radius of 5.3 m, soft-plush interiors, fully integrated audio system and the advanced 1794 cc engine.

Honda CBR1000RR

Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India (HMSI) has launched in India its premium sports bike, HONDA CBR1000RR. HMSI is all set to give their competitors a run for their money with this beautifully designed and feature studded sports bike also nicknamed 'The FireBlade'. The expected price of Honda CBR 1000RR is around Rs. 12 .5 lakh.

Honda CB1000R

The HONDA CB 1000R with its lightweight naked frame body styling is sure to come up as a winner on the Indian roads. This super bike just like its other sibling the HONDA CBR1000RR, will be available initially only in tha CBR 1000RR is around Rs. 9.5 lakh.

Suzuki Hayabusa

Take on the all new Hayabusa motorcycle with 1340 cc engine and leave everyone turning their heads on the road. This latest high-end bike from Japanese auto giant Suzuki is packed with everything gigantic in it. The

engine-transmission, the looks, the comfort and the performance, everything in Suzuki Hayabusa bike is awesome. Follow the link to know more about this bike in India.

Yamaha FZ 16

Japanese auto major Yamaha Motors has launched its strong-muscular model FZ 16 to pose a strong challenge to other players of this 150 cc bikes segment. Equipped with disc brakes at both front and rear tyres and powered with liquid cooled 04 stroke engine the Yamaha FZ 16 bike would flaunt a raunchy-tough looks through its classy front forks.

Honda Stunner CBF

After partial success of Unicorn and not so shining performance by the Shine, Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India has launched the all new 125 CC Honda Stunner CBF - a motorcycle that magnificently justifies its name. The all new Honda Stunner CBF is powered by a 125 cc engine, that exhales a healthy output of 11 bhp at 8000 rpm. Find out more about this stunning beauty on the road, at the click given here.

Suzuki Access

Clear lens multi reflector lights, spacious under seat space, attractive chrome

plated silencer cover, powered with technology of Xtra Torque Performance (XTP), available with number of color options are the worth noticing attributes of this all new Suzuki Access 125 cc Scooter. Falling in a competitive price tag this gearless scoooter having CVT (Continuous Variable Transmission) may be a tough call for the other players of this field.

Bajaj Kristal DTSi

Kristal DTSi from Bajaj Auto is the second vehicle offered in scooterette segment. To attract youth of the age group between 16-25 years Bajaj Kristal DTSi boasts of trendy features with power performance. It is light weight, having wide wheelbase, spacious seat storage space of 22 litres, front fuelling, side stand alarm and automatic lamp are some of the features that make this scooterette outstanding in its class.

Hero Honda Pleasure

Marking its entry into the scooter market segment Hero Honda Pleasure has been launched targeting the young lady riders under the company's unique concept of ''just 4 her''. Pleasure is available in sizzling colors and comes packed with number of catchy features.

What is so good about a liquid cooling system?

"You know how good cool water feels for us on a hot day. It's the same with an engine. Liquid cooling ensures stable engine performance in high-speed riding, on uphills in traffic jams and on hot days." Liquid cooling has the ability to keep down the temperature in a high-performance engine that would otherwise reach very high temperatures. That's why it is used on race machines. Also, the liquid coolant in a liquid-cooling system absorbs engine noise. That's why the engine is quieter and the ride has a quality feeling" Technology aims The YZF-R15 is the first India-made motorcycle in this class to mount a liquid cooling system for higher engine performance. When the engine is running the combustion in the cylinders heats up the engine. But if the engine gets too hot it loses power. If the engine remains hot for a long time, that causes slight distortion in the engine parts that in turn reduces the gaps between the moving parts. That is why an effective cooling system is necessary to cool down the engine parts and the lubricating oil. There are two kinds of cooling systems: air cooling, which uses the running air flow to cool the engine, and liquid cooling that circulates coolant fluid through passages around the engine. Most automobiles have a liquid cooling system. But, because of the additional parts required, it can make the engine heavier. But, because the system adds some weight to the machine, liquid cooling has not been use on 100 to 225cc class motorcycles in the past. Mechanism A liquid cooling system uses a web of passages around the cylinder to circulate coolant through. When the temperature of the coolant around the engine rises, it is sent to the radiator (a heat dissipating tank) to be cooled by running air flow or an electric fan and then circulated back to the engine. This constant circulation of coolant constantly cools the engine.


Analysis & Interpretation of Data:Data collection through Questionnaire resulted in availability of the desired information but these were useless until these were analyzed. Various steps required for this purpose were editing, coding and tabulating. Tabulating refers to bringing together similar data and compiling them in an accurate and meaningful manner. In this present study the data collected by questionnaire was analyzed, interpreted with the help of table, pie charts and bar diagrams.


1. From how many time employee stay in the company

Table:-1 Respondents Less than one year Less than two year More than three years Total 20% 30% 50% 100% Graph:-1 Percentage

Percentag e
50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Lessthan one year Lessthan two year More than three years


Interpretation:-20% employees are working in the company less than one year, 30% employees are working in the company less than two years and 50% employees are attach with the company more than three years.

2. Any employee fined any difficulty while joining the company Table:-2 Respondents Induction Training Behavior of staff member Total Graph:-2 20% 50% 30% 100% Percentage

Interpretation:-20% employees said through the induction they find difficulty while joining the company, 50% employees said through the training they face difficulty when they join the company and 30% employees says through the behavior of the staff they find difficulty while joining the company.

3. Is the induction programmed is necessary for the new employees Table:-3 Respondents Yes No Cant say Total Graph:-3 90% 5% 5% 100% Percentage

Percentag e
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes Percentage No Can't say Percentage

Interpretation:-90% employees say that the induction program me is necessary for the new employees and 5% of the employee says no and cant say but from my side 90% employees are right for their decision.

4. Satisfaction level of employees about salary Table:-4 Various Response Yes No Cant say Total 60% 20% 20% 100 Graph-4 %age

No, 20%

Other, 0.2 Can't say, 20% Yes, 60.00%

Yes No Can't say

Interpretation:-60% employees are very much satisfied with their salary.20% employees are not satisfied and 20% employees cant say anything..

5. Satisfaction level of employees about workplace Table:-5 Various Response Yes No Cant say Total 50% 20% 30% 100 Graph:-5 %age

Can't say, 30%

Yes, 50.00%

Yes No Can't say

No, 20%

Interpretation:- 50% employees are very much satisfied with their work place. 20% employees are not satisfied with the working condition and 30% employees cant say anything.

6. Satisfaction of employees about holidays provided by company Table:-6 Various Response Yes No Cant say Total 30 40 30 100 %age


Can't say, 30%

Yes, 30.00%

Yes No Can't say

No, 40.00%

Interpretation:- 30% employees are very much satisfaction with holidays provided by organization and 40% employees are quite satisfied but 30% employees neutral with the statement.

7. Satisfaction level of employees about working hour Table:-7 Various Response Yes No Cant say Total 40 40 20 100 Graph:-7 %age

Can't say, 20% Yes, 40.00%

Yes No Can't say

No, 40%

Interpretation:40% employees are very satisfied with their working hour in the organization and 40% employees are not satisfied with working hour, and at last 20% cant say anything about the working hours or they didnt give any response.

8. Satisfaction level of employees about training and development Table:-8 Various Response Yes No Cant say Total 60 20 20 100 Graph:-8 %age

Can't say, 20%

No, 20%

Yes, 60.00%

Yes No Can't say

Interpretation:- 60% employees are very much satisfied with training & development Program provided by company and 200% employees are not satisfied with training & development, at last 20% employees cant give any response.

9. Satisfaction level of employees about co-operation from co-workers Table:-9 Various Response Yes No Cant say Total 40 30 30 100 Graph:-9 %age

Can't say, 30% Yes, 40.00%

Yes No Can't say

No, 30%

Interpretation:-40% employees are very much satisfied with co-operation from their co-workers and 30% employees are not satisfied and 30% employees are disagree with co-operation from their c-workers.

10. Satisfaction level of employees about their communication with superior Table:-10 Various Response Yes No Cant say %age 35 35 30


100 Graph:-10

Ca't say, 30%

Yes, 35.00%

Yes No Ca't say

No, 35%


Interpretation:35% employees strongly agree that superior communicate to them what they expect and 35% employees are not satisfied with the statement and at last 30% employees say nothing about this statement.


11. Satisfaction level of employees about reward and recognition system Table:-11 Various Response Yes No Cant say 45 45 10 %age


100 Graph:-11
Can't say, 10%

Yes, 45.00%

No, 45.00%

Yes No Can't say

Interpretation:-45% employees are very much satisfied with rewards & recognition system of the company and 45% employees are not satisfied and 10% employees say nothing about reward and recognition.

12. Satisfaction level of employees about promotion policy Table:-12 Respondents Good Excellent 20% 20% Percentage

Average Worst Poor Total

30% 20% 10% 100%


Interpretation:-20% employees say that the companys increment and promotion procedure are good and also 20% employees says excellent, but 50% employees says that the companys increment and promotion procedure are on average, 20% employees say worst and 10% says the poor companys increment and promotion procedure. 13. Satisfaction level of employees about canteen facility provided by company Table:-13 Various Response Yes No 30 35 %age

Cant say Total

35 100


Can't say, 35%

Yes, 30.00%

Yes No Can't say

No, 35.00%

Interpretation:-30% employees are very much satisfaction with canteen facility provided by company and 35% employees are not satisfied with the canteen facility and 35% cant say anything about the canteen facility.

14. Employees are satisfied with the first aid while any emergency Table:-14 Respondents Yes No 70% 20% Percentage

Cant say Total Graph:-14

10% 100%

Interpretation: - 70% of the employee say the company provide first aid at the time of emergency, 20% employees say no the company cant provide any first aid while any emergency and at last 10% employee say nothing. 15. Satisfaction of employee about their experience which they gain while working in the company Table:-15 Respondents Good Excellent 50% 30% Percentage

Average Poor Total

15% 5% 100% Graph:-15

percentag e
60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Good Excellent Average Poor percentage

Interpretation:-50% employee show the good experience while working in the company,30% employees say excellent result,15% employee say average and 5%employee say poor result or experience while working in the company.

Company has earned good name in the area in which it deals leaving its competitors behind it to survive. Most of the employees in the company cant find any difficulty while joining the company. Most of the employees said the induction programme is necessary for the new employees. Employees are satisfied with their salary, so that they stay in the company for so many times.

The employees are also satisfied with the working condition of the company. Employees are satisfied with the working hours. Good and effective interaction is there between the middle level management and the workers. The company also provides compensation to the employee, if any damage or any health issue arises. Employees are happy with the increment and promotion procedure. Employees are satisfied with the cleanliness in the company and happy with the food given in the canteen. First aid facility also provided to the employees at the time of any emergency. Due to the training and development program the employees are able to increase the working capability. Workers are not fully able to face the compliance and the buyers who are there to deal with the company. Workers follow the rules and regulations of the company resulting in healthy environment of the company. I was able to learn that what the main functions of H.R department are.


Implications and conclusions

CONCLUSIION In conclusion it can be said that employees are satisfied with the communication with their superiors. They are satisfied with their interest of job. They are satisfied with holidays provided to them. They are also satisfied with their working hour of their job. Employees are not so much satisfy with their training and development program provided to them. They are satisfied with the authority and responsibility given to them. Employees are satisfied with the safety measures used

in the organization. They are also satisfied with the co-operation from co-workers. They are also satisfied with the action taken by their seniors for employee grievances. Employees are not satisfied with their reward and recognition system. Food provided in the canteen is not up to the mark. Employees are not so much satisfied with their salary. They are also not much satisfied with their workplace and promotion policy. They are not satisfied with the welfare activities.


Promotion practices should be well defined & must be done in practices. Adequate rewards must be given to the employee either rewards may in the form of monitory & non-monitory. Employees must be recognized by their potential or efforts apply in their jobs.

The food provided to the employees must be hygienic & of good quality in course of health of the employees. Salary must be provided to the employees according to their potential. Adequate welfare activities should be adopted by company in regular intervals. Conflicts should be handled efficiently & proper process should be adopted. Grievance should equally with the entire employee working in the organization. Plans made should be strictly implemented it should not be in papers. Company should start its own conveyance facility for the comfort of employees. Company should start medical claim & insurance scheme for each category of employees. Meditation or yoga classes should be started so as to reduce the stress of employee. Theres need to focus more on fulfilling social responsibility towards society.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Human Resource Management: A contemporary perspective by T.N.CHHABRA Personnel management by C.B.Mamoria

Training instrument of H R D by UDAI PAREEK. Kothari. C.R. Research Methodology- Methods and techniques, New Delhi, Wiley Inernational Ltd.,2005 Aswathappa.. K. Organizational Behaviour, New Delhi, Himalaya Publishing House, 2002. Rao V.S.P Human Resource Management Text & Cases, New Delhi, Excel Books, 2003. Deshpande, Milind V,. TQM & ISO, Pune, Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, April, 2002.

Stephan P. Robbinson, Organizational Behaviour, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1989.




QUESTIONS 1. How long have you been here? Less than one year Less than two year More than three years

2. Did you find any of the difficulty while joining the company? 1) Induction 2) Training 3) Behavior of staff member () () ()

3. Do you think induction program me is necessary for new employees? 1) Yes 2) No 3) Cant say () () ()

4. Are you satisfy with the salary in respect of your job? 1) Yes 2) No () ()

3) Cant say


5. Are you satisfied with the working condition of the company? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say () () ()

6. Are you satisfied with the holidays provided by the company which is provided by the company? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say () () ()

7. Are you satisfied with the working hours? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say () () ()

8. Employees are satisfied with the training and development? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say () () ()

9. Are you satisfied by working relationship with the co-workers? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say () () ()

10. Are you satisfied by working relationship with the supervisors? . 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say () () ()

11. Is the organization giving you the compensation for, if any damage or any health issue arises? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say () () ()

12. How do you find a companys increment and promotion procedure? 1. Good 2. Excellent 3. Average 4. Worst 5. Poor () () () () ()

15. Are the employees happy with the food given in the canteen? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say () () ()

16. What do you feel about the cleanliness in the company on the following issues; rate them on the scale of 1 to 3

1) Floors


2) Wash rooms_ _ _ 3) Working area_ _ _ 4) Canteen_ _ _

17. Is the first aid provided to the employee by the company at the time of emergency? 1) Yes 2) No 3) Cant say () () ()

18. How is your experience you gain while working in the company? 1. Good 2. Excellent 3. Average 4. Worst 5. Poor () () () () ()


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