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(Material Safety Data Sheet)


Section 1 - Product Identification

Trade Name: EXCELERITE Common Name: Calcium Montmorillonite Clay Synonym: Fullers Earth Chemical Family: Silicate Dioxide Formula: Ca (Ca3,AI2)Si5O10(OH)8 CAS Number: 1302-76-7 HMIS: HO* FO RO EINECS 215-288-5

Section 2 - Hazardous Ingredients

Calcium Montmorillonite Contains free silica dioxide. The current OSHA Standard, 8 hour TWA (Respirable Dust) is dtermined by the formula: 10mg/M3 /%SIO2 = 2 or 50 mppcf /%SIO2 +5 ACGIH is proposing a TLV of 0.1mg/M3 (Respirable Dust or 0.3mg/M3 (Total Dust) NIOSH has recommended a Permissible Exposure Level of 0.05 mg/M3

Section 3 Physical Data

Specific Gravity: 2.58 Percent Volatile by Weight: 0 Evaporation Rate: 0 Appearance & Odor: Light Brown Powder, with no Odor

Section 4 Fire and Explosion Hazard

Non- Flammable: N/A

Section 5 Health Hazard Data

Threshold Limit Values: N/A Effects of Overexposure: N/A Emergency and First Aid: N/A

Sections 6, 7, 8, & 9 Reactivity, Spill and Leak Procedures, Special Protection & Special Precautions:
Reactivity: N/A Spill & Leak Procedures: None Special Protection & Precautions: None Rev. 2.28

US Rare Earth, Inc. PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708

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