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Into the Storm

Note: This story is based on my original book 'The M.E.C.H.' If you're looking for descriptions for ships and characters, look there. It is on my blog at But my plan is in book three, everyone finds about an infection and about past civilizations. They were watched by a robotic race known as the Archangels. An infection combining organic and robotic life together with the infection made Sentinels. This race was bent on destruction and enslavement. After taking back the main planets, the Teen Army chose to attack the home world of the Sentinels. With the help of the last original Archangel and plans for a device that would purge the universe, they went into the storm. Orbit of Planet Sentinel, Phoenix 7:00 PM Standard Ship Cycle, Year 2346 Derek's Prospective The first thing I saw was destruction. Looking at the planet, I saw it was barren with purple and orange marks. The next thing I noticed was that there were billions of hostiles coming toward us. Not that I didnt expect this to happen. This is the kind of thing that happens on suicide missions. I saw the other two ships near the Phoenix. It was the Croc and the Dragon. This is the Phoenix. How are you guys? asked Flare. Croc here. All of the crew is fine. Power running smoothly, said the Pilot of the Croc. Dragon Platoons fine. Not for long, I said. All three of the ships opened fire. Splitting off and heading to the objective, said the Dragon. Same here, replied the Croc. While the other ships split apart we headed to our destination. There were three Mega-Cannons that prevented any bigger ships from even coming close to the planet. Our job was to take out there cannons. Why I agreed to this is unknown but I knew we had to do this. Explosions lighted up the cockpit as we flew, spun and dodged the lasers. Side cannons fired in order to stop other ships and to give us propulsion to avoid everything. Why did I sign up for thi- Mathew began but was interrupted as the jerked. I need to divert all unnecessary power to the engines! shouted Flare.

We can have the cannons on manual reload! shouted Connor. I saw the pain and panic in his eyes. His blond hair flew around as the ship rocked back and forth. Got it! The ship started to go a little faster, but it saved our lives. Suddenly, something hit the roof. "We got enemies on top the roof!" shouted someone on a computer console. "Don't worry! I got it!" shouted Saki as she walked to the airlock. "Wait! I'm coming with you!" shouted Connor following in pursuit. "Preparing to launch the fighters" said someone. I ran toward the hanger, passing the gun bay at the same time. Cannon fire echoed throughout the hall followed by the sounds of grunts as people pulled back the mechanism to reload. Axel met me in near our T-Wing. It was battered up from previous battles, but it still worked. I climbed in and prepared to fly out. Preparing to launch fighters said our AI, Athena. The doors opened so slightly that I thought we wouldnt be able to fit. However, any bigger and swarms would flow in like a river. I warmed up the engines and shot out of the hanger. Making a heavy U-turn, I pulled on the joysticks to fly up and around to join the battle in the front. It dawned on me that we were the lucky ones. A blast disrupted the rest of the fighters coming out, blowing them all up. I felt my body go cold with shock. I didnt know most of the people, but another one of my best friends were there. Did you think he made it out alive? Axel said with an ill voice, despite the fact he was still shooting down everything in sight. You guys didnt think they got rid of me that easily said Mathew on the radio. A Hunter pulled up next to us, unloading tens of tiny missiles the size of your hand on swarms. Ever since his brother died, Mathew never rode in a T-Wing again. The T-Wings normally sit two people, but he refused to have someone else flying with him. The only person now that he trusted enough to pilot a T-Wing with him was flying the Phoenix. Were there any other survivors? I asked, knowing what the answer might be like. Only a few others, but they didnt last long, he replied grimly. Lets finish this! shouted Axel with guns blazing.

I smiled as we flew into the fray. Maybe we might survive this after all.

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