Good Manufacturing Practice ( GMP ) Compliance:: Gmps Explained

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Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Compliance:

Presented by

Raymond A. Bonner Nathan C. Sheers

SIDLEY AUSTIN BROWN & WOOD, LLP Washington, D.C. (202) 736-8000

The Fourth Annual Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Compliance Congress and Best Practices Forum November 13, 2003

Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations


minimum GMP for methods to be used, and the facilities or controls to be used for, the manufacture, processing, packing or holding of a drug to assure that the drug is:


Has the appropriate identity and strength

Meets quality and purity characteristics

21 C.F.R. 210 and 211

cGMP Violations -Severe Consequences

Product is adulterated
Shutdown of manufacturing facility Seizure of product Recall product Front page press coverage Competitive disadvantage

Severe Consequences (cont.)

GMP Hold on product applications

International sites

Injunction / Consent decree

Schering Plough ($500 Million) Abbott Laboratories ($100 Million) WyethAyerst Laboratories ($30 Million) Individual Defendants

Criminal Investigations and Indictments Lawsuits

United States ex rel. King

cGMP: Current Trends


Century: Risk-Based Approach

Risk-based assessment Up-to-date Science-based policies and standards

Part 11

Integrated Systems approach

Quality / Facilities and Equipment / Materials / Production / Packaging and Labeling / Laboratory Control

International cooperation
ICH: International Conference on Harmonisation


amendments regarding validation and cross-contamination

cGMP: The Basics



Product meets specifications



Systems ensure control and consistency Validation, validation, validation


If it is not documented, it did not happen


cGMP: Raw Materials

Active ingredients Excipients Audit suppliers on regular basis

Before entering into contract, review regulatory history Monitor regulatory compliance

Test incoming raw material

cGMP: Buildings and Facilities


or defined areas as are necessary to prevent contamination or mixups


filtration systems (HVAC) in production areas


21 C.F.R. 211.42-58

cGMP: Production and Process Controls (SOPs)

Written production and process control procedures shall be followed in manufacturing and shall be documented at the time of performance. Any deviation from these procedures shall be recorded and explained or justified. 21 C.F.R. 211.100

cGMP: In Process Testing

Must have written procedures and testing of product while being manufactured to assure batch uniformity and integrity Control procedures shall be established to monitor output and to validate manufacturing processes that could cause variability 21 C.F.R. 211.110

cGMP: Expiration Dating

To assure that a drug product meets applicable standards of identity, strength, quality and purity at the time of use, it shall bear an expiration date determined by appropriate stability testing described in Section 211.166.
21 C.F.R. 211.137 (a)

Expiration dates shall be related to any storage conditions stated on the labeling, as determined by stability studies described in Section 211.166.
21 C.F.R. 211.137 (b)


cGMP: Packaging and Labeling Operations


must have written procedures designed to assure that correct labels, labeling and packaging materials are used for drug products; such written procedures shall be followed. mix ups have been a major reason for drug product recalls.
21 C.F.R. 211.130


cGMP: Laboratory Controls

Testing and release for distribution

For each batch of drug product, there shall be laboratory determination of satisfactory conformance to final specifications for the drug product, including the identity and strength of each active ingredient prior to release.

There shall be appropriate laboratory testing, as necessary, of each batch required to be free of objectionable microorganisms.
21 C.F.R. 211.165 (a) & (b)

cGMP: Stability Testing

A written testing program designed to assess stability characteristics is required. Stability testing results must be used in determining storage conditions and expiration dates.
21 C.F.R. 211.166

cGMP: Production Record Review

Production and control records shall be reviewed and approved by the quality control unit to determine compliance with all established, approved written procedures before a batch is released or distributed.

Product Impact Assessment

Trend Analysis
Distributed Product

21 C.F.R. 211.192

cGMP: Deviation Investigations

Any unexplained discrepancy or the failure of a batch or any of its components to meet any of its specifications must be investigated whether or not the batch has already been distributed.

Investigate other batches of same drug product Investigate other drug products that may have been associated with the specific failure or discrepancy Written record of investigation

cGMP: Deviation Investigations


Documenting the Investigation is Critical

Hypotheses should be scientifically based Subject matter experts should be consulted throughout the investigation, including the initial identification of hypotheses Once a hypothesis is identified, it must be investigated All hypotheses should be validated or invalidated

cGMP: Deviation Investigations


Corrective and Preventative Action Program

As part of deviation investigations... Root cause identification and definitive corrective actions
Company Program / System should audit:
Timeliness of corrective / preventative actions Effectiveness of actions Documentation

Environmental monitoring/Cleaning

cGMP: Deviation Investigations


Corrective and Preventative Action Program (cont.)

After an FDA inspection... Establish scientifically sound corrective and preventative actions
Realistic timeframes

Ensure compliance with commitments to FDA

Systems Specific Issues
E.g., Change Control / Training

cGMP: Responsibility and Authority of Quality Control

Quality control unit shall have the responsibility and authority to approve or reject all components, drug product containers, closures, in-process materials, packaging material, labeling, and drug products, and the authority to review production records to assure that no errors have occurred or, if errors have occurred, that they have been fully investigated. The quality control unit shall be responsible for approving or rejecting drug products manufactured, processed, packed, or held under contract by another company.
21 CFR 211.22(a)

cGMP: Complaints

procedures describing the handling of all written and oral complaints

by Quality Control unit
Possible failure to meet any specification
Determine need for deviation investigation Adverse Drug Experience report assessment


of complaint and investigation or reason for not investigating


21 C.F.R. 211.198

cGMP: Records and Reports

Contemporaneous documentation critical

Laboratory and production records Trending analysis

Data Integrity

Internal review: OOS results, complaints, R&D

External review: FDA inspections, business deals (due diligence), and products liability cases

cGMP: Reports (cont.)

Field Alert Reports 314.81(b)(1)

Labeling Failure to meet specifications STABILITY FAILURES

Within 3 working days of receipt

Warner Lambert criminal case

Adverse Drug Experience Reports 314.80

ASAP but no later than 15 calendar days of initial receipt

Foreign and domestic

Recall Procedures and Preparation

cGMP: Auditing

Independent Audit Group

Resources Authority

Global Approach - Harmonization of Quality Standards

Audit priority systems / specific issues Follow-up audits

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Compliance:

Presented by

Raymond A. Bonner Nathan C. Sheers

SIDLEY AUSTIN BROWN & WOOD, LLP Washington, D.C. (202) 736-8000

The Fourth Annual Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Compliance Congress and Best Practices Forum November 13, 2003

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