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Six Dollar shirt

--6 crisp new one dollar bills
--1 card stock shirt form
-- double sided scotch tape
--paper tie or paper punched button


1. (All six dollars) Fold the white edges in toward the picture of Washington, starting with
the long sides, then the short ends. (if you fold so that a little sliver of green gets
included, no white will show on the green side.)
Set aside two of these.

Two of the dollars) Fold in half. (green

side showing) Set aside. Later when this dollar is assembled onto the collar of the card stock
form, fold the top right corners together so they touch in the front forming a collar. Fold so that
the number 1 shows on each side.

2. (Two of the dollars) Fold along the edge of the “ONE” (the full length on the green side
both top and bottom.
3. (Now comes the tricky part) The next folds gets tucked behind the “ONE” so that the
edge of the “ONE” is lined up with “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” on the top
and “ONE DOLLAR” on the bottom.

5. Iron all six folded dollars flat


Use the scotch tape to attach the dollars to the card stock form.
A. Attach the flat dollars side by side on the front of the form.
B. Attach the two dollars (instruction # 4) in the center on top of the flat dollars with
the word “ONE” facing in the same direction for all four dollars, (green side up).
C. Stick a piece of tape on the cardboard collar on the front. Slip the folded dollar
(instruction #2 ) over the cardstock. Attach tape to the front edges and fold over
to form a collar.
D. The last folded dollar (instruction #2) is placed behind the card stock ¾’s of the
way down. The two edges are folded to the front so that the 1’s are showing
(then taped) forming the cuffs of the shirt.
E. Attach a paper tie for a boy or a bow and paper buttons for a girl.

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