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Nine Qualities of the Buddha

Itipi so Bhagav, araha, sammsambuddho, vijjcaraa sampanno, sugato, lokavid, anuttaro purisadamma srathi, satth devamanussna Buddho, Bhagavti.
Such indeed is the Blessed One, worthy, fully enlightened by himself, endowed with knowledge and conduct, fortunate, knower of the worlds, the incomparable tamer of trainable persons, teacher of gods and men, enlightened, and blessed.

The Three Refuges Five Precepts and

Homage to the Triple Gem

Six Qualities of the Dhamma

Svkkhto bhagavat dhammo, sandihiko, akliko, ehipassiko, opaneyyiko, paccatta veditabbo vihti.
Well-taught is the Dhamma of the Blessed One, visible here and now, timeless, inviting investigation, leading onwards, to be realised by the wise.

Nine Qualities of the Sagha

Suppaipanno bhagavato svakasagho, ujuppaipanno bhagavato svakasagho, yappaipanno bhagavato svakasagho, smcippaipanno bhagavato svakasagho, ydida cattri purisayugni aha purisapuggal, esa bhagavato svakasagho, huneyyo, phuneyyo, dakkhieyyo, ajalikarayo, anuttara puakkhetta lokassti.
Of good conduct are the disciples of the Blessed One, of upright conduct are the disciples of the Blessed One, of wise conduct are the disciples of the Blessed One, of dutiful conduct are the disciples of the Blessed One, that is the four pairs of persons, the eight individuals, these are the disciples of the Blessed One, worthy of offerings, worthy of hospitality, worthy of gifts, worthy of respectful greetings, an incomparable field of merit for the world.

The Three Refuges

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa Homage to the Blessed, Worthy, and Fully Enlightened One Homage to the Blessed, Worthy, and Fully Enlightened One Homage to the Blessed, Worthy, and Fully Enlightened One Buddha saraa gacchmi Dhamma saraa gacchmi Sagha saraa gacchmi I go for refuge to the Buddha I go for refuge to the Dhamma I go for refuge to the Sangha Dutiyampi buddha saraa gacchmi Dutiyampi dhamma saraa gacchmi Dutiyampi sagha saraa gacchmi For the second time, I go for refuge to the Buddha For the second time, I go for refuge to the Dhamma For the second time, I go for refuge to the Sangha Tatiyampi buddha saraa gacchmi Tatiyampi dhamma saraa gacchmi Tatiyampi sagha saraa gacchmi For the third time, I go for refuge to the Buddha For the third time, I go for refuge to the Dhamma For the third time, I go for refuge to the Sangha

The Five Precepts

1. Ptipt verama sikkhpada samdiymi. I undertake the precept to refrain from killing living beings. 2. Adinndn verama sikkhpada samdiymi. I undertake the precept to refrain from taking that which is not given. 3. Kmesu micchcr verama sikkhpada samdiymi. I undertake the precept to refrain from sexual misconduct. 4. Musvd verama sikkhpada samdiymi. I undertake the precept to refrain from false speech. 5. Surmeraya-majja-pamdahn verama sikkhpada samdiymi. I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicants. Pronunciation Guide
1. Vowels with macron accent, , , , are double length as in father, keep, and rule. 2. The with a dot below is pronounced as ng in sang. 3. The consonants with dot below, , , , or are called dentals and are pronounced with the tongue pressed to the teeth. They are harder than the same consonants without the dot, which are called cerebrals and are pronounced with the tongue pressed to the back of the palate. 4. The tilde is pronounced as ny in canyon, or as in maana. 5. The c is pronounced as in church not as in rice. Some sample Pi words can be found @

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