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The Excellent Path to Enlightenment | Lotsawa House







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The Excellent Path to Enlightenment

Ngndro (/topics/ngondro/) | Tibetan Masters (/tibe tan-m aste rs/) Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (/tibe tan-m aste rs/jam yang-k hye ntse -wangpo/) English (/tibe tan-m aste rs/jam yang-k hye ntse -wangpo/e x ce lle nt-path) | Deutsch (/de /tibe tan-m aste rs/jam yang-k hye ntse -wangpo/e x ce lle nt-path) | Espaol (/e s/tibe tan-m aste rs/jam yang-k hye ntse -wangpo/e x ce lle nt-path) | Franais (/fr/tibe tan-m aste rs/jam yang-k hye ntse -wangpo/e x ce lle nt-path) | (/bo/tibe tan
m aste rs/jam yang-k hye ntse -wangpo/e x ce lle nt-path)

The Excellent Path to Enlightenment

by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820-1892)

The Four Thoughts
Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
From the murals of Shechen Monastery. Used with permission of Rabjam Rinpoche.

lama khyen Lama, care for me! three times

Further Information: Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

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lama knchok sumpo khy khyen no Lama and the Three JewelsBuddha, Dharma and Saghacare for me, guide me, inspire me, make me one with you!

Collected Works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

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daljor ny ka tobpa dar tsam Now I have this unique opportunity, a free and well-favoured human form, so difficult to find.

Treasury of Lives
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TBRC Author Profile (P258)

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mitak chiwa nam ong cha machi But it will not last forever; death can come at any moment,

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khorwa gangdu ky kyang dukngal gyu And wherever I am born in sasra, it is a cause for suffering;



gedik l kyi gyundr luwam Whether my actions are virtuous or harmful, karmas cause and effect cannot be escaped.

Refuge and Bodhicitta

tarlam tobpa lam tukj zung O lama, hold me with your compassion, so that I find the path to liberation!

namo dak sok dro kn changchub bar Namo! Until we attain enlightenment, I and all beings

tsawa sum la kyab su chi Take refuge in the lama, yidam and khandro.


shyendn sangye tobj chir So that I may attain buddhahood for the benefit of others,

mnjuk dndam changsem ky I arouse bodhicitta, as aspiration, as action and in its absolute meaning.

ah daknyi chiwor p d teng



The Excellent Path to Enlightenment | Lotsawa House

! On the crown of my head upon a lotus and moon disc,

lama dorsem yabyum gyi Is the Lama Vajrasattva in union with his consort.

tukk ngak l dtsi gyn From the mantra in his heart flows a stream of nectar,

babp nedn dikdrib jang Which purifies all sickness, harmful influences, negative deeds and obscurations. Recite the hundred syllable mantra.

Maala Offering

dorsem shyu rang la tim Vajrasattva melts into light and dissolves into me.

om ah hung ku sum shyingkham longch dang O h! All the pure realms of the three kyas, all our possessions,

chi nang sangw chp trin And clouds of offerings, outer, inner and secret,

knchok tsawa sum la bul I offer to the Three Jewels and the Three Roots,

shy n choktn ngdrub tsol Please accept them, and grant us supreme and ordinary siddhis!

om ah hung guru deva dakini sapariwara ratna mandala pudza megha ah hung

Guru Yoga

rang dn namkhar ja' long In the sky before me, amidst an expanse of rainbow coloured light,

tsaw lama ttreng tsal Is my own root teacher, Padma Ttreng Tsal,

kyab kndp ngowor shyuk Embodying every source of refuge.

gy sum rigdzin gyats kor Surrounded by a vast gathering of vidydharas of the three transmissions,

Put your energy into reciting the Seven Line Prayer and the Vajra Guru mantra. At the end, recite:

n sum dru sum zer gyi Rays of light stream from the three syllables at the lamas three centres,

jinlab wang dang ngdrub tob And I receive his blessings, empowerments and siddhis.

lama shyu rang la tim The lama melts into light and dissolves into me.

yerm mach lhukpar shyak Inseparable from him, I rest in a natural state of ease. Dedicate the merit.



The Excellent Path to Enlightenment | Lotsawa House

This was written by Khyentse Wangpo.


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