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If we reproduce of another persons actual words, we can use in two ways, namely : by using direct speech and indirect speech. 1. Direct Speech. Direct speech is a form of original sentence from someones opinion without undergoing any changes. The constructions of direct speech in general consists of two parts of sentences : a. Main clause which is called reporting verb b. Sub clause which is called reported words.

2. Indirect Speech. Indirect speech or reported speech tells

about the main discussion or opinion of someone that is as a compound sentence which consists of main clause and sub clause separated by certain conjunctions and sub clause by means of some changes

3. The change of time and place from direct speech to indirect speech when the main clause in the Past Tense, namely :

tomorrow tomorrow night tomorrow morning next week next month next year now today

- the day after/ the following day - the night after/ the following night - the morning after/ the following morning - the week after/ the following week - the month after/ the following month - the year after/ the following year - then - that day

this week becomes - that week this month - that month this year - that year this morning - that morning yesterday - the day before/ the previous day last night - the night before/ the previous night last week - the week before/ the previous week last month - the month before/ the previous month last year - the year before/ the previous year ago - before this - that these - those Here - there

The forms of Direct and Indirect Speech as follow :

A. Command and Request. Examples : 1. He said to me, Do your homework ! = He asked me to do my homework. 2. He said to her, Come here ! = He told her to come there 3. He said to them, Bring your note books when you went to school ! = He ordered them to bring their notebooks when they went to school. 4. He said to me, Please sit down ! = He asked me to sit down

B. Negative Command. Examples :

1. I said to him, Dont worry ! = I asked him not to worry 2. The doctor said to me, Dont go out at night !. = The doctor advised me not to go out at night 3. He said to her, Dont leave the house when I am away !. = He told her not to leave the house when he was away. 4. Our teacher said, Dont cheat when you have examination !. = Our teacher requested us not to cheat when we had examination.

Note :
( 1. The reporting verbs that are used to change direct speech to indirect speech are : tell, ask, order, command, request, advise, etc. 2. Infinitive without to in the direct speech becomes to infinitive in the indirect speech 3. If direct speech uses the word please to refine the form of command and we want to change it into indirect speech, so the word please must be omitted. 4. In the form of negative imperative by using Dont which is followed by infinitive without to in the direct speech, and we want to change it into indirect speech must be changed to become Not to infinitive (see the sentences in part B above, no. 1 - 4 ).

Task : 1 Change the following sentences into indirect speech !

Example : I said to them, Open your books !. = I asked them to open their books. 1. Dont worry about me, please !. (Agus told his mother ...) 2. Wait here until I come !. (He told me ....) 3. Tell me what you want !. (Ali told her ....) 4 Behave yourselves !. (She told us ...) 5. Dont spend your money only on cigarette !. (My mother told me ) 6. Drive as fast as you can !. (I asked her .....) 7. Be a good boy !. ( I told John ......) 8. Dont go without me !. (He told Alice .....) 9. Wash your shirt !. Mother asked her son ......) 10. Dont bring your bag with you !. (I told her ...)

C. Positive form (Statement) in the Direct Speech.

When the main clause is in the present tense, and if we change the direct speech into indirect speech, the tense will not change Examples : 1. He says, I go to school. = He says that he goes to school. 2. He says ,I went to school. = He says that he went to school. 3. He says, I have gone to school. = He says that he has gone to school. 4. He says to me, I am studying English ?. = He tells me that he is studying English.

2. The change of tense in the indirect speech when the main clause is in the Past Tense :

DIRECT SPEECH becomes INDIRECT SPEECH a. Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense (Subject + Verb-1+s/es + ... ) (Subject + Verb-2 + .... ) Example : He said, I go to school = He said that he went to school b. Simple Past Tense (Subject + Verb-2 + ..... ) Example : He said, I went to school Past Perfect Tense (Subject + Had + Verb-3 + .... ) = He said that he had gone to school

c. Present Perfect Tense (Subject + Have/Has + Verb-3 + .. ) Example : He said, I have gone to school d. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Subject + Have/Has + Been + V-ing) Example : He said, I have been doing my duty

Past Perfect Tense (Subject + Had + Verb-3 + .. ) = He said that He had gone to school Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Subject + Had Been + V-ing) = He said that he had been doing his duty

e. Present Continuous Tense (Subject + Am + Verb-ing ) Is Are Example : He said, I am doing my duty

Past Continuous Tense (Subject + Was + Verb-ing) Were

= He said that he was doing his duty Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Subject + Had + Been + V-ing) He said that he had been doing his duty

f. Past Continuous Tense (Subject + Was/Were + V-ing) Example : He said, I was doing my duty

g. Future Tense (Subject + Will + V-1 + ... ) Shall Example : He said, I will do my duty

Past Future Tense (Subject + Would Should

+ V-1 + ...)

= He said that he would do his duty Past Modal (Subject + could might had to

h. Present Modal (Subjcet + can + V-1 + ...) may must Example : He said, I can do my duty.

+ V-1 + .. )

= He said that he could do his duty

Note :
1. When the direct speech is in the positive (statement) / negative, which is changed in the indirect speech, the conjunction must be used, is that. 2. When reporting verb (said) in the direct speech is not followed by object, and we change it into indirect speech, the verb said, there is no change. 3. But when the reporting verb (said) is followed by object, so the verb said must be changed by told

Task : 2 Change the following sentences into indirect speech !

Example : He said, I will do my homework. = He said that he would do his homework. 1. John said, Mary, your book is on the table. 2. Tono said, I have to work hard to day. 3. He said, The doctor pulled out two of my teeth last week. 4. They say, We are learning English Grammar. 5. Tutik said, Alice, your father will be angry if you come late 6. Mary said, I visited my parents yesterday. 7. She said to her husband, Our Television needs repairing. 8. Mary said to John, You did not come on time this morning. 9. John said, I am a student and I have studied for three years. 10. Mother says to her son and daughter, You are very diligent

D. The interrogative form of Direct Speech without using

Examples : 1. Mary said to me, Do you go to school today ? = Mary asked me if/whether I went to school that day. 2. The teacher said to her, Did you do your homework last night ?. = The teacher asked her if/whether she had done her homework the night before. 3. Mother asked him, Have you cleaned your room ? = Mother asked him if/whether he had cleaned his room. 4. I said to them, Are you studying English now ? = I wanted to know if/whether they were studying English then

question words (Yes/No, Question).

Note : 1. When the direct speech is in the interrogative form, whether it uses question word or not, if the main clause uses : said (reporting verb), and we change it into indirect speech, so the verb said must be changed by reporting verbs : ask, inquire, wonder, want to know etc 2. In the direct speech without using question words, (Yes/No Question), when we change it into indirect speech, we must use the conjunction of : if/whether. 3. When the direct speech is changed into indirect speech, the interrogative construction must be returned in the positive forms.

Task : 3 Change the following sentences into indirect speech !

Example : Do you see Mr. John passing here ?. He said to me. = He asked me if I saw Mr. John passing there. 1. The man asks me, Did you hear a loud crash ?. 2. I said to her, Will your father and mother be back by 11 oclock ?. 3. I said, Can the gardener begin his work on Saturday ?. 4. They said to them, Did you succeed in making him change his mind ?. 5. She says to him, Was your holiday quiet and peaceful ?. 6. He asked me, May I borrow your book ?. 7. They said, Can you come tomorrow, John ?. 8 .Caroline said, Will you help me, Mary ? 9. John says to her, Do you want me to help you ?. 10. The teacher said to him, Did you see me at the bookstore yesterday ?.

E. Interrogative form in the Direct Speech by using question words Examples : 1. My mother said to me, When do you do your homework ?. = My mother asked me when I did my homework. 2. Father said to me, Where did you go last week ?. = Father wanted to know where I had gone the week before. 3. The doctor said to me, How long have you been ill ?. = The doctor asked me how long I had been ill. 4. He said to John, What are you doing now ?. = He asked John what he was doing then.

Note : 1. When the direct speech in the question forms by using question words and we change into indirect speech, so the conjunction that is used, is the question word itself. 2. The construction in the indirect speech must be returned in the positive forms. 3. The verbs said and asked can be followed by or without object. 4. The verbs : inquire, wonder, want to know, cannot be followed by object.

Task : 4 Change the following sentences into indirect speech !

Example : I said to him, When do you go to Surabaya ?. = I asked him when he went to Surabaya. 1. Where did you hide the key ?. I said to my brother. 2. He said, When will you return, Mary ? 3. Mother asks me, How did you get into the room ?. 4. The policeman said, How many of the books were stolen ?. 5. The doctor said to my little sister, How old are you ?. 6. The teacher says to his students, Whose pencil is this ?. 7. John asked, Why was Mr. Jack angry ? 8. The teacher said, Why dont the students finish their work quickly ?. 9. John said, whom did you see at the station yesterday, Jane ?. 10. David said to me, Which one do you like best ?.

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