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Q.1) A refrigeration system is operating with a vapor charged thermostatic expansion valve.

The thermal bulb is sensing a suction line temperature that is higher than the temperature that allows liquid to be present in the bulb. Any additional increases in the evaporator load will ____. A. B. close C. open D. have no effect on the position of the needle (pin) in the seat (Correct Answer) decrease the spring pressure and cause the thermostatic expansion valve to increase the bulb pressure and cause the thermostatic expansion valve to open increase the evaporator pressure and cause the thermostatic expansion valve to

Q.2) If a thermostatic expansion valve's thermal bulb came loose from the suction line at the outlet of the evaporator, which of the following could result? A. open. B. C. D. Q.3) The superheat in the evaporator would decrease. Liquid refrigerant would flow back to the compressor. All of the above are correct. (Correct Answer) The bulb pressure would increase and the thermostatic expansion valve would

If the thermal bulb assembly develops a leak, what will occur? A. All of the system's refrigerant will leak out. B. The bulb pressure will reduce and the valve will close. (Your Answer) C. The valve will open to allow more refrigerant to flow. D. It will have no effect on system operation. The purpose of an externally equalized thermostatic expansion valve is to ____. A. compensate for excessive evaporator pressure drop (Correct Answer) B. allow system to equalize faster C. prevent the expansion valve from frosting up D. allow refrigerant to expand in the compressor



The primary function of an expansion device is to ____. A. produce a reduction in the pressure on the liquid refrigerant B. regulate the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator C. lower the boiling point of the refrigerant far enough below the temperature of the load to get the needed heat transfer rate D. all of the above (Your Answer) Q.6) A thermostatic expansion valve controls refrigerant flow to the evaporator based on ____. A. rate of liquid vaporization B. evaporator suction line superheat (Correct Answer) C. external equalizer pressure D. all of the above The purpose of a capillary tube is to ____. A. regulate the refrigerant flow into the evaporator B. lower the pressure of the liquid refrigerant C. lower the boiling point of the refrigerant D. all of the above (Correct Answer) The TXV sensing bulb is mounted ____. A. on the liquid line between the condenser and the TX valve



B. C. Answer) D. Q.9)

at the inlet to the condenser on the suction line between the evaporator and the compressor (Correct on the compressor discharge line

When the load on the evaporator increases, the TX valve ____. A. increases the flow of refrigerant (Correct Answer) B. decreases the flow of refrigerant C. maintains constant head pressure D. decreases the pressure drop across the evaporator

Q.10) The cross liquid charge bulb at the TXV contains fluid that ____. A. has similar characteristics to the system fluid to prevent liquid refrigerant from entering the suction line B. has different characteristics from the system fluid (Correct Answer) C. causes the valve to stay open during the off cycle D. follows the typical pressure-temperature relationship Q.11) Balanced port TX valves are used to ____. A. feed refrigerant at a normal rate with low condenser entering air temperatures (Correct Answer) B. feed refrigerant at a normal rate with high condenser entering air temperatures C. stop refrigerant flow with high condenser entering air temperatures D. stop refrigerant flow with low condenser entering air temperatures Q.12) The pressure limiting TX valve ____. A. allows the compressor to operate at low condenser entering air temperatures B. shuts off the condenser fan during hot pull down C. maintains the full refrigerant flow rate during a hot pull down D. limits the refrigerant flow rate to the compressor capacity (Correct Answer)


If the power element of a TX valve loses its charge, the ____. A. coil will flood enough to feed liquid refrigerant out of the coil B. valve will get cold enough to create frost on the body of the valve C. refrigerant flow through the various circuits of the coil will become unbalanced D. refrigerant flow to the coil will stop (Correct Answer)

Q.14) A refrigeration system that continuously runs under high-load conditions (hot pull downs) would most likely use a thermostatic expansion valve with a vapor charged thermal bulb assembly. A. True (Correct Answer) B. False Q.15) An automatic expansion valve uses a thermal bulb to help control the amount of refrigerant being fed into the evaporator. A. True B. False (Your Answer) Q.16) A refrigeration system requiring a "fast pull down" would most likely use a thermostatic expansion valve with a liquid - thermal bulb. A. True (Correct Answer) B. False Q.17) The step-motor valve uses a small motor to control the valve's port, which in turn controls evaporator superheat.

A. B. Unanswered

True (Correct Answer) False

Q.18) A vapor-charged thermal bulb assembly responds faster than a liquid-charged thermal bulb assembly. A. B. True (Correct Answer) False

Q.19) As the load on an evaporator increases, the automatic expansion valve will open to allow more refrigerant to enter the evaporator. A. True B. False (Correct Answer) Q.20) A capillary tube controls the refrigerant flow into the evaporator. A. True (Correct Answer) B. False (Your Answer) An AX valve works best when the evaporator load is constant. A. True (Correct Answer) B. False


Q.22) The pin or valve port piston of the electronic step-motor expansion valve can move a linear motion of 0.0783 inches/step. A. True B. False (Correct Answer) Q.23) Too high of pressure entering the compressor will cause the density of suction gases entering the compressor to increase. A. True (Correct Answer) B. False Q.24) As the evaporator load increases, an automatic expansion valve will close to reduce the evaporator pressure while a thermostatic expansion valve will open to reduce the evaporator superheat. Q.25) The two pressures that push to close a thermostatic expansion valve are the spring, evaporator pressure and the evaporator, spring pressure. Q.26) When the quantity of refrigerant flow to an evaporator is reduced, the amount of superheat in the vapor leaving the coil will rise. Q.27) The correct term for a coil using a TX valve, capillary tubes, or restrictor is direct expansion. Q.28) Q.29) Q.30) The correct term for a coil using a low side float is flooded. The TX valve maintains a constant superheat or temperature. The automatic expansion valve maintains a constant pressure.

37. Match the thermostatic expansion valve and/or description. a. Thermal bulb b. Superheat spring c. Valve body d. External Equalizer Port e. Powerhead assembly f. Needle (pin) g. Copper strap h. Cage 1. Brings evaporator outlet pressure into the valve 2. Used to secure the thermal bulbto the suction line 3. Contains the diaphragm, pressure tube, and thermal bulb 4. Senses evaporator outlet temperature 5. determines the amount of superheat that a valve will maintain 6. Holds valve's components together while providing ports to connect system's refrigerant lines 7. Contains superheat spring, needle (pin) and seat, superheat spring adjusting gear 8. Moves in and out of the seat to modulate refrigerant flow into the evaporator

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