Automatic Water Level Indicator

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator



1. 2. 3.

Aim Motivations Basic concepts

2.1. Block diagram 2.2. Schematic 2.3. Operation 3. Hardware description Microcontroller Fluid Level Sensor Resistor Transistor Printed circuit board Light Emitting Diode

4. Software description
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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator

4.1Source code

5. Conclusions and Results


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Department of ECE

Water Level Controller with Error Indicator

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Introduction:

Sustainability of available water resource in many reason of the word is now a dominant issue. This problem is quietly related to poor water allocation, inefficient use, and lack of adequate and integrated water management. Water is commonly used for agriculture, industry, and domestic consumption. Therefore, efficient use and water monitoring are potential constraint for home or office water management system. Last few decades several monitoring system integrated with water level detection have become accepted. Measuring water level is an essential task for government and residence perspective. In this way, it would be possible to track the actual implementation of such initiatives with integration of various controlling activities. Therefore, water controlling system implementation makes potential significance in home applications. The common method of level control for home appliance is simply to start the feed pump at a low level and allow it to run until a higher water level is reached in the water tank. This is not properly supported for adequate controlling system. Proper monitoring is needed to ensure water sustainability is actually being reached, with disbursement linked to sensing and automation. Programmatic approach entails microcontroller based automated water level sensing and controlling.

1.1 Aim:
The main aim of Automatic water level monitoring and control is:

To save water which is the First necessity of human being We know that the demand of electricity is very high than demand in our country so,

Automatic water level monitoring and control is to save electricity i.e. when tank has been filled completely user can be alarmed with buzzer to switch off the motor.

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Department of ECE

Water Level Controller with Error Indicator

1.2 Motivation:
Automatic water level controller is highly recommended for metro cities or areas where drinking water is supplied through pipelines which are further distributed in homes, hotels, societies etc. At large these systems not only help us but our neighborhoods and society also, as it reduces the wastage of water by cutting down any further overflows than what you need.

1.3 Basic concepts

The technique of water level monitoring and controlling system concentrated with some basic parts which are softly aggregated together in our proposed method. Basic descriptions of some parts are described below.

A. Water Level Sensor And Error Sensor

To make special water level sensor we would like to introduce some convenient materials such as Iron rod, nozzles, resistance, rubber etc. The level sensing is done by a set of nine probes which are placed at nine different levels on the tank walls with probe9 to probe1 placed in increasing order of height and a connecting rod made by iron and steel which should be connected with +5v, When the probe touches water, it gets electric connection using water conductivity.

B. Microcontroller
Microcontroller is a computer on a chip that is programmed to perform almost any control, sequencing, monitoring and display the function. Because of its relatively low cost, it becomes the natural choice to the designer. Microcontroller is designed to be all of that in one. Its great advantage is no other external components are needed for its application because all necessary peripherals are already built into it. Thus, we can save the time, space and cost which is needed to construct low cost devices.

C. Error Indicating Alarm

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator

An error indicating alarm is basically a buzzer which gets switched on when an error in usual operation is encountered requesting user interaction.

1.4. System Features

Easy installation. Low maintenance. Compact elegant design. The Automatic water level controller ensures no overflows or dry running of pump there by saves electricity and water. Avoid seepage of roofs and walls due to overflowing tanks. Fully automatic, saves man power. Consume very little energy, ideal for continuous operation. Automatic water level controller provides you the flexibility to decide for yourself the water levels for operations of pump set.

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator

CHAPTER-2 Project description 2.1 Block diagram:

Figure 2.1.1 Block diagram.

Block Diagram Description:

The figure above shows the basic block diagram of our project. Now let us discuss all the blocks in detail:

Power supply:
When working with electronics, you always need one basic thing, POWER. This power supply is great for powering all kinds of electronic projects.

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator

It can be defined as a device that supplies electrical energy to one or more electric loads. The term is most commonly applied to devices that convert one form of electrical energy to another, though it may also refer to devices that convert another form of energy (e.g., mechanical, chemical, solar) to electrical energy. A regulated power supply is one that controls the output voltage or current to a specific value; the controlled value is held nearly constant despite variations in either load current or the voltage supplied by the power supply's energy source. A power supply may be implemented as a discrete, stand-alone device or as an integral device that is hardwired to its load. In the latter case, for example, low voltage DC power supplies are commonly integrated with their loads in devices such as computers and household electronics. In our project a supply mains that is 5volt d.C. is given to the microcontroller, transistors as well as the common probe which makes transistor base forward biased when the Contact of the electrode assembly with the water surface occurs.

Water Level Sensor:

It is one of the important component in this project. The water level sensor is used to detect the water level in the overhead tank. Also, in this circuit an additional water level sensor is used to detect the error which may occur when no water flows even when the water pump is turned ON.

This is a device which produces a sound when ever power supply is given. In this project, it is made to turn ON when an error is detected by the error detecting sensor. When that happens, the microcontroller turns ON the buzzer to alert the user regarding the error.

Microcontroller is the heart of this project. Handles all the inputs and outputs of the circuit by performing internal calculations on the inputs. The calculations performed are according to the program loaded into the microcontrollers ROM.

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator

2.2. Schematic diagram:

Figure 2.2.1 Schematic Diagram of Water Level Controller With Error Indicating Alarm


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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator

Here is the circuit diagram description for the water level controller and monitoring circuit.

A constant 5v power supply is given to the microcontroller and rest of the circuit from a battery. The tank has three conductive type sensors (other types of sensors have been mentioned earlier but in our project only conductive type are used) embedded into it and three wires of sensors are connected to transistors and another wire is also inserted for reference which is connected to 5v+ supply.

The use of transistor is it acts as amplifier. The signal level from the sensor are of very low voltage. So we make use of transistors for amplification. All transistors outputs are connected to respective input pins of microcontroller.

The mirocontroller has two outputs out of which one is connected to a relay and the other one is connected to an alarm circuit.

2.3 Operation:
The operation of this project is very simple and can be understood easily. In our project water level controller with error indicating alarm there are 3 main conditions:
1. 2. 3.

There is no water available in the overhead tank. Intermediate level i.e. the motor is filling the tank now. There is ample amount of water available in the source tank.

So let us discuss on the basis of these 3 conditions

CONDITION 1: Water not available

When the tank is empty there is no conductive path between any of the two indicating probes and the common probe (which is connected to 5v+ supply) so the transistor base emitter region will not have sufficient biasing voltage hence it remains in cut off region and the output across its collector will be Vc approximately 4.2v. As in this case the microcontroller is used in the active low region (which means it considers 0-2 volts for HIGH and 3-5 volts for LOW) now Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College Department of ECE

Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


the output of transistor which is 4.2v approximately will be considered as LOW by the microcontroller and hence the microcontroller turns ON the relay which inturn turns ON the water pump. At the same time, after some time delay of switching ON the pump, it uses the error indicating sensor to check whether the water is flowing in the tank or not. If the water is not flowing then that means that an error has occured. In this case the pump will be turned OFF and the alarm is turned ON. In case the water is flowing well, then the pump is kept turned ON till the water level rises to maximum level.

CONDITION 2: Intermediate levels

Now as the water starts filling in the tank a conductive path is established between the first sensing probe and the common probe and the corresponding transistor get sufficient biasing at their base, they starts conducting and now the outputs will be Vce (i.e. 1.2v-1.8v) approximately which is given to microcontroller. Here the microcontroller remains in the same state as it is. If the motor is turned ON, it will be kept ON. If the Motor is turned OFF, it will be kept OFF. In this state, the microcontroller continuously monitors the error detector sensor. If the water stops flowing in the tank when the motor is turned ON, then the error indicating alarm is activated and the motor is made to turn OFF.

CONDITION 3: Water full

Finally when the tank becomes full the last level probe gets the conductive path through water and the corresponding transistor gets into conduction whose output is given to microcontroller which makes microcontroller turns OFF the motor. When the motor is turned OFF, the microcontroller stops monitoring the error detecting system.

2.4. Applications:

Automatic Water level Controller can be used in Hotels, Factories, Homes Apartments, Commercial Complexes, Drainages, etc., It can be fixed for single phase motor, Single Phase Submersibles, Three Phase motors. (For 3 and Single Phase Submersible Starter

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


is necessary) and open well, Bore well and Sump. We can control two motor and two sumps and two overhead tanks by single unit.

Automatic water level controller will automatically START the pump set as soon as the water level falls below the predetermined level (usually 1/2 tank) and shall SWITCH OFF the pump set as soon as tank is full.

Fuel level indicator in vehicles. Liquid level indicator in the huge containers in the companies.

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


Chapter 3: Hardware description 3.1Microcontroller Why we are choosing a Microcontroller?

As it provides on chip microprocessor, RAM, ROM, Parallel I/O port, Serial I/O port etc. hence its cost is less, size is less, power consumption is less and speed is more. Software development tools like assembler, C compilers etc are easily available and are easy to upgrade

Figure 3.1.1 Microcontroller IC

The ATMEGA16L is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 16-bit microcomputer with 16K bytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory (PEROM).

History of the Microcontroller

It is fun programming and working with microcontrollers. With microcontrollers you can create a piece of hardware which acts according to your wish. A microcontroller (also MCU or C) is a computer on a chip. It is a type of microprocessor emphasizing high integration, low

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


power consumption, self-sufficiency and cost-effectiveness, in contrast to a general-purpose microprocessor (the kind used in a PC). In addition to the usual arithmetic and logic elements of a general purpose microprocessor, the microcontroller typically integrates additional elements such as read-write memory for data storage, read-only memory, such as flash for code storage, EEPROM for permanent data storage, peripheral devices, and input/output interfaces. At clock speeds of as little as a few MHz or even lower, microcontrollers often operate at very low speed compared to modern day microprocessors, but this is adequate for typical applications. They consume relatively little power (mill watts), and will generally have the ability to sleep while waiting for an interesting peripheral event such as a button press to wake them up again to do something. Power consumption while sleeping may be just nanowatts, making them ideal for low power and long lasting battery applications. Basically a Microcontroller is a mini computer with CPU, Memory, I/O lines etc. Microcontrollers are much better for smaller embedded systems than their ancestors i.e. microprocessors, if you are developing a system using microprocessor, then your hardware or circuit will be more complex whereas if you choose a microcontroller, your hardware becomes simple because all the necessary peripherals such as RAM, ROM, TIMERS, I/O ports, etc are embedded in a microcontroller. Therefore it is also called a mini computer on a chip. I have chosen ATMEL8L microcontroller due to its simplicity in architecture and assembly language, and learning ATMEL8L chip is much easier than other microcontrollers. By reducing the size, cost, and power consumption compared to a design using a separate microprocessor, memory, and input/output devices, microcontrollers make it economical to electronically control many more processes.

Microcontroller for Embedded Systems:

In the literature discussing microcontrollers, we often see the term Embedded System. Microcontrollers are widely used in Embedded System products. An Embedded product uses a microcontroller to do one task and one task only. In an Embedded System there is only one application software that is typically burned into ROM and X-86 PC contains or is connected to various Embedded products such as

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keyboard, printer, modem, disk controller, sound card, CD-ROM drive, mouse and so on. Each one of these peripherals has a microcontroller inside it that performs only one task. .

Microcontrollers vs. Microprocessors MICROPROCESSORS MICROCONTROLLERS

A microprocessor: single-chip contained only

A microcontroller single-chip contained CPU,

CPU bus is available RAM capacity, num of port is selectable

RAM, ROM, Peripherals, I/O port Communicate by port internal hardware is fixed ROM is larger than RAM Microcontrollers are suitable Microprocessor are suitable to to processing information in computer

RAM is larger than ROM (usually) (usually) control of I/O devices in designs systems. requiring a minimum component

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


Why use 8 bit microcontroller:

The following features of 8- bit microcontrollers make it useful to be used for IC testing.

Low cost. Low power consumption High speed perform Represent a transition zone between dedicated, high-volume, 8-bit micro- controllers and the high performance 32- bit microcontrollers. Bit addressing used for test pin monitoring or program control flags. 16-bit word size adequate for many computing tasks and control or monitoring applications

Microcontroller (ATMEGA16L):
High-performance, Low-power AVR 8-bit Microcontroller Advanced RISC Architecture 131 Powerful Instructions Most Single-clock Cycle Execution 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers Fully Static Operation Up to 16 MIPS Throughput at 16 MHz On-chip 2-cycle Multiplier Nonvolatile Program and Data Memories 16K Bytes of In-System Self-Programmable Flash Endurance: 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits In-System Programming by On-chip Boot Program True Read-While-Write Operation 512 Bytes EEPROM Endurance: 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles 1K Byte Internal SRAM

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator Programming Lock for Software Security JTAG (IEEE std. 1149.1 Compliant) Interface Boundary-scan Capabilities According to the JTAG Standard Extensive On-chip Debug Support Programming of Flash, EEPROM, Fuses, and Lock Bits through the JTAG Interface Peripheral Features Two 8-bit Timer/Counters with Separate Prescalers and Compare Modes One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler, Compare Mode, and Capture Mode Real Time Counter with Separate Oscillator Four PWM Channels 8-channel, 10-bit ADC 8 Single-ended Channels 7 Differential Channels in TQFP Package Only 2 Differential Channels with Programmable Gain at 1x, 10x, or 200x Byte-oriented Two-wire Serial Interface Programmable Serial USART Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator On-chip Analog Comparator Special Microcontroller Features Power-on Reset and Programmable Brown-out Detection Internal Calibrated RC Oscillator External and Internal Interrupt Sources Six Sleep Modes: Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, Power-save, Power-down, Standby And Extended Standby I/O and Packages 32 Programmable I/O Lines 40-pin PDIP, 44-lead TQFP, and 44-pad MLF Operating Voltages 2.7 - 5.5V for ATmega16L


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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator 4.5 - 5.5V for ATmega16 Speed Grades 0 - 8 MHz for ATmega16L 0 - 16 MHz for ATmega16


Pin description:
The ATmega8 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, theATmega8 achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


FIGURE 3.1.2 Pin diagram

VCC GND Port A (PA7..PA0)

Digital supply voltage. Ground. Port A serves as the analog inputs to the A/D Converter. Port A

also serves as an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port, if the A/D Converter is not used. Port pins can provide internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit). The Port A output buffers have

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source capability. When pins PA0 to PA7 are used as inputs and are externally pulled low, they will source current if the internal pull-up resistors are activated. The Port A pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running. Port B (PB7..PB0) Port B is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up


resistors (selected for each bit). The Port B output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port B pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port B pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running. Port B also serves the functions of various special features. Port C (PC7..PC0) Port C is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up

resistors (selected for each bit). The Port C output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port C pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port C pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running. If the JTAG interface is enabled, the pull-up resistors on pins PC5 (TDI), PC3 (TMS) and PC2 (TCK) will be activated even if a reset occurs. Port D (PD7..PD0) Port D is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up

resistors (selected for each bit). The Port D output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port D pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port D pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running. Port D also serves the functions of various special features RESET Reset Input. A low level on this pin for longer than the minimum

pulse length will generate a reset, even if the clock is not running. The minimum pulse length is given in Table15 on page 35. Shorter pulses are not guaranteed to generate a reset. XTAL1 Input to the inverting Oscillator amplifier and input to the

internal clock operating circuit.

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator XTAL2 AVCC Output from the inverting Oscillator amplifier. AVCC is the supply voltage pin for Port A and the A/D


Converter. It should be externally connected to VCC, even if the ADC is not used. If the ADC is used, it should be connected to VCC through a low-pass filter. AREF AREF is the analog reference pin for the A/D Converter.

A linear resistor is a two-terminal, linear, passive electronic component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. The current through a resistor is in direct proportion to the voltage across the resistor's terminals. Thus, the ratio of the voltage applied across a resistor's terminals to the intensity of current through the resistor is called resistance. This relation is represented by Ohm's law:

Figure 3.2.1 Picture of Resistor

Ohm's law states that the voltage (V) across a resistor is proportional to the current (I), where the

constant of proportionality is the resistance (R). The amount of resistance offered by a resistor is determined by its physical construction. A carbon composition resistor has resistive carbon packed into a ceramic cylinder, while a Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College Department of ECE

Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


carbon film resistor consists of a similar ceramic tube, but has conductive carbon film wrapped around the outside. Metal film or metal oxide resistors are made much the same way, but with metal instead of carbon. A wire wound resistor, made with metal wire wrapped around clay, plastic, or fiberglass tubing, offers resistance at higher power levels. For applications that must withstand high temperatures, materials such as cermet, a ceramic-metal composite, or tantalum, a rare metal, are used to build a resistor that can endure heat. A resistor is coated with paint or enamel, or covered in molded plastic to protect it. Because resistors are often too small to be written on, a standardized color-coding system is used to identify them. The first three colors represent ohm value, and a fourth indicates the tolerance, or how close by percentage the resistor is to its ohm value. This is important for two reasons: the nature of resistor construction is imprecise, and if used above its maximum current, the value of the resistor can alter or the unit itself can burn up. Every resistor falls into one of two categories: fixed or variable. A fixed resistor has a predetermined amount of resistance to current, while a variable resistor can be adjusted to give different levels of resistance. Variable resistors are also called potentiometers and are commonly used as volume controls on audio devices. A rheostat is a variable resistor made specifically for use with high currents. There are also metal-oxide varistors, which change their resistance in response to a rise in voltage; thermistors, which either raise or lower resistance when temperature rises or drops; and light-sensitive resistors. One of the most important considerations circuit designers have to make when allocating resistors in their designs is the appropriate power rating for components. The resistor power rating is based on the amount of thermal loading a component will be able carry on a continuous basis and are expressed in watts. There are a good range of standard watt resistors with many more supplemental ratings made to order for specific applications. Typical, off-the-shelf power ratings range from 1/8 watt to 50 watts although far larger examples are regularly custom built. Generally a resistor power rating up to two watts will be of a linear carbon design; larger examples include ceramic base, wire wound components. In our project we used a 1/4th power rated resistor.

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Figure 3.2.2 Different power rated resistors

Types of resistors:
There are five main types of resistors, each drawn differently on a schematic. Fixed-value resistors are represented by a simple zigzag, variable resistors are a zigzag with an arrowed line through it at a diagonal angle, potentiometers are a zigzag perpendicular to an arrowed line, thermistors are a zigzag with a line moving through diagonally and ending in a flat line, and photo resistors are represented by two angled and arrowed lines pointing towards a zigzag. Fixed and variable resistors have the widest applications, and they are seen in most electronic devices. Fixed resistors are simply basic resistors with a resistor value which cannot be changed. A variable resistor is a simple resistor, but its value may be adjusted by means of a control. A potentiometer is a type of variable resistor. Thermistors have a variable resistance value which adjusts based on the temperature; they may be used in electronic thermostats and also in many televisions. Photo resistors adjust their resistance based on how much light comes into contact with them and are useful for light-activated switches.

Resistor value calculation:

The value of a resistor is usually given by a series of colored bands on the surface of the resistor itself. In most resistors, there are four bands of color. The first two bands represent the base-value of the resistance as a two-digit number, the third band gives a multiplier, and the

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fourth band indicates the tolerance. Resistors which require more precision in their value have five bands, with the first three representing the resistance as a three-digit number, and the fourth and fifth lines representing multiplier and tolerance respectively. Reading a resistor may seem complex at first, but it is actually quite easy. First, we need to know what the colors mean. As resistance-value numbers they are:

Black 0 Brown 1 Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green 5 Blue 6 Violet 7 Grey 8 White 9

The remaining colors, gold and silver, are not used for resistance values. As multipliers, the colors represent:

Black x1 Brown x10 Red x100 Orange x1,000 Yellow x10,000 Green x100,000 Blue x1,000,000 Violet x10,000,000 Gold x0.10 Silver x0.01

Lastly, tolerance values are:

Brown 1% Red 2% Department of ECE

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Green 0.5% Blue 0.25% Violet 0.10% Grey 0.05% Gold 5% Silver 10%

No color represents 20%. So, if a resistor's bands are orange-green-orange-gold, then we know that its resistance is 35,000 ohms with a tolerance of plus or minus 5%. Similarly, if the resistor is banded as brownred-yellow-brown-blue, we know the resistance is 1,240 ohms with a tolerance of plus or minus 0.25%. More and more frequently these days, resistors have the numerical values given for their resistance and tolerance in addition to, or in place of, the color code. The two above examples would be written as 35k 5% and 1.24k .25%, respectively. Some European resistors use the 'k' instead of a decimal place, rendering the second example instead as 1k24 .25%.

Fluid Level Detecting Sensors:

Level sensors detect the level of substances that flow, including liquids, slurries, granular materials, and powders. Fluids and fluidized solids flow to become essentially level in their containers (or other physical boundaries) because of gravity whereas most bulk solids pile at an angle of repose to a peak. The substance to be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural form (e.g. a river or a lake). The level measurement can be either continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors measure level within a specified range and determine the exact amount of substance in a certain place, while point-level sensors only indicate whether the substance is above or below the sensing point. Generally the latter detect levels that are excessively high or low. There are many physical and application variables that affect the selection of the optimal level monitoring method for industrial and commercial processes. The selection criteria include the physical: phase (liquid, solid or slurry), temperature, pressure or vacuum, chemistry, dielectric constant of medium, density (specific gravity) of medium, agitation (action), acoustical or electrical noise, vibration, mechanical shock, tank or bin size and shape. Also important are Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College Department of ECE

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the application constraints: price, accuracy, appearance, response rate, ease of calibration or programming, physical size and mounting of the instrument, monitoring or control of continuous or discrete (point) levels.

Point and continuous level detection for solids

A variety of sensors are available for point level detection of solids. These include vibrating, rotating paddle, mechanical (diaphragm), microwave (radar), capacitance, optical, pulsed-ultrasonic and ultrasonic level sensors.

Vibrating point
These detect levels of very fine powders (bulk density: 0.02 g/cm3 0.2 g/cm3), fine powders (bulk density: 0.2 0.5 g/cm3), and granular solids (bulk density: 0.5 g/cm3 or greater). With proper selection of vibration frequency and suitable sensitivity adjustments, they can also sense the level of highly fluidized powders and electrostatic materials. Single-probe vibrating level sensors are ideal for bulk powder level. Since only one sensing element contacts the powder, bridging between two probe elements is eliminated and media build-up is minimized. The vibration of the probe tends to eliminate build-up of material on the probe element. Vibrating level sensors are not affected by dust, static-charge build-up from dielectric powders, or changes in conductivity, temperature, pressure, humidity or moisture content. Tuning-fork style vibration sensors are another alternative. They tend to be less costly, but are prone to material buildup between the tines.

Rotating paddle
Rotating paddle level sensors are a very old and established technique for bulk solid point level indication. The technique uses a low speed gear motor that rotates a paddle wheel. When the paddle is stalled by solid materials, the motor is rotated on its shaft by its own torque until a flange mounted on the motor contacts a mechanical switch. The paddle can be constructed from a variety of materials, but tacky material must not be allowed to build up on the paddle. Build up may occur if the process material becomes tacky because of high moisture levels or high ambient humidity in the hopper. For materials with very low weight per unit volume such as Pearlite, Bentonite or fly ash, special paddle designs and low-torque motors are used. Fine particles or

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dust must be prevented from penetrating the shaft bearings and motor by proper placement of the paddle in the hopper or bin and using appropriate seals.

An RF Admittance level sensor uses a rod probe and RF source to measures the change in admittance. The probe is driven through a shielded coaxial cable to eliminate the effects of changing cable capacitance to ground. When the level changes around the probe, a corresponding change in the di-electric is observed. This changes the admittance of this imperfect capacitor and this change is measured to detect change of level.

Point level detection of liquids

Pulse-Wave Ultrasonic (Non Invasive)
The principle behind a Pulsed-Ultrasonic technology is that the transmit signal consists of short bursts of ultrasonic energy. After each burst, the electronics looks for a return signal within a small window of time corresponding to the time it takes for the energy to pass through the vessel. Only signal received during this window period will qualify for additional signal processing. The dry signal will not be received within this window, and therefore will be ignored.

Magnetic and mechanical float

The principle behind magnetic, mechanical, cable, and other float level sensors involves the opening or closing of a mechanical switch, either through direct contact with the switch, or magnetic operation of a reed. With magnetically actuated float sensors, switching occurs when a permanent magnet sealed inside a float rises or falls to the actuation level. With a mechanically actuated float, switching occurs as a result of the movement of a float against a miniature (micro) switch. For both magnetic and mechanical float level sensors, chemical compatibility, temperature, specific gravity (density), buoyancy, and viscosity affect the selection of the stem and the float. For example, larger floats may be used with liquids with specific gravities as low as 0.5 while still maintaining buoyancy. The choice of float material is also influenced by temperature-induced changes in specific gravity and viscosity changes that directly affect buoyancy.

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Float-type sensors can be designed so that a shield protects the float itself from turbulence and wave motion. Float sensors operate well in a wide variety of liquids, including corrosives. When used for organic solvents, however, one will need to verify that these liquids are chemically compatible with the materials used to construct the sensor. Float-style sensors should not be used with high viscosity (thick) liquids, sludge or liquids that adhere to the stem or floats, or materials that contain contaminants such as metal chips; other sensing technologies are better suited for these applications. A special application of float type sensors is the determination of interface level in oilwater separation systems. Two floats can be used with each float sized to match the specific gravity of the oil on one hand, and the water on the other. Another special application of a stem type float switch is the installation of temperature or pressure sensors to create a multi-parameter sensor. Magnetic float switches are popular for simplicity, dependability and low cost.

Pneumatic level sensors are used where hazardous conditions exist, where there is no electric power or its use is restricted, and in applications involving heavy sludge or slurry. As the compression of a column of air against a diaphragm is used to actuate a switch, no process liquid contacts the sensor's moving parts. These sensors are suitable for use with highly viscous liquids such as grease, as well as water-based and corrosive liquids. This has the additional benefit of being a relatively low cost technique for point level monitoring.

Conductive level sensors are ideal for the point level detection of a wide range of conductive liquids such as water, and is especially well suited for highly corrosive liquids such as caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, ferric chloride, and similar liquids. For those conductive liquids that are corrosive, the sensors electrodes need to be constructed from titanium, Hastelloy B or C, or 316 stainless steel and insulated with spacers, separators or holders of ceramic, polyethylene and Teflon-based materials. Depending on their design, multiple electrodes of differing lengths can be used with one holder. Since corrosive liquids become more aggressive as temperature and pressure increase, these extreme conditions need to be considered when specifying these sensors.

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Conductive level sensors use a low-voltage, current-limited power source applied across separate electrodes. The power supply is matched to the conductivity of the liquid, with higher voltage versions designed to operate in less conductive (higher resistance) mediums. The power source frequently incorporates some aspect of control, such as high-low or alternating pump control. A conductive liquid contacting both the longest probe (common) and a shorter probe (return) completes a conductive circuit. Conductive sensors are extremely safe because they use low voltages and currents. Since the current and voltage used is inherently small, for personal safety reasons, the technique is also capable of being made Intrinsically Safe to meet international standards for hazardous locations. Conductive probes have the additional benefit of being solid-state devices and are very simple to install and use. In some liquids and applications, maintenance can be an issue. The probe must continue to be conductive. If buildup insulates the probe from the medium, it will stop working properly. A simple inspection of the probe will require an ohmmeter connected across the suspect probe and the ground reference. Typically, in most water and waste water wells, the well itself with its ladders, pumps and other metal installations, provides a ground return. However, in chemical tanks, and other nongrounded wells, the installer must supply a ground return, typically an earth rod.

Sensors for both Point Level Detection and Continuous Monitoring of Solids and Liquids Ultrasonic
Ultrasonic level sensors are used for non-contact level sensing of highly viscous liquids, as well as bulk solids. They are also widely used in water treatment applications for pump control and open channel flow measurement. The sensors emit high frequency (20 kHz to 200 kHz) acoustic waves that are reflected back to and detected by the emitting transducer. Ultrasonic level sensors are also affected by the changing speed of sound due to moisture, temperature, and pressures. Correction factors can be applied to the level measurement to improve the accuracy of measurement.

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Turbulence, foam, steam, chemical mists (vapors), and changes in the concentration of the process material also affect the ultrasonic sensors response. Turbulence and foam prevent the sound wave from being properly reflected to the sensor; steam and chemical mists and vapors distort or absorb the sound wave; and variations in concentration cause changes in the amount of energy in the sound wave that is reflected back to the sensor. Stilling wells and wave guides are used to prevent errors caused by these factors. Proper mounting of the transducer is required to ensure best response to reflected sound. In addition, the hopper, bin, or tank should be relatively free of obstacles such as weldments, brackets, or ladders to minimize false returns and the resulting erroneous response, although most modern systems have sufficiently "intelligent" echo processing to make engineering changes largely unnecessary except where an intrusion blocks the "line of sight" of the transducer to the target. Since the ultrasonic transducer is used both for transmitting and receiving the acoustic energy, it is subject to a period of mechanical vibration known as ringing. This vibration must attenuate (stop) before the echoed signal can be processed. The net result is a distance from the face of the transducer that is blind and cannot detect an object. It is known as the blanking zone, typically 150mm 1m, depending on the range of the transducer. The requirement for electronic signal processing circuitry can be used to make the ultrasonic sensor an intelligent device. Ultrasonic sensors can be designed to provide point level control, continuous monitoring or both. Due to the presence of a microprocessor and relatively low power consumption, there is also capability for serial communication from to other computing devices making this a good technique for adjusting calibration and filtering of the sensor signal, remote wireless monitoring or plant network communications. The ultrasonic sensor enjoys wide popularity due to the powerful mix of low price and high functionality.

Capacitance level sensors excel in sensing the presence of a wide variety of solids, aqueous and organic liquids, and slurries. The technique is frequently referred to as RF for the radio frequency signals applied to the capacitance circuit. The sensors can be designed to sense material with dielectric constants as low as 1.1 (coke and fly ash) and as high as 88 (water) or more. Sludges and slurries such as dehydrated cake and sewage slurry (dielectric constant

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approx. 50) and liquid chemicals such as quicklime (dielectric constant approx. 90) can also be sensed. Dual-probe capacitance level sensors can also be used to sense the interface between two immiscible liquids with substantially different dielectric constants, providing a solid state alternative to the aforementioned magnetic float switch for the oil-water interface application. Since capacitance level sensors are electronic devices, phase modulation and the use of higher frequencies makes the sensor suitable for applications in which dielectric constants are similar. The sensor contains no moving parts, is rugged, simple to use, easy to clean, and can be designed for high temperature and pressure applications. A danger exists from build up and discharge of a high-voltage static charge that results from the rubbing and movement of low dielectric materials, but this danger can be eliminated with proper design and grounding. Appropriate choice of probe materials reduces or eliminates problems caused by abrasion and corrosion. Point level sensing of adhesives and high-viscosity materials such as oil and grease can result in the build up of material on the probe; however, this can be minimized by using a self-tuning sensor. For liquids prone to foaming and applications prone to splashing or turbulence, capacitance level sensors can be designed with splashguards or stilling wells, among other devices. A significant limitation for capacitance probes is in tall bins used for storing bulk solids. The requirement for a conductive probe that extends to the bottom of the measured range is problematic. Long conductive cable probes (20 to 50 meters long) suspended into the bin or silo, are subject to tremendous mechanical tension due to the weight of the bulk powder in the silo and the friction applied to the cable. Such installations will frequently result in a cable breakage.

Optical interface
Optical sensors are used for point level sensing of sediments, liquids with suspended solids, and liquid-liquid interfaces. These sensors sense the decrease or change in transmission of infrared light emitted from an infrared diode (LED). With the proper choice of construction materials and mounting location, these sensors can be used with aqueous, organic, and corrosive liquids. A common application of economical infrared-based optical interface point level sensors is detecting the sludge/water interface in settling ponds. By using pulse modulation techniques

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and a high power infrared diode, one can eliminate interference from ambient light, operate the LED at a higher gain, and lessen the effects of build-up on the probe. An alternate approach for continuous optical level sensing involves the use of a laser. Laser light is more concentrated and therefore is more capable of penetrating dusty or steamy environments. Laser light will reflect off most solid, liquid surfaces. The time of flight can be measured with precise timing circuitry, to determine the range or distance of the surface from the sensor. Lasers remain limited in use in industrial applications due to cost, and concern for maintenance. The optics must be frequently cleaned to maintain performance.

Microwave sensors are ideal for use in moist, vaporous, and dusty environments as well as in applications in which temperatures vary. Microwaves (also frequently described as RADAR), will penetrate temperature and vapor layers that may cause problems for other techniques, such as ultrasonic. Microwaves are electromagnetic energy and therefore do not require air molecules to transmit the energy making them useful in vacuums. Microwaves, as electromagnetic energy, are reflected by objects with high conductive properties, like metal and conductive water. Alternately, they are absorbed in various degrees by dielectric or insulating mediums such as plastics, glass, paper, many powders and food stuffs and other solids. Microwave sensors are executed in a wide variety of techniques. Two basic signal processing techniques are applied, each offering its own advantages: Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) which is a measurement of time of flight divided by the speed of light, similar to ultrasonic level sensors, and Doppler systems employing FMCW techniques. Just as with ultrasonic level sensors, microwave sensors are executed at various frequencies, from 1 GHz to 30 GHz. Generally, the higher the frequency, the more accurate, and the more costly. Microwave is also executed as a non-contact technique, monitoring a microwave signal that is transmitted through the medium (including vacuum), or can be executed as a radar on a wire technique. In the latter case, performance improves in powders and low dielectric media that are not good reflectors of electromagnetic energy transmitted through a void (as in non-contact microwave sensors). But the same mechanical constraints exist that cause problems for the capacitance (RF) techniques mentioned previously. Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College Department of ECE

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Microwave-based sensors are not affected by fouling of the microwave-transparent glass or plastic window through which the beam is passed or by high temperature, pressure, or vibration. These sensors do not require physical contact with the process material, so the transmitter and receiver can be mounted a safe distance from the process, yet still respond to the presence or absence of an object. Microwave transmitters offer the key advantages of ultrasonics: the presence of a microprocessor to process the signal provides numerous monitoring, control, communications, setup and diagnostic capabilities. Additionally, they solve some of the application limitations of ultrasonics: operation in high pressure and vacuum, high temperatures, dust, temperature and vapor layers. One major disadvantage of microwave or radar techniques for level monitoring is the relatively high price of such sensors.

Continuous level measurement of liquids

Magnetostrictive level sensors are similar to float type sensors in that a permanent magnet sealed inside a float travels up and down a stem in which a magnetostrictive wire is sealed. Ideal for high-accuracy, continuous level measurement of a wide variety of liquids in storage and shipping containers, these sensors require the proper choice of float based on the specific gravity of the liquid. When choosing float and stem materials for magnetostrictive level sensors, the same guidelines described for magnetic and mechanical float level sensors apply. Because of the degree of accuracy possible with the magnetostrictive technique, it is popular for custody-transfer applications. It can be permitted by an agency of weights and measures for conducting commercial transactions. It is also frequently applied on magnetic sight gages. In this variation, the magnet is installed in a float that travels inside a gage glass or tube. The magnet operates on the sensor which is mounted externally on the gage. Boilers and other high temperature or pressure applications take advantage of this performance quality.

Resistive chain

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Resistive chain level sensors are similar to magnetic float level sensors in that a permanent magnet sealed inside a float moves up and down a stem in which closely spaced switches and resistors are sealed. When the switches are closed, the resistance is summed and converted to current or voltage signals that are proportional to the level of the liquid. The choice of float and stem materials depends on the liquid in terms of chemical compatibility as well as specific gravity and other factors that affect buoyancy. These sensors work well for liquid level measurements in marine, chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, food processing, waste treatment, and other applications. With the proper choice of two floats, resistive chain level sensors can also be used to monitor for the presence of an interface between two immiscible liquids whose specific gravities are more than 0.6, but differ by as little as 0.1 units.

Hydrostatic pressure
Hydrostatic pressure level sensors are submersible or externally mounted pressure sensors suitable for measuring the level of corrosive liquids in deep tanks or water in reservoirs. For these sensors, using chemically compatible materials is important to assure proper performance. Sensors are commercially available from 10mbar to 1000bar. Since these sensors sense increasing pressure with depth and because the specific gravities of liquids are different, the sensor must be properly calibrated for each application. In addition, large variations in temperature cause changes in specific gravity that should be accounted for when the pressure is converted to level. These sensors can be designed to keep the diaphragm free of contamination or build-up, thus ensuring proper operation and accurate hydrostatic pressure level measurements. For use in open air applications, where the sensor cannot be mounted to the bottom of the tank or pipe thereof, a special version of the hydrostatic pressure level sensor can be suspended from a cable into the tank to the bottom point that is to be measured. The sensor must be specially designed to seal the electronics from the liquid environment. In tanks with a small head pressure (less than 100 INWC), it is very important to vent the back of the sensor gauge to atmospheric pressure. Otherwise, normal changes in barometric pressure will introduce large

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error in the sensor output signal. In addition, most sensors need to be compensated for temperature changes in the fluid.

Air bubbler
An air bubbler system uses a tube with an opening below the surface of the liquid level. A fixed flow of air is passed through the tube. Pressure in the tube is proportional to the depth (and density) of the liquid over the outlet of the tube. Air bubbler systems contain no moving parts, making them suitable for measuring the level of sewage, drainage water, sewage sludge, night soil, or water with large quantities of suspended solids. The only part of the sensor that contacts the liquid is a bubble tube which is chemically compatible with the material whose level is to be measured. Since the point of measurement has no electrical components, the technique is a good choice for classified Hazardous Areas. The control portion of the system can be located safely away, with the pneumatic plumbing isolating the hazardous from the safe area. Air bubbler systems are a good choice for open tanks at atmospheric pressure and can be built so that high-pressure air is routed through a bypass valve to dislodge solids that may clog the bubble tube. The technique is inherently self-cleaning. It is highly recommended for liquid level measurement applications where ultrasonic, float or microwave techniques have proved undependable.

Gamma ray
A nuclear level gauge or gamma ray gauge measures level by the attenuation of gamma rays passing through a process vessel. The technique is used to regulate the level of molten steel in a continuous casting process of steelmaking. The water-cooled mold is arranged with a source of radiation, such as Cobalt-60 or Cesium-137, on one side and a sensitive detector such as a scintillometer on the other. As the level of molten steel rises in the mold, less of the gamma radiation is detected by the sensor. The technique allows non-contact measurement where the heat of the molten metal makes any contact technique impractical.

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A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals. It is composed of a semiconductor material with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals changes the current flowing through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be much more than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal The essential usefulness of a transistor comes from its ability to use a small signal applied between one pair of its terminals to control a much larger signal at another pair of terminals. This property is called gain. A transistor can control its output in proportion to the input signal; that is, it can act as an amplifier. Alternatively, the transistor can be used to turn current on or off in a circuit as an electrically controlled switch, where the amount of current is determined by other circuit elements.

Figure 3.3.1 Transistor

Figure 3.3.2 Circuit symbol

A bipolar transistor has terminals labeled base, collector, and emitter. A small current at the base terminal (that is, flowing from the base to the emitter) can control or switch a much larger current between the collector and emitter terminals. Charge will flow between emitter and collector terminals depending on the current in the base. Since internally the base and emitter connections behave like a semiconductor diode, a voltage drop develops between base and emitter while the base current exists. The amount of this voltage depends on the material the transistor is made from, and is referred to as VBE.

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This switching operation of the NPN transistor has been used in the circuit as already mentioned in the working of the circuit.

3.4 . Printed Circuit Board:

There are different types of boards to make the inter connection of components they are as follows:

This is a way of making a temporary circuit, for testing purposes or to try out an idea. No soldering is required and all the components can be re-used afterwards. It is easy to change connections and replace components. Almost all the Electronics Club projects started life on a breadboard to check that the circuit worked as intended.

Strip board:
For this project, we have chosen a stripboard. Stripboard has parallel strips of copper track on one side. The strips are 0.1" (2.54mm) apart and there are holes every 0.1" (2.54mm). Stripboard requires no special preparation other than cutting to size. It can be cut with a junior hacksaw, or simply snap it along the lines of holes by putting it over the edge of a bench or table and pushing hard. General purpose copper stripboard primarily for hard wiring of discrete components, typically in analogue circuits or where a number of common bus or signal lines are required. Manufactured from laminated copper clad board, punched on a 0.1 grid. Readily cut to size for ease of use, copper tracks simply cut to break using our stripboard cutting tool. Tracks run along the length of the board.

Manufacturing materials:
Conducting layers are typically made of thin copper foil. Insulating layers dielectric are typically laminated together with epoxy resin prepreg. The board is typically coated with a solder mask that is green in color. Other colors that are normally available are blue, black, white and

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red. There are quite a few different dielectrics that can be chosen to provide different insulating values depending on the requirements of the circuit.

3.6 Light Emitting Diode:

A Light-Emitting Diode (LED) in essence is a P-N junction solid-state semiconductor diode that emits light when a current is applied though the device. By scientific definition, it is a solid-state device that controls current without the deficiency of having heated filaments. LED is the only semiconductor light source that exists till date. Like other semiconductors, LEDs also consume little power compared to conventional light sources. The positive power is connected to one side of the LED semiconductor through the anode and a whisker and the other side of the semiconductor is attached to the top of the anvil or the negative power lead (cathode). It is the chemical composition or makeup of the LED semiconductor that determines the colour of the light that the LED produces as well as the intensity level. The epoxy resin enclosure allows most of the light to escape from the elements and protects the LED making it virtually indestructible. Furthermore, a light-emitting diode does not have any moving parts, which makes the device extremely resistant to damage due to vibration and shocks. These characteristics make it ideal for purposes that demand reliability and strength. LEDs therefore can be deemed invulnerable to catastrophic failure when operated within design parameters.

Figure 3.10 Light emitting diode

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Salient features of LEDs

High-levels of brightness and intensity Low radiated heat High-efficiency Can be easily controlled and interfaced to other devices Low-voltage and current requirements Long source life High reliability (resistant to shock and vibration) No UV Rays

Applications of LED fall into three major categories: Visual signal application where the light goes more or less directly from the LED to the human eye, to convey a message or meaning. Illumination where LED light is reflected from object to give visual response of these objects. Generate light for measuring and interacting with processes that do not involve the human visual system.



In our project and the prototype, we have used red LED. RELAY A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism mechanically, but other operating principles are also used. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. The first relays were used in long distance telegraph circuits, repeating the signal coming in from one circuit and re-transmitting it to another. Relays were used extensively in telephone exchanges and early computers to perform logical operations. A type of relay that can handle the high power required to directly control an electric motor or other loads is called a contactor. Solid-state relays control power circuits with no moving parts, instead using a semiconductor device to perform switching. Relays with calibrated operating

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characteristics and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from overload or faults; in modern electric power systems these functions are performed by digital instruments still called "protective relays".

Basic design and operation

Simple electromechanical relay.

Small "cradle" relay often used in electronics. The "cradle" term refers to the shape of the relay's armature.

A simple electromagnetic relay consists of a coil of wire wrapped around a soft iron core, an iron yoke which provides a low reluctance path for magnetic flux, a movable iron armature, and one or more sets of contacts (there are two in the relay pictured). The armature is hinged to the yoke and mechanically linked to one or more sets of moving contacts. It is held in place by a spring so that when the relay is de-energized there is an air gap in the magnetic circuit. In this condition, one of the two sets of contacts in the relay pictured is closed, and the other set is open. Other relays may have more or fewer sets of contacts depending on their function. The relay in the picture also has a wire connecting the armature to the yoke. This ensures continuity of the circuit between the moving contacts on the armature, and the circuit track on the printed circuit board (PCB) via the yoke, which is soldered to the PCB. When an electric current is passed through the coil it generates a magnetic field that activates the armature, and the consequent movement of the movable contact(s) either makes or breaks Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College Department of ECE

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(depending upon construction) a connection with a fixed contact. If the set of contacts was closed when the relay was de-energized, then the movement opens the contacts and breaks the connection, and vice versa if the contacts were open. When the current to the coil is switched off, the armature is returned by a force, approximately half as strong as the magnetic force, to its relaxed position. Usually this force is provided by a spring, but gravity is also used commonly in industrial motor starters. Most relays are manufactured to operate quickly. In a low-voltage application this reduces noise; in a high voltage or current application it reduces arcing. When the coil is energized with direct current, a diode is often placed across the coil to dissipate the energy from the collapsing magnetic field at deactivation, which would otherwise generate a voltage spike dangerous to semiconductor circuit components. Some automotive relays include a diode inside the relay case. Alternatively, a contact protection network consisting of a capacitor and resistor in series (snubber circuit) may absorb the surge. If the coil is designed to be energized with alternating current (AC), a small copper "shading ring" can be crimped to the end of the solenoid, creating a small out-of-phase current which increases the minimum pull on the armature during the AC cycle.[1] A solid-state relay uses a thyristor or other solid-state switching device, activated by the control signal, to switch the controlled load, instead of a solenoid. An optocoupler (a light-emitting diode (LED) coupled with a photo transistor) can be used to isolate control and controlled circuits.

Chapter 4 Software description 4.1Source code:

CHAPTER-5 Conclusions and Results 5.1. Conclusions

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


The project Water Level Controller with Error Indicating Alarm is proved to be a reliable technique to prevent wastage of water due to overflows. It has an ability to detect and handle faults in water flow thereby protecting the pump set from damage and also saving power. It provides a fully automated operation thereby reducing the need for manual intervention.

5.2. Results
The Project Water Level Controller With Error Indicating Alarm is successfully designed and tested. Related technologies like microcontroller programming and interfacing, appliance automation, etc are studied and mastered.

1. Automatic Water Level Controller with Error Indicator Alarm, The Tantriks Blog by Deekshith Allamaneni. 2. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2010 Vol I WCECS 2010, October 20-22, 2010, San Francisco, USA. 3. AVR microcontroller community for tutorials, discussions and code examples. 4.

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Water Level Controller with Error Indicator


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