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Boiler Erection

Date: 13/01/2007

By Surendra Singh Kushwaha

Column erection Pressure part erection Miscellaneous

The boiler presently in use are hanging type. The column are broken up during manufacture into several pieces and transported to site Where it is pre assembled in two or three pieces and erected. Utmost care is taken in the pre-assembly stage to maintain the matching of the of the column end faces and to achieve vertically well within the tolerance limit

Verticality is single most important factor and is given top priority The maximum column verticality is 20mm. Once the column erection is over up to the full height cross beams are placed securely over the column which supports the main boiler

In order to carry out this job special erection tool like cranes with extra long boom to carry heavy loads at that height are used. After cross beam erection, entire structure is adequately braced to achieve sufficient strength.


3. Advantage and Weakness of Construction Method

Description \Type

Modulization / Concurrence Construction Methods

Typical Construction Method

Earlier completion through Modulization /Concurrence Construction


Many years of experience and Know-How To utilize standard data /Data base Reduction design M/H Curtailment of S/S materials Reduction manufacturing/installation cost

Competitive time for completion

Lay down Area need for pre-assy at site Increasing Equipment / Construction Labor Cost
Long time for completion High risk of safety accident due to lots of works at the high elevation

Weakness Increasing Module temporary material and

S/S materials (about 50% ) Long duration for S/S design and Complicated design

2. Comparison of Construction Methods

Modulization / Concurrence Construction Methods

Typical Construction Method

Concurrent construction of S/S and Boiler S/S Modulization on the ground Core Frame, Subsidiary S/S and Boiler installation at the same time

Boiler installation after completion of S/S installation Separate installation of S/S 1Tier ~ 5 Tier with Bottom-Up method

Lifting after Moduliztion on the ground, Erection Unit Lifting and installation Using special Lifting device : Hydraulic jack - to be able to lift Module [2,500Tons] Site assembly of Boiler equipment - Ground assembly : 70%, - Assembly after installation : 30% Planning and scheduling for concurrent construction sequence Planning Using ordinary construction lifting device Site assembly of Boiler equipment - Ground assembly : 20%, - Assembly after installation : 80%

Compare to Main Erection Process

Modulization / ConcurrenceConstruction Methods Typical Construction Method

660MW x 2 Units Main Proper 5,643tons Boiler weight S/S 9,191tons Duration
(S/S at site~Firing)

15.5 Momth 76m x 41m x 41m


560MW x 2 Units Main Proper 5,103tons Boiler weight S/S 5,200tons 1990.07.16~1992.08.14 Duration (S/S at site~Firing) (25 M) HxWxD 76m x 37m x 42m

Lifting S/S after pre-Assy Core Frame on the ground Pre-assembling Pressure Parts

After Starting S/S

Separately lifting STL/STR Pressure Parts unfurnished

Core Frame Module Work Stand


Modulization/Concurrent Erection Method

Typical Construction Method

After installation of S/S Core Frame to install Pressure Panel and subsidiary-S/S at the same time Coil Modulization on the ground

2 month after starting S/S

Completion S/S 2 tier

Sub-S/S Assy 2Tier


Modulization/Concurrent Erection Method

Module Work Stand

Typical Construction Method

? ? ? ?

Panel Assy

In the process of Modulization of Boiler Furnace & Back Pass on the ground S/S Heavy Girder installation (Using Crane) 2 month after Starting S/S

Heavy Girder Lifting

S/S Heavy Girder installation (Using Crane) 6 month after starting S/S

Heavy Girder Installation

Heavy Girder Installation

Module Assy on the Ground

Modulization/Concurrent Erection Method

Typical Construction Method

? ?

? ?

After S/S Core Frame / Heavy Girder completion starting sub-S/S installation and 20% of Pressure parts installation 3 month after starting S/S 4.5 month earlier in comparison with Typical Method [Drum lifting point] S/S Core Frame design for Boiler load support Module work on the ground and concurrence installation of S/S and Boiler
Lifting using Hydraulic Jack

DRUM Lifting

After completion of S/S 1~5 tiers starting pressure parts installation 7.5 month after starting S/S




Pressure Parts Module assembly on the ground

Modulization/Concurrent Erection Method

? ? ?
Typical Construction Method

Back Pass module assembly on the ground Lifting after Boiler Coil Module work (Using Hydraulic Jack) Lifting after Sub-S/S module assembly
Hydraulic Jack

After Drum lifting

Completion of S/S installation Separate installation of Boiler Pressure parts (Using Winch)


Back pass Module assembly on the ground

Modulization/Concurrent Erection Method

Typical Construction Method

Coil Module Lifting

? ?

50 % completion of total S/S installation Concurrent Lifting Boiler Back Pass and S/S Support (Using Hydraulic Jack System) 8.5 month after starting S/S
Hydraulic Jack

Back Pass Lifting

Completion of S/S installation Separate installation of Boiler Back Pass 16.5 month after starting S/S
(Using Winch)


Back pass Module Lifting

Modulization/Concurrent Erection Method

Typical Construction Method

? ?

60 % completion of total S/S installation 100% completion of Boiler pressure parts installation 10 month after starting S/S

Hydro Test

Completion of S/S installation Completion of Boiler pressure parts installation 19 month after starting S/S

9 month earlier in comparison with Samchunpo [Hydro test point] Installation S/S Aux. after Hydro test Ground Module assembly and S/S & Boiler concurrent construction

? ?
Modulization/Concurrent Erection Method Typical Construction Method

Completion of S/S installation Completion of Boiler installation 15.5 month after starting S/S
9 month earlier in comparison with Typical Method [First firing point] Ground Module assembly and S/S & Boiler concurrent construction

First Firing

Completion of S/S installation Completion of Boiler installation 24.5 month after starting S/S

Modulization/Concurrent Erection Method

Typical Construction Method

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Install Heavy Girder after Panel Erection

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Assemble RH Final & SH Final Tube Module

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Install Jack for Drum

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation


Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Install Downcomer pipes (6ea)

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Prepare the Assembling of SH DIV. Module

Assemble Back Pass Module (Hanger rods, roof panel, LTRH)

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Lift the Subassembled SH DIV. Module

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Install the Jack for SHP & RHP

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Install the Jack for Back Pass Module Lifting

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Install the Wire for Back Pass Module Lifting

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

1st Lifting of Back Pass Module

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Assemble the Back Pass Wall Panel

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

SH tube bundle lifting

Lower panel lifting Assemble Back Pass LTRH Arch lifting

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Assemble Eco Tube, Eco Header

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Back Pass Module Final Lifting

Sequence of Modulization / Concurrent Installation

Install the Burner windbox, Low water panel, Hopper panel, Water inlet header, Suction inlet piping.

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