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. A serious disruption in the functioning of community or a society causing widespread material, economic, social or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected society to cope using its own resources. 2) Define Disaster Management. Disaster Management is a collective term encompassing all aspects of planning for and responding to disasters, including both pre and post disaster activities. It refers to the management of both risk and consequence of disasters. 3) What are causal factors of disaster? Poverty Ungoverned Population growth Transition in cultural practices Environmental Degradation. Lack of awareness and information. War and civil strife. 4) Define Risk. Risk is defined as the expected losses caused by a particular phenomenon. Risk is the function of the probability of particular occurrences and the losses each would cause. It is the probability of a disaster occurring and resulting in a particular level of losses. 5) Define Risk Analysis. The process of determining the nature and scale of losses which can be anticipated in particular areas during a specified time period. It is also called as risk assessment. 6) Define Disaster Risk Management. Disaster Risk management is the process by which assessed risks are mitigated, minimized or controlled through engineering, management of land use practices or other operational means.

7) Define ISDR definition of Disaster Risk reduction. The conceptual framework of elements considered with the possibilities to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society, to avoid or to limit the adverse impacts of hazards within the broad context of sustainable development. 8) What are possible risk reduction measures of cyclone? Coastal belt plantation Hazard Mapping Land use control Engineered structures Flood management Improving vegetation cover Coastal shelterbelt plantations. 9) Define Hazard. A dangerous condition or event, that threat or have the potential for causing injury to life or damage to property or the environment. Hazard is defined as the probability of occurrence of dangerous phenomena at a given place within a given period of time. 10) Define Hazard Assessment. The process of estimating, for defined areas, the probabilities of the occurrence of potentially damaging phenomenon of given magnitudes within a specified period of time. 11) What are different types of Hazards? Geological Hazards Water and climatic hazards Environmental hazards Biological Hazards Chemical, Industrial and Nuclear accidents Accident related 12) Write the objectives of Disaster Management. To design and implement disaster management activities. To co-ordinate and monitor disaster management programmes.

To reduce vulnerability to disasters in the affected areas of concern. To put in place appropriate measures that minimizes the negative effects of disaster. To put in place measures to restore livelihood and other life support systems of the affected communities. 13) Write short notes on ISDR. ISDR stands for International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. It is recognized as the intergrated part of SD at WSSD ( Johannesburg, 2002). It is mandated by UNGA as UN coordinating mechanism for DRR worldwide. Long term development activity. Immediate natural partners are UNDP and OCHA. It works at national level, regional and sub regional level. 14) Who are system partners of ISDR? Governments Regional Inter governmental organizations United Nations System International Financial Institutions Other National Organizations Non Governmental Actors 15) What are 4 categories of impact on disaster development linkages? Loss of resources Interruption of programs and switching of crucial resources to other, short-term needs. Negative impacts on investment climates. Disruption of non-formal sector. 16) Write short notes on Insurers. A certain portion of risk has to be borne by insured in order to keep the interest in loss reduction awake. Households and business owners reduce risk to their property by proper maintenance and securing sensitive equipments. 17) Write short notes on reinsurers. Reinsurers are often the main risk carriers in the field of natural disaster losses, making proper risk management all the more a primary task which includes Balancing the risk over time and regions.

Technical support to clients in rating considerations and assessments of probable maximum losses. Controlling and limiting liabilities. 18) What is Vulnerability? Vulnerability is the degree of susceptibility to a hazard, or the lack of capacity to absorb the impact of a hazard and recover from it. It is related not only to physical factors but also to a range of social, economic, cultural and political factors. 19) Write short notes on Indias Key Vulnerabilities. Coastal states particularly in the east coast and Gujarat are vulnerable to cyclones. 4 crore hectare landmass is vulnerable to floods. 88 percent of net sown area is vulnerable to drought. 55 percent of total area is in seismic zones III V, and vulnerable to earthquakes. Sub- Himalayan/ Western ghat is vulnerable to landslides. 20) Write the relation between disaster and development. Disaster set back development programming destroying years of development initiatives. Rebuilding after a disaster provides significant opportunities to initiate development programs. Development programs can increase an areas susceptibility to disasters. Development programs can be designed to decrease the susceptibility to disasters and their negative consequences. 21) What are 4 phases of disaster management cycle? Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery 22) What are different phases of disaster management? Pre-Disaster Phase (Before the occurrence of a disaster) Disaster Occurrence / Impact Phase (During the disaster) Post Disaster Phase ( After the occurrence of the disaster). 23) What are different stages of cyclone? Formation and initial development stage Fully matured

Weakening or decay 24) What is a drought? Drought is a condition of acute scarcity of water, food, fodder and employment due to scanty rainfall in an area. Crop failure is a serious consequence of drought. 25) What are different keywords used to explain development? Well-being Livelihood Capability Equity Sustainability

UNIT II APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGY IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION 1) Write short notes on database. A database is a system intended to organize, store and retrieve large amount of data easily. It consists of organized collection of data for one or more uses typically in digital form. 2) What is a data? Data is one of the most important assets of a company. It is very important to make sure data is stored and maintained accurately and quickly. 3) What is DBMS? DBMS is a set of programs that is used to store and manipulate data. It provides various functions like data security, data integrity, data sharing, data concurrence, data independence, data recovery etc. A DBMS is a set of software programs that controls the organization, storage, management, and retrieval of data in a database. 4) Write short notes on system interface. It is a method of communicating with the database management system. It can be a high level programming language or a set of menus. 5) What are features of DBMS? Support for large amount of data. Data sharing, concurrency and locking. Data Security Data Integrity Fault tolerance and recovery Support for languages 6) What is data consistency? Data consistency ensures a consistent view of data to every user. It includes accuracy, validity and integrity of related data. Data in database must satisfy certain consistency constraints.

7) What is Isolation? Isolation refers to the ability of one transaction to see the results of other transactions. Greater isolation typically reduces performance and/or concurrency, leading DBMS to provide administrative options to reduce isolation. 8) What is a deadlock? Deadlocks occur when two transactions each require data the other has already locked exclusively. Deadlock detection is performed by DBMS, which then aborts one of the transactions and allows the other to complete. 9) What are important terms used in relational model? Tuple / Row Attribute / Column Column name Primary Key Composite Primary Key Foreign Key 10) What are different operators used in relational algebra? Union Intersect Difference or minus Project Select Join 11) What are different categories of SQL commands? DDL (Data Definition Language) DML (Data Manipulation Language) DCL (Data Control Language) Query (Retrieving data)

12) What are components of Disaster Management Information System? Hazard Assessment mapping Vulnerability Assessment Demographic distribution Infrastructure, lifelines and cultural facilities Logistics and transportation routes Human and material response resources Communication facilities 13) What are different components of Hazard decision support system? Data Suppliers Data Distribution System (DDS) Data Management System (DMS) Data Processing and Application Development (DPAD) Decision Support System (DSS) 14) What are essential components of DSS? Data bank Data Analysis capability Normative models Technology for display and the interactive use of data and models. 15) What are different communication categories? Data transfer from observatory stations. Data exchange among suppliers and users. Exchange of information and experience. Training and Video Conferences Tele-control (Commands). 16) Define GIS. GIS is defined as a system of hardware and software for measuring, storing, retrieving, mapping, monitoring, modeling and analyzing a variety of data types related to geographic and natural phenomena.

17) What are different views of GIS? Database View Map View Model View 18) Write short notes on Intranet. Intranet will be a forum set up in initial stages of project to facilitate immediate communication between project team and participants. An intranet is a private internet operating within a company. 19) Write short notes on Extranet. An extranet is a computer network that allows controlled access from outside, for specific business or educational purposes. It is an extension of a companys intranet that is extended to users outside the company. 20) Write short notes on Video Teleconferencing. Video Conferencing is a device which allows people to interact just like face-to-face communication regardless of their location. It is among people who are geographically separated. 21) What are different fields Video conferencing is used? Telemedicine Telecommunication Education Surveillance Security Emergency Response. 22) Write short notes on Internet. Internet is a forum to be used to disseminate the information and action plan developed by the project in the intranet to all interested parties. 23) Write short notes on remote sensing. Remote sensing is the examination or gathering of information about a place from a distance. Information is gathered using devices like cameras. Examination of a place occurs with

devices based on ground, sensors or cameras based on ships, aircraft, satellites or other spacecrafts. 24) What are benefits of an Intranet? Better internal communications Sharing of resources and best practice. Improved customer service Reduction in paper work. 25) What are different technologies used in GIS? Satellite based Weather Warnings Flood Forecasting System Tsunami Warning System Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Tsunami Disaster Information Alert System Quake Alarm System V-SAT phone

UNIT III AWARENESS OF RISK REDUCTION 1) Define Risk. Risk is the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction) will lead to a loss (an undesirable outcome). A probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action. 2) Define Risk Management. Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. 3) What is trigger mechanism? Trigger mechanism is a concept that has been developed in order to ensure smooth flow of response activities after disaster. It is an emergency quick response mechanism. It spontaneously set the vehicle of management into motion on the road to disaster mitigation process. 4) What is L concept? L concept has been developed to define different levels of disaster in order to facilitate the assistance to states and centre. 5) Write short notes on L0 level. Lo level denotes normal times which will be utilized for close monitoring, documentation and preparatory activities. Training of search and rescue teams, rehearsals, evaluation and inventory updating for response activities will be carried out during this period.

6) Write short notes on L1 level. L1 level is denoted when the disaster can be managed at the district level where the state and centre need to be on guard in case assistance is required for disaster relief operations. 7) Write short notes on L2 level. L2 level disaster situations are those that require assistance and active participation of state resources for management of the disaster.

8) Write short notes on Documentation. Documentation is extremely important that the entire process of developing and integrating the DRR curriculum / module be documented and shared with other RCC member countries which would guide them on taking up similar action. 9) What happens when early warning signals are available? In case of early warning signals available, inform the community likely to be affected by the disaster through an earning system and undertake evacuation. 10) What happens when early warning systems are not available? In disaster situations where no early warning systems are available, the primary objective of trigger mechanism shall be to mount immediate rescue and relief operations and set the process in as quickly as possible. 11) What are roles of disaster managers by trigger mechanism requirement? Evolve an effective signal / warning mechanism Identify activities and ther levels Identify sub-activities under each activity / level of activity Specify authorities for each level of activity and sub-activity Determine response time for each activity Work out individual plans of each specified authority to achieve the activation as per response time. Have quick response teams for each specified authority Have alternative plans and contingency measures

Provide appropriate administrative and financial delegations to make response mechanism functionally viable. Undergo preparedness drills. 12) Write short notes on early warning signals. Early warning signals act as alert signals for general public to provide information about disaster. Several departments are involved along with certain agencies in providing warning signals.

13) What are different ways by which risk can be reduced? Basically risk can be reduced by means of education and by means of public awareness. By creating awareness through education in schools and colleges, major problems can be solved. 14) Write short notes on Disaster Information Networks. Many national and regional networks have been useful for effective information sharing and co-ordination. These networks act as major source of providing information related to disaster and its tediousness. 15) Write short notes on risk reduction by education. Nowadays during disaster people faces lot of difficulties and unaware how to tackle different situations. So it is better useful to l to educate them from school life so that it acts as guidelines among general public and provide solutions and helps to react based on situational measures. 16) Write short notes on risk reduction by public awareness. Risk being apart of human life can be reduced by means of education and public awareness. Though education field is helpful, there are some problems among uneducated sector. So in such cases, awareness Programme and methods act as major tool for reducing risk. 17) What are different ways by which awareness can be created? There are different ways by which awareness can be created among general public related to disaster. They are Stage shows, Guest Lecture, Workshops, Dramas, Conferences, Awareness programmers etc. 18) What is IDRN?

Indian Disaster Resource Network (IDRN) is a web-enabled and GIS based national database of resources essential for effective emergency response. The project initiated by Ministry of Home Affairs and UNDP, collects and stores information. 19) What is community based risk assessment? Community responsibility is crucial for engagements in recovery in all efforts related to risk reduction and disaster mitigation. If the community is actively involved in planning of risk reduction and disaster mitigation measures, it will directly lead to a reduced number of dead and injured people.

20) On what basis staffs are selected for DRR curriculum? Once the module is developed, a selected number of staffs from various parts of country should be trained in teaching new subjects. Staffs are selected for testing of curriculum and also from other schools and national teacher training institutes. They are trained as master trainers. 21) What are different departments that assist in early warning systems? In both cases where early warning signals available and not available, several departments acts along with different agencies and sectors. They are called as Line departments. Police, Fire Service, Medical, and Transport etc are called as line departments. 22) What are 2 situations with different trigger mechanism for natural disaster? There are 2 situations under trigger mechanism namely early warning systems available and early warning systems not available. 23) What are different organizations involved in disaster response? NEOC, MHA, SEOC, RC and Secretary (DM), DEOC/DDMA, SDO/SDM, BDO / Tehsildar are different organizations involved in disaster response. 24) List some regional response canters in India. ITBP, BSF, CISF, CRPF are some of regional response centers in India. 25) Write short notes on Consultation. During the integration of DRR curriculum, several consultative meetings should be organized at different stages to seek input from stakeholders like relevant UN agencies, NGOs, technical institutes etc.

UNIT IV DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ON DISASTER 1) Write short notes on NCMC. National Crisis Management Committee is headed by Cabinet secretary. NCMC gives direction to crisis management group. NCMC can give directions to any ministry/ department/ organization for specific action needed for meeting the crisis situation. 2) Write short notes on Contingency Action Plan. A national contingency action plan for dealing with contingencies arising in the wake of natural disasters has been formulated by the central government and periodically updated. It facilitates the launching of relief operations without delay. CAP sets down the procedure and determines the focal points in administrative machinery. 3) Write short notes on funding mechanism. Funding mechanism for provision of relief assistance are reviewed by finance commission appointed by central government every five years. The finance commission makes recommendation regarding tax division and non-tax revenues between central government and state government. 4) Write short notes on disaster prevention. Disaster prevention is the element which contributes to, and gains from implementation of sustainable development policies.

5) Write short notes on mitigation. Mitigation contributes to lasting improvement in safety and are essential to integrated disaster management. Indian Government has adopted mitigation and prevention as essential components of their development strategy. 6) Write short notes on EOC. Emergency Operation Centers will be setup at National, State and district levels with requisite facilities. EOCs are nerve centers for coordination and management of disasters.

7) Write short notes on NDRF. National Disaster Relief Force (NDRF) has been constituted comprising of 8 battalions drawn from Central Para-military forces. The general division and control of NDRF is vested in Director General of Civil Defense and NDRF appointed by central government. 8) Write short notes on RRC. Regional Response Centers (RRC) have been set up at various strategic locations across the country by CPMFs. RRC are equipped with minimum cache of equipment to deal with floods, cyclone, earthquakes etc. 9) Write short notes on SDRF. State governments/ SDMAs shall be primarily responsible for taking preparedness measures. Training and equipping of search and rescue teams of SDRFs shall be undertaken b state government in consultation with NDMA and MHA. 10) Write short notes on SDRMC. SDRMC stands for State Disaster Mitigation Resource Centre. State government setup resource centers based on requirements to pre-position essential supplies. States shall be responsible to constantly evaluate their own capabilities to handle situation and project the anticipated requirements. 11) Write short notes on ICS. Incident Command System is a management system to organize various emergency functions in a standardized manner while responding to any disaster. Under ICS, an incident

commander and officers trained in different aspects of incident management form a team and manage disasters. 12) What is Rehabilitation? Rehabilitation refers to actions taken in the aftermath of a disaster to enable basic services to resume functioning, assist victims self help efforts, provide support for psychological and social well being of survivors. 13) What are different nodal agencies for disaster in India? Indian Meterological Department Indian National Centre for Oceanic Information Services Central Water Commission Geological Survey of India Snow and Avalanche study Establishment Indian Meterological Department 14) Write short notes on ICT. Incident Command Team will be constituted at National level by MHA. State government will constitute ICTs for the state and at each district. State level ICTs will be deployed on the request of district authority. 15) Write short notes on ESF. ESF stands for Emergency Support Functions. Their main role is to provide support in case of emergencies. NEOC activate ESF and the concerned ministry of each ESF shall identify requirements in consultation with their counterparts in affected states. 16) What are different tools used for rapid assessment? Arial Surveys, Photograph/ Video/ film of affected area, Satellite imagery, Field reports, TV / Press coverage, Visual Inspection checklist. 17) Write short notes on NCCF. NCCF stands for National Calamity Contingency Fund. It is a fund created at central government level. When request is made from state govt, requirements are assessed by a team from central government and assessed requirements are cleared by a high level committee chaired by Deputy Prime Minister. 18) Write short notes on NDMRC.

NDMRC stands for National Disaster Mitigation Resource Centre. Central government setup resource centers based on requirements to pre-position essential supplies. 19) Write short notes on Reconstruction. Reconstruction process exhibits predictable characteristics that include tendency for damaged places to be rebuilt on same sites. An acceptable reconstruction process varies from case to case. 20) What are benefits of Community based disaster management planning. A reliable method for obtaining realistic and focused plans at ward level. Transparency in the selection and prioritization of projects at all levels. Opportunities for capacity building for institutions operating at sub-district level.

21) Write short notes on mock drills. Search and rescue teams at national and state levels will carry out mock drills on various disaster situations annually. 22) What is NIOC? National Integrated Operation Centre (NIOC) is maintained and run on 24*7 basis at MHA. With latest and state of art equipments. 23) Write short notes on CBDRM. Community based Disaster Risk Management System seeks to engage poor and vulnerable groups in communities to improve community visioning of their future development priorities, improve the quality of services and influence resource allocation. 24) What is SOP? Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) are documents where the activities of a specific person or organization to face a specific situation are described in clear, logical, sequential and methodical manner. The terms SOP and emergency procedure are used interchangeably. 25) Write short notes on relief. After occurrence of disaster, the affected people must be looked after for their safety, security, well-being and provided food, water, shelter, clothing, medical care etc so as to ensure that affected people live with dignity.

UNIT V SEISMICITY 1) What is seismicity? Seismicity refers to the frequency or magnitude of earthquake activity in a given area. Global seismicity maps show that the regions where seismicity is the highest correspond with the edges of tectonic plates. 2) What is seismograph? It is an instrument for automatically detecting and recording the intensity, direction, and duration of a movement of the ground, especially of an earthquake. 3) What is a reservoir? A place where anything is kept in store; especially, a place where water is collected and kept for use when wanted, as to supply a fountain, a canal, or a city by means of aqueducts, or to drive a mill wheel, or the like. 4) Write short notes on seismology training. Seismology division organizes periodical training program / refresher courses in seismology and allied subjects at various levels to station operators and various departmental officers and non-departmental agencies such as Indian navy, Air force, State government agencies etc. 5) Write short notes on mining.

Mining leaves voids that generally alter the balance of forces in the rock. These voids may collapse producing seismic waves and in some cases reactivate existing faults causing minor earthquakes. Natural cavern collapse forming sinkholes would produce an essentially identical local seismic event. 6) What are different types of seismic waves? Body waves Primary waves Secondary waves

Surface waves Rayleigh waves Love waves 7) Write short notes on P waves. This is the fastest kind of seismic wave and the first to arrive at a seismic station. P wave can move through solid rock and fluids. P waves are also called as compressional waves because of pushing and pulling. 8) Write short notes on S waves. A S wave is slower than p wave and can only move through solid rock, not through any liquid medium. S waves are transverse or shear waves. 9) Write short notes on Rayleigh waves. A Rayleigh wave rolls along the ground just like a wave rolls across a lake or an ocean. It travels as ripples similar to those on the surface of water. They are slower than body waves and can readily be seen in an open space like a parking 10) Write short notes on Love waves. Love waves are surface waves that cause horizontal shearing of the ground. First kind of surface wave is Love wave. It is the fastest surface wave and moves the ground from side-toside. 11) Write short notes on Surface waves. Surface waves are analogous to water waves and travel over the earths surface. They travel more slowly than body waves. Surface waves are of low frequency than body waves and are easily distinguished on a seismogram.

12) Write the equation for driving time and travel time of waves. Driving time = (distance of trip / driving speed) Travel time = (distance from earthquake to seismometer / seismic wave speed) 13) Write short notes on refraction. Refraction has an important affect on waves that travel through earth. Seismic velocity in earth increases with depth and refraction of waves causes the path follow ed by body waves to curve upward. 14) Write short notes on reflection. Reflected sound waves are called as echoes. In seismology, reflections are used to prospect for petroleum and investigate earths internal structure. Reflections from the boundary between the mantle and crust may induce strong shaking that cause damage about 100km from an earthquake. 15) Write short notes on dispersion. Surface waves are dispersive which means that different periods travel at different velocities. The effect of dispersion becomes more noticeable with increasing distance because the longer travel distance spreads the energy out. 16) Write short notes on diffraction. Diffraction refers to change in the directions and intensities of a group of waves after passing by an obstacle or through an aperture whose size is approximately the same as the wavelength of the waves. 17) Write short notes on attenuation. Attenuation is a general term that refers to any reduction in the strength of a signal. Attenuation occurs with any type of signal, whether digital or analog. Sometimes called loss, attenuation is a natural consequence of signal transmission over long distances. The extent of attenuation is usually expressed in units called decibels (dBs). If Ps is the signal power at the transmitting end (source) of a communications circuit and Pd is the signal power at the receiving end (destination), then Ps > Pd. The power attenuation Ap in decibels is given by the formula: Ap = 10 log10(Ps/Pd)

18) What are different types of earthquakes? Earthquakes can be of 3 types namely Deep :300 to 700 kms from earth surface. Medium : 60 to 300 kms Shallow: less than 60 kms 19) What are different types of plate movements? Divergent Convergent Transformational 20) What are possible risk reduction measures of an earthquake? Community Preparedness Planning Public Education Engineered structures 21) What are 3 ways tsunami causes destruction? Wave impact on structures Inundation Erosion 22) What are different types of tsunami warning? International Tsunami Warning Systems Regional Warning Systems 23) What are types of tsunami bulletin messages? Earthquake Information Bulletin (T+ 20 Min) Tsunami Warning (T+30/ Min) (Red) Tsunami Alert (T+30/ Min) (Orange) Tsunami Watch (T+30/ Min) (Yellow) 24) What is tsunami cancellation? Tsunami cancellation will be issued if the tsunami warning was issued on the basis of erroneous data or if the warning center determines from subsequent information that only an

insignificant wave has been generated. To maintain credibility, the warning center will use terminology non-destructive tsunami in the cancellation message wherever applicable. 25) What is Tsunami Information Bulletin? It contains information on tsunami confirmation or upgradation or cancellation or observed water level heights or new estimates of travel time and tsunami grade and any other additional information that becomes available during the course of the event

16 MARKS - IMPORTANT QUESTIONS UNIT I (INTRODUCTION ) 1) Steps in the process of disaster preparedness Elucidate. 2) Discuss the various types of natural disasters and highlight the specific efforts to mitigate disasters in India. 3) Disasters are of different types. Explain. 4) Discuss the role of India in disaster management. 5) Explain about disaster risk management in detail. 6) Disaster leads to development activities. Explain the relationship between disaster and development in detail. 7) Explain the phases of disaster management in detail. 8) Explain about impacts of disasters on millennium development goals. 9) Explain about principles of risk partnership in detail. 10) What is ISDR? Explain in detail about ISDR programmes.

UNIT II (APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGY IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION) 1) Video Conferencing allows people to interact just like a face-to-face communication regardless of their location. Explain 2) What is GIS? Explain its techniques in detail. 3) Explain i) Types of remote sensing ii) Data Acquisition techniques in detail. 4) Discuss the different components and features of DBMS in detail. 5) Discuss about the benefits of RDBMS and important terms in detail. 6) IT has various applications in disaster management. Explain. 7) Explain about decision support system recording disaster management. 8) Gathering information of a particular place is possible through remote sensing. Explain. 9) Is there any relationship between Internet, Intranet and Extranet? Explain 10) Explain about Management Information System and its applications in detail. UNIT III (AWARENESS OF RISK REDUCTION) 1) Explain about L concept and its types in detail. 2) Risk being a part of human life can be tackled under different situations. Explain. 3) Trigger mechanism is developed to ensure smooth flow of response activities after occurrence of disaster. Explain its constitution in detail 4) Risk can be reduced by means of public awareness. Explain in detail. 5) Risk can be reduced by means of education. Explain in detail 6) Trigger mechanism provide rescue and relief operations when early warning systems are not available. Explain 7) Trigger mechanism provide rescue and relief operations when early warning systems are available. Explain 8) Different networks are useful for effective information of sharing and co-ordination. Explain 9) Several key approaches are needed for mainstreaming DRR in school curriculum. Explain. 10) Several activities are essential for institutionalizing integration of DRR into national curriculum. Explain

UNIT IV (DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ON DISASTER) 1) Explain the legal / financial problems the management has to face if safety measures taken by them are found to be in-adequate. 2) Explain various community based disaster management in detail. 3) Explain the steps involved in reconstruction process. 4) How can disaster management be implemented for a hydro power station? 5) Nodal agencies have developed guidelines for early warning of disasters. Explain. 6) Rescue and relief operations play a vital role after occurrence of disaster Explain. 7) Emergency response centers are responsible for providing immediate relief to disasters. Explain. 8) State government set up various resource centers based on requirements to pre-position essential supplies. Explain 9) What are the preparedness required for an atomic power station? 10) Explain about emergency support functions in detail. UNIT V ( SEISMICITY) 1) Occurrence of earthquake is common in places like Sumatra. Explain. 2) Tsunami occurs by causing several damages. Explain. 3) What are the factors to be considered while planning the rebuilding works after a major disaster due to earthquake? 4) Seismic waves are of different types. Explain. 5) Certain factors are to be considered while planning the rebuilding works after a major disaster due to earthquake. Explain. 6) Monitoring of seismic activity over a longer period of time is crucial to characterize seismogenic sources. Explain. 7) A relationship occurs between large reservoirs and seismicity. Explain. 8) What was the cause for Tsunami 2004 which inflicted heavy loss of life and prosperity along the coast of Tamilnadu? Specify its equicenter and magnitude. 9) Steps in the process of seismological activities Elucidate.

10) What was the cause for Gujarat earthquake incident which inflicted heavy loss of life and prosperity?

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