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Unit Structure 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Objectives Introduction Share Capital Share Procedure for issue of shares Accounting Entries Forfeiture of shares Issue of Bonus shares Rights of shares Surrender of shares



After studying the unit the students will be able to: Define Company, Share Capital, Share. Explain the procedure for issue of shares. Understand the accounting entries. Elaborate the procedure of forfeiture. Know the meaning of Bonus share and Right Issue.

1.1.1 COMPANY: Under the companies Act, 1956 a Company means A Company formed and registered under that Act or under any previous Companies Act. 1.1.2 DISTINCTION FEATURES OF A COMPANY: a) b) c) d) Voluntary Association Independent Existence Artificial Person Compulsory Incorporation

2 e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Common Seal Perpetual Succession Limited Liability Transferability of shares Separation of Ownership and Management Large Membership Ability to raise large amount of Capital



(a) Authorised Capital: This is the Maximum Capital which the company can raise in its life time. This is mentioned in the Memorandum of the Association of the Company. This is also called as Registered Capital or Nominal Capital. (b) Issued Capital: Part of the Authorised Capital which is issued to the public for Subscription is called as Issued Capital. (c) Subscribed Capital: The issued Capital may not be fully subscribed by the public Subscribed Capital is that part of issued Capital which has been taken off by the public i.e. the capital for which applications are received from the public. (d) Called up Capital: The Company may not need to receive the entire amount of capital of capital at once. It may call up only part of the subscribed capital as and when needed in installments. Called up Capital is the part of subscribed capital which the company has actually called upon the shareholders to pay. Called up Capital includes the amount paid by the shareholder from time to time on application, on allotment, on various calls such as First Call, Second Call, Final Call etc. The remaining part of subscribe capital not yet called up is known as Uncalled Capital. The Uncalled Capital may be converted, by passing a special resolution, into Reserve Capital, Reserve Capital can be called up only in case of winding up of the company, to meet the liabilities arising then. (e) Paid-up Capital: The Called-up Capital may not be fully paid. Some Shareholders may pay only part of the amount required to be paid or may not pay at all. Paid-up Capital is the part of called-up capital which is actually paid by the shareholders. The remaining part indicates the default in payment of calls by some shareholders, known as Calls in Arrears. Thus, Paid-up Capital is Called-up Capital Calls in Arrears.



1.3.1 DEFINITION A share has been defined by the Indian Companies Act, under sec.2(46) as A share is the share in the Capital of the Company. 1.3.2 TYPES OF SHARES: A Company can issue two types of shares Equity and Preference. (a) Equity Shares: Equity shares means that part of the share capital which is not a Preference share capital. It means all such shares which are not Preference shares. Equity shares are also called as Ordinary Shares. (b) Preference Shares: Preference shares are those shares which fulfill both the following two conditions: (i) They carry preferential share right in respect of dividend at a fixed rate, (ii) They also carry preferential right in regard to payment of capital on winding up of the company. Preference shares can be further classified as follows: (1) Cumulative and Non Cumulative : If in any year the profits are insufficient to pay the preference dividend then in case of cumulative preference shares this dividend can be paid in the subsequent year before any other dividend is paid. In other words the right to receive the dividend goes on accumulating till it is paid. In case of Non cumulative preference shares the dividend can be paid only in that year. If there are insufficient profits then such preference shareholders do not get any dividend for that year. (2) Participating & Non-Participating Preference Shares: Participating preference shares are entitled to participate in the surplus profits remaining after the payment of (a) Fixed dividend to Preference shareholders and (b) Dividend to the equity shareholders. They are also entitled to participate in the surplus funds remaining at the time of winding of the company after payment of (a) Preference share capital & (b) Equity Share Capital. Non participating preference share are not entitled to participate in the surplus profits or surplus funds left over at the time of winding off.



1.4.1 PROCEDURE (a) Issue of Prospectus: Whenever shares are to be issued to the public the company must issue a prospectus. Prospectus means an open invitation to the public to take up the shares of the company thus a private company need not issue prospectus. Even a Public Company issuing its shares privately need not issue a prospectus. However, it is required to file a Statement in lieu of Prospectus with the register of companies. The Prospectus contains relevant information like names of Directors, terms of issue, etc. It also states the opening date of subscription list, amount payable on application, on allotment & the earliest closing date of the subscription list. (b) Application of Shares: A person intending to subscribe to the share capital of a company has to submit an application for shares in the prescribed form, to the company along with the application money before the last date of the subscription mentioned in the prospectus. Over Subscription: If the no. of shares applied for is more than the no. of shares offered to the public then that is called as over Subscription. Under Subscription: If the no. of shares applied for is less then the no. of shares offered to the public then it is called as Under Subscription. (c) Allotment of Shares: After the last date of the receipt of applications is over, the Directors, Procide with the allotment work. However, a company cannot allot the shares unless the minimum subscription amount mentioned in the prospectus is collected within a stipulated period. The Directors pass resolution in the board meeting for allotment of shares indicating clearly the class & no. of shares allotted with the distinctive numbers. Then Letters of Allotment are sent to the concerned applicants. Letters of Regret are sent to those who are not allotted any shares & application money is refunded to them. Partial Allotment: In partial allotment the company rejects some application totally, refunds their application money & allots the shares to the remaining applicants.

5 Pro-rata Allotment: When a company makes a pro-rata allotment, it allots shares to all applicants but allots lesser shares then applied for E.g. If a person has applied for three hundred shares he may get two hundred shares. (d) Calls on Shares: The remaining amount of shares may be collected in installments as laid down in the prospectus. Such installments are called calls on Shares. They may be termed as Allotment amount, First Call, Second Call, etc. (e) CallsinArrears: some shareholders may not pay the money due from them. The outstanding amounts are transferred to an account called up as Calls-in-Arrears account. The Balance of calls-in-arrears account is deducted from the Called-up capital in the Balance Sheet. (f) CallsinAdvance: According to sec.92 of the Companies Act, a Company may if so authorized by its articles, accept from a shareholder either the whole or part of the amount remaining unpaid on any shares held by them, as Calls in advance. No dividend is paid on such calls in advance. However, interest has to be paid on such calls in advance. 1.4.2 TERMS OF ISSUE OF SHARES: A limited company may issue the shares on following different terms. (a) Issue of Shares for Consideration other than cash or for cash or on capitalization of reserves. (b) Issue of Shares at par i.e. at face value or at nominal value. (c) Issue of Shares at a Premium i.e. at more than face value. (d) Issue of Shares at a Discount i.e. at less than the face value. ISSUE OF SHARES AT A PREMIUM: When the shares are issued at a price higher than the nominal value of the shares then it is called as shares issued at a premium. The amount of premium is decided by the board of Directors as per the guide lines issued by SEBI. Such share premium collected by the company is credited to a separate A/c called as Securities Premium A/c. Although Securities Premium is a profit to the company, it is not a revenue profit, it is treated as capital profit, which can be utilized only for the following purposes as per sec. 78 of the Companies Act (a) Issue of fully paid bonus shares to the existing shareholders. (b) Writing off the preliminary expenses of the company.

6 (c) Writing off the expenses of issue or the commission paid or discount allowed on any issue of shares / debentures. (d) Providing the premium payable on redemption of preference shares or debentures. The company can utilize the security Premium for any other purpose only on obtaining the sanction of the court. ISSUE OF SHARES AT A DISCOUNT: The Companies Act, permits issue of shares at a discount subject to the following conditions. (sec. 79) (a) The issue must be of a class of shares already issued. (b) Not less than 1 year has at the date of issue elapsed since the date on which the company became entitled to commence business. (c) The issue at a discount is authorized by a resolution passed by the company in the general meeting & sanctioned by the company law board. (d) The maximum rate of discount must not exceed 10% or such rate as the company law board may permit. (e) The shares to be issued at a discount must be issued within two months of the sanction by the company law board or within such extended time as the company law board may allow.



1.5.1 JOURNAL ENTRIES Particulars a) For receipt of application money Bank A/cDr. To Share Application A/c b) On Allotment 1) Transfer of Application money to Share Capital Share Application A/c.... Dr. To Share Capital A/c 2) Amount due to on Allotment Share Allotment A/cDr. To Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium Account
(if any)

Debit XXX





3) Refund of excess Application money on rejected application Share Application A/c..Dr. XXX To Bank Alc 4) Adjustment of excess application money towards allotment money due. Share Application A/c.Dr. To Share Allotment A/c 5) Receipt of Allotment money. Bank A/c.Dr. To Share Allotment A/c For making First Call Share First Call A/c..Dr. To Share Capital A/c For receipt of First Call Money Bank A/cDr. To Share First Call A/c For calls in arrears Calls in Arrears A/c..Dr. To Share First Call A/c For receipt if calls in advance Bank A/cDr. To Calls in Advance A/c








1.5.2 ISSUE OF SHARES TO VENDORS FOR CONSIDERATION OTHER THAN CASH A Company may take over a running business i.e. assets & liabilities of another business. The Sellers of the business are known as Vendors. The company may offer shares to the Vendors in settlement of the purchase price of the business. The buying company does not receive any cash for shares offered to them. The following entries are passed in case of such takover of the business: (a) For recording takeover of the business Sundry Assets A/c Dr. To Sundry liabilities A/c To Vendor A/c xxx xxx xxx

(b) For issue of shares to Vendor Vendor A/c Dr. xxx Discount of Issue of shares A/c Dr. (if any) xxx To Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c (if any)

xxx xxx


When shares are allotted to an applicant, it becomes a contract between the shareholder & the company. The shareholder is bound to contribute to the capital and the premium if any of the company to the extent of the shares he has agreed to take. as & when the Directors make the calls. If the fails to pay the calls then his shares may be forfeiture by the directors if authorised by the Articles of Association of the company. The Forfeiture can be only for non-payment of calls on shares and not for any other reasons. When the directors forfeiture the shares the person looses his membership in the company as well as the amount already paid by him towards the share capital and premium. His name is removed from the register of members. The directors must observe strictly all the legal formalities required by the Articles of Association before forfeiting the shares. 1.6.1 ACCOUNTING ENTRIES Share Capital A/c Dr. xxx (no of forfeited shares*amount called up per shares) Security Premium A/c Dr. xxx (to the extent premium not received) To Calls in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeiture A/c (amount received towards share received)

xxx xxx

Note: Once the security premium is collected it cannot be cancelled later on. Therefore if he Forfeited shares were issued at a premium and the premium money is already received on those Forfeited shares, security premium A/c will not be cancelled or debited. 1.6.2 FORFEITURE OF SHARE ISSUED AT A DISCOUNT: If the Forfeited shares are issued at a discount, the proportion amount of discount allowed on such shares should be cancelled if the discount of shares has already been debited. 1.6.3 RE-ISSUE OF FORFEITED SHARES: The Directors may reissue the Forfeited shares at par, at premium or at a reissued at a discount, the maximum discount is restricted to the amount Forfeited on these shares + the original discount.

9 Accounting Entries Bank A/c Dr. Share Forfeited A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c xxx xxx xxx

Any profit on reissue of Forfeited shares represents capital profit & hence it should be transferred to capital reserve. Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. To Capital Reserve No. xxx xxx


Profit making companies may desire to convert their profit into share capital. This can be done by issue of bonus shares. Issue of Bonus shares is also called as conversion of profit into share capital or capitalisation of profits. Bonus can be of two types(a) Making partly paid shares into fully paid by declaring bonus without requiring shareholders to pay for the same. (b) Issue of fully paid equity shares as bonus shares to the existing equity shareholders. 1.7.1 Making partly paid shares into fully paid by declaring bonus without requiring shareholders to pay for the same. Accounting Entries (1) Making the call: Equity Share Call A/c Dr. To Equity Share capital A/c (2) Declaring the bonus: Capital reserve A/c Dr. Investment Allowance A/c Dr. Development Rebate Reserve A/c Dr. General Reserve A/c Dr. P & L A/c Dr. To Bonus to equity shareholders A/c

xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

1.7.2 Issue of fully paid equity shares as bonus shares to the existing equity shareholders. Accounting Entries (1) Declaring the Bonus: Capital Redemption Reserve A/c ...Dr. XXX Securities Premium A/c ...Dr. XXX

10 Capital Reserve A/c..Dr. Investment Allowance A/c .Dr. Development Rebate Reserve A/c ..Dr. General Reserve A/c.Dr. P&L A/c...Dr. To Bonus to Equity Shareholders A/c XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX

(2) Issue of Bonus Shares: Bonus to Equity Shareholders A/c Dr. XXX To Equity Share Capital A/c XXX 1.7.3 Adjusting Call Made Against bonus declared Bonus to equity shareholders A/c Dr. To Equity Share Call A/c XXX XXX

Note: (1) Capital Reserve can be utilized for this bonus only if it is realized in cash. (2) Capital Redemption Reserve and Securities Premium cannot be utilized for this type of bonus.


Under Sec.94 of Companies Act, A company can issue additional shares at any time by passing an ordinary resolution at its General Meeting. However, under Sec. 81 of that, such additional shares must be 1st offered to the existing equity shareholders in the proportion of the shares already held by them. Such additional shares are called Rights Shares. Following legal provisions are pertinent in this regard. a) The issue should be within the limits of the authorized capital, if not so, then the authorized capital must be increased first suitably. b) The issue is to be made after two years from the formation of the company or after one year from the first allotment of shares. c) The shares should be offered to the equity shareholders in proportion to the capital paid-up on their shares. d) The offer should be made by a written notice specifying the no. of shares offered & the time limit for acceptance which should be atleast 15 days from the date of offer. e) Unless prohibited by the Articles, the offer should include & specify the power of the shareholder to renounce (sale) the right shares to others.

11 f) The shares not taken up by the shareholders can be sold by the Board of Directors in a manner most beneficial to the company. g) Such right offer need not be made to the existing shareholders, if i) A special resolution to that effect is passed by the shareholder in the General Meeting or ii) An ordinary resolution to that effect is passed and approved from the Central Govt. is obtained for issue of shares to persons other than the existing shareholders.


A shareholder who is not able to pay the call money may surrender its shares to the company. The company cancels such surrender shares. Surrender is a voluntary act on the part of the shareholder, whereas Forfeiture is a compulsory act on part of the company. The effect of both surrender & Forfeiture is the same, i.e. cancellation of the shares. The company can accept surrender of shares if permitted by its Articles of Association. The accounting treatment in respect of surrender of shares is same as that of Forfeiture of Shares. Check Your Progress Fill in the blanks 1. In case of forfeiture of share, Share Capital Account is debited by -------------------------2. On forfeiture of shares amount already paid by the member is forfeited and credited to a separate account namely--------3. In case of forfeiture of share the journal entry is ----------------4. If the re-issue price is more than the paid-up value, here the reissue is made at a-------------------------------------5. If the forfeited shares are re-issued at discount the discount amount is debited to the ---------------------------. 6. The formula for calculating the profit on re-issue is ------------. 7. After re-issue of forfeited shares the balance amount on the Forfeited Shares account is transferred to -----------------------8. Authorised share capital is mentioned in the--------------------- of the Company. 9. If the shareholder may not pay the money due from him the outstanding amounts is called as ------------------------.

12 10. The Balance of calls-in-arrears account is deducted from the--------------------------in the Balance Sheet. 11. Bonus issue is made out of ------------------. State whether true or false 1. No dividend is paid on calls in advance. 2. Share holders have unlimited liability it means they may lose whatever they have paid for their shares and no more. 3. Bonus Issue can be made out of Capital reserve. 4. Share Premium can be used by the company for Writing off the preliminary expenses of the company. 5. Right shares must be first offered to the existing equity shareholders in the proportion of the shares already held by them. 6. In case of issue of shares at discount the maximum rate of discount may exceed 10%. 7. Surrender is a mandatory act on the part of the shareholder Answers of Check Your Progress
Fill in the blanks 1. Amount called-up 2. Forfeited shares account 3. Share Capital A/c--------------------------Dr.(Amount called up) To Share allotment/share call A/c (Amount un-paid) OR To Calls in arrears A/c To Share forfeited A/c (Amount received) 4. Premium 5. Forfeited shares account 6. Amount forfeited Less Discount on Re-issue 7. Capital Reserve A/c 8. Memorandum of the Association 9. Calls-in-Arrears 10. Called-up capital 11. Accumulated profits State whether true or false True, False, False, True, True, False, False


Unit Structure 2.1 Solved problems 2.2 Exercises


Problem 1 Ashok Ltd. invited application for 15,000 shares of Rs.100/each. The share amount was payable as under Rs.20/- on Application Rs.30/- on Allotment Rs.20/- on First Call & Rs.30/- on Final Call Applications were received for 10,000 shares. An applications were accepted by the directors. All moneys were called and duly received. Pass necessary journal entries and prepare ledger account and Balance Sheet. Solution: In the books of Ashok Ltd., Journal Date 1 Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

(Receiving the application money) Bank A/c .Dr. 2,00,000 To Equity Share Application A/c 2,00,000 (Being application money received at Rs.20/- per share for 10,000 shares.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 2,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,00,000 (Being 10,000 Equity Shares allotted to all applicants as per B D R no dated & application money received there on transferred to share capital.)

14 3 Equity Share Allotment A/c..Dr. 3,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,00,000 (Being allotment money due on 10,000 shares at Rs.30/- per share.) Bank A/c..Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money received) 3,00,000 3,00,000

Equity Share 1st Call A/c..Dr. 2,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,00,000 (Being 1st call made on 10,000 equity share at Rs.20/- per share vide B D R no. __________ dated ___________ ) Bank A/c .Dr. To Equity Share Call A/c (Being 1st Call amount received.) 2,00,000 2,00,000

Equity Share 2nd Call A/c..Dr. 3,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,00,000 nd (Being 2 Call made on 10,000 Equity share at Rs.30/- per share vide B D R no. __________ dated ___________ ) Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share 2nd Call A/c (Being 2nd Call amount received.) 3,00,000 3,00,000

Problem 2 A Company issued Rs.5,00,000/- new capital divided into Rs.10/- shares at a premium of Rs.4/- per share payable as On Application Re.1/- per share On Allotment Rs.4/- per share & Rs.2/- premium On Final Payment Rs.5/- per share & Rs.2/- premium Overpayments on application were to be applied towards sum due on allotment. Where no allotment was made money was to be returned in full. The issue was oversubscribed to the extent of 13,000 shares. Applicants for 12,000 shares were allotted only 1,000 shares and applicants for 2,000 were sent letters of regret. All money due on allotment and final call was duly received. Make the necessary entries in the companys book.

15 Solution: Journal of a Company Date 1 Particulars (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c .Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 63,000 shares at Re.1/- per share.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application money on 50,000 shares transferred on Share Capital on allotment.) Equity Share Application A/cDr. To Bank A/c (Being application money refunded on 2,000 shares application since no share were allotted to them.) Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

63,000 63,000

50,000 50,000

2,000 2,000

Equity share allotment A/c ...Dr. 3,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,00,000 To Security Premium A/c 1,00,000 (Being allotment money due on 50,000 shares at Rs.6/- per share including Rs.2/- premium.) Equity Share Application A/cDr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being excess application money on 1,000 shares adjusted towards allotment money due.) 6,000 6,000

Bank A/c .Dr. 2,94,000 To Equity Share Allotment A/c 2,94,000 (Being allotment amount received.) Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c..Dr. 3,50,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,50,000 To Security Premium A/c 1,00,000 (Being call made on 50,000 shares at Rs.7/- per share including Rs.2/- on premium. )

16 8 Equity Share Application A/c ..Dr. To Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c (Being excess application money adjusted towards 1st call.) 5,000 5,000

Bank A/c Dr. 3,45,000 To Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c 3,45,000 st (Being 1 & Final Call amount received.) Bank Account Particulars Amt. Particulars Amt.

To Equity Share Application To Equity Share Allotment To Equity Share 1st & Final call

63,000 By Equity Share Application 2,94,000 By Bal. C/d 7,00,000 3,45,000 2,000

7,02,000 Balance sheet of the Company Liabilities Equity Share Capital Securities Premium Amt. 5,00,000 Bank 2,00,000 7,00,000 Problem 3 Assets


Amt. 7,00,000


P & Co. Ltd. issued 5,000 shares of Rs.100/- each. The share amount was payable as follows On Application Rs.30/On Allotment Rs.30/On First Call Rs.20/On Final Call Rs.20/The public applied for 5,500 shares. Applications for 100 shares were immediately rejected. In respect of applicant for 5,400 shares, directors decided that 5,000 shares would be allotted on

17 Prorata basis and the application money received on 400 shares would be used towards payment of allotment money. You are asked to prepare Cash Book and Ledger accounts assuming that all calls were made and received. Solution: Journal of P & Co. Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

(Receiving the application money) Bank A/c .Dr. 1,65,000 To Equity Share Application A/c 1,65,000 (Being application money received on 10,500 shares at Rs.100/- per share.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 1,50,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,50,000 (Being application money on 5,000 shares transferred on Share Capital on allotment.) Equity Share Allotment A/c ....Dr. 1,50,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,50,000 (Being allotment money due on 5,000 shares at Rs.30/- per share) Equity Share Application A/cDr. To Bank A/c (Being application money refunded on 100 shares at Rs.30/-.) Equity Share Application A/c ..Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment amount due.) Bank A/c.Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money received.) 3,000 3,000

12,000 12,000 1,38,000 1,38,000

Equity Share Call A/c ..Dr. 1,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,00,000 (Being call made on 5,000 shares at Rs.20/- per share.) Bank A/c Dr. 1,00,000

18 To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st Call amount received.) 9 1,00,000

Equity Share Final Call A/c..Dr. 1,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,00,000 (Being Final Call made on 5,000 shares at Rs.20/- per share.) Bank A/c. Dr. 1,00,000 To Equity Share Final Call A/c 1,00,000 (Being Final Call amount received.)


Problem 4 Modi Ltd. issued 4,500 Equity shares of Rs.200/- each payable Rs.20/- per share on application, Rs.80/- per share on allotment, Rs.50/- per share on first call & the balance as & when required. The application list was closed on that date, the analysis of the application showed as under From Maharashtra 3,500 shares From U.P. 2,000 shares From M.P. 500 shares The directors allotted all the Maharashtra applications & half of the UP applications. All the applications from MP were absolutely rejected and the application money was refunded. But excess application money on UP was not refunded and was appropriated towards the allotment money due on the shares allotted to them. The balance of allotment money was duly received. Show the journal entries in the books of the company. Solution : Journal of Modi Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

(Receiving the application money) Bank A/c ..Dr. 1,20,000 To Equity Share Application A/c 1,20,000 (Being application money received on 6,000 shares at Rs.20/- per shares.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 90,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 90,000 (Being application money on 6,000 shares transferred on Share Capital.) Equity Share Allotment A/c...Dr. 3,60,000

19 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being allotment money due on 4,500 shares at Rs.80/- per shares.) 4 Equity Share Application A/c ...Dr. To Bank A/c (Being application money refunded on 500 shares at Rs.20/-.) Equity Share Application A/cDr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being excess application money adjusted towards allotment.) 10,000 10,000 3,60,000

20,000 20,000

Bank A/c .Dr. 3,40,000 To Equity Share Allotment A/c 3,40,000 (Being allotment amount received.) Equity Share 1st Call A/c...Dr. 2,25,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,25,000 (Being call made on 4,500 shares at Rs.50/- per share.) Bank A/c .....Dr. 2,25,000 To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 2,25,000 st (Being 1 call amount received.) Equity Share 2nd Call A/c Dr. 2,25,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,25,000 (Being final call made on 4,500 shares at Rs.50/- per share.) Bank A/c.Dr. To Equity Share 2nd Call A/c (Being Final call amount received.) 2,25,000 2,25,000


Working note : Categories No. of Applicants Received Application money Received No. of shares Allotted Maharashtra 3,500 UP 2,000 MP 500 Total 6,000 1,20,00 4,500

70,000 40,000 10,000 3,500 1,000

Applicant money

70,000 20,000


20 transfer to share capital Allotment money due Excess Applicant money refunded Excess Applicant money adjusted towards allotment Allotment money received Problem 5 Gujarat Production Ltd. issued 20,000 shares of Rs.100/each at a premium of Rs.10/- per share. The share amount was payable as under On Application On Allotment On First Call On Final Call Rs.20/Rs.40/- (including premium of Rs.10/-) Rs.30/Rs.20/-

2,80,000 80,000 3,60,000 - 10,000 10,000 - 20,000 20,000

2,80,000 60,000


Applications were received for 30,000 shares. The shares were allotted as under. To the applicants of 15,000 shares full. To the applicants of 10,000 shares 5,000 shares & To the applicants of 5,000 shares nil. The application money on the totally rejected applicants was refunded. The excess of application money received from applicants to whom partial allotments was made, was to be retained by the company for utilization against money due on allotment and the calls. The Director made all the calls except the final call. All the money was received except the first call on 1,000 shares. Give Journal entries & the Balance Sheet of the company. Solution: Journal in the books of Gujarat Production Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

(Receiving the application money) Bank A/c .Dr. 6,00,000 To Equity Share Application A/c 6,00,000 (Being application money received on 30,000 shares at Rs.20/- per shares.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 4,00,000

21 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application money on 20,000 shares transferred on Share Capital.) 3 4,00,000

Equity Share Allotment A/c.Dr. 8,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 6,00,000 To Security Premium A/c 2,00,000 (Being allotment money due on 20,000 at Rs.30/- per share including Rs.10/- premium.) Equity Share Application A/c ..Dr. 1,00,000 To Bank A/c 1,00,000 (Being application money refunded on 5,000 shares at Rs.20/-.) Equity Share Application A/cDr. 1,00,000 To Equity Share Allotment A/c 1,00,000 (Being excess application money adjusted towards allotment.) Bank A/c .Dr. 7,00,000 To Equity Share Allotment A/c 7,00,000 (Being allotment money due at Rs.40/per share & premium at Rs.10/- each.) Equity Share 1st Call A/c......Dr. 6,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 6,00,000 (Being call made on 20,000 shares at Rs.30/- per share.) Bank A/c .....Dr. 5,70,000 To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 5,70,000 st (Being 1 call amount received.) Calls in Arrears A/c .. Dr. To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being balance on call a/c transferred to call in arrears a/c.) 30,000 30,000

Working Note: Categories No. of Applicants Received Application money Received No. of shares Allotted A B C Total





3,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 6,00,000 15,000 5,000 20,000

22 Applicant money transfer to share capital Allotment money due Excess Applicant money refunded Excess Applicant money adjusted towards allotment Allotment money received Problem 6 Doli Ltd. invited application for 10,000 shares of Rs.100/- each at a premium of Rs.5/- per share and payable as follows On Application - Rs.25/On Allotment - Rs.35/On Final Call - Rs.45/Applications were received or 15,000 shares and the company made a pro-rata allotment. Miss Lata holding 500 shares failed to pay the share allotment money & share final call money. Her shares were Forfeited and reissued at Rs.85/- per share. Show the entries in the books of the company. Solution: Journal of Doli Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Bank A/c .Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 15,000 shares at Rs.25/- per shares.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application money on 10,000 shares transferred on Share Capital.) Equity Share Allotment A/c.Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c (Being allotment money due on 10,000 shares at Rs.35/- per share including Rs.5/- premium.) Equity Share Application A/cDr. Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.) 3,75,000 3,75,000

3,00,000 1,00,000 6,00,000 2,00,000 -

- 4,00,000 - 8,00,000

- 1,00,000 1,00,000

- 1,00,000 6,00,000 1,00,000

- 1,00,000 - 7,00,000

2,50,000 2,50,000

3,50,000 3,00,000 50,000


23 To Equity Share Allotment A/c 1,25,000 (Being excess application money adjusted towards allotment.) Bank A/c .Dr. 2,13,750 To Equity Share Allotment A/c 2,13,750 (Being allotment money received except on 500 shares held by Ms. Lata.) Equity Share Call A/c........Dr. 4,50,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 4,50,000 st (Being 1 & final call made.) Bank A/c .....Dr. 4,27,500 To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 4,27,500 st (Being 1 call amount received.) Calls in Arrears A/c .. Dr. 33,750 To Equity Share Allotment A/c 11,250 To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 22,500 (Being allotment & call money due from Lata transferred to call in arrears A/c.) Equity Share Capital A/c..Dr. 50,000 To Call in arrears A/c 33,750 To Share Forfeited A/c 16,250 (Being 500 shares allotted to Ms. Lata Forfeited for non payment of allotment & call money.) Bank A/c. Dr. 42,500 Share Forfeited A/c.. Dr. 7,500 To Equity Share Capital A/c 50,000 (Being 500 Forfeited shares reissued at Rs.85/- for cash.) Share Forfeited A/cDr. 8,750 To Capital Reserve A/c 8,750 (Being Credit balance in share Forfeited A/c after reissue of Forfeited shares to cancel representing capital profit transferred to Capital Reserve.)



Working Note: 1) Default made by Lata in payment of allotment money = Allotment money due () Excess application money adjusted towards allotment. = (500 X 35) (250 X 25) = 17,500 () 6,250 = 11,250 2) Allotment money received

24 = Allotment money due () Excess application money adjusted towards allotment () Default of Ms. Lata = 3, 50,000 () 1, 25,000 () 11,250 = 2, 13,750 Problem 7 Bajaj Ltd. invited application for 15,000 shares of Rs.10/- each. The share amount was payable as follows On Application -Rs.4/On Allotment - Rs.4/- & On First & Final Call - Rs.4/Application was received for 20,000 shares. Applications for 2,000 shares were rejected & allotment was made among the remaining applicants proportionately. A person holding 200 shares did not pay the allotment & call moneys. The directors decided to forfeit these shares. They were reissued as fully paid at Rs.9/- per share. Give journal entries in the books of Bajaj Ltd. Solution: Journal of Bajaj Ltd. Date 1 Particulars (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c .Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 20,000 shares at Rs.4/- per shares.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 15,000 share allotted & application money transferred to Capital A/c.) Equity Share Allotment A/c.Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c (Being allotment money due on 13,000 shares at Rs.4/- per share.) Equity Share Application A/cDr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being excess application money adjusted towards allotment.) Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.) 80,000 80,000

60,000 60,000

60,000 30,000 30,000

12,000 12,000

25 5 Equity Share Application A/c ...Dr. To Bank A/c (Being application money refunded on 2,000 shares at Rs.4/- each.) Bank A/c .....Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money received except on 200 shares.) Calls in Arrears A/c .. Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money due on 200 shares transferred to call in arrears) Equity Share Call A/c...Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st Call made.) Bank A/c. Dr. To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st call amount received.) Call in Arrears A/c Dr. To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being allotment & call money due from transferred to call in arrears A/c.) Equity Share Capital A/c..Dr. To Call in arrears A/c To Share Forfeited A/c (Being 200 shares allotted, Forfeited for non payment of allotment & call money.) Bank A/c Dr. Share Forfeited A/c..Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 200 Forfeited Share reissued at Rs.9/- each.) Share Forfeited A/c . Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Being credit balance in share Forfeited are representing capital profit transferred to capital reserve.) 8,000 8,000

47,360 47,360

640 640

60,000 60,000 59,200 59,200 800 800



2,000 1,440 560


1,800 200 2,000


360 360

26 Working Note: 1) Default made by a person holding 200 shares = (200 X 4) (200 X 3/5 X 4) = 800 () 160 = 640 2) Allotment money received = 60,000 () 12,000 () 640 = 47,360 Problem 8 Alpa Company was newly formed with an authorized capital of Rs.5,00,000/- divided into 50,000/- shares of Rs.10/- each. On 1st Jan. 2008 the company issued 25,000 shares at a premium of Rs.2/- per share payable as under on Application Rs.2/-, Allotment Rs.5/- (including premium) on Call Rs.5/-. (one month after allotment) The issue was over subscribed to the extent of 5,000 shares. The directors went on to allotment on 10 th January & on the same date the excess money received on application was returned. All money due on allotment & on calls was received with the following exceptions. a) Shri Kulkarni who failed to pay the allotment & call money on 100 shares allotted to him, & b) Mr. Joshi who failed to pay the call money on 200 shares allotted to him. On 31st March, 2008 the directors Forfeited the shares on which Rs.7/- or less than Rs.7/- (including premium) had been received. They re-issued the shares so Forfeited to Shri Kamat at Rs.10/- per share. Pass the journal entries (including cash) to record the above in the books of Alpa Company Ltd. Solution: Journal of Alpa Ltd. Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.) 60,000 60,000

1st Jan. (Receiving the application money) 2008 Bank A/c .Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 30,000 shares at Rs.2/- per shares.)

27 1st Jan. Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 2008 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application money received transferred to Capital A/c.) st 1 Jan. Equity Share Allotment A/cDr. 2008 To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c (Being allotment money due on 25,000 shares at Rs.5/- per share including Rs.2/- as premium.) th 10 Jan. Equity Share Application A/c.Dr. 2008 To Bank A/c (Being excess application money refunded on 50,000 shares at Rs.2/each.) 10thJan. Bank A/c .....Dr. 2008 To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money received except on 100 shares of Mr. Kulkarni.) th 10 Jan. Calls in Arrears A/c ....Dr. 2008 To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money due from Mr. Kulkarni transferred to call in arrears A/c.) th 10 Feb. Equity Share 1st Call A/c....Dr. 2008 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st Call made on 25,000 shares at Rs.5/- per share.) th 10 Feb. Bank A/c. Dr. 2008 Call in Arrears Ac/..Dr. To 1st & final Call A/c (Being 1st call amount received.) 31st Equity Share Capital A/c.. Dr. March, Security Premium A/c Dr. 2008 To Call in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeited A/c (Being 300 shares cancelled.) st 31 Bank A/c...Dr. March, To Equity Share Capital A/c 2008 (Being 300 Forfeited shares reissued.) 31st Share Forfeited A/c Dr. March, To Capital Reserve A/c 2008 (Being profit transferred to Capital Reserve.) 50,000 50,000

1,25,000 75,000 50,000

10,000 10,000

1,24,500 1,24,500

500 500

1,25,000 1,25,000

1,23,500 1,500 1,25,000 3,000 200 2,000 1,200 3,000 3,000

1,200 1,200

28 Working Note: 1) Allotment money received = due () default = 1,25,000 () 100 X 5 = 1,24,500 2) Share Forfeited means amt., Forfeited which is paid towards. Kulkarni Joshi Share Capital 100 X 2 200 X 2 + 3 = 200 2 = application, 3 = premium With application Problem 9 Emperor Ltd. invited application for 10,000 shares of Rs.10/each at a premium of Rs.5/- per share payable as follows On application Rs.3/- per share, on allotment Rs.6/- per share including premium & the balance in two calls of equal amount. Application was received for 18,000 shares & allotment was made on application of 15,000 shares at the rate of two shares for every three applied for G failed to pay the allotment money for the 40 shares allotted to him & these shares were Forfeited when he failed to pay the first call. L failed to pay the calls in respect of 120 shares allotted to him & these shares were Forfeited after the second call. 40 shares allotted to G originally & another 40 shares allotted to L were later issued to M as fully paid on payment of Rs.9/- per share. Show the relevant entries in the Cash book & journal of Emperor Ltd. Solution: Journal of Emperor Ltd. Date 1 Particulars (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c ..Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 18,000 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application money received transferred to Capital A/c.) Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.) 54,000 54,000 1,000 + 200 = 1,200

30,000 30,000

29 3 Equity Share Allotment A/cDr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c (Being allotment money due on 10,000 shares at Rs.6/- per share including Rs.5/- as premium.) Equity Share Application A/c.Dr. To Bank A/c (Being application on 30,000 shares refunded.) Equity Share Application A/c .......Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being excess application money adjusted towards allotment.) Bank A/c .....Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment received except on 40 shares allotted to G.) Call in Arrears A/c.......Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money due from G transferred to call in arrears.) Equity Share First Call A/c... Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st call made on 10,000 shares at Rs.3/- per share.) Bank A/c.. Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. To 1st & Final Call A/c (Being call amount received.) Equity Share Capital A/c...Dr. Security Premium A/c ....Dr. To Call in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeited A/c (Being 40 shares cancelled.) Equity Share Final Call A/c ..Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being Final Call made on 9,960 shares at Rs.3/- per share.) 60,000 10,000 50,000

9,000 9,000

15,000 15,000

44,820 44,820

180 180

30,000 30,000

29,520 480 30,000 280 140 300 120 29,880 29,880



30 12 Bank A/c ..Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. To Equity Share Final Call A/c (Being Final Call amount received.) Equity Share Capital A/c ...Dr. To Call in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeited A/c (Being 120 shares cancelled.) Bank A/c ...Dr. Share Forfeited A/c ....Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being Forfeited 80 shares issued at Rs.9/- per share.) Share Forfeited A/c ... Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Being profit transferred to Capital Reserve A/c.) 29,520 360 29,880 1,200 720 480 720 80 800




200 200

Working Note: Total allotment money received 10,000 X 6 = 60,000 Amt. received of 15,000 shares 5,000 X 3 = 15,000 Therefore, 60,000 () 15,000 = 45,000 40 X 6 40 X 3/2 Default made by G = = 60 180 Allotment Due = 60,000 () 15,000 () 180 = 44,820 W .N. for (9) 40 shares are allotted to G. He has paid only application 3:2 money. i.e. 60 shares X 3 = 180. The shares are forfeited only after making 1st call. Therefore, share capital already credited = 3 on application + 1 on allotment + 3 on 1st call = 7 per share Therefore, share capital Dr. = 40 X 7 = 280 Security Premium due from him = 40 X 5 = 200 Excess application money received from him, adjusted towards allotment = (60 40) X 3 = 60 This 60 is treated as received against security premium.


Therefore, Security Premium not received = 200 () 60 = 140 Amt. to be Forfeited = 40 shares X amt. received against share capital = 40 X 3 = 120 W.N. for (14) Amount forfeited from Gs salary = 120 Discount given on reissue of these shares = 40 X 1 = 40 Therefore Profit = 120 () 40 = 80 Profit on Ls share Total shares allotted = 120 Amount Forfeited from him = application 3 + 1 allotment = 4 = 120 X 4 = 480 Out of this 40 shares are reissued. Therefore, amount Forfeited on this 40 shares = 40 X 4 = 160 ------------------------------------------------------------- (1) These shares are re-issued at a discount of Re.1 per share. Therefore, Discount to be adjusted towards Forfeiture = 40 X 1 = 40 --------------------------------------------------------------- (2) Therefore, profit on re-issue = (1) (2) = 160 () 40 = 120 transferred to Capital Reserve. Therefore, L + G 120 + 80 = Total profit on re-issue of Forfeited shares. = 200 Problem 10 Wampire Ltd. invited application for 15,000 of its equity shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.5/- per share, payable Rs.3/- on application, Rs.6/- on allotment (including premium) Rs.3/- on 1st call & Rs.3/- on final call. Application was received for 20,000 shares & it was decided to deal with the same as follows in arrangement with the stock exchange authorities. a) To refuse allotment to applicants for 2,000 shares. b) To give full allotment to applicants for 5,000 shares. c) To allot the remaining shares pro-rata among other applicants.

32 d) To utilize the surplus received on application in part payment of amount due on allotment. Ramesh holder of 200 shares (to whom full allotment was made) & Rajesh, holder of 400 shares (to whom pro-rata allotment was made) failed to pay the allotment money. Jayesh holder of 100 shares failed to pay the first & final call. All these shares were Forfeited & re-issued 300 shares (Full allotment of Ramesh & 100 of Rajesh) at Rs.8/- per share. Show the entries in the books of the company. Solution: Journal of Wimpier Ltd. Date 1 Particulars (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c ..Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 22,000 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.) Equity Share Application A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application money received transferred to Capital A/c.) Equity Share Allotment A/cDr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c (Being allotment money due on 15,000 shares at Rs.6/- per share including Rs.5/- as premium.) Equity Share Application A/c.Dr. To Bank A/c (Being money received on 2,000 shares refunded at Rs.3/- each.) Equity Share Application A/c .......Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being excess amount received on 10,000 shares adjusted towards allotment A/c.) Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.) 66,000 66,000

45,000 45,000

90,000 15,000 75,000

6,000 6,000

15,000 15,000

33 6 Bank A/c .....Dr. Calls in arrears A/c Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment received except on 600 shares.) 1st Call A/c .........Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st call made on 15,000 shares at Rs.3/- per share.) Bank A/c .... Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c ...Dr. To Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st call amount received except from Ramesh 200 shares Rajesh 400 shares, Jayesh 100 shares.) 2nd Call A/c . Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 2nd call made on 15,000 shares.) Bank A/c .....Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c ....Dr. To 2nd Call A/c (Being 2nd call amount received except from Ramesh, Rajesh & Jayesh.) Equity Share Capital A/c ..Dr. To Call in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeited A/c (Being 700 shares cancelled.) Bank A/c ..Dr. Share Forfeiture A/c ..Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 300 Forfeited shares of Rs.10/each re-issued at Rs.8/-.) Share Forfeited A/c ...Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Being profit on shares Forfeited transferred to share capital.) 72,000 3,000 75,000

45,000 45,000

42,900 2,100 45,000

45,000 45,000


42,900 2,100 45,000


9,400 7,200 2,200 2,400 600 3,000



300 300

Working Note:

34 W.N. for (11) Applied Allotted Security Premium Due Ramesh 200 200 200 X 5 1,000 Rajesh 600 400 400 X 5 2,000 Excess app. money 200 X 3 600 1400 Jayesh 100 100 X 5 500

Security Premium Recd. S.P. not received

Nil 1,000


Therefore, Dr. Total = 2,400 W.N. for (12) Profit on re-issue of Forfeited shares. Particulars No. of shares Alloted Amount paid (only application) Ramesh 200 200 X 3 = 600 Rajesh 400 400 X 3 = 1,200

Therefore total amount forfeited = 300 + 600 = 900 Discount given on re-issue = 600 Therefore, 900 () 600 = 300 (profit) Problem 11 Body Builders Ltd. made an issue on 30,000 shares of Rs.10/- each payable Rs.3/- on application, Rs.5/- on allotment & Rs.2/- on call. 93,200 shares were applied for & owing to heavy over subscription, allotment was made thus. Applicants for 21,500 shares (in respect of application for 2,000 & more) received 10,200 shares. Applicants for 50,600 shares (in respect of application for 1,000 or more but less than 2,000) received 12,600 shares. Applicants for 21,100 shares (in respect of application for less than 1,000) received 7,200 shares. Cash then received, after satisfying the amount due on application, was applied towards allotment & call money and any balance was then returned. All moneys due on allotment & call were realized.

35 Give journal entries including that of cash & write up the cash account & ledger account relating to this issue of shares in the books of the company. Solution: Journal of Body Builders Ltd. Date 1 Particulars (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c ..Dr. 2,79,600 To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 93,200 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.) 2 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application amount received transferred to Capital A/c.) 3 Equity Share Allotment A/cDr. 1,50,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being allotment money due on 30,000 shares at Rs.5/- per share.) 4 Equity Share Application A/c.Dr. 1,32,900 To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being excess application adjusted towards allotment.) 5 money 17,100 17,100 1,32,900 1,50,000 90,000 90,000 2,79,600 Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

Bank A/c ........Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment received on 30,000 shares at Rs.5/- each.)

1st Call A/c .........Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st call made on 30,000 shares at Rs.2/- per share.)

60,000 60,000

Equity Share Application A/c .. Dr. To Equity Share 1 Call A/c (Being excess share application money adjusted against 1st call due.)

30,900 30,900

36 8 Bank A/c . Dr. To Share 1 Call A/c (Being 1st Call money received on 30,000 shares at Rs.2/- each.) 9 Equity Share Application A/c ...Dr. To Bank A/c (Being excess refunded.) Working Note:
Particulars 1) No. of Application Received 2) Application money Received 3) No. of shares Allotted 4) Applicant money transferred to share capital 5) Excess application money received (2 4) 6) Allotment money due (3 X 5 Rs.) Category Category I II 21,500 64,500 10,200 50,600 1,51,800 12,600 Category III 2,110 63,300 7,200 Total

29,100 29,100

25,800 25,800



74,210 2,79,600 30,000

30,600 33,900 51,000

37,800 1,14,000 63,000

21,600 41,700 36,000

90,000 1,89,600 1,50,000

7) Excess Application amount adjusted towards 33,900 allotment 8) Balance Allotment money received (2 4) 17,100 9) I call 20,400 10) Excess application money adjusted towards call 11) Excess application money refunded 12) Call money received 2,04,001






17,100 60,000

25,200 25,800 -

5,700 8,700

30,900 25,800 29,100

Problem 12 Yashwant Co. Ltd. issued 1, 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at a discount of 10%. It has complied with all the legal requirements for the issue of shares at discount. The share amount was payable along with the application. Applications were received for all the shares. You are asked to pass the journal entries & show the Balance sheet.

37 Solution : Journal of Yashwant Co. Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

Bank A/c ..Dr. 10,80,000 To Equity Share Application A/c 10,80,000 (Being share application money received.) Equity Share Application A/c ..Dr. 10,80,000 Discount on issue of Shares A/c Dr. 1,20,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application money received on 1,20,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/each at Rs.9/- per share, Re.1/share being discount allowed as sanctioned by the shareholder per General Meeting Resolution No._______ Dated _________ & Co. Law Board Letter No.______ Dated __________.)


Balance sheet as on _________ Liabilities Share Capital : Authorized ? Amt. Assets Current Assets : Bank Miscellaneous Expenditure : Discount on issue of Shares Amt. 10,80,000

Issued Subscribed, Called-up & Paid up 1,20,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/each fully paid. 12,00,000 12,00,000 Problem 13



Amit Ltd. invited applications for 10,000 shares of Rs.100/- each at a discount of 6% payable as follows On Application On Allotment On First & Final Call Rs. 25/Rs. 34/Rs. 35/-

38 The applications were received for 9,900 shares & all of these were accepted by the Directors. All money due were received except the first and final call on 10 shares which were Forfeited out of these 5 shares were issued at Rs.90/- as fully paid. Assuming that all the requirements of the law were complied with, pass entries in the Cash book & journal of the Co. Also prepare the Balance sheet of the Co. Solution: Journal of Amit Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

Equity Share Application A/c ..Dr. 24,75,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 24,75,000 (Being application money on 9,900 shares at Rs.25/- per share transferred to Capital A/c on allotment.) Equity Share Allotment A/c.Dr. 3,36,600 Discount on issue of Share A/c Dr. 59,400 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being allotment money due on 9,900 shares at Rs.40/- per share, including discount of Rs.6/- per share.) Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/cDr. 3,46,500 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being first & final call amount due on 9,900 Equity shares at Rs.35/per share.) Equity Share Capital A/c ....Dr. To Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c To Discount on Equity Share A/c To Equity Share Forfeited A/c (Being Forfeiture of 100 Equity shares for non-payment of first & final call of Rs.35/- per share; the discount of Rs.6/- per share being written back & the amount of Rs.59/actually paid being credited to Share Forfeited Account.) 1,000 350 60 590



39 5 Discount on issue of Shares A/c ...Dr. Share Forfeited A/c .Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being discount allowed on 5 Equity Shares reissued @ Rs.90/- as fully paid - the Discount on issued of Shares being Rs.6/- per share, the balance of Rs.5/- per share debited to Share Forfeited Accounts.) Share Forfeited A/c .... Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Being Profit remained after reissue of 50 shares transferred to Capital Reserve Account.) Cash Book Dr. Particulars Amt. Particulars To Equity Share By Balance c/d Application Allotment A/c 2,47,500 (Application money received on 9,900 Equity Shares @ Rs.25/-) To Equity Share Application Allotment A/c 3,36,600 (Allotment received on 9,900 Equity Share @ Rs.34/-.) To Equity Share first & 3,46,150 Final Call A/c (First & Final Call received on 9890 Equity Share @ Rs.35/- per share.) To Equity Share 450 Capital A/c (Reissue of 5 Equity Shares as fully paid up @ Rs.90/- per share.) 9,30,700 To Balance b/d 9,30,700 Cr. Amt. 9,30,700 30 20 50

275 275


40 Balance sheet of Amit Ltd. as on _________ Liabilities Amt. (Rs.) Assets Current Assets : Cash at Bank Miscellaneous Expenditure : Discount on issue of Shares @ Rs.6/- on 9,895 shares.) Amt. (Rs.) 9,30,700

Share Capital : Equity Share Capital (excluding the shares previously issued); 9,895 shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid up. 9,89,500 Shares Forfeited A/c Reserves & Surplus: Capital Reserves 295


275 9,90,070 9,90,070

Problem 14 Mumbai Cycle Co. Ltd. invited application for 2,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at par, payable as under On Application On Allotment On First Call On Final Call Rs.3/- per share Rs.2/- per share Rs.3/- per share Rs.2/- per share

All the shares were subscribed for by the public. An applicant for 200 shares failed to pay the first call money & his shares were Forfeited after giving due notice. These Forfeited shares were re-issued at Rs.6/- per share, credited as Rs.8/paid up. Make journal entries & show the Balance Sheet. The company has not made 2nd call. Solution: Journal of Mumbai Cycle Co. Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Bank A/c ...Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 2,000 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.) Dr. (Rs.) 6,000 6,000 Cr. (Rs.)

41 2 Equity Share Application A/c..Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application amount received transferred to Capital A/c.) Equity Share Allotment A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being allotment money due on 2,000 shares at Rs.2/- per share.) Bank A/c ......Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment received on 2,000 shares at Rs.2/- each.) 1st Call A/c ....Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st call made on 2,000 shares at Rs.3/- per share.) Bank A/c ...... Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c .Dr. To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being call amount received on 1,800 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.) Equity Shares Capital A/c ..Dr. To Calls in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeiture A/c (Being 200 shares of Rs.10/- each Rs.8/- paid up forfeited for nonpayment of 1st call of Rs.2/- per share.) Bank A/c Dr. Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 200 Forfeited Equity Shares re-issued at Rs.6/- per share Cr. as Rs.8/- paid up.) Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Being profit on reissue of Forfeited shares, representing capital profit transferred to Capital Reserves.) 6,000 6,000

4,000 4,000

4,000 4,000

6,000 6,000

5,400 600 6,000

1,600 600 1,000

1,200 400 1,600

600 600

Balance Sheet of Mumbai Cycle Co. Ltd. as on

42 Liabilities Share Capital : Authorized Capital Issued & Subscribed 2,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each. Called up and Paid up: 2,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each Rs.8/called up & paid up Reserves & Surplus : Capital Reserve Amt. Assets Current Assets : ? Cash at Bank Amt. 16,600



600 16,600 16,600

Problem 15 Dinu Ltd. issued 2,000 Equity shares of Rs.50/- each, at a discount of Rs.2/- per share, payable as follows On Application On Allotment On First & Final Call Rs.10/Rs.28/Rs.10/-

All the shares were duly subscribed for and the amounts were received except the first & final call on 100 shares. These shares were Forfeited & re-issued as fully paid. Pass journal entries of the Company. Solution: Journal of Dinu Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Bank A/c ...Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 2,000 shares at Rs.10/- per shares.) Equity Share Application A/c..Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being application amount received transferred to Capital A/c.) Equity Share Allotment A/c Dr. Dr. (Rs.) 20,000 20,000 Cr. (Rs.)

20,000 20,000


43 Discount on issue of Shares A/c... Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being allotment money due on 2,000 shares at Rs.30/- per share including discount Rs.2/- per share.) 4 Bank A/c ......Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment received on 2,000 shares at Rs.28/- each.) 1st Call A/c ....Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st call made on 2,000 shares at Rs.10/- per share.) Bank A/c ...... Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c .Dr. To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being call amount received on 1,900 shares at Rs.10/- per shares.) Equity Shares Capital A/c ..Dr. To Discount on issue of shares A/c To Calls in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeiture A/c (Being 100 shares of Rs.50/- each forfeited for non-payment of 1st call of Rs.10/- per share.) Bank A/c Dr. Discount on issue of Shares A/cDr. Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 100 Forfeited Equity Shares re-issued at Rs.45/- per share Cr. as fully paid.) Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Being profit on reissue of Forfeited shares, representing capital profit transferred to Capital Reserves.) 4,000 60,000

56,000 56,000

20,000 20,000

19,000 1,000 20,000

5,000 200 1,000 3,800

4,500 200 300 5,000

3,500 3,500

Problem 16


D Ltd. issued 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.5/- per share payable as On Application Rs.6/- (including premium Rs.3) On Allotment Rs.5/- (including premium Rs.2) Balance in 2nd calls. The applications were received for 35,000 shares. The allotment was made as follows Category A Application 5,000 full allotment Category B Application 20,000 share allotted 15,000 shares on pro-rata basis Category C Application 10,000 share rejected Excess amount received on application was adjusted against allotment money due. Both the calls made. One shareholder holding 500 shares failed to pay 2nd call. His shares were forfeited & reissued later at Rs.9/- per share. Give necessary journal entries & Balance Sheet. Solution: In the books of D Ltd. Journal Date 1 Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.) 2,10,000

Bank A/c ...Dr. 2,10,000 To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received for 35,000 shares at Rs.6/- per shares.) Equity Share Allotment A/c Dr. 1,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c (Being allotment money due on 20,000 shares at Rs.3/- per share for the capital & Rs.2/- per share for premium.) Equity Share Application A/c..Dr. 1,20,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c (Being Equity share application money on 20,000 shares transferred as Rs.3/- per share to capital & Rs.3/- per share to premium.) Equity Share Application A/c .....Dr. 30,000

60,000 40,000

60,000 60,000

45 To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being excess application money on 5,000 shares towards allotment money due.) 5 Equity Share Application A/c .....Dr. To Bank A/c (Being excess application money on 10,000 shares refunded.) Bank A/c ...... Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money received.) Equity Shares 1st Call A/c ..Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st Call made on 20,000 shares @ Rs.2/- per share.) Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st Call amount received.) Equity Share 2nd Call A/c .. Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 2nd call made on 20,000 shares at Rs.2/- per share.) Bank A/c .. Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. To Equity Share 2nd Call A/c (Being 2nd call received except on 500 shares.) Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. To Calls in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeiture A/c (Being 500 Equity shares of Rs.10/each fully called up, forfeited for non payment of call of Rs.2/- per share.) Bank A/c .. Dr. Share Forfeiture A/c .. Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 500 forfeited Equity Share reissued at Rs.9/- per share.) Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 60,000 60,000 30,000

70,000 70,000 40,000 40,000

40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000


39,000 1,000 40,000


5,000 1,000 4,000


4,500 500 5,000



46 To Capital Reserve A/c (Being credit balance in Share Forfeiture A/c after re-issued of forfeited share representing capital profit transferred to Capital Reserve.) Working Note: Category No. of application received Application money received No. of shares allotted Allotment money due Application money received transfer to share capital Excess application money adjusted towards allotment Excess application money refunded Allotment money received A 5,000 B C Total 35,000 3,500

20,000 10,000

30,000 1,20,000 60,000 2,10,000 5,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 15,000 75,000 90,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 20,000 1,00,000 1,20,000 30,000 60,000 70,000

Balance Sheet as on ___________ Liabilities Share Capital Authorized Issued, Subscribed, Called up & Paid up 20,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/each fully paid Reserves & Surplus Security Premium Capital Reserve Amt. ? Assets Bank balance Amt. 3,03,500


1,00,000 3,500 3,03,500 3,03,500

Problem 17

47 Anita Ltd. issued 30,000 Equity Shares of Rs.20/- each at a premium of Rs.4/-. The amount was payable as under On Application Rs.6/On Allotment Rs.8/On 1st Call Rs.5/nd On 2 Call Rs.5/The applications were received for 80,000 shares. The allotment was made as under. Category A B C Applied 10,000 60,000 10,000 Allotted 10,000 20,000 NIL

Mr. X belonging to Category A holding 200 shares failed to pay allotment & 1st call money. His shares were forfeited after 1 st call was made. Mr. Y belonging to Category B holding 200 shares failed to pay allotment & 1st call money. His shares were also forfeited after 1 st call. All other money was received properly. The forfeited share were reissued at Rs.18/-. Give necessary journal entries & prepare Balance sheet Excess application money to be adjusted against allotment & 1st call money. Solution: Date 1. Particulars Bank A/c .... Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money received.) 2. Equity share Allotment A/c .. Dr. 2,40,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium (Being allotment money due on 30,000 shares at Rs.4/- for the capital & Rs.4/- for premium. 3. Equity Share Application A/c ...Dr. 1,80,000 1,80,000 1,20,000 1,20,000 Debit (Rs.) 4,80,000 4,80,000 Credit (Rs.)

48 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being Equity Share application money on 30,000 transferred to Share capital.) 4. Equity Share Application A/c ...Dr. To Bank A/c 5. Equity Share Application A/c....Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c 6. Bank A/c . Dr. Securities Premium A/c. Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c 7. Equity Share 1st call A/c.....Dr. 1,50,000 To Equity Share Capital Account (Being 1st Call made.) 8. Equity Share Application A/c ... Dr. To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 9. Bank A/c .... Dr. Calls in Arrears A/c ...Dr. To Equity Share 1 Call A/c 10. Equity Share Capital A/c ...Dr. To Calls in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeiture A/c (Being 400 Equity shares of Rs.20/each, Rs.15/- called up, forfeited for non payment of call.) 11. Equity Share 2nd Call A/c ..... Dr. 1,48,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 12. Bank A/c .. Dr. 1,48,000 To Equity Share 2nd Call A/c 13. Bank A/c . Dr. 7,200 800 1,48,000 1,48,000 6,000 2,000 4,000

60,000 60,000 1,60,000 1,60,000 78,400 800 800 80,000


80,000 80,000 68,800 1,200 70,000

49 Share Forfeiture A/c ..... Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c 14. Share Forfeiture A/c . Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c Working Note: W.N.1: Category No. of application received Application money received No. of shares allotted Allotment money due Application money received transfer to share capital Excess application money adjusted towards allotment Excess application money refunded Allotment money received A 10,000 B C Total 80,000 3,200 3,200 8,000

60,000 10,000

60,000 3,60,000 60,000 4,80,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 2,40,000 1,80,000 2,40,000

80,000 1,60,000 60,000 1,20,000 2,40,000


60,000 -

60,000 78,400

W.N.2: Excess Application money to be adjusted against call money. Category A B C W.N.3: Call due (-) adj. Adjusted 80,000 -

= =

1, 50,000 80,000 70,000


50 Problem 1 Ambica Ltd. issued 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at par. The amount was payable as under On Application On Allotment On 1st Call On 2nd Call Rs.2/- per share Rs.3/- per share Rs.3/- per share Rs.2/- per share

The applications were received for 10,000 shares. All the applicants were allotted the share. All money was duly received. Give necessary journal entries & also prepare Balance Sheet. Problem 2 Jindal Ltd. issued 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.2.50/- per share payable as follows On Application On Allotment On 1st & Final Call Rs.7.50/- (including premium) Rs.2/Rs.3/-

Applications were received for 7,60,000 shares. The directors allotted 5,00,000 shares to the applicants of 5,10,000 shares on pro-rata basis & rejected applications for 2,50,000 shares. The excess application money on 10,000 shares was adjusted against allotment money due. The call was duly made & received on 20,000 shares. Prepare Cash book & Journal of Jindal Ltd. & Balance Sheet. Problem 3 N. Ltd. issued 50,000 shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.6/per share. The amount was payable as follows On Application Rs.3/On Allotment Rs.8/- (including premium) On 1st & Final Call Rs.5/The applications were received for 80,000 shares. The allotment was made as follows Category A 10,000 Full Category B 55,000 40,000 shares allotted Category C 15,000 Nil All excess money paid on application was to be adjusted against allotment money due. The shares were fully called up and

51 paid up except Mr. A who had applied for 1,100 shares failed to pay allotted money and call money. His shares were forfeited after the final call & reissued later at Rs.9/- per share. Give necessary journal entries & prepare Balance sheet.
Working Note: W.N. 1: Category No. of application received Application money received No. of shares allotted Allotment money due Application money received transfer to share capital Excess application money adjusted towards allotment Excess application money refunded Allotment money received A 10,000 30,000 10,000 80,000 30,000 80,000 B 55,000 1,65,000 40,000 3,20,000 1,20,000 45,000 C 15,000 45,000 45,000 Total 80,000 2,40,000 50,000 4,00,000 1,50,000 45,000 45,000 80,000

W.N. 2: Default of Mr. A Applied Allotted 1,100 800 (1,100 X 40,000 / 55,000) Allotment money due. 800 X 8 (-) Excess application money adjusted [(1,100 800) X 3] W.N. 3: Allotment money received from Category B. Allotment money due (-) Excess application adjusted (-) Default of Mr. A 3,20,000 (45,000) 2,75,000 (5,500) 2,69,500

6,400 (900) 5,500

Problem 4 Granny Ltd. issued 30,000/- shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.8/-. The amount was payable as under On Application On Allotment On 1st & final call Rs.5/Rs.10/- (including premium Rs.8/-) Rs.3/-

Applications were received for 80,000/- shares. The allotment was made as follows.

52 Category A B C Application 10,000 60,000 10,000 Allotment 10,000 20,000 NIL

Mr. X holding 300 shares from Category B failed to pay allotment & call money. His shares were forfeited after 1 st call. All the call money was received except Mr. X. Give journal entries and Balance Sheet of Granny Ltd.
Working Note: Category No. of application received Application money received No. of shares allotted Allotment money due Application money received transfer to share capital Excess application money adjusted towards allotment Excess application money refunded Allotment money received A 10,000 50,000 10,000 1,00,000 50,000 1,00,000 B 60,000 3,00,000 20,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 C 10,000 50,000 50,000 Total 80,000 4,00,000 30,000 3,00,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 50,000 1,00,000

Problem 5 Ravi Ltd. issued 30,000 Equity shares of Rs.20/- each at a premium of Rs.5/-. The amount was payable as under On Application On Allotment On 1st Call On 2nd Call Rs.7/Rs.12/- (including premium) Rs.3/Rs.3/-

Applications were received for 80,000 shares. Allotment was made as follows. Category A B C Applied 10,000 60,000 10,000 Allotted 10,000 20,000 NIL

Mr. Ali holding 200 shares from Category B failed to pay allotment & 1st call money. His shares were forfeited after 1st call. Mr. Sunil

53 holding 400 shares category a failed to pay 1st & 2nd Call his shares was also forfeited. Excess money to be adjusted against allotment and call money. All the forfeited shares were reissued at Rs.18/each.
Working Note: W.N.1: Category No. of application received Application money received No. of shares allotted Allotment money due Application money received transfer to share capital Excess application money adjusted towards allotment Excess application money refunded Excess App. money adjusted st towards 1 call Allotment money received W.N. 2 : Default of Mr. Anil Call amount due = 600 Excess application money (400 X 7) (-) Allotment money adjusted 2,800 2,400 400 A 10,000 70,000 10,000 1,20,000 70,000 1,20,000 B 60,000 4,20,000 20,000 2,40,000 1,40,000 2,40,000 40,000 C 10,000 70,000 70,000 Total 80,000 5,60,000 30,000 3,60,000 2,10,000 2,40,000 70,000 40,000 1,20,000

Default = 200 Mr. Sunil Call amount due = 1,200 Default of Sunil = 1,200 W.N.: 3 1 Call amount received due (-) Excess Application Adjusted (-) Default of Anil & Sunil

90,000 (40,000) 50,000 (1,400) 48,600

Problem 6

54 Kumar Ltd. issued 40,000 Equity shares of Rs.15/- each at a premium of Rs.5/-. Amount was payable as follows. On Application Rs.6/On Allotment Rs.8/- (including premium) On 1st & Final Call Rs.6/Application were received for 60,000 shares, allotment was made as followed Category A B C Applied 10,000 45,000 5,000 Allotted 10,000 30,000 NIL

X from Category A did not pay allotment & call money holding for 200 shares. Y from Category B holding 300 shares did not pay allotment & call money. All other money was received. The expenses for issue of share amounted to Rs.40, 000/-. All the shares of X & Y were forfeited & reissued at Rs.12/- per share.
Working Note: W.N.1: Category No. of application received Application money received No. of shares allotted Allotment money due Application money received transfer to share capital Excess application money adjusted towards allotment Excess application money refunded Allotment money received A 10,000 60,000 10,000 80,000 60,000 B 45,000 2,70,000 30,000 2,40,000 1,80,000 C 5,000 30,000 Total 60,000 3,60,000 40,000 3,20,000 2,40,000





78,400 1,48,500



Default of Mr. Y Holding (-) Allotted 450 shares 300 shares

Excess 150 shares Excess application received (150 X 6) = 900

Allotment money due (300 X 8) = 2,400 (-) Excess application Actual default W.N.3: Allotment received Due (-) Adjusted 2, 40,000 90,000 1, 50,000 (-) Default 1,500 1, 48,500 W.N. 4: Securities Premium X = 200 X 5 = Y = 300 X 5 = 1,000 1,500 2,500 Default of Mr. Y (900) 1,600 Allotment 200 X 3 = 600 300 X 3 = 900 1,500 (900) 1,500



Unit Structure 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 Objectives Introduction and Meaning Definition Features Types of Debentures Distinguish between Shares and Debentures Debenture Interest Issue of Debentures Terms of redemption Accounting entries Treatment of discounts Solved Problems Exercise

After studying the unit the students will be able to Define Debentures Explain the types of Debentures Understand the difference between Shares and Debentures Know the terms of issue and redemption of Debentures Journalise the transactions Solve the problems



A Debenture is a document acknowledging a loan to company and executed under the common seal of the company, usually containing provisions as to payment, of interest and the repayment of principal amount and giving a charge on the assets of a such a company, which may give security for the payment over the some or all the assets of the company. Issue of Debentures is one of the most common method of raising the funds available to the company. It is a important source of finance.



Debenture may be defined as a certificate issued by company under its seal acknowledging a debt due by to its holder. The essential characteristic of debentures is indebtedness Sec.2(12) of the Companies Act. 1956 a Debenture includes debenture stock bonds any other securities of a company whether constituting a charge on company assets or not.

57 A person who purchases a debenture is called a debenture holder.



A Debenture has the following basic features:(a) It is document which creates or acknowledges a debt. (b) It is in the form of certificate issued under the seal of the company. (c) It usually shows the amount & date of repayment of the loan. (d) If shows the rate of interest & date of interest payment. (e) Normally debentures are secured & issued against the assets of the company.



Different types of debentures can be classified as follows:I) ON THE BASIS OF SECURITY: a) Naked Debentures: These Debentures are not secured against any assets of the Co. In case of winding of the company, debentures holders holding unsecured debentures treated as unsecured creditors. b) Secured Debentures: These Debentures are secured by a charge on the assets of the company. These debentures are secured either on a particular assets called fixed charge or on the general assets of the company called floating charge. The debentures holder has a right to recover outstanding loan & interest out of such charge assets. These debentures are issued by the company under an agreement which is called Mortgage Deed. Such mortgage is registered with Register of Companies. II) ON THE BASIS OF PERFORMANCE: a) Redeemable Debentures: The debentures are redeemed by repayment of the amount of debentures after a specified date, as per terms & conditions issued. b) Irredeemable Debentures: In this case the issuing company does not fix any date by which debentures should be redeemed & the debentures holder cannot demand repayment of the sum of debenture from the company so long as it is going concern. III) ON THE BASIS OF PRIORITY: a) First debentures: As the name implies this type of debentures are repaid before the repayment of other debentures. b) Second debentures: These debentures are paid after payment of first debentures.


IV) ON THE BASIS OF CONVERTIBILITY: a) Convertible debentures: Holders of such debentures are given option to convert the debentures fully or partly into equity shares or preference shares or new debentures after a specified time. b) Nonconvertible debentures: The holders of this type of debentures do not have any right to convert them into equity shares etc., v) On the basis of Records: a) Bearer debentures: Just like bearer cheques these debentures can be transferred fredy. Payment of interest is made on productions of coupons attached with debentures. b) Registered debentures: These are transferred only by transfer deed. The complete particulars in regard to such debentures are entered into register & the interest is paid only to those whose name appears in the register.


Shares 1. Share capital is an ownership capital. 2. A shareholder is the owner of the company. Debentures 1. Debentures capital is creditorship capital i.e. borrowing. 2. A debenture holder is the creditor of the company.

59 3. Share capital is not returnable 3. Debenture capital returnable in the life time of the company. during the lifetime of the However, the redeemable company. The exception is the preference shares are refunded irredeemable debentures which during the life-time of the are not redeemable during the company. life-time of the company. 4. Shareholders enjoy the voting rights. 5. Dividend is payable on shares & it is an appropriation of profits 6. Dividend depends on the profit of the company. 7. Shares are unsecured. 8. In the event of winding up of the company shareholders are the last person in re-fund of their capital. 4. Debentures holders do not have the voting rights. 5. Interest on debentures is payable at a fixed rate on specified date irrespective of profits of the company. 6. Interest is paid on debentures & it is a charge on the revenue of the company. 7. Debentures are generally secured. 8. Debenture holder being the creditors are paid prior to the shareholders. If secured they have priority even over the unsecured creditors.


Debentures being borrowed capital, they carry a specific rate of interest payable on specified date Debentures interest is expenditure & it is payable as an when interest is due whether there is a profit or loss. It is usually paid half-yearly. The amount of interest is calculated & paid on nominal value i.e., face value of Debentures. The following Journal entries are passed. a) When debentures interest is due: Debenture Interest A/c Dr. (Gross amt.) To Tax Deducted as source (With income tax) To Debentures holder A/c (Net amt. payable) b) When net amount due is paid: Debentures Holder A/c Dr. To Bank A/c c) At the end of the year balance in debenture interest being expense transferred to P & L A/c P & L A/c Dr. To Debenture Interest A/c



3.7.1 Debentures can, be issued in three ways. a) At par: Debenture is said to have been issued at par when the amount collected for it is equal to the nominal value of debentures. e.g. the issue of debentures of Rs. 100/- for Rs. 100/-. b) At Discount: Debenture is said to have been issued at discount when the amount collected is less than the nominal value, for e.g., issue of debentures of Rs. 100/- for Rs. 95/-. The difference of Rs. 5/- is the discount and is called discount on issue of Debentures. This discount on issue of debentures is a capital loss & it is charged to P & L A/c over the period of its benefit to the company & it is shown under the head Miscellaneous Expenditure on the assets side of the Balance Sheet. c) At Premium: When the price charged is more than its nominal value, a debentures is said to be issued at a premium. e.g., issue of debentures of Rs. 100 each for Rs. 120, the excess amount over the nominal value i.e., Rs. 20 is the premium on issue of debentures. Premium received on issue of debentures is a capital gain & it is credited to Securities Premium A/c. Premium on issue of debentures cannot be utilised for distribution of dividend. Premium on debentures is shown under the head Reserves & Surplus on the liability side of the Balance Sheet. 3.7.2 ISSUE OF DEBENTURES FOR CASH: Debentures may be issue for cash at a par, at a discount or at a premium. When amount is payable in installments entries will be similar to the issue of shares. Any premium or discount on issue of debentures is usually adjusted at the time of making allotment. Premium payable on redemption of debentures is also adjusted at the time of issue of debentures. 3.7.2 ISSUE OF DEBENTURES FOR NON-CASH CONSIDERATION Debentures may be issued for consideration other than cash such as acquisition of business, or assets. It should be noted that ouch debentures may be issue at par or at a premium or at a discount. 3.7.3 ISSUE OF DEBENTURES AS A COLLATERAL SECURITY Debentures can be issued as collateral security against a loan or overdraft from bank or other financial institution. Collateral Security means an additional or parallel security. Debentures issued as collateral security is a contingent liability. However, it can become a definite liability only in the invent of default by the company in repaying the loan. No interest is payable on such debentures. Normally no entry is passed in

61 the books for issue of such debentures. Only a note is given under loan concerned that such loans are secured by way of collateral security by issue of debentures. Normally no entry is passed in the books for issue of such debentures. Only a note, however, the following entry may be passed in the books in the issue of such debentures: Debentures Suspense A/c To Debentures A/c On repayment & release of debenture, the entry pass is Debentures A/c Dr. To Debentures Suspense A/c Dr.


Debentures may be redeemed (repaid) a) at a par b) at a premium or c) at a discount. a) Redeemable at par: When debentures are to be redeemed at their face value they are said to be redeemable at par. b) Redeemable at a premium: When debentures are to be redeemed at an amount higher than their face value they said to be redeemable at a premium. Premium payable on redemption of debentures is a capital loss for the company. Such premium even though payable on redemption must be provided as a liability at a time of issue of debentures. Loss on issue of debentures should be charged to the P & L A/c over the period of its benefits to the company & it is shown under the head Miscellaneous Expenditure on the assets of the Balance Sheet. c) Redeemable at a discount: When debentures are to be redeemed at an amount lower than their face value, they are said to be redeemable at a discount such discount is a capital profit for the company.


No. Transaction Accounting Entries 1) Issue for cash (collection in installments) a) Receipt of application money Bank A/c Dr. To Debentures Application A/c b) Transfer of application Debentures Application A/c Dr. money to debentures To Debentures A/c

62 c) Allotment money due d) For receipt of allotment money e) Call money due f) Receipt of call money Debentures Allotment A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c Bank A/c Dr. To Debenture Allotment A/c Debenture Call A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c Bank A/c Dr. To Debenture Call A/c

Note: Discount or premium on issue of debentures should be adjusted at the time of making allotment entries for such will be the similar to the issue of shares. 2) Issue for cash (collection in lump sum) a) Issue at par redeemable at par b) Issue at discount redeemable at par.

c) Issued at premium redeemable at par. d) Issued at par redeemable at premium.

e) Issued at a discount redeemable at premium.

Bank A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c Bank A/c Dr. Discount on issue of Debentures A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c Bank A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c To Securities Premium A/c Bank A/c Dr Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c To Premium on redemption of debentures A/c Bank A/c Dr. Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c To Premium on redemption of debentures A/c.

63 3) Issue of Debentures for Noncash consideration a) On purchase of business

Sundry Assets A/c Dr. *Goodwill A/c Dr. To Sundry Liabilities A/c To Vendor A/c To Capital Reserve A/c

Note: Goodwill=P.C consideration Net Assets. OR Capital Reserve = Net Assets P. C b) On issue of Debentures to Vendor (i) Issue at per redeemable at Vendor A/c Dr. par To Debentures A/c (ii) Issued at discount Vendor A/c Dr. redeemable at par Discount on issue of Debentures A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c (iii) Issued at premium Vendor A/c Dr. redeemable at par To Debentures A/c To Securities Premium A/c (iv) Issued at par redeemable at Vendor A/c Dr. premium. Loss on issue of debenture A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c To Premium on redemption of debentures A/c (v) Issued at a discount Vendor A/c Dr. redeemable at premium Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr To Debentures A/c To Premium on redemption of debentures A/c 4) Issue of Debenture as collateral No Entry security


Discount on issue of debentures is a capital loss & such loss is written off from books of account as early as possible. Following journal entries passed to write off discount. P & L A/c Dr. To Discount on issue of Debentures A/c Balance on discount is shown in the balance sheet on the assets side under the head Miscellaneous Expenditure. The amount of discount is written off in the following ways.


a) When debentures are redeemed after certain period. In this case total discount on debentures is written off equally each year over the period of debenture tenure.
Discount to be written off Total Discount No.of years after which debentures will be redeemed

Check Your Progress State whether true or false 1. Registered debentures are transferred only by transfer deed. 2. Redeemable Debentures are redeemed at any time. 3. Debenture interest is payable only when a company makes profits. 4. When the price charged is more than its nominal value, a debenture is said to be issued at a premium. 5. If the debentures are redeemed at discount such discount is a revenue profit for the company. 6. Premium payable on redemption of debentures is a capital loss for the company. 7. No interest is payable on the debentures issued as a collateral security. Fill in the blanks 1. When debentures are to be redeemed at their face value they are to be said as----------------------------. 2. Accumulated balance of premium on redemption is shown under the head------------ on the assets of the Balance Sheet. 3. If the term on issue of debentures is Issued at par redeemable at premium the journal entry is----------------------4. Debentures issued as collateral security is a ---------- liability. 5. The amount of interest is calculated and paid on-------------- of Debentures. 6. Premium received on issue of debentures is a capital gain and it is credited to----------------------------. 7. Debentures which are secured by a charge on the assets of the company are termed as -----------------------

Answers for check your progress

State whether true or false

1. True, 2.False, 3.False, 4.True, 5.False, 6.True, 7. True Fill in the blanks 1. Redeemable at par. 2. Miscellaneous Expenditure 3. Bank A/c Dr Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr. To Debentures A/c To Premium on redemption of debentures A/c 4. Contingent 5. face value 6. Securities Premium A/c. 7. Secured debentures


Illustration: 1 A Ltd. issued 5000 debentures of Rs. 100 each at 10% discount redeemable at par after 10 years. Total discount = 10% of Rs. 5, 00,000= Rs. 50,000 Discount returned off each year = = Rs. 5.000 each year. a) When debentures are redeemable in installment by annual drawings. In this case, discount written off each year is proportionate to the debentures outstanding at the beginning of the year. At the end of the life of debentures the entire discount on issue of debenture is written off. Illustration: 2 K Ltd., issued Rs. 1000000 15% debentures at 5% discount and redeemable at 10% premium. Debentures are to be redeemed in the following manner: Year end 2 3 4 5 Face value of debentures to be redeemed Rs. 100000 200000 300000 400000

Rs. 50000 10 years

Give loss on issue of debentures account for the 5 Years.

Solution: Bank A/c Loss on issue of debentures A/c To 15% debentures A/c 950000 150000 1000000

66 To Premium on redemption on debentures A/c 100000 Loss to be written off in each year. In the books of K Ltd. Loss on issue of debentures account Particulars To 15% debentures A/c AMT. Particulars 1,50,000 By P & L A/c By Bal. C/d 1,50,000 1,12,500 By P & L A/c By Bal. C/d 1,12,500 75,000 By P & L A/c By Bal. C/d 75,000 41,250 By P & L A/c By Bal. C/d 41,250 15,000 By P & L A/c 15,000 AMT. 37,500 1,12,500 1,50,000 37,500 75,000 1,12,500 37,500 75,000 75,000 26,250 41,250 15,000 15,000

To Bal. B/d

To Bal. B/d

To Bal. B/d

To Bal. B/d

Illustration: 3 (When amount of debentures is collected in installments) YES Ltd., issued 1000 10% debentures of Rs. 1000 each payable at Rs. 250 on application & Rs. 750 on allotment. Application mere received for 1000 debentures. All the applicants mere allotted debentures. All the money were received. Pass the journal entries in the books of the Company. Solution: Journal of YES Ltd Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To Debenture Application A/c (Application money of Rs. 250 per debenture received on 1000 debenture as per details in debenture Application Book.) Dr. 250000 Cr. 250000

67 Debenture Application A/c Dr. To 10% Debenture A/c (Application money of Rs. 25 per debenture transferred to Debenture A/c on allotment of 1000 Debentures vide Board Resolution No. .............dated .............& per particulars in Debenture Application & Allotment Book) Debenture Allotment A/c Dr. To 10% Debenture A/c (Allotment amount due on 1000 debentures at Rs. 750 per debenture vide Board Resolution No. ............. dated ..........& particulars in debenture Application & Allotment Book.) Bank A/c Dr. To Debenture Allotment A/c (Allotment money of Rs. 750 per debenture received on 1000 debentures as per details in Allotment Book) 250000 250000

750000 750000

750000 750000

Balance Sheet of YES Ltd. Liabilities Unsecured Loans 10% Debentures Amt. Assets 1000000 Bank Amt. 1000000

Note: Only the relevant items are shown in above Balance Sheet. Illustration: 4 (When different conditions of issues and redemption are given) City Enterprises Ltd., Issued 1000 debentures of Rs. 100/- each. You are asked to give journal entries on issue if. 1. The debentures are issued at par and redeemable at par. 2. Debentures are issued at discount of 5% but redeemable at par. 3. Debentures are issued at a premium of 5% but redeemable at a par. 4. Debentures are issued at a discount of 5% but redeemable at a premium of 5%. 5. Debenture issued at par but redeemable at 10% premium.

Solution: Journal of City Enterprise Ltd.

68 Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To Debenture A/c (Issue of 1000 7% debenture of Rs. 100 each vide Board Resolution No. ..........dated ..........& per details in Debenture Application & Allotment Register) Bank A/c Dr. Discount on issue of Debentures A/c Dr. To 10% Debenture A/c (Issue of 1000 debentures of Rs. 100 each at a discount of 5% vide Board Resolution No. ........... dated ............ & per particulars in Debenture Application & Allotment Register) Bank A/c Dr. To 10% Debenture A/c To Security Premium A/c (Issue of 1000 debenture of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 105 vide Board Resolution No. .........dated .............& particulars in Debenture Application & Allotment Register) Bank A/c Dr. Loss of issue of Debenture A/c Dr. To 10% Debenture A/c To Premium on redemption of Debentures A/c (Issue of 1000 debentures of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 95 but redemeable at Rs. 105 vide Board Resolution No. ....... dated ............& particulars in Debenture Application & Allotment Register) Dr. 100000 100000 Cr.

95000 5000 100000

105000 100000 5000

95000 10000 100000 5000

69 Bank A/c Dr. Loss of issue of Debenture A/c Dr. To 10% Debenture A/c To Premium on redemption of Debentures A/c (issue of 1000 debentures at par redemeable at Rs. 110 vide Board Resolution No.......... dated ......... & per detail in Debenture Application & Allotment Register) 100000 10000 100000 10000

Illustration: 5 (When amount of debenture is collected in installments) N Ltd. issued 1000, 8% Debenture of Rs. 100/- each at a discount of 10% Payable as Rs. 10/- on application, Rs. 30/- on allotment and Balance on final call All the money were duly received. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of company. Solution: Journal of N Ltd. Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To 8% Debenture Application A/c (Being application money received) 8% Debenture Application A/c Dr. To 8% Debenture A/c (Being application money transferred to Debenture A/c) 8% Debenture Allotment A/c Discount on 8% Debenture A/c To 8% Debenture A/c (Being amount due on allotment) Dr. Dr. Dr. 10000 Cr. 10000

10000 10000

30000 10000 40000

Bank A/c Dr. To 8% Debenture Allotment A/c (Being Allotment money received) 8% Debenture First Call A/c Dr. To 8% Debenture A/c (Being first call of Rs. 40 per share due)

30000 30000

40000 40000

70 Bank A/c Dr. To 8% Debenture First Call A/c (Being first call money received) 8% Debenture Final Call A/c Dr. To 8% Debenture A/c (Being final call of Rs. 10 per share due) Bank A/c Dr. To 8% Debenture Final Call A/c (Being final call received) 40000 40000

10000 10000

10000 10000

Illustration: 6 R. Ltd. issued 10000, 10% debentures of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 10% Payable Rs. 40 on application, Rs. 30 on allotment, Rs. 25 on first call and Rs. 15 on final call Company received application for 14,000 debentures, out of Mich company received applications for 4000 debentures. All the money was duly received prepare Cash book and pass journal entries in the books of Company. Solution: In the books R. Ltd. Cash Book (Bank column) Dr. Particulars To Debenture Application A/c (14000 Deb. *Rs.40) Amt. Particulars 5,60,000 By Debenture Application A/c (4000 Deb. *Rs.40) (Refunded) 3,00,000 By Bal. C/d (Bal. fig) Cr. Amt. 1,60,000

To Debenture Allotment A/c (10000 Deb. *Rs.30) To Debenture First Call A/c (10000 Deb. *Rs.25) To Debenture Final Call A/c (10000 Deb. *Rs.15)






Journal of R Ltd.

71 Particulars Debenture Application A/c Dr. To 10% Debentures A/c (Being 10000 debentures allotted at Rs. 40 each as per Board resolution dated.) Debenture Allotment A/c Dr. To 10% Debentures A/c To Security Premium A/c (Being allotment due on 10000 debentures at Rs. 30 each as per Board resolution dated) Debenture First Call A/c Dr. To 10% Debentures A/c (Being first call due on 10000 debentures at Rs. 25 each as per Board resolution date ...........) Debenture Final Call A/c Dr. To 10% Debentures A/c (Being final call due on 10000 debentures at Rs. 15 each as per Board Resolution dated ...........) Dr. 400000 400000 Cr.

300000 200000 100000

250000 250000

150000 150000

Illustration: 7 R. K. Ltd. issued 10,000, 10% Debentures of Rs. 100 each at a discount of 5%, payable Rs. 30 on application, Rs. 40 on allotment and Rs. 25 on First & final call. The Debentures are redeemable on a Premium of 8%. Company received applications for 18000 debentures and rejected applications for 3000 Debentures. On the remaining Debenture applications, pro-rata allotment was made. The excess money on application is to be adjusted against allotment money due. Mr. N who applied for 600 Debentures did not pay allotment money & call. Miss. Arti holding 300 Debentures did not pay final call All other Debenture holders paid the dues. Pass journal entries in the books of Company.

Solution: Journal of R.K. Ltd. Particulars Dr. Cr.

72 Bank A/c Dr. To 10% Debenture Application A/c (Being application money received on 18000 debenture at Rs. 30 each) Debenture Application A/c Dr. Loss of issue of Debenture A/c Dr. To 10% Debentures A/c (10000 Deb. Rs. 30) To Bank A/c (3000 Deb, *Rs. 30) (Refunded) To Debenture Allotment A/c (5000 Deb. *Rs. 30) advance. To Premium on Redemption of 11% Debenture A/c (10000 Deb. *Rs.8) (Being 10000 debenture allotted & loss on issue of debenture due to redemption of debenture at a premium of 8% recorded as per board resolution dated .........) Debenture Allotment A/c Dr. Loss of issue of Debenture A/c Dr. To 10% Debentures A/c (Being allotment money due on 10000 debentures at Rs. 40 & discount on issue i.e, loss of Rs. 5 each as per board resolution dated.) Bank A/c To Debenture Allotment A/c (Being allotment money received) Dr. 540000 540000

540000 80000 300000 90000 150000 80000

400000 50000 450000

240000 240000

Debenture First & Final call A/c Dr. To 10% Debenture A/c (Being first & final call due on 10000 debentures at Rs. 25 each as per board resolution dated) Bank A/c Dr. To Debenture First & Final Call A/c (Being first & final call received on 9300 (10000-400-300) debenture)

250000 250000

232500 232500

Working note: 1. Number of Debentures allotted to Mr. N Debentures Applied


73 Total Mr. N (18000-3000) =15000 600 10000 400

2. Allotment dues of Mr. N. Gross allotment use (400 Debentures allotted*40 Less excess paid on applications of 200 Debentures @ 30 Rs. Allotment dues of Mr. N. 3. Allotment amount received Allotment money due, with discount Less application amount adjusted on Pro-rata basis Less Ns Default of allotment dues Allotment amount received

16000 -6000 10000

400000 -150000 -10000 240000

Illustration: 1 J. Ltd. Took over the assets of Rs. 150000 & liabilities of A Ltd. For an agreed purchase consideration of Rs. 108000 is to be satisfied by the issue of 10% debentures of Rs. 100 each. Show journal entries in the books of J Ltd. Under the following circumstances: a) When Debentures are issued at par b) When Debentures are issued at 20% premium & c) When Debentures are issued at 10% discount. Working Note: a) Number of Debentures to be issued = Purchase consideration price


b) Debenture issued at 20% premium Debenture = 108000 120= 900 Debentures of Rs. 100 each at 20% premium c) Debenture issued at 10% discount Debentures= 108000 90=1200 Debentures of Rs. 100 each at 10% discount. Illustration: 2 P.T. Ltd., took a loan of Rs. 100000 from a bank & deposited 1000, 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each as Collateral security, Company again took a loan of Rs. 100000 after 3 months from a bank & deposited 1000, 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each as a collateral securities.

74 With this amount company purchased plant & machineries for Rs. 150000 pass necessary Journal entries in the books of the company & prepare balance sheet. Illustration: 3 J. Ltd. took over the assets of Rs. 150000 & liabilities of A Ltd. For an agreed purchase consideration of Rs. 108000 is to be satisfied by the issue of 10% debentures of Rs. 100 each. Show journal entries in the books of J Ltd. Under the following circumstances: a) When Debentures are issued at par b) When Debentures are issued at 20% premium & c) When Debentures are issued at 10% discount.
Working Note: a) Number of Debentures to be issued = Purchase consideration

Issued price

b) Debenture issued at 20% premium Debenture = 108000 120= 900 Debentures of Rs. 100 each at 20% premium c) Debenture issued at 10% discount Debentures= 108000 90=1200 Debentures of Rs. 100 each at 10% discount.

Illustration: 4 P.T. Ltd., took a loan of Rs. 100000 from a bank & deposited 1000, 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each as Collateral security, Company again took a loan of Rs. 100000 after 3 months from a bank & deposited 1000, 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each as a collateral securities. With this amount company purchased plant & machineries for Rs. 150000 pass necessary Journal entries in the books of the company & prepare balance sheet.

Unit Structure

75 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8. Objectives Introduction. Legal Provisions Important Terms Methods of Redemption Accounting Procedure. Illustrations Key Terms Exercises

After studying this unit students will be able to: Know the Concept of Redemption and purpose of issuing redeemable Preference Shares. Understand various provision of the Companies Act regarding redemption of Preference Shares. Know the Methods of redemption of Preference Shares. Understand the Accounting procedure of redemption of Preference Shares. Prepare the Balance Sheet of the Company after redemption of Preference Shares.



Any company can issue two types & shares-viz. Equity Shares and Preference Shares. An Equity Share is defined as a share which is not a Preference Share. Sec 85 of the Companies Act, 1956 defines Preference Share Capital as that part of the Share Capital of a Company, limited by shares, which carries a preferential rights as to payment of fixed rate of dividend and repayment of capital before any payment is made to the Equity shareholders. To redeem means to repay. Redemption is the process of repaying an obligation as per predetermined terms and conditions. All the Preference Shares issued after 15th June 1988 have to be redeemable Preference Shares. The Preference Shares issued prior to that date were required to be redeemed within Ten years from the 15th June 1988. At present, any Preference Share issued by any company is required to be redeemable within maximum period of ten years from date of issue.

76 The dividend at specified rate is payable only if the company earn profits as Sec.205 of Companies Act. Thus dividend is not payable in event of losses suffered by company. This class of shares provide funds to the company period which it needs funds and therefore repay the same.



4.2.1 PURPOSE OF ISSUING PREFERENCE SHARES: A company may face difficulty in raising finance in dull primary market. A company may raise finance required for the medium term project or additional capital required, by issue of redeemable Preference Shares, at the option of the company. The purpose of issue of Preference Shares is to be provide funds in following situation. (a) There is uncertainly of earning adequate profits for some period. (b) To funds are required for specific period not more than ten years. 4.2.2 LEGAL PROVISIONS: A company limited by shares if so authorized by its articles, may issue Preference Shares. However, the redemption can be effect only if the following conditions are fulfilled. 1. Only full paid Preference shares can be redeemed. Thus partly paid up OR partly called up shares cannot be redeemed. In case shares which are partly called up; final call should be made. After receiving final call money the shares are fully paid up, then Preference Shares can be redeemed. If there are shares on which calls are in arrears either call should be received or these shares must be forfeited and then only the remaining shares can be redeemed. 2. The Preference shares can redeemed either out of a) Proceeds of fresh issue of shares. AND/OR b) Divisible Profits. 3. The redemption may be in full of a single point of five or in of per terms of issue. The redemption may be 1. Payment by cheque parts

77 2. Conversion into Equity or Preference Share 3. Conversion into Debentures. 4. In case redemption out of accumulated Divisible Profit, it is necessary to transfer amount equal to face value of Preference Share redeemed to the Capital Redemption Reserve Account. After the commencement of the Companies (Amendment) Act 1988, as company can not issue any Preference Share which are irredeemable or is redeemable after the expiry of a period of Ten years from the date of its issue.



4.3.1 REDEMPTION OUT OF PROCEEDS OF FRESH ISSUE OF SHAREs. The proceeds of fresh issue of shares (Equity Share and/or Preference Share) would basically mean the cash realized by way of issue of these shares on Capital. The fresh issued of shares may be at par or at premium or at discount. If fresh issue of shares are at par or premium, only face value of the fresh issue share is to be taken as the proceed of fresh issue. If shares are issued at discount, net amount received is considered as proceeds of fresh issue of shares. e.g. A share of Rs.100/- (face value) is issued, i) at par or ii) at 20% premium or iii) at 5% discount, proceeds of issue of share in respect of (i) and (ii) above will equal to Rs.100/- only. In case of iii) it is net amount received on account of share is Rs.95/- only. The time lag between the fresh issue and redemption should not be more than one month. However conversion of Preference Share / outstanding Debentures into new Equity Shares can be considered on proceeds if fresh issue of share. Making of a call as partly paid up shares can also not be considered as proceeds of fresh issue of shares. Debentures may be issued for raising funds, but the proceeds from issue of Debentures cannot be considered as part of the proceeds of fresh issue of shares. 4.3.2 REDEMPTION OUT OF DIVISIBLE PROFITS: Divisible Profits mean and include those profits, which are available for distribution by way of dividends among the shareholders. a) The following are normally considered to be Divisible Profits.


i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Accumulated credits balance in Profit and Loss A/c Revenue Reserve/General Reserve. Dividend Equalization Reserve. Voluntary, Debenture Redemption Fund/Sinking Fund. Investment Fluctuation Reserves. Workmen's Compensation Fund (only to extent, of Free Reserve) Development Rebate Reserve or Investment Allowance Reserve (utilized); Export Profits Reserve, [no longer required to carry forward as per income tax provisions.]

Capital Redemption Reserve A/c can be created, to the extent redemption out of divisible profits. b) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. The following are not divisible profits. Securities Premium Account. Profits Prior to Incorporation. Share Forfeited Account. Capital Resolve. Revaluation Reserve. Capital Redemption Reserve. Investment Allowance Reserve (before the expire of the period as required under the Income Tax Act 1961). Transfer to C.R.R. A/c is not allowed from above profits.

4.3.3 CAPITAL REDEMPTION RESERVE [C.R.R.]: Section 80 of the Companies Act ensures that there is no reduction in shareholders' funds due to redemption and the interest of outsiders is not impaired. Redemption of Preference Share requires that either fresh issue of share is made or distributable profits are retained and transferred to Capital Redemption Reserve Account. As capital Redemption Reserve can be used only for issue of fully paid up Bonus Shares, profits retained in the business ultimately get converted into Share Capital hence effectively there is no reduction in the capital of the company.

C.R.R. = Nominal Value of Preference Less Proceeds of Fresh Shares Capital issue of shares
Redemption of shares

Capital Amount

Premium Amount


Proceeds of fresh Issue or shares

Divisible profits

Security premium A/c

Other Reserve

Receive Funds

Transfer to Capital Redemption Reserve



One of the methods of redemption of Preference Shares is to use the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares. New shares may be issued at par or at premium or at discount. Sometimes, problem does not specify the minimum number of shares to be issued for the purpose of redemption of Preference Share and to ensure compliance of section 80 of the Companies Act, 1956. In such case find out premium payable on redemption of Preference Share whether sufficient balance available in Securities Premium A/c plus premium received on new issue; otherwise new issue requires to increase to the extend of balance premium required. As certain the maximum amount of reserve and surplus available for redemption from given balance sheet before redemption and the additional information provided in the problem. Minimum proceeds of new issue shares: Nominal value of Preference Shares to be redeemed Less Maximum amount of reserve and surplus available for redemption Minimum number of shares =

Minimum proceeds to comply with sec. 80 Proceeds of one share

Proceeds of one share mean the face value of a share issued, if it is issued at par or premium. In case of issue of share at a discount, it refers to the discounted value [Face Value Discount on issue]. Minimum number of shares calculated above should not be tractions. In case fractional shares should be rounded up to the next higher figure.

80 Minimum number of shares ascertained above should be a multiplied by face value of share, i.e. Rs.10/- or Rs.50/- or Rs.100/- as the case may be Illustration 1 The Board of Directors of KM Ltd. decide to issue minimum number of Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each to redeem Rs.6,00,000/Preference Shares at 10% premium. It has a General Reserve of Rs.1,20,000/- and Securities Premium Rs.1,00,000/-. Calculate the minimum number of Equity Share issued in each of the following cases: Case I: II: III. Solution : Redemption of Preference share capital Rs.6,00,000/Premium payable on redemption = 6,00,000 10% = Rs.60,000/- can be provided out of Securities Premium balance available. Minimum proceeds of new issue of Equity shares Nominal value of Preference share to be redeemed Less: Maximum amount of Reserve available for Redemption proceeds of new issue of Equity share Rs. 6,00,000 (1,20,000) 4,80,000 If the new Equity Shares are issued at par If the new Equity Shares are issued Rs.20/If the new Equity Shares are issued at Rs.9.50

Case I: When new issue Equity shares at par Minimum no. of shares =
Minimum proceeds require Proceeds of one share

4,80,000 10

48, 000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each at par

Case II: When the new issue of Equity share of Rs.10/- @ Rs.20/Minimum No. of shares = Rs. @ Rs.20/New Issue of Share Capital = 48,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- @ Rs.10/- premium. Case III: When the new issue of Equity share of Rs.10/- @ Rs. 9.50

4,80,000 10

48, 000 Equity shares of

81 Minimum no. of share =

4,80,000 9.50


50,527 Equity Share to be issued of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.0.50 discounts per share. Illustration 2: M.R. Ltd. decided to redeem 2,000 Preference Shares of Rs.100/each at 10% premium on date of redemption the company had the General Reserve stood at Rs.50,000/- the Profit and Loss Account credit balance of Rs.40,000/- and Securities Premium Rs.10,000/-. Calculate the minimum number of Equity Share of Rs.50/- each issued in each of the following cases. Case I II III Solution: In the above problem Securities Premium is less than the premium payable on redemption of Preference Share. Therefore remaining premium payable on redemption of Preference Shares required to be provided out of Divisible Profit as new issue of Equity Share is at discount. Rs. 2,00,000 50,000 40,000 90,000 (10,000) 80,000 1, 20,000 If the new Equity Shares are issued Rs.48.00 If the new Equity Shares are issued at par If the new Equity Shares are issued at Rs.55.00

Nominal value of Preference Share to be redeemed Less maximum amount of reserve available for redemption balance in General Reserve Cr. Balance in Profit & Loss A/c Less premium payable to be provided [20,000-10,000] Proceeds of new issue of Equity Share

Case I: When new issue of Equity Shares of Rs.50/- each @ Rs.48/Minimum no. of shares issue =

Minimum porceeds require Proceeds of one share 120,000 , = 2, 500 Shares 48 2500 Equity Shares of Rs.50/- each to be issued @ Rs.48/- per share.

CRR = Nominal value of Preference redeemed

82 = Proceeds of new issue = 200,000 120000 = 80000. Case II : Premium redemption = Sec. premium + Rs. 10,000 Bal. 10,000 from d divisible profits. 1, 20, 000 Minimum No. Of shares = 2, 400 50 2,400 Equity Shares to be issued at par Case III : The new Equity Share of Rs.50/- each issued at Rs.55/- i.e. Rs.5/- premium. In case III premium payable on redemption can be provided out of balance in Securities A/c Premium A/c plus provision received on new issued of shares Nominal value of Preference share Less: Divisible profit available 2, 00,000 - 90,000

For redemption (P & L A/c + General Reserve Proceeds of new issue of Equity shares 1,10,000 Minimum No. of share to be issue Minimum proceeds required = Proceeds of one share 1,10, 000 = = 2, 200 Equity share of Rs.50/- each @ Rs.55/50 C.R.R. = 2, 00,000 -1,10,000 = 90,000 (out of divisible profit) Premium payable on redemption = 10% on Rs.2.00,000 =Rs.10,000 Provided out of Securities Premium BAL B/d Rs. 10,000 + Received on new issue = 10,000 + 2,200 x 5 = 10,000 + 11,000 = 21,000 premium payable on redemption = Rs.20,000/- can be provided out of Rs.21,000/balance in Securities Premium A/c 4.4.2 REDEMPTION OUT OF DIVISIBLE PROFIT: A company may use the distributable profits in place of issuing new shares. To the extent redemption of Preference shares out of divisible profit, an amount equal to face value of shares redeemed is transferred to Capital Redemption Reserve A/c by debiting the distributable profits. When Preference shares are redeemed out of divisible profit, there is no change in the percentage of share holding of the company and also

83 future earning are not diluted. However payment to percentage share holders results in reducing working capital. Divisible profits or distributable profits mean profits or reserves available to company for distribution to shareholders as dividends or otherwise as per provisions of laws applicable. This is possible, if company has bank balance available to repay capital since repayment of redemption needs actual bank balance. 4.4.3 COMBINATION OF 4.4.1 & 4.4.2 A company may redeem the Preference shares partly from the new issued and partly out of divisible profits. In such case, divisible profits transfer to capital redemption reserve A/c to the extend redemption out of profit. Generally redemption is carried out in combination depending upon availability of reserves and bank balances with company and its respected needs of funds.


Accounting procedure, depends on the transaction effected by company these steps may be a) If shares are not fully paid up convent into fully paid up by receiving required up amount or such share to be forfeited. b) Measures to receive funds by sale of assets/Investments. c) Receive money on fresh issue of shares d) Ascertain amount payable to shareholders e) Pay amount due f) Transfer reserves to capital redemption reserve and security premium. g) Issue of Bonus shares to Equity shareholders of so decided. Following journal entries are passed for redemption of Preference shares along with other transaction given

84 a) For making call on partly paid Preference share. Share final call A/c Dr. To Preference share capital A/c b. For receipt of final call due Bank A/c To Share final call A/c




a. For failure of shares Share Capital A/c [called up amount] To calls in Arrears To Forfeited shares A/c



For reissue of forfeited shares Bank A/c (amount received) Dr. X Forfeited shares A/c [Bal Fig.] Dr. To Share Capital A/c [Amount credited as paid up]


For transferring balance in forfeited shares A/c Forfeited shares A/c Dr. X To Capital Reserve A/c

For sale of Investment Dr. (Rs.) a. At cost Bank A/c To Investment A/c b. At Profit Bank A/c To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c c. At Loss Bank A/c Profit & Loss A/c To Investment A/c For issue of share Dr. X X Dr. Cr. (Rs.)


Dr. Dr.



a. At par Bank A/c To Share Capital A/c b. At Premium Bank A/c To share capital A/c To Securities Premium





c. At Discount Bank A/c Dr. Discount on issue of shares A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c


For redemption of Preference shares a. for transferring the claim of Preference shareholders. [Towards Capital, premium and dividends unpaid] Preference Share Capital A/c Premium on Redemption of Preference Capital A/c Dividend Preference Share A/c (if any) To Preference shareholders A/c Dr. Dr. Dr. X X X X

b. For providing premium on redemption Securities Premium A/c Capital Reserve A/c Profit and loss A/c Dr. To premium on redemption of Preference share A/c

Dr. Dr. X


Note : It is prudent to use first Securities Premium then Capital Reserve realized in cash, balance if any required from divisible profits. c. For creating capital redemption reserve Profit and Loss A/c Dr. X And/or General Reserve A/c Dr. Any other divisible Profit/Reserve A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Note:


C.R.R. = Nominal Value of Preference Less Proceeds of Fresh Shares redeemed issue of shares

d. For payment to Preference shareholder Preference shareholders A/c To Bank A/c



Note: In case any amount remains unpaid, the entry should be passed for the amount actually paid, and unpaid amount should be shown as current liability as "due to Preference shareholders" For making partly paid up Equity shares into fully paid up, without asking shareholders to pay for call dues. a. For providing bonus issue Profit and Loss A/c Dr. And/or Revenue Reserves A/c Dr. To Bonus to shareholders A/c For making call money due Equity share final call A/c To Equity share capital A/c For adjusting bonus issue Bonus to shareholders A/c To Equity share final call








For issue for fully paid Bonus shares. a. For providing bonus Capital redemption reserve A/c Dr. Securities Premium A/c Dr. [If required] To Bonus to shareholders A/c For issue of bonus shares Bonus to shareholders A/c To Equity share capital X X X




Note: For any other transaction given in examination problem; accounting entry should be pass. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS Give the items which are not divisible profits. usual

87 How to calculate Minimum precedes of new issue shares. Give the journal entry for reissue of forfeited shares. Fill in the blanks 1. The Preference shares can redeemed either out of Proceeds of fresh issue of shares or-------------------------------------------. 2. In case redemption out of accumulated Divisible Profit, it is necessary to transfer amount equal ------------------to the Capital Redemption Reserve Account. 3. The time lag between the fresh issue and redemption should -----------------------------. 4. Section ------------------of the Companies Act ensures that there is no reduction in shareholders' funds due to redemption and the interest of outsiders is not impaired.


Illustration 1 Ketan Ltd. had 6000, 9% redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.50/each fully paid. The company decides to redeem the shares at a premium of 10%. The company makes the following issues for the purpose of redemption. a) 25,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of 10%. b) 3,000, 9% Debenture of Rs.100/- each at a premium of Rs.10/- each. The company has a General Reserve of Rs.3,75,000/- and Securities Premium of Rs.50,000/-. Pass journal entries to record above transactions. Solution : Ketan Ltd. Particulars 1. Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 25000 Equity share at Rs.10/each, issued at 10% premium] Bank A/c Dr. To 9% Debentures A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 3,000, 9% Debentures of Rs.100/Dr. (Rs.) 2,75,000 2,50,000 25,000 Cr.(Rs.)


3,30,000 3,00,000 30,000

88 each, issued at 10% premium] 3. 9% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on Redemption of Preference Share A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c [Being the claim of transferred Preference shareholders to their accounts] Securities Premium A/c Dr. To Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c [Being premium on redemption of Preference share provided] General Reserves A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being capital redemption reserve created to the extend redemption of profit] Preference Shareholders A/c To Bank A/c [Being claim of Preference share holders paid] 3,00,000 30,000 3,30,000


30,000 30,000


50,000 50,000 3,30,000 3,30,000



C.R.R. = Face Value of Preference Less Proceeds of New Share to be redeemed issue of shares = 3, 00,000 - 2, 50,000 = 50,000
Illustration 2: [Calculation of issue minimum number of shares] N.Ltd. decided to redeem their Preference shares 10 premium as on 31st March 2009. On that date their position was as under Balance sheet as on 31st March 2009
Liabilities Issued Share Capital 10,000, 9% redeemable Preference Share of Rs.10/- each fully paid 20,000 Equity Share of Rs.10/- each fully paid Profit & Loss A/c Dividend Equalization Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets Investment 1,00,000 Bank Bal. 2,00,000 50,000 Rs. Rs. 2,10,000 1,45,000 1,00,000 50,000

Reserve 10% Debentures Sundry Creditors 20,000 1,00,000 3,50000 5,05,000 5,05,000

In order to facilitate the redemption of Preference share it was decided. a) Part of Investment to be sold at 10% profit for Rs.55,000/b) To finance part of the redemption from company funds, subject to leaving a balance on Profit and Loss A/c of Rs.40,000/- and c) To issue sufficient numbers of Equity Share of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.2.50 per share to raise the balance fund required. The Preference shares were redeemed on the due date and issue of Equity shares was fully subscribed. You are requiring (i) the necessary journal entries to record above transactions (including cash) and (ii) The Balance Sheet after redemption.

Solution: Working Notes: Rs. (a) Nominal value of Preference Capital to be redeem 1, 00,000 Less: Divisible Profit available Profit and Loss A/c 50,000 Add: Profit on sale of Investment 5,000 Less: Bal. requires to 55,000 P & Loss A/c Balance - 40,000 15,000 Dividend Equalization Fund 20,000 (35,000) (b) (c) Proceeds of new issue of shares 65,000

Minimum no. of shares to Minimum proceeds require be issued = Proceeds of one share 65,000 = = 6,500 Shares. 10 6,500 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each to be issued @ premium of Rs.2.50

90 Premium on redemption of Preference Shares can be provided out of premium received on new issue. N. Ltd. Journal (31st March 2009) No. 1. Bank A/c To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c (Being part of Investment sold at 10% profit) cost of Investment sold = 55,000 2. Bank A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 6500 Equity shares of Rs.10 each issued @ 2.50 premium] 3. 9% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c (Being the claim of Preference shareholders transferred to their accounts) 4. Securities Premium A/c Dr. 10,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 35,000 1,10,000 1,10,000 1,00,000 10,000 1,10,000
100 110

Particulars Dr.

Dr. (Rs.) 5,500

Cr.(Rs.) 50,000 5,000


81,250 65,000 16,250

To Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares Capital A/c 5. Profit & Loss A/c Dr.

Dividend Equalization Reserve A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being Capital Redemption Reserve created to the redemption out of profit] 6. Preference Shareholders A/c To Bank A/c [Being claim of Preference share holders paid] Dr.


Bank A/c Dr.

To Bal b/fd. To Investment A/c To Equality Share Capital To Securities Premium A/c 50,000 Bank Preference Shareholders A/c 55,000 Bank Bal c/fd 65,000 16,250 1,86,250 1,86,250

1,10,000 76,250

Balance Sheet of N Ltd. as on 31st March 2009

Liabilities I I Share Capital Authorized Issued and paid up 26500 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up III Reserve and surplus Capital Redemption Reserve Securities Premium received on new issue less premium on Redemption Dividend Equalization Reserve Less : transfer to C.R.R. Profit & Loss A/c Profit on sale on Investment Transferred to C.R.R. IV Secured Loans 10% Debentures V Unsecured Loans V Current Liabilities &provisions Sundry Creditors 16,250 Rs. Rs. ? Assets I Fixed Assets II Investments III Current Assets Current Assets Bank Bal. Rs. Rs. 2,21,250 50,000


1,45,000 76,250


(10,000) 20,000 (20,000) 50,000 5,000 (15,000)




1,00,000 NIL

35,000 4,81,250 4,81,250

Illustration 3 : [Computation of C.R.R. and bonus shares]

92 The following is the balance sheet of T T Ltd. as at 31 March 2009

Liabilities Share capital 90,000,10% Preference share of Rs.10/- each fully paid 40,000 Equity Share of Rs.10/- each fully paid Reserve and surplus Securities Premium Profit & Loss A/c Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors 2,00,000 60,000 4,00,000 Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Investment 9,00,000 4,00,000 Current Asset [Including Bank Bal. Rs.1,20,000] Rs. 6,00,000 8,50,000 5,10,000



The Preference Shares are to be redeemed on 1st April 2009, at a premium of Rs.2/- per share. Part of Investment were sold @ 10% loss for Rs.7,20,000/- and issued 60,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at premium of Rs.10/- per share for redemption. The company redeemed the Preference shares on 1st April 09 except in case of one shareholder holding 500 Preference Shares who could not be traced Subsequently the company issued bonus share in the ratio of one Equity Share for every four Equity Shares held including the new issued. You are required to pass journal entries and prepare balance sheet after above transactions. Solution: Working Notes: 1. Amount due and paid to Preference Shareholder Rs. Preference Share Capital 9,00,000 Premium payable on redemption (90000 x 2) 1,80,000 Preference shareholder claim 10,80,000 Less : unpaid amount on 500 shares @ Rs.12/(6,000) Amount paid to Preference shareholder 10,74,000 Redemption out of Divisible Profit Nominal value of Preference Share Capital Redeemed Rs. 9,00,000


93 Less: Proceeds of new issue of Equity Shares [60,000 X 10] Redemption out of profit [C.R.R.] 3. Cost of Investment sold = 7,20,000 (6,00,000) 3,00,000

100 = 8,00,000 90 Investment costing Rs.8,00,000/- sold for Rs.7,20,000/Bonus shares to be issued No. Rs. Old Equity Share Capital 40,000 4,00,000 Add new issue of Equity Shares 60,000 6,00,000 1,00,000 10,00,000 Add Bonus one bonus share for every four shares hold Bonus shares to be issued 1 = 100,000 (Out of C.R.R.) = 25,000 2,50,000 4 Total Equity capital 1,25,000 12,50,000 Bank A/c


To Bal. b/fd To Investment A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c Rs. 1,20,000 By Preference Shareholders A/c 7,20,000 By Bal. c/fd 6,00,000 6,00,000 20,40,000

Rs. 10,74,000 9,66,000


T.Y.Ltd. Journal Particulars 1. Bank A/c Profit & Loss A/c To Investment A/c [Being Investment sold at loss] Dr. Dr. Dr. Rs. 7,20,000 80,000 8,00,000 Cr. Rs.


Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 60,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each issued @ Rs.20 per shares] 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium of Redemption of Preference

12,00,000 6,00,000 6,00,000



94 Share Capital A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholder A/c [Being Preference shareholders claim transferred] 4. Securities Premium A/c Dr. To Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c [Being Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital adjusted] Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being C.R.R. created to extend redemption out of profit] 1,80,000 10,80,000

1,80,000 1,80,000


3,00,000 300,000

95 6. Preference Shareholders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being Preference share holders claim paid except on 500 shares] Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Dr. To Bonus to Shareholders A/c [Being bonus provided in the ratio of one share for every four Equity shares] Bonus to Shareholders A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c [Being 25000 Equity shares issued as fully paid Bonus share] 10,74,000 10,74,000


2,50,000 2,50,000


2,50,000 2,50,000

Balance Sheet of N Ltd. as on 31st March 2009

Liabilities I. Share Capital Authorized Issued and paid up 125,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up [included 25000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each issued on fully paid bonus share by capitaling C.R.R.] II. Reserve and surplus Capital redemption Reserve (-) used for bonus Securities Premium of bal. Received on new issue (-) Paid on Redemption of Preference profit & loss A/c Op. bal. (-) Loss on sale of Investment (-) used for C.R.R. III. Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors Dues to Preference shareholders Rs. Rs. ? II. Investments 12,50,000 III.Current Assets Other Current Assets Bank Bal. 50,000 Assets I. Fixed Assets Rs. Rs. 600,000

390,000 966,000 13,56,000

3,00,000 2,50,000 60,000 6,00,000 1,80,000 4,00,000 80,000 3,00,000




2,00,000 6,000

206,000 20,06,000 20,06,000

Illustration 4 [Forfeiture and reissue of forfeiture shares] The following were the balance of Z ltd. as on 31st December, 09 10,000 Equity shares of Rs. 100 each 10, 00,000 100,000, 10% Preference share of Rs. each Fully called-up 10, 00,000 Less: calls in arrear [on 1500 shares] (6000) 9, 94,000 Securities Premium 1, 20,000 Profit & Loss A/c 6, 40,000 Revenue Reserves 2, 60,000

96 Bank Balance 5, 60,000

Preference shares were redeemable on 1 July 2010 at a premium of 10%. On getting a reminder about payment of calls-in-arrears, shareholders holding 1000 shares paid their dues on 1 April 09 along with interest Rs. 200 on calls-in-arrears. The shareholding the remaining share on which calls were due was not tracble consequently, the directors forfeited those shares and re-issued them as fully paid on 1 May 2010 on receiving Rs. 9 per share On 15 June 10, 5000 Equity share of Rs. 100 were issued @ Rs. 120 per share for the purpose of redemption. Repayments were compiled on 1 July 2010 except in the case of one shareholder, holding 1000 shares, who was expired. Your are required to show the journal entries, Solution: In the books of Z Ltd.
Date 1 April 10 Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To Calls in Arrears A/c To Interest on Calls in Arrear A/c [Being call dues as interest on arrears received] 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. To Calls in Arrear A/c To Share Forfeited A/c [Being 500 Preference shares of Rs. 10 forfeited for non-payment of call due] Bank A/c Dr. Share Forfeited A/c Dr. To 10% Preference Share Capital A/c [Being 500 forfeited Preference shares reissued as fully paid at Rs. 9 per shares] Share Forfeited A/c Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c [Being balance in Share Forfeited A/c transferred to Capital Reserve] Dr. Rs. 4,200 Cr. Rs. 4,000 200

1 April 10

5,000 2,000 3,000

1 May 10

4,500 500 5,000

1 May 10

2,500 2,500

15 June 10 Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital To Securities Premium A/c [Being 5,000 Equity shares of Rs. 100 issued at premium of Rs. 20 per shares] Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Preference Dividend A/c [Being Preference dividend @ 10% on Rs.10,00,000 provided for 6 month] 10% Preference Share Capital A/cDr. Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Preference Dividend A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholder's A/c [Being Preference shareholders claim transferred a long as its Preference dividend due for six months] Securities Premium A/c Dr. To Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c [Being Premium Redemption of Preference Share Capital provided] Profit and Loss A/c Dr. To capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being C.R.R. created to the extend as redemption out of profit] Note: CRR = Face value of Preference share redeemed - proceeds of new issue of shares = 10, 00,000 - 500,000 Preference Shareholders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being Preference shareholders claim paid except on 1000 shares] Total Claim 1150,000 Less: Pref. share capital 1000 X 10 (10,000) Premium on redemption 10,000 X 10% (1000) Pref. dividend for 6 month 10000 X 10% X 6,00,000 5,00,000 1,00,000

1 July 10

50,000 50,000

1 July 10

10,00,000 1,00,000 50,000 11,50,000

1 July 10

1,00,000 1,00,000

1 July 10

5,00,000 5,00,000

1 July 10

11,38,500 11,38,500

6 12

(500) 11,38,500

Amount paid

Illustration 5 : [Fully & partly paid Preference shares given] The balance sheet of K Ltd. on date of redemption of Preference share is as follows.


Liabilities 10% Preference share capital [Rs.50/- each fully paid] 12% Preference share capital [Rs.100/- each Rs.75/- paid] Equity share capital Rs.10/- each Capital Redemption Reserve Securities Premium Profit & Loss A/c Other Liabilities

Rs. 2,00,000 1,50,000 4,00,000 75,000 3,00,000 2,75,000 15,00,000

Assets Fixed Assets Investments [face value Rs.2,50,000/-] Other Current Assets Bank

Rs. 6,40,000 3,00,000

4,50,000 110,000


To redeem Preference share following resolution is passed. a) Preference shares are to be redeemed at a premium of 10% b) Investment are to be sold at a profit of 10% c) 5,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each are to be issued of 50% premium, for the purpose of redemption of Preference shares. Pass journal entries to record the above transactions and also prepare balance sheet after redemption of Preference shares. Solution: K Ltd. Journal
Date/ No. 1. Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c [Being sale of Investment at profit] Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 5000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each issued at 50% premium] 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c [Being claims of Preference shareholders transferred] L/F Dr. Rs. 3,30,000 3,00,000 30,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 Cr. Rs.



2,00,000 20,000 2,20,000

4. Securities Premium A/c Dr. To Premium on Redemption of Preference Capital A/c [Being premium on redemption of Preference shares of written off] Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being C.R.R. created to the extend redemption of Preference share capital out of profit. Preference Shareholder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being Preference shareholders claim paid] 20,000 20,000


1,50,000 1,50,000


2,20,000 2,20,000

Note: 1. Only fully paid Preference shares can be redeemed as per sec. 80 companies Act. 2. As the call on 12% Preference share capital is not made some cannot be repaid. 3. C.R.R. = Nominal value of proceeds of new Preference share less issue of shares capital = 200,000 - 50,000 = 150,000 Balance sheet (after redemption)
Liabilities I. Share Capital 2,000, 12% Preference Share Capital [Rs.100/- each, Rs.75/- paid up] 45,000, Equity Share of Rs.10/- each fully paid II. Reserves & Surplus. Capital Redemption Reserve (100000 + 150000) Securities Premium 75,000 on new issue 25,000 1,00,000 (-) Premium on Redemption of Pref. Share Capital (20,000) Profit & Loss A/c 3,00,000 Profit on Investment 30,000 (-) Transfer to C.R.R. (1,50,000) Other Liabilities Rs. Assets I. Fixed Assets II. Other Current Assets III.Bank [1,10,000 = 3,30,000 + 75,000 2,20,000] Rs. 6,40,000 4,50,000 2,95,000

1,50,000 4,50,000



1,80,000 2,75,000 13,85,000 13,85,000

Illustration 6: [Fresh Issue of shares at discount]


The Balance Sheet of RK Ltd. as on 31.3.08

Liabilities 3,000 9% Pref. Shares of Rs.100/- each 3,00,000 (-) Calling Arrears @ Rs.20/(10,000) Equity Share Capital [Rs.10] Profit and Loss A/c 10% Debentures [Rs.100] Fixed Deposits Sundry Creditors Rs. Assets Land and Building Plant Investment Stock Debtors Bank Rs. 7,00,000 3,50,000 1,20,000 40,000 92,000 98,000

2,90,000 6,00,000 75,000 2,00,000 1,75,000 60,000 14,00,000


The Preference shares are due for redemption on 1 April 08 at a premium of Rs. 5 per shares. For the purpose of redemption, a minimum number of Equity shares of Rs. 10 each at 10% discount are issued by the company part of Investment costing Rs.1,00,000/- sold for Rs.1,05,000/-. Pass necessary journal entries and prepare the balance sheet of the company after redemption of Preference shares. Solution : 1) Calculation of minimum number of shares. As minimum number of shares is to be issued, total Preference share capital is taken into consideration: so party paid share can be redeeming as soon as calls in arrears received. Nominal Value of Preference share capital Add: premium on redemption (3000 X 5) Less: i) Profit available for redemption Profit and loss A/c bal. II) Profit on sale of Investment III) Minimum proceeds of fresh issue 300000 + 15000 315000 75000 5000 (80000) 235000

Equity share of Rs.10 each to be issued @10% discount. Therefore proceed of one Equity share = 10-10% = Rs.9 per share Minimum number of shares =

Minimum proceeds of new share Proceed of one share 2, 35, 000 = 9 = 26111.11 = 26112 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each @ 10% discount.
= 26112 X 9 = 2, 35,008

Proceeds of fresh issue


Capital redemption = Nominal value of Preference share to be redeem Less = Proceeds of fresh issue of shares. = 2, 50,000 - 235008 = Rs. 14992 R.K. Ltd. Journal
Date 1.4.08 1 Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c [Being Investment realized at profit] Bank A/c Dr. Discount on issue of shares A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c [Being 26112 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each issued of 10 discount] 9% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on Redemption on Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c [Being 2500 Preference shareholder transferred at 10% premium.] Profit and loss A/c To Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c [Being premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital provided] Dr. LF Dr. Rs. 1,05,000 1,00,000 5,000 2,35,008 26,112 2,61,120 Cr. Rs.

2,50,000 12,500 2,62,500

12,500 12,500

Profit and Loss A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being C.R.R. created out of Profit and Loss A/c to the extend redemption out of profit] Preference Shareholders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being Preference shareholder claim paid]

14,992 14,992

2,62,500 2,62,500

R.K. Ltd. Balance sheet as on 01 April 2008

Liabilities I. Share capital 500 Preference Share of Rs.100/each Less: Calls in Arrears [pending redemption] 86,112 Equity Share of Rs.10/- each fully paid. II. Reserves & Surplus Capital Redemption Reserve Profit and Loss A/c [75,000 = 5,000 12,500 14,992] Retain for Redemption of partly paid Preference Shares out of Profit III. Secured Loans 10% Debentured IV. Unsecured Loans Fixed Deposits V. Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors Rs. Rs. Assets I. Fixed Assets Land of Building Plant 40,000 II. Investments 8,61,120 III. Current Assets Loans in Advances Stock Debtors Bank [1,05,000 + 98,000 + 2,35,008 2,62,500] IV. Miscellaneous Expenditure Discount on issue of shares 2,00,000 20,000 Rs. 7,00,000 3,50,000 Rs.

50,000 (10,200)


40,000 92,000

14,992 52,508





60,000 14,03,620 14,03,620

Illustration 7 : [Redemption by conversion] The summarized Balance Sheet of H Ltd. as at 31st March 2009 was as follows.
Liabilities Share Capital 9% Redeemable Preference Share of Rs.100/Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each Profit & Loss A/c 7% Debentures. Bank Loan Creditors Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Goodwill Other Fixed Assets Stock Sundry Debtors Bill Receivable Advance Tax Discount on issue of Debentures Rs. 1,00,000 7,11,000 3,50,000 2,45,000 50,000 1,25,000 15,000 15,96,000

3,00,000 4,00,000 3,50,000 4,00,000 50,000 96,000


Preference Shares are redeemable (5% premium and Debentures are redeemable @ 10% premium) For redemption of Preference Shares and the Debentures the company offered to the redeemable Preference shareholders and the Debenture holders the options to convert their holdings into Equity Shares, which are to be treated as worth Rs.12.50 each. 1/3rd of the Preference shareholders and 1/2 of the debenture holders agreed to do this. The company issued 40,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each Rs.12.50 to the public for cash and with funds available paid

103 off the bank loan and redeemed the remaining redeemable Preference Shares and Debentures. Journalize above transaction and prepare Balance Sheet after above transaction. Solution : H. Ltd. Journal
Date 1.4.09 1. Bank A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 40,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each issued @ Rs.2.50 premium per share] 2. 9% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. 3,00,000 15,000 3,15,000 Particulars Dr. LF Dr. Rs. 5,00,000 4,00,000 1,00,000 Cr. Rs.

Premium on Redemption of Preference Share A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c [Being Preference shareholders claim transferred] 3. Securities Premium A/c Dr.

15,000 15,000 1,05,000 84,000 21,000

To Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c [Being premium on redemption provided] 4. Preference Shareholders A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 8,400 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each issued @ Rs.12.50 as per option by 1,000 Preference shareholders] 5. Preference Shareholders A/c To Bank A/c [Being balance Preference share redeemed in cash] 6. 7% Debentures A/c To 7% Debentures holders A/c [Being debenture holders claim transferred] 7. Securities Premium A/c Dr. 55,000 Dr. 4,00,000 40,000 Dr. 2,10,000 Dr.


Premium on Redemption of Debentures A/c


To Premium on Redemption of Debentures A/c To Discount on issue of Debentures A/c


[Being premium on redemption of Debentures and discount on Debentures written off] 8. Debenture holder's A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c [Being half of debenture holders claim discharged by issuing Equity shares of Rs. 10 each @ Rs. 12.50] 9. Debenture holders A/c To Bank A/c [Being remaining debenture holders claim settled in cash] 10. Bank Loan A/c To Bank A/c [Being bank loan repaid] Dr. 50,000 50,000 Dr. 2,20,000 2,20,000 Dr. 2,20,000 1,76,000 44,000 15,000

Working Notes: 1. No. of shares issued on conversion =

Amount payable Issue price per share

No. of Equity Shares issued to Preference shareholders 1,05,000 = = 8,400 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.12.50 12.50

2, 20,000 = 17,600 Equity 12.50 shareholders of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.12.50

No. of shares issued to debenture =

2. Preference capital - redeemed Fresh issue on conversion To debenture holder For cash consideration C.R.R. required

3,00,000 84,000 1,76,000 4,00,000 NIL

H Ltd. Balance sheet as on 1 April 2009

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

I. Share capital : Authorized Issued paid up 1,06,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/each fully paid up [In dues 66,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each issued on conversion to Preference shareholders and debenture holders] II. Reserves & surplus : Securities Premium 95,000 Profit and Loss A/c 3,50,000 4,45,000 III. Secured Loans : NIL IV. Unsecured Loans : NIL V. Current Liabilities : Sundry creditors 96,000 10,61,000 10,61,000 ? I Fixed Assets Goodwill 1,00,000 Other fixed Assets 7,11,000 II Current Assets Stock 3,50,000 Sundry debtors 2,45,000 Bank Bal. 20,000 Loans & Advances Bills receivable 50,000 Advance Tax 1,25,000





Illustration 8 [Computation of number of share for redemption] M Ltd. has an issued share capital of 1000, 7% redeemable Preference shares of Rs. 100 each and 5000 Equity shares of Rs. 100 each. The Preference share redeemable at a premium of Rs.5 per share on 1st April 2009.

Balance sheet of M Ltd. as on 31st March 2009

Particulars Sources of Funds Share Capital Issued and paid up 1,000 7% Preference shares of Rs.100/- fully paid 5000 Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid Profit and Loss A/c 12% Debentures Total Application of funds Fixed Assets Investments Current assets Bank balance Less: Current Liabilities Trade Creditors Rs. Rs.

1,00,000 5,00,000

6,00,000 62,000 2,00,000 8,62,000 8,04,000 40,000

60,000 42,000 18,000 8,62,000

In order to facilitate the redemption of the Preference shares, the company decided: a) To sell all the Investment for Rs.45,000/-

106 b) To finance part of the redemption from company funds, subject to leave a balance of Rs.27,000/- in the profit and loss A/c c) To issue sufficient Equity shares of Rs.100/- each at a premium of Rs.25/- per share to raise the balance funds required. The Preference shares were redeemed on the due date and issue of Equity fully subscribed. You are required to i. The necessary journal entries to record above transactions. ii. The balance sheet on comption (Inter C.A., 82 modified) Solution : M Ltd. Journal
Date 1. Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To Investment A/c To Profit and Loss A/c [Being Investments sold at profit] Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 600 Equity shares of Rs.100 each issued at Rs.25 premium per share] 7% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c [Being 1000 Preference share capital and premium on redemption at 5% transfer] Securities Premium A/c Dr. To Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c [Being premium on redemption of Preference shares provided] Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being CRR created to the extend redemption out of profit] Preference Shareholders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being Preference shareholders claim paid] LF Dr. Rs. 45,000 40,000 5,000 75,000 60,000 15,000 Cr. Rs.



1,00,000 5,000 1,05,000


5000 5,000


40,000 40,000


1,05,000 1,05,000

Balance sheet of M Ltd. as on 1/4/09

Particulars I] Sources of Funds 1. Share Capital Rs. Rs.

a. Issued and paid up 5,600 Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid up b. Reserves & Surplus Capital Redemption Reserve Securities Premium (15,000 5,000) Profit & Loss A/c (62,000 + 5,000 40,000) Shareholders Fund 2. Loan Fund 12% Debentures Total II] Application of Funds 1. Fixed Assets 2. Net Current Assets Current Assets Bank balance (60,000+ 45,000+75,000 1,05,000) (-) Current Liabilities Trade Creditors Total

5,60,000 40,000 10,000 27,000

77,000 6,37,000 2,00,000 8,37,000 8,04,000

75,000 (42,000) 33,000 8,37,000

Working Note: 1) Minimum no. of shares to be issued Preference shares to be redeemed (-) Profit available balance Profit on sale of Investment (-) Profit to be retained Proceed of fresh issue 62,000 5,000 67,000 (27,000) (40,000) 60,000 Rs. 1,00,000 Rs.

600 Equity shares of Rs.100/- each to be issued at premium of Rs.25/per share. 2) CRR = Nominal value of Preference shares redeemed - proceed of new issue of shares. 1,00,000 - 60,000 = 40,000

Illustration 9 : [Preparation of various ledger Accounts] The financial position of Lata Ltd.
Liabilities Rs.

as on 31.03.09 was as follows.

Assets Rs.

Authorized Issue, Subscribed called up & paid up 5,000 8% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up 25,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/each fully paid up Securities Premium Capital Redemption Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Sundry Liabilities Fixed Assets Current Assets Bank Balance 5,00,000 2,50,000 1,00,000 50,000 3,05,000 3,45,000 15,50,000 15,50,000 7,14,250 4,85,750 3,50,000

Preference shares were redeemable at 10% premium on 1st April 2009. It was decided to arrange this is as for as possible out of the company's resources subject to leaving a balance of Rs.55,000/- in the credit of the profit & Loss A/c. It was also decided to raise the balance amount by issue of Equity shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.2.50 per share. You are required to prepare the necessary ledger accounts, giving effects to the above arrangement in the company's books. Solution : Working Notes: Fresh issue of shares Preference share capital to be redeem Less profit available Profit & Loss A/c [3,05,000 55,000] Proceeds of fresh issue of Equity shares - 2,50,000 2,50,000 Rs. 5,00,000

i.e. 25,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ 2.50 premium. In the books of Lala Ltd. 8% redeemable Preference share capital A/c Dr.
Particulars To Preference Shareholder A/c Rs. 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 Particulars By Bal b/d

Rs. 5,00,000

Equity share capital A/c Dr.


Rs. Particulars 5,00,000 By Bal b/d By Bank A/c Rs. 2,50,000 2,50,000

To Bal c/d



By bal b/d Security Premium A/c Dr.

Particulars To Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c To bal c/d Rs. Particulars By Bal b/d By Bank A/c

5,00,000 5,00,000

Rs. 1,00,000 62,500

50,000 1,12,500 1,62,500 By bal b/d 1,62,500 1,12,500

Capital redemption reserve A/c Dr.


Rs. Particulars 7,50,000 By Bal b/d By P&L A/c 7,50,000 Rs. 5,00,000 2,50,000 7,50,000 7,50,000

To Bal c/d

By bal b/d

Premium on 8% redeemable Preference share capital A/c Dr.

Particulars To Preference Shareholder A/c Particulars By Securities Premium 50,000 A/c 50,000 Rs.

Rs. 50,000 50,000

Preference shareholders A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bank A/c Rs. Particulars 5,50,000 By Preference Share Capital by Premium on Redemption A/c of By Preference Share A/c

Rs. 5,00,000

50,000 5,50,000 5,50,000

Profit & Loss A/c Dr.

Particulars To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Rs. 250,000 Particulars By Bal b/d

Rs. 305,000

To Bal c/d 55,000 305,000 By bal b/d

305,000 55,000

Bank A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bal b/d To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c Rs. Particulars 350,000 By Preference Shareholders A/c 250,000 By Bal c/d 62,500 662,500 112,500 662,500 Rs. 550,000 112,000


To Bal b/d

Illustration 10: [Converting partly Equity shares into fully paid and issue of fully paid bonus share] The balance sheet of ABK Ltd. on 31st March 2009
Liabilities 10% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each Rs.7.50 paid up Equity Shares of Rs.5/- each Rs.3/- paid up Security Premium General Reserve Profit and Loss A/c 10% Debentures Creditors Bills Payable Outstanding Expenses Rs. Assets I. Fixed Assets Land & Buildings Plant & Machinery Furniture II. Current Assets Stock Debtors Cash & Bank Bills Receivable Prepaid Insurance Rs. 4,95,000 1,21,000 35,000 40,000 91,500 1,71,000 10,500 1,000

1,50,000 1,50,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 1,25,000 1,00,000 75,000 42,000 23,000 9,65,000


The 10% Preference shares due for redemption of 1st April 09, @ 10% premium. At the annual general meeting of the company the following resolutions were passed. 1. To redeem the 10% Preference shares as per terms. 2. To issue 20,000 Equity shares of Rs. 5 each at a premium of Rs. 2 per share. 3. To declare bonus at the rate of Rs.2 per Equity share for the purpose of making the said shares fully paid. 4. To issue bonus shares to Equity shareholders including new shares in the ratio of one share for every two shares held. Pass the necessary journal entries to record the above transactions and prepare the balance sheet.

111 Solution : ABK Ltd. Journal

No. 1. Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 20,000 Equity shares of Rs.5/- each issued at a premium of Rs.2/- per share] Preference Share Final Call A/c Dr. To 10% Preference Share Capital A/c [Being final call on redemption of Preferences shares made] Bank A/c Dr. To Preference Share Final Call A/c [Being Preference share final call dues received] 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c [Being amount due to Preference shareholders transferred] Securities Premium A/c Dr. To Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital A/c [Being premium on redemption transferred] Profit and Loss A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being C.R.R. created to the extend redemption out of profit] Preference Shareholder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being Preference shareholder's dues on redemption paid] Equity Share Final Call A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c [Being final call on 50,000 Equity shares @ Rs.2/- per share] LF Dr. Rs. 1,40,000 1,00,000 40,000 Cr. Rs.


50,000 50,000


50,000 50,000


200,000 20,000 220,000


20,000 20,000 1,00,000 1,00,000



2,20,000 2,20,000


1,00,000 1,00,000

9. General Reserve A/c Dr. To Bonus to Equity Shareholders A/c [Being bonus @ Rs.2/- per Equity share on 50, shares] Bonus to Equity Shareholder's A/c Dr. To Equity Share Final Call A/c [Being bonus adjusted with final calls dues] Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Dr. Securities Premium A/c Dr. To Bonus to Shareholders A/c [Being sanctioned at the rate of one Equity shares for every two shares of Rs.5/- paid] Bonus to Shareholders A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c [Being 35000 Equity shares of Rs.5/- each issued] 1,00,000 1,00,000


1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 75,000 1,75,000



1,75,000 1,75,000

Balance sheet of ABK Ltd. as on ... (After bonus)

Liabilities I Share capital Issued, Paid up 1,05,000 Equity shares of Rs.5 each fully paid up [includes Rs.200 on bonus by capitalizing General Reserve C.R.R. as securities] II Reserves Surplus C.R.R. (-) Used for Bonus Securities Premium (+) Received on new issue (-) Use for Bonus shares (-) Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares General Reserve (-) used for Bonus Profit & Loss A/c (-) C.R.R. III Secured Loans 10% Debentures Unsecured Loans IV Current liabilities Creditors Bills Payable O/St. Expenses 75,000 1,42,000 23,000 1,40,000 9,35,000 9,35,000 1,00,000 NIL 1,00,000 (1,00,000) 1,00,000 40,000 (75,000) (20,000) 2,00,000 (1,00,000) 1,25,000 (1,00,000) 25,000 1,00,000 45,000 NIL 5,25,000 Rs. Rs. Assets I Fixed Assets Land & Building Plant & Machinery Furniture II Current Assets & Loans, Advances Current Assets Stock Debtors Cash & Bank Bd. Loans & Advances Bills Receivable Prepaid Insurance 10,500 1,000 11,500 40,000 9,15,000 1,41,000 2,72,500 Rs. Rs.

4,95,000 1,21,000 35,000 6,51,000

Working notes: 1 Bank A/c


Particulars To Balance b/d To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c To Preference Share Final Call A/c

Amt. Particulars 1,71,000 By Preference Shareholders A/c 1,00,000 By Bal c/fd 40,000 50,000 3,61,000

Amt. 2,20,000 1,41,000


2. Only fully paid Preference shares can be redeemed. Therefore final call on Preferences shares is made and received. 3. Issue of partly paid shares (call) is provided out of general reserves 1,50,000 =5,000 shares 2.50 7.5 4. C.R.R. N.V. of Preference share capital redeemed Less: proceeds of fresh issued of shares C.R.R. Rs. Illustration 11 [Calls in arrears and proposed dividend] The undernoted balance were extracted from the Ledger of S Ltd. No. 1. Particulars 1,00,000 10% Preference share of Rs.10/- each Less calls in arrears @ Rs.4/- per share Amount paid up Security Premium Investment Allowance Reserve General Reserve Profit and Loss A/c Proposed dividend since sanctioned on Preference Shares. Rs. 10,00,000 (2,000) 9,98,000 2,00,000 7,50,000 2,50,000 5,81,000 99,500 Rs. 2, 00,000 - 1, 00,000 1, 00,000

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The directors redeemed the Preference shares of Rs.10/- each at Rs.12/- and for the purpose made a fresh issue of Equity shares of Rs.10/each at Rs.9.50 for such amount as was necessary for the purpose after utilizing the available sources to the maximum extend and satisfying amount of sanction Preferences share dividend. Rs.4,00,000/- of the Investment allowance reserves is free for distribution as dividend. Give journal entries recording above transactions.


Solution : Journal of S Ltd.

No. 1. Particulars Bank A/c Discount on issue of shares A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c [Being 30200 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each issued @ Rs.9.50 each] 2. 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. 9,95,000 1,99,000 11,94,000 Dr. Dr. Dr. Rs. 2,86,900 15,100 3,02,000 Cr. Rs.

Premium on Redemption of Preference Share A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c [Being amount payable to Preference shareholders on redemption of 99500 Preference shares of Rs.10 each of premium of Rs. 2 per share] 3. Securities Premium A/c To Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c Dr.

1,99,000 1,99,000

[Being premium payable on redemption of Preference share written off] 4. Investment Allowance Reserved A/c Dr. General Reserve A/c Dr. Profit and Loss A/c Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being amount transferred C.R.R. to the extent required under law] 5. Preference shareholders A/c To Bank A/c [Being amount paid to Preference shareholders] 6. Proposed Preference Dividend A/c To Bank A/c [Being Preference dividend paid] Dr. 99,500 99,500 Dr. 11,94,000 11,94,000 4,00,000 2,50,000 58,100 7,08,100

Working Note : 1. Only fully paid Preference shares can redeemed



2,000 = 99,500 Preference share can be redeemed. 4

Rs. Rs. 9, 95,000

Fresh issue of Equity Shares N.V. of Preference Share [99,50010]

Less: Divisible profits Investment allowance Reserve General Reserve Profit and Loss bal. Proceeds of fresh issue of Equity share No. of Equity share issued Proceeds of New Issue of Share = Proceed of one share 2,86,900 = = 30,200 Equity shares 9.50

4, 00,000 2, 50,000 58,100

7, 08,100 2, 86,900

Illustration 12 (Determining issue of Equity share by using algebraic equation) Balance sheet of MJ Ltd. as on 31st March 2009
Liabilities 10% Preference Shares of Rs.20/- each Rs.15/- paid up Equity Shares of Rs.20/- each fully paid up Security Premium A/c Profit and Loss A/c Current Liabilities Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Bank Balance Other Current Assets Investments Rs. 6,64,000 1,10,000 4,25,000 51,000

3,75,000 6,00,000 15,000 45,000 1,25,000



The Board of director has recommended that i) Investment to be realize for Rs.58,000/ii) Preference shares to be redeemed @ 10% premium. iii) Issue of minimum number of Equity shares of Rs.20/- each @10% premium. iv) Assuming that all the formalities required under section 80 Companies Act, were compiled with.

116 You are required to give the journal entries and prepare the Balance Sheet. Solution : MJ Ltd. Journal
No. 1. Particulars Preference Share Final Call A/c Dr. To 10% Preference Share Capital [Being final call of Rs.5/- per share on 25,000 Preference share made] Bank A/c Dr. To Preference Share Final Call A/c [Being amount of final call received] Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c [Being 22,410 Equity Shares of Rs.20/each issued @ 10% premium] Bank A/c Dr. To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c [Being Investment sold at profit] 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c [Being amount payable on redemption of Preference Share plus premium on redemption transferred to Preference shareholders] Securities Premium A/c Dr. Profit and Loss A/c To Premium on Redemption of Preference Share A/c [Being Premium on Redemption as Preference Shares adjusted] Profit and loss A/c Dr. To capital redemption reserve A/c [C.R.R. created to the extent redemption out of profit] Preference Shareholders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being amount due to Preference shareholder paid] LF Dr. Rs. 1,25,000 Cr. Rs. 1,25,000


1,25,000 1,25,000 4,93,020 4,48,200 44,820



58,000 51,000 7,000 5,00,000 50,000




49,820 180 50,000


51,800 51,800


5,50,000 5,50,000

MJ Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2009

Liabilities I Share Capital Issued paid up 52,410 Equity Shares of Rs.20/- each fully paid up II Reserves and Surplus Capital Redemption Reserve Securities Premium Profit & Loss A/c (+) Profit on Sale of Investment (-) Premium on Redemption (-) C.R.R. III Current Liabilities Total Rs. Rs. Assets I Fixed Assets II Current Assets Other Current Assets Bank Rs. Rs. 6,64,000 4,25,000 1,36,020


51,800 NIL 45,000 7,000 52,000 (180) (51,800)

20 1,25,000 12,25,020 Total 12,25,020

Working Note: Paid Preference shares can be redeemed. Therefore final call should make and received then only Preference shares can be redeemed. 1. Final call =

3,75,000 = 25,000 Preference Shares Rs.5/ 15 = Rs.1,25,000/

2. The given balance in Securities Premium and premium received on new issue of shares is insufficient for providing premium payable. The number of new issue of share is to be determined by algebraic equation. Let N.V. of Equity share to be issued = x Premium received = 0.10x on new issue N.V. of Preference share capital = Balance in Securities Premium + Premium on redemption = Balance in Profit & Loss A/c + New issue + premium received on new issue 5,00,000 + 50,000 = 5,000 + 52,000 + x + 0.10 x 5, 50,000 = 57,000 + 1.10x 5, 50,000 57,000 = 1.10x x = 4,48,182

No. of fresh issue of Equity Share =

4,48,182 20
= 22,409.10 = 22,410 Equity shares

118 i.e. 22,410 Equity shares of Rs.20/- each @ 10% premium (Rs.2/- per share) 3. Premium on redemption = Rs.50,000/Sources of premium payable Securities Premium [5000 + 44820] Balance from Profit & Loss A/c

49,820 180 50,000

4. C.R.R. = N.V. of Preference share less proceeds of fresh issue of shares = 5,00,000 4,48,200 = Rs.51,800 5. Dr.
Particulars To Balance To Final Call A/c To Equity Share A/c To Securities Preference A/c To Investment A/c Rs. 10,000 1,25,000 4,48,200 44,820 58,000 6,86,020 Particulars By Preference Shareholder A/c By Balance

Bank A/c Cr.

Rs. 5,30,000 1,36,020


Illustration 13 [New issue at discount] KPM Ltd. decided to redeem their Preference shares on 31st December 2008 on that date their balance sheet was as under:
Liabilities Share Capital 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each 50,000; 9% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.10/Rs.5/- paid up 75,000; 10% Preference Shares of Rs.10/- fully paid Reserves & Surplus Securities Premium Capital Reserve Dividend Equalization Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Secured Loan 10% Debentures Current Liabilities Rs. Assets Fixed Asset 23,55,000 (-) Acc.Depn. 6,50,000 Investment Current Asset Bank Balance Rs. 17,05,000 2,00,000 3,50,000 2,20,000


2,50,000 7,50,000 75,000 25,000 2,10,000 2,45,000 3,00,000 1,20,000 24,75,000 24,75,000

Preference shares are to be redeemed @ 5% premium. For the purpose of redemption the co. decided to issue, after carrying out the necessary formalities required under law. Minimum number of Equity shares of Rs. 10/- each at a discount of 10%


Redemption is duly carried out. Fixed assets costing Rs.4,50,000/. Accumulated depreciation there on was Rs.90,000/- was sold for Rs.3,85,000/-. Investment was sold for Rs,2,90,000/-. Show necessary ledger accounts & prepare balance sheet after redemption. In the books of KPM Ltd. Preference Share Capital A/c Dr.
Particulars To Preference Shareholder A/c Rs. 7,50,000 7,50,000 7,50,000 Particulars By Bal b/d

Rs. 7,50,000

Equity share capital A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bal c/d Rs. Particulars 7,00,000 By Bal B/d By Bank A/c By Discount on issue of Equity Shares A/c 7,00,000

Rs. 5,00,000 1,80.000 20,000 7,00,000

Securities Premium A/c Dr.

Particulars To Premium on Redemption of Pref. Shares A/c To Bal c/d Rs. Particulars By Bal B/d

Rs. 75,000

37,500 37,500 75,000 75,000

Dividend Equalization Reserve A/c Dr.

Particulars To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Rs. Particulars 2,10,000 By Bal B/d

Rs. 2,10,000



Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c Dr.

Particulars To Preference Shareholders A/c Rs. Particulars 37,500 By Securities Premium A/c

Rs. 37,500




Profit & Loss A/c Dr.

Particulars To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Rs. Particulars 3,60,000 By Bal B/d By Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets A/c By Profit on Sale of Investment A/c 3,60,000

Rs. 2,45,000 25,000 90,000 3,60,000

Fixed Asset (at cost) Dr.

Particulars To Bal b/d To Profit & Loss A/c Rs. Particulars 23,55,000 By Accumulated 25,000 Depreciation A/c By Bank A/c By Bal c/d 23,80,000

Rs. 90,000 3,85,000 19,05,000 23,80,000

Accumulated depreciation A/c Dr.

Particulars To Fixed Asset A/c To bal c/d Rs. Particulars 90,000 By Bal B/d 5,60,000 6,50,000

Rs. 6,50,000


Preference Shareholders A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bank A/c Rs. Particulars 7,87,500 By 10% Preference Share Capital A/c By Premium on Redemption of Preference Share A/c 7,87,500

Rs. 7,50,000

37,500 7,87,500

Investment A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bal b/d Rs. Particulars 2,00,000 By Bank A/c

Rs. 2,90,000

To Profit & Loss A/c 90,000 2,90,000 2,90,000

Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bal b/d Rs. Particulars 5,70,000 By Dividend Equalization Reserve A/c By Profit & Loss A/c 5,70,000

Rs. 2,10,000 3,60,000 5,70,000

Discount on Issue of Shares A/c Dr.

Particulars To Equity Share Capital A/c Rs. Particulars 20,000 By Bal B/d

Rs. 20,000



Balance sheet as on ______

I] Share Capital 50,000 Redeemable Pref. Shares of Rs.5/- paid up 70,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/fully paid II] Reserves & Surplus Capital Redemption Reserve Capital Reserve Securities Premium III] Secured loan 10% Debentures IV] Current Liabilities


I] Fixed Asset Opening bal. (-) Asset sold (-) Accum Dep .


2,50,000 7,00,000

23,55,000 (4,50,000)


5,70,000 25,000 37,500

Opening bal. Adj. for sale Net block II] Investment

6,50,000 (90,000)

5,60,000 13,45,000 NIL

3,00,000 1,20,000

III] Current Assets Other current Asset Bank balance IV] Miscellaneous expenditure Discount on issue of shares

3,50,000 2,87,500




Working Notes: I. Only fully paid Preference Shares can be redeemed. As call on 9% Preference shares is not made, it is not redeemed

122 II. Proceeds of new issue: Nominal value of Preference shares 7,50,000 Less : Profits available for redemption Dividend equalization reserve 2,10,000 Profit & Loss A/c 3,60,000 5,70,000 Proceeds of new issue 1,80,000 No. of Equity shares of Rs.10/- issued at Rs.9/- each

Proceeds reqired 1,80,000 = = 20,000 proceeds of one share 9

20,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- issued at Rs.9/III. Premium payable on redemption of Preference shares is provided from Securities Premium.

Illustration 14 [Minimum cash balance and bonus] The following is the Balance Sheet of Y Ltd. as at 31st March 08
Liabilities I Share capital Authorized 25,000 12% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.20/each 1,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.20/- each Issued, subscribed & paid up 25000, 12% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.20/each 25,000 Equity Shares of Rs.20/each II Reserves and Surplus Securities Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c III Secured Loans IV Unsecured Loans Fixed Deposits V Current Liabilities Provisions Rs. Assets I Fixed Assets II Investments 5,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 III Current Assets And Loans & Advances Inventory Stores Sundry Debtors Bank Balance IV Miscellaneous Expenditure (to the extent not written off) Preliminary EXP. Rs. 9,23,000 2,40,000

50,000 40,000 1,05,000 1,85,000

5,00,000 5,00,000 40,000

1,00,000 2,50,000 62,500 NIL


1,20,500 15,83,000 15,83,000

For the year ended 31/3/09, the company earned a Net Profit of Rs.1,75,000/- after providing Rs.40,000/- depreciation and writing off the half of Preliminary Expenditure.

123 The following additional information is available with regards to company's operations: a) The company redeemed the Preference Shares at a premium of 5% along with the Preference dividend for the ended 31st March 09. All payments were made except to the holder of 500 Preference shares. b) Investment costing Rs.2, 00,000/- sold for Rs.3,10,000/-. c) Except Bank balances Other Current Assets and Current Liabilities as on 31st March 09 were the same as on 31.03.08. d) The company issued Bonus Shares in the ratio of one share of every two Equity share held on 31.03.09. e) The company repaid Fixed Deposit. Journalize the transition which took place during year 2008-2009 Solution:
No. 1.

Journal of Y Ltd.
Particulars Dr. Rs. Dr. 2,35000 2,35,000 Cr. Rs.

Bank A/c [Cash profit] To Profit & Loss A/c

[Being net profit made for the year ended 31.3.09] 2. Bank A/c To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c [Being amount realized on sale of Investment] 3. Profit & Loss A/c To Preference Dividend A/c [Being Preference Dividend @ 12% on Rs. 500,000 Preference Share Capital] 4. 12% Preference SHARE capital A/c Premium on Redemption A/c Preference dividend A/c To Preference Share holders A/c [Being the amount payable to Preference shareholder including dividend transfer] 5. Securities Premium A/c To Premium on Redemption A/c [Being Premium on Redemption of Preference Share Capital provided] Dr. 25,000 25,000 Dr. Dr. Dr. 5,00,000 25,000 60,000 5,85,000 Dr. 60,000 60,000 Dr. 3,10,000 2,00,000 1,10,000

6. Profit & Loss A/c General Reserve A/c To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c [Being transfer to C.R.R. A/c on redemption of Preference Shares] 7. Preference Shareholder's A/c To Bank A/c [Being payments on redemption of 12% Preference Shares, including Preference dividend except on 500 shares] 8. Capital Redemption Reserve A/c To Bonus to Shareholders A/c [Being amount adjusted for issuing Bonus Shares in the ratio of 1:2 on 25000 Equity Shares] 9. Bonus to Shareholders A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c [Being Bonus Shares issued] 10. Fixed Deposit A/c To Bank A/c [Being Fixed Deposit repaid] Dr. 50,000 50,000 Dr. 2,50,000 2,50,000 Dr. 2,50,000 2,50,000 Dr. 5,73,300 5,73,300 Dr. Dr. 2,87,500 2,12,500 5,00,000

Working Notes: 1. Profit and loss A/c Bal. as on 31.3.09 Balance as on 31.3.08 Profit for the year Profit on sale of Investment Preference dividend paid Balance used for C.R.R. Rs. 62,500 1,75,000 1,10,000 (60,000) 2,87,500

2. Payments to Preference shareholders Rs. Total claim including dividend 5,85,000 unpaid on 500 shares 10,000 Less : Capital 500 20 Premium @ 5% 500 Preference dividend @ 12% 1,200 (11,700) Payments made to Preference shareholder 5,73,300 Illustration 15 [Shares forfeited and calculation of fresh issue of shares] The Balance Sheet of B.R. Ltd. as at 31st March 09
Liabilities Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs.

2,000 Equity shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid 20,000 10% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.50/each fully called up Less : calls in arrears @ Rs.10/- each Security Premium Capital Redemption Reserve General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c 10% Debenture [Rs.100/each] Sundry Creditors Fixed Assets Sundry Debtors Inventories Marketable Securities Bank balance (Miscellaneous Expenditures to the extent not written off) Discount on Issue of Debentures 9,90,000 3,20,000 2,00,000 4,00,000 60,000


10,00,000 (5,000) 9,95,000 10,000 50,000 2,10,000 1,60,000 2,00,000 1,50,000 19,95,000



10% Redeemable Preference Shares were due for redemption on 1st April 09 at a premium of 10%. Company sent reminders for the final call on 500, 10% Preference Shares and could collect money from shareholders holding 300 shares and forfeited remaining defaulting shares. Marketable securities sold for Rs.4,20,000/- Company issued adequate number of new Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each @ 25% premium, to the extent available profits were insufficient to back up the redemption. 10% Debenture also, due for redemption @5% Mr. Kale holding 200 Preference shares and 100 Debentures could not be traced and payment due to him on redemption of shares and Debentures could not be paid to him. Prepare necessary ledger A/cs and prepare the Balance Sheet of the company after redemption. Solution : In books B.R. Ltd. Equity Share Capital A/c Dr.
Particulars To Bal c/fd Rs. Particulars 8,00,000 By Bal b/fd By Bank A/c 8,00,000

Rs. 2,00,000 6,00,000 8,00,000

10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr.

Particulars To Share Forfeited A/c [200 x 50] To Preference Shareholder A/c Rs. 10,000 9,90,000 Particulars By Bal b/fd

Rs. 10,00,000

10,00,000 10,00,000

Calls in Arrears A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bal b/fd Rs. Particulars 5,000 By Bank A/c By Shares Forfeited A/c 5,000

Rs. 3,000 2,000 5,000

Shares forfeited A/c Dr.

Particulars To Calls in Arrears A/c To Capital Reserve A/c Rs. Particulars 2,000 By 10% Preference 8,000 Share Capital A/c 10,000

Rs. 10,000 10,000

Securities Premium A/c Dr.

Particulars To Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c To Premium on Redemption of Debentures A/c To Dis. on Issue Debentures A/c To Balance c/fd Rs. Particulars By Balance b/fd By Bank A/c

Rs. 10,000 1,50,000


10,000 5,000 46,000 1,60,000 1,60,000

General Reserve A/c Dr.

Particulars To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Rs. Particulars 2,10,000 By Bal b/fd

Rs. 2,10,000



10% Debentures A/c Dr.

Particulars To Debenture holders A/c Rs. Particulars 2,00,000 By Bal b/fd

Rs. 2,00,000




Profit & Loss A/c Dr.

Particulars To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Rs. Particulars 1,80,000 By Balance b/fd By Marketable Securities A/c 1,80,000

Rs. 1,60,000 20,000 1,80,000

Preference Shareholders A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bank A/c To Balance c/fd [dues to Mr. Kale] (200 x 55) Rs. Particulars 10,78,000 By 10% Preference 11,000 Share Capital A/c By Premium on Redemption Pref. Capital A/c 10,89,000

Rs. 9,90,000

99,000 10,89,000

Debenture holders A/c Dr.

Particulars To Bank A/c To Balance c/fd [dues to Mr. Kale] (100 x 105) Rs. Particulars 1,99,500 By 10% Debentures A/c 10,500 By Premium on Redemption of Debentures A/c 2,10,000

Rs. 2,00,000

10,000 2,10,000

Capital Reserves A/c Dr.

Particulars To Balance c/fd Rs. Particulars 8,000 By Share Forfeited A/c 8,000

Rs. 8,000 8,000

Marketable securities A/c Dr.

Particulars To Balance b/fd To Profit and Loss A/c Rs. Particulars 4,00,000 By Bank A/c 20,000 4,20,000

Rs. 4,20,000


128 Discount on Issue of Debentures A/c Dr.

Particulars To Balance b/fd Rs. Particulars 5,000 By Securities Premium A/c 5,000

Rs. 5,000


Bank A/c Dr.

Particulars To Balance B/fd To Calls in Arrears A/c To Marketable Securities A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c To Balance c/fd 1,50,000 44,500 12,77,500 12,77,500 4,20,000 6,00,000 Rs. 3,000 Particulars Shareholders A/c By Debenture holders A/c 1,99,500 60,000 By Preference 10,78,000


Capital redemption reserve A/c Dr.

Particulars To Balance c/fd Rs. Particulars 4,40,000 By Balance b/fd By General Reserve A/c By Profit and Loss A/c 4,40,000

Rs. 50,000 2,10,000 1,80,000 4,40,000

B.R. Ltd. Balance sheet as on 1st April 2009

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

I Share Capital Authorized Issued, Subscribed, Called up and Paid up 8,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid up II Reserves & Surplus Capital Redemption Reserve Capital Reserve Securities Premium General Reserve (-) Used for C.R.R. Profit & Loss A/c (+) Profit on Sale of Investment (-) Used for C.R.R. III Secured Loans IV Unsecured Loans V Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors Dues to Mr. Kale Preference Shares Redemption Debentures Redemption Bank Overdraft I Fixed Assets ? II Current Assets Inventories Sundry Debtors 8,00,000 2,00,000 3,20,000 9,90,000


4,40,000 8,000 46,000 2,10,000 2,10,000 1,60,000 20,000 1,80,000 1,80,000 NIL



11,000 10,500

21,500 44,500



Working Notes: Fresh issue of Equity Shares N.V. of Preference Share Capital Less: Divisible Profits [C.R.R.] General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c 2, 10,000 1, 80,000

Rs. 9, 90,000

(3, 90,000)

Proceeds of fresh issue of Equity Shares

6, 00,000

6,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each issued at Rs.25/- premium per share.


Only fully paid Preference Shares can be redeemed

130 C.R.R. can be created only of Divisible Profits. Premium on redemption of Preference Share Capital should be provided first out of Securities Premium, Capital Reserve [realized in Cash], it they are inadequate, then form Divisible Profit. If in balance sheet, partly paid Preference share given, then make the final call and after call money received only fully paid Preference shares can be redeemed. C.R.R. = Face value of Preference Shares to be redeemed Proceeds of fresh issued of shares. Less

Convection of Preference Shares into Equity Share, new Preference Shares amounts fresh issue of shares. For converting partly paid Equity Shares into fully paid by cap lasing Profit, only Free Reserves should be use. For issuing fully paid Bonus Shares, C.R.R. should be used first, then Security Premium then other divisible profit. Divisible Profits : Profit available for distribution as divided. Party paid Preference share : i) Can not be redeemed, ii) Final Call may made and after Preference shares fully paid up, then only Preference shares can be redeemed.
C.R.R. = N.V. of Pref. Shares Less Proceeds of New Redemed issue of shares

Proceeds of Fresh issue: Amount received on a/c of share capital. i.e. Rs.100/- issued at par, proceeds = Rs.100/Rs.100/- issued @ Rs.140/-, proceeds = Rs.100/- (premium ignore) Rs.100/- issued @ Rs.96/-, proceeds = Rs.96/-. Unpaid amount of Preference shareholders, show in Balance sheet as current liabilities. Issued of partly paid bonus: utilized only divisible profits. Issue of fully paid bonus share: utilized first C.R.R., the Securities Premium lastly Revenue Reserve and Profit and loss A/c surplus. Revaluation Reserve (Profit can not be for Bonus as well as dividend) Workmens compensation Fund : It is free Reserve to extent there is no compensation payable. Workmens Profit sharing Fund / Provident Fund : There are liabilities, hence can not be used for C.R.R., payment of dividend and are of bonus share.



Fill in the blanks. a) 1,000 Equity shares of Rs.100/- each issued at 20% premium, proceeds of Equity share capital will be Rs.__________. b) Profits otherwise available for dividend is called as __________. c) No company can issue __________ Preference shares. d) Only __________ Preference shares can be redeemed. e) Premium on redemption of Preference share can be provided for either out of the __________ of the company or its __________ accounts. f) __________ Preference shares can not be redeemed. g) Unpaid amount to some Preference shareholders who are nontraceable, their claim should be shown as __________ in the Balance sheet. h) __________ should be use first for issue of fully paid Bonus Equity Shares. i) Investment sold @ 10% Loss, for Rs.180, 000/-, Loss on sale amounts to Rs.__________. j)

C.R.R. = ____________ Less Proceeds of New issue of shares

k) Preference share redeemable within __________ years can be issued. l) Redeemable Preference shares can be issued only when it is authorized by its __________. m) Rs.6,00,000/-, 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each converted into 10% Preference shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.15/-. C.R.R. =Rs.__________.

n) Rs.16, 00,000/- Preference shares to be redeem @ par. Free Reserve available for redemption Rs.4,00,000/-. Ascertain minimum number of Equity shares to be issue a) Equity shares of Rs.100/- each at par __________. b) Equity shares of Rs.10/- each at premium__________. c) Equity shares of Rs.100/- each at 4% discount__________.
[Answer : a) Rs.1,00,000/-, b) Divisible Profit, c) Irredeemable Preference, d) Fully paid, e) Profit Security Premium, f) Partly paid up, g) current liabilities, h) C.R.R.,

i) Rs.20,000/-, j) N. value of Preference shares redeemed, k) 20, l) Articles of Association, m) Nil or Not Req., n) [a 12,000/-, b 40,000/-, c 12,500/-]

Fill in the blanks. I. II. For redemption of Preference share, a company can issue Equity shares or __________ shares. For redemption of Preference share amounting Rs.5, 00,000/-, new 2,000 Equity shares Rs.100/- issued @ 5% Discount, C.R.R. required Rs. __________ . For redemption of 12% Preference share capital of Rs.12, 00,000/-. a) When divisible Profit available Rs.6, 00,000/-, proceeds of new issue of shares = Rs. __________. b) When 4,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100/- issued @ Rs.125/-, CRR = Rs. __________. c) When 12% Debentures of Rs.10, 00,000/- issued @ 10% premium, C.R.R. = Rs. __________. d) When 20,000, 10% Preference shares of Rs.50/- each issued @ 20% discount, C.R.R. = Rs. __________. e) C.R.R. created Rs.7, 10,000/- out of Free Reserve, New Equity Shares of Rs.100/-, issued @ 2% discount for purpose of redemption of Preference shares. IV. Rs.8,00,000/- 12% Preference shares are converted into Equity shares of Rs.100/- @ 25% premium, then C.R.R. __________ . V. __________ section of Company Act 1956, relates to Redemption of Preference shares.


VI. Dividend Equalisation Reserve is __________ Reserve. VII. Failure to pay call money on shares result into __________ of shares. VIII. __________shares can be issued out of Capital Redemption Reserve. IX. The calls made on shares can not be consider as __________ of fresh issue of shares. X. Conversion of Preference shares into new Equity shares at par can be considered on proceeds of __________.

XI. On redemption of Preference share __________ is reduced. XII. Loss on sale of Investment decreases __________ Reserve. XIII. The issue of Debentures __________ be treated as proceeds of fresh issue of shares.
[Answer : I Preference, II Rs.3,10,000/-, III (a Rs.6,00,000/-, b Rs.8,00,000/-, c Rs.12,00,000/-, d Rs.2,20,000/-, e 4,900 shares), IV Rs.1,60,000/-, V Sec.80, VI Free, VII Forfeiture, VIII Proceeds, IX Fresh issue, X Paid up share capital, XI Free, XII can not]


Select the most appropriate answer. i) For purpose of redemption of Preference share Company can issue ___________ . a) Debentures at premium b) Equity shares c) Bonds d) Fixed Deposits Certificates ii) Profit on sale of Investment should be debited to ___________ . a) Profit & Loss A/c b) Capital Reserve A/c c) Investment A/c d) Sinking Fund A/c iii) Issue of bonus of make partly paid profits can be used ___________. a) C.R.R. b) Securities Premium c) Profits prior to incorporation d) Profit & Loss Account iv) Capital Redemption Reserve should be created only when redemption of Preference shares. a) Some Preference shareholders non-traceable b) Redemption out of divisible profits c) Redemption out of issue of Equity shares d) Redemption out of issue of Preference shares. v) 50,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each, issued at Rs.20/-, for the purposed of redemption of Preference share capital amounting Rs.7, 50,000/-. How much amount to be transferred to C.R.R. a) Rs.5, 00,000/b) Rs.10, 00,000/c) Rs.2, 50,000/d) Rs.2, 50,000/[Answer: (i b), (ii c), (iii d), (iv e), (v c)]

Select the most appropriate answer and write again. i) Dividend paid to Preference shareholders on a) Face value b) Called up c) Paid up d) None of above ii) Capital Redemption Reserve is created a) Redemption of Debenture b) Refund of Fixed Deposit c) Redemption of Preference share capital d) Redemption of Preference share capital out of Free Reserve iii) Capital Redemption Reserve is created a) Voluntarily b) Redemption not out of proceeds of Debentures

134 c) Legal Requirements d) All above the three iv) A company can redeemed Preference shares a) Only at par b) At premium c) Out of Free Reserve d) All above the three v) Preference share can be redeemed a) Out of profits only b) Out of proceeds of issue of shares c) Partly out of issue of shares and balance of out of Free Reserve d) All the above vi) After redemption of Preference share, Bonus share issued to a) Preference Shareholders b) Old Equity Shareholders c) New Equity Shareholder d) Both b and c vii) The terms & redemption is specified at time a) Redemption of Preference share b) Payment to Preference shareholder c) Divided by Board of Directors d) Issue of shares
[Answer : (i c), (ii d), (iii c), (iv d), (v d), (vi d), (vii d)]

State whether the following statements are true or false. i) Only partly paid Preferences can be redeem. ii) No company can issue irredeemable Preference shares. iii) Preference share can be redeemed only out of Capital Profit. iv) Only Equity Shares can be issued for purpose of redemption of Preference shares. v) Conversion of Preference shares into Equity shares are also amounted to issue of Preference shares. vi) Premium on redemption of Preference shares can be debited to Revaluation Reserve. vii) No company can issue redeemable Preference share after 15th June 1988. viii) Balance Security premium can be used for providing premium on redemption of Preference shares.
[Answer : True ii, iv, viii, False i, iii, v, vi, vii]

i) Divisible profit mean available for distribution as divided.

135 ii) A company can redeemed Preference share out of proceeds of fresh issue of Debentures. iii) Company can redeemed Preference share out of proceeds of fresh issue of Debentures. iv) Company can not issue irredeemable Preference share. v) Paid up share capital is reduce due to redemption of Preference share capital. vi) Premium or redemption of Preference share can be provided out of Revaluation Reserve. vii) Preference divided is payable annual even though the company makes loss.
[Answer : True i, iv, v, False ii, iii, vi, vii]

Match the columns : I. Group A i) Unclaimed Dividend ii) Security Premium iii) apital Redemption Reserve iv) artly paid Preference share v) Partly called up Preference share Group B a) Premium on Redemption of Preference shares b) Share final call made C c) Can not be redeem d) Current Liabilities P e) Capital Reserve f) Redemption out of Free Reserve g) Can be redeem only after final call money received

[Answer : (1 d), (2 a), (3 f), (4 c), (5 g)]

II. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Group A Pre-incorporation Profit Capital Redemption Reserve can be used Preference Dividend Redemption of Preference Share Capital 7,500 Preference Share of Rs.100/- redeemable at 10% premium, issued of new 60,000 Preference Share at Rs.10/- at 20% premium C.R.R. 8,000 Equity share of Rs.100/a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Group B Appropriation of Profit Proceeds of issue of Debentures Rs.1,50,000/Not Free Reserve Fully Paid Bonus share Free Reserve + proceed of fresh issue of share Rs.2,16,000/Rs.2,00,000/Rs.1,90,000/Can not be issued by Ltd. company


136 each, issued at 2% discount k) Partly paid Bonus share for redemption of Preference share capital Rs.10,00,000/C.R.R. = vii) Irredeemable Preference Share
[Answer: (i d), (ii - e), (iii a), (iv f), (v c), (vi - g), (vii j)]



1. Explain the provision of the Companies Act, 1956, regarding redemption of Preference Shares. 2. Distinguish between Redemption of Preference shares and buy back of Equity shares. 3. Write short notes on a) Capital Redemption Reserve b) Profit otherwise available for dividend c) Proceeds of fresh issue of shares d) Issue of fully paid Bonus Shares e) Irredeemable Preference shares f) Various methods of Redemption of Preference Shares g) Profits not available for redemption of Preference shares 4. Redemption of Preference share of by way of conversion into Equity shares issued at premium. 5. Redemption of Preference share at premium by a way of conversion into New Preference Shares issued at discount.



Illustration 1 [For calculation of new issue to raised funds required] The balance sheet of N J Ltd. as on 31st March 09 was as follows.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Share Capital : 1,500, 9% Preference Share of Rs.100/- each fully paid 50,000 Equity of Rs.10/- each fully paid. Reserve surplus : Securities Premium Profit & Loss A/c Secured Loans : 10% Debentures Current Liabilities : Sundry Creditors Fixed Assets : Investments : Current Assets : Bank Balance Other Current Assets 6,12,000 90,000 63,000 4,27,000

1,50,000 5,00,000 50,000 1,40,000 2,00,000 1,52,000 11,92,000


In order to facilitate the redemption of Preference shares and 10% debenture, both redeemable at 10% premium the company decided: a) To sell all Investments for Rs.1,12,000/-. b) To finance part of redemption from company funds, subject to leaving a bank balance of Rs.40,000/-. c) To issue minimum Equity shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs. 40 per share to raise the balance of funds required. You are required to pass the necessary Journal entries to record above the transaction and prepare balance sheet as on completion of the above transactions.
I) Working for issue of shares Rs. 9% Preference Share Capital 1,50,000 10% Debentures 2,00,000 3,50,000 Premium payable on redemption 10% Total amount required Less: i) Available bank bal. [63000-40000 required] ii) Sale of Investment Funds from new issue of Equity share Number of Equity Shares = 23,000 1,12,000 1,35,000 2,50,000 Rs.

35,000 3,85,000

Amount required Proceed of one equity share 2, 50, 000 = 5, 000 50


500 Equity share of Rs.10/- each issued @ Rs.40/- premium Face value of Preference Share 1,50,000 Less: Proceeds of new issue of share (5000 X 10) 50,000 C.R.R. 1,00,000 (Balance sheet total: 10, 79,000)

2. (Minimum Reduction in Revenue Reserve) The Balance Sheet of BM Ltd. as at 31st December, 2008 is as follows :

Liabilities Share Capital : 750 redeemable Preference shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid Reserves and Surplus: Securities Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Current Liabilities Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets : Stock Debtors 75,000 Investments Bank 1,00,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 2,95,000 2,95,000 Rs. Rs. 1,85,000 60,000 10,000 30,000 10,000

The company decided to redeem its Preference shares at a premium of 10 per cent, on 31st January, 2009. A fresh issue of Equity shares of Rs.10/- each was made at Rs.14/- pre share, payable in full on 1st January, 2009. These were fully subscribed and all moneys were duly collected. All the Investments were sold realizing Rs.42,000/-. The Directors wish that only a minimum reduction should be made in the revenue reserves. You are required to give the journal entries, including those relating to cash to record the above transactions and draw up the Balance Sheet as it would appear after redemption of Preference shares. 3. (Bonus to make fully paid shares, issue of fully paid Bonus share) The Bharat Steel Ltd. whose issued share capital on 31st December, 2008, consisted of 10,000 8% redeemable Preference shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid and 50,000 Equity shares of Rs.100/- each Rs.30/- paid up, decided to redeem Preference shares at a premium of Rs.10/- per share. The companys balance sheet as at 31st December, 200 showed a General Reserve of Rs.18,00,000/- and a Capital Reserve of Rs.1,70,000/-. The redemption was effected partly out of profits and partly out of the proceeds of a new issue of 7,000, 10% cumulative Preference shares of Rs.100/- each at a premium of Rs.40/per share. The premium payable on redemption was met out of the premium received on the new issue. On 1st April, 2009, the company at its General meeting resolved that all the Capital Reserves be applied in the following manner: a) The declaration of bonus at the rate of Rs.10/- per share on Equity shares for the purpose of making the said Equity shares fully paid and b) The issue of bonus shares to the Equity shareholders in the ratio of one share for every shares held by them. You are required to pass journal entries.


4. (Redemption of Preference shares at premium) The following is the Balance Sheet of RK Ltd. as on 31st March 2009.
Liabilities Share Capital : 5,000 9% Redeemable Pref. Shares of Rs.10/each fully paid 10,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid Securities Premium A/c Profit & Loss Account Sundry Creditors Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Investment Current Assets Cash at Bank Rs. 1,28,000 20,000 86,000 80,000


1,00,000 30,000 1,04,500 29,500 3,14,000 3,14,000

The company exercised its option to redeem on 1st April, 2009, the whole of the Preference share capital at a premium of 10% per cent. To assist in financing the redemption, all the Investments were sold for Rs.24, 000/-. On 1st May, 2009, the company made a bonus issue of two Equity shares fully paid for every Equity shares held on that date. The appropriate resolutions having been passed the above transactions were duly completed. You are required to five pass the journal entries to record the transactions in the books of the company and the balance sheet after above transaction. 5. RK Ltd. has issued 5,000 12% redeemable Preference shares of Rs.100/- each, Rs.80/- paid. In order to redeem these shares now being redeemable, the company issued for cash 20,000 Equity shares of redeemed, balance being met out of the General Reserve which stood at Rs.3,00,000/-. The company then declared the bonus issue of 10,000/- ordinary shares of Rs.10/- each to the existing ordinary shareholders out of reserve created for redemption purpose. Pass the necessary journal entries giving effect to the above transactions. 6. On 1st July, 2008 the following balances appeared in the books of Jai Ltd.
Particulars 10% Preference share capital (Shares of Rs.100/- each redeemable on 31-12-2008, at a premium of Rs.5/- per share) Security Premium A/c Rs. 4,00,000


Profit & Loss A/c (Cr.) 3,00,000

To provide a part of cash necessary for the repayment of Redeemable Preference Shares (which were redeemed on the due date), the company made an issue of 14% Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each at Rs.110/- per share payable in full on application. Applications for 1,200 of the new shares were received on 1st November, 2008 and expenses of the issue amounting to Rs.10,000/were paid on 30th November, 2005. Show the Journal entries (including cash transactions) necessary to record the above transactions in the books of the company. 7. The following is the summarized Balance Sheet of A Ltd. as on 30th September, 2008.
Liabilities Share Capital : 10% Redeemable Preference shares of Rs.100/- each Equity shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid up Security Premium Profit & Loss A/c Creditors Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets Rs. 3,00,000 1,57,000


2,00,000 2,64,000 17,000 1,60,000 4,57,000 4,57,000

The Preference shares were redeemed on 10th October, 2008 at a premium of 15%. A bonus issue of two Equity share for every five shares held was made on the same date. No trace could be found of the holder of 20 Preference Shares. You are required to give the journal entries in the book of the company and draw up the resultant Balance Sheet in a summarized form. 8. DT Ltd. has the following Balance Sheet as on 31-03-2009.
Liabilities Issued, subscribed and fully paid up 20,000 Equity shares of Rs.100/- each 50,000 Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each Capital Reserve Security Premium A/c Profit & Loss A/c Current Liabilities Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets (including Bank bal. Rs.4,50,000/-) Rs. 19,00,000 13,50,000

20,00,000 5,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 2,50,000

32,50,000 32,50,000

The Preference shares are to be redeemed at 10% premium. Fresh issue of Equity shares is to be made to the extent it is required under the Companies Act for the purpose of this redemption. Show journal entries giving effect to the redemption and draw up the Balance Sheet of the company as it would appear immediately after the redemption. 9. On 1st April, 08 a company issued 4,000 12% Debentures of Rs.100/each. The interest is payable on 30th and 31st March every year. The company is allowed to purchase its own Debentures which may be cancelled or kept or re-issued at the companys option. The company made the following purchases in the open market. On 31st July 2008 500 Debentures at Rs.96/- ex-interest On 30th Nov. 2008200 Debentures at Rs.97/- cum-interest The Debentures, which were purchased on 31st July 2008 were cancelled on 31st December, 2008. All payments were made on due dates. Give journal entries to record the above transactions and the relevant items in the Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2009. 10. (Forfeiture of Shares and their Reissue) A company issued 20,000 6% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each at par. At 30th June, 2009; the shares are to be redeemed at Rs.110/- a share and for the purpose of assisting the redemption 1,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each were issued at 40% premium. On the above date, 500 of the Redeemable Preference Shares had been forfeited for non-payment of the last call of Rs.20/-, 400 of which had been re-issued as fully paid for Rs.80/- a share. The balance of Profit & Loss Account was Rs.15,40,000/- and the General Reserve Rs.2,00,000/-. On the same day, as the redemption took place, a bonus was declared of Rs.10, 00,000/- to the Equity shareholders. Show the journal of the company to record the above transactions.


Unit Structure 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Objectives Meaning of redemption Terms of redemption of Debentures Redemption out of capital Redemption out of Profit Solved Problems



After studying this chapter the students will be able to: Know the Terms of redemption Understand the Methods of redemption Explain the procedure of Conversion of debentures Understand how to create debenture redemption reserve as per rules.



Redemption means repayment debenture is basically loan capital and has to be repaid as terms agreed at the time of issue. According to sec. 80A of the companies Act, 1956 debentures issued by a company have to be redeemed within 10 years after issue. Debentures are normally redeemed after expiry of a specified period. However, the company may redeem debentures before expiry of a specified period; if articles of association & debenture deed permit it. Even companies are allowed to purchase it own debentures in open market such own debentures may be kept by company as investment or it may be redeemed own debentures by cancellation.




The debentures may be redeemable. a) At Par Debentures are redeemed par i.e. at face value; face value of the debentures will be repaid on redemption. b) At Premium The debentures may be redeemable at premium. In such case at time of redemption debenture hold will be paid face value of debentures plus premium on redemption of debentures. For example, a debenture of face value of Rs.100 may be redeemable at Rs.110 such premium payable on redemption is a capital loss for the company. Such premium on redemption must be provided as a liability at the time of issue of debenture. c) At discount: At the time of redemption of debentures, the debenture-holders are paid something less than the face value of the debenture practically such debenture are not issued by any company. However the company may purchased it own debentures in open market when debentures are traded at less than face value, and redeemed own debentures at discount. The amount to be paid to debentures holders depends upon the terms of issue. According to the terms of issue, the debentures may be redeemable fully in one lump sum at a given time or in installment or by drawing lots.



This is the method of redemption of Debentures. Debentures may be redeemed out of capital. Payments to debenture-holders are not plain from date of issue of debenture. On redemption, the debenture-holders are paid out of cash and bank balance. This reduces working capital available with the company. As per SEBI guidelines, redemption of debentures wholly out of capital is not possible. And a company has to create debenture redemption reserve equivalent to 50% of the amount of debenture issue, before debenture redemption commences. Hence it will not be possible for a company to redeem debentures purely out of capital. Creation of debenture redemption reserve is not required for issue of debenture with a maturity period of 18 months or less.


Accounting Entries:
Date Sr. No. 1. Particulars On debentures becoming due for payment a) Redemption at par Debentures A/c Dr. To debenture holders A/c b) Redemption at a premium Debentures A/c Dr. Premium on redemption of debentures A/c To Debenture holders A/c c) Redemption at discount Debenture A/c Dr. To debenture holders A/c To profit on redemption of debenture A/c 2. On redemption Debenture holders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c On transfer of premium on redemption Securities premium A/c Dr. OR Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To premium on redemption of debentures A/c Note: [Only it it is not provided at the time of issue of debentures] On transfer of profit to D.R.F. Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Debenture Redemption Reserve A/c On transferring the balance on debenture redemption reserve Debenture redemption reserve A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c L F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

(F.V.) X X F.V. With premium With amount payable F.V. with amount payable dis. on redemption Discount earned








Illustration no.1 [Issue of debenture and redemption under various alternatives] Give necessary journal entries both at time of issue and redemption of debentures in each of the following alternative cases. I. K Ltd. Issued 5000, 9% debentures of Rs.100 each at par and redeemable at par at the end of five years.

145 II. III. K.P.M. Ltd. issued 5000, 9% debentures of Rs.100 each at 2.5% discount, redeemable at par at the end of five years. O.K. Ltd. issued 5000, 9% debentures of Rs.100 each at a premium of 10% to be redeemed at par at the end of five years. Mama Ltd. issued 5000, 9% debentures of Rs.100 each at par, redeemable at 5% premium at the end of five years. Yes Ltd. issued 5000, 9% debentures of Rs.100 each at a discount of 3%, redeemable at a premium of 7% at the end of five years. OM Ltd. issued 5000, 9% debentures of Rs.100 each at a discount of5% redeemable at a discount of 5% at the end of five years.

IV. V.


Solution: All above companies issued debenture on 1st January 2001 debenture interest paid annually on 31st December every year. [Narration not required] Solution: Impotrtant Note: Even though redemption is out of capital, debenture redemption reserve is created as per 4/5 117c requirement of the companies amendment Act 2000 Solution: Case I Journal of K Ltd.
Date/ Year 1 Jan 01 Particulars 1. On issue of 5000 debenture of Rs.100 each at par Bank A/c Dr. To 9% Debentures A/c 2. For debenture interest paid Debenture interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 3. For transferring debenture interest Profit and Loss A/c Dr. To debenture interest A/c 4. On transferring profit to D.R.R. Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Debentures redemption reserve A/c Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated every year with same amount. L F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

500,000 500,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 100,000 100,000

31 01 31 01 31 01




31.12.02 31.12.03 31.12.04


31.12.05 5. On debentures are due for payment at par 9% Debentures A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c 6. On redemption Debenture holder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 7. On transfer of D.R.R. Debenture redemption reserve A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c

500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000



Case II Journal of K.P.M. Ltd.

Date 1 Jan 01 Particulars 1. On issue Bank A/c Dr. Discount on issue of debentures A/c Dr. To 9% Debentures A/c 2. On payment debenture interest Debenture interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 3. On transferring debenture interest Profit and Loss of discount of issue of debentures. Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Debenture interest To Discount on issue of debenture A/c 4. On transferring profit to D.R.R. Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Debentures redemption reserve A/c 5. Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated every year L F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

487,500 12,500 500,000

31 01 31 01


45,000 45,000 47,500


45,000 2500

31 01


100,000 100,000

31.12.02 31.12.03 31.12.04 31.12.05 31.12.05



6. On debentures are due for payment at par 9% debentures A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c 7. On redemption Debenture holder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 8. On transfer of D.R.R. Debenture redemption reserve A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c

500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Case III Journal of O.K. Ltd.

Date 1 Jan 01 Particulars 1. On issue Bank A/c Dr. To 9% Debentures A/c To securities premium A/c 2. On payment debenture interest Debenture interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 3. On transferring debenture interest Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Debenture interest 4. On transferring profit to D.R.R. Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Debentures Redemption Reserve A/c 5. Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated every year L F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

550,000 500,000 50,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 100,000 100,000

31 01 31 01 31 01




31.12.02 31.12.03 31.12.04 31.12.05 31.12.05



6. On debentures are due for payment at par 9% Debentures A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c 7. On redemption Debenture holder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 8. On transfer of D.R.R. Debenture redemption reserve A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c

500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000

Case IV Journal of Mama Ltd.

Date 1 Jan 01 Particulars 1. On issue Bank A/c Dr. Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr. To 9% Debentures A/c To Premium on redemption of debenture 2. On payment of debenture interest Debenture interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 3. On transferring debenture interest and w/off 1/5 of loss on issue of debenture Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Debenture interest A/c To Loss on redemption of debenture L F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

500,000 25,000 500,000 25,000

31 01 31 01


45,000 45,000


50,000 45,000 5,000

31 01 Dec 4. On transferring profit to D.R.R. Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Debentures redemption reserve A/c 5. Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated every year 100,000 100,000

31.12.02 31.12.03 31.12.04 31.12.05 31.12.05



6. On debentures are due for payment at 5% premium 9% debentures A/c Dr. Premium on redemption of debentures A/c To Debenture holders A/c 7. On redemption Debenture holder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 8. On transfer of D.R.R. Debenture redemption reserve A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c

500,000 25,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 500,000 500,000

Case V Journal of Yes Ltd.

Date 01.01.01 Particulars 1. On issue Bank A/c Dr. Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr. To 9% Debentures A/c To Premium on redemption of debenture 2. On payment of debenture interest Debenture interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 3. On transferring debenture interest and w/off 1/5 of loss on issue of debenture Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Debenture interest A/c To Loss on redemption of debenture 4. For transferring profit to D.R.R. Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Debentures redemption reserve A/c 5. Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated every year L F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

485,000 50,000 500,000 35,000


45,000 45,000


55,000 45,000 10,000


100,000 100,000

31.12.02 31.12.03 31.12.04 31.12.05

31.12.05 6. On debentures are due for payment at 5% premium 9% Debentures A/c Dr. Premium on redemption of debentures A/c To Debenture holders A/c 7. On redemption Debenture holder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 8. On transfer of D.R.R. Debenture redemption reserve A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c

500,000 35,000 535,000 535,000 535,000 500,000 500,000



Case VI Journal of OM Ltd.

Date 01.01.01 Particulars 1. On issue Bank A/c Dr. Discount on issue of debentures A/c Dr. To 9% Debentures A/c 2. On payment of debenture interest Debenture interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 3. On transferring debenture interest and w/off 1/5 of Discount on issue of debenture Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Debenture interest A/c To Loss on issue of debenture A/c 4. For transferring profit to D.R.R. Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Debentures Redemption Reserve A/c 5. Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated every year L F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

475,000 25,000 500,000 45,000 45,000



50,000 45,000 5,000 100,000 100,000


31.12.02 31.12.03 31.12.04 31.12.05 31.12.05



6. On debentures due for payment at discount 9% Debentures A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c To Discount on redemption A/c 7. On redemption Debenture holder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 8. On transfer of D.R.R. Debenture redemption reserve A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c

500,000 475,000 25,000 475,000 475,000 500,000 500,000

Note: According to prudence and realization concepts, discount on redemption of debenture being gain, should be recorded at the time

151 of redemption of debenture and not at the time of issue or allotment of debentures.



Under this method the company holds a part of divisible profit, for redeeming the debentures. The amount of profit is reduced to the extent of debentures to be redeemed and hence not available for distribution by way of dividend among the shareholders. The existing liquid resources are not affected by redemption of debenture. For redemption of debentures out of profit; adequate amount is appropriated from profit and loss appropriation A/c and it is transferred to Debenture Redemption Reserve A/c every year till debenture redeemed. The companies' amendment Act 2000 has introduced Sec. 117 C dealing with the liability of a company to create "Debenture redemption reserve A/c" (DRR). DRR represents the retention out of profits made for the purpose of redeeming debentures. As it is created for a specific purpose out of revenue profits, it may be called as a "Specific Revenue Reserve". DEBENTURE REDEMPTION RESERVE (D.R.R): Following guidelines has been issued with regard to redemption of debentures. Every company shall create D.R.R in case of issue of debentures with maturity period of more than 18 months. D.R.R. shall be created for non-convertible debentures and non-convertible portion of partly convertible debentures. A company can create D.R.R. equivalent to at least 50% of the amount of debentures issue before starting the redemption of debentures. Withdrawal from D.R.R is permissible only after 10% of debenture liability have been actually redeemed by the company. DRR shall be treated as part of general reserve; for consideration of bonus issue proposal. The company shall create D.R.R. for redemption of debentures. A company can create D.R.R. by transferring adequate amount from profit & Loss appropriation A/c until such debenture redeemed debentures. However, it does not specify the percentage or amount to be transferred to D.R.R. There are three options available to the company in regard: 5.4.1. DRR AMOUNT NOT INVESTED OUTSIDE BUSINESS

152 The amount of divisible profits with held by the company may be retained in the business itself as a source of internal finance. I.e. DRR amount not invested outside business to provide cash for redemption. In such case following entries are passed. 1) On debentures becoming due for redemption Debentures A/c Premium on redemption of Debentures A/c To Debenture holder A/c 2) On redemption Debenture holder's A/c To bank A/c 3) On transfer of profit to D.R.R. Profit & Loss appropriation A/c Dr. To Debenture redemption Reserve A/c Note: Every year adequate amount should be transferred to D.R.R. 4) On redemption of debenture balance, in D.R.R. can be transfer to general reserve A/c Debenture redemption reverses A/c To General Reserve A/c 5.4.2 SINKING FUND/DEBENTURE INVESTMENT METHOD. REDEMPTION FUND Dr. Dr. with the amount paid Dr. [with premium it any] Total amount to be paid Dr. [with face value]

In most cases, the debentures are redeemable in lump sum on a specified date. Therefore it is necessary to make an arrangement for the amount required to redeem debentures. Sinking fund/Debenture redemption fund is created by setting aside a fixed sum of profit every year. The amount of annual appropriation should be such amount which required for payment on redemption, debenture holders. Such accumulate a fixed amount at the expiry of given period of time and at given rate of interest. For calculating annual appropriation towards Sinking fund, Sinking fund table can be used.

Annual Appropriation

Amount payable at the Relevant sinking time of Redemption of X Fund Table value


The same amount is Invested in readily marketable securities. Income from such Investment (S.F. Investment) is credited to Sinking fund and along with annual appropriation. It is invested every year; till debenture, become due for redemption. When debentures become due for redemption, Sinking fund investment is realized. Any profit OR loss on sale of S.F. investment is transferred to Sinking fund A/c again any profit or loss on redemption of debenture is also transferred to Sinking fund. After redemption of debenture, balance in Sinking fund is free reserve, therefore it is transferred to general reserve, in case of partial redemption of debenture to the extent nominal value of debentures redeemed should be transferred to general reserve. The accounting entries in such a case will be as follows: I First year [At the end] (1) On transfer of profit to Sinking fund account. Profit and loss appropriation A/c Dr. with annual To Sinking Fund A/c Appropriation (2) On purchase of S.F. investment Sinking Fund Investment A/c To Bank A/c

Dr. With amount invested.

Note: i) Sinking fund is also called debenture redemption reserve A/c ii) Sinking fund balance is shown on the liabilities side of balance sheet under the head reserve and surplus. Sinking Fund Investment on the asset side under head investment. II Second and subsequent years over the life of the debentures excepting the last year. 1. On receipt of interest on Sinking Fund Investment Bank A/c Dr. To Interest on Sinking Fund Investment A/c On transfer of interest Interest on Sinking fund investment A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c On transfer of annual appropriation Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c On investment purchased [Annual appropriation + Interest

With the amount of interest received on S.F. investment With the amount of interest received



With the amount of interest received


154 received on S.F. investment] Sinking fund investment A/c To Bank A/c


III In the last year when the Debentures becomes due for redemption (at the end of year). 1. On receipt of interest on Sinking fund investment Bank A/c To Interest on Sinking Fund Investment 2. On transfer of interest Interest on Sinking fund investment A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c 3. For transferring annual appropriation Profit & Loss appropriation A/c To Sinking Fund A/c 4. On realization investments a) at cost Bank A/c To Sinking Fund Investment b) At profit Bank A/c To Sinking Fund Investment To Sinking Fund A/c c) At Loss Bank A/c Sinking fund A/c Dr. Dr.
Amount realized loss on sale








Amount realized cost invest


To Sinking Fund Investment


155 5. On debentures are due for payment a) At par Debentures A/c Dr. To Debenture holder A/c b) i) At premium Debentures A/c Dr. Premium on redemption of debentures A/c Dr. To Debenture holder's A/c b) ii) On transferring premium On redemption of debentures (if it is not provided at time of issue of debentures] Sinking fund A/c Dr. To premium on redemption of debentures A/c c) At discount Debentures A/c Dr. To Debenture holder's A/c To Sinking Fund A/c On payment/Redemption Debenture holder's A/c To Bank A/c Dr.

Nominal value of the Debentures

Face value be paid Dis. on redemption




On transfer of Sinking fund balance to general reserve Sinking fund A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c

Note: In case of partial redemption of debentures, to the extent of nominal value of debenture redeemed should be transferred to General Reserve. Note: 3 i. ii. iii. No investment should be made in last year This method assures the availability of profit and sufficient cash for purchasing investment. Where only part of the debentures redeemed it must be ensured that the balance in Sinking fund is equal to 50% of the amount of debentures issue on the date of redemptions is obligatory. However, a company may create more reserve if it so desires.




Illustration No. 2 [Sinking fund created for redemption of debentures at the end of the specified period.] On 1st January 06 S Ltd. issued 2000, 10% debentures of Rs.100 each @ 5% premiums, redeemable at par. The company decided to set aside every year a sum of Rs.63440 to be invested in 5% Govt. securities. The investments were sold at Rs.130200 at the end of third year and debentures were redeemed. Give journal entries in the books of S Ltd. Solution Journal of S Ltd.
Date 01.01.06 Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To 10% Debentures A/c To Securities premium A/c [Being 2000, 10% debentures of Rs.100 each issued @ 5% premium] Profit and appropriation A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c [Being amount set aside from profit for redemption of debentures] Sinking fund investment A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being 5% Govt. securities purchased out of Sinking fund] Bank A/c Dr. To Interest on Sinking Fund Investment [Being into @ 5% received on Sinking fund investment] Interest on Sinking fund investment A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c [Being interest received on Sinking fund investment transferred to Sinking fund] Profit and Loss appropriation A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c [Being amount set aside from profit for redemption of debentures] L Dr. Rs. F 210,000 200,000 10,000 Cr. Rs.


63,440 63,440


63,440 63,440


3172 3172


3172 3172


63,440 63,440

31.12.07 Sinking fund investment A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being 5% Govt. securities purchased out of Sinking fund 63440 + 3172] Bank A/c Dr. To Interest on Sinking Fund Investment A/c [Being interest received on Sinking fund investment 130052 x 5%] Interest on Sinking fund investment A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c [Being interest on Sinking fund investment transferred to Sinking fund] Profit & Loss appropriation A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c [Being amount set aside from profit for redemption of debenture A/c] Bank A/c Dr. To Sinking fund investment A/c To Sinking fund A/c [Being amount received on sale of Sinking fund investment of profit] 10% Debenture A/c Dr. To Debenture holder's A/c [Being 10% debenture due for redemption] Debenture holder's A/c Dr. To Bank A/c [Being amount paid to debenture holders] Sinking fund A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c [Being balance in Sinking fund transferred on redemption of debentures] 66,612 66,612


6503 6503


6503 6503


63,440 63,440


130,200 130,052 148


200,000 200,000


200,000 200,000


200,143 200,143

Working Notes: 1. In year 2007, annual appropriation plus int. on Sinking fund investment received is invested. 2. Profit on sale Sinking fund investment is credited to Sinking fund. 3. On 31.12.08, no Sinking fund investment made as debentures are due for redemption on that date.

158 Illustration No. 3 [Debenture are issued at discount, Sinking fund created] On 01/04/2004 P Ltd. issued 4,000, 12% debentures of Rs.100/- each @ 5% discount. The debentures as redeemable @ 4% premium in lump sum on 31/03/2007. The interest is payable on 30th September, and 31st March. The company closes the accounts on 31st March every year. It has been stipulated to annually appropriate Rs. 124,000 towards debenture redemption fund & invest the same in 10% IDBI bonds together with interest received. Interest is received on 31st March every year & investment is also made on the same day. On 31/03/2007, the investment is sold for Rs.2, 62,000 including bonus & the debenture are redeemed. Show relevant ledger accounts in the books of P Ltd. In the books of P Ltd. 12% Debenture
Date 31/03/05 Particulars To balance c/d Rs. 4,00,000 Date 01/04/04 Particulars By Bank A/c By Disc. on issue of Debenture Rs. 380,000 20,000 4,00,000 01/04/05 By bal b/d 4,00,000 4,00,000 01/04/06 By bal b/d 4,00,000

4,00,000 31/03/06 To bal c/d 4,00,000 4,00,000 31/03/07 To debenture holders A/c 4,00,000



Loss on issue of Debenture

Date 01/04/04 Particulars To discount on issue of debenture To premium on redemption of debenture Rs. Date 31/03/05 Particulars By Profit & Loss A/c [36000 x 1/3] Rs.



16,000 36,000

By Bal. c/d

24,000 36,000


To bal c/d

24,000 24,000

31/03/06 31/03/06

By P & L A/c By bal c/d

12,000 12,000 24,000 12,000 12,000


To bal. c/d

12,000 12,000


By P & L A/c

159 Debenture Interest A/c

Date 30/09/04 31/03/05 Particulars To bank A/c To bank A/c Rs. 24,000 24,000 48,000 24,000 24,000 48,000 24,000 24,000 48,000 Date 31/03/05 Particulars By P & L a/c Rs. 48,000 48,000 31/03/06 By P & L A/c 48,000 48,000 31/03/07 By P & L A/c 48,000 48,000

30/09/05 31/03/06

To Bank A/c To Bank A/c

30/09/06 31/01/07

To Bank To Bank

Premium on redemption of Debenture A/c

Date 31/03/05 Particulars To balance c/d Rs. 16,000 Date 01/04/04 Particulars By loss on issued debenture Rs. 16,000

16,000 31/03/06 To bal c/d 16,000 01/04/05 By bal b/d

16,000 16,000

16,000 31/03/07 To Debenture holders A/c 16,000 01/04/06 By bal b/d

16,000 16,000



Debenture Redemption fund invest A/c Dr.

Date 31/03/05 Particulars To Bank A/c Rs. 1,24,000 Date 31/03/05 Particulars By Bal. c/d Rs. 1,24,000


1,24,000 01/04/05 31/03/06 To bal b/d To Bank A/c 1,24,000 1,36,400 2,60,400 01/04/06 31/03/07 To Bal. b/d To debenture redemption reserve profit 2,60,400 1,600 31/03/07 By A/c Bank 31/03/06 By bal c/d

1,24,000 2,60,400

2,60,400 2,62,000



160 Debenture redemption fund A/c

Date 31/03/05 Particulars To balance c/d Rs. 1,24,000 Date 31/03/05 Particulars By profit & Loss appropriation Rs. 1,24,000

1,24,000 31/03/06 To bal c/d 2,60,400 01/04/05 31/03/06 31/03/06 By bal b/d By Bank A/c (Int.) By Profit & Loss appropriation

1,24,000 1,24,000 12,400 1,24,000

2,60,400 To general reserve A/c (Bal. transferred) 4,12,040 31/03/06 By bal b/d By Bank A/c By profit & Loss appropriation A/c By debenture redemption reserve A/c

2,60,400 2,60,400 26,040


1,600 4,12,040


9% Debenture holder A/c

Date 31/03/07 Particulars To Bank A/c Rs. 4,16,000 Date 31/03/07 Particulars By 9% Debenture A/c By premium on redemption of debenture Rs. 4,00,000







Under this method, profit are set aside and created to debenture redemption fund account in the same manner as it is done in case of Sinking fund method. But instead of investing the amount of profit set aside, it is used to pay insurance premium on endowment policy, taken for redemption of debentures. The amount of policy taken is just equal to amount required for redemption of debentures. This is method differs from the Sinking fund method in respect of interest in investment. Interest will not be received in cash; however interest accrued at fixed rate and added to insurance policy. Amount Sinking fund investment are subject market fluctuation in prices of invest out. However in insurance policy method; at such the exact sum insured will be available at maturity. Note: No practical problems required hence it is not given.


Conversion means an act of changing one thing in another. Conversion of debenture means converting the debenture into equity/preference share or new debentures. According to the term of issue of the debentures, the debenture holders may be given the right to exercise the option to convert their debentures into equity/preference shares at a stipulated rate, within a specified period. Such conversion may be made by issue of share/new debentures, at a discount on at par or at a premium on the face value of shares/ new debentures. If the debenture holders find the offer is beneficial to them, they will exercise their right and option for conversion as per different offers/otherwise they may not exercise their rights and such debentures will be redeemed in cash. In case of partly convertible debentures part of the amount is discharged by issuing shares/new debentures and the balance amount is discharged in cash on redemption. Sometimes debentures are issued at discount, are converted into shares issued at par. In such case provision of sec.79 of companies Act 1956 should not be violated. The issue price of the share must be equal to the amount actually received from debenture holders at the time issue of those debentures instead of the face value of debentures issued, should be considered.
Calculation of no. ofshare to be issued Face value of debenture Discount issue of debenture Face value of one share

= No. of share issued at par Illustration No.4 [Conversion of debentures originally issued at a of new share discount] M Ltd. issued 10,000, 10% debentures of Rs.1000 each at Rs.50 redeemable after seven years. The company gave an option to the debenture holders to get their debentures converted into equity share of Rs.10 each at any time after expiry of two years. A holding 240 debentures, informed the company in 4th year that he wanted to exercise the option of conversion of debentures into equity shares. As certain no. of shares to be issued.

162 Solution:

Calculation of no. of shares=

Face value-Discount on issued F .V ./ issued price of share 240, 000 (240 50 discount ) 10

240, 000 12, 000 228, 000 10 10 = 228,00 equity shares. The accounting entries in such a case will be as follows. No. Particulars L Dr. Cr F Rs. . Rs .
1. On transferring debentures a) At par Debentures A/c Dr. To Debentures holders b) At premium Debentures A/c Dr. Premium on redemption of debenture A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c c) At discount Debentures A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c To Profit on redemption of debentures 2. For converting debentures into equity share issued at premium Debenture holder A/c Dr. To Equity share capital A/c To Securities premium A/c For converting debentures into preference

x x

x x x

x x x

x x x


163 shares issued at par Debentures holder's A/c Dr. To Preference share capital A/c

x x

164 4. For converting debentures into new debentures issued at discount. Debentures holders A/c Dr. Discount on issue of new debentures A/c Dr. To New debentures A/c For redemption in cash Debenture holders A/c Dr. To Cash/Bank A/c

x x x


x x

No. of shares/New debentures issue=

Amount payable to debenture holder Issued price per share / Debenture

Illustration No.5 [Calculation of no. equity shares] 1045, 12% debentures of Rs.100 redeemable @ 10% premium accepted conversion in 11% new debentures of 100 each issued @ 5% discount. Solution: Total amount payable on redemption 1045 x 100 = 104,500 Add; premium payable 10% = 10,450 Total Claim = 1, 14,950 Issued price per debenture = F.V. - Discount = 100 - 5 = Rs. 95 per debenture New 11% debentures issued =

Claim of debenture holders Issuepriceofonedebenture 114950 95 1210

1210, 11% new debentures 100 each issued @ Rs.95 per debenture. Illustration No. 6 [Conversion of debenture into shares, new debentures] A company gave notice of its intension to redeem its outstanding 25,000 9% debentures of Rs.100 each a premium of 5% and offered the debenture holders the following options. A. To accept 10% preference shares of Rs.100 each at par.

165 B. To accept 12% debentures of Rs.100 each at Rs. 95. C. To accept equity shares of Rs.20 @ Rs.40 per shares. D. To have their holdings redeemed for cash, accordingly. I. 4200 debenture holders accepted the proposal (a) II. 9975 debenture holders accepted the proposal (b) III. 8400 debenture holders accepted the proposal (c) IV. Remaining debenture holders accepted the proposal (d) Solution: Journal of A Ltd.
No. 1. Particulars Option A 9% Debentures A/c Dr. Dr. To 9% Debenture holder A/c [Being 4200 debenture of Rs.100 each redeemed @ 5% premium] 2. 9% Debenture holders A/c Dr. 441,000 441,000 441,000 420,000 21,000 Premium on redemption of debentures A/c L Dr. Rs. F Cr. Rs.

To 10% Preference share capital [Being 4410 10% preference share of Rs.100 each allotted to 4200 debenture holders as per option A] 3. Option B 9% Debentures A/c (9975 x 100) Dr. Dr. To 9% Debenture holders A/c [Being 9975 debentures of Rs.100 each redeemed @ 5% premium] 4. 9% Debenture holders A/c 9975 x 10 To 12% New debentures A/c [Being 11025, 12% new debenture of Rs.100 each allotted at 5% discount to 9975, 9% debenture holders as per option A) 5. Option C 9% Debentures A/c (8400 x 100) Dr. Dr. To 9% Debenture holders A/c [Being 8400, 9% debenture of Rs.100 each 8,40,000 42,000 Premium on redemption of debentures A/c Dr. 1047375 55125 997,500 49,875 Premium on redemption of debentures A/c


Discount on issue 12% debentures A/c Dr.



redeemed @ 5% premium)

6. 9% Debenture holders A/c To Equity share capital A/c To Securities premium A/c [Being 22050 equity shares of Rs.20 each allotted to 9% debenture holder @ Rs.40 per share] Dr. 882,000 441,000 441,000


Option D 9% Debentures A/c (2425 x 100) Dr. Dr. To 9% Debenture holders A/c [Being remain 2425, 9% debenture of Rs.100 redeemed @ 5% premium] 254,625 242,500 12,125 Premium on redemption of debentures A/c


9% Debenture holders A/c To Bank A/c


254,625 254,625

[Being remaining debentures redeemed in for cash]

Profit & loss appropriation A/c To General Reserve A/c


242,500 242,500

[Being transfer of an equal amount of nominal value of debentures redeemed in cash]

Working: No.ofshare / Debentureissued Proposal A = par Proposal B = discount.

Claimofdebentureholders Issuepriceperunit

441000 10

4410 10% preference shares of Rs.100 at

1047,375 11025 12% new debentures issued at 5% 95

882000 40 Rs.40 per shares.

Proposal C =

22050 Equity shares of Rs.20 issued @

Proposal D remaining 9% debenture redeemed in cash.

168 Illustration 6: [Preference shares/Debenture conversion into equity share new debentures.] The balance sheet of Jan Tan Ltd. as on 31st March 09 is given below
Liabilities Authorize share capital 25000, 10% redeemable preference shares of Rs.10 each 45000 equity shares of 20 each Issued and paid up capital 20000, 10% preference share of Rs.10 each fully paid 10,000 equity shares of Rs.20 each cully paid up Reserves & Surplus Sacrifices premium Profit & Loss A/c General Reserve Debentures redemption fund Secured Loans 12% debentures [Rs.100 each] Unsecured Loans Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors Bank overdraft Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Investments Debenture redemption Reserve investment Other investments Current Assets Other current Assets Misc. Expenditure [to extend not w/off] Discount on issue of debentures Rs. 6,75,000

2,50,000 9,00,000 11,50,000

1,20,000 20,000 4,50,000

2,00,000 2,00,000 60,000 2,40,000 1,00,000 1,20,000


2,40,000 -60,000 50,000 12,70,000 12,70,000

10% preference shares and 12% debentures are due for redemption, both at 5% premium. Accordingly company offered the holders the following options. A. To Accept equity shares of Rs.20 each @ Rs.50 B. To accept 14% debentures of Rs.100 each @ 96 C. To have their holding redeemed for cash Accordingly I. 2100 preference shares and 200 debenture holders opted for option A II. 4032 preference share holders and 2016 debenture holders opted for option B III. Remaining preference share and debentures redeemed in cash.

169 ii) Debenture redemption investment sold for Rs. 142,000 iii) 1000 equity shares of Rs.20 each issued at Rs.60 for cash You are required to open following ledger A/c I. Equity share capital A/c II. 12% debenture holder A/c III. Securities premium A/c IV. Debenture redemption reserve A/c V. 10% preference share holders A/c VI. Bank A/c AND balance sheet after above transactions Solution: Dr.
To Balance c/fd

I Equity share capital A/c

Rs. 237,220 By Balance b/fd By Bank A/c (1000 x 20) By 12% Debenture holders By 10% preference share holders A/c

Rs. 2,00,000 20,000 8,400 8,820




II 12% Debenture holders A/c

Rs. 8,400 12,600 2,11,680 19,320 2,52,000 By 12% Debentures A/c By premium on redemption of debenture

Rs. 2,40,000 12,000

To Equity share capital A/c To security premium A/c To 14% Debentures A/c To Bank A/c



III Securities premium A/c

Rs. 5,000 10,000 By balance b/fd By Bank A/c By 12% Debenture holders By Preference share holder a/c

Rs. 60,000 40,000 12,600 13,230

To Discount issue of 12% debentures To Premium on redemption of preference share To balance c/fd

1,10,830 1,25,830



IV Debenture redemption A/c

Rs. 12,000 By balance b/fd By Profit on sale of D.R.F. investment A/c

Rs. 1,20,000 22,000

To premium on redemption of 12% debentures To General Reserve A/c

1,30,000 1,42,000


170 Dr. V 10% Preference share holder A/c

Rs. 8,820 13,230 1,45,614 42,336 2,10,000


To Equity share capital To Securities premium A/c To bank A/c To 14% Debentures A/c

By preference share capital A/c By premium on redemption of preference shares A/c

Rs. 2,00,000 10,000



14% Debenture A/c

Rs. 2,64,600

Rs. 2,11,680 8,820 42,336 1,764

To Balance c/fd

By 12% Debenture holders A/c By Discount on issue of 14% debenture A/c By Preference share holder A/c By Discount on issue of Debenture A/c




Discount on issue of 14% debentures

Rs. 8,820 1,764 10,584 Rs. 10,584


To 14% Debentures A/c To 14% Debentures A/c

By balance c/fd



VI Bank A/c
Rs. 1,42,000 20,000 40,000 12,934 2,14,934

Rs. 50,000 19,320 1,45,614

To Debenture redemption fund investment A/c To Equity share capital To securities premium To Balance c/fd

By balance b/fd By 12% Debenture holders A/c By 10% Preference share holder



VI profit & Loss A/c

Rs. 1,62,780 77,220 2,40,000

Rs. 2,40,000

To Capital redemption reserve To balance c/fd

By balance b/fd


171 Dr. VIII General reserve A/c

Rs. 2,30,000

Rs. 1,00,000 1,30,000 2,30,000

To balance c/fd

By balance b/fd By Debentures redemption fund A/c


Jan Tan Ltd. Balance sheet as on (After redemption)

Liabilities I Share Capital Authorized share capital 25,000, 10% Rs.10 Each 45,000 equity shares Rs.20 each Issued and paid up capital 11861 Equity shares of Rs.20 each fully paid up [included 861 equity shares of Rs.20 each issued on conversion of preference shares and 12% Debentures] II Reserve & Surplus Capital redemption Reserve Securities Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss surplus III Secured Loans 14% debentures IV Unsecured Loans V Current liabilities & Provision Sundry creditors Bank Overdraft Total Rs. Rs. Assets I Fixed Assets II Investments Other investments III Current Assets & loans advances Other current Assets I Miscellaneous expenditures [to the extent not w/off] Discount on issue of 14% debenture Rs. 6,75,000 20,000

2,50,000 9,00,000 11,50,000




1,62,780 1,10,830 2,30,000 77,220

2,64,600 NIL

60,000 12,934 11,55,584 11,55,584

172 Working Notes: I. Redemption of preference shares 20,000 x 10.50 (F.V. 10 + premium 5%) = 210000

Option A 2100x10.5 =22050 Equity shares of Rs. 20 @ 50 No. of share issued =145614

Option B 4032x10.50 =42336 14% Debenture issued =

Option C Remaining in cash 13868x10.50

42336 96

Amount payable Issuedprice 22050 = 441 equity 50 shares of Rs.20 each @ Rs.30 Premium

= 441, 14% debenture of 100 each @ 96

II Redemption of 12% Debenture 2400x105 [F.V. 100 + Premium 5] =252000

Option A 200x105 =21000 No. Equity shares 21000 420 50 19320

Option B 2016x105 =211680 No. of Debenture issued 211680 96

Option C Balance in cash 184 x 105 = Rs.

420 equity shares of Rs.20 @ 50 each

= 2205 14% debenture of Rs. 100 each @ 96

III C.R.R. = Nominal value of preference shares redeemed Less Proceeds of fresh issue of shares = 200,000 (8820+8420+20000) = 200000 - 37220 = 162780 [Out profit and loss A/c]


Unit Structure 6.1 6.2 Key Terms Exercise


Redemption of Debentures : Repayment of Debentures. Sinking Fund : It is a fund created out of Profit for the purpose of redemption of Debentures. Sinking Fund Investments : Annual Profit appropriated, along with Interest received, is invested in outside securities. Such investment is known as Sinking Fund Investment. Own Debentures : These are companies own Debenture, purchased in open market, for investment or for immediate cancellation. Premium on Redemption of Debentures : It is additional amount to Debenture holders at time of redemption. It is a Capital Loss to the company. Normally it is provided at the time of Issue of Debentures.

Key Points : Debenture may issued at par, or at discount or at premium. Similarly, Debentures may be redeemed at par, at discount or at a premium. Discount / Loss on issue of Debentures, is Capital Loss can be transferred to Securities Premium A/c or Profit & Loss A/c. Normally it is written off over the period of outstanding Debentures. Till the Loss / Discount not written off, it appears in the Balance sheet of the company on the asset side, under heading Miscellaneous Expenditure (to extent not written off)

174 Any Profit or Loss on sale of Sinking Fund investment should be transfer to Sinking Fund A/c. Redemption of Debentures, balance Sinking Fund A/c should be transferred to General Reserve A/c. Debenture may be redeem by conversion into shares on new Debenture issued.

No. of Shares/Debenture issued =

Amt. payable to debentureholders Issue price of Shares/Debentures



1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: A) After redemption of Debentures for transferring balance in Sinking Fund ___________ A/c is debited. B) Interest accured on Debenture Redemption Fund Investment credited to ___________ A/c. C) When Debentures are due for conversion ___________ A/c is debited. D) New shares on Debenture issued on conversion amount payable to Debenture holders ___________ . E) 40,000 9% Debentures of Rs.100/- are to be redeemed @ 12.50% premium on conversion into Equity Shares of Rs.10/each issued at Rs.20/-. Equity shares issued = ___________ . F) 40,000 9% Debentures of Rs.100/- each redeemable @ 12.50% premium are to be converted at to 96 No. of Debentures issued = ___________ . G) Companies Act allows company to purchase ___________ Debentures from market as S.F. Investment. H) Interest received on Own Debentures purchased as S.F. Investment is transferred to ___________ Account. I) Profit or loss on cancellation of own Debenture held as S.F. Investment is transferred to ___________ Account. J) Interest on Own Debentures can be transferred to ___________ Account.

175 K) Interest accrued on Debentures Redemption Fund Investment ___________ Account. L) X Ltd. issued Rs.5,00,000/- Debentures at 5% Discount redeemable in 5 years equally. Discount on issue of Debentures will be written off in the ratio of _____________ . M) Z Ltd. issued Rs.5,00,000/- Debentures @ 5% Discount redeemable at the end of 5th year Annual Discount to be written off = Rs. _____________ . N) Debentures may _____________ . redeemed at _____________ or at

O) _____________ is a special fund established out of Profit for redemption of Debentures. P) Company may purchased Own Debentures for _____________ or for _____________ . Q) Redemption of Debentures means _____________ . R) Debentures can be redeemed by _____________ then in shares / New Debentures. S) Premium or redemption of Debentures is normally provided at the _____________ . T) Discount on issue of debenture is shown in Balance sheet under heading _____________ . U) Sinking Fund for redemption of Debenture is also known as _____________ . V) Annual Appropriation for Sinking Fund = Amt. payable at the time of Redemption _____________ . W) Amount of S.F. Investment purchased = Annual Appropriation + _____________ . X) Any Profit on Loss on Sale of S.F. Investment is transferred to _____________ account. Y) After redemption of Debentures, balance in Sinking Fund is transferred to _____________ . Z) On partial Redemption Debentures, balance in S.F. Account is transferred to General Reserve to the extent _____________ .
[Answer: A) Sinking Fund, B) Debenture Redemption Fund Account, C) Debenture holders Account, D) Issue price of one share, E) 2,25,000 Equity Shares, F) 46,875 New Debentures, G) Own, H) Sinking Fund, I) Sinking Fund, J) Profit and Loss Account, K) Debenture Redemption Fund, L) 5:4:3:2:1, M) 5,000, N) Par, Premium or Discount, O) Sinking Fund / D.R.F., P) Investment, immediate cancellation, Q) Discharge of Debentures Liability, R) Converting, S) Issue of Debentures, T) Miscellaneous

Expenditure, U) Debenture Redemption Fund, V) Relevant Annuity Table Value, W) Interest received on S.F. Investment, X) Sinking Fund Account, Y) General Reserve Account, Z) Nominal value of Debentures Redeemed.

2. STATE WHETHER TRUE OR FALSE 1) Debentures can be redeem only at par. 2) Annual Appropriation to Sinking is debited to Bank A/c. 3) After redemption of all Debenture, balance in Sinking Fund A/c is transferred to General Reserve. 4) Debentureholders are not entitled to invest if company is making Loss. 5) A company can purchased its own debentures from market. 6) Company may held its own Debentures as investment. 7) Debentures are always secured. 8) Security Premium can be used to write off Discount on issue of Debentures. 9) Capital Reserve can used to pay Debenture interest. 10) Loss on sale of Sinking Fund Investment is debited to Profit & Loss A/c. 11) Interest received on Sinking Fund Investment, is debited to Sinking Fund A/c. 12) Capital Redemption Reserve is created when Debentures are redeemed in cash. 13) A company can not issue unsecured Debentures. 14) Accrued Debenture Interest is added to Debentures. 15) Debentures hold get their money only on liquidation of company.
[Answer: True: 3, 5, 6, 8, False: 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.]

3. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS : 1) The balance of Sinking Fund A/c is transferred _____________ . a) Capital Reserve A/c b) Balance sheet c) General Reserve A/c d) None of the above to

2) Profit on sale of Sinking Fund Investment with be debited to _____________ . a) Profit & Loss A/c b) Sinking Fund Investment A/c c) Sinking Fund A/c d) Revaluation A/c


3) Interest received on debenture redemption fund investment will be _____________ . a) Debited to Bank A/c b) Debited to Sinking Fund A/c c) Profit & Loss A/c d) Sinking Fund A/c 4) On Redemption of Debentures, account paid to Debenture holders A/c credited to _____________ . a) Debenture holders A/c b) Bank A/c c) Debentures A/c d) Sinking Fund A/c 5) On payment of debenture interest amount paid is debited to _____________ . a) Sinking Fund A/c b) Debenture Interest A/c c) Bank A/c d) Investment A/c 6) Balance in Discount on issue of Debentures is shown in Balance sheet. a) On Liabilities side b) Current Assets c) On Assets side d) None of the above 7) Premium on redemption of debenture not provided at the time of issue, transferred to _____________ . a) Profit & Loss A/c b) Trading A/c c) Sinking Fund A/c d) Debenture A/c
[Answer: (1 c), (2 b), (3 a), (4 b), (5 b), (6 c), (7 c)]

4. Match the following Columns. 1) Group A a) Sinking Fund b) Price including interest c) Debentures d) Terms of Redemption i) accrued ii) Group B Carries Fixed Rate Interest Specified at the time of issue

iii) Credited to S.F. A/c iv) Credited to Trading A/c

e) Interest received on S.F. v) P&L Appropriation debit Investment vi) Cum interest price vii) Ex interest price
[Answer: (a v), (b vi), (c i), (d ii), (e iii)]

178 2) Group A a) Sinking Fund b) Sinking Fund Investment c) Amount to be invested d) Redemption of Debentures e) Debenture interest Group B i) Balance Sheet Assets side ii) Annual appropriation Interest received on S.F. Investment iii) Profit & Loss A/c iv) Unsecured Loans v) Optional vi) Reduction in owed fund vii) Own Debenture viii)Reduction is own fund
[Answer: (a v), (b i), (c ii), (d vi), (e iii)]

6.2.2 Theory Questions: 1. What do you mean by Redemption of debentures? 2. Distinguish between redemption of Preference shares and redemption of Debentures. 3. Discuss various methods of redemption of debentures. 4. Distinguish between redemption of Debentures out of Profit & out of capital. 5. Explain Own Debentures. 6.2.3 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS: 1) The following balances appeared in the books of a company as on 31.12.2008. 10% Mortgage Debentures Rs.6,00,000/-; Sinking Fund Rs.5,81,000/-; Sinking Fund Investment, 4% Government Loan purchased at par Rs.2,80,000/- and 5% Government paper purchased for Rs.3,01,000/- - F.V. 3,20,000/-. On 31st March 2009; the Investments were sold at Rs.105/- and Rs.98/- respectively and the Debentures were paid off at Rs.104/- together with accrued interest. The interest on Debentures had been paid up to 31st December, 2008. Write up the ledger accounts concerned.

179 2) On 30th June, 2008 the following balances stood in the books of Kumari Ltd.
Particulars 10% First mortgage Debentures Debenture redemption Reserve Fund The above Fund securities : was invested the following 3,52,000 3,73,000 Rs. 7,50,000 7,25,000

Rs.3,60,000/-, 5% Government Loan Rs.3,80,000/-, 4% Government Loan

To redeem the Debentures on 30th June, 2008 the above investments were sold on the same day under : 5% Government loan, at par, 4% Government Loan, at Rs.98/Draw up the necessary accounts; bring down their balances, if any, after the redemption of Debentures, and state how they will be disclosed in the balance sheet of the company. 3) Ext. Co. Ltd. has 4,000, 6% Debentures of Rs.100/- each outstanding on 1st January, 2009. There was a Sinking Fund amounting to Rs.3,50,000/- represented by 5% Mumbai Municipal Corporation Debentures of face value of Rs.3,60,000/-. Interest on these is payable on 30th June and 31st December every year and these were also the dates for the payment of interest as Debentures of the company. Half yearly interest of Rs.9,000/- was received up to 30th June, 2009. On 31st December, 2009; further Rs.50,000/- was appropriated towards the Sinking Fund and corresponding investment in Mumbai Municipal Corporation Debentures were acquired with this amount and interests received on existing investments which amounted to Rs.9,000/-. The face value of investments made was Rs.60,000/-. Show ledger account in books of Ext. Ltd., relating to following : a) Sinking Fund Account b) Sinking Fund Investment Account; and c) 6% Debenture Account.

180 4) The Balance Sheet of a Company as at 31st March, 2008 as follows :

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.

Equity Share Capital 20,00,000 Sinking Fund Securities Premium 3,00,000 Investment (Face 10,00,000 value Rs.10,00,000/-) Debenture 41,00,000 Redemption Reserve 10,00,000 Other Assets 40,000 Discount on issue of General Reserve 4,00,000 Debentures 10% Debentures 12,00,000 (Rs.100/- each) Premium on Redemption of Debentures Current Liabilities 1,00,000 1,40,000 51,40,000 51,40,000

On 1st April, 2008, the Board of Directors decided to and gave following options to remaining debenture holders : a) to accept cash payment at 10% premium, or b) to accept three shares of Rs.100/- each for four Debentures held in the company. Debenture holders holding Rs.5,00,000/- Debentures opted for cash payment and balance of debenture holders opted for the conversion of their Debentures into shares. Journalise. 5) On 1st April, 2005, Apana Sapan Ltd. issued 1,000 10% Debentures of Rs.500/- each at par, payable @ Rs.525/-. As per terms of issue, the Board of Directors decided to provide Sinking Fund for redemption of Debentures and took an Insurance Policy to provide the necessary cash. The annual premium being Rs.1,65,000/-. On which the return is 3% p.a. compound interest, Insurance Premium paid on 1 st April, 2005, 2006, 2007. On 31st March 2008, Insurance Policy was surrendered and Debentures were redeemed as per terms surrendered and debentures were redeemed as per terms. You are required to prepare necessary ledger accounts for the three year ended on 31st March 2006, 2007 & 2008.

181 6) The following balances appearent in the books on 1st January 2008.
Particulars 12% Debentures A/c Sinking Fund A/c Sinking Fund Investments : 6% Maha. Govt. Loan A/c 4% Sadar Bonds [F.V. Rs.6,50,000/-] Rs. 15,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 6,00,000

Following transaction took place during year. a) Half yearly Debenture Interest paid on 30th June 08 and 31st Dec. 08. b) On 31st December 08, Debentures redeemed @ 5% premium. c) 6% Maha. Govt. Loan realized for Rs.6,20,000/- and 4% Sadar Bonds Rs.5,95,000/-. d) Interest on Sinking Fund Investment received. e) Annual contribution to Sinking Fund transferred Rs.50,000/-. 7) On 1st April, 2008 Z Ltd. issued 1,200 6% Debentures of Rs.500/- each at Rs.525/- each. Debenture holders had an option to convert their holding into 9% Preference shares of Rs.100/- each at a premium of Rs.20/- per share. On 31st March 09, one years interest had accrued on these Debentures which was paid. All the Debenture holders notified intention to convert their holdings into 9% Preference shares. Journalise the above transactions March 09. 8) On January 1, 2008 Tatal Ltd. gave notice of its intention to redeem its Rs.20,00,000/- 10% Debentures on 31st March, 2008 at 110 per cent offered the debentureholders the following options : a) To apply the redemption money in subscribing : i) 11% Cumulative Preference shares of Rs.100/- each at Rs.125/- (opted by the holders of 9,800 Debentures) or ii) 8% Debentures at Rs.98/- per cent (opted by the holders of 8,800 Debentures) b) To get their holding redeemed for cash if neither of the options under (a) was accepted. Show as on 31st March, 2008 the journal entries to record the redemption.

182 9) On 01-04-2003 Z Ltd. issued 5,000 Debentures of Rs.100/each at a discount of 5%. These Debentures were repayable at par on 31-03-2008 and a Sinking Fund was to be created out of profits by setting aside an equal amount of Rs.40,000/- on 31st December every year to be invested in 6% securities. You are requested to show the Sinking Fund Account and the investment Account in the books for four years. 10) The following balances appeared in books of R. Chiski Ltd. as on 01-04-05. Rs. 8% First Mortgage Debentures 18,00,000 Income received on Sinking Fund Investments Discount on issue of Debentures Sinking Fund Account Sinking Fund Investment : a) 7% RBI Bonds b) 9% Central Govt. Securities 9,00,000 6,00,000 1,45,000 45,000 15,00,000

On the same day the investments were sold as follows : a) RBI Bonds at 10% Profit b) 9% Central Govt. Securities at 5% Loss On 1st April 2006 Debentures of Rs.12,00,000/- were redeemed at a premium of 6%. On the same day Gujarat Road Development Corporation Bonds of Rs.2,00,000/- were purchased at 5% premium. Annual contribution for Sinking Fund was Rs.1,50,000/-. You are required to prepare for the year ended 31-03-06. 1) Debentures A/c 2) Sinking Fund A/c 3) Sinking Fund Investment A/c 4) General Reserve A/c


Unit Structure 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 Objectives Introduction Purposes of Buy-Back of own Shares Buy-Back Shares v/s Redemption of Preference Shares Legal provisions for Buy-Back of Equity Shares (Under Companies Act) Source of Buy-Back Modes of Buy-Back Calculation of Maximum possible Buy-Back of Shares / Maximum possible offer price Accounting Procedure Illustrations Key Points / Terms Exercises



After studying this unit the students will be able to Know the Concept of Buy-Back of Shares Understand the Legal provision for Buy-Back of Shares Explain the Limits for Buy-Back of own Shares Elaborate the Methods of Buy-Back Do the Accounting procedure for Buy-Back



The term Buy Back of Shares means buying or purchasing by a company of it own Shares / Securities. U/s 77 of the Companies Act, 1956, a company limited by shares and a company limited guarantee and having a Share Capital cannot buy it own shares unless the consequent reduction

184 of capital is effected and sanctioned in accordance with provisions of the Act. The Companies (Amendment) Act 1999 introduced section 77A, 77AA and 77B, now permits to Buy Back its own Shares subject to fulfillment of certain conditions.



Buying back of Equity Shares may be carried out, with the following purposes: i) Higher Earnings per Shares for the remaining shareholders. ii) Reduction of excess Share Capital iii) Increase in Intrinsic value of Shares iv) Utilization of Surplus idle funds lying in the company v) Increase share holding of promoters. vi) Financial restructuring of the business. vii) Maintaining market value of Shares in the situation of slow down in economy. The Buy-Back of Shares leads to the following benefits to the concerned company : i) Share Capital Structure can be re-organised suitably. ii) It reduces capital base and thus return on Equity Capital and Earning Per Share can be increases. iii) By sub-division of shares and Buy-Back of Shares, company can avoid Corporate Divided Tax as cash resources are used for Buy-Back of Share. iv) Holding of promoters can be increased. v) Promoters can keep their control on the company due to buy back as less shares available for sale in the market. vi) Buy-Back helps family rearrangements, as claims dissatisfied members can be settled.



Buy-Back of Shares

Redemption of Preference Shares a) Any share can be bought a) Only Preference Shares can back. be redeemed. b) The Buy-Back must be b) As per Companies Act all

185 Authorized by its Articles. Preference redeemable. Shares are

c) Buy-back date is not known c) Redemption date is known at on date of issue of shares. the time of issue of Preference Shares. d) Buy-back is governed by d) Redemption of Preference S.77A, 77AA, 77B of the Shares is governed by Companies (Amendment) Sec.80 and 80A of the Act 1999, and subject to Companies Act, 1956. rules by SEBI. e) Buy-back of any kind is not e) Redemption of Preference allowed out of fresh issue of Share is possible by issuing shares of the same kind. new Preference Shares or by converting Preference Shares into Equity / Preference Shares. f) Buy-back of Equity Shares f) Redemption of Preference can be out of Free Reserves, Shares can be only out of Securities Premium and / or Free Reserves / Profit and / out of proceeds of earlier or out of proceeds of fresh issue of Preference Shares / issue of Equity / Preference Debentures / Specified Shares. Securities. g) Premium payable on Buy- g) Premium payable on Back depends upon Market Redemption of Preference price / condition and many Share is fixed and known at other factors. the time of issue of Preference Shares. h) C.R.R. can be created out of h) C.R.R. can be created only Revenue Reserves and / or out of Divisible Profits. Securities Premium Account. i) Sec. 77A lays down the limits i) Question of limits by for Buy-Back of shares. Companies Act does not arise, redemption is as per terms of issue of shares. j) A declarations of solvency of j) No such company required to be file required. with SEBI and ROC. declaration is

k) A defaulting company can k) Preference Shares required not Buy-Back Shares. to be redeem as per terms specified at the time of issue

186 of Preference Shares. l) After Buy-Back, Debt : Equity l) No such condition of Debt : Ratio should not exceeds Equity Ratio. 2:1. m) If Buy-Back is less than 10% m) Only Board Resolution is of total Paid-up Capital then necessary for Redemption of Board Resolution is Preference Share Capital. necessary. However, if it more than 10% special Resolution is mandatory. Maximum buy back permissible in a year is 25% of Paid-up Capital.

7.4.1 CONDITIONS OF BUY-BACK (U/S 77A) Section 77A permits Buy-Back of own Shares only if following conditions are fulfilled. 1) The Buy-Back is authorized by the Articles of Association of the Company. 2) A special resolution has been passed in a General Meeting of the shareholders wherein such Buy-Back is authorized. Companies (Amendment) Act 2001 permits Board of Directors to Buy-Back upto 10% of total Equity Capital & Reserves of the company, without special resolution. 3) Only fully Paid-up Shares can be bought back. 4) If shares are listed on any stock exchange, then the guidelines of SEBI have to be complied with. 5) The Board of Directors must file a declaration of solvency with SEBI of Registrar of Companies in Form 4A. 6) After Buy-Back is completed, the company shall have to within 15 days extinguish & physically destroy the Securities / Shares so bought back. Buyback of shares for the purpose of investment is not allowed.

187 7) A further issue of shares of same kind is not permitted within a period of 6 months. The exception is a) Bonus issue, b) Discharge of obligation such as issue for conversion of securities or warrant, stock option scheme. 8) The company has to maintain Register of securities so bough back mentioning the necessary details in the form 4B. 9) Purchase of its own share, may be in the form of buy-back from existing shareholders on proportionate basis or purchase from open market or purchase of odd lots or acquisition of stock option or Sweat Equity issued to employees. But purchase of its own Shares through as Subsidiary Company or Investment Company is not allowed. 10) Buy-back of shares by a defaulter company is in matter of repayment of Deposit, Term Loans, Debentures or Preference Shares in pending or Interest / Dividend thereon. 11) A company can buyback its shares out of Free Reserves, Securities Premium Account or proceeds of any shares or other specified Security, but of not the same kind of shares. 7.4.2 LIMITS OF BUY-BACK OF OWN SHARES.

As per section 77A Company can buy back its own shares within the following limits. 1) Buy-back should not exceed more than 25% of the Paid-up Equity Capital in any financial year 2) Buy-back should not exceed 25% of the Paid-up Capital, Free Reserves & Securities Premium of the company. This is the upper limit in any financial year for a company to buyback its own shares. 3) Maximum account payable on buyback is 25% of Paid-up Capital & Free Reserves. 4) After buyback is completed, the Debt Equity Ratio should not be more than 2:1. The word debt includes all Secured and Unsecured Loan or Debts except Working Capital Loan (Short Term Loans). 7.4.3 TRANSFER (CRR) [Sec.77AA] TO CAPITAL REDEMPTION RESERVE

Capital Redemption Reserve should be created to the extent of nominal of own shares brought back out of Free Reserves & Securities Premium.



Nominal Value Bought Earlier issue of shares or Back of own shares Other Specified Securities



As per section 77A(1) buyback or purchase of own shares can be done only out of 1) Its Free Reserves 2) Securities Premium Account 3) Proceeds of any shares or specified securities 7.5.1 FREE RESERVES The term Free Reserves are those reserves which as per latest audited Balance Sheet are free for distribution as Dividend & includes balance in Securities Premium Account. Free Reserves should be net amount of Free Reserve after adjusting Fictitious Asset and revaluation was of Long Term Investment and Tangible Assets not provide for. 7.5.2 SECURITIES PREMIUM ACCOUNT The term Security Premium Account represents premium received on account of shares, debenture & other financial instruments. Security Premium Account after making adjusting in respect of Miscellaneous Expenditure (not written off) forms of Free Reserves for the purpose of buyback. 7.5.3 PROCEEDS OF ANY EARLIER ISSUED OF SHARES OR SPECIFIED SECURITIES It is provided that buy back of own shares can be made from out of the proceeds of an earlier issue of shares or any specified securities. Buy back of shares of any kind is not allowed out of the fresh issue of shares of same kind. Thus for buy back of Equity Shares, earlier issue of Preference Shares, Debentures etc. would be possible.



There are three important ways of buy-back. 7.6.1 BUYBACK THROUGH TENDER OFFER

A company can buyback its share from the existing shareholders on proportionate basis. A company has to make a public announcement of buy-back in new papers, or it should

189 contain information as given, it as requires as per SEBI Buy Back Regulations. A company required to complied with SEBI Buy-back Regulations as follows procedure; within time limits. 7.6.2 BUY-BACK THROUGH OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS After passing special resolution for buy-back, Maximum price to be offered should be specified. Companys appoints merchant banker for buy-back of shares through stock exchange operations. 7.6.3 ACQUISITION OF STOCK OPTION / SWEAT EQUITY

The buy back of own Equity Shares can be done by acquisition of odd lots (only for quoted shares and / or by acquisition of stock option / sweat shares from employees.


Limit I 25% of Paid-up Equity Share Capital can be brought back Total Paid Equity Share Capital X 25% = X OR OR If offer price is given then maximum No. of shares available for buy back X offer price = X X Which ever is higher Limit II OR Buy back should not exceeds 25% of paid capital + Free Reserves + Security Premium = X own funds X 25% Limit III OR After buy back Debt: Equity Ratio should not exceeds 2:1 X Own funds before less Buy-Back amount BuyOR Back (Equity shares buy back X offer price) Minimum own funds offer buy back X Debts Secured Loans + Unsecured Loans = X 2 2 Whichever is less Maximum buy back amount available, least XX of I or II or III A. Maximum No. of Equity Shares buy back (When offer price is given) Maximum Buy - back amounts avaialble Offer Price 25% of No. of Equity Shares B. Calculation of Maximum offer price


Maximum Buy -Back amounts avaialble Maximum Buy -Back of shares / Shares to be brought back



The accounting entries for buy back of own shares are similar to the entries for redemption of preference shares. 1) For issue of Debentures Bank Account Dr. To Debentures Account To Securities Premium Account (Being ______Debentures of Rs.______ each issued as per B.O.D. Resolution No.____ dated _______) 2) For decision of buy back of shares a) At Par (Face Value) Equity Share Capital Account (NV) Dr. To Equity Share holders Account (NV)



b) At Premium Equity Share Capital Account (NV) .....Dr. XX X Premium on buy back of share Account (Premium)..Dr. XX To Equity Shareholders Account (Total Amt. Payable) XX c) At Discount Equity Share Capital Account (NV)....Dr. XX To Equity Shareholders Account (Amount Payable) XX To Capital Reserve Account (Discount on buyback) XX (Being entry for buyback of equity shares at par / premium / discount as case may be.) 3) For creating Capital Redemption Reserve Securities Premium Account ...Dr. XX General Reserve / Profit & Loss Account . Dr. XX To Capital Redemption Reserve Account X XX (Being C.R.R. is created to the extent buy-back out of devisable profit / security premium)


Nominal Value of Share Bought Back

The proceeds of fresh issue

4) For Adjusting premium on buyback Security Premium Account (As per Latest Audited B/s)Dr. XX Profit & Loss Account / Revenue Reserves Account (As per Latest Audited B/s) .Dr. XX To Premium on buy back of shares Account X XX

191 (Being premium on buy back adjusted)

192 5) For payment to equity share holders Equity Share holders Account . Dr. XX To Bank Account XX (Being amount due on buy back of share paid) 6) For buy back expenses paid OR payable Expenses for buy back of shares Account Dr. XX To Cash / Bank / Creditors for Expenses Account XX (Being buy back expenses paid / payable.) 7) For writing off buy back expenses Profit & Loss Account Dr. XX To Expense for buy back of shares Account XX (Being buy back expense written off.)

Note : Some companies treat buy back expenses as deferred revenue expenditure and written off over 3 to 5 years. 8) For any other transaction given, in the problem, usual accounting entry should be passed.

Check Your Progress

Explain the benefits of Buy Back of Own Shares Which are the conditions of Buy Back as per sec. 77A? How to calculate the maximum possible Buy Back of Shares?



Illustration 1 : (Various Alternative / option for buy-back) The undernoted balances were extracted from Balance Sheet of Zee Ltd. Particulars 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each Free Reserve Securities Premium Account 10% Debentures Rs. 2,00,000 1,50,000 1,00,000 1,00,000

The directors of Zee Ltd. have decided to buy back Equity Shares. Conditions as per the Companies Act have been complied with. Ascertain the possible buy back of shares of Equity Shares. (a) Buy back maximum Equity Shares at par. (b) Buy back 4000 Equity Shares at best possible price.

193 (c) Buy back maximum Equity Shares at Rs.40/- per share. (d) Buy back maximum Equity Shares @ 10% Discount. (e) Maximum no. of Equity Share at Best possible price. Solution : Section 77A of Companies Act lays down the following limits of Buy-back of shares. I) A buy back of share cannot be more than 25% of the paid up Equity Share Capital. II) The Buy back (Buy-back Amount) does not exceed 25% of the Paid up Capital plus Free Reserves plus Security Premium of the company. III) After Buy back Debt : Equity Ration should not exceed 2:1. The applicabilities of the above limits have to be consider in various alternative in the problem. a) Buy back maximum no. of Equity Share at par. I) 25% of paid up Equity Capital = 20,000 X 25% = 5000 Equity Shares at par II) Buy back cannot exceeds 25% of Paid up Capital + Free Reserves. Paid up Equity Share Capital + Free Reserves + Securities Premium Total 2,00,000 1,50,000 1,00,000 4,50,000

Buy back = 4,50,000 X 25% = 11,250 1,12,500 Maximum no. of Equity Share = = 11,250 10 Therefore 11,250 Equity Share can be brought back. However it is limited to 5,000 shares as per Limit I. III) Debt : Equity ratio after buy back should not exceeds 2:1 Debt = Equity after buy back 1,00,000 (Debentures) = 4,50, 000 - Buy back (as per I above) 1,00,000 1,00,000 = 0.25 4,50,000 - 50,000 4,00,000 Therefore company can buy back maximum 5,000 Equity Shares at par.

194 b) Buy back 4,000 Equity Shares at Best possible price I) Buy back can not exceeds 25% of paid up Equity Share Capital. = 20,000 X 25% = 5,000 Equity Share Buying back 4,000 Equity Shares within limit. II) Buy back Amount = 4,50,000 X 25% = 1,12,500 Amt. available for buy back Buy back price = No.of Equity Shares to be bought back 1,12,500 = Rs.28.12 4,000 4,000 Equity shares can be brought back at Rs.28.12 per share. (at 18.12 premium) III) Debt Equity Ratio after buy back Debt 1,00,000 = = Equity after buy back 4,50,000 - 1,12,500 1,00,000 = 0.30 :1 3,37,500 Therefore company can buy back 4,000 Equity Shares @ Rs.28.12. c) Buy back maximum no. of Equity Share @Rs.40/- per share. I) Maximum no. of share can be brought back Maximum = 20,000 X 25% = 5,000 shares II) Buy back amount = 4,50,000 X 25% = Rs.1,12,500/Maximum no. of Equity Shares @ Rs.40/- per shares 1,12,500 = 2812.50 40 Therefore company can buy back 2,812 Equity Shares. III) Debt : Equity ratio should not exceed 2:1 It not exceeding 2:1 Therefore, company can buy back 2,812 equity shares at Rs.40/- per share. d) Buy back maximum Equity share @ Rs.9/- per share I) As per above I = 5,000 share II) Maximum amount of Buy back = 4,50,000 X 25% = Rs.1,12,500/1,12,500 Buy back of share possible @ Rs.9/- = 12,500 9 However as per I limits it can not exceed 5,000 shares.

195 The company can buy back 5,000 Equity Shares at Rs.9/- per share as per limits. e) Buy back of Maximum no. of Equity Shares at Best possible price I) Maximum No. of share = 20,000 X 25% = 5,000 shares II) Maximum amount available = 4,50,000 X 25% = 1,12,500 1,12,500 Maximum price = Rs.22.50 5,000 III) Debt : Equity Ratio is less than 2:1 (as seen above) Therefore Company can buy back 5,000 Equity Shares at Rs.22.50 per share. Illustration 2 (Various option as per Limit u/s 77A) Balance Sheet of Neena Ltd. as on Liabilities I. Share Capital Authorized Paid up 20,000 10% Pref. shares of Rs.10/each fully paid up. 4,000 Equity shares of Rs.50/- each fully paid up. II. Reserve & Surplus Security Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c III. Secured Loans 12% Debentures IV. Unsecured Loans Bank Loans V. Current Liabilities and Provisions Rs. ? II. Investment III. Current Assets 2,00,000 & Loans and Advances a) Current Assets 2,00,000 Stock S. Debtor Bank Bal 40,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 Assets I. Fixed Assets Rs. 7,55,000

50,000 1,20,000 40,000



75,000 10,65,000 10,65,000

196 Ascertain the number of equity shares that can be bought back if (A) The buy back of maximum no. of shares at par. (B) The buy back of maximum no. of shares at premium of Rs.25/-. (C) The buy back of 800 Equity shares at Best possible price. (D) The buy back of maximum no. of Equity share at Best Possible Price. Consider above option separately individually. Solution : Option A : Buy back of maximum shares at par i) Maximum No. of Equity share = 4,000 X 25% = 1,000 Equity shares at par ii) Total amount of buy back = 1,000 X 50 = Rs.50,000/Buy back amount should not exceed 25% of Paid-up Capital & Free Reserves. Equity Share Capital Preference Share Capital Add : Free Reserves General Reserve Profit & Loss Account Security Premium Total Maximum buy back amount = 7,90,000 X 25% = 1,97,500 Total amount of buy back Rs.50,000/- is less than maximum amount calculated above. iii) Debt : Equity ratio after buy back should not exceed 2:1. Debt = Secured Loans + Unsecured Loans = 1,00,000 + 1,00,000 = 2,00,000 Equity after buy back = 7,90,000 50,000 = 7,40,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 3,50,000 40,000 7,90,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 4,00,000

197 Debt : Equity Ratio = =

Debt Equity after buy back 2,00,000 7,40,000

= 0.27 Which is less than 2:1. Conclusion: As per option A, company can buy back 1,000 Equity Shares at par. Option B: The buy back of maximum shares at premium of Rs.25/(Buy back price = FV + Premium on buy back = 50 + 25 = Rs.75/-) i) Maximum no. of shares = 1,000 shares ii) Total amount of buy back = 1,000 X 75 = Rs.75,000/Buy back amount of Rs.75,000/- does not exceeds 25% of Paid-up Capital plus Free Reserves. (Rs.1,97,500/- as per option A) iii) Debt : Equity Ratio after buy back =

2,00,000 7,90,000 - 75,000 2,00,000 = 7,15,000 = 0.28:1

Conclusion: The company can buy back 1,000 Equity shares at Rs.75/Option C: The buy back of 800 Equity shares at best possible price. i) Maximum no. of share = 1,000 Equity shares Buy back of 800 Equity shares are within limit. ii) Maximum buy back = 7,90,000 X 25% = Rs.1,97,500/-

Best possible buy back price Maximum amount available = No. of Equity shares for buy back 1,97,500 = 800 = Rs.246.87/-

198 iii) Debt : Equity Ratio =

Debt Equity after buy back 2,00,000 = 7,90,000 -1,97,500 2,00,000 = 5,92,500 = 0.34:1

Which is less than 2:1. Conclusion : The company can buy back 800 Equity shares at Rs. 246.87/-. Option D: i) Maximum no. of Equity shares buy back = 1,000 shares ii) Maximum buy back amount = Rs.1,97,500/1,97,500 Best possible buy back price = 1,000 = Rs.197.50/iii) Debt : Equity Ratio = 0.34:1 (As option C) Conclusion: The company can buy back 1,000 Equity Shares @ Rs.197.50/-. Illustration 3: (Buy back at par, out of fresh issue of Preference shares) Bharat Ltd. decides to buy back 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each; for this purpose the company issues 10% Preference Shares of RS.100/- each of the equivalent amount. Assume that the buy back is carried out actually on the legally permissible terms, each Journal entries. Solution : Journal in the books of Bharat Ltd. Debit (Rs.) 5,00,000 5,00,000 Credit (Rs.)

No. 1.

Particulars Bank A/c ... Dr. To 10% Pref. Share Cap. A/c (Being 5,000 Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each issued at par.)


199 2. Equity Share Cap. A/c ... Dr. To Equity Shareholders A/c (Being amount payable on buy back.) 3. Equity Shareholders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being buy back amount paid to Equity shareholders.) Note: CRR is not to be created as buy back is out of proceeds of fresh issue of Preference Shares. 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000

Illustration: 4 (Buy back at premium, out of Divisible profits.) Z Ltd. decided to buy back 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/-each @ Rs.5/- premium per share. Assume that there is sufficient balance in Securities Premium and Profit and Loss account. Pass journal entries. Solution : Journal entries in the books of Z Ltd. No. 1. Particulars Equity Share Capital A/c.....Dr. Premium on buyback of shares A/c .... Dr. To Equity shareholders A/c (Being amount payable on buy back of 20,000 Equity Shares @ Rs.15/- per share) 2. Securities Premium A/c . Dr. To Premium on buy back of shares A/c (Being premium on buy back adjusted.) 1,00,000 1,00,000 L.F. Debit (Rs.) 2,00,000 1,00,000 3,00,000 Credit (Rs.)

200 3. Profit & Loss A/c ..Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c (Being CRR created to the extent buy back out of Profit) 4. Equity share holders A/c ....Dr. To Bank A/c (Being buy back amount paid to Equity shareholders.) Illustration: 5 (Buy back at Discount and Issue of 12% Preference shares) K.T. Ltd. bought back 6,000 Equity shares of Rs.20/- each at Rs.19/- per share. The company had issued 10,000 12% Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each at par, for the purpose of buy back. Pass Journal entries. Journal entries in the books of K.T. Ltd. No. 1. Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To 12% Pref. share Cap. A/c (Being 10,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each issued at par.) 2. Equity Share Capital A/c .... Dr. To Equity shareholders A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Being 6,000 Equity shares of Rs.20/- each brought back @ Rs.19/- per shares.) 3. Profit & Loss A/c .. Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c (Being CRR created to the extent buy back of profit) 20,000 20,000 1,20,000 1,14,000 6,000 L.F. Debit (Rs.) 1,00,000 1,00,000 Credit (Rs.) 3,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000

201 4. Equity Shareholders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being payment on buy back) Illustration: 6 (Buy back of shares out of divisible profits.) A company buy back 25,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each at Rs.40/- per share. The reserves of the company are as follows : The company are as follows : Security Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Rs.20,00,000/Rs.30,00,000/Rs.2,00,000/1,14,000 1,14,000

The company sold investment for Rs.16,50,000/- at 10% profit. Pass the necessary entries in the books of the company for the above. Solution : Journal entries in the books of company No. 1. Particulars Bank A/c Dr. To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c (Being investment sold at 10% 100 profit) Cost = 16,50,000 110 Equity Share Cap. A/c Dr. Premium on buy back of share A/c . Dr. To Equity shareholders A/c (Being buy back of 25,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each at Rs.40/- per shares) General Reserve A/c .. Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c (Being nominal value of shares brought back transfer of CRR) L.F. Debit (Rs.) 16,50,000 15,00,000 1,50,000 Credit (Rs.)


2,50,000 7,50,000 10,00,000


2,50,000 2,50,000

202 4. Securities Premium A/c .. Dr. To premium on buy back of shares A/c (Being premium on buy back adjusted) Equity Shareholders A/c .Dr. To Bank A/c (Being amount paid on buy back of shares) 7,50,000 7,50,000


10,00,000 10,00,000

Illustration: 7 (Maximum buy back of given price) The Balance Sheet of Ketan Ltd. as on 31 st March 2009 is as follows. Liabilities Equity shares of Rs.10/- each 10% Preference Shares of Rs.100/each Securities Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c 10% Debentures Term Loan from Dena Bank Current Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. 20,90,000 6,00,000 8,10,000

Fixed Assets 6,00,000 Investments Current Assets 1,50,000 (including Bank balance 1,20,000 Rs.1,25,000/-) 2,00,000 1,80,000 10,00,000 8,00,000 4,50,000 35,00,000


Keeping in view all the legal requirements, ascertain the maximum no. of Equity shares that Ketan Ltd. can buy back @ Rs.50/- per shares. Assume that the buy back is actually carried out. Investment costing Rs.3,00,000/- sold for Rs.3,20,000/-. Pass Journal entries and prepare Balance sheet after buy back.

Solution :

203 Ascertain maximum no. of shares to be bought Rs. back. A) Maximum 25% of Paid-up Equity Share Capital can be bought back. Rs.6,00,000 X 25% = Rs.1,50,000/= 15,000 Equity Shares 7,50,000 Buy back = 15,000 shares X 50 = 7,50,000 OR B) Buy back amount can not exceeds 25% Paid-up Capital plus Free Reserve Paid-up Capital (Equity + Preference) Free Reserves : General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Securities Premium Total own funds 7,50,000

2,00,000 1,80,000 1,20,000 12,50,000 3,12,500

Maximum amount of buy back = 12,50,000 X 25% = 3,12,500 OR C) After buy back Debt : Equity ratio should not exceed 2:1 Minimum own funds required after buy back = = =

Debt 2 Debentures + Bank Term Loan 2

10,00,000 +8,00,000 2

= 9,00,000 Own funds before buy back Minimum own funds required. = 12,50,000 9,00,000

Buy back amount can not exceed, minimum of 3,12,500 A OR B OR C No. of Equity Shares brought back @ Rs.50/- per share.


312500 50 share.

6250 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.50/- per

Journal entries in the books of Ketan Ltd. Debit (Rs.) 3,20,000 3,00,000 20,000 Credit (Rs.)

No. 1.

Particulars Bank A/c ... Dr. To Investment A/c To Profit and Loss A/c (Being investment sold at profit)



Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on buy back of shares A/c ... Dr. To Equity Shareholders A/c (Being 6,250 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each to be bought back @ Rs.50/- per shares.)

62,500 2,50,000 3,12,500

3. Securities Premium A/c .. Dr. Profit & Loss A/c .. Dr. To Premium on buy back of shares A/c (Being premium payable on buy back adjusted) 4. General Reserve A/c .. Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c (Being CRR created to the extent of N.V. of Equity Shares bought back out of divisible profit.) 5. Equity shareholders A/c ..Dr. To Bank A/c (Being buy back amount paid to Equity Shareholders) Ketan Ltd.

1,20,000 1,30,000 2,50,000

62,500 62,500

3,12,500 3,12,500

205 Balance Sheet (After buy back) as on

Liabilities I. Share Capital Authorized Paid up 1500, 10% Pref. shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid up 53,750 Equity shares of Rs.10/each fully paid (After buy back & 6250 shares) II. Reserves & Surplus Capital Redemption Reserve Securities premium
(1,20,000 1,20,000)



Assets I. Fixed Assets ? II. Investments III. Current Assets Other Current Assets Bank Balance Op. Bal. (+) Sale of Invt. () Paid for buy back


Rs. 20,90,000 3,00,000




1,25,000 3,20,000 (3,12,500) 1,32,500



General Reserve
(2,00,000 62,500)


Profit & loss A/c

(1,80,000 + 20,000 1,30,000)


III. Secured Loan 10% Debentures Term Loan from Dena Bank IV. Unsecured Loans V. Current Liabilities

10,00,000 8,00,000


4,50,000 32,07,500 32,07,500

Illustration : 8 (Maximum buy back at best possible price)

206 Balance sheet of YES Ltd. as on 31st March 09

Liabilities I. Share Capital Authorized Paid up 12% Preference Shares of Rs.5/each Equity shares of Rs.2/- each fully paid II. Reserves and Surplus Securities Premium Capital Reserves General Reserves Profit & Loss A/c III. Secured Loans 9% Debentures IV. Unsecured Loans Fixed Deposits V. Current Liabilities Provision for Taxation Rs. Rs. ? Assets Rs. Rs.

I. Fixed Assets Cost 110,25,000 n Less : Dep prov. 20,50,000 Net Block 89,75,000 II. Investment 15,00,000

10,00,000 III. Current Assets, Loans & Advances a) Current Assets (including Bank bal. Rs.30,000/-) b) Loans & Advances






11,00,000 3,00,000



25,00,000 5,00,000 171,00,000


1) Fixed Asset costing Rs.20,00,000/- W.D.V. Rs.18,20,000/- sold for Rs.19,00,000/2) Investment costing Rs.10,00,000/- sold for Rs.12,50,000/-. 3) 10% Preference shares of Rs.5/- each issued at par, for purposed of buy back of security shares. 4) The company wish to buy back the maximum number of equity shares at maximum price as may be possible. Legal requirements have been complied by the company. You are required to determine the

207 i) Maximum shares can be brought back at best possible price. ii) Pass journal entries for above transaction (Narration not required) iii) Balance sheet after buy back. Solution : I. Limits of buy back u/s 77A, are with reference to latest audited balance sheet. A) Buy back can not exceeds 25% of paid Equity share capital 20,00,000 X 25% = Rs.5,00,000/Equity shares can be brought back 5,00,000 = 2 = 2,50,000 Equity Shares Maximum 2,50,000 Equity shares can be brought back. B) Buy back amount can not exceeds 25% of paid up share capital plus free Reserves. Paid up Equity Share Capital Paid up Preference Share Capital Add : Free Reserves Securities Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss Account Own funds for buy back 20,00,000 10,00,000 30,00,000 6,00,000 11,00,000 3,00,000 20,00,000 50,00,000

Buy back amount = 50,00,000 X 25% = Rs.12,50,000/C) After buy back Debt : Equity ratio should not exceeds 2:1. Debt = Secured Loans + Unsecured Loans = 40,00,000 + 50,00,000 = 90,00,000 Minimum own funds after buy back 9,00,000 = = Rs.45,00,000/2 Paid up share capital Add : Preference share issued Free Reserves Add : Capital Reserve Own funds buy back Post buy back Equity required 30,00,000 2,00,000 20,00,000 1,00,000 53,00,000 45,00,000

208 Hence buy back 8,00,000

Equity after buy back = 53,00,000 8,00,000 = 45,00,000 Therefore, buy back amount cannot exceed. Lowest of B and C = Rs.8,00,000/Best possible price for buy back Amt. available for buy back = Maximum no. of Equity Shares for buy bac k 8,00,000 = 2,50,000 = Rs.3.20 Conclusion : Company can buy back 2,50,000 Equity share for Rs.2/- each. @ Rs. 3.20 per share. Journal entries in the books of YES Ltd. No. 1. Particulars Bank A/c .Dr. Provision for Depreciation A/c..Dr. To Fixed Assets A/c To Profit & Loss A/c Bank A/c Dr. To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c Bank A/c Dr. To 10% Preference Shares Capital A/c Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. Premium on buy back of shares A/c . Dr. To Equity shareholders A/c Security Premium A/c Dr. To Premium on buy back of shares A/c General Reserve A/c . Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Equity shareholders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c L.F. Debit (Rs.) 19,00,000 1,80,000 Credit (Rs.)

20,00,000 80,000 12,50,000 10,00,000 2,50,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 5,00,000 3,00,000 8,00,000 3,00,000 3,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000







Bank A/c





Rs. 8,00,000 25,80,000

To Balance b/d 30,000 By Equity shareholders A/c To Fixed Assets A/c 19,00,000 To Investment A/c 12,50,000 By Balance c/d To 10% Preference Share Capital A/c 2,00,000 33,80,000 YES Ltd. Balance sheet as on (After buy back)
Liabilities I. Share Capital Authorized Issued Paid up 12,00,000, 12% Pref.Shares of Rs.5/- each fully paid 40,000, 10% Preference shares of Rs.5/each fully paid 7,50,000 Equity shares of Rs.2/each fully paid II. Reserves and Surplus Securities Premium () Used for buy back premium Capital Reserves Capital Redemption Reserves General Reserve 11,00,000 () used for CRR 5,00,000 Rs. Rs. ? Assets Rs.



I. Fixed Assets Op.Cost Less : cost of 110,25,000 FA 20,00,000 Less : Dep. 90,25,000 provision 10,00,000 (20,50,000 1,80,000) 18,70,000 71,55,000 II.Investment 5,00,000 III. Current Assets, Loans & Advances a) Current 15,00,000 Assets Other Current Assets Bank bal. 64,70,000 25,80,000 90,50,000 b) Loans & Advances 1,25,000 3,00,000 2,00,000

6,00,000 3,00,000




Profit & Loss A/c


Profit on sale of fixed assets Profit on sale of investment Used for III. Secured Loans 9% Debentures IV. Unsecured Loans Fixed Deposits V. Current Liabilities of provisions Current liabilities Provision for Taxation Total Rs. 80,000 2,50,000 6,30,000



25,00,000 5,00,000 168,30,000


Illustration : 9 (Maximum buy back at offer price) The undernoted balances were extracted from the ledger of Delta Ltd.
1,00,000, 9% Preference shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid 4,00,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each, Rs.8/- paid up Reserves Surplus Security Premium General Reserves Investment Allowance Reserves Secured & Unsecured Loans 8,00,000 12,00,000 4,00,000 NIL 10,00,000 32,00,000

The company make final call on Equity shares amount of final call duly received. The company decided to buy back maximum Equity shares as may be permitted by law at a price of Rs.80/- per share. You are required to find number of Equity shares to be brought back and also pass necessary journal entries. (Narration not required) Solution : Share final should be made on only fully paid equity shares can be brought Back. Limits of buy back as per sec.77A of Companies Act (After final call, assuming amount received) i) Buy back can not exceed 25% of paid up Equity Share Capital.

211 40,00,000 X 25% = Rs.10,00,000 i.e. 1,00,000 shares 1,00,000 Equity shares can be brought back Amount of buy back = 1,00,000 X 80 = 80,00,000 OR ii) Buy back can not exceeds 25% of paid up capital plus fees reserve Paid up capital (Preference + Equity) Add : Reserves General Reserve Security Premium Own funds for buy back 50,00,000 12,00,000 8,00,000 70,00,000

Buy back amount = 70,00,000 X 25% = 17,50,000 Buy back amount least of above i.e. Rs.17,50,000/No. of Equity shares brought back Maximum amount of buy back = offer price 17,50,000 = 80 = 21,875 Equity shares of Rs.10 @ Rs.80/Journal of Delta Ltd. No. 1. 2. Particulars Share Final Call A/c .... Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c Bank A/c Dr. To Share Final Call A/c L.F. Debit (Rs.) 8,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 2,18,750 15,31,250 17,50,000 8,00,000 7,31,250 15,31,250 Credit (Rs.)

3. Equity Share Capital A/c . Dr. Premium on buy back of shares A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c 4. Security Premium A/c .. Dr. General Reserve A/c Dr. To Premium on buy back of shares. A/c

212 5. General Reserve A/c .. Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c Equity Shareholders A/c . Dr. To Bank A/c 2,18,750 2,18,750 17,50,000 17,50,000


Illustration: 10 (Redemption of Pref. shares, buy of equity shares, sale of investments) Balance sheet of C Ltd. as at 31st March 08
Liabilities I. Share Capital Authorized Rs. Rs. ? Assets Rs. Rs.

I. Fixed Assets Gross Block 92,10,000 n Less : Dep (25,65,000) 66,45,000 II. Investment III. Current Assets, Loans & Advances Current Assets (including Bank Balance Rs.45,00,000/-) Loans & Advances 55,00,000

Issued, Paid up 1,00,000, 10% Pref. Shares of Rs.100/- each 100,00,000 Less : Calls in arrears (20,000) 99,80,000 (Rs.20/- per shares) 5,00,000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up II. Reserves & Surplus Capital Reserve Securities Premium General Reserve Dividend Equalisation Reserve Profit & Loss A/c III. Secured Loan Term loan from Bank




2,00,000 10,00,000 50,00,000

25,00,000 120,00,000


IV. Unsecured Loan V.Current Liabilities and Provisions 5,00,000




The transaction during April, May & June 2009 were as follows Date Transactions

01/04/09 A shareholder holding 600 Preference shares paid off his dues and remaining shares forfeited. 01/04/09 Investments sold for Rs.95,00,000/01/04/09 10% Preference shares redeemed @ 5% premium, a shareholder, holding 1,000 Preferences shares were not traceable. 30/04/09 The company brought back 80,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.45/- per shares; buy back expenses paid Rs.20,000/-. 30/06/09 Cash profit earned by the company for three months, amounted Rs.15,20,000/- subject to tax provision @ 30%. 30/06/09 The issued of bonus share to Equity shareholders in the ratio of one share for every two shares held by them. Assume that the buy back is carried out on legally permissible terms. You are required to i) Pass necessary journal entries far above transactions. (Narration not required.) ii) Prepare Balance sheet as on 30th June 2009. Solution : Journal entries in the books of C Ltd. Date Particulars

Debit (Rs.) 12,000

Credit (Rs.) 12,000

April,01 Bank A/c Dr. To Calls in Arrears A/c (600 X 20)

214 April,01 10% Preference Share Capital A/c (400 X 20).. Dr. To Calls in Arrears A/c To Shares Forfeited A/c April,01 Share Forfeited A/c . Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c April,01 Bank A/c ... Dr. To Investment A/c To Profit & Loss A/c April,01 10% Preference Share Capital A/c .. Dr. [1,00,000 400 forfeited shares) X 100] Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c.... Dr. To Pref. Shareholders A/c April,01 Securities Premium A/c....Dr. To Premium on Redemption of Preference shares A/c April,01 Profit & Loss A/c.. Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c April,01 Pref. Shareholders A/c .. Dr. To Bank A/c [1,00,000 400 1000) X 105] April,30 Equity Share Capital A/c..Dr. Premium on buy back shares A/c .. Dr. To Equity Shareholders A/c April,30 Securities Premium A/c ......Dr. Profit & Loss A/c ..Dr. To Premium on buy back of Shares A/c 5,02,000 22,98,000 28,00,000 8,00,000 28,00,000 36,00,000 103,53,000 103,53,000 99,60,000 99,60,000 4,98,000 4,98,000 4,98,000 104,58,000 95,00,000 55,00,000 40,00,000 32,000 32,000 40,000 8,000 32,000


215 April,30 Dividend Equalisation Reserve A/c ..Dr. To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c April,30 Equity Shareholders A/c..Dr. To Bank A/c June,30 Cash/Bank A/c..Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c June,30 Profit & Loss A/c.. Dr. To Provision for Taxation A/c June,30 Capital Redemption Reserve A/c .. Dr. To Bonus to shareholders A/c June,30 Bonus to Shareholders A/c..Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c June,30 Buy back expenses A/c ..Dr. To Bank A/c June,30 Profit & Loss A/c ...Dr. To Buy Back expenses A/c Working Notes : 1) Payments to Pref. shareholders Total amount payable to Redemption Less : Unpaid amount (1,000 X 105) 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 21,00,000 21,00,000 4,56,000 4,56,000 15,20,000 15,20,000 36,00,000 36,00,000

8,00,000 8,00,000

21,00,000 21,00,000

1, 04, 58,000 (1,05,000) 1,03, 53,000

2) Bonus to Equity Share holders Original Equity shares - Bought back Bal. Equity Shares

5, 00,000 (80,000) 4, 20,000

Bonus = 4, 20,000 X = 2,10,000 shares X Rs.10/= 21, 00,000 (out of CRR)

Bank A/c

216 Dr.
Particulars To Bal b/d To Calls in arrears A/c To Investments To Profit & Loss A/c Rs. Particulars Rs.

45,00,000 By Preference 12,000 Shareholders A/c 103,53,000 95,000 By Equity 15,20,000 Shareholders A/c 36,00,000 By Buy-back Expenses A/c 20,000 By Bal c/d 15,59,000 1,55,32,000 1,55,32,000

Balance sheet of C Ltd. as on 30th June 2009

Liabilities I. Share Capital Authorized : Issued, paid up : 6,30,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each fully paid (includes of 2,10,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/each issued as fully paid, by capitalization of CRR) II. Reserves & Surplus Capital Reserve (+) Forfeited Shares transfer CRR (+) on buy-back of Equity shares (-) Used for Bonus Securities Premium (-) Premium paid on Redemption of Pref. shares (-) Premium paid on buy-back of Equity shares Rs. Rs. ? Assets I. Fixed Assets Gross Block (-) Depreciation provision II. Investment 63,00,000 III. Current Assets & Loans and Advances Other Current Assets 2,20,00,000 Bank Balance 15,59,000 2,35,59,000 Loans & Advances 5,00,000 Rs. 92,10,000 (25,65,000) 66,45,000 NIL Rs.

2,00,000 32,000 99,60,000 8,00,000 1,07,60,000 (21,00,000) 10,00,000 2,32,000




NIL 50,00,000

General Reserve Dividend Equalisation Reserve 25,00,000 (-) used for CRR (8,00,000) Profit & Loss A/c 1,20,00,000


(+) Profit on sale of investment (-) CRR (-) Premium on buy-back (+) Net Profit (-) Provision for taxation (-) buy-back expenses III. Secured Loans Term loan from Bank IV. Unsecured Loans V. Current Liabilities & Provisions Amount dues to Pref. Shareholders Provision for Taxation 40,00,000 (99,60,000) (22,98,000) 15,20,000 (4,56,000) (20,000) 47,86,000



4,65,000 1,05,000 4,56,000 3,07,04,000 3,07,04,000


A company can buy-back its own shares out of Free Reserves, Security Premium and proceeds of an earlier issue of shares other than Equity Shares. Free Reserves includes balance in Security Premium. For purpose of buy-back a company can issued Preference Shares, Bonds Secured and Unsecured Loans. Equity Shares can be brought back at par or at premium or at discount. Free Reserve should be Net Reserve after adjusting Miscellaneous Expenses / Loss appearing on Asset side of latest audited Balance Sheet. Only fully paid Equity Shares can be brought back, if it is authorized by Article of Association. Maximum Buy-back amount. a) 25% of fully paid Equity share capital b) Own Fund after Buy-back = Debts X 2 c) 25% of fully paid Equity Shares X offer price Whichever is less.


Offer Price =

Maximum Buy -Back amt. possible Maximum No. of Shares to be brought back

Buy-back expenses can be written off in the same year or over period of 2 to 5 years.

7.11.1 OBJECTIVES A) Multiple Choice Questions : 1) A company can buy back a) Partly paid share c) Partly called up

b) Fully paid share d) None of the above

2) A company can buy back a) Preference Shares b) Equity Share c) Irredeemable Preference Shares d) Preference shares and Equity Shares 3) A company can buy-back Equity Shares out of a) Its Free Reserves b) The Proceeds of Preference Shares c) Its Securities Premium A/c d) Any or all of the above 4) No company can buy-back its Equity Shares if a) Partly paid shares b) Partly called shares c) Defluating company d) All of the above 5) Buy-back of Equity Shares in any financial shares shall not exceeds. a) 5% of its total capital b) 25% of Nominal Share Capital c) 25% of fully paid Equity Shares d) None of above 6) For buy-back amount payable by a company can not exceed. a) 25% of own funds b) 25% of owed funds c) 25% of paid capital plus free reserves d) 25% of total liabilities 7) Authorised capital of Z Ltd. 50,000 Equity Shares, issued 40,000 shares subscribed 30,000 shares fully paid up. Company can buy-back a) 7,500 shares b) 25% of 40,000 shares c) 12,500 shares d) 15,000 shares
[Answers: 1 b, 2 d, 3 d, 4 d, 5 c, 6 c, 7 a]

219 B) Fill in Blanks : 1) ___________ company can not buy-back its Equity Shares. 2) On buy-back of shares, there is a reduction in the Share Capital to the entire of the ___________ value of the shares bought back. 3) Company can not buy-back if Own Equity Shares, out of the proceeds of ___________ issue of same kind of shares. 4) Buy-back of Equity Shares shall not exceed ___________ % of Paid-up Equity share capital in any Financial Year. 5) Amount payable on Buy-back of Equity shares can not exceed ___________ Paid-up Capital plus Free Reserve. 6) For Buy-back of 25% of paid Equity Capital ___________ resolution required. 7) If buy-back is at discount, amount of discount should be credited to ___________ A/c. 8) Buy-back premium can be provided out of ___________ and / or ___________ A/c. 9) Buy-back of Equity Shares shall be compled with in ___________ months from date of Special Resolution. 10) If a company buy-back 1,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.60/-, out of Free Reserve, amount transferred to C.R.R. is Rs. ___________ . 11) The buy-back of shares may be from ___________ lots. 12) Capital Redemption Reserve can be used only for ___________ . [ Answer : 1) Defaulting, 2) Face Value, 3) An earlier, 4) 25%,
5) 25%, 6) Special, 7) Capital Reserve, 8) Security Premium, Divisiable Profit, 9) 12 months, 10) Rs.10,000/-, 11) Odd Lots, 12) Issue of fully paid up Bonus Shares ]

C) State whether True or False. 1) Board of Directors can buy-back any member of shares. 2) Premium on buy-back can be provided out of Preference share capital. 3) Before buy-back, debts : Equity ratio should exceeds 2:1. 4) For buy-back of Equity shares, Free Reserves should be only as per latest audited Balance sheet. 5) On buy-back of shares by the company there is reduction in the share capital. 6) Buy-back of shares should be authorized by Articles of Association of the company.

220 7) After buyback of Equity shares, EPS of the company increases. 8) A defaulting company can buy-back its shares. 9) Only fully called shares can be brought. 10) Premium on buy-back can be provided only from Securities Premium. 11) Profit earned after audited Balance sheet can be used for buy-back. 12) Revalation Profit can not be used from providing premium on buy-back. [Answer: True: iv, v, vi, vii, ix, xii, False : i, ii, iii, viii, x, xi] D) Match the columns. Group B i) Exceeds 2:1 ii) Exceeds 1:2 iii) Security Premium / Free Reserve iv) Net know at time of issue v) Can not buy-back vi) With Bank vii) With Co-op. credit society

Group A a) Date of buy-back of Equity Shares b) Buy-back Premium paid c) After buy-back Debt Equity Should not d) Escrow Account

[Answer : (a v), (b iv), (c iii), (d i), (e iv)]

Group A a) Buy-back of Equity Shares b) Sec.77A, 77B of the Companies Act c) Redemption of Preference share d) Buy-back of party paid Equity Shares e) Buy-back of Equity Shares must be authorized by f) After buy-back of Equity Shares

Group B i) Governs buy-back shares ii) Only fully paid iii) Not allowed iv) Articles of Association v) Out of Free Reserve & Security premium vi) Issue fully paid Bonus Shares vii) Share forfeited shares viii)Profit prior to incorporation

[Answer : (a v), (b i), (c ii), (d iii), (e iv), (f vii)]

221 7.11.2 THEORY QUESTIONS: 1) What is boy-back of shares? 2) How buy-back of Equity shares differs from Redemption of Preference shares? 3) What are the conditions of bay-back? 4) What are the limits of buy-back of Equity Shares? 5) Explain various sources of buy-back. 6) To the what extent CRR should be created buy-back of Equity Shares. 7) When buy-back of Equity Shares not possible? 8) What are advantages of buy-back of Equity Shares? 7.11.3 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS: 1) From the following find out maximum numbers of shares that can be brought back particulars.
Particulars a) Equity share Capital (Rs.10/- each) b) Reserves and Surplus Capital Redemption Reserve Security Premium General Reserve c) Profit & Loss A/c Rs. 10,00,000 2,00,000 4,00,000 6,00,000 5,00,000 60,00,000

2) The following is the Balance sheet of O.R.K. Ltd. as on 30/09/2009.

Particulars SOURCES OF FUNDS : Share Capital Authorized : Equity shares of Rs.10/- each Issued : 96,000 shares of Rs.10/- each (Rs.8/paid up) Reserves : Securities Premium Reserve Fund Investment Fluctuation Reserve Balance in Profit & Loss A/c Loans : Loan from IDBI Unsecured loan from directors Total Rs. Rs. Rs.



3,60,000 1,20,000 60,000 96,000 4,40,000 1,60,000


6,00,000 20,04,000

APPLICATIONS OF FUNDS : Fixed Assets (at WDV) Investments Current Assets Less : Current Assets Net Current Assets Total Rs.

12,84,000 4,80,000 9,00,000 6,60,000

2,40,000 20,04,000

The company brought back 18,000 Equity shares at a price of Rs.20/- per share after completing the necessary legal provisions. Pass the necessary journal entries for the same. Assume adequate bank balance. Also prepare the Balance Sheet after buy-back. 3) From the following find out the maximum no. of shares that are eligible for buy-back : a) at a par b) at Rs.50/- per share
Particulars a) Share capital 4,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid 10,000, 10% Preference shares of Rs.100/- each b) Reserve & Surplus : Securities Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c c) Borrowings : 10% Debentures Unsecured Loans Rs. Rs. 40,00,000 10,00,000 25,00,000 10,00,000 5,00,000 15,00,000 35,00,000


50,00,000 140,00,000

The following information is available from the books of Raju Ltd.

Particulars Equity Shares Capital (Rs.10/- each) Securities Premium P&L A/c Investments Rs. 15,00,000 5,00,000 11,00,000 8,00,000

The company decided to buy back 20% of its shares at Rs.12.50/- per share. For the same, the investment sold at a Profit of 60% of cost. Pass journal entries in the books of Raju Ltd.

223 4) The Balance Sheet of Eros Ltd. as an 31st March, 2010

Liabilities Share capital : Issued & Paid up 10,000 8% Redeemable Pref. Shares of Rs.50/each 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each Capital Reserve General Reserve P&L A/c 9% Debentures Rs. Assets Sundry Assets Bank Rs. 14,00,000 6,50,000

5,00,000 5,00,000 2,50,000 1,00,000 4,00,000 3,00,000 20,50,000 20,50,000

It was deckled that 5,000 Equity shares to be bought back on 31st March, 2010 at a premium of 30% for this purpose the company decided to issue 800 Preference shares of Rs.50/each at par, payable in full on application. Pass necessary journal entries to record the transactions & prepare Balance Sheet after buy back. 5) The Balance Sheet of S.Y. Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010
Liabilities Share Capital : Issued & Paid up 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid 500 Preference Shares of Rs.100/each fully paid Sinking Fund Securities Premium P&L A/c General Reserve 10% Debentures Current Liabilities Rs. Assets Sundry Assets Investments (market value Rs.1,20,000/-) Current Assets : Stock Debtors Bank Balance Rs. 2,40,000 60,000


50,000 50,000 1,00,000 80,000 1,00,000 50,000 70,000 6,00,000

75,000 60,000 1,65,000


It was decided : a) to redeem Preference shares at 5% premium. b) to sale the investment at market price.

224 c) to buy back maximum No. of Equity shares possible at the maximum price possible under the law. d) temporary Bank overdraft was arranged if required. 6) Balance sheet M.D.C. Ltd. as on 31.03.10.
Liabilities Share Capital : 40,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each 6,000 6% Redeemable Pref. Shares of Rs.50/each Rs.25/- per share paid 4,000 8% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid Reserves & Surplus : Security Premium A/c Dividend Equilisation Reserve Current Liabilities 1,20,000 2,10,000 1,00,000 13,80,000 13,80,000 4,00,000 Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets Bank Balance Rs. 6,50,000 2,90,000 4,40,000



M.D.C. Ltd. decided to buy-back the maximum number of Equity Shares at best possible price. To enable the buy-back to be carried out the company decides to issue, after carrying out the necessary formalities required under law, minimum number of new Preference shares of Rs.100/- each at par. The buy-back is duly carried out. Show Journal entries relating to the buyback and new issue and also the balance sheet after redemption.

225 7) The summarized Balance Sheet of Tata Ltd. as on 31-12-2010 was as follows:
Liabilities Share Capital : Issued and paid up 20,000 8% Redeemable Pref. Shares of Rs.100/each 4,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each Capital Reserve General Reserve P&L A/c Creditors Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Investments Current Assets Bank Balance 20,00,000 40,00,000 5,00,000 12,00,000 19,50,000 3,00,000 Rs. 21,20,000 14,00,000 51,00,000 13,30,000



It was decided that 10,000 Equity shares will be bought back on 31.12.10 at a premium of 20%; for the purpose, the company decided to issue the requisite number of Preference shares of Rs.100/- each at par payable in full on 15 Dec. 2010. Examine whether the company can do so. If so, record the entries, prepare the post-buy back balance sheet. 8) M. Ltd. had 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid. The company decided to buy-back 5,000 shares of Rs.10/- each at 10% premium. For this purpose company issued 3,000 Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each at 20% premium and received the issue amount in full. The remaining amount of buyback is taken from Profit & Loss A/c. After the buy-back of shares, company issued bonus shares from the capital redemption Reserve A/c. Pass journal entries.

226 9) Following is the Balance Sheet of Ketan Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31-03-2010
Liabilities Equity Share Capital : 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each Rs.8/- paid up Preference Share Capital 4,000 shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid up Security Premium A/c Capital Reserve A/c Profit & Loss A/c 10% Debentures Creditors Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets 1,60,000 Bank Balance Rs. 10,00,000 8,00,000 2,50,000

4,00,000 30,000 2,00,000 4,80,000 3,00,000 4,80,000 20,50,000 20,50,000

Company made a final call on Equity Shares and it was received fully. The company decided to buy-back 20% of its Equity capital at 20% premium. The company is using its profits for the buy-back. Pass journal entries and prepare the Balance sheet of the company. 10) Following is the Balance Sheet of T.K. Ltd. as on 31-03-2010. Balance Sheet
Liabilities Share capital 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each 5,000 Preference Shares of Rs.100/each Security Premium A/c Profit & Loss A/c Creditors Bills Payable Outstanding Expenses Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets Bank Balance Rs. 10,00,000 6,00,000 2,90,000



1,10,000 2,60,000 3,00,000 2,00,000 20,000 18,90,000 18,90,000

227 Company decided to buy-back 20% of its Equity capital at 20% premium. Not having sufficient profits for buy-back, the company issued as many Equity shares as were necessary for buyback. The amount is fully received and then the company purchased the shares. Company also issued 1,000 10% Debentures of Rs.100/- each. Pass journal entries and prepare the Balance Sheet of the company. 11) Inter-City Ltd. furnishes you with the following Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2010.
Particulars SOURCES OF FUNDS : Share Capital Authorized, Issued, Subscribed & Called up : 10% Preference shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid Equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid Reserves & Surplus : Capital Reserves Securities Premium General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Total Rs. APPLICATIONS OF FUNDS : Fixed Assets (at cost) Less : Depreciation Provision Investments (at cost, market Rs.750 lakhs) Net Current Assets Total Rs. Rs. (in lakhs)

200 100 50 100 900 150

1,200 1,500

450 150 value

300 450 750 1,500

The company redeemed Pref. Shares on 1st April, 2010. It also bought back 1,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at Rs.30/per share. Investment realized at market price. Pass journal entries & prepare Balance Sheet after redemption of Preference share & buy-back of Equity shares.


Unit Structure 8.0 Objectives 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Accounting Standard 14 issued by Institute of Chartered Accounts of India 8.3 Types of Amalgamation 8.4 Distinction between Merger and Purchase 8.5 Purchase Consideration 8.6 Accounting Procedure in the books of transferor company 8.7 Accounting Procedure in the books of transferee Company 8.8 Illustrations

After studying this unit the students will be able to: Understand the Concept of Amalgamation Calculate the amount of Purchase Consideration Know the Various methods of ascertaining Purchase Consideration. Make the Accounting Procedure for Amalgamation.

Amalgamation means coming together of two or more limited companies for betterment of the business. It includes dissolution of one or more limited companies and formation of one new company. There can be three situations as below : a) Amalgamation- Here one or more than one existing limited companies come together and form a new limited company to take over their business.


b) Absorption- Here one existing limited company takes over the business of another existing limited company c) External reconstruction - Here one limited company is newly formed to take over the business of another existing limited company which is a loss making company. The I.C.A.I has issued Accounting Standard 14 governing the procedure and accounting of Amalgamation of companies.



Scope: Accounting Standard 14 [ Accounting for Amalgamation], prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accounts of India, deals with accounting for amalgamations. The meaning and types of amalgamation, according to AS 14 are explained below. Amalgamation: Amalgamation means an amalgamation pursuant to the provision of the Companies Act, 1956 or any other statute which may be applicable to the Companies, Amalgamation involves acquisition of one company by another. After Amalgamation, the acquired company is dissolved and ceases to exist. Transferor Company: Transferor Company means the Company which a transferor another Company ( vendor company). Transferee Company: Transferee Company means the Company into whicha transferor Company is amalgamated (purchasing company). Types of Amalgamations : ( discussed in detail below)








The Companies Act 1956 has not specifically defined the term Amalgamation. However from several legal decisions, the definition of Amalgamation may be inferred. The Institute of Chartered Accountants has introduced Accounting Standard no.14 (AS-14) on Accounting for Amalgamations. The standard recognizes two types of Amalgamations. (a) Amalgamation in the nature of merger. (b) Amalgamation in the nature of purchase.

230 (a) Amalgamation in the nature of merger means which satisfies all the following conditions: i. All the assets and liabilities of the transferor company are taken over by the transferee company.

ii. Shareholders holding not less than 90% of the face value of equity shares of the transferor company ( other than the equity shares already held therein, immediately before the amalgamation, by the transferee company or its subsidiaries of their nominees) become equity shareholders of the transferee company by virtue of the amalgamation. iii. The consideration for the amalgamation receivable by those equity shareholders of the transferor company who agree to become equity shareholders of the transferee company is discharged by the transferee company wholly by the issue of equity shares in the transferee company, except that cash may be paid in respect of any fractional shares. iv. The business of the transferor company is intended to be carried on after the amalgamation, by the transferee company. v. No adjustment is intended to be made to the book values of the assets and liabilities of the transferor company when they are incorporated in the financial statements of the transferee company except to ensure uniformity of accounting policies. (b) Amalgamation in the nature of purchase If Amalgamation does not satisfy any one of the above five conditions then it will be regarded as Amalgamation in the nature of purchase






Merger 1. Shareholders of the transferor company holding 90% of the face value of equity shares become shareholders of transferee company. 2. There is a genuine polling of assets and liabilities of the amalgamating companies. 3. There is poling of interest of shareholders also. 4. Values of assets and liabilities, reserves represent the same values of amalgamating

Purchase 1. Shareholders of the transferor company may not become shareholders of transferee company. 2. There is no genuine polling of assets and liabilities of the amalgamation companies. 3. There may not be pooling of interest of shareholders 4. The values of assets and liabilities may be different than the amalgamating companies.

231 companies. In the syllabus of T.Y.B.Com of Mumbai University Amalgamation in the nature of merger is excluded, it is not discussed henceforth in this book.



8.5.1 MEANING Purchase Consideration is the sale price of the business agreed mutually between the two parties, the transferor company (selling company) and the transferee company (purchasing company). The AS 14 defines the Purchase Consideration as the aggregate of the shares and other securities issue and payment made in the form of cash or otherwise by the transferee company to the SHAREHOLDERS OF THE TRANSFEROR COMPANY. In other words any payment made to or in satisfaction of other liabilities should not be included in the amount of purchase consideration. If any payment is made to the creditors, debenture holders or any other liabilities, then it should be assumed that such liability is taken over by the transferee company and then it is settled by the transferee company. It should also be noted that liquidation expenses of the transferor company should not be included in the purchase consideration. 8.5.2 METHODS OF PURCHASE CONSIDERATION: a. Lump-sum method: The problem may give the amount of purchase consideration directly and hence there will not be any need to calculate the purchase consideration. e.g. Alka techno Ltd. agrees to take over business of WLC Ltd for a sum of Rs.10 lakhs. Net Payment Method: If the purchase consideration is not given Lum-sum then this method should be adopted. Here the purchase consideration is arrived at by adding up cash paid and the agreed values of shares, securities issued by the transferee company to share holders of transferor company in discharge of the purchase consideration. e.g. Reena Engineers Ltd. takes over business of Ramesh Kashyap Ltd. and agrees to pay the purchase consideration as follows: issue of 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at Rs. 12 each and cash Rs. 50,000. Hence the purchase consideration would be 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at Rs. 12 each Cash Purchase consideration Rs 1,20,000 50,000 1,70,000




Net Assets Method : If the purchase consideration can not be calculated by above two methods then this methods should be adopted. It is the aggregate of the assets taken over at agreed values less liabilities taken over at agreed values.
Rs. xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Rs.

Assets taken over at agreed values,( excluding ficitious assets) Goodwill Land & Buildings Plant & Machinery Furniture & Fittings Motor vehicles Investments Stock Debtors Cash & bank balances Less : Liabilities taken over at agreed value Creditors Bills payables Bank over draft Debentures Purchase consideration


(xxx) xxx


Exchange of shares Method / Intrinsic value Method : Under this method the intrinsic value of the shares of both the companies is calculated and then the transferor company issue the shares to the transferee company on the basis of these values.



Step 1. Open following Ledger Accounts 1. Realisation A/c 2. Equity Shareholders A/c 3. Preference Shareholders A/c 4. Cash/ Bank A/c 5. Liabilities not taken over A/c 6. Transferee companys A/c 7. Equity Shares in transferee company A/c 8. Preference Shares in transferee company A/c Step2. Pass following journal entries
Sr. no 1. Particulars Transfer all assets to realization A/c Whether taken over or not , at their book values. Dr. Rs Cr. Rs

Realisation A/c To Sundry assets A/c Note: 1.Fictitious assets should not be transferred to realization A/c 2. Cash & bank balance should be transferred to realization A/c only if it taken over by the transferee company 3. Debtors and R.D.D should be treated as separate A/c. Debtors should be transferred at their gross value on debit side and R.D.D should be transferred on the credit side of realisation A/c 4. This entry closes all Assets A/c 2. Transfer all liabilities which are taken over by the transferee company to realization A/c, credit side Sundry liabilities A/c To Realisation A/c 3. 4. Open separate A/c for Each liability not taken over and bring down the balance on the credit side. Transfer Equity Share Capital and Reserves to Equity share holders A/c Equity share Capital A/c Securities Premium A/c Capital Reserve A/c Capital Redemption Reserve A/c General Reserve A/c Profit & Loss A/c To Equity Shareholders A/c 5. Transfer Preference Share Capital to Preference Shareholders A/c Preference Share Capital A/c To Preference Shareholders A/c 6. Record the sale of business Transferee Company A/c To Realisation A/c ( with the amount of purchase Consideration) 7. Receive the amount of purchase consideration Equity shares in transferee company A/c Dr x Dr. x x Dr. x x Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. x x x x x x x Dr. xx xx Dr. xx Xx

Preference shares in transferee company A/c Dr. Cash/ Bank A/c To Transferee Company A/c Dr. x x x

8. Dispose off assets not taken over by the transferee company Cash / Bank A/c To Realisation A/c (No separate entry is required for profit/ loss on this transaction it is automatically adjusted in realization A/c) 9. Discharge the liabilities not taken over by the Transferee company. Liability A/c Realisation A/c ( if loss) To Cash / Bank A/c To Realisation A/c ( if Profit) 10. Payment of realization Expenses Realisation A/c To Cash/ Bank A/c. 11. Settle the claim of preference shareholders Preference shareholders A/c. Realisation A/c. (if paid at premium) Dr. Dr. Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Dr. Xx Xx Dr. Dr. Xx Xx xx xx Dr. Xx Xx

To preference Shares in transferee Co. A/c To Cash/ Bank A/c. To Realisation A/c. ( if paid at discount) 12. Balance the Realisation A/c. and transfer the profit / loss on Realisation to Equity Shareholders A/c. a. If Profit Realisation A/c To Equity shareholders A/c. OR b. If loss Equity shareholders A/c. To Realisation A/c. 13. Close the Equity shareholders A/c. Equity shareholders A/c. To Equity shares in transferee Co. A/c To Cash/ bank A/c Dr. Xx Dr. Xx Dr. Xx



Xx Xx




Following Journal Entries are passed in the books of transferee company. 8.7.1 1.

Particulars Recording Purchase of Business Business Purchase A/c Dr. To Liquidator of transferor company (The entry should be passed at purchase consideration amount.) Recording of assets and liabilities taken over Sundry assets A/c Dr. ( With Agreed values) Goodwill A/c (if any) Dr. To Sundry Liabilities A/c To Business Purchase A/c To Capital Reserve A/c Recording Discharge of purchase consideration Liquidator of transferor company A/c Dr. Discount on issue of shares A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c. To Preference Share Capital A/c. To Securities Premium A/c. Discharge of Liabilities of Transferor Company Debentures of Transferor Company A/c Dr. Discount on issue of Debentures A/c Dr. To new Debentures A/c. To Securities Premium A/c. Recording of payment of liquidation expenses Capital Reserve/ Goodwill A/c. Dr. To Cash/Bank A/c. Recording of Expenses incurred by the transferee company for its own formation. Preliminary Expenses A/c. Dr. To Cash / Bank A/c Recoding of Statutory Reserve of transferor company Amalgamation adjustment A/c Dr. To Statutory Reserve A/c. Adjusting of mutual indebtedness of transferor & transferee company Sundry Creditors A/c. Dr. To Sundry Debtors A/c. Dr. Rs xx X Cr.Rs.


xx xx X Xx Xx Xx Xx XX XX Xx Xx Xx XX Xx Xx Xx





Xx Xx




Xx Xx

237 8.7.2
Sr. no 1.

Particulars Recording Purchase of Business Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of transferor company (The entry should be passed at purchase consideration amount.) Dr. xx X Dr. Rs Cr.Rs.


Recording of assets and liabilities taken over Sundry assets A/c General Reserve A/c (if any) Dr. Dr. xx xx

To All Reserves of transferor co.(except General reserve) To Sundry Liabilities A/c To Business Purchase A/c To General Reserve A/c (Balancing figure) 3. Recording Discharge of purchase consideration Liquidator of transferor company A/c Discount on issue of shares A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c. To Preference Share Capital A/c. To Securities Premium A/c. 4. Discharge of Liabilities of Transferor Company Debentures of Transferor Company A/c Discount on issue of Debentures A/c To new Debentures A/c. To Securities Premium A/c. 5. Recording of payment of liquidation expenses General Reserve/ A/c. To Cash/Bank A/c. 6. Recording of Expenses incurred by the transferee company for its own formation. Preliminary Expenses A/c. To Cash / Bank A/c 7. Adjusting of mutual indebtedness of transferor & transferee company Sundry Creditors A/c. To Sundry Debtors A/c. Dr. Xx Xx Dr. Xx Xx Dr. Xx Xx Dr. Dr. Xx Xx XX Xx Dr. Dr. Xx Xx XX XX Xx X Xx xx




Illustration: 1 Balance Sheet of Mihir Ltd as on 31st March 2009 is as follows: Liabilities Share Capital 10,000 Equity share of Rs 100 2,000 7% Preference Shares of Rs.100 each fully paid Securities Premium Revenue Reserves Sundry Creditors Rs Assets 10,00,000 Goodwill Rs 1,00,000

2,00,000 Land & Building


1,00,000 Furniture 1,25,000 Sundry Debtors 1,75,000 Stock Bank 16,00,000

80,000 4,50,000 3,80,000 90,000 16,00,000

Mihir Ltd received the following offers: 1. Nishith Ltd. agrees to pay Rs.18,00,000 cash. 2. Waridhi Ltd agrees to take over on the following terms: a) Equity shareholders to given 25 Equity shares fully paid of Rs.10 each in Waridhi Ltd for every 2 Equity shares of Mihir Ltd. b) 7% Preference shareholders of Mihir Ltd to be issued 9% Preferance shares of Rs.100 each fully paid on 1:1 basis. c) Sundry Creditors to be paid in cash. 3. Roohi Ltd. Offers to take over business of Mihir follows: a) Assets to be revalued as follows: Goodwill Land & Building Furniture Sundry Debtors Stock Bank 2,00,000 7,00,000 50,000 4,00,000 3,40,000 90,000

239 b) Sundry creditors to be taken over subject to 5% discount. c) 7% Preferance shareholders to be issued 10% Preferance shares of Rs. 100 each of same amount. Balance of purchase consideration to be discharged by issue of Equity shares of Rs.10 each at par. 4 Aashna Ltd. Agreed to take over Mihir Ltd. on the basis of intrinsic value of Equity share of Mihir Ltd., revaluing Goodwill at Rs.2,00,000.the entire purchase price to be paid by issue of 2,000 9% Preferance shares of Rs. 100 each at par and balance in Equity shares of Rs.10 each to be considered worth Rs. 12.50.each.

Calculate: a) Purchase consideration b) Statement of net assets taken over. in each of the above cases Solution: 1. Offer of Nishith Ltd. a) Purchase consideration: Rs.18,00,000 b) Statement of net assets taken over All assets taken over at agreed values: Goodwill Land&Building Furniture SundryDebtors Stock Bank 1,00,000 5,00,000 80,000 4,50,000 3,80,000 90,000


Less : Liabilities taken over Sundry Creditors Net assets taken over Purchase consideration Capital Reserve (1,75,000) 14,25,000 18,00,000 3,75,000

2. Offer of Waridhi Ltd. a) Purchase consideration (10,000/2 x25) equity shares of Rs.10 9% Preference shares of Rs. 100 each

12,50,000 2,00,000 14,50,000


b) Statement of net assets taken over All assets taken over at agreed values: Goodwill Land&Building Furniture SundryDebtors Stock Bank 1,00,000 5,00,000 80,000 4,50,000 3,80,000 90,000


Less : Liabilities taken over Sundry Creditors Net assets taken over Purchase consideration Capital Reserve

(1,75,000) 14,25,000 14,50,000 25,000

3. Offer of Roohi Ltd. a) Purchase consideration (Net assets method) All assets taken over at agreed values: Goodwill Land&Building Furniture SundryDebtors Stock Bank 2,00,000 7,00,000 50,000 4,00,000 3,40,000 90,000


Less : Liabilities taken over Sundry Creditors Net assets taken over Purchase consideration

(1,66,250) 14,33,750 14,33,750

b) Discharge of purchase consideration 10% Preferance shares of Rs. 100 each 1,23,375 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each Total

2,00,000 12,33,750 14,33,750

241 4. Offer of Aashna Ltd. a) Purchase consideration Intrinsic value of equity shares method) All assets taken over at agreed values: Goodwill Land&Building Furniture SundryDebtors Stock Bank 2,00,000 5,00,000 80,000 4,50,000 3,80,000 90,000


Less : Liabilities taken over Sundry Creditors 7% Preferance share capital Net amount payable to equity shareholders

1,75,000 2,00,000

(3,75,000) 13,25,000

b) Discharge of purchase consideration 2,000 9% Preference shares of Rs. 100 each at par 1,06,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs. 12.50

2,00,000 13,25,000

Illustration: 2 The following is the Balance Sheet of Bad Dream Ltd as on 30 th September, 2009 Balance Sheet as on 30th September, 2009
Liabilities Authorised Share Capital 10000 Equity Shares of Rs100 1000 6% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each Total Issued capital 6,000 Equity Shares 1000 6% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each 10% Debentures Sundry Creditors Bank Overdraft Rs Assets Land & Buildings Rs 200000 300000 65000 45000 149450 68950 3700 307900

1000000 Plant & Equipments 100000 Furnitures 1100000 Patents Sundry Debtors 600000 Inventory 100000 Cash 100000 Profit & loss A/C 100000 240000 1140000


A new Company Good Morning Ltd was formed to take over this company. The Authorized capital of the new company was Rs 1500000 divided into 100000 Equity shares of Rs 10 each and 5000 7% Preference shares of Rs 100 each.

242 The terms and conditions agreed for this were as follows: a) 10% debenture holders agreed to take new 9%Debentures of Rs.95000 in full satisfaction. b) 6% Preference shareholders were to receive 3 new 7% Preference shares of Rs.100 each for every 4 old preference shares. c) The equity shareholders to receive 30,000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each, credited as Rs.8 paid up d) Good Morning Ltd. to issue 20,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at par for cash e) Good morning Ltd to make a call of Rs.2 per share on shares issued to Bad Dream Ltd. You are required to give necessary Ledger A/c s to close the books of Bad Dream ltd and Journal entries in the books of Good Morning Ltd and Balance Sheet of Good Morning Ltd. Solution: Statement of Purchase consideration: (Net Payment method)

a) 750 7% Perferance shares of Rs.100 each b) 30,000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each Rs. 8 paid up
Goodwill/Capital reserve (Net Assets taken over) Land & Buildings Plant & Equipments Furnitures Patents Sundry Debtors Inventory Cash 200000 300000 65000 45000 149450 68950 3700

75000 240000 315000


Less: Liabilities taken over at agreed values 10% Debentures 100000 Sundry Creditors 100000 Bank Overdraft 240000 Net Assets taken over Purchase consideration Capital Reserve

440000 392100 315000 77100

In the books of Bad Dream Ltd Realization A/c
To Land & Buildings To Plant & Equipments To Furnitures To Patents To Sundry Debtors To Inventory To Cash 200000 300000 65000 45000 149450 68950 3700 832100
Equity Shareholders A/c

By 10% Debentures By Sundry Creditors By Bank Overdraft By Good Morning By Pref Shareholders A/c By Equity Share holders A/c

100000 100000 240000 315000 25000 52100


Good morning Ltd A/c

To Realisation A/c

315000 By Pref Shares in Good Mor A/c By Equity Shares in Good mor 315000
Preference Share Holders A/c

75000 240000 315000

To Preference Shares in Good Morning Ltd To Realisation A/c

75000 By Preference Share capital A/c 25000 100000



Equity Shares in Good morning Ltd

To Good morning Ltd 240000 By Equity Share Holders A/c 240000 240000 240000

Preference Shares in Good Morning Ltd

To Good morning Ltd 75000 By Preference Share Holders A/c 75000 75000 75000

244 Journal Entries in the Books of Good morning Ltd.

1 Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of Bad dream Ltd (Being Business Purchased) Dr 315000 315000

2 Land and Buildings Dr Plant and Equipments Dr Furnitures Dr Patents Dr Sundry Debtors Dr Inventry A/c Dr Cash Dr To Business Purchase A/c To Sundry Creditors To Debentures To Bank Overdraft To Capital Reserve (Being Sundry Assets and Liabilities taken over recorded) 3 Liquidator of Bad dream Ltd To Equity Share Capital A/c To 7%Preference Share Capital A/c (Being Purchase Consideration Discharged.) Dr

200000 300000 65000 45000 149450 68950 3700 315000 100000 100000 240000 77100

315000 240000 75000

4 Bank A/c Dr To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 20000 Equity shares of Rs 10 each issued for cash.) 5 Equity Share Call A/c Dr To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being call made at Rs 2 per share on 30000 equity shares) 6 Bank A/c To Equity Share Call A/c (Being Call amount received.) Dr

200000 200000

60000 60000

60000 60000

Balance Sheet of Good Morning Ltd.

Liabilities Authorised Share Capital 100000 Equity Shares of Rs10 each 5000 7% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each Total Issued capital 50000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each 750 7% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each Capital Reserve 10% Debentures Sundry Creditors Rs Assets Land & Buildings Rs 200000 300000 65000 45000 149450 68950 3700 20000

1000000 Plant & Equipments 500000 Furnitures 1500000 Patents Sundry Debtors 500000 Inventory 75000 Cash 77100 Bank Balance 100000 100000 852100


245 Illustration: 3
The following are the Balance Sheets of P Ltd and S Ltd as on 31 March, 2009 st Balance Sheet as on 31 March, 2009

Liabilities P Ltd S Ltd Assets Equity Share Capital (Rs Land and Building 10 each) 500,000 300,000 14% Preference Share Capital (Rs 100 each) 220,000 170,000 Plant and Machinery General Reserve 50,000 25,000 Furniture and Fittings Export Profit Reserve 30,000 30,000 Investments Profit and Loss A/c 75,000 50,000 Stock 13% Debentures 50,000 35,000 Debtors Sundry Creditors 65,000 50,000 Cash and Bank 990,000 660,000

P Ltd S Ltd 250,000 155000

325,000 57,500 125,000 90,000 72,500 70,000 990,000

170000 35000 95000 103000 52000 50000 660000

P Ltd takes over S Ltd on 1st April, 2009. P Ltd discharges the Purchase Consideration as below: a) Issued 35000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each at par to the equity shareholders of S Ltd. b) Issued 15% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each to discharge the Preference share holders of S Ltd at 10% premium. c) The Debentures of S Ltd will be converted into equivalent numbers of debentures of P Ltd. You are required to give necessary ledger accounts to close the books of S Ltd and Journal entries in t the books of P Ltd and Balance sheet of P Ltd after absorption.
Solution: Statement of Purchase consideration: (Net Payment method)

a) 35000 equity shares of Rs 10 each 1870 15%Preference Shares of Rs 100 each

(Old Preference Share Capital Add : 10%Premium 170000 17000)

350000 187000


In the books of S Ltd Realization A/c
To Land and Buildings To Plant and Equipments To Furnitures To Investment To Inventory To Sundry Debtors To Cash To Preference Share holders 155000 170000 35000 95000 103000 52000 50000 17000 677000
Equity Shareholders A/c

By 13% Debentures By Current Liabilities By P Ltd By Equity Share holders A/c

35000 50000 537000 55000


P Ltd A/c

To Realisation A/c

537000 By Equity Shares in P Ltd By Preference Shares in P Ltd 537000

350000 187000 537000

Preference Share Holders A/c

To Preference Shares in P Ltd 187000 By Preference Share capital A/c By Realisation A/c 187000 170000 17000 187000

Equity Shares in P Ltd

To P Ltd A/c 350000 By Equity Share Holders A/c 350000 350000 350000

Preference Shares in P Ltd

To P Ltd A/c 187000 By Equity Share Holders A/c 187000 187000 187000

Journal Entries in the books of P Ltd Sr.No i. Particulars Business Purchase A/c Dr. To Liquidator of Q Ltd. (Being Business of Q Ltd. Purchased) Building A/c Dr. Machinery A/c. Dr. Furniture and Fittings Dr Investment Dr Stock Dr. Debtors Dr. Cash and Bank A/c. Dr. To 13 % Debentures To Current Liabilities To Business Purchase To Capital Reserve (Being sundry assets & liabilities taken over of Q Ltd. Recorded) Liquidator of P Ltd. A/c Dr. To Equity share capital A/c To securities Premium A/c (Being Purchase consideration discharge) Liquidator of Q Ltd. A/c. Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c. To 15% Preference Share Capital A/c. (Being purchase consideration discharged) Amalgamation Adjustment A/c. Dr. To Export profit reserve (Being statutory reserve maintained) 13% Debentures in Q Ltd. A/c. Dr To 13% Debentures Dr. Rs. 5,37,000 Cr. Rs. 5,37,000 155000 170000 35000 95000 103000 52000 50000 35000 50000 537000 38000



1875000 1250000 625000 537000 350000 187000 30000 30000 35000 35000




Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2009

Liabilities Rs Equity Share Capital (Rs 10 each) 14% Preference Share Capital (Rs 100 each) 15% Preference Share Capital (Rs 100 each) General Reserve Export Profit Reserve Capital Reserve Profit and Loss A/c 13% Debentures Current Liabilities Assets Land and Building 850,000 220,000 Plant and Machinery 187,000 50,000 60,000 38,000 75,000 85,000 115,000 1,680,000 Furniture and Fittings Investments Stock Debtors Cash and Bank Amalgamation Adjustment A/c Rs 405,000 495,000 92,500 220,000 193,000 124,500 120,000 30000


248 Illustration: 4 The following is the Balance Sheet of Time Pass Ltd as on 30th September, 2009 Balance Sheet as on 30th September, 2009
Liabilities Issued capital 18000 Equity Shares of Rs10 General Reserve Profit & loss A/C 12% Debentures Sundry Creditors Rs Assets Land & Buildings Plant & Equipments Furnitures Trademarks Investments Sundry Debtors Stock Bank Rs 85000 45000 15000 7000 23000 60000 112000 11120 358120

180000 24000 10400 80000 63720


Time Pass Ltd was absorbed by Busy Ltd., on the following terms and conditions: All liabilities and all assets are to be taken over except Investments which were sold by Time Pass Ltd. at 90% of book value. Debentures of Time Pass Ltd, to be discharged at a discount of 10% by the issue of 14% debentures of Rs 100 e each in Busy Ltd. Trademarks were found useless. Issue of one equity share of Rs 10 each in Busy Ltd., issued at Rs 12 and a cash payment of Rs 3 for every s hare in Time Pass Ltd. a) Cost of absorption paid : Rs 1160 b) Time Pass Ltd. sold half the shares received from Busy Ltd. at Rs 15 per share. You are required to give necessary Ledger A/c s to close the books of Time Pass Ltd. and Journal entries in the books of Busy Ltd. Solution: Statement of Purchase consideration: (Net Payment method)
a) 18000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each at Rs.12 per share b) Cash at Rs. 3 per share on 18000 Equity shares 216000 54000 270000

Goodwill/Capital reserve (Net Assets taken over)
Land & Buildings Plant & Equipments Furnitures Sundry Debtors Stock Bank Less : Liabilities taken over Debentures Creditors Net assets taken over Less : Purchase consideration Goodwill 85000 45000 15000 60000 112000 11120 328120

80000 63720

143720 184400 270000 85600

In the books of Time Pass Ltd Realization A/c

To Land & Buildings To Plant & Equipments To Furnitures To Trademarks To Sundry Debtors To Bank To Investments To Stock To Equity Share holders A/c 85000 45000 15000 7000 60000 11120 23000 112000 103300 461420 By 10% Debentures By Sundry Creditors By Busy Ltd. By Bank (Investment sold) By Bank (shares sold) 80000 63720 270000 20700 27000


Equity Shareholders A/c

Busy td A/c

To Realisation A/c

270000 By Equity Shares in Busy Ltd By Bank 270000

Bank A/c

216000 54000 270000

To Equity shares in busy Ltd To Realisation A/c To Busy Ltd.

135000 20700 By Equity Shareholders A/c 54000 209700

209700 209700

250 Equity Shares in Busy Ltd

To Busy Ltd. To Realisation A/c 216000 BY Bank 27000 By Equity Share Holders A/c 243000
Journal Entries in the Books of Busy Ltd.
1 Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of Bad dream Ltd (Being Business Purchased) Dr 270000 270000

135000 108000 243000

2 Land and Buildings Dr Plant and Equipments Dr Furnitures Dr Sundry Debtors Dr Stock Bank Goodwill To Business Purchase A/c To Sundry Creditors To Debentures (Being Sundry Assets and Liabilities taken over recorded) 3 Liquidator of Time Pass Ltd To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c To Bank (Being Purchase Consideration Discharged.) 4 Goodwill A/c To Bank (Being amalgamation expenses paid) Dr. Dr

85000 45000 15000 60000 112000 11120 77600 270000 63720 72000

270000 180000 36000 54000

1160 1160

5 Debentures in Time Pass A/c Dr. 72000 To Debentures A/c (Being new debentures issued in satisfaction of old Debentures)


Illustration 5 A Ltd and B Ltd agreed to amalgamate and form a new company C Ltd. which will take over all the assets and liabilities of the two companies. The assets and liabilities of A Ltd. Are to be taken over at a book value for shares in C Ltd. At the rate of 5 shares in C Ltd. at 10% premium (i.e. Rs 11 per share) for every four shares in A Ltd. In the case of B Ltd. a) The debentures of B Ltd. would be paid off by the issue of an equal no. of debentures in C Ltd.

251 b) The 11.5% Preference Shareholders of B Ltd. would be allotted four 12% Preferences of Rs 100 each in C Ltd. for every five Preference shares in B Ltd. c) Sufficient shares of C Ltd would be allotted to the equity share holders to cover the balance on their account after adjusting asset values by reducing Plant and Machinery by 10% and providing 5% on sundry debtors. The summarized Balance Sheets of the two companies just prior to amalgamation were as follows:
Liabilities A Ltd. B Ltd Assets Issued capital Plant & Equipments Equity Capital of Rs10 each 400,000 500000 Stock 11.5 Preference Shares of Rs 100 each. 300000 Profit and Loss A/c 12% Debentures 200000 Sundry Debtors Profit & loss A/C 500000 Bank Sundry Creditors 75000 90000 Contingency Reserve 50000 1,025,000 1090000 A Ltd. B Ltd 800000 800000 65000 60000 140000 50000 40000

95000 65000



Show the Journal entries in the books of both the companies. Solution: Statement of Purchase consideration for A Ltd.
5 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each at 10% premium for every four shares in A Ltd. 550000

Statement of Purchase Consideration for B Ltd / Net Assets taken over of A Ltd.

In the books of A Ltd and B Ltd Realization A/c
To Plant & Equipments A/c To Stock A/c To Sundry Debtors A/c To Bank A/c 800000 65000 95000 65000 800000 60000 50000 40000 By Debentures A/c By Creditors A/c By C Ltd A/c By Preference Shareholders A/c By Equity Share holders A/c 200000 90000 577500 60000 22500

75000 550000 400000





C Ltd A/c
To Realisation A/c 550000 577500 By Equity Shares in C Ltd By Preference Shares in C Ltd 577500 550000 337500 240000 550000 577500


Equity Shareholders A/c

Preference Share Holders A/c

To Preference Shares in C Ltd To Realisation A/c

240000 By Preference Share capital A/c 60000 300000



Equity Shares in C Ltd

To C Ltd

550000 550000

337500 By Equity Share Holders A/c 337500

550000 550000

377500 377500

Preference Shares in C Ltd

By Preference Share Holders 240000 A/c 240000

To C Ltd

240000 240000

Journal Entries in the Books of C Ltd.
1 Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of A Ltd A/c To Liquidator of B Ltd A/c (Being Business Purchased) Dr 1127500 550000 577500

2 Plant and Equipments A/c Stock A/c Debtors A/c Bank A/c To Business Purchase A/c To Sundry Creditors To Capital Reserve A/c (Being Sundry Assets and Liabilities taken over recorded) 3 Plant and Equipments A/c Stock A/c Debtors A/c Bank A/c To Business Purchase A/c To Sundry Creditors To Debentures (Being Sundry Assets and Liabilities taken over recorded) 4 Liquidator of A Ltd To Equity Share Capital A/c To Secuity Premium A/c (Being Purchase Consideration Discharged.) 5 Liquidator of B Ltd To Equity Share Capital A/c To Preference Share Capital A/c (Being Purchase Consideration Discharged.) 6 Old Debentures A/c To New Debenture A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Being old Debentures settled at 10% discount.) Dr


800000 65000 95000 65000 550000 75000 400000


720000 60000 47500 40000 577500 90000 200000

550000 500000 50000


577500 337500 240000


200000 180000 20000

Balance Sheet of C Ltd.

Liabilities Issued capital Equity Capital of Rs10 each 11.5 Preference Shares of Rs 100 each. 12% Debentures Sundry Creditors Security Premium Capital Reserve Assets Plant & Equipments 837500 Stock 240000 Sundry Debtors 180000 Bank 165000 50000 420000 1892500 Rs Rs 1520000 125000 142500 105000



Unit Structure 9.1 Solved problems



Illustration 1 On 31st March, 2000, Thin Ltd. was absorbed by thick Ltd., the latter taking over all the assets and liabilities of the former at book values. The consideration of the business was fixed at Rs 400000 to be discharged by the transferee company in the form of its fully paid equity shares of Rs 10 each, to be distributed among the shareholders of the transferor company, each shareholder getting two shares for every share held in the transferor company. The balance sheet of the two companies as on the 31 st March, 2000 stood as under:
Liabilities Thick Ltd Thin Ltd Assets Equity Shares of Rs 10 each, fully paid 900000 200000 Plant & Equipments Stock Profit & loss A/C 20502 12900 Cash at Bank Workmen Compensation Fund 12000 9000 Sundry Debtors General Reserve 180000 50000 Cash in Hand Sundry Creditors 58567 30456 Goodwill Staff Provident Fund 10200 4000 Prepaid Insurance Income Tax Refund Provision for taxation 12300 5000 claim Furniture 1193569 311356 Thick Ltd Thin Ltd 412000 265500 14000 221200 869 200000 100000 60000 8300 46000 356 60000 700 6000 30000 311356

80000 1193569

Amalgamation expenses amounting to Rs 1000 were paid by Thick ltd. You are required to: a) Show the necessary ledger accounts in the books of Thin Ltd., b) Show the necessary journal entries in the books of thick Ltd., and c) Prepare the Balance Sheet of Thick Ltd. in vertical form after amalgamation.

Solution: In the books of Thin Ltd.s. Realization A/c
To Goodwill A/c To Plant and Machinery A/c To Furniture A/c To Stock - in - Trade A/c To Sundry Debtors A/c To Prepaid Insurance A/c To Income Tax Refund Claim A/c To Cash in hand A/c To Cash at Bank A/c To Equity Share holders A/c 60000 100000 30000 60000 46000 700 6000 356 8300 128100 439456 By Sundry Creditors A/c By Staff Provident Fund A/c By Provision for taxation A/c By Thick Ltd. A/c 30456 4000 5000 400000


Equity Shareholders A/c

Thick Ltd A/c

To Realisation A/c

By Equity Shares in Thick Ltd 400000 A/c 400000

Equity Shares in Thick Ltd

400000 400000

To Thick Ltd

400000 By Equity Share Holders A/c 400000

400000 400000

256 Journal Entries in the books of Thick Ltd.

1 Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of Thin Ltd A/c (Being Business Purchased) Dr 400000 400000

2 Plant and Equipments A/c Stock A/c Debtors A/c Goodwill A/c Furniture A/c Prepaid Insurance A/c Income Tax Re-fund Claim A/c Cash in hand Cash in Bank A/c To Business Purchase A/c To Provision for Taxation A/c To Staff Provident Fund A/c To Sundry Creditors To Workmen Compensation Fund A/c (Being Sundry Assets and Liabilities taken over recorded) 3 Liquidator of Thin Ltd A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being Purchase Consideration Discharged.) 4 Goodwill A/c To Bank A/c (Being amalgamation Expenses paid.) Dr Dr


100000 60000 46000 197100 30000 700 6000 356 8300 400000 5000 4000 30456 9000

400000 400000

1000 1000

Balance Sheet of Thick ltd

Liabilities Rs. Assets Equity Shares of Rs 10 each, fully paid 1300000 Plant & Equipments General Reserve 41900 Furniture Profit & loss A/C 20502 Goodwill Workmen Compensation Fund 21000 Sundry Debtors Cash in Hand Sundry Creditors 89023 Stock Staff Provident Fund 14200 Prepaid Insurance Income Tax Refund Provision for taxation 17300 claim 1503925 Rs. 512000 110000 260000 267200 22525 325500 700 6000 1503925

257 Illustration : 2 On 31st March, 2009, Sky dud Ltd. was absorbed by Hidud Ltd., The balance sheet of the two companies as on the 31 st March, 2009 stood as under:
Liabilities Hidud Ltd Skydud Ltd. Assets Equity Shares of Rs 10 each, fully paid 800000 500000 Plant & Equipments General Reserve 1000000 360000 Goodwill Profit & loss A/C 100000 Investments Loans 400000 Current Assets Bills Payable 100000 220000 Sundry Creditors 460000 420000 Provision for taxation 520000 110000 Hidud Ltd Skydud Ltd. 1600000 830000 20000 170000 690000






For the purpose of absorption the goodwill of Skydud was considered valueless. Plant and Equipments Are to be depreciated by Rs. 40000. The shareholders of Skydud Ltd are to be allotted sufficient number of Equity shares in Hidud Ltd, based on intrinsic value of equity shares of both the companies. You are required to: a) Show the necessary ledger accounts in the books of Skydud Ltd., b) Show the necessary journal entries in the books of Hijack Ltd., and c) Prepare the Balance Sheet of Hijack Ltd. after amalgamation.

Solution: In the books of Skydud Ltd. Realization A/c

To Goodwill A/c To Plant and equipm. A/c To Investments To Current Assets 20000 830000 170000 690000 By Sundry Creditors A/c By Bills Payable A/c By Provision for taxation A/c By Hidud Ltd. A/c By Equity Share holders A/c 420000 220000 110000 900000 60000 1710000


Equity Shareholders A/c

Hidud Ltd A/c

To Realisation A/c By Equity Shares in Hidud 900000 Ltd A/c 900000 900000 900000

Equity Shares in Hidud Ltd

To Hidud Ltd 900000 By Equity Share Holders A/c 900000 900000 900000

Journal Entries in the books of Hidud Ltd.

1 Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of Skydud Ltd A/c (Being Business Purchased) Dr 900000 900000

2 Plant and Equipments A/c Investments A/c Dr. Current Assets A/c Dr. To Business Purchase A/c To Sundry Creditors To Provision for Taxation A/c To Bills Payable A/c (Being Sundry Assets and Liabilities taken over recorded) 3 Liquidator of Thin Ltd A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium (Being Purchase Consideration Discharged.) Dr


790000 170000 690000 900000 420000 110000 220000

900000 400000 500000

259 Balance Sheet of Hidud Ltd. as on 1st April 2009

Liabilities Equity Shares of Rs 10 each, fully paid General Reserve Securities Premium Loans Bills Payable Sundry Creditors Provision for taxation Rs. Assets Rs. 2390000 170000 2370000

1200000 Plant & Equipments 1000000 500000 Investments 400000 Current Assets 320000 880000 630000



Working Notes: 1.Calculation of Intrinsic Value of Equity shares: Hidud Ltd. Skydud Ltd. Rs. Rs. Equity share capital 800000 500000 General Reserve 1000000 360000 Profit and Loss A/c 100000 -------------------1800000 960000 Less: Depreciation of Plant 40000 Goodwill 20000 60000 ---------- --------------Equity Shareholders Funds 1800000 900000 -------------------Number of Equity shares 80000 50000 Intrinsic value per equity share 22.50 18.00 2. Value of 4 shares of Hidud Ltd. = Value of 5 shares of Skydud Ltd. 3. Purchase consideration Rs. 900000 to be discharged by issue of 40000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs.12.50 per share. Illustration : 3 Eno Ltd. and Fanta .Ltd. agreed to amalgamate by transferring their undertakings to a new company, Fantino Ltd. formed for that purpose. On the date of transfer, Balance sheets of the two companies as on 31 March 2009 were as under:

Liabilities Authorized and Issued Capital: Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10 each 18% Debentures Reserve Mortgage Loan (Secured on freehold Property) Sundry Creditors Profit & Loss A/c Eno Ltd. (Rs.) Fanta Ltd Assets Eno Ltd. Fanta Ltd. (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Leasehold premises 60,000 31,000 Freehold Property 3,000 Debtors 18,000 5,000 25,000 Investments 13,000 3,000 3,000 Bank 10,000 2,000 2,000


4,000 20,000 1,04,000

10,000 1,000 41,000 1,04,000 41,000

The purchase consideration consisted of: (a) The assumption of the liabilities of the both companies: (b) The discharge of the Debentures in Fanta Ltd., by the issue of Rs. 3500, 18.5% Debentures in Fantino Ltd. (c) Issue at a premium of Rs. 5 per share of ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each in Fantino Ltd. for the purpose of transfer, the assets are to be revalued as under:
Eno Ltd. Rs. Leasehold premises Freehold Property Debtors Investments Goodwill 65,000 5,000 17,100 14,900 11,000 Fanta Ltd. Rs. 35,000 4,500 4,000 4,000

You are required to: i) Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of Eno Ltd. ii) Pass Journal Entries in the books Fantino Ltd. under Purchase Method. iii) Indicate the basis on which the shares of Fantino Ltd. will be distributed among the shareholders of Eno Ltd. and Fanta Ltd. respectively.

261 Purchase Consideration:

Eno. Ltd. Rs. Assets taken over: Leasehold premises Freehold Property Debtors Investments Goodwill Bank (A) Less: Liabilities taken over: Mortgage Loan 18% Debentures creditors (B) Net Assets 65,000 5,000 17,100 14,900 11,000 10,000 1,23,000 Fanto Ltd Rs.

35,000 4,500 4,000 2,000 49,500

5,000 4,000 9,000 1,14,000 3,500 10,000 13,500 36,000

No. of Shares

= =

1,14,000/15 7,600 7600 : 7500 76:75

36,000/15 2,400 2400:2500 24:25

Ratio of distribution = =

In the books of Eno Ltd. Realization A/c

To Leasehold premises To Freehold Property To Debtors To Investments To Bank To Equity Shareholders' A/c (Profit on Realization) Rs. 60,000 3,000 18,000 13,000 10,000 19,000 1,23,000 1,23,000 By Mortgage Loan By Sundry Creditors By Fantino Ltd.(Purchase Consideration) Rs. 5,000 4,000 1,14,000

Fantino Ltd. A/c

Rs. To Realization A/c 1,14,000 1,14,000 By Equity Shares in Fantino ltd Rs. 1,14,000 1,14,000

Equity Shares in Fantino A/c Rs. To Fantino Ltd 1,14,000 By Equity Shareholders A/c 1,14,000 Equity Shareholders A/c Rs. To Shares in Fantino Ltd. A/c By Share Capital 1,14,000 By Profit and Loss A/c By Realization A/c 1,14,000 Rs. 75,000 20,000 19,000 1,14,000 Rs. 1,14,000 1,14,000

In the Book of Fanta Ltd. Realization A/c

Rs. 31,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 8,000 49,000 49,000 By Creditors By 18% Debentures By Fantino Ltd. A/c (Purchase Consideration) Rs. 10,000 3,000 36,000

To Leasehold premises To Debtors To Investment To Bank To Equity Shareholders (Profit on Realization)

Equity Shareholders A/c

To Equity Shares in Fantino Ltd. Rs. 36,000 By Share Capital A/c By Reserve A/c By Profit and Loss A/c By Realisation A/c Rs. 25,000 2,000 1,000 8,000 36,000


Fantino Ltd. A/c

To Realisation A/c Rs. 36,000 36,000 By Shares in Fantino Ltd.A/c Rs. 36,000 36,000

Equity Shares in Fantino A/c

To Fantino Ltd Rs. 36,000 36,000 By Equity Shareholders A/c Rs. 36,000 36,000

263 Illustration: 4 The following are the Balance Sheets of Prabha Ltd. and Surya Ltd. as on 31st March 2008. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2008
Prabha Ltd Rs. 1,00,000 Surya Ltd. Rs. Assets Prabha Ltd Surya Ltd. Rs. Rs. 50,000 46,500 65,000 51,000 11,500 10,500 25,000 28,500 18,000 30,900 14,500 15,600 14,000 15,000

Liabilities Equity Share capital (Rs.10each) 15 % Preference Share Capital (Rs, 100 each) General Reserve Export Profit Reserve Investment Allowance Reserve Profit & Loss A/c 13 % Debentures (Rs. 100 each) Current Liabilities

44,000 10,000 6,000

Land & Buildings 90,000 Plant & Machinery Furniture & Fittings Investments 51,000 stock 7500 Debtors Cash and Bank 6,000

15,000 10,000 13,000 198,000

3,000 15,000 10,500 15,000 198,000 198,000 198,000

Prabha Ltd. takes over Surya: Ltd. on 1 st April 2008. Prabha Ltd. discharges the purchase consideration as below: a) Issued 10,500 equity shares of Rs.10 each at par to the equity shareholders of Surya Ltd. b) Issued 15% preference shares of Rs.100 each to discharge the preference share holders of Surya Ltd. at 10% premium the debentures of Surya Ltd. will be converted into equivalent no. of debentures of Prabha Ltd. The Statutory reserves of Surya Lts. ( export profit Reserve and investment allowance reserve are to be maintain for 3 more years.) Debtors of Prabha Ltd. include Rs.5000 due from Surya Ltd. You are required to prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of Surya Ltd. and the Balance Sheet of Prabha Ltd. after absorption

264 Solution: In The books of Surya Ltd. Realization Account

To land & building To plant & Machinery To furniture To Investment To stock 46,500 51,000 10,500 28,500 30,900 15,600 15,000 5,100 203,100 By By By By 13% Debentures current Liabilities Prabha Ltd. Equity share holders 10,500 15,000 1,61,100 16,500


Equity Share holder A/c

To Equity shares in Prabha Ltd. 105,000 By Equity share Capital By General Reserve By Export profit Reserve 16,500 By Investment allowence reserve By Profit & Loss A/c 1,21,500 90,000 7,500 6,000 3,000 15,000 1,21,500

To Realisation A/c

Preference Shareholders A/c

To prefernce shares in prabha Ltd. 56,100 By preference Share Capital By Realisation 56,100 51,000 5,100 56,100

Prabha Ltd. A/c

To Realisation A/c 1,61,100 By Equity shares in Prbha Ltd By preference shares in Prabha Ltd. 1,05,000 56,100 1,61,100


Equity shares in Prabha Ltd.

To Prabha Ltd 1,05,000 By Equity share holders 1,05,000 1,05,000 1,05,000

Preference shares in Prabha Ltd.

To Prabha Ltd 56,100 By Preference share holders 56100 56100 56100

Statement of purchase consideration (Net Payment Method) 1. 10,500 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each 2. To Preference shareholders 10% premium 1,05000 51000 5100 56100 161100

i.e. 561 preference shares of Rs. 100 each

Prabha Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2008

Liabilities Share capital 20,500 Equity shares of Rs.10 each 15% 1001 preference Shares of Rs.100each General Reserve Capital Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Export Profit Reserve Investment Allowance reserve 13% Debentures (100each) Current Liabilities Rs. Assets Land and Buildings 2,05,000 Furniture & fittings Investments 1,00,100 Stock 10,000 Debtors 11400 Cash at bank 15000 Amalgamation 12000 Adjustment A/c 3000 20,500 23,000 9000 Rs. 96500 22,000 53,500 48,900 25,100 29,000



Calculation of capital reserve on amalgamation Assets of Surya Ltd. Taken over Loss: 13 % Debentures Current Liabilities Net assets taken over Less: Purchase Consideration Capital Reserve Rs. 1,98,000 10,500 15,000 25,500 1,72,500 1,61,100 11,400

Illustration : 5 The Balance sheets of Alpha Ltd. and beets Ltd. as on 31 st March, 2008 were as Follows:



Alpha Ltd. Rs.

Beeta Ltd. Rs.


Equity Share Capital (Rs.10 Each) Export profit reserve Profit & Loss A/c 12%Debetores (Rs. 100 each)

Building 8,00,000 2,00,000 2,65,000 5,00,000 1,12,000 3,00,000 Machinery 30000 Debtors 2,37,000 Cash at Bank 3,00,000 Preliminary expenses 63000 70,000 12,50,000 23,000 2200,000

Alpha Ltd. Rs. 4,00,00 4,00,000 6,00,000 2,50,000 50,000

Beeta Ltd. Rs. 70000 150000 2,00,000 37000 20,000

Bills payable



A new company Zinta Ltd. was formed to acquire all the assets and liabilities of Alpha Ltd. and Beeta Ltd. a) Zinta Ltd. to have an authorized capital of Rs. 25,00,000 divided in 2,50,000 shares of Rs.10 each b) Business of both the companies taken over for a total price of rs.30 Lakh to be discharged by Zinta Ltd. by issue of equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of 50% c) The shareholders of Alpha Ltd. and Beeta Ltd. to get shares in Zinta Ltd. in the ratio of net asset valuation of their respective business. d) The debentures of both the companies to be converted into equivalent number of 14 % Debentures in Zinta Ltd. e) Export Profit reserve is to be maintained for two more years f) The assets of the companies to be revalued at Alpha Ltd. 10,00,000 3,00,000 Beeta Ltd. 11,50,000 1,13,000

Building Debtors

g) Liquidation expenses of Alpha Ltd & Beeta Ltd. amounting to Rs. 20,000 were paid by Zinta Ltd. you are required to give Journal Entries in the books of Zinta Ltd. and also prepare Balance sheet of Zinta Ltd. after amalgamation
1. Statement of purchase consideration total purchase consideration Lakh equity shares of Rs. 10 each issued At Rs.15 each 30,00,000 2. Statement of Net Assets

267 Building Machinery Stock Debtors Cash at bank 10,00,000 3,00,000 5,00,000 6,00,000 2,50,000 26,50,000 1150,000 1,13,000 1,43,000 2,00,000 37,000 1643000

Less: Liabilities 12% Debentures Current Liabilities Bills Payable R.D.D Net Assets No. of shares to issued Alpha Ltd. 200000 X 3200000

500,000 1,12,000 23000 1500 6,50,000 20,00,000

300,000 63000 70000 10000 4,43,000 12,00,000

2000000 = 125000 Shares

Beeta Ltd.

200000 X 3200000

1200000 = 75000 Shares

Journal of Zinta Ltd.

Sr.No i. Particulars Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of Alpha Ltd. To Liquidator of Beeta Ltd. (Being Business of Alpha Ltd. & Beeta Ltd. Purchase) ii. Building A/c Machinery A/c. Stock Debtors Cash and Bank A/c. To 12 % Debentures To Sundry Creditors To Bills Payable To R.D.D. To Business Purchase To Capital Reserve ( Being sundry assets & liabilities taken over of (Alpha Ltd. Recordable) Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. 1000000 300000 500000 600000 250000 500000 112000 23000 15000 1875000 125000 Dr. Dr. Rs. 3000000 1875000 1125000 Cr. Rs.

iii. Building A/c Machinery A/c Stock A/c Debtors A/c. Cash and bank A/c To 12% Debentures To Sundry Creditors To Bills Payable To R.D.D To Business Purchase To Capital Reserve (Being Sundry assets & liabilities taken over to Beeta Ltd. recorded) iv. Liquidator of Alpha Ltd. A/c To Equity share capital A/c To securities Premium A/c (Being Purchase consideration discharge) v. Liquidator of Beeta Ltd. A/c. To Equity share Capital A/c. To Securities premium A/c. (Being purchase consideration discharge) vi. Amalgamation Adjustment A/c. To Export profit reserve (Being statutory reserve maintained) vii. 12% Debentures in Alpha Ltd. A/c. 12% Debentures in Beeta Ltd. A/c. To 14% Debentures viii. Capital Reserve A/c. To Bank A/c. (Being liquidation expenses of Alpha Ltd. and Beeta Ltd. Paid) Dr. 20000 20000 Dr. Dr 5,00,000 3,00,000 800000 Dr. 230000 230000 Dr. 1125000 750000 375000 Dr. 1875000 1250000 625000 1150000 113000 143000 200000 37000 300000 63000 70000 10000 1125000 75000

269 Balance sheet of Zinta Ltd. as on 1st April 2008

Liabilities Share Capital Authorized 250000 Equity shares Issued subscribed paid up 2 lakh equity share Securities premium Export profit reserve Capital Reserve 14% debentures Sundry Creditors Bills Payable Rs. Building Machinery 2500000 Stock Debtors 800000 775000 267000 230000 Assets Rs. 2150000 413000 643000

2000000 Less R.D.D (25000) 1000000 Cash at Bank 2,30000 Amalgamation 180000 Adjustment A/c 800000 175000 93000 4478000


Illustration 6 The following is the balance Sheet of Dalal Ltd. as on 31st March 2009. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2008
Liabilities 100000 Equity Shares Of Rs. 10 each General reserve Profit & loss A/c 12% Debentures Creditors A/c Income tax Provision Rs. Assets Buildings 100000 Plant & machinery 127500 Furniture 222500 Trade marks 300000 Investments 30500 Debtors 60000 Stock Preliminary Expenses 20,15,000 Rs. 526000 312000 267000 49000 120000 3,12000 54000 15,000 20,15,000

Dalal Ltd. was absorbed by Nutan Ltd. on the following terms and conditions: a) Assume all liabilities and to acquire all assets expect investments which were sold by Dalal Ltd. at 90% of book value

270 b) Discharge the debentures of Dalal Ltd. at a discount of 10% by the issue of 14 % debentures of Rs.100 each in Nutan Ltd. c) Trade marks were found useless. d) Issue of one equity share of Rs. 10 in Nutan Ltd. issued at Rs. 12 each and a cash payment of Rs. 4 for every share in Dalal Ltd. e) Pay the cost of absorption Rs. 15000 f) Dalal Ltd. sold in the open market 25 % of shares received from Nutan Ltd. at Rs. 16 per share show necessary ledger accounts in the books of Dalal Ltd. and opening Journal Entries in the books of Nutan Ltd. Solution: Statement of purchase consideration 100000 Equity share in Nutan Ltd. at Rs. 12 per share Cash = 100000 x 4
In the Books of Dalal Ltd Realization A/c To Building To plant & machinery To Furniture To Trade Marks To Investments To Debtors To stock To Bank To cash (Expenses) To Equity share holders 526000 By 12% Debentures 312000 By creditors A/c 267000 By income tare provision 4900 By Nutan Ltd. A/c 120000 By Cash 312000 By equity shares in Nutan Ltd. 360000 540000 15000 458000 2473000 Equity shareholders A/c To preliminary Expenses To Equity shares in Nutan Ltd To Cash 15000 By Equity share capital 900000 By General Reserve 893000 By profit & Loss A/c 1808000 1000000 127500 222500 1808000 2473000 300000 305000 60000 1600000 108000

Rs. 1200000 400000 1600000


Nutan Ltd.A/c To Realization A/c 1600000 By Faculty shares in Nutan Ltd. By Bank 1600000 Equity shares in Nutan Ltd. A/c. To Nutan Ltd To Realization 1200000 By Cash 100000 By Equity shareholders 1300000 Cash and Bank A/c. To Nutan Ltd. To Realization (Investment sold) To Equity share in Nutan Ltd. 4,00000 By Realization 108000 By Equity share holders 400000 908000 908000 15000 893000 400000 900000 1300000 1200000 400000 1600000

Illustration : 7 XY Ltd. was formed to take over the business of X Ltd. and Y Ltd. on 1st April 2009. The Balance sheets at X Ltd. & Y Ltd. as on that date were as under: Balance sheets as on 31.03.09
Liabilities Share Capital Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each full Paid General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Investment Allowance Reserve Export profit Reserve 10% Debentures Sundry creditors X Ltd. Rs. Y Ltd Rs. Assets X Ltd. Rs. 150000 100000 60000 120000 150000 20000 Y Ltd. Rs. 350000 120000 80000 80000 330000 40000

Land & Building Plant 200000 300000 Furniture 50000 80000 Stock 40000 80000 Debtors Bank Balance 10000 20000 100000 200000 100000 250000 100000 70000 600000 100000



272 The authorized capital of XY Ltd. was Rs. 1500000 divided in equity shares at Rs. 10/- each XY Ltd. issued sufficient no of Equity share to discharge the claim of equity shareholders of both the companies You are required to (1) give necessary ledger A/cs in the books of X Ltd. Y Ltd. (2) Give Necessary journal Entries in the books of XY Ltd. assuming that the amalgamation is in the nature of Also prepare balance sheet of XY Ltd. In The Books of X Ltd. Y Ltd. Realisation A/c
To Land & Building To Plant To Furniture To Stock To Debetors To Bank X Ltd Y Ltd 150,000 350,000 By 10% 100,000 120,000 Debentures 60,000 80,000 By Creditors 12,000 80,000 150,000 330,000 By XY Ltd 20,000 40,000 600000 1000000 X Ltd. 100,000 100,000 400,000 Y Ltd 250,000 10,000 680,000



Equity Share holders A/c

To Realisation 400000 680000 By Equity share Capital By Reserve By Profit Loss By Investment All By Reserve Export Profit 400000 680000

200000 350000 50000 80000 40000 80000 10000 20000 100000 200000 400000 680000

XY Ltd.
Ro realization 400000 400000 680000 By Equity Shares in XY Ltd 680000 400000 400000 680000 680000

Equity Shares In XY LTD. A/c.

To XY Ltd. 400000 400000 680000 By Equity share holders 680000 400000 680000 400000 680000

273 Working Notes: 1. Purchase consideration All Assets taken over at agreed valuation Land Building Plant Furniture Stock Debtors Bank Less: Liabilities taken over at agreed valuation 10% Debentures Sundry creditors Net assets taken over 2. Discharge of purchase consideration 40000 each of Rs.10/68000Equity shares of Rs. X Ltd. 150000 100000 10000 120000 150000 20000 600000 100000 100000 400000 X Ltd. 400000 400000 Journal of XY Ltd.
Particulars 1. Business Purchase A1 To Liqudator of x To Liqudators of Y in (Being business of X Ltd. & Y Ltd. Purchase 2. Land and Buiding A/c Plant A/c Furniture A/c. Stock A/c Debetors A/c. Bank A/c To Business To Debentures A/c To Creditors A/c. (Being Assets and liabilities taken over of mind) 3. Liquidator of X Ltd. To Equity share consited (Being purchase consideration ) 4. Land and Building A/c. Plant A/c. Furniture A/c. Dr Dr. 350000 120000 80000 400000 400000 Dr Dr Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. 150000 150000 60000 120000 150000 200000 400000 100000 100000 Dr. Rs 1080000 400000 680000 Cr. Rs

Y Ltd. 35000 120000 80000 80000 330000 40000 1000000 250000 70000 680000 Y Ltd 680000 680000

Stock A/c. Debtors A/c. Bank A/c. To Business purchase To Debetures A/c. To creditors A/c ( Being assets and liabilities of Y Ltd taken over) 5. Liquidator of Y Ltd To Equity share capital ( Being purchase consideration discharged) 6. Amalgamation Adjustment To investment allowance To export profit reserve 7. 10% Debetures in X Ltd. 10% Debetures in Y Ltd. A/c. To 10% Debetures A/c. (Being new debentures issued in cancellation of old debentures) Dr. Dr 100000 250000 350000 330000 30000 300000 Dr. 680000 680000 Dr. Dr. Dr. 80000 330000 40000 680000 250000 70000

Balance Sheet XY Ltd. as on 1.04.09

Liabilities Rs. Assets Land & Building Equity share capital 10800 Equity shares Of Rs. lot furnitures Investment Allowance Export Profit Reserve 10% Debentures Creditors 350000 170000 1930000 1930000 Plant Furniture 1080000 Stock Debetors 30000 Bank Amalgamation 300000 Adj A/c 330000 Rs. 500000 220000 140000 200000 480000 60000

275 Illustration : 8 Following are Balance Sheets of Vasu Ltd. and Vasanti Ltd as on 31st March 2009
Liabilities Vasu Ltd 200000 Vasanti Ltd. Assets Vasu Ltd. Vasanti Ltd. 50000

Equity share Capital (Rs.100) Securities Premium General Reserve 12 Debentures Accounts Payable

80000 Premiers Equipments 80000 Furniture Investments 100000 Inventory 200000 Receivables 160000 Cash Preliminary Experts 620000

50000 15000 50000 80000 205000 135000 1000 20000 700000

40000 100000 200000 160000

200000 50000 105000 180000 15000 20000 620000


On the above date Vasu Ltd. absorbed the business of Vasanti Ltd. on the following terms and conditions (a) It issued 3000 equity shares of Rs. 100 at a premium of 10% to the equity shareholders of Vasanti Ltd. (b) It issued 10% debentures in discharged of 12% debentures of Vasanti Ltd. (c) Premises of Vasanti Ltd are to be revalued at Rs.150000 You are required to give necessary ledger A/c in the books of Vasanti Ltd. journal entries in the books of Vasu Ltd. and Balance sheet of Vasu Ltd. after absorption. In the books of Vasanti Ltd. Realization A/c To Premises To Furniture To Investments To Inventory To Receivables To Cash To Equity Shareholders A/c 50000 200000 50000 105000 180000 15000 90000 690000 690000 By 120% debentures By Accounts Payable By Vasu Ltd. 200000 160000 330000

276 Equity shareholders A/c To Preliminary To Equity shares in Vasu Ltd 20000 By Equity Share Capital By securities Premium 330000 By General Reserve By Realization A/c 350000
Vasu Ltd A/c. To Realization 330000 By Equity shares in Vasu Ltd 330000 330000 330000

80000 80000 100000 90000 350000

Equity Shares in Vasu Ltd.

To Vasu Ltd. 330000 By Equity share holders Ltd. 330000

330000 Journal of Vasu Ltd 1. Business Purchase A/c To liquidators Vasanti Ltd (Being Business Purchased) 2. Premises A/c Furniture A/c. Investments A/c Inventory A/c Receivables A/c. Cash A/c To capital reserve To Business Purchase To 12% Debentures To A/c payable (Being assets and liabilities taken over) 3. Liquidators of Vasanti Ltd. To Equity share Capital To securities Premium (Being purchase consideration discharge) 4. 12 % Debentures in Vasanti Ltd. To 10% Debentures in Vasu Ltd (Being debentures issued) Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr Dr Dr. Dr.

330000 Dr. Rs 330000 330000 150000 200000 50000 105000 180000 15000 10000 330000 200000 160000 330000 300000 30000 200000 200000 Cr. Rs.

277 Balance Sheet of Vasu Ltd as on 1st April 2009 Liabilities Equity Share Capital 5000 Equity Share of Rs.100/Securities Premium Capital Reserve General Reserve 21% Debenture 10% Debenture Accounts Payable Rs. Assets Premises Equipment Furniture Investment Inventory Receivable Receivable Cash Rs. 200000 150000 250000 130000 310000 315000 315000 25000 20000 1400000

500000 70000 10000 100000 200000 200000 920000 1400000

Working Notes: 1. Purchase consideration Net payment method 3000 Equity shares of Rs. 100 at Rs. 110/-

= 330000 330000

2. Good will/ Capital Reserve All Assets taken over at agreed values Premises Furniture Investments Inventory Receivable Cash Less: Liabilities taken over at agreed values 12% Debentures Accounts Payable Net assets taken over Less purchase consideration Capital reserve 200000 160000 360000 340000 330000 10000 150000 200000 50000 105000 180000 15000 700000

278 Illustration :8 Balance sheet of Asha Ltd. & Nisha Ltd. as on 31st March 2009
Liabilities Share Capital Equity Share of Rs.10/- Fully Paid Securities reserve General Reserve 12% Debentures Current Liabilities Asha Ltd Nisha Ltd. Assets Asha Ltd. 60000 240000 60000 150000 300000 90000 Nisha Ltd. 200000 140000 175000 45000

500000 100000 100000 200000 900000

Land Plant 300000 Motor Vehicles Stock Debtors 100000 Bank 100000 60000 560000



Asha Ltd agreed to absorb Nisha Ltd on the following Terms and conditions a) The shares of Nisha Ltd. are to be considered worth Rs. 15/and shares of Asha Ltd. are to be considered worth Rs.14/each b) Asha Ltd shall issue 30000 equity shares to the shareholders Nisha Ltd. and balance of purchase consideration shall be paid in cash c) The debenture holders of Nisha Ltd. agreed to take up 10% new debentures of Asha Ltd. at 5% discount d) Cost of liquidation of Nisha Ltd. Rs.5000 to be paid and borne by Asha Ltd. Show necessary ledger accounts in the books of Nisha Ltd. Journal Entries in the books of Asha Ltd. and balance sheet Asha Ltd. after abortion In The books of Nisha Ltd. Realization A/c To Plant To Stock To Debtors To Bank To equity share Holders profit 200000 By 12% Debentures 1400000 By current liabilities 1750000 By Asha Ltd. 45000 50000 100000 60000 450000



279 Equity shareholders A/c To equity shares In Asha Ltd To Cash BY equity share capital 420000 By General Reserve 30000 By realization 450000 Asha Ltd. A/c To realization A/c 450000 By equity shares In Asha Ltd.A/c By cash 450000 Equity shares in Asha Ltd. To Asha Ltd 420000 420000 Cash A/c To Asha Ltd 30000 30000 Journal of Asha Ltd
1. Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of Nisha Ltd. (Being business purchase) 2. Plant A/c Dr. Stock A/c Dr. Debtors A/c Dr. Bank A/c Dr. Good will A/c Dr. To business purchase To 120% Debentures To Current liabilities (Being sundry assets and liabilities taken over recorded) 3. Liquidator of Nisha Ltd. To Equity share capital To Securities premium A/c To Cash A/c (Being Purchase consideration discharged) Dr 450000 450000 200000 140000 175000 45000 50000 450000 100000 60000

300000 100000 50000 450000

420000 30000 450000

By Equity share Holders A/c

420000 420000

By equity share holders A/c

30000 30000

450000 300000 120000 30000

4. 12 % Debentures A/c To 10% Debentures A/c To Capital Reserve (Being old debentures discharged) 5. Goodwill A/c To Cash 6. Capital Reserve A/c To Good will (Being Capital Reserve eliminated) Dr. Dr. 100000 95000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000

Asha Ltd Balance Sheets as on 1st April 2009 Liabilities Share Capital 8000 Equity shares Of Rs. 100/- Fully Paid Securities Premium General reserve 10% Debentures Current Liabilities B 800000 220000 100000 95000 260000 1475000 Assets Good will Land Plant Motor vehicles Stock Debtor Bank B 50000 60000 440000 60000 290000 475000 100000 1475000

Illustration No.9 The Balance sheet of Priti Ltd. as on 31st March 2009 was as follows:
Liabilities Capital : 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid 20000 6 % Cumulative Preference Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid 5% Debentures of Rs.100 each Bank Overdraft Bills payable Sundry Creditors Interest Accrued on Debentures Assets Goodwill Plant and Machinery 5,00,000 Stocks Rs. Rs. 40,000 3,00,000 1,60,000

2,00,000 1,00,000 40,000 28,000

Sundry Debtors Cash at Bank Profit & Loss A/c. Preliminary Expenses Commission & Brokerage 1,83,000 on issue of Shares 5,000 10,56,000

2,40,000 17,800 2,80,200 10,000 8,000


The Following sceme of reconstration was approved by all the concern parties a Sanctioned by the court. 1. The Company to go in liquidation and a new company, Priya Ltd, with an authorized Capital of Rs. 5,00,000 be formed to take over the business of Priti Ltd

281 2. Preferential creditors of Rs. 33000 included in the above balance sheet are to be paid in full. 3. Balance creditors to receive 60% of their claim in cash. 4. Preference shareholders to receive 5000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at par in full satisfaction their claim 5. Equity share holders to allotted one share of Rs.10 each, credited as Rs. 4 paid up for every share held by them. They have also agreed to pay the balance Rs.6/- share immediately 6. Debentures holders to receive equal no of 12 % debentures of Rs.75 each in the new company. Interest due to them being waived. 7. Reconstruction Cost amounting to Rs.10000 paid by Priya L 8. Your required to give necessary ledger accounts in the books of Priti Ltd. and Balance sheet of Priya Ltd. After reconstructions. Solution: 1. Purchase consideration(net payment Method) To Preference share holders 5000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid To Equity share holders 50000 equity shares Rs. 4 paid up Total Purchase consideration 2.Goodwill/ Capital reserve Assets taken over Plant & machinery Stock Debtors Cash Bank 3,00,000 1,60,000 2,40,000 17,800 7,17,800 Less liabilities taken over Debentures Bank overdraft Bills payable Creditors

50,000 2,00,000 2,50,000

75,000 40,000 28,000 1,23,000 2,66,000

Net assets taken over Purchase consideration Capital reserve

4,51,800 2,50,000 2,01,800

282 In the books of Priti Ltd. Realisation Account To Goodwill To Plant & Machinery To Stock To Debentures To cash Bank 40000 300000 160000 240000 17800 By debentures By bank over draft By bills payable By creditors By interest on debenture By Priya Ltd. By preference share holders By Equity share holders 100000 40000 28000 1,83000 5000 250000 150000 1800 757800

757800 Equity shareholders account To profit & loss A/c To Preliminary expences To share issue expence To Realisation A/c To Equity share in Priya Ltd. 280200 By equity share capital 10000 8000 1800 200000 500000 Preference shareholders account To Equity shares in Priya Ltd. To realization A/c 50000 150000 200000 By preference Capital



200000 200000

Priya Ltd. A/c To Realisation A/c 250000 By Equity shares in Priya Ltd 250000 Equity share in Priya Ltd A/c To Priya Ltd. 250000 By Equity share holders A/c By Preference shareholders A/c 250000 200000 50000 250000 250000 250000

283 Journal Entries in the books of Priya Ltd.

Sr.No. 1 Particulars Business purchase A/c. To Liquidator of Priti Ltd. (Being business purchase recorded ) 2 Plant and Machinery A/c. Stock A/c. Debtors A/c. Cash Bank A/c. To Debentures A/c. To Bank Overdraft A/c. To Bills payable To Creditors To Business purchase To Capital Reserve (Being sundry assets and liabilities taken over recorded) 3 Liquidator of Priti Ltd. A/c. Dr. 250000 50000 200000 300000 300000 To Equity Share Capital(fully paid) To Equity Share Capital (partly paid) (Being purchase consideration discharged.) 4 Equity Share Call A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. 300000 160000 240000 17800 75000 40000 28000 123000 250000 201800 Dr. Dr. Rs. 250000 250000 Cr. Rs.

(Being call made on 50000 Equity shares at Rs. 6/ share) 5 Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Call A/c (Being Call amount received) 6 Creditors A/c To Bank A/c (being Creditors Paid) 7 Debenture holders of Priti Ltd. A/c To 12% Debentures A/c (Being new debentures issued) 8 Capital reserve A/c To Bank ( Being cost of reconstruction paid) Dr. 10000 10000 Dr. 75000 75000 Dr. 123000 123000 300000 300000

284 Balance sheet of Priya Ltd. as on 1st April, 2009 Liabilities Share Capital: Authorised 10000 Equity share of Rs.10 each Issued, subscribed, paid up 55000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/Capital Reserve 12 % Debentures Bills Payable 550000 191800 75000 28000 844800 844800 Rs. Stock 1000000 Debtors Cash and Bank Assets Plant & Machinery Rs. 300000 160000 240000 144800


Unit Structure 10.1 10.2 10.3 Solved problems Key words Exercise


Illustration 1 (Adjustment of rights of shareholders) Chaitanya Limited is absorbed by New wave limited. Following are the Balance sheets of the above companies as on 31st March 1996.
Capital and Liabilities Share Capital : Paid up Share Capital : 10,000 Equity Share of Rs. 100 each of 70 paid up 1,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each Rs 75 per Share paid up Reserve Fund P & L A/c Sundry Creditors Chaitanya Ltd. Rs. New Wave Ltd. Rs. Assets Chaitanya Ltd. Rs. 20,30,000 20,000 New Wave Ltd. Rs. 98,10,000 2,70,000

Sundry Assets Cash in hand



8,50,000 3,00,000

22,00,000 2,00,000

2,00,000 ________ 20,50,000

1,80,000 __________ 1,00,80,000

________ __________ 20,50,000 1,00,80,000

286 It was decided that the holder of every three shares in Chaityanya Limited was to receive five shares in New Wave Limited, plus as much cash as is necessary to adjust the rights of Shareholders of both companies in accordance with the intrinsic value of shares as per respective balance sheets. Pass the necessary journal entries in the books of New Wave Limited and prepare the balance sheet giving effect to the above scheme of absorption ( April 1996) Solution In the Books of New Wave Ltd. Calculation of the Intrinsic Value of Shares Particulars
Sundry Assets Cash in hand Total Assets Less : Sundry Creditors Net Assets

Chaitanya Ltd. Rs.

20,30,000 20,000 20,50,000 2,00,000 18,50,000

New WaveLtd. Rs.

98,10,000 2,70,000 1,00,80,000 1,80,000 99,00,000

Intrinsic Value

=Net Assets Available to Equity Shareholders No. of Equity Shares = 18,50,000 10,000 Rs/ 185/= 99,00,000 1,00,000 = Rs. 99/: 185 x 3 = 99 x 5= 555 495 60

Calculation of amount to be paid in cash Intrinsic values of 3 shares in Chaitanya Ltd. Intrinsic values of 5 shares in New Wave Ltd. Difference for every 3 shares Payable in Cash

Calculation of Purchase Consideration:( Net Payment Method ) 1. Shares to be allotted :16,666 Shares x Rs. 99 = 2. Cash 10,000 x Rs. 60 = = 16,49,934 2,00,000 66 18,50,000

3. Cash for Fraction of Shares (0.666 x 99)

287 Journal of New Wave Ltd. (Purchase Method ) Debit Rs. 18,50,000 Credit Rs. 18,50,000

Business Purchase A/c Dr. To Liquidators of Chaitanya Ltd. A/c (Being Purchase Consideration due) Sundary Assets Dr. Cash A/c Dr. To Sundry Creditors A/c To Business Pruchase A/c (Being Assets and Liabilities taken over) Liquidators of Chaitanya Ltd. A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (16,666 x 75) To Cash A/c To Securities Permium A/c (Being the Purchase Consideration settled)

20,30,000 20,000 2,00,000 18,50,000

18,50,000 12,49,950 2,00,066 3.99,984

New Wave Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 1996

Liabilities Paid up Capital 1,16,666 Shares of Rs 75/per share paid up Reserve Fund Securities Premium P&L A/c Sundry Creditors: Chaitanya Ltd. New Wave Ltd. Rs. Rs. Assets Sundry Assets Chaitanya Ltd. New Wave Ltd. Cash in hand: Chaitanya Ltd. New Wave Ltd. Rs. 20,30,000 98,10,000 20,000 2,70,000 2,90,000 Rs


87,49,950 22,00,000 Less : Cash Paid as 3,99,984 Purchase 2,00,000 Consideration



2,00,000 1,80,000 3,80,000 1,19,29,934 1,19,29,934

288 Illustration 2 (Absorption Net Payment Method) Premier Ltd. Agreed to acquire the business of Modern Auto Ltd. as on 31st March, 1997. The Balance Sheet of Modern Auto Ltd. as on that date was as under. Liabilities Share Capital : 6000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid General Reserve Profit and Loss Account 6% Debentures Sundry Creditors Rs. Assets Goodwill Building Machinery Stock Book Debts U.T.I. Bank Account Rs. 10,000 30,000 34,000 16,800 3,600 5,600

60,000 17,000 11,000 10,000 2,000 1,00,000

_______ 1,00,000

The Consideration payable by Premier Ltd. was agreed as follows: a) b) c) Cash payment equal to Rs. 2.50 per share in Modern Auto Ltd. Issue of 9,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each of Premier Ltd. having as agreed value of Rs. 15 per share. Issue of such an amount of fully paid 8% Debentures of Premier Ltd. at Rs. 96 each as is sufficient to discharge 6% Debentures, of Modern Auto Ltd. at 20% premium. While computing purchase consideration. Premier Ltd. valued building and machinery at Rs. 60,000 each, stock at Rs. 14,200 and Book debts subject to 5% provision for discount. The cost of liquidation of Modern Auto Ltd. was Rs. 500. Prepare: (i) Necessary ledger Accounts in the books of Modern Auto Ltd. (ii) Journalise the transaction in the books of Premier Ltd. Under Purchase Method (T.Y.B.Com. 1997) Solution: Determination of Purchase Consideration: To Whom Equity Shareholders Equity Shareholders Amt Mode of Discharge 15,000 Cash (6,000 Equity Shares @ 1,35,000 2.5) 9,000 equity shares of 1,50,000 Rs. 10 each at Rs. 15

289 In the Book of Modern Auto Ltd. Realisation A/c Rs. To Sundry Assets : Goodwill 10,000 Building 30,000 Machinery 34,000 Stock 16,800 Debtors 3,600 Bank 5,600 To Bank (Expenses) To Equity Shareholders (Profit) By Creditors By 6% Debentures By Premier Ltd. Rs. 2,000 10,000 1,50,000

1,00,000 500 61,500 ______ 1,62,000 Premier Ltd. A/c

_______ 1,62,000

To Realisation A/c

Rs. 1,50,000 _______ 1,50,000

By Cash By Equity Shares in P. Ltd.

Rs. 15,000 1,35,000 _______ 1,52,000

Journal of Premier Ltd. Debit Rs. 60,000 60,000 14,200 3,600 5,600 20,780 Credit Rs.

Building A/c Dr. Machinery A/c Dr. Stock A/c Dr. Book Debts A/c Dr. U.T.I. Bank A/c Dr. Goodwill A/c (Balance Figure) To Reserve for Discount on Debtors To Creditors A/c To Liquidators of Modern Auto Ltd. A/c To 6 % Debentures (Modern Auto) (Being Assets and Liabilities taken over) Liquidator of Moderyn Auto Ltd A/c Dr. To Cash A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c (Being discharged Purchase Consideration) 6% Debentures (Modern Auto) Dr. Discount on issue of Debentures Dr To 8% Debentures . (Being 8% Debentures issued in settlement of 6% Debentures )

180 2,000 1,50,000 12,000

1,50,000 15,000 90,000 45,000 12,000 500 12,500

290 Illustration 3 The following are the Balance Sheets of Maths Ltd. and Stats Ltd. as on 31st March 2002: Maths Ltd Share Capital 42% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each fully paid Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each full paid Reserve and Surplus Shareholders Fund Loan Funds: Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Represented by: Fixed Assets (W.D.V.) Current Assets Less : Current Liabilities 10 25 Stats Ltd

35 15 50


10 40 50

30 20

50 100 50 50 100 60 14

50 4 46 50

400 350

On that day the following scheme was agreed upon: a) b) c) Stats Ltd took over the assets of Maths Ltd. for Rs. 5 Crores. Stats Ltd allotted 10 lakhs Equity Shares Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 40 per share in discharge to this takenover. The Directors of Stats Ltd. revalued the fixed of Maths Ltd. at Rs. 1.10 crores. The other assets were recorded at the values appearing in the Balance Sheets of Maths Ltd. Maths Ltd. dealt with the shares received from Stats Ltd. as under i) Allotment in full settlement To Secured lenders 60,000 shares To Unsecured lenders 40,000 shares To Preference Shareholders 20,000 shares ii) Allotment in partial settlements To Equity Shareholders




Sale in Mumbai Stock Exchange at Rs 60 per share 8,00,000 shares.

The sale proceeds were partially used to settle all the current liabilities.

291 You are asked to: i) ii) Prepare the necessary ledger accounts in the books of Maths Ltd. Prepare the Balance Sheets of Stats Ltd. in Horizontal form on completion of the above scheme as at 31st March 2002, under Purchase Method. (T.Y.B.Com April 1998)

Solution : In the Books of Maths Ltd. Realisation A/c Dr.

Rs. To Assets Ltd. Fixed Assets Current Assets To Equity Shares in Stats Ltd. (Secured Loan) To Equity Shares in Stats Ltd. (Unsecured Loan) To Cash (Current Liability) To Equity Shareholders A/c (Profit on Realisation) 9,80,00,000 9,80,00,000 By Secured Loans 50,00,000 By Unsecured Loans 4,00,00,000 By Current Liabilities By Stats Ltd. 30,00,000 (Purchase Consideration) 20,00,000 3,50,00,000 1,30,00,000 By Equity Shares in Stats Ltd. (Profit on Sale) 5,00,00,000 80,00,000

Rs. 30,00,000 20,00,000 3,50,500

Cash A/c To Equity Shares in Stats Ltd. Rs. 4,80,00,000 By Realisation A/c (Expenses) By Equity Shareholders A/c 4,80,00,000 Rs. 3,50,00,000 1,30,00,000 4,80,00,000

292 Equity Shareholders A/c Dr. To Cash To Equity Shares in Stats Ltd. Rs. 1,30,00,000 By Equity Share Capital A/c 40,00,000 By Reserve & Surplus By Realisation A/c _________ 1,70,00,000 Preference Shareholders A/c Dr. Rs. To Equity Shares in Stats Ltd. 10,00,000 _________ 1,70,00,000 By Preference Share Capital A/c Cr. Rs. 10,00,000 ________ 10,00,000 Cr Rs. 25,00,000 15,00,000 1,30,00,000 _________ 1,70,00,000

Stats Ltd A/c Dr. To Realisation A/c. Rs. 5,00,00,000 By Equity Share in Stats Ltd. _________ 5,00,00,000 Equity Shares in Stats Ltd. A/c Dr. To Stats Ltd. To Realisation A/c Rs. 5,00,00,000 By Realisation A/c 80,00,000 By Realisation A/c By Preference Shareholders By Cash By Equity Share _________ holders 5,80,00,000 Cr. Rs. 30,00,000 20,00,000 10,00,000 4,80,00,000 40,00,000 _________ 5,80,00,000 Rs. 5,00,00,000 _________ 5,00,00,000 Cr.

293 Stats Ltd. Balance sheets as on 1st April 2002 Liabilities Rs. Assets Share Capital Fixed Assets Authorised Investments Issued, Current Assets Subscribed and Loans & paid up : Advances 11,00,000 Equity Miscellaneous Shares of Rs. 10 1,10,00,000 Expenditure : each (Not Written off) (Of the above, 10,00,000 Shares of Rs. 10 each are allotted for consideration other than cash) Reserves and Surplus Capital Reserves 10,00,000 Securities Premium A/c 4,00,00,000 (10,00,000 Shares x Rs. 40) Other Reserves 40,00,000 Secured Loans Nil Unsecured Loans Nil Current Liabilities and provisions Current Liabilities 14,00,000 Provision Nil _________ 5,74,00,000 Working notes: 1. Purchase consideration on Lumpsum basis Rs. 5,00,00,000 2. Purchase consideration discharge by issue of 10,00,000. Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each for Rs. 50. 3. Capital Reserves : Rs. Fixed Assets Current Assets Less: Purchase Consideration Capital Reserve 1,10,00,000 4,00,00,000 5,10,00,000 5,00,00,000 10,00,000 Rs. 1,14,00,000 Nil 4,60,00,000 Nil Nil

_________ 5,74,00,000

294 Illustration 4 (Absorption Net Payment Method) The following are the Balance Sheets of Fat Ltd. and Thin Ltd. as at 31st December, 2001:
Fat Ltd Share Capital Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each full paid 6% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each fully paid Reserve and Surplus : Securiteis Premium Capital Reserve Other Reserves Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Loan From Pvt. Ltd. Fixed Assets : Cost Less : Depreciation Investments in Madhyam Ltd. at Cost Loan to Thin Ltd. Net Current Assets 50 __-_ 10 15 40 Thin Ltd 20 15 5 10 15



65 20 15 _-_ 150

30 10 5 5 85

90 30

60 5 85 150

40 15

25 30 30 85

On that day Fat Ltd. absorbed Thin Ltd. on the following terms : a) All the assets and liabilities of Thin Ltd. other than Investments is Madhyam Ltd. are taken over Rs. 40 lakhs. Thin Ltd. to receive from Fat Ltd. 15% Debentures of Rs 12 lakhs at par and Equity Shares of the par value of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 4 per share for the balance. The Preference Shareholders of Thin Ltd. are to be allotted the debentures received from Fat Ltd. and 10,000 Equity Shares of Fat Ltd. is full discharge of their interest in Thin Ltd. The balance of Equity Shares received from Fat Ltd. and the Investments in Madhyam Ltd. are to be allotted to the Equity Shareholders of Thin Ltd. The Direction of Fat Ltd. revalued the fixed assets taken over from Thin Ltd. at Rs. 41,00,000 Show the relevant ledger accounts in the books of Thin Ltd. Show the Balance sheet of Fat Ltd. after giving effect to the above transactions as at 31st December, 2001. Under Purchase Method. (T.Y.B.Com, 1998)





You are asked to : i) ii)

295 Solution : In the Books of Thin Ltd. Realisation A/c Dr.

Rs. To Assets Ltd. Fixed Assets 40.00 Net Current Assets 30.00 To Equity Shareholders A/c (Profit on Realisation) By Provision for Depreciation By Loans (Secured) 70.00 By Loans (Unsecured) 6.60 By Loan (Fat Ltd) By Fat Ltd. __ 76.60 By Preference Shareholders

Rs. 15.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 40.00 1.60 76.60

Equity Shareholders A/c Dr. Rs. To Investment in Madhyam Ltd. To Equity Shares in Fat Ltd. (1,90,000 By Equity Share Capital A/c 30.00 By Securities Premium 26.60 By Capital Reserve By other Reserves _ By Realisation A/c 56.60 Cr. Rs 20.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 6.60 56.60

6% Preference Shareholders A/c Dr. To 15% Debentures in Fat Ltd. To Equity Shares in Fat Ltd. (10,000) To Realisation A/c Rs. 12.00 By Preference Share 1.40 Capital A/c 1.60 ____ 15.00 Cr. Rs. 15.00

_ 15.00

Fat Ltd A/c Dr. To Realisation A/c Rs. 40.00 By 15% Debentures in Fat Ltd. By Equity Shares in Fat Ltd 28,00,000 2,00,000 _____ 14 40.00 Cr. Rs. 12.00 28.00 _____ 40.00

296 Equity shares in Fat Ltd A/c Dr. To Fat Ltd. (2,00,000 x 14 Rs. 28.00 By Preference Shareholders (10,000 x 14) By Equity Shareholdsers (1,90,000 x 14) _____ 28.00 15% Debentures in Fat Ltd A/c Dr. To Fat Ltd Rs. 12.00 By Preference Shareholders 12.00 Investment in Madhyam Ltd. A/c Rs. 30.00 By Equity Shareholders 30.00 Fat Ltd. Balance sheets as on 1st January, 2002
Liabilities Share Capital Authorised Issued, Subscribed and paid up : 7,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each (Of the above, 2,00,000 Shares of Rs. 10 each are allotted for consideration other than cash) Reserves and Surplus Capital Reserves (15+11) Rs. Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Cost (90+4) Less : Depreciation Investments Current Assets Net Current Assets (85+30) Loans & Advances Miscellaneous Expenditure : (Not Written off) Rs. 131.00 30.00 101.00 Nil Rs.

Cr. Rs. 1.40 26.60

_____ 28.00

Cr Rs. 12.00 12.00 Cr Rs. 30.00 30.00

Dr. To Balance b/d


115.00 Nil Nil


Securities Premium A/c (10 + 8 ) Other Reserves Secured Loans : 15% Debentures Secured Loans (20+10) Unsecured Loans(15+5) Current Liabilities and provisions 18.00



12.00 30.00


20.00 Nil 216.00 Total 216.00

Working Notes : 1. 2. Purchase Consideration (Lumpsum Basis) Rs. 40 Lakhs Purchase Consideration Settlement. Rate Rs. 1,90,000 14.00 Rs.

Payment to a) Equity Shareholders : Equity Shares in Fat Ltd b) Preference Shareholders: (15% Debentures in Fat Ltd.) Equity Shares in Fat Ltd. Total 3. Capital Reserve on take over of Thin Ltd. Assets taken over: Fixed Assets (as revalued) Rs. Net Current Assets Rs. Rs. Less : Loans taken over Rs. Value of Net Assets taken over Rs. Less : Purchase Consideration Paid Rs. Capital Reserve Rs.




12.00 1.40 40.00

41.00 30.00 71.00 20.00 51.00 40.00 11.00

298 Illustration 5 (Purchase Consideration Nil) The following are the Balance Sheets of Bada Ltd. and Choota Ltd. as on 31.03.2002:
Bada Ltd. Rs. 1. Sources of Funds Authorised Share Capital a) Issued Share Capital for Cash fully paid Equity Share of Rs 10/- each or consideration other than cash as Bonus share fully paid Equity share of Rs 10/each out of General Reserve b) Reserve and Surplus : Capital Reserves Revenue Reserve Owners Fund c) Loan Funds : Unsecured Debentures Total Fund Rs. d) Fund Employed in Fixed assets : Cost Less Depreciation 2. Investments : a) 2.5 Crore Shares of Chotta Ltd. fully paid at cost b) 1 Crore Unsecured Debentures of Chotta Ltd. of RS 100 each fully paid at cost c) 1 Crore fully paid Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each of Madhyam Ltd. at cost (Market Value Rs. 30 crores) 3. Current Assets , Loans and Advances : Current Assets Loans and Advances _ 500 _ Chotta Ltd. Rs 25



_ _

400 500 100 1,900 2,000 2,500 500 3,000

__ _

15 25 5 70 75 100 100 200

_ _

_ _

_ _

_ ____

600 500


5 4







2,100 3,000

150 100

5,100 1,500 818 2,318 _ _ 2,782 250 50 15 65 _ _ 185

Less : Current Liabilities Provisions 4. Miscellaneous Expenditure to the extent not written of adjusted..

____ _

____ 3,000

__ __ _

4 _____ 200

On the day Bada Ltd. absorbed Chotta Ltd. taking over all the assets and liabilities. The consideration was Rs. Nil. You are asked to pass the journal entries in the books of Bada Ltd. and prepare the balance sheet of Bada Ltd in vertical form after absorption under purchase method, showing corresponding figures before absorption. (T.Y.B.Com October 1999) Solution: Journal Entries In the Books of Bada Ltd. No. Fixed Assets A/c Investment A/c Current Assets A/c To Investments in Shares of Chhota Ltd To Current Liabilities To Investment in Debentures of Chhota Ltd. To Capital Reserve (Balance Figure) (Being Premises of Chhota Ltd. taken over) Debit Rs. 1 10 250 20 65 98 78 Credit Rs.

Bada Ltd Balance Sheet (After Absorption)

Rs. I. Sources of Funds Authorised Share Capital a) Issued Share Capital for Cash fully paid Equity Share of Rs 10/- each For consideration other than cash as Bonus share fully paid Equity share of Rs 10/- each out of General Reserve Rs Rs. 500




b) Reserve and Surplus : Capital Reserves Revenue Reserve c) Owners Fund d) Loan Funds : e) Unsecured Debentures f) Funds Employed in II. Application of Funds 1. Fixed Assets : cost Less : Depreciation 2. Investments 1 crore fully paid Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each of Madhyam Ltd. at cost (Market value Rs. 30 crore) 3. Current Assets, Loans and Advances a) Current Assets b) Loans and Advances Less : Current Liabilities Provisions

178 1,900

2,078 2,578 500 3,078

601 500



2,250 3,100 5,350 (1,550) (833)

2,967 3,078

Illustration 6 (Amalgamation Valuation of Goodwill) The Balance sheets of Bill Ltd. and Mona Ltd. as on 1st January 2002 were as under. Liabilities Bill Ltd Rs. 31,000 Mona Assets Ltd Rs. 33,500 Fixed Assets Current Assets 1,500 55,000 90,000 Bill Mona Ltd. Ltd. Rs. Rs. 45,000 29,000 25,000 61,000

Equity Capital (of Rs 1/- each full paid) Profit and Loss A/c Current Liabilities

19,000 20,000 70,000

_ _ 70,000 90,000

Oral Ltd. was formed to amalgamate the business of the two companies. The authorized capital of Oral Ltd. being Rs. 1,00,000 divided into Equity Shares of Re 1/- each of which 20,000 shares were issued for each at a premium of 25 paise per share and are fully paid. The amalgamation took place on 1st January 2002 on the following terms: a) All the assets and liabilities of Bill Ltd. and Mona Ltd. to be assured by Oral Ltd. for a total consideration of 80,000 shares of Oral Ltd.

301 b) The Fixed and Current Assets and Liabilities are taken over at book value. c) Goodwill to be valued on the basis of 2.5 years purchase of past 3 years Average profit after deducting Normal Profit of 10% on Capital employed as on 1st January 2002 of each company d) The trading profits for the year ending: Bill Ltd. 31.12.1999 31.12.2000 31.12.2001 e) Ignore taxation You are required to ascertain and prepare : a) number of shares to be issued by Oral Ltd. to share holders of Bill Ltd. and Mona Ltd. Stating the ratio thereof to their former holding Balance sheet of Oral Ltd. amalgamation of Bill/Mona Ltd. Under Purchase Method. (T.Y.B.Com October 1999) Solution: Valuation of Goodwill Bill Ltd Rs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Capital Employed Normal Rate of Return (NRR) Standard Profit Average Past Profit Super Profit = Average profit standard profit 6. Goodwill = no. of year purchased x Super profit Denomination of Purchase Consideration Fixed Assets Current Assets Goodwill Less : Current Liabilities 50,000 10% 5,000 8,250 3,250 x 2.5 Yrs 8,125 Mona Ltd. Rs. 35,000 10% 3,500 6,250 2,750 x 2.5 Yrs 6,875 Rs. 7,050 8,800 8,900 Mona Ltd. Rs. 5,500 6,400 6,850


45,000 25,000 8,125 78,125 (20,000) 58,125

29,000 61,000 6,875 96,875 (55,000) 41,875


Issue Price of One Equity Share in Oral Ltd

58.125 41,875 80,000

= Rs. 1.25

Oral Ltd. Balance Sheet Liabilities Share Capital Authorised 1,00,000 Equity Shares of Re 1/- each Issued and paid up: 1,00,000 Equity Share of Re 1/- each fully paid (of the above 80,000 shares are issued to Vendors of business and consideration other than cash) Reserve and Surplus: Securities Premium Current Liabilities RS. Assets Rs. 74,000 15,000 86,000 25,000

Fixed Assets Goodwill Current Assets 1,00,000 Bank 1,00,000

25,000 75,000 _______ 2,00,000

____ 2,00,000

Number of Shares to be issued to Bill Ltd and Mona Ltd by Oral Ltd. Bill Ltd. Mona Ltd Purchase Consideration Issue Price per Share No. of Shares 58,125 1.25 = 46,500 41,875 1.25 33,500

The ratio of Shares in Oral Ltd. to be issued to Shareholders of old Companies = 46,500 31,000 1.5 : 1 33,500 33,500 1:1

For every 2 shares in Bill Ltd., new 3 shares in Oral Ltd. For every one share in Mona Ltd., one new share in Oral Ltd.

303 Illustration 7 (Absorption P. C. Lump sum) M.D. Ltd. and M.L.D. Ltd. furnish you with their Balance Sheets as on 31st December 2001: M.D.Ltd Rs. Source of Funds: Share Capital: Authorised Issued paid up Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid in cash Reserve / Surplus: Capital Reserve Revenue Reserves 25 05 M.L.D. Ltd Rs. 50 03

04 15

19 24 24

05 -

05 08 02 06

Less : Debit Balance in Profit/Loss A/c

Loan Funds: Secured by a charge on Fixed Assets 12 06

06 30

04 10

Funds Represented by : Fixed Assets Less : Depreciation Net Current Assets

12 06 06 24 30 06 04 10

On the basis of the above the following decision were taken and approved by the Mumbai High Court: a) b) Direction of M.L.D. Ltd. are to bring fresh Equity share Capital of Rs. 10 Lakhs at par. The business of M.D. Ltd. to be absorbed by M.L.D. Ltd. for Rs. 27 Lakhs to be discharge in the form of Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at par. Fixed Assets taken over from M.D. Ltd. are to be valued at Rs. 8 lakhs M.L.D. Ltd. is to provide Rs. 3 lakhs for depreciation on its original fixed assets. Capital Reserve appearing in the books of M.L.D. Ltd. is to be utilized for this purpose and to write off the adverse balance in revenue statement. Bank monies brought in under(a) above are to be utilized to pay off all secured lenders.



304 You are asked to: Prepare Balance Sheet of M.L.D. Ltd. in Horizontal form on the basis of the above information after absorption, under Purchase Method. (T.Y.B.Com April, 2000) Solution : Calculation of Purchase consideration paid by M.L.D. Ltd. to M.D. Ltd. Lump sum Rs. 27,00,000. Discharge by : Issue of 2,70,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at par i.e. Rs 27,00,000. Calculation of Goodwill / Capital Reserve in the books of M.L.D. Ltd. Rs. Assets taken over Fixed Assets Net Current Assets Less: Loan Funds (secured by a charge of FA) Add: Goodwill (Balance Figure) Purchase: Consideration In the Book of M.L.D. Ltd. Balance Sheet As on 31st December 2001
Liabilities Share Capital Authorised Capital Issued: Paid up Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid (including Rs. 27,00,000 shares issued for consideration other than cash for acquisition of business of M.D. Ltd.) Rs. Assets Fixed Assets 50,00,000 Goodwill Others 40,00,000 Current Assets (24,00,000+4,00,000) Rs. 1,00,000 11,00,000

8,00,000 24,00,000 32,00,000 6,00,000 26,00,000 1,00,000 27,00,000


________ 40,00,000

___ 40,00,000

305 Additional Points : 1. Capital Reserve A/c To Fixed Assets (Depreciation To Profit and Loss A/c Dr. 5,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000

Since Balance of Capital Reserve Account is completely utilized, there will be no balance in Balance Sheet. 2. Share Capital paid up Original Given to M.D. Ltd. Fresh Issue

Rs. Rs. Rs.

3,00,000 27,00,000 10,00,000 40,00,000

3. Amount raised by fresh issue Rs. 10,00,000 is used to pay loan funds (6,00,000 + 4,00,000) hence there is no Bank balance in Balance Sheet.. Illustration 8 (Dissented Shareholders) Liabilities Share Capital 2,500 Equity Shares RS. 100 each fully paid Sundry Creditors Preferential Creditors Rs. Assets Rs. Fixed Assets Land and Building 1,30,000 2,50,000 Plant and 1,10,000 Machinery 75,000 2,05,000 Current Assets 15,000 Stock 50,000 Debtors 57,000 Cash 1,000 1,08,000 Preliminary 5,500 Expenses Profit and Loss A/c 56,500 _______ _______ 3,75,000 3,75,000

The shareholders of the company resolved to take the company into voluntary liquidation and to form M/s Useful Limited, a new company with an authorized share capital of Rs. 10 lakh to take over the business on the following terms: a) b) Preferential creditors of Rs. 15,000 are to be paid in full. Unsecured creditors to receive 50 paise in a rupee in full settlement of their claims or par value of their claim in 7% Debentures of useful limited. 2,500 Equity Shares of RS 100 each Rs. 60 paid to be distributed prorata to existing shareholders.


306 Five shareholders holding 200 shares dissented and their interest was purchased at Rs 50 per share by an assenting shareholder to whom the shares were transferred Half the unsecured creditors opted to be paid in cash, and the fund for this purpose were procured by calling up the balance of RS. 40 per share. Cost of liquidation amounting to Rs. 3,500 paid by Useful Ltd. as part of purchase consideration. Journalise the above transaction in the books of Useful Limited and prepare the balance sheet in vertical form thereafter assuming the Plant and Machinery, Stock and Debtors were acquired at their book values and Land and Building is to be taken at Rs. 68000. (T.Y.B.Com April 2000) Solution In the Book of Useful Ltd. Calculation of Purchase Consideration To Whom 1. Equity Shareholders What Equity Shares Capital How 2,500 x 60 Amount Rs. 1,50,000

No effect of settlement of dissenting shareholders and transfer to shares in Balance Sheets. Journal Entries In the Book of Useful Ltd. Rs. 1,50,000 Rs, 1,50,000

1. Business Purchase A/c Dr To Liquidator of Useless Ltd. (Being taken over business of Useless Ltd) 2. Land and Building A/c Dr. Plant and Machinery A/c Dr. Stock A/c Dr. Debetors A/c Dr. Cash A/c Dr. To Preferential Creditors To Unsecured Creditors To Unsecured Creditors To Business Purchase A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Being Assets & Liabilities brought into the Books)

68,000 75,000 50,000 57,000 1,000 15,000 27,500 55,000 1,50,000 3,500

307 3. Liquidator of Useless Ltd A/c Dr To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being Purchase Consideration discharged) 4. Preferential Creditors A/c Dr. Unsecured Creditors A/c Dr. To Cash A/c (Being Preferential & Unsecured Creditors paid off) 5. Unsecured Creditors A/c Dr. To 7% Debentures A/c (Being Unsecured Creditors settled on issue of 7% Debentures) 6. Goodwill A/c Dr. To Cash A/c (Being paid for cost of Liquidation) 7. Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital (2,500 x 40) A/c (Being collected a call of Rs. 40 per share) 1,50,000 1,50,000

15,000 27,500 42,500

55,000 55,000

3,500 3,500 1,00,000 1,00,000

Useful Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st December 1999 Schedule No. I. Sources of Funds 1. Shareholders Fund a) Capital b) Reserve and Surplus 2. Loan Funds : a) Secured Loans b) Unsecured Loans Total II. Application of Funds 1. Fixed Assets a) Gross Block b) Less : Depreciation c) Net Block d) Capital Work in Progress 2. Investments 3. Current Assets, Loans & Advances a) Inventories b) Sundry Debtors c) Cash and Bank Balances d) Other Current Assets e) Loans and Advances Rs. Rs.

1 2 3

2,50,000 3,500 55,000 Nil


55,000 3,08,5000

4 -

Nil 1,46,500 Nil Nil

50,000 57,000 55,000 Nil Nil

308 1,62,000 Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions a) Liabilities b) Provisions Net Current Assets 4. a) Miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off or adjusted b) Profit and Loss Account

Nil Nil 1,62,000

Nil Nil

Total Schedules forming part of Balance Sheet: Schedule 1 Share Capital

_______ 3,08,500

Rs. Authorised : 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs 100 each Issued and Subscribed : 2,500 Equity Shares of RS. 100 Each 10,00,000 2,50,000 2,50,000

Schedule 2

Reserve and Surplus Rs.

Capital Reserve

3,500 ___ 3,500 Secured Loans Rs. 55,000 ______ __55,000 Share Capital Rs.

Schedule 3

7% Debentures

Schedule 1

Goodwill Land and Buildings Plant and Machinery

3,500 68,000 75,000 1,46,500

309 Working Cash Balance Received From Useless Ltd Share Capital (2,500 x 40) Less: Paid on preferential creditors Paid to unsecured creditors Liquidation Expenses Balance Rs. 1,000 1,00,000 1,01,000 15,000 27,500 3,500 55,000

Illustration 9 (Ext Reconstruction Net Payment Method) The following was the Balance Sheet of DT. Ltd. as on 30 th June 2001 Liabilities Share Capital 2,500 8% Cumulative Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each 12,000 Equity Shares of Rs 100 each 9% Debentures Interest Accrued thereon Creditors Rs. Assets Goodwill Fixed Assets 2,50,000 Stock Debtors Bank Balance 12,00,000 Preliminary Expenses 5,00,000 Profit and Loss A/c 45,000 5,00,000 24,95,000 Note: Preference dividend was in arrears RS. 40,000 The following scheme of Reconstruction is duly sanctioned: a) A new company TD Ltd. is formed with Rs. 15,00,000 as Authorised share capital divided into 15,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each. The Company will acquire DT Ltd. on the following conditions : Old Companies Debentures will be paid by similar debentures in the new company. For the arrears of interest, equivalent amount of equity shares will be issued. The creditors will be paid for every Rs. 100 for their claim, Rs sixteen cash and ten equity shares in the new company. 24,95,000 Rs. 25,000 12,85,000 3,03,000 2,50,000 7,000 25,000 6,00,000

b) i)


310 iii) Preference shareholders are paid ten Equity shares in the new company for each shares held by them in the old company. They will not press for their dividend arrears. Equity Shareholders will be given ten equity shares in the new company for three shares held in the old company Expenses of Rs. 20,000 will be borne by the new company, as a part of purchase consideration. The new company will take the current assets at their book value except stock which will be reduced by Rs. 15,000 Intangible, assets are not to appear in the new balance sheet, appropriate adjustment being made in the values of fixed assets Remaining equity shares in the new company are issued to the public and are fully paid.

iv) v) c)


You are required to prepare : a) In the book of DT Ltd. (i) Realisation Account (ii) DT Equity Shareholders account b) In the Book of DT. Ltd. i) Journal Entries (ii) Balance Sheet Solution Calculation of Purchase Consideration Rs. To Preference Shareholders: 25,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each To Equity Shareholders 10 x12,000 = 40,000 shares of Rs. 10/- each 3 2,50,000

4,00,000 6,50,000

Note: As per AS 14 expenses are not covered by purchase consideration Rs. 18,70,000 By Liabilities 9% Debentures Interest on Debentures Creditors : By T.D. Ltd. By Equity Shareholders A/c (Loss) 18,70,000 Rs. 5,00,000 45,000 5,00,000 6,50,000 1,75,000 18,70,000

To Sundry Assets

311 DT Equity Shareholders A/c Rs 25,000 By Equity Share Capital 6,00,000 1,75,000 4,00,000 ________ 12,00,000 _______ 12,00,000 Rs. 12,00,000

To Preliminary Expenses To Profit & Loss A/c To Realisation (Loss) To Equity Shares in TD Ltd.

Journal of TD. Ltd.

1. Business Purchase A/c Dr To Liquidator of DT Ltd. (Being Purchase Consideration Due) 2. Stock A/c Dr. Debetors A/c Dr. Bank A/c Dr. Fixed Assets Dr. To 9% Debenture A/c To Creditors A/c To Business Purchase A/c (Being Assets & Liabilities taken over, balance being Fixed Assets) 3. Liquidator of DT.Ltd A/c Dr To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being Purchase Consideration discharged) 4. Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being amount received for issue of remaining shae to Public) 5. 9% Debentures holder of DT Ltd A/c Dr. To 9% Debentures A/c To Equity Shares Capital A/c (Being Debentures holders claim settled)

Dr Rs. 6,50,000

Dr Rs, 6,50,000

2,88,000 2,50,000 7,000 12,30,000 5,45,000 5,80,000 6,50,000

6,50,000 6,50,000

3,05,000 3,05,000

5,45,000 5,00,000 45,000

312 6. Creditors A/c Dr. To Cash A/c To Equity Share CApital A/c (Being Creditors A/c Settled ) 7. Goodwill A/c Dr. To Cash A/c (Being paid for Realisation Expenses) TD Ltd. Balance Sheet As on 1st July, 2001 Liabilities Share Capital 15,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each Secured Loan: 9% Debentures Working note: Cash A/c To Sundry Liabilities To Equity Share Capital Rs. 7,000 3,05,000 ______ 3,12,000 By Goodwill A/c By Creditors : By Balance c/d Rs 20,000 80,000 2,12,000 _______ 3,12,000 Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets: 15,00,000 Stock Debtors 5,00,000 Bank Balance ________ 20,00,000 Rs. 12,50,000 2,88,000 2,50,000 2,12,000 ________ 20,00,000 5,80,000 80,000 5,00,000 20,000 20,000

Illustration 10 Madhuri Limited absorbed Shruti Limited on 31st March, 2001 on which day, the balance sheet of Shruti Limited was as under: Balance Sheet As on 31st March, 2001 Liabilities Equity Share Capital of Rs 10/each 5% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each Creditors Bill Payable Rs. 5,00,000 2,00,000 Assets Goodwill Bank Balance Inventories Plant and Machinery Debtors Land and Buildings Preliminary Expenses Profit and Loss A/c Rs. 30,000 40,000 1,55,000 2,05,000 85,000 2,50,000 17,500 27,500 7,80,000

50,000 30,000 _______ 7,80,000

313 The business of Shruti Limited was taken over by Madhuri Limited on the following terms and conditions: a) For every 10 equity shares of Shruti Limited Madhuri Limited issued 11 fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10 each and paid Rs. 15 each. Preference shares of Shruti Limited were paid 6% preference shares of Madhuri Limitd at a premium of 8%. All assets and liabilities were taken over except cash to the extent of Rs. 7,000 which was left for meeting realization expenses. Land and building was revalued at Rs. 3,00,000. All other assets and liabilities were taken over at the book value. For the purpose of carrying out the above absorption. Madhuri limited made necessary arrangements of funds from bank.

b) c)

d) e)

Prepare : i) ii) Necessary ledger accounts in the book of Shruti Limited Balance sheet in the books of Madhuri Limited . (T.Y.B.Com October, 2001) Solution : Purchase Consideration : a) Issue of Equity Shares in Madhavi Ltd. Rs.

11 x 50m000 = 55,000 shares of Rs. 10 each = 5,50,000 10

b) c) Payment in cash

15 x 50,000 10


Issue of 6% Preference Shares of Madhavi Ltd 2,000 x 108 = 2,16,000 8,41,000

314 In the book of Shruti Ltd. Realisation A/c Rs 30,000 By Creditors 33,000 By Bills Payable 1,55,000 By Madhavi Ltd. 2,05,000 55,000 2,50,000 Rs. 50,000 30,000 8,41,000

To Goodwill To Bank To Inventories To Plant & Machinery To Debtors To Land & Building To Preference Shareholders (Loss on Settlement) To Cash To Equity Shareholders A/c (Profit)

16,000 7,000 1,70,000 _______ 9,21,000 Equity Shareholders A/c Rs. 17,500 By Equity Capital By Realisation A/c 27,500 5,50,000 75,000 _______ 6,70,000 Rs. 5,00,000 1,70,000

_______ 9,21,000

To Preliminary Expenses To Profit and Loss A/c To Equity Shares in Madhavi Ltd. To Cash

_______ 6,70,000

Preference Shareholders A/c Rs. To 6% Preference Shares in Madhavi Ltd By Preference 2,16,000 Capital By Realisation A/c _______ 2,16,000 Rs. 2,00,000 16,000 ________ 2,16,000

315 Madhavi Ltd. A/c Rs. 8,41,000 By Equity Shares in Madhavi Ltd. By Preference Shares in Madhavi Ltd. By Cash _______ 8,41,000 Rs. 5,50,000 2,16,000 75,000 _______ 8,41,000

To Realisation A/c

Equity Shares in Madhavi Ltd. A/c Rs. 5,50,000 To Equity Shareholders A/c _______ 5,50,000 Rs. 5,50,000 _______ 5,50,000

To Madhavi Ltd.

6% Preference Shares in Madhavi Ltd. A/c Rs. 2,16,000 By Preference Shareholders A/c _____ _ 2,16,000 Cash A/c Rs. 7,000 By Realisation A/c 75,000 By Equity Shareholders A/c ______ 82,000 Rs. 7,000 75,000 ______ 82,000 Rs. 2,16,000 _______ 2,16,000

To Madhavi Ltd

To Balance b/d To Madhavi Ltd.

316 Madhavi Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2001 Liabilities Rs. Share Capital 55,000 Equity Share of Rs 10/each 5,50,000 2,000 6% Preference Shares of Rs 100 each 2,00,000 Reserve & Surplus Securities 16,000 Premium Current Liabilities : Creditors 50,000 Bill Payable 30,000 Bank OD 42,000 ______ 8,88,000 Illustration 11 Following are the balance Sheet of Big Ltd. and Small Ltd as on 31 March 2001.

Assets Fixed Assets : Goodwill Land & Building Plant & Machinery Current Assets: Inventors Debtors

Rs. 1,73,000 3,00,000 2,05,000 1,55,000 55,000

_______ 8,88,000


Big Ltd Rs 10,00,000 3,00,000 50,000 1,50,000 ________ 15,00,000

Equity Shares Reserves Bill Payable Sundry Creditors

Small Assets Ltd Rs. 3,00,000 Plant Computer 70,000 Stocks Debtors 10,000 Cash at Bank 80,000 Bill _______ Receivable 4,60,000

Big Ltd Rs. 8,00,000 1,00,000 3,00,000 1,80,000 1,00,000 20,000 ________ 15,00,000

Small Ltd. Rs. 30,000 2,70,000 55,000 75,000 30,000 _______ 4,60,000

Big Ltd takent over business of Small Ltd. for RS 3,00,000 in the form of Equity Shares of RS. 10/- each allotted at par, Included in bills payable of Big Ltd. are bills amounting to Rs. 30,000 accepted in favour of Small Ltd. for goods purchased. Of the above mentioned bills of Rs. 30,000 bills for Rs. 5,000 only still remain on the date of absorption in the hands of Small Ltd. The rest having been endorsed in favour of Creditors or got discounted with the bank.

317 On the date of absorption the stock of Big Ltd. include goods purchased from Small Ltd. at the invoice price of Rs. 15,000 Small Ltd. charging profit at 25% on cost. Expenses of liquidation of Small Ltd. Rs. 7,000 were met by Big Ltd. Prepare realization account and Equity shareholders account in the books of Small Ltd. Also pass necessary Journal Entries (narration not required) in the books of Big Ltd. and prepare in Balance Sheet after absorption of Small Ltd. (T.Y.B.Com April 2002 ) Solution : In the Books of Small Ltd. Realisation A/c Rs 30,000 By Bills Payable A/c 2,70,000 By Sundry Creditors 55,000 A/c 75,000 By Big Ltd. A/c By Equity 30,000 Shareholders A/c _______ (Loss) 4,60,000 Equity Shareholders A/c Rs. 70,000 3,00,000 _______ 3,70,000 Rs. 3,00,000 70,000 __ 6,70,000

To Computer A/c To Stock A/c To Debtors A/c To Cash at Bank A/c To Bills Receivable A/c

Rs. 10,000 80,000 3,00,000 70,000 _______ 4,60,000

To Realisation A/c To Equity Shares in Big Ltd. A/c

By Equity Shares Capital A/c By Reserve A/c

Journal of Big Ltd. Debit Rs. 3,00,000 Credit Rs. 3,00,000 30,000 2,70,000 55,000 75,000 30,000

2001 March, 31

Business Purchase A/c Dr. To Liquidator of Small Ltd. A/c Computer A/c Stock A/c Debtors A/c Cash at Bank A/c Bills Receivable A/c Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

318 To Bills Payable A/c To Sundry Creditors A/c To Business Purchase A/c To Capital Reserve A/c Liquidator of Small Ltd. A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c Bills Payable A/c Dr. To bills Receivable A/c Capital Reserve A/c Dr. To Stock A/c Capital Reserve A/c or Goodwill A/c Dr. To Bank A/c 10,000 80,000 3,00,000 70,000 3,00,000 3,00,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 7,000 7,000

Big Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2001

Liabilities Share Capital : Issued and Subscribed 1,30,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid (Of the above Rs. 3,00,000 have been allotted to Vendors to pursuant to a contract without payment being received in cash) Reserve & Surplus Capital Reserve Other Reserve Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities Bill Payable Sundry Creditors Provisions Rs. Assets Fixed Assets : Plants Computers Current Assets, Loans and Advances : Current Assets Stock Debtors Cash at Bank Loans and Advances Bill Receivable Rs. 8,00,000 1,30,000


5,67,000 2,35,000 1,68,000


60,000 3,00,000

55,000 2,30,000 Nil ________ 19,45,000

________ 19,45,000

319 Illustration 12 The following were the Balance sheets of Amar Ltd and Akbar Ltd as at 31st March 2002.
Liabilities Equity Share Capital (fully paid share of Rs 10/- each ) Securities Premium Foreign Projects Reserve General Reserve Profit and Loss A/c 12% Debentures Bills Payable Sundry Creditors Sundry Provisions Bill Ltd Rs. Mona Ltd Rs. Assets Bill Ltd. Rs. 8,00,000 Mona Ltd. Rs.

15,00,000 3,00,000

6,00,000 -


31,000 3,20,000 82,500

2,87,000 12,000 1,30,000 1,00,000 45,000

Land & Building Plant & Machinery Furnitures, Fixtures and Fittings Stock in Trade Sundry Debtors Cash at Bank Bills Receivable



2,50,000 7,70,000 2,20,000 1,00,000 -

1,60,000 4,10,000 1,10,000 62,000 8,000

1,61,000 71,500 33,40,000 12,50,000



At the bill receivable held by Akbar Ltd. were Amar Ltss acceptances. On 1st April 2002. Amar Ltd. took over Akbar Ltd. in an amalgamation in the nature of merger. It was agreed that in discharge of consideration for the business, Amar Ltd. would allot three fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10 each at par for every two shares held in Akbar Ltd. It was also agreed that 12% Debentures in Akbar Ltd. would be converted into 13% Debentures in Amar Ltd. of the same amount and denomination. Expenses of amalgamation amounting to Rs. 1,000 were borne by Amar Ltd. You are required to a) Pass Journal entries in the books of Amar Ltd. and b) Prepare Balance Sheet of Amar Ltd. immediately after the merger (T.Y.B.Com. March 2003 )

320 Solution : Purchase Consideration : Equity Shares in Amar Ltd. Rs. 10 each Rs. 3 x60,000 90,000 Equity Shares of 2 9,00,000 9,00,000

Journal of Amar Ltd. Dr. Rs. Business Purchase A/c To Liquidator of Akbar Ltd. (Being Pruchase of Akbar Ltd.) Dr. 9,00,000 9,00,000 5,00,000 1,60,000 4,10,000 1,10,000 62,000 8,000 31,000 20,000 82,500 1,00,000 45,000 71,500 9,00,000 Dr. Rs

Plant and Machinery A/c Dr. Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings A/c Dr. Stock in Trade A/c Dr. Sundry Debtors A/c Dr. Cash at Bank A/c Dr. Bills Receivable A/c Dr. To Foreign Project Reserve A/c To General Reserve A/c (Balance Figure) To Profit & Loss A/c To 12% Debentures A/c To Sundry Creditors A/c To Sundry Provisions A/c To Business Purchase A/c (Being brought into books the Assets and Liabilities taken over ) Liquidator of Akbar Ltd. A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. (Being issued 90,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each in Settlement of Purchase Consideration) Bills Payable A/c Dr. To Bills Receivable A/c (Being inter company Bills Receivable adjusted)

9,00,000 9,00,000

8,000 8,000

321 12% Debentures A/c Dr. To 13% Debentures A/c (Being 12% Debentures in Akbar Ltd. converted into 13% Debentures ) General Reserve A/c To Bank A/c (Being paid for expenses of amalgamation) Dr. 1,00,000 1,00,000

1,000 1,000

Amar Ltd. Balance Sheet (After Merger) As on 31st March 2002 Liabilities Rs. Assets Share Capital : Fixed Assets : 24,000 Equity Loans & Buildings Shares of Rs. 10 24,00,000 Plants & each Machinery Reserve & Furniture, Fixtures Surplus & Fittings Securities Premium 3,00,000 Current Assets : Foreign Project 31,000 Stock Reserve Debtors General Reserve 9,69,000 Cash at Bank Profit & Loss 3,69,000 Reserve Secured Loans : 13% Debentures 1,00,000 Current Liabilities Bill Payable 4,000 Sundry Creditors 1,75,000 Sundry Provisions 2,32,000 45,81,000 Rs. 8,00,000 17,00,000 4,10,000

11,80,000 3,30,000 1,61,000

_______ 45,81,000

Illustration 13 X Ltd. agreed to acquire the assets excluding cash as 31st December, 2002 of Y Ltd. The Balance Sheet of Y Ltd. as on 31 st December 2002 was as follows :





322 Equity Share Capital : Shares of Rs. 10 each General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Debentures (Rs100 each) Creditors Goodwill 3,00,000 Land & Buildings Plant & Machinery Stock 80,000 Debtors 60,000 Cash 50,000 10,000 5,00,000 6,000 1,20,000 2,00,000 80,000 30,000 10,000


The Consideration was as follows: a) A cash payment of Rs 4/- for every shares of Y Ltd. b) The issue of one equity of Rs. 20 each (market value of RS. 12.50) in the X Ltd. for every share of Y Ltd. c) The issue of 1100 debentures of Rs. 50 each in X Ltd. to enable Y Ltd to discharge its debentures at a premium of 10% d) The expenses of liquidation of Y Ltd. amounting to Rs. 40,000 were to be met themselves. You are required to open necessary ledger accounts in the book of Y Ltd. Solution : Purchase Consideration a) b) Cash Payment 30,000 x 4 = Equity Shares in X Ltd. 30,000 x 12.50 = In the Book of Y Ltd. Realisation A/c Rs 60,000 By Debentures 1,20,000 Bills Creditors 2,00,000 By X Ltd 80,000 30,000 10,000 4,000 51,000 _______ 5,55,000 Equity Shareholders A/c _______ 5,55,000 Rs. 1,20,000 3,75,000 4,95,000

To Goodwill To Land & Building To Plant & Machinery To Stock To Debtors To Cash (Creditors) To Cash (Expenses) To Equity Shareholders (Profit)

Rs. 50,000 10,000 4,95,000

323 Rs 3,75,000 By Equity Capital 1,16,000 By General Reserve By Profit & Loss A/c _ By Realisation A/c 4,91,000 X Ltd. A/c To Realisation A/c Rs 4,95,000 By Cash By Equity Shares in _ X Ltd 4,95,000 Equity Shares in X Ltd. A/c To X Ltd. Rs 3,75,000 By Equity Shareholders _______ 3,75,000 Cash A/c To Balance b/d To X Ltd. Rs 10,000 By Creditors 1,20,000 By Realisation A/c By Equity _______ Shareholders A/c 1,30,000 Rs. 10,000 4,000 1,16,000 _______ 1,30,000 Rs. 3,75,000 _______ 3,75,000 Rs. 1,20,000 3,75,000 _______ 4,95,000 Rs. 3,00,000 80,000 60,000 51,000 4,91,000

To Equity Shares in X Ltd To Cash

Illustration 14 On 31st March 2002, B Ltd. was absorbed by A Ltd. the latter taking over all the assets and liabilities of the former at book values. The consideration for the business was fixed at Rs. 80,000 to be discharged by the transfer company in the form of its fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10 each, to be distributed among the shareholders of the transferor company, each shareholder getting two shares for every share held in the transferor company. The Balance sheet of the two companies as at 31st March 2002 were as under:

Balance Sheet

324 S on 31st March 2001

Liabilities Share Capital: Authorised Issued and Subscribed Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Sundry Creditors Bills Payable Provision for A Ltd Rs. B Ltd Rs. Assets Goodwill 3,00,000 1,00,000 Plant & Machinery Furniture Stock in Trade 1,80,000 36,000 4,100 14,114 2,040 2,460 _______ 2,38,714 40,000 Sundry Debtors Prepaid Insurance 10,000 2,580 Income Tax Refund Claim 7,890 Cash in Hand 800 Cash in Bank 1,000 ______ 62,270 174 2,8000 _______ 2,38,714 70 1,660 ______ 62,270 1,200 A Ltd. Rs. 40,000 82,400 16,000 53,100 44,240 B Ltd. Rs. 12,000 20,000 6,000 12,000 9,200 140

Amalgamation expenses amounting to Rs. 200 were paid by A Ltd. You are required to: 1. Show the necessary Journal Entries in the book of A Ltd. assuming amalgamation in the nature of merger. 2. Prepare the balance Sheet of A Ltd. after the amalgamation ( T.Y.B.Com. Oct 2003 ) Date 1 Particulars Business Purchase A/c Dr. To Liquidators of B Ltd. A/c (Being purchased business) Goodwill A/c Dr. Plant & Machinery A/c Dr. Furniture A/c Dr. Stock in Trade A/c Dr. Sundry Debtors A/c Dr. Prepaid Insurance A/c Dr. Income Tax Refund Claim A/c Dr. Cash in Hand A/c Dr. Cash in Bank A/c Dr. General Reserve A/c Dr. To Sundry Creditors A/c L.F. Dr. Rs. 90,000 Cr. Rs 90,000 12,000 20,000 6,000 12,000 9,200 140 1,200 70 1,660 27,420 7,890

325 To Bills Payable A/c To Provision for Taxation To Business Purchase A/c (Being Assets and Liabilities taken over) Liquidator of B Ltd. A/c Dr To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being settled purchase consideration) General Reserve A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being paid for expenses) 800 1,000 80,000

80,000 80,000


200 200

Balance Sheet of A Ltd. as at 31st March, 2002 Liabilities Share Capital : Authoriesed : 3000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up Issued, Subscribed & Paid up : 26,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up (Out of the above 8,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each fully paid up have been issued for consideration other than cash) Reserve & Surplus General Reserve Profit & Loss Reserve Current Liabilities and Provisions Sundry Creditors Bill Payable Provision for Taxation Assets Fixed Assets : Goodwill Plants & 3,00,000 Machinery Furniture Current Assets : Stock in Trade 2,60,000 Sundry Debtors Cash in Hand Cash at Bank Loans and Advances Prepaid Insurance Income tax Refund Claim Rs. Rs. 52,000 1,02,400 22,000

65,100 53,440 44 4,460

140 1,200

8,380 4,100

22,004 2,840 3,460 3,00,784 45,81,000

Working Notes:

326 Rs. 1. Statement of Purchase Consideration: 8,000 Equity Shares of A Ltd. at RS. 10 at par 80,000 General Reserve : Equity Shares Capital of A Ltd. General Reserve Profit and Loss A/c Net Assets Taken over Less : Amalgamation Expenses General Reserve Less : Amalgamation Expenses General Reserve of A Ltd. General Reserve of B Ltd Add : General Reserve of A Ltd. Balance c/f


40,000 10,000 2,580 52,580 80,000 27,420 200 27,620 36,000 27,620 8,380


Illustration 15 (Issue of Shares in fraction, unrealised profit in stock) Following are the balance sheets of Galaxy Ltd. and Gemini Ltd., as on 31st March 2003 Balance Sheet As on 31st March 2003
Liabilities A Ltd Rs. B Ltd Rs. Assets A Ltd. Rs. 60,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 B Ltd. Rs. 1,25,000 10,000 15,000 5,000

Share Capital: (Rs. 10 each ) Reserve Fund Foreign projects Reserve Creditors Loan from Galaxy Ltd.

50,000 20,000 5,000 15,000 90,000

Fixed Assets Loan to Gemini 1,00,000 Ltd. 30,000 Debtors Stock - Cash at Bank 20,000 5,000 1,55,000



Gemini Ltd. agreed to absorb Galaxy Ltd. on the following terms:


Gemini Ltd. shall give one share of Rs. 10 each at RS 35 per share for every 3 shares held in Galaxy Ltd. the amount for the fraction of shares shall be paid in cash calculated as per the market price of the share of Gemini Ltd. Stock of Galaxy Ltd. includes goods worth Rs. 7,500 purchased from Gemini Ltd. which has a profit margin of 20% on cost. Debtors of Gemini Ltd. includes Rs. 2,500 being amount due from Galaxy Ltd. but the Creditors of Galaxy Ltd. include Rs. 2,000 only being the amount due to Gemini Ltd. The Difference between the Debtors and Creditors is due to cash in transit. The shares of Gemini Ltd. are quoted in the market at Rs. 45 per share. You are requested to pass the journal Entries in the books of Gemini Ltd. and the Balance Sheet after the absorption, assuming that the Foreign Projects Reserve is still to be maintained for 3 years. Assume that the amalgamation is in the nature of Purchase. (T.Y.B.Com April 2004)

Solution: Purchase Consideration Rs. One Share in Gemini Ltd. for every 3 shares of Galaxy Ltd. 5,000 = 1,666 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each @ Rs. 35 each full 3 paid up 58,310 Cash 0.67 share x Market value of share of Gemini Ltd (Rs 45) 30 Purchase Consideration 58,340

Journal of Gemini Ltd.

328 (Amalgamation is in the nature of purchase) Dr. Rs. 58,340 Dr. Rs 58,340

Business Purchase A/c Dr. To Liquidator of Galaxy Ltd. A/c (Being business of Galaxy Ltd. taken over) Fixed Assets A/c Dr. Loan to Gemini Ltd. A/c Dr. Debtors A/c Dr. Stock A/c Dr. To Creditors A/c To Business Purchse A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Bal Figure) (Being various assets and liabilities of Galaxy Ltd. taken over at agreed values ) Liquidator of Galaxy Ltd. A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (1.666 x 10) To Securities Premium A/c (1.666 x 25) To Cash/Bank A/c (Being Payment to purchase Consideration to liquidators of Galaxy Ltd. ) Goodwill A/c Dr. To Stock Reserve A/c (Being profit element in stock of Galaxy Ltd) Loan from Galaxy Ltd A/c Dr. To Loan to Gemini LTd A/c (Being inter company loan set off ) Creditors A/c Dr. Cash to Transit A/c Dr. To Debtors Bank A/c (Being inter company debts set off ) Amalgamation Adjustment A/c Dr. To Foreign Projects Reserve A/c (Being Foreign Projects Reserve maintained

60,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 58,340 16,660

58,340 16,660 41,650 30

1,250 1,250

5000 5,000 2,000 500 2,500 5,000 5,000

Balance Sheet of Gemini Ltd.

329 As at 31st March 2003

Liabilities Share Capital : 11,666 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up (of the above, 1,666 share have been Issued for consideration other than cash) Reserve & Surplus Securities Premium Capital Reserve 16,660 General Reserve 1,250 Less : Goodwill Reserve Fund Foreign Project Reserve Current Liabilities Creditors Assets Fixed Assets : Current Assets : Stock 25,000 Less: Stock Reserve 1,250 1,16,660 Debtors Cash in Transit Miscellaneous Expenditure : 41,650 Amalgamation Adjustment A/c Rs. Rs. 1,85,000

23,750 22,500 4,970 500


15,410 30,000 5,000

33,000 2,41,720

________ 2,41,720

Illustration 16 (Statutory Reserve to be maintained) The Following is the Balance Sheet of Vikrant Ltd. Liabilities Issued and Paid up Equity Share Capital Statutory Reserve (to be maintained for 3 more years) Debentures Creditors Assets Intangible Assets 5,00,000 Fixed Assets Current Assets 10,000 Profit and Loss A/c Rs. Rs. 50,000 4,20,000 1,10,000 80,000

1,00,000 50,000 6,60,000

_______ 6,60,000

Virat Ltd. agreed to absorb Vikram Ltd. on the following terms: 1. Virat Ltd. agreed to take over all the assets and liabilities 2. The assets of Vikrant Ltd. are to be considered to be worth Rs. 5,00,000 3.The Purchase price is to be paid one quarter in ash and the balance in shares which are issued at the market price.

330 4. Liquidation expenses amounted to Rs. 300 agreed to be paid by Vikrant Ltd. 5. Market value of shares of RS. 10 each of Virat Ltd. is Rs. 12 per share. 6. Debentures of Vikrant Ltd. were paid. 7. The amalgamation is in the nature of purchase You are required to show: a) b) c) Purchase consideration Ledger accounts in the books of Vikrant Ltd. Opening entries in the book of Virat Ltd. (T.Y.B.Com Oct 2004)

Solution: Purchase Consideration Market value of assets taken over Less: Liabilities taken over 50,000 Debentures 1,00,000 Discharge of Purchase Consideration : Rs. Rs. 5,00,000 1,50,000 3,50,000

1 In Cash x Rs. 3,50,000 4 3 In Shares x Rs. 3,50,000 4

87,500 2,62,500 3,50,000

In the Book of Vikrant LTd. Realisation A/c Dr. Liabilities To Intangible Assets A/c To Fixed Assets A/c To Current Assets A/c To Bank A/c (Expenses) Rs. Assets Cr. Rs. 1,00,000 50,000 3,50,000 80,300

50,000 By Debentures A/c By Creditors A/c 4,20,000 By Virat Ltd. A/c (Purchase Price) 1,10,000 By Shareholders 300 A/c (Loss on Realisation) 5,80,300


331 Equity Shareholders A/c Dr. Rs To Realisation A/c To Profit and Loss A/c To Bank A/c To Equity Shares in Virat Ltd 80,300 By Share Capital 80,000 A/c By Statutory 87,200 Reserve A/c 2,62,500 _______ 5,10,000 Virat Ltd A/c Dr. Rs To Realisation A/c 3,50,000 By Bank A/c By Equity Share in _______ Virat 3,50,000 Bank A/c Dr. Rs. To Virat Ltd. A/c 87,500 By Realisation A/c By Shareholders A/c ______ 87,500 Equity Share in Virat Ltd. A/c Dr. Rs. To Virat Ltd. A/c 2,62,500 By Equity Shareholders A/c _______ 2,62,500 Cr. Rs. 2,62,500 _______ 2,62,500 Rs. 300 87,200 ______ 87,500 Cr. Rs 87,500 2,62,500 _______ 3,50,000 Cr. Rs 5,00,000 10,000 Cr.

_______ 5,10,000

332 Journal of Virat Ltd. Date 1 Particulars Business Purchase A/c Dr. To Liquidators of Vikarant Ltd. A/c (Being purchased business of Vikrant Ltd) Sundry Assets A/c Dr. To Trade Creditors A/c To Debentures A/c To Business Purchase A/c (Being Assets and Liabilities taken over) Liquidator of Vikran Ltd. A/c Dr To Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c To Bank A/c (Being purchase consideration settled) Amalgamation Adjustment A/c Dr. To Statutory Reserve A/c (Being statutory reserve maintained) Debentures A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being payment to debenture holders of Vikrant Ltd.) L.F. Dr. Rs. 3,50,000 3,50,000 Cr. Rs

5,00,000 50,000 1,00,000 3,50,000

3,50,000 2,18,750 43,750 87,500


10,000 10,000

1,00,000 1,00,000

Working Notes: Number of shares to be issued to Vikrant Ltd. Amount to be paid in form of equity share capital Rs. 2,62,500 Agreed value of one equity Share Rs. 12 2,62,500 Number of equity shares to be issued = i.e. 21,875 shares 12 Share Capital = 21,875 x 10 = 2,18,750 Securities Provision = 21,875 x 2 = 43,750

333 Illustration 17 The following are the Balance sheets as on 31.12.2004 of Nisha Ltd. and Usha Ltd.
Liabilities A Ltd Rs. B Ltd Rs. Assets A Ltd. Rs. 70,000 B Ltd. Rs. -

Equity Share Capital: (Rs. 10 per share ) 15% Debentures Reserve Fund Employees Provident Fund Sundry Creditors Profit & Loss A/c

Land & Building Plant and 2,00,000 1,20,000 Machinery Stock - Debtors 5,000 Bank - Misc Exp.not W/o 16,000 Advertisement - Expenses

2,20,000 1,00,000 35,000 25,000 6,000 18,000 16,000 2,000 -

40,000 76,000 6,000 30,000 4,000


3,56,000 1,41,000

3,56,000 1,41,000

The two companies agreed to amalgamation and form a new company M/s Ujala Ltd/ which takes over the assets and liabilities of both the companies. The authorized capital of Ujala Ltd. is Rs. 20,00,000 consisting of 2,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each. The assets of Nisha Ltd. are taken over at 90% of the book value with the exception of land and building which are accepted to book value. Both the companies are to receive 10% of the net valuation of their respective business as Goodwill. The purchase consideration is to be satisfied by Ujala Ltd. in its fully paid shares at 10% premium. In return of Debentures of Nisha Ltd. Debentures of the same amount and denomination are to be issued by Ujala Ltd. Close the books of Nisha Ltd. and Usha Ltd. and show the Opening Balance sheet of Ujala Ltd. under Purchase Method. (T.Y.B.Com. March 2005)

334 Solution: Computation at Purchase Consideration

Nisha Ltd Rs. Rs. Assets Taken over Land and Building Plant and Machinery Stock Debtors Bank Less : Liabilities 15% Debentures Sundry Creditors Employees Provident Fund Net Assets Before Goodwill Add : Goodwill (10% of Net Assets) Purchase Considerati on No. of Shares (N.V. Security Premium Usha Ltd Rs. Rs. Total Rs. Rs.

70,000 1,98,000 31,500 22,500 6,000 3,28,000 1,00,000 18,000 16,000 2,000 1,36,000

70,000 2,98,000 49,500 38,500 8,000 4,64,000

40,000 30,000 6,000 76,000 2,52,000 16,000 16,000 1,20,000

40,000 46,000 8,000 92,000 3,72,000




2,77,200 25,200

1,32,000 12,000

4,09,200 37,200

2,52,000 2,77,200 + 25,200 P.C. Satisfied as Under 25,200 Eq. Shares of Ujala Ltd. at Rs. 11 each 12,000 Eq. Shares of Ujala Ltd. at Rs. 11 each

1,20,000 1,32,000 +12,000

3,72,000 4,09,200 +37,200

Nisha Ltd 2,77,200

Usha Ltd 1,32,000

335 In the Books of Nisha Ltd. and Usha Ltd. Realisation A/c
Nisha Ltd. Rs To Sundry Assets : Land & Building Plant & Machinery Stock Debtors Bank To Equity Share holders (Realisation Profit) Usha Ltd. Rs By Sundry Liabilities 15% Debentures Sundry Creditors Employees Provident Fund By Usha Ltd. (P.C.) By Equity Shareholders (Realisation Loan) Nisha Ltd. Rs Usha Ltd. Rs

70,000 2,20,000 35,000 25,000 6,000 1,00,000 18,000 16,000 2,000 12,000

40,000 30,000 6,000


2,77,200 1,32,000

2,800 _______ _______ 3,56,000 1,48,000

__ 3,56,000

_____ __ 1,48,000

Ujala Ltd. A/c

Nisha Ltd. Rs To Realisation A/c (P.C.) 2,77,000 __ 2,77,200 Usha Ltd. Rs 1,32,000 By Eq. Shares in Ujala Ltd. __ 1,32,000 Nisha Ltd. Rs 2,77,200 _ 2,77,200 Usha Ltd. Rs 1,32,000 _ 1,32,000

Equity Shareholders A/c

Nisha Ltd. Rs To Advertisement Expenses To Realisation A/c (Loan) To Equity Shares in Ujala Ltd. Usha Ltd. Rs By Eq. Share 5,000 Capital By Reserve Fund By P & L A/c 1,32,000 By Realisation _ A/c (Profit) 1,37,000 Nisha Ltd. Rs Usha Ltd. Rs

2,00,000 76,000 4,000 ______ 2,80,000

1,20,000 5,000 12,000 _ 1,37,000

2,800 2,77,200 _ 2,80,000

336 Balance Sheet of Ujala Ltd. As on 31.12.2004 Liabililties Share Capital Authorised 2,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each Issued, Subscribed & Paid up 37,200 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each Reserve & Surplus : Securities Premium Secured Loans 15% Debentures Unsecured Loan Current Liabilities and Provisions Sundry Creditors Employees Provident Fund Rs Assets Fixed Assets Goodwill Land & Building Plant & Machinery Investments Current Assets, Loans and Advances Stock Debtors Bank Miscellaneous Expenditure Rs


37,200 70,000 2,98,000 Nil

3,72,000 37,200 40,000 Nil

49,500 38,500 8,000 Nil

46,000 6,000 5,01,200 5,01,200

10.2 KEY TERMS :

Amalgamation: Means coming together of two or more Ltd. companies. It includes Absorption as well as external reconstruction. Purchase consideration: It is sale price of the business of transferor company agreed Between transferor and transferee company. Pooling of Interest: It means amalgamation in the nature of merger. Statutory Reserve: Any reserve which is required to be maintained in the future for specified Number of years as per the law. Transferee Company: The company which takes over the business of another company. Transferor Company: The company which sales its business to another company. This company goes into liquidation.

337 Swap Ratio: It is the ratio in which the shares of two companies are exchanged. It is based on intrinsic value of shares of both the companies.

10.3.1 OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 1. a. b. c. d. e. Which of the following statements is true with amalgamation? Amalgamation signifies the merging of two or more companies into one. Two or more companies form a new company. Refers to an arrangement, whereby a previously unprofitable of weak Company, is reconstructed. Both (a) and (b) above All of the above (a),(b)and (c) above.

2. Reconstruction refers to an arrangement, whereby: a. A Previously unprofitable or weak company is reconstructed by certain measures b. It is a blend of two or more undertakings into one undertaking c. Reconstruction includes absorption d. In reconstruction the assets and liabilities are not valued e. None of the above. 3. a. b. c. d. e. 4. a. b. c. d. e. The assets Which is not taken under the net assets method of calculation purchase consideration is Furniture Preliminary expenses Stock Cash Debtors Pooling of Interest Method of Valuation of Inventory Calculation of purchase consideration Accounting of amalgamation Method of valuing good will Method of valuing shares

5. In which of the following methods the purchase consideration is calculated on the basis of the agreed value of the shares of the transferor company? a. Lump sum Method b. Net assets Method c. Net Payment Method d. Intrinsic value Method e. Purchase Method



The Adjustment entry passes to eliminate the inter-company Owings is Debit Amalgamation Adjustment a/c, Credit Statutory reserve account Debit sundry Creditors a/c,Credit Sundry Debtors a/c Debit sundry Creditors a/c, Credit Statutory reserve a/c Debit Amalgamation adjustment a/c, Credit sundry debtors Debit sundry debtors, Credit Sundry Creditors

a. b. c. d. e.

7.Under purchase Method, any excess of the amount of purchase consideration over the acquired assets of the transferor company should be recognized asa. Statuory Reserve b. Amalgamation Adjustment c. Equity shares d. Good will 8.When there is goodwill arising in amalgamation in the financial statement of the transferee company such good will should be amortized to income and such amortization period should not exceed. a. 12 years b. 10 years c. 5 Years d. 7 years e. 6 years 9. If there is a provision against an asset, such an asset is transferred to the Realization account ata. Gross figure b. Net figure c. Historical Values d. Current market value e. Net realizable value. 10. Slink Ltd. is acquired and absorbed by pink Ltd. Plink agrees to pay the following to slink for the acquisition. a. Discharge of slink Limiteds 20,000 10% debentures by issue of 15,000 12% debentures. b. Two Equity shares of Rs. 20 for each equity share of slink. Slinks total issued shares are 5,000. c. Cost of acquisition amountedto Rs. 14,000. This will be borne by pink Ltd. d. Cash @ Rs.5 per debenture additionally to Slinks debenture holders and Rs. 4 per share to its equity holders.

339 The purchase consideration payable by plink Ltd. to Slink a. b. c. d. e. Rs.20,38,000 Rs.20,34,000 Rs.20,35,000 Rs.20,37,000 Rs.20,32,000

Based on the following information answer the questions 11 to 17. Balance sheet as at 31st March 2009 Liabilities Equity Capital of Rs.10 each General Reserve Statutory Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Debentures Creditors X Ltd Y Ltd. Assets Y. Ltd 3,60000 1,40000 40000 60000 X Ltd.

2,00000 1,20000 Fixed assets 36000 10000 Current assets 10000 8000 4000 80000 70000 400000 2000 40000 20000 200000



X Ltd. takes over Y Ltd., the purchase consideration is discharged by X as follows: a. Issue 32000 shares of Rs. 5 each in X Ltd. (Face value Rs. 5) at a premium of Re.1/- share b. Debentures of Y Ltd. will be absorbed in X Ltd. on the same terms and conditions. c. Fixed assets of Y Ltd. are revalued at Rs. 160000. d. Statutory reserve required to be maintained for next five years. 11. The Method of calculation of purchase consideration is a. b. c. d. Net Assets Method Net Payment Method Lump-sum Method Exchange of shares Method

340 12. Purchase consideration of Y Ltd is a. b. c. d. Rs 32,000 Rs. 1,92,000 Rs. 1,60,000 Rs. 2,00,000

13. After all adjustments the balance in general reserve accounts is Rs. a. b. c. d. Rs. 46,000 Rs.36,000 Rs. 26,000 Rs. 16,000

14. The total Equity share capital of X Ltd after Merger is a. Rs.3,60,000 b. Rs.5,00,000 c. Rs.2,00,000 d. Rs.3,92,000 15.The total of balance sheet of X Ltd after merger is a. Rs. 3,00,000 b. Rs. 4,00,000 c. Rs. 6,10,000 d. Rs. 6,00,000 16. The total value of fixed assets shown in the balance sheets after merger is a. Rs.3,60,000 b. Rs.5,00,000 c. Rs.5,10,000 d. Rs.4,00,000 17. The Capital reserve / Goodwill that will appeared in the balance sheet X Ltd is a. Capital reserve Rs. 42,000 b. Capital Reserve Rs. 32,000 c. Goodwill Rs. 42,000 d. Goodwill Rs. 32,000

341 Based on the following information answer the questions from 18 to 26. The following is the summarized balance sheet of Anila Products Ltd. as at 31st March 2009 Liabilities 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each 5000 of preference shares Rs.10 each Securities Premium 10% Debentures General Reserve Profit and Loss a/c Creditors Rs. Assets 2,00,000 Good will 50000 Free hold Property 20000 Plant and Machinery 50,000 Furniture 45,000 Motor vehicle 15,000 Stock 5,000 Debtors Bank Cash 3,85,000 Rs. 50,000 1,25,000 25,000 30000 20,000 25,000 15,000 75,000 20,000 3,85,000

On the above date Binita Ltd. absorbed Anila Ltd. by taking over all fixed assets (tangible & intangible) at 10% above book value and stock and debtors at 10% below book value, creditors at book value. The purchase consideration was discharged by issue of 10% preference shares of same denomination and value and issue of 10000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs. 15 each and balance in cash. 18. The Method of calculation of purchase consideration is d. e. f. g. Net Assets Method Net Payment Method Lump-sum Method Exchange of shares Method

19. Purchase consideration of Anila Ltd is a. b. c. d. Rs 4,01,000 Rs. 3,85,000 Rs. 3,91,500 Rs. 3,51,000

342 20. After all adjustments the balance in general reserve accounts is Rs. e. f. g. h. Rs. 46,000 Rs.36,000 Rs. 45,000 Rs. 16,000

21. The total Equity share capital of Binita Ltd after Merger is a. Rs.3,60,000 b. Rs.3,50,000 c. Rs.2,00,000 d. Rs.3,92,000 23. The revalued amount of fixed assets after absoptions is a. Rs.3,60,000 b. Rs.2,50,000 c. Rs.2,75,000 d. Rs.4,00,000 24. The revalued amount of current assets after absoptions is a. Rs.1,35,000 b. Rs.1,31,000 c. Rs.2,75,000 d. Rs.1,21,500 25. The cash payment to be made by Binita Ltd to Anila Ltd is a. b. c. d. Rs. 75,000 Rs. 76,000 Rs. 78,000 Rs. 79,000

26. The Capital reserve / Goodwill (arising out of absorpation)that will appear in the balance sheet Binita Ltd is a. Capital reserve Rs. 42,000 b. Capital Reserve Rs. 55,000 c. Goodwill Rs. 42,000 d. Goodwill Rs. 55,000

343 10.3.2 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS Exercises: 1 The following Balance Sheet are given as on 31st March, 2008:
Liabilities Share Capital Shares of Rs.100 each Fully paid Reserves Other liabilities 20000 10000 20000 -------50000 ====== 10000 8000 2000 -------20000 ===== ------50000 ===== -------20000 ====== Lock Ltd Key Ltd. Assets Lock Ltd. Fixed Assets 25000 Investments 5000 Current Assets 20000 Key Ltd. 15000 ---5000

The following further information is given a) Investments of Lock Ltd. include Rs. 3000 representing shares in Key Ltd. having a face value of Rs.2000 b) Key Limited issued bonus shares on 1st April, 2008 in the ratio of one share for every two held out of Reserves and Surplus. c) It was agreed that Lock Ltd. will take over the business of Key Ltd. on the basis of the latters Balance Sheet, the consideration taking the form of allotment of shares in Key Ltd d) The value of shares in Lock Ltd. was considered to be Rs. 150 and the shares in Key Ltd. were valued at Rs.100 after the issue of the bonus shares. The allotment of shares is to be made on the basis of these values. e) Liabilities of Key Ltd. includes Rs.1000 due to Lock Ltd. for purchases from it on which Lock Ltd. made profit of 25% of the cost. The goods of Rs. 500 out of the said purchases Remained in stock on the date of the above Balance Sheet. Make the closing ledger in the Books of Key Ltd. and the opening journal entries in the Books Of Lock Ltd. and prepare the Balance Sheet as at 1st April, 2008 after the takeover.

344 Exercises: 2 Balance Sheet of Nitin Ltd as on 31st March, 2009. Liabilities Authorised Share Capital 100000 Equity shares Of Rs. 10/Issued Capital 30000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each fully paid. Securities Premium General reserve Foreign Project Reserve 10% Debentures Provision for Tax Trade Liabilities Rs Assets Good will Land & Building 1000000 Furniture Investment 300000 Stock 100000 Debtor 220000 Bills Receivable 10000 Bank 100000 Preliminery Expenses 50000 98000 878000 878000 Rs 68000 200000 100000 120000 140000 139000 69000 26000 16000

Nutan Ltd agreed to take over assets (except investment) of Nitin Ltd. on the following conditions: 1. Debentures will be discharged at 8 % premium by issue of 12 % debentures at 4 % discount 2. Issue of 3 equity shares at Rs. 10/- at a price of Rs. 16 per share for every 2 shares of Nitin Ltd. 3. Payment of cash Rs 2 per equity share of Nitin Ltd. 4. Payment of absorption expenses Rs. 10000 Nitin Ltd. sold off the investments at 100000 and 60% at shares received from Nutan Ltd. at 15 each and paid of Income Tax Liability at Rs. 52800 and trade Liabilities at 10% discount Nutan Ltd. revalued Land and building at Rs. 400000 and furniture at Rs. 80000 and debtors subject to 5% Provision. Give Necessary ledger accounts of in the books of Nitin Ltd. and journal entries in the books of Nutan Ltd.

345 Exercises: 3 The following are the Balance Sheets as on 31.03.2009. of X Co. Ltd & Y.Co.Ltd.
Liabilities X.Co. Ltd Rs Equity Share Capital (Rs. 100 Each) Debentures Reserve Fund Dividend Equalization Fund Employees Provident Fund Sundry Creditors Profit & Loss A/c Total 100000 20000 34000 4000 3000 10000 2000 173000 68000 Total 173000 68000 8000 Y.Co. Ltd. Rs 60000 Land & Building Plant & Machinery Stock Debtors Cash Assets X.Co Ltd. Rs 30000 110000 16000 14000 3000 50000 8000 9000 1000 Y.Co. Ltd. Rs

The two companies agree to amalgamate and form a new company called Z Ltd., Which takes over the assets and liabilities of both the companies. The Authorized capital Z Ltd. is Rs. 10,00,000 consisting of 1,00,000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each. The Assets of X Co. Ltd. are taken over at a reduced valuation of 10% with the exception of Land and Building which are accepted at book value. Both companies are to receive 5% of the net valuation of their respective business as Goodwill. The entire purchase price is to be paid by Z Co. Ltd., in its fully paid shares. Is Return for Debentures in X Co. Ltd., Debentures of the same amount and denomination are to be issued by Z Co. Ltd. Close the books of X Co. Ltd., and Y Co. Ltd. and show the opening Balance Sheet of Z Co. Ltd under purchase method in vertical form. (T.Y.B.Com. April, 1997)


Unit Structure 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Objectives Introduction Types of Construction Alteration of Shares capital Legal Aspects Capital Reduction Accounting Entries Solved Problems

After studying the unit the students will be able to: Understand the types of reconstruction. Know the alternation of share capital. Explain the procedure of reconstruction. Understand the Accounting entries for reconstruction. Solve the practical problems on the unit.

The term reconstruction means reorganizing the capital structure of a company including the reduction of the claim of both the classes of shareholders & the creditors against the company. Sick companies (loss making companies) may be taken over by the profit making companies however in case of c/f of huge losses, assets are overvalued or undervalued, in such cases company may go for reconstruction. It may be external or internal reconstruction.


The Company can be reconstructed internally or externally. It means two types of reconstruction is possible:



External Reconstruction: In case of external reconstruction a new company is formed to take over the business of an existing company which has suffered huge losses & which is in bad financial position. The vendor company goes into liquidation & its business is taken over by the new company. 11.2.2 Internal Reconstruction: In case of internal reconstruction, the capital structure of the company is reorganized to infuse new life in the company. It includes alteration, reduction and reorganization of share capital of the company.


A limited company if authorized by its Articles of Association can alter the capital clause of its Memorandam of Association. As per Sec. 94 to 97 of the Companies Act 1956 a company can alter its share capital. The alteration of share capital may be in following different ways: a] b] Increase in share capital by the issue of new shares. Consolidation of shares: Consilidation refers to conversion of shares of the smaller denomination into shares of larger denomination e.g: 5000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each can be consolidated into 500 shares of Rs. 100 each. c] Subdivision of shares: Sub division refers to conversion of shares of the larger denomination into shares of small denomination e.g: 5000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each can be subdivided into 50000 shares of Rs. 10 each. d] Conversion of shares into stock: A company may convert its shares into stock. Stocks may be in fractions which is not possible in case of shares. Conversion of shares into stock requires sanction of the Central Government. e] Surrender of shares: In a reconstruction scheme the shareholders may be required to surrender a part of their shareholdings. Such a surrender may be either before immediate cancellation or for

348 issue to some of the creditors of the company in satisfaction of their claim. Cancellation of Unissued shares: In case a company cancels its unissued shares it does not require any accounting entry to be passed. The authorized shares capital of the company will stand reduced by the amount of unissued shares now cancelled.



Internal reconstruction scheme should be framed by careful study and proper valuation of assets and liabilities. It involves a compromise or arrangement between the company and its members or/and its creditors. However following aspects should be carefully taken care of while framing the scheme of internal reconstruction a] For change in share capital in any form, it should be considered as per provisions of the M/A & A/A, and in case if required the company should alter the provisions in the M/A & A/A. Company is required to give a notice to the Register of Companies within 30 days of its passing resolution. Sanction of SEBI is necessary in certain cases. Board Resolution is necessary to effect the alteration.

b] c] d]



Internal reconstruction means the reduction of capital to cancel any paid-up share capital which is lost during the course of business i.e. not represented by the real value of the assets. A company can reduce its share capital in the followings ways: a] Writing off lost capital b] Refunding surplus paid-up capital. c] Reducing the liability of the members for uncalled capital. A company can reduce its share capital only when each of the following condition is satisfied a] The A/A of the company must permit such reduction. b] The company passes special resolution for reducing its share capital.

349 c] The company obtains the confirmation of the court. Reduction of capital will be effective only when it is sanctioned by the court and registered with Registrar of Companies. Court may at its discretion order the words And Reduced to be added to the name of the company for the period prescribed.


Capital Reduction Account is opened in the ledger to give effect of sacrifice made by shareholders & others as well as to write off accumulated losses, fictitious assets, & change in values of assets/liabilities. 1] When the face value of share is changed: Share capital A/c (o/d) (With paid up value of old shares) To Share Capital A/c (new) (With paid up value of new shares) To Capital Reduction A/c (With difference) When any sacrifice is made by the creditors: Creditors A/c (with sacrifice) To Capital Reduction A/c





When there is reduction in share capital (face value of share is not changed) Share Capital A/c Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (With the amount of reduction). When the value of any asset is appreciated: Asset A/c (increase in value) To Capital Reduction A/c




When any sacrifice is made by the Debenture Holders Debentures A/c (increase in value) Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c When shares are consolidated: Share Capital A/c (say Rs. 10) To Share Capital A/c (say Rs. 100) When Shares are subdivided: Share Capital A/c (say Rs. 100) To Share Capital A/c (say Rs. 10)





350 8] When capital reduction is utilised for writing off fictitious assets, losses and excess value of other assets: Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To P/L A/c To Goodwill A/c To Preliminary Expenses A/c To Discount on Shares/Debentures A/c To Other Assets A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (if any balance is left) When shares are converted into stock: Share Capital A/c To Share Stock A/c When shares are surrendered: Share Capital A/c To Share Surrendered A/c






When surrendered shares are converted into preference shares: Share Surrendered A/c Dr. To Preference Share Capital A/c When contingent liability/unrecorded liability is paid for: Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Bank A/c


(Note: No entry is required for amount foregone against such liability.) 13] When recorded liability is paid for: Liability A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Note: Any profit or loss should be transferred to Capital Reduction A/c) 14] When recorded assets are disposed off: Bank A/c Dr. To Assets A/c (Note: Any profit or loss on sale should be transferred to Capital Reduction A/c) 15] When Reconstruction expenses are paid Capital Reduction A/c To Bank A/c


351 16] When an unrecorded assets is sold off: Bank A/c To Capital Reduction A/c When finance is raised by issue of shares Bank A/c To Share Capital A/c





When arrears of preference dividend are cancelled: No Entry When new debentures are debentures: Old Debentures A/c To New Debentures A/c exchanged for Dr. old



When arrears of preference dividend are settled by issue of deposit certificates cash/shares: Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Deposit Certificates/Cash/Share Certificate A/c When the rate of preference dividend is changed: Preference Share Capital (old) A/c Dr. To Preference Share Capital A/c (new) When surrendered shares are issued to creditors: Surrendered A/c To Share Capital A/c Creditors A/c To Capital Reduction A/c Dr.


22] (a)



Note: Profit or Loss on scheme to be transferred to capital Reduction A/c. 23] When provision for taxation, Capital Reserve,Securities Premium is utilised: Provision for Taxation A/c Capital Reserve A/c Securities Premium A/c To Capital Reduction A/c Dr. Dr. Dr.

352 Proforma: Capital Reduction A/c Particulars

To P & L A/c (Loss written off) To Goodwill A/c (Written off) To Preliminary expenses A/c (Written off) To Discount on Shares/Debentures (Written off) To Assets A/c (Decrease in value) To Bank A/c (payment of unrecorded liability) To Bank A/c (payment of Reconstruction Expenses) To Bank A/c (Refund of Directors Fees) To Capital Reserve (Balancing figure)


By Share Capital A/c (Amount of reduction) By Debentures A/c (Amount of Reduction) By Creditors A/c (Amount of Sacrifice) By Assets A/c (Increase in value) By Bank A/c (sate of unrecorded assets)





Problem 1 Following is the Balance sheet of M/s. Life Care Ltd. as on 31 st March, 2010. Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2010.
Liabilities 50,000 8% Cumulative Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each. 40,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each. Security Premium 9% Debentures Accrued Debenture interest Sundry Creditors Bank Overdraft Rs. Assets Goodwill Freehold Property Leasehold Property Plant & Machinery Furniture Stock Debtors Preliminary Exp. Profit & Loss A/c Rs. 1,00,000 1,50,000 2,40,000 3,00,000 1,00,000 50,000 1,00,000 9,000 2,07,000

5,00,000 4,00,000 8,000 1,00,000 6,000 1,00,000 1,42,000 12,56,000


353 Note 1) Preference dividend was in arrears for 3 years. 2) There was a contingent liability of Rs.30,000/- for workmen compensation. Following scheme implemented. of reconstruction was approved &

a) The Preference shares were reduced to Rs.8/- per share fully paid & Equity Shares to Rs.3/- per share fully paid. b) One new Equity share of Rs.10/- each was issued of every Rs.50/- gross preference dividend in arrears. c) After reduction, both classes of shares were consolidated into Rs.10/- shares. d) The balance of Securities Premium was utilized. e) Plant & Machinery was written of down to Rs.2,50,000/-. f) Furniture was sold to Rs.75,000/g) Preliminary expenses debit balance in Profit & Loss A/c, debt of Rs.25,000/- & obsolete stock Rs.18,000/- were to be written off. h) Contingent liability for which no provision has been made was settled at Rs.15,000/-. However, the amount of Rs.11,000/- was recovered from insurance company. i) Debenture holders agreed to Forgo principal amount by Rs.50,000/- & accrued debenture interest in full. Pass journal entries. Prepare capital reduction account & Balance sheet after reconstruction. Solution : Journal of Life Care Ltd.
Date 1. Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

8% Preference Share Cap. A/c .Dr. 5,00,000 (50,000X10) To 8% Preference Share Capital A/c 4,00,000 (50,000X8) 1,00,000 To Capital Reduction A/c (50,000X2) (Being reduction in 8% Preference Capital.)

2. 8% Preference Share Capital A/c..Dr. 3,20,000 (40,000X8) 3,20,000 To 8% Preference Share Capital A/c (32,000X10) (Being consolidation of 8% Preference Shares.) Equity Share Capital A/c .Dr. 4,00,000 (40,000X10) 1,20,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c (40,000X3) 2,80,000 To Capital Reduction A/c (40,000X7) (Being reduction in Equity Share Capital) Equity Share Capital A/c ... Dr. 1,20,000 (40,000X3) 1,20,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c (12,000X10) (Being consolidation of Equity Shares.) Capital Reduction A/c . Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (8%X5,00,000X 24,000 24,000




3 X10) 50

(Being arrears of Preference dividend paid by issue of Equity shares.) 6. Security Premium A/c . Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being Security Premium used.) Bank A/c Dr. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Furniture A/c (Being sale of Furniture at a loss of Rs.25,000/-) Capital Reduction A/c .Dr. To Bank A/c (Being payment of contingent liability.) Bank A/c .. Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being recovery of claim from insurance company.) 9% Debentures A/c Dr. Accrued Debenture interest A/c .. Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c 8,000 8,000


75,000 25,000









50,000 6,000


11. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Plant & Machinery A/c (3,00,000 2,50,000) To Preliminary Expenses A/c To Profit & Loss A/c To Sundry Debtors A/c To Stock A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Being losses & Assets written off.) 3,91,000 50,000 9,000 2,07,000 25,000 18,000 82,000

Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars


To Equity Share Cap. A/c 24,000 By 8% Pref. Share Cap. (Preference Dividend) A/c 1,00,000 To Furniture 25,000 By Equity Share Capital To Plant & Machinery A/c 50,000 A/c 2,50,000 To Preliminary Expenses 9,000 By Security Premium 8,000 To Profit & Loss A/c 2,07,000 By 9% Debentures 50,000 To Sundry Debtors A/c 25,000 By Accrued interest on To Stock 18,000 debentures 6,000 To Bank 15,000 By Bank (Insurance) 11,000 (Contingent liability) To Capital Reserve 82,000 4,55,000 4,55,000

Balance Sheet as on __________

Liabilities I) Share Capital Authorized Amt. ? Assets Amt.

Issued, Subscribed & Paid up 40,000 8% Pref. Shares of Rs.10/each. 4,00,000 14,400 Equity shares of Rs.10/each. 1,44,000 5,44,000 82,000

I) Fixed Assets Freehold Prop. 1,50,000 Leasehold Prop. 2,40,000 Plant & Mach. 2,50,000 6,40,000 II) Investment III) Current Assets, Loans & Advances a) Current Assets Stock 32,000 S. Debtors 75,000 1,07,000 NIL

II) Reserves & Surplus III) Secured Loan 9% Debentures IV) Unsecured Loans b) Loans & Advances 50,000 IV) Miscellaneous Expenditure (Not written off) Goodwill V) Current Liabilities & Provisions a) Current Liability S. Creditors 1,00,000 1,71,000 Bank O/D 71,000 NIL b) Provisions 8,47,000 8,47,000


Problem 2 Following is the Balance Sheet of Satya Ltd. as on 31st March, 2008. Balance Sheet as on _________
Liabilities Share Capital 1,50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.5/- each fully paid Amt. Assets Amt. 3,00,000 2,40,000 2,10,000 2,00,970 3,32,440 44,000 21,000 7,51,590

Goodwill Land & Building 7,50,000 Equipment Sundry Debtors 5,000 6% Preference Stock Shares of Rs.100/- each Investment fully paid 5,00,000 Cash at Bank Profit & Loss A/c 8% Debentures 3,00,000 Bank Overdraft 1,70,000 Sundry Creditors 3,80,000 (including Rs.22,000 int. on Bank Overdraft) 21,00,000


Preference dividend is in arrears for Five years. Following scheme of reconstruction was approved by the court. 1) Equity Shares be reduced to Rs.150/- each of then to be consolidated into shares of Rs.10/- each.

357 2) 6% Preference shares be reduced to Rs.50/- each & then to be subdivided into shares of Rs.10/- each. 3) Interest accrued but not due on 8% debentures. For half year ended 31st March 2008 has not been provided in the above Balance Sheet. The debenture holders have agreed to received 30% of this interest in cash immediately & provision for the balance be made in the books of account. 4) Rs.20,000/- be paid to Preference shareholders in lieu of arrears of Preference dividend. 5) The debenture holders have also agreed to accept equal number of 9% debentures of Rs.60/- each in exchange of 8% debentures of Rs.100/- each. 6) Bank has agreed to take over 50% stock in full satisfaction of its claim including interest. The remaining stock be revalued at Rs.80,000/-. 7) Investment be sold for Rs.39,000/-. 8) Tangible Fixed assets be appreciated by 15% & provision be made for doubtful debts of Rs.18,000/-. Give journal entries for the above scheme of reconstruction. Prepare Capital Reduction Account in the books of Satya Ltd. & Balance sheet of the company after reconstruction. Solution : Journal of Satya Ltd.
Date 1. Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

Equity Shares Capital A/c (5) Dr. 7,50,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c (1.50) 2,25,000 To Capital Reduction A/c (3.5) 5,25,000 (Being 1,50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.5/each reduced to Rs.1.50 each.) Equity Share Capital A/c (1.50) Dr. 2,25,000 To Equity Share Capital (10) 2,25,000 (Being 1,50,000 Equity shares of Rs.1.50 consolidated into shares of Rs.10/- each.) 6% Preference Share Capital A/c (100) .. Dr. 5,00,000 To 6% Preference Share Capital A/c (50) 2,50,000 To Capital Reduction A/c 2,50,000 (Being 6% Preference shares of Rs.100/each reduced to shares of Rs.50/- each.)



4. 6% Preference Share Capital A/c .Dr. 2,50,000 To 6% Preference Shares Capital A/c 2,50,000 (Being 6% Preference shares of Rs.50/each subdivided into shares of Rs.10/each.) Capital Reduction A/c .Dr. To Bank A/c To Interest on Debentures A/c (Being payment of accrued interest on debentures to the extent of 30% & provided for the balance.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being paid to preference share holders in lieu of arrears of dividend.) 12,000 3,600 8,400



20,000 20,000


8% Preferences A/c (100) .Dr. 3,00,000 To 9% Debentures A/c (60) 1,80,000 To Capital Reduction A/c 1,20,000 (Being exchanged 8% debentures by 9% debentures.) Bank Overdraft A/c . Dr. 1,70,000 Sundry Creditors A/c .. Dr. 22,000 (Interest on Bank Overdraft) To Stock A/c 1,66,220 To Capital Reduction A/c 25,780 (Being taken over 50% of the Stock by the bank in satisfaction of bank overdraft.) Capital Reduction A/c .Dr. To Stock A/c (Being reduction in Stock.) Bank A/c Dr. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Investment A/c (Being sale of investment at a loss.) 86,220 86,220 39,000 5,000 44,000





Capital Reduction A/c Dr. 8,65,040 To Profit & Loss A/c 7,51,590 To Provision for doubtful debts A/c 18,000 To Capital Reserve A/c 95,470 (Being written off profit & loss account debit balance, provided for reduction redemption reserve & transferred the remaining amount to Capital Reserve Account.)

12. Land & Building A/c Dr. Equipment A/c Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being appreciation in Land & Building & Equipment.) 36,000 31,500 67,500

Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars


To Bank A/c 3,600 By Equity Share Capital A/c 5,25,000 To Int. on debentures 8,400 To Bank A/c 20,000 By 6% Preference Share Capital A/c 2,50,000 To Stock A/c 86,220 By 8% Debentures A/c 1,20,000 To Investment A/c 5,000 By Bank Overdraft & To Profit & Loss A/c 7,51,590 Creditors A/c 25,780 To Provision for doubtful By Land & Building A/c 36,000 debts. 18,000 By Equipments A/c 31,500 To Capital Reserve 95,470 9,88,280 9,88,280

Satya Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2009

Liabilities I) Share Capital 22,500 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each. 25,000 6% Preference shares of Rs.10/- each. II) Reserves & Surplus Capital Reserve III) Secured Loans 30,000 9% Debentures of Rs.60/- each. Interest Payable Current Liability S. Creditors Amt. Assets Amt. 2,76,000 2,41,500

I) Fixed Assets Land & Building 2,25,000 Equipments 2,50,000 II) Current Assets S. Debtors 2,00,970 Less : Prov. 95,470 for doubtful debts. (18,000)

1,82,970 80,000 36,400 3,00,000

Stock 1,80,000 Cash at Bank 8,400 Goodwill

3,58,000 11,16,870 11,16,870

360 Problem 3 Following is the Balance sheet of Damyanti Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010.
Liabilities 16,000 12% Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up 1,40,000 10% Preference shares of Rs.10/-, Rs.5/- per share paid up 18,000 Equity Share of Rs.10/- each fully paid up 12% Debenture of Rs.100/- each 11% Debentures of Rs.100/- each Interest due on debenture Sundry Creditors Amt. Assets Amt. 90,000 50,000 1,50,000 3,00,000 35,000 85,000 3,00,000 1,20,000 30,000 71,500

Goodwill Patents 1,60,000 Land & Building Plant & Machinery Furniture Investment 70,000 Sundry Debtors Bills Receivables Bank Profit & Loss A/c 1,80,000


2,80,000 21,500 3,50,000 12,31,500 12,31,500

The following scheme of reconstruction was submitted & approved by the court. 1) 12% Preference Shares of the Rs.10/- each fully paid were reduced to 13% Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each, Rs.6/- per share paid up. 2) 10% Preference share of Rs.10/- each, Rs.5/- per share paid up were reduced to 13% Preference shares of Rs.10/- each, Rs.4/per share paid up. 3) Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid were reduced to the denomination of Rs.7/- each fully paid. 4) 11% Debenture holders agreed to accept 44,800 Equity Shares of Rs.5/- each in full settlement of their claims.

361 5) Debentures holders agreed to Forgo the interest due on debentures. 6) Sundry Creditors agreed to Forgo 20% of their claims. 7) The company recovered as damages as sum of Rs.60,000/which was not recorded in the books. 8) Cost of reconstruction was paid Rs.3,000/-. 9) Assets are to be revalued as under : Land & Buildings Rs.2,05,000/-, Plant & Machinery Rs.2,50,000/-, Furniture Rs.10,000/-, Investment Rs.1,05,000/-, Sundry Debtors Rs.2,77,000/-. 10) All intangible assets & accumulated losses are to be written off. You are required to i) Pass journal entries in the books of Damyanti Ltd. ii) Prepare Capital Reduction Account & Balance Sheet after reconstruction. Solution : Journal of Damyanti Ltd.
Date 1. Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.) 96,000 64,000

12% Preference Share Capital A/c ..Dr. 1,60,000 To 13% Preference Share Capital A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduction in 12% Preference Capital.) 10% Preference Share Capital A/c ..Dr. To 13% Preference Share Capital A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduction in 13% Preference Capital.) Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduction in Equity Share Capital.) 11% Debenture A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduction in debentures.) Interest due on Debenture A/c . Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being interest dues on debentures cancelled.) 70,000


56,000 14,000


1,80,000 1,26,000 54,000 2,80,000 2,24,000 56,000 21,500 21,500



6. Creditors A/c .. Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being Creditors dues reduced.) Bank A/c .. Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being damages recovered.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being costs of reconstruction paid.) Land & Building A/c Dr. Investment A/c Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being increase in valuations.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Plant & Machinery A/c To Furniture A/c To Sundry Debtors A/c To Goodwill A/c To Patents A/c To Profit & Loss A/c To Capital Reserve A/c 70,000 70,000 60,000 60,000 3,000 3,000 55,000 20,000 75,000 5,01,500 50,000 25,000 23,000 90,000 50,000 71,500 1,02,000





Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars To Bank A/c To Plant & Machinery To Furniture A/c To Sundry Debtors A/c To Goodwill A/c To Patents A/c To Profit & Loss A/c To Capital Reserve A/c Amt. 3,000 50,000 25,000 23,000 90,000 50,000 71,500 10,200 Particulars By 12% Preference Share Capital A/c By 10% Preference Share Capital A/c By Equity Share Capital A/c By 11% Debenture A/c By Interest due on debentures By Sundry Creditors By Bank A/c By Land & Building A/c By Investment A/c

Amt. 64,000 14,000 54,000 56,000 21,500 70,000 60,000 55,000 20,000 4,14,500


363 Balance Sheet of Damyanti Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010 (And Reduced)

Liabilities I) Share Capital Authorized Issued, Subscribed & Paid up 16,000 13% Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each. Rs.6/- paid up 96,000 14,000 13% Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each. Rs.4/- paid up

Amt. ?



I) Fixed Assets Land & Build. 2,05,000 Plant & Mach.2,50,000 Furniture 10,000 4,65,000 II) Investment 1,05,000


III) Current Assets, Loans & Advances a) Current Assets S. Debtors 2,77,000 B. R. 1,20,000 Bank 87,000 4,84,000 b) Loans & Advances NIL (Unsecured Considered 1,52,000 goods) IV) Miscellaneous 1,26,000 Expenditure (Not written off) 2,24,000

18,000 Equity Shares of Rs.7/- each 44,800, Equity Shares of Rs.5/- each. II) Reserve & Surplus Capital Reserves III) Secured Loans 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each IV) Unsecured Loans V) Current Liability & Provisions a) Current Liability Sundry Creditors b) Provisions



1,70,000 NIL

2,80,000 NIL 10,54,000 10,54,000

364 Problem 4 Following is the Balance sheet of Spider Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009.
Liabilities Share Capital 7,000 10% Preference Share of Rs.10/- each. 40,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each. Reserve & Surplus Capital Reserve Secured loans 6% Debentures of Rs.100/- each Debentures interest due Current Liabilities Provisions Sundry Creditors & Amt. Assets Amt.

Fixed Assets Goodwill 50,000 7,00,000 Patents & Trade marks 30,000 Building 3,20,000 4,00,000 Plant & Machinery 2,80,000 Furniture 1,20,000 40,000 Current Assets, Loans & Advances Stock Sundry Debtors 2,00,000 Bank Cash 70,000 Miscellaneous Expenditure Discount on 1,40,000 debentures Profit & Loss A/c 15,50,000

1,55,000 85,000 85,000 35,000

35,000 3,55,000 15,50,000

Note : Preference dividend is in arrears for three years. The following scheme of reconstruction was prepared & duly approved by the court. 1) The Preference Shares shall be converted into equal number of 11% Preference shares of Rs.50/- each. 2) The Equity Share shall be reduced to Rs.2/- each. However, the Face Value will remain the same. 3) 6% Debentures shall be converted into equal number of 7% debentures of Rs.85/- each. The debenture holders also agreed to waived 60% of the accrued interest. 4) Arrears of Preference dividend is to be reduced to one years dividend which is paid in cash. 5) The sundry creditors agreed to waived 40% of their claims & to accept Equity Shares for Rs.40,000/- in part settlement renewed claims.

365 6) The assets are to be revalued as under : Building Rs.4,00,000/-, Plant & Machinery Rs.2,20,000/-, Furniture Rs.70,000/-, Stock Rs.1,00,000/-, Debtors Rs.70,000/7) Intangible assets & fictitious assets are to be written off. Pass journal entries. Prepare Capital Reduction Account & Balance Sheet after reconstruction in the books of the Spider Ltd. Solution : Journal of Spider Ltd
Debit (Rs.) 7,00,000 3,50,000 3,50,000 Credit (Rs.)

Date 1.

Particulars 10% Preference Share Capital A/c ..Dr. To 11% Preference Share Capital A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being 10% Preference shares converted into 11% Preference Shares.)


Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduction in Equity Shares.) 6% Debentures A/c .Dr. To 7% Debentures A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being converted debentures.) debentures into 7%

3,20,000 3,20,000


2,00,000 1,70,000 30,000


Debentures Interest Due A/c .Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being accrued interest on debentures waived.)

45,000 45,000


Preference Dividend A/c Dr. To Cash / Bank A/c (Being paid on years dividend.)

70,000 70,000


Creditors A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being settled sundry creditors.)

96,000 40,000 56,000

7. Building A/c . Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being appreciation in building.) 8. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Discount on Debentures A/c To Profit & Loss A/c To Goodwill A/c To Patent & Trademark A/c To Preference Dividend A/c To Plant & Machinery A/c To Furniture A/c To Stock A/c To Debtors A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Being assets written off.) 8,81,000 35,000 3,55,000 50,000 30,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 55,000 15,000 1,61,000 80,000 80,000

In the books of Spider Ltd. Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars


To Discount on By 10% Preference Share Capital A/c 3,50,000 debentures A/c 35,000 To Profit & Loss A/c 3,55,000 By Equity Share Capital 3,20,000 A/c To Goodwill A/c 50,000 By 6% Debentures A/c 30,000 To Patent & Trademark By Interest due on A/c 30,000 debentures A/c 45,000 To Preference Dividend By Creditors A/c 56,000 A/c 70,000 By Building A/c 80,000 To Plant & Machinery A/c 60,000 To Furniture A/c 50,000 To Stock A/c 55,000 To Debtors A/c 15,000 To Capital Reserve A/c 1,61,000 8,81,000 8,81,000

Spider Ltd.

367 Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2009 (And Reduced)

Liabilities I) Share Capital Authorized 11% Preference Share Capital of Rs.50/- each. Equity Share Capital (4,00,000 3,20,000 + 20,000) Furniture II) Reserve & Surplus Capital Reserve (40,000 + 1,61,000) III) Secured loans 7% Debentures Interest due Debenture on 45,000 1,70,000 2,01,000 Investment Current Assets, Loans & Advances a) Current Assets Stock (-) written off IV) Unsecured Loans Debtors V) Current Liabilities & Provisions a) Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors (1,40,000 56,000 40,000) b) Provision (-) R.D.D. Cash Bank 44,000 (35,000 + 85,000 70,000) NIL b) Loan & Advances IV Miscellaneous Expenditure NIL 85,000 15,000 70,000 50,000 1,55,000 55,000 1,00,000 NIL (-) Written off 1,20,000 50,000 70,000 ? Amt. Assets Fixed Assets Building 3,20,000 (+) Appreciation 80,000 4,00,000 3,50,000 1,00,000 Plant & Mach. 2,80,000 (-) Written off 60,000 2,20,000 Amt.




368 Problem 5 Following is the balance sheet of Natranga Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010.
Liabilities Amt. Assets Fixed Assets Premises Plant & Machinery Investment Amt. 3,25,000 5,00,000 1,50,000

Share Capital 25,000 10% Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each. 2,50,000 Equity Share of Rs.10/each. 4,50,000 Secured loans 16% Debentures Rs.100/- each Current Liabilities Provisions Sundry Creditors Bank Overdraft Other Liability



Current Assets, Loans & Advances 5,00,000 Stock 1,35,000 Debtors 1,00,000 Deposits & Advance 50,000 2,10,000 IV Miscellaneous 1,30,000 Expenditure 1,10,000 Publicity Campaign Expenses 2,00,000 Profit & Loss Account 1,90,000 16,50,000 16,50,000

It is observed that the new product launched by the company has not succeeded even after three years of marketing. the management is of the opinion that the assets & liabilities are not valued correctly & also finds it difficult to raise finance. To overcome the situation a scheme of reconstruction is prepared by the directors & approved by all authorities. The salient features of the scheme are 1) Plant & Equipment having book value of Rs.10,000/- is obsolete. This is sold as scrap for Rs.36,000/-. 2) The auditors have pointed out that depreciation on plant is not provided to the extent Rs.30,000/3) Stock includes items valued Rs.50,000/- which is sold at a loss of 50%. 4) The present realizable value of investments is Rs.55,000/-.

369 5) Dividend on Preference Shares is in arrears for 3 years. This amount is not payable. 6) All losses & Fictitious assets are to be written off. 7) The expenses paid for forming & implementing scheme is Rs.10,000/-. 8) The paid up value of Equity Share is to be reduced to Rs.2/- per share & preference share to Rs.5/- per share. However, the face value remains unchanged. 9) The Creditors due are settled as. a) 30% immediate payment in Cash. b) 40% amount is cancelled. c) 30% paid by issue of 15% debentures. 10) Other Current liabilities includes Rs.45,000/- payable to directors towards remuneration. This liability is to be cancelled. 11) A call of Rs.3/- per share on Equity Share is made & received. 12) Bank Overdraft is paid off to the extent possible. You are required to show : i) Journal entries for above scheme of reconstruction. ii) Balance sheet after reconstruction. Solution : Journal In the books of Natranga Ltd.
Date 1. Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. 3,60,000 10% Preference Share Capital A/c ..Dr. 1,25,000 To Capital Reduction A/c 4,85,000 (Being reduction of Equity & Preference Share Capital.) Creditors A/c Dr. 2,10,000 To Cash / Bank A/c (30%) To Capital Reduction A/c (40%) To 15% Debentures A/c (30%) (Being Creditors dues settled as per Scheme of reconstruction.) Other Liabilities A/c .Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being dues to directors cancelled.) 45,000 45,000 63,000 84,000 63,000



4. Cash / Bank A/c ..Dr. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Plant & Equipment A/c (Being sale of plant having book value of Rs.1,00,000/- for Rs.36,000/-.) Capital Reduction A/c .Dr. To Plant & Equipment A/c (Being depreciation provided.) Cash / Bank A/c ..Dr. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Plant & Machinery A/c (Being sale of stock having took value of Rs.50,000/- at a loss of 50%.) Capital Reduction A/c .Dr. To Investment A/c (Being reduction in value by Rs.95,000/-.) 36,000 64,000 1,00,000


30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 50,000



95,000 95,000


Capital Reduction A/c Dr. 3,90,000 To Profit & Loss A/c 1,90,000 To Publicity Campaign Expenses A/c 2,00,000 (Being brought forward losses & fictitious assets written off as per scheme of reconstruction.) Capital Reduction A/c .Dr. To Cash / Bank A/c (Being paid expenses on reconstruction.) 10,000 10,000



Cash / Bank A/c (45,000X3) Dr. 1,35,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,35,000 (Being receipt of all money on 45,000 shares @ Rs.3/- each.) Bank Overdraft A/c Dr. 1,23,000 To Cash / Bank A/c 1,23,000 (Being balance in Cash / Bank used to pay off overdraft.)


Bank Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars


To Plant & Equipment By Capital Reduction A/c 10,000 A/c 36,000 By Sundry Creditors A/c 63,000 To Stock A/c 25,000 By Bank Overdraft A/c 1,23,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,35,000 1,96,000 1,96,000

371 Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars To Plant (Loss on sale) To Plant (Depreciation) To Stock To Investment To Profit & Loss A/c To Publicity Expenses To Cash (Exp.) Amt. 64,000 30,000 25,000 95,000 1,90,000 2,00,000 10,000 6,14,000 Particulars

Amt. By Equity Share Capital A/c 3,60,000 By Preference Share Capital A/c 1,25,000 By Creditors 84,000 By Other dues 45,000 (Directors)



Unit Structure 12.1 12.2 Solved problems Exercise


Problem 1 The summarized Balance Sheet of M/s. Chetan Ltd. as on 31st December, 2009 is as under.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. 2,20,000 9,00,000 2,25,000 4,50,000 3,00,000 2,00,000 75,000 2,50,000

10% Preference Goodwill Shares of Rs.10/- each 6,00,000 Land & Building Equity Share of Rs.10/Furniture each 10,00,000 Investments 10% Convertible Stock Debenture of Rs.100/3,00,000 Debtors Bank Overdraft 2,50,000 Bills Receivable Sundry Creditors 3,20,000 Profit & Loss A/c Bills Payable 70,000 Provision for Tax 80,000 26,20,000


The scheme of reconstruction as approved by the court was as under 1) Each existing Equity Share will be written down from Rs.10/- to Rs.5/-. 2) Each existing 10% Preference Share is to be written down from Rs.10/- to Rs.7/- of which Rs.3.5/- will be represented by 12% Preference Share & Rs.3.5/- by Equity Share. 3) Each convertible debenture is to be exchanged for Rs.50/- of non-convertible 10% debentures, Rs.25/- of 12% Preference Shares & Rs.25/- of Equity Shares.

373 4) The HSBC has agreed to apply for Rs.5,00,000/- of Equity Shares paying Cash in full on application. 5) The reduction of capital & Reserve are to be applied in eliminating fictitious assets & balance to be used in writing down the land & building & investments in the ratio of 3:1. Give journal entries regarding reduction. Prepared Capital Reduction Account & resulting summarized Balance Sheet as on 1st January, 2010. Solution : Journal in the books of M/s. Chetan Ltd.
Date 1. Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

Equity Share Capital A/c ..Dr. 10,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 5,00,000 To Capital Reduction A/c 5,00,000 (Being reduction of Equity Shares from Rs.10/- to Rs.5/- each.) 10% Preference Shares Capital A/c ..Dr. To 12% Preference Share Capital A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c (3.5) To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduction of 10% Preference Shares by Rs.3/- each & conversion of balance into 12% Preference Shares & Equity Shares.) 10% Convertible Debentures A/c ..Dr. To 10% Non-convertible Debentures A/c To 12% Preference Share Capital A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being exchange of 10% convertible debenture into non-convertible debentures, 12% Preference Shares & Equity Shares.) Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being issue of Equity Shares of Rs.5,00,000/- to HSBC) Capital Reduction A/c ..Dr. To Goodwill A/c To Profit & Loss A/c To Land & Building A/c To Investment A/c (Being fictitious assets, land & investment etc. written off.) 6,00,000 2,10,000 2,10,000 1,80,000



3,00,000 1,50,000 75,000 75,000


5,00,000 5,00,000


6,80,000 2,20,000 2,50,000 1,75,500 52,500

374 Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars To Goodwill A/c To Profit & Loss A/c To Land & Building A/c To Investment A/c Amt. Particulars


2,20,000 By Equity Share Capital 2,50,000 A/c 5,00,000 1,57,500 By 10% Preference 52,500 Shares Capital A/c 1,80,000



M/s. Chetan Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 1st January, 2010 (After reconstruction)
Liabilities I. Share Capital 12% Preference Shares of Rs.3.5/each. Add : Issued to debenture holders Equity Shares of Rs.5/each Add : issued to Debenture holders Preference shares holders HSBC II. Reserve & Surplus III. Secured Loans 10% Non-convertible debentures IV. Unsecured Loans V. Current Liabilities & Provision a) Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors Bills Payable Provision for Tax Bank Overdraft b) Provisions Rs. Assets Rs.

I. Fixed Assets Land & Build. 9,00,000 Less : w/off 1,57,500 2,10,000 Furniture 75,000 II. Investment Book Value 4,50,000 (-) w/off 52,500 5,00,000 III. Current Assets, 75,000 Loans & Advances a) Current Assets 2,10,000 Stock 5,00,000 Debtors Bills Receivable NIL Bank Balance b) Loan & Advances IV. Miscellaneous Expenditure (not written off)

7,42,500 2,25,000


3,00,000 2,00,000 75,000 5,00,000 NIL

1,50,000 NIL


3,20,000 70,000 80,000 2,50,000 NIL 24,40,000 24,40,000

375 Problem 2 M/s. Katrina Ltd. whose Balance Sheet as at 31 st December, 2009 is as given below.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Sources of Funds Application of Sources 2,00,000 Equity Shares Fixed assets 15,50,000 of Rs.20/- each Rs.10/Goodwill 50,000 16,00,000 paid up 20,00,000 10% Preference Shares Capital 10,000 Shares of Rs.100/- each, Rs.50/paid up Secured Loan 9% Deb. 7,00,000 (+) O/s int. 1,00,000 Loan from ICICI Ltd. 1,80,000 (+) O/s Int. 30,000 Investment at cost (Market value 1,00,000) 1,10,000

Current Assets & Loans & Advances 5,00,000 Current Assets Stock 3,00,000 Debtors 5,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 B.R. 16,00,000 Less : Liab. 2,10,000 S. Creditors 2,00,000 14,00,000 Profit & Loss A/c 35,10,000 4,00,000 35,10,000

Preference dividend is in arrears for 1 year. Following scheme of reconstruction is approved & agreed upon 1) Preference Shareholders to give up their claims, inclusive of dividends to the extent of 50% & balance to be paid off. 2) Debenture holders agree to give up their claims to receive interest in consideration of their rate of interest being enhanced to 12% henceforth. 3) ICICI Ltd. agree to give up 80% of their interest outstanding in consideration of their claim being paid off at once. 4) Sundry Creditors would like to grant a discount 20% if they were to be paid off immediately. 5) Balance of Profit & Loss A/c, Goodwill & 50% of the total sundry debtors to by written off. 6) Fixed Assets to be written down by Rs.50,000/-. 7) Investment to be reflected at their market value.

376 8) Cost of reconstruction is Rs.50,000/-. 9) To the extent required Equity Shareholders suffers on reduction of their rights. 10) The Equity shareholder bring in necessary as against their partly paid shares to leave working capital at Rs.30,000/-. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of the company assuming that scheme has been put through fully & prepare the Balance Sheet after reconstruction. Ignore narration. Solution : In the books of Ms. Katrina Ltd.
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) 5,00,000 2,50,000 2,50,000 50,000 50,000 7,00,000 1,00,000 7,00,000 1,00,000 1,80,000 30,000 1,86,000 24,000 7,65,000 4,00,000 50,000 10,000 2,50,000 50,000 5,000 2,00,000 1,60,000 40,000 3,00,000 3,00,000 4,01,000 4,01,000 6,81,000 6,81,000 Credit (Rs.)

Dec. Preference Share Capital A/c ..Dr. 31 To Preference Shareholders A/c 1. To Capital Reduction A/c 2. 3. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Preference Shareholders A/c 9% Debenture A/c . Dr. Interest o/s on debenture A/c .. Dr. To 12% Debentures A/c To Capital Reduction A/c ICICI Loan A/c Dr. Outstanding interest A/c .. Dr. To Bank A/c To Capital Reduction A/c Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c To Goodwill A/c To Investment A/c To Debtors A/c To Fixed Assets A/c To Bank (Expenses) A/c Creditors A/c Dr. To Bank A/c To Capital Reduction A/c Preference Shareholders A/c .. Dr. To Bank A/c Equity Share Capital A/c .. Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c Bank A/c . Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c




7. 8. 9.

377 Working Note : Bank Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars To Equity Share Capital By Creditors A/c A/c (Bal Figure) 6,81,000 By Expenses A/c By Loan Interest A/c By Preference Share Capital A/c By Closing Balance 6,81,000

Amt. 1,60,000 5,000 1,86,000 3,00,000 30,000 6,81,000

Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars To Preference Dividend By Preference A/c 50,000 Shareholders A/c To Sundries A/c 7,65,000 By Debenture Interest A/c By Interest A/c By Creditors A/c By Equity Share Capital A/c 8,15,000

Amt. 2,50,000 1,00,000 24,000 40,000 4,01,000 8,15,000

Balance Sheet as on 31st December, 2009

Liabilities Share Capital 2,00,000 shares of Rs.20/- each Rs.11.4/paid up Secured Loans 12% Debenture Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Investment 22,80,000 Current Assets Stock Sundry Debtors 7,00,000 Bills Receivable Cash Balance Rs. 15,00,000 1,00,000

3,00,000 2,50,000 8,00,000 30,000



378 Problem 3 The summarized Balance Sheet of Vipul Ltd. as at 31 st March, 2010 was as under :
Liabilities Redeemable Preference shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid Reserve Creditors Laons Rs. Assets Rs. 60,00,000 10,00,000 30,00,000 40,00,000 5,00,000

Fixed assets Cash on hand 15,00,000 Cash at IDBI Bank Other Current Assets Preliminary Expenses 40,00,000 30,00,000 50,00,000 10,00,000 1,45,00,000


The company proposed to make a fresh issue of Capital to the public in June 2010. However, before doing so the directors desire to carry out the following scheme of reconstruction. 1) The fictitious assets shall be written off. 2) The fixed assets to be appreciated by 50%. 3) The goodwill of the company valued at Rs.28,00,000/- shall be brought into the books. 4) A provision of 20% shall be made against the other current assets for likely shortfall in its realization by ear marking the requisite amount from the existing reserves. 5) The Preference shares shall be redeemed at 20% Premium. 6) The company to issue bonus shares in the ratio of one share for every two existing Equity Shares. 7) The Equity Capital thereafter to be sub-divided into shares of Rs.50/- each. You are required to prepare Capital Reduction Account.

379 Solution : In the books of Vipul Ltd. Capital Reduction Account Dr.
Particulars Amt. Particulars To Preliminary By Fixed Assets A/c Expenses A/c 5,00,000 By Goodwill A/c To preliminary By Reserve A/c Redemption of Preference Share A/c 3,00,000 To Capital Reserve A/c 30,00,000 38,00,000

Amt. 3,00,000 28,00,000 7,00,000


Reserve Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars Amt. 30,00,000 To Other Current By Balance b/d Assets A/c 8,00,000 To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c 15,00,000 To Capital Redemption A/c 7,00,000 30,00,000



Problem 4 The balance sheet of Three Idiots Ltd. as at 31 st December, 2009 was as under
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. 1,00,000 8,00,000 3,00,000

10,000 Equity Shares of Goodwill Rs.50/- each fully paid 5,00,000 Other Assets 10%, 50,000 Profit & Loss A/c Debentures of Rs.10/each 5,00,000 Interest on debenture 20,000 Sundry Creditors 1,80,000 12,00,000


For the purpose of reconstruction of the company, necessary resolutions are passed on the following lines. 1) The Equity Shares are to be sub divided into Share of Re.1/each & each shareholder shall re-surrender 80% of his holding. 2) Out of the surrendered shares, 1,00,000 shares will be converted to 8% Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each.

380 3) Debentures holders will reduced their claims by Rs.2,20,000/- & in consideration they are to get the entire Preference Shares Capital converted from Shares Surrendered. 4) Creditors claims are to be reduced to the extent of Rs.80,000/& in consideration they are to received Equity Shares of Re.1/each, amounting to Rs.50,000/- from the Shares surrendered. 5) Goodwill & profit & loss A/c (Dr.) are to be written off fully. 6) The remaining surrendered shares shall be cancelled. You are required to give the journal entries for the above & prepare Balance sheet of the company after reconstruction. Journal entries in the books of Three Idiots Ltd.
Date 1. Particulars Equity Share Capital A/c (50) .Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (1) (Being 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.50/each sub-dividend into shares of Re.1/each.) Equity Share Capital A/c .Dr. To Share Surrendered A/c (Being surrender of 80% of shares.) Shares Surrendered A/c . Dr. To 8% Preference Share Capital A/c (Being converted Rs.1,00,000/- shares surrendered into 80% Preference Shares Capital.) 10% Debentures A/c Dr. Interest Debenture A/c Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduction in the claim of debenture holders.) Share Surrendered A/c ...Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being issued to Creditors out of surrendered Shares.) Creditors A/c Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduced the claim of creditors.) Debit (Rs.) 5,00,000 5,00,000 Credit (Rs.)


4,00,000 4,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000



2,00,000 20,000 2,20,000


50,000 50,000


80,000 80,000

7. Capital Reduction A/c ..Dr. To Goodwill A/c To Profit & Loss A/c (Being written off Goodwill & Profit & Loss Account debit balance.) Shares Surrendered A/c . Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being cancelled remaining Surrendered Shares.) Capital Reduction A/c ..Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Being the balance on Capital Reduction transferred to Capital Reserve.) 4,00,000 1,00,000 3,00,000


2,50,000 2,50,000


1,50,000 1,50,000

Three Idiots Ltd. Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2009 (After reduced)
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. 8,00,000

Share Capital Fixed Assets 1,50,000 Equity Shares Other Assets of Re.1/- each fully paid up 1,50,000 10,000 Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each 1,00,000 Reserves & Surplus Capital Reserve Secured Loan 10% Debentures Current Liabilities Creditors



1,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000

Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars To Goodwill A/c To Profit & Loss A/c To Capital Reserve A/c Amt. Particulars 1,00,000 By 10% Debentures A/c 3,00,000 By Interest A/c 1,50,000 By Share Surrendered A/c By Creditors A/c 5,50,000

Amt. 2,00,000 20,000 2,50,000 80,000 5,50,000

Problem 5

382 Following is the balance sheet of Veer Ltd. as on 30th June 2009.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. 90,000 30,000 10,00,000 4,80,000 50,000 4,80,000

10,000 8% Cumulative Goodwill Preference Shares of Patents Rs.100/- each 10,00,000 Land & Building 8,000 Equity Shares of Pant & Machinery Rs.100/- each 8,00,000 Investment (at cost) 9% Debentures of Stock Rs.100/- each 7,00,000 Debtors : (Secured on Land / Considered Building) Goods 3,00,000 Interest payable to debenture holders 20,000 Considered Loan from Directors 2,00,000 Doubtful 70,000 Creditors 3,00,000 Cash UTI Bank Overdraft 2,80,000 Preliminary Expenses Profit & Loss A/c 33,00,000

3,70,000 5,000 95,000 7,00,000 33,00,000

Contingent Liabilities : 1) Claims for damages pending in the court totaling Rs.1,00,000/2) Arrears of Preference dividend Rs.30,000/-. The board of directors agreed to present the realistic picture of the state of affairs of the companys position & the following scheme of reconstruction was duly approved. 1) The Preference shares were to be reduced to an equal number of fully paid Preference Shares of Rs.50/- each. Equity Share to an equal number of fully paid Equity Shares of Rs.30/- each. 2) All intangible assets, including patents to be written off. 3) Stock to be revalued at Rs.4,00,000/- & debtors considered doubtful to be written off. 4) Preference Shareholders agreed to waive half of the arrears of dividends & to receive Equity Shares in lieu of the balance. 5) Debenture holder agreed to take over part of the security of the book value of Rs.2,00,000/- for Rs.2,00,000/- in satisfaction of part of their claim & to provide further cash of Rs.1,00,000/after deducting arrears of interest due to them on floating charge of the rest of the assets. 6) The contingent liability for claims for damage pending in the court of law materialized to the full extent. However, the

383 company could recover Rs.80,000/- from those who were responsible for such damages & settled the rest by issuing Equity Shares. 7) The Directors agreed to convert the loan into Equity Shares. You are required to prepare i) Capital Reduction Account ii) The Balance sheet after reconstruction Solution : In the books of Veer Ltd. Capital Reduction Account Dr.
Particulars Amt. Particulars To Goodwill A/c 90,000 By Preference Share To Patents 30,000 Capital A/c To Preliminary By Equity Share Expenses A/c 95,000 Capital A/c To Profit & Loss A/c 7,00,000 By Cash A/c (claim To Stock 80,000 recovery) (4,80,000 - 4,00,000) By Land & Building A/c To Debtors 70,000 (3,00,000 - 2,00,000) To Preference Dividend A/c 1,50,000 To Cash A/c (damages) 80,000 To Damages A/c 20,000 To Capital Reserve A/c 60,000 12,40,000

Amt. 5,00,000 5,60,000 80,000 1,00,000


Working Note : 1) Equity Shares @ Rs.30/- each Nos. Amount 8,000 2,40,000 500 15,000 666.67 20,000 6,666.67 2,00,000 15,833 4,75,000 Cash Account Dr. Cr.

Original (at Reduced Value) Issued against arrears of Preference Dividend Issued against claim for Damages Loan from Directors converted Closing Balance 2)

Particulars Amt. Particulars Amt. 20,000 80,000 85,000

To Balance b/d 5,000 By Debenture interest To Damages Claim A/c 80,000 A/c To Debenture holders 1,00,000 By Recovery A/c A/c By Balance c/d



3) It is assumed that the debenture holder brought in gross Rs.1,00,000/- without deducting Rs.20,000/- for arrears of interest. 4) 9% debenture holders Balance Less : Land / Building taken over Add : Further Cash brought in Closing Balance Veer Ltd. (Add reduced) Balance Sheet as on 1st July 2009
Liabilities Share Capital Authorized : Issued, Subscribed & Paid up : 8% 10,000 Preference shares at Rs.50/- each 15,833 Equity Share at Rs.30/- each Reserve & Surplus Capital Reserve Secured Loan 9% Debenture (Secured by floating charge on all Assets) Rs. ? Assets Fixed Assets Goodwill Less :w/off 90,000 90,000 Rs.

Amount 7,00,000 3,00,000 4,00,000 1,00,000 5,00,000


Land & Budg.10,00,000 Less : given to 5,00,000 Debenture Holders 2,00,000 8,00,000 4,75,000 Plant & Mach. 4,80,000 Patents 30,000 60,000 (-) w/off 30,000 4,80,000 as per scheme of reconstruction dt5,00,000 Investment 50,000

Unsecured Loans Current Liabilities &

Current Assets, Loans & Advances

Provisions a) Current Liabilities sundry Creditors UTI Bank Overdraft b) Provision a) Current Assets Stock Sundry Debtors 3,00,000 (Unsecured, 2,80,000 Considered Good) NIL Cash Balance (Note) b) Loans & Advances Miscellaneous Expenditure (Not written off) 21,15,000

4,00,000 3,00,000




Problem 6 Vicky Ltd. has prepared the Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2010 reading as follows
Liabilities Share Capital (In shares of Rs.100/each) Equity Share Capital 10% Preference Share Capital Secured Loan 15% Debentures Current Liabilities Creditors Overdraft Other Liabilities Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Premises Plant & Equipment 8,00,000 2,00,000 Investment 2,00,000 Rs. 5,00,000 8,00,000

Current Assets Stocks 5,00,000 Debtors Deposits & Advances Profit & Loss A/c 7,00,000 Publicity Campaign 5,00,000 Expenses 3,00,000 30,00,000

5,50,000 2,50,000 2,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000


It is observed that the new product launched by the company is not succeeded even after three years of marketing. The management is of the opinion that assets & liabilities are not valued correctly & also finds difficult to raise Finances. To overcome this situation a scheme of reconstruction is prepared by directors & approved by all authorities. The salient features of scheme are :

386 1) Plant & Equipment having book value of Rs.2,00,000/- is obsolete. This is sold as scrap for Rs.50,000/-. 2) The auditors have pointed out that depreciation on plant is not provided to the extent of Rs.1,00,000/-. 3) Stock includes items valued Rs.50,000/- which is sold at a loss of 50%. 4) The present realization value of investments is Rs.1,00,000/-. 5) Dividend on Preference shares is in arrears for 3 years. This amount is not payable. 6) All losses & fictitious assets are to be written off. 7) The expenses paid for framing & implementing scheme is Rs.15,000/-. 8) The paid up value of Equity Shares is reduced to Rs.50/- per share & Preference Share to Rs.5/- per share. However, face value remains unchanged. 9) The Creditors dues are settled as : 10% immediate payment, 45% amount is cancelled. 45% new 16% debentures to be issued. 10) The other current liabilities include Rs.80,000/- payable to Directors towards remuneration. This liabilities is to be cancelled. 11) A call of Rs.20/- per share on Equity Share is made. It is paid by all shareholders. 12) 15% debentures holders agree for issue of 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.5/- paid up for cash. 13) Bank overdraft is paid off to the extent possible. You are required to show journal entries & Balance sheet. Solution : Journal of Vicky Pvt. Ltd.
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) 50,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 Credit (Rs.)

31/03/10 Cash / Bank A/c . Dr. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Plant & Machinery A/c (Being sale of plant & machinery of the book value of Rs.2,00,000/- at Rs.50,000/-) 2. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Plant & Equipment A/c

1,00,000 1,00,000

(Being the entry to provide for depreciation on Plant.) 3. Cash / Bank A/c . Dr. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Stock A/c (Being the entry for sale of stock of Rs.50,000/- at a loss of 50%.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Investment A/c (Being the entry to reduce the value of investment from Rs.2,00,000/- to Rs.1,00,000/-.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c To Publicity & Campaign expenses A/c (Being the entry to written off all losses & fictitious assets.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Cash / Bank A/c (Being the expenses incurred on implementing scheme of reconstruction.) 25,000 25,000 50,000


1,00,000 1,00,000


5,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000


15,000 15,000


Equity Share Capital A/c ..Dr. 4,00,000 10% Preference Share Capital A/c..Dr. 1,40,000 To Capital Reduction A/c 5,40,000 (Being the entry to reduce the paid up value of Equity Share from Rs.100/- to Rs.50/- & that of Preference share from Rs.100/- to Rs.30/-.) Creditors A/c Dr. To Cash/Bank A/c To Capital Reduction A/c To New 16% Debenture A/c (Being settlement of the dues of Creditors.) Other Liabilities A/c Dr. To Capital Reduction A/c (Being the entry to cancel Rs.80,000/payable to directors.) Cash / Bank A/c ..Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c 7,00,000 1,00,000 3,15,000 3,15,000



80,000 80,000


1,60,000 1,60,000

(Being Rs.20/- per Equity Share received.) 11. Cash / Bank A/c ..Dr. 1,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,00,000 (Being issue of 20,000 Equity Shares @ Rs.5/- paid up.) Bank Overdraft A/c .Dr. To Cash/Bank A/c (Being bank overdraft paid off.) 2,50,000 2,50,000


Schedules forming part of Balance Sheet. Schedule 1 : Share Capital Rs. Issued & Subscribed : 13,200 Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each Rs.50/- paid 10% Preference Shares of Rs.100/- Rs.50/- paid up 6,60,000 60,000 7,20,000 Schedule 2 : Secured Loan Rs. 5,00,000 3,15,000 8,15,000 Schedule 3 : Fixed Assets Rs. 5,00,000 5,00,000 10,00,000 Schedule 4 : Investment Rs. 70,000 70,000 Schedule 5 : Current Liabilities

10% Debentures New 16% Debentures

Premises Plant & Equipments


389 Rs. 1,50,000 1,50,000 Vicky Pvt. Ltd. Balance sheet as at 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. I) Sources of Fund 1) Shareholders Fund a) Capital b) Reserves & Surplus 2) Loan Funds a) Secured Loans b) Unsecured Loans Total II) Application of Funds 1) Fixed Assets a) Gross Block b) Less : Depreciation c) Net Block d) Capital Work in Progress 2) Investment Rs. Rs.

Other liabilities

1 -

7,20,000 45,000


2 -

8,15,000 NIL

8,15,000 15,80,000

3 4

10,00,000 NIL 1,00,000

3) Current Assets, Loans & Advances a) Inventories b) Sundry Debtors c) Cash & Bank Balance d) Other Current Assets e) Loans & Advances Less : Current Liabilities & Provisions a) Liabilities b) Provisions Net Current Assets Total

5,00,000 2,50,000 2,00,000 9,50,000

5 -

4,70,000 NIL 4,70,000 4,80,000 15,80,000

Problem 7

390 Monaco Ltd. had adverse trading for past few years resulting in accumulated losses & over valued assets. Its Balance sheet as on 31st March 2010 is as follows.
Liabilities Share Capital (in shares of Rs.10/each) 50,000 Equity Share Capital 40,000 Preference Share Capital Securities Premium 12% Debenture Accrued Interest Creditors Overdraft Rs. Assets Rs. 60,000 70,000 1,50,000 1,40,000 80,000 1,00,000 5,00,000 2,00,000

Goodwill Freehold Property Leasehold Property Plant 5,00,000 Investment Stock 4,00,000 Debtors 30,000 Profit & Loss A/c 1,20,000 10,000 1,10,000 1,30,000 13,00,000


Note : Preference dividend is unpaid for past three years. The shareholders & the court approved the following scheme of reconstruction. 1) The paid up value of preference shares and Equity shares was to be reduced by 50% & 85% respectively. The face value will remain unchanged. 2) The Preference dividend for one years is to be paid by allotment of Equity shares credited Rs.2/- per share. The remaining amount to be cancelled. 3) The debenture holders took over Freehold property which was mortgaged in their favour. This property realized Rs.1,40,000/-. The balance amount after adjusting principal & interest was handed over to the company. 4) The investments are sold for Rs.1,00,000/-. 5) Obsolete Stock worth Rs.25,000/- & irrecoverable debt worth Rs.15,000/- are to be written off along with goodwill & profit & loss A/c. 6) There was a claim against company not provided to the extent of Rs.1,00,000/-. This was settled for Rs.83,000/-. 7) A call @ Rs.3/- per share on revised Equity & Preference shares was made. This was paid by all shareholders.

391 8) The authorized capital was suitably revised from Rs.8,00,000/to Rs.12,00,000/- which was equally divided between Equity & 8% Preference shares. 9) Remaining bank balance to be utilized to pay bank overdraft. You are required to show journal entries & balance sheet after implementation of the scheme. Solution : Journal in the books of Monaco Ltd.
Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

Date 2009 March 31


8% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. 2,00,000 To Capital Reduction A/c (Being reduced Preference share by 50%.) Equity Share Capital A/c .. Dr. 4,25,000 To Capital Reduction A/c (Being 50,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/each reduced by 75%.) Capital Reduction A/c .. Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 10,667 Equity shares of Rs.3/each allotted to satisfy the arrears of preference dividend for 1 year.) 12% Debenture A/c .. Dr. 1,20,000 Accrued Interest on Debenture A/c Dr. Bank A/c . Dr. To Freehold Property A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being Freehold property of Rs.70,000/taken by debenture holders, remaining amount paid by the debenture holders.) Bank A/c . Dr. 1,00,000 To Investment A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being sold out investments at a profit of Rs.20,000/-.) 1,80,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 70,000 70,000 32,000 32,000 4,25,000 2,00,000

Capital Reduction A/c Dr. 3,00,000 To Stock A/c To Debtors A/c To Goodwill A/c To Profit & Loss A/c (Being written off Stock, Debtors, Goodwill & Profit and Loss debit balance as agreed upon.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being settled the claim.) 83,000 83,000

25,000 15,000 60,000 2,00,000

Preference Share Call A/c Dr. 1,20,000 To 8% Preference Share Capital A/c (Being made a call on 40,000 Preference Share @ Rs.3/- each.) Equity Share Call A/c Dr. 1,98,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being made a call on 66,000 Equity shares @ Rs.3/- each.) Bank A/c . Dr. 3,18,000 To Preference Share Call A/c To Equity Share Call A/c (Being collected call money.) Bank A/c . Dr. 1,30,000 To Bank A/c (Being cleared Bank overdraft.)



1,20,000 1,98,000


Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars By Preference Capital A/c By Equity Share Capital A/c By 12% Debenture A/c By Bank A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c 32,000 To Stock A/c 25,000 To Debtors A/c 15,000 To Goodwill A/c 60,000 To Profit & Loss A/c 2,00,000 To Bank A/c 83,000 To Capital Reserve A/c 3,00,000 7,15,000

Amt. 2,00,000 4,25,000 70,000 20,000


393 Bank Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars


To Freehold Property By Capital Reduction A/c 83,000 A/c 10,000 By Bank overdraft A/c 1,30,000 To Investment A/c 80,000 By Balance c/d 2,15,000 To Capital Reduction A/c 20,000 To Preference Share Capital A/c 1,20,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,98,000 4,28,000 4,28,000

Monaco Ltd. Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2010 (And reduced)

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Share Capital Fixed Assets Authorized : Leasehold Property 60,000 Equity Share of 1,50,000 Rs.10/- each 6,00,000 Plant 1,40,000 60,000 8% Preference share of Rs.10/- each 6,00,000 Current Assets, Loans 12,00,000 & Advances Issued & Subscribed : Stocks 32,000 8% Preference (1,00,000 25,000) share of Rs.10/- each 3,20,000 Debtors 61,000 Equity shares Bank of Rs.10/- each Rs.5/paid up 3,05,000 Reserve & Surplus Security Premium Current liabilities & provisions Creditors


75,000 4,85,000 2,15,000


1,10,000 10,65,000 10,65,000

394 Problem 8 Following is the Balance Sheet of M/s. Aniruddha Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010.
Liabilities Equity Share of Rs.10/each 12% Cumulative Preference Share of Rs.100/- each. 10% Debentures Sundry Creditors Provision for Tax Rs. Assets Rs. 25,00,000 15,00,000 16,00,000 2,10,000 50,000 5,40,000

Fixed Assets 8,00,000 Stock Sundry Debtors Bank 9,00,000 Preliminary Expenses 4,00,000 Profit & Loss A/c 40,00,000 3,00,000 64,00,000


Note : Preference Dividend for 3 years was in arrears. Following scheme of reconstruction was approved : 1) Write off Fixed Assets by 25% Sundry Debtors by 15% & reduce the value of Stock to 65% of its book value. 2) Preference Shareholders to forgo arrears of Preference dividend. 3) Directors to give temporary loan of Rs.8,00,000/- to the company. 4) The company settled tax liability to the extent of Rs.6,80,000/- & to meet the expenses of reconstruction amounting to Rs.12,000/-. 5) Sundry Creditors to give a remission of 25% of their claims & a company to allot 11% Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid up in settlement of the balance amount. 6) 10% debentures to be converted into 13% debenture of Rs.1,50,000/- in full settlement of their claim. 7) Equity shares to be reduce to Rs.2/- each fully paid up & 12% Cumulative Preference Share to be reduced to 1,10,000 Cumulative Preference Share of Rs.2/- each fully paid up. 8) Written off debit balance in Profit & Loss Account & Preliminary Expenses. Draft journal entries & prepare Capital Reduction Account & Balance Sheet after reconstruction.

395 Solution : Journal in the books of M/s. Aniruddha Ltd.

Date 1. Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.) 6,25,000 2,40,000 5,25,000

Capital Reduction A/c Dr. 13,90,000 To Fixed Assets A/c To Sundry Debtors A/c To Stock A/c (Being reduction in the value of assets.) Bank A/c ...Dr. To Directors Loan A/c (Being temporary loan raised from Directors.) Provision for Tax A/c .Dr. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being settlement of tax liability.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being payment of reconstruction expenses.) 8,00,000




3,00,000 3,80,000 6,80,000 12,000 12,000



Sundry Creditors A/c Dr. 40,00,000 To Capital Reduction A/c 9,60,000 To 11% Preference share Capital A/c 30,40,000 (Being remission of liability of Sundry Creditors & allotment of 11% Preference Shares in settlement of balance amount.) 10% Debenture A/c Dr. To 13% Debenture A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being exchange of 13% Debentures in full settlement of 10% Debenture.) Equity Share Capital A/c ..Dr. 12% Cumulative Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c To 12% Cumulative Preference Share Capital A/c To Capital Reduction A/c 4,00,000 1,50,000 2,50,000



8,00,000 9,00,000 1,60,000 2,20,000 13,20,000

8. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. 5,90,000 To Preliminary Expenses A/c 50,000 To Profit & Loss A/c 5,40,000 (Being Profit & Loss A/c & Preliminary Expenses written off.) 9. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. 1,58,000 To Capital Reserve A/c 1,58,000 (Being balance of Capital Reduction Account transferred to Capital Reserves Account.)

Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars To Fixed Assets A/c To Stock A/c To Debtors A/c To Bank A/c To Bank A/c To Preliminary A/c To Profit & Loss A/c To Capital Reserve A/c Amt. 6,25,000 5,25,000 2,40,000 3,80,000 12,000 50,000 5,40,000 1,58,000 25,30,000 Particulars By Sundry Creditors A/c By 10% Debentures A/c By Equity Share Capital A/c By 12% Cumulative Preference Share Capital A/c

Amt. 9,60,000 2,50,000 6,40,000



Balance sheet of M/s. Aniruddha Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Share Capital Fixed Assets 25,00,000 80,000 Equity Share of (-) Written off 6,25,000 18,75,000 Rs.2/- each 1,60,000 30,400, 11% Investment NIL Preference Share of Rs.100/- each 30,40,000 Current Assets & Loans 1,10,000, 12% & Advances Cumulative Preference Stock 15,00,000 Share of Rs.2/- each 2,20,000 (-) Written off 2,25,000 9,75,000 Reserve & Surplus Capital Reserve Secured Loans 13% Debentures Unsecured Loans Directors Loan Current Liabilities & provisions S. Debtors 16,00,000 1,58,000 (-) Written off 2,40,000 13,60,000 Bank 1,50,000 (2,10,000 + 8,00,000 6,80,000 12,000) 8,00,000 Miscellaneous Expenses 3,18,000


NIL 45,28,000


Problem 9

397 The paid up Capital of Fast traler Ltd. amounted to Rs.12,00,000/- consisting of 6,000 5% Cumulative Shares of Rs.100/- each and 60,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each. The Preference dividend was in arrears for Rs.80,000/- (Contingent Liability) The company incurred heavy losses continuously. Therefore, the Directors recommended to the shareholders the following scheme of reconstruction to provide a sum sufficient for the following purpose : 1) To write down the book value of Patents by Rs.2,00,000/-, Plant & Machinery by Rs.24,000/- and Tools & Equipments by Rs.8,000/-. 2) To write off the debit balance of Profit & Loss Account of Rs.2,96,000/-. 3) Any balance made available by the reduction of capital is to be utilized to write off Experiment & research expenses 4) The scheme duly approved & authorized provided the following. i) For every 15, 5% Preference Shares, 8 4% Cumulative Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each & 40 Equity shares of Rs.2/- each are to be issued. ii) For every Rs.20/- of Cumulative Preference Divided; 2 Equity shares of Rs.3/- each are to be issued. iii) For every 10 old Equity shares, 2 new Equity shares of Rs.2/- each are to be issued. You are required to : Pass journal entries in the books of the company to record the above transactions. Prepare Capital Reduction Account. Solution : Journal of Fast Traler Ltd.
Date 1. Particulars 5% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. To 4% Cumulative Preference Share Capital A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Capital Reduction A/c (Being issued 3200, 4% Preference shares of Rs.100/- each & 24,000 Equity Shares of 5% Preference shares Capital. Capital Reduction A/c Dr. Debit (Rs.) 6,00,000 Credit (Rs.)

3,20,000 48,000 2,32,000



To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being issued 6,000 Equity shares of Rs.3/each in settlement of arrears of Preference dividend.) 3. 18,000

Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. 6,00,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 24,000 To Capital Reduction A/c 5,76,000 (Being issued 12,000 Equity share of Rs.2/each to the existing Equity shareholders.) Capital Reduction A/c Dr. 7,96,000 To Patents A/c 2,00,000 To Plant & Machinery A/c 24,000 To Tools & Equipment A/c 8,000 To Profit & Loss A/c 2,96,000 To Experiment & Research Expenses A/c 2,68,000 (Being written off Patents, Plant & Machinery, Tools & Equipments, Profit & Loss A/c, Debit balance & Experiment & Research Expenses as agreed upon.)


Capital Reduction Account Dr.

Particulars Amt. Particulars To Equity Share Capital By 5% Preference A/c 18,000 Share Capital A/c To Patents A/c 2,00,000 By Equity Share To Plant & Machinery Capital A/c A/c 24,000 To Tools & Equipment A/c 8,000 To Profit & Loss A/c 2,96,000 To Experiment & Research Expenses A/c 2,62,000 8,08,000

Amt. 2,32,000 5,76,000




12.2.1 OBJECTIVES QUESTIONS Filling the blanks. 1) Capital Reduction is implemented per section ____________ of Companies Act. 2) The scheme of Capital reduction is to be approved by ____________ . 3) Fictitious assets are to be transferred to ____________ . 4) Balance in Capital Reduction should be transferred to ____________ . 5) The payment for contingent liability should be debited to ____________ . 6) And reduced words are to be shown as in Balance sheet as per ____________ required. 7) XYZ Ltd. has on 31st December, 2010 1,00,000 Equity shares at Rs.10/- each. It was decided to reduced share to Rs.8/- each. The reduction is ____________ . 8) The Preference shareholders agree to Forgo arrears of Preference dividend Rs.80,000/-. The amount transferred to Capital Reduction Account is ____________ . 9) Investment costing of Rs.36,000/- given to Bank for bank overdraft Rs.19,800/-. The Capital reduction is debited by Rs. ____________ . 10) Provision for taxation is Rs.1,62,000/-. The tax liability of the company is settled at Rs.1,40,000/- & it is paid immediately. Amount credited to Capital Reduction is ____________ .
(Ans 1) 100, 2) High court, 3) Internal Reconstruction, 4) Capital Reserve, 5) Capital Reduction, 6) Company law, 7) 2,00,000, 8) Nil, 9) 16,200, 10) 22,000.)

1) The capital reduction means reduction in ____________ value of shares. 2) The sub division of shares does not result in ____________ of capital. 3) The shareholders can surrender shares for ____________ or ____________ . 4) The internal reconstruction results in proper valuation of ____________ & ____________ of company.

400 5) ____________ resolution is to be passed by shareholders for approval of scheme or reconstruction. 6) The Fictitious debit balances are to be transferred to ____________ Account. 7) The full balance of Capital is to be debited, if ____________ value is reduced. 8) Shareholders not approving scheme is called ____________ shareholders. 9) The expenses for forming & implementing scheme should be debited to ____________ . 10) The scheme of internal reconstruction can be utilized to provide ____________ for the company.
(Ans 1) Paid-up Value, 2) Reduction, 3) Re-issue, cancellation, 4) Assets & Liability, 5) Special, 6) Capital Reduction, 7) Face, 8) dissenting, 9) Capital Reduction, 10) Funds.)

Match the following. 1) Group A 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Capital Reduction Fictitious Balance Capital Reduction Scheme Consolidation of Share Subdivision of Share a) b) c) d) e) Group B Transfer to Capital Reduction Section 100 No reduction of Capital Internal Reconstruction No Change in Capital

(Ans : 1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 e, 5 c.)

2) Group A 1) Surrender of share 2) Cancellation of surrendered shares 3) Surplus on revaluation of assets 4) Loss on revaluation of assets 5) Credit balance in Capital Reduction
(Ans : 1 b, 2 a, 3 c, 4 e, 5 d.)

Group B a) b) c) d) e) Credit Capital reduction Unchanged Capital Transfer to Capital Reserve Transfer to Capital Reduction Debit Capital Reduction

401 3) Group A 1) Balance sheet after reduction 2) Statutory Reserve 3) Expenses of Scheme 4) Reduction in paid up value of shares 5) Reduction in face value of debenture Group B a) Not transferable to Capital Reduction b) Transfer difference to Capital Reserve c) Cancel present capital, raise new capital & difference to reduction d) Indicate, & reduced e) Debit capital reduction account

(Ans 1 d, 2 a, 3 e, 4 b, 5 c.)

True or False. 1) Capital Reduction & Internal reconstruction is synonym. True 2) Consolidation of shares result in profit for a company. False 3) Sub division of shares result in gain for a company. False 4) Provision for unrecorded liability indicates loss to a company. True 5) Accounting for Internal & External reconstruction is in identical manner. False 6) Authorised Share Capital is to be reduced to the extent of Capital Reduction. False 7) Cancellation of contingent liability is treated as profit to the company. False 8) Re classification of surrendered shares should not be accounted. True 9) The requirements of schedule VI is to be complied while preparing account after internal reconstruction. True 10) Internal reconstruction scheme cannot be prepared to cover capital reconstruction. False


1) Following is the balance sheet of Harshal Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010.

Liabilities 6,000 10% Cumulative Preference Share of Rs.100/- each fully paid up 15,000 Equity share of Rs.100/- each, fully paid up Loans Creditors Rs. Assets Rs. 2,00,000 19,50,000 70,000 4,00,000 2,88,000 1,26,000 38,000

Goodwill Land & Building Plant & Machinery 6,00,000 Stock Trade Debtors Bank Balance 15,00,000 Profit & Loss A/c 2,22,000 7,50,000 30,72,000


Note : Preference dividend was in arrears Rs.1,20,000/-. The Board of Directors of the company decided upon the following scheme of reconstruction, which was approved by all concerned. 1) Paid up value of Equity shares shall be reduced to Rs.50/per share, face value being Rs.100/-. 2) Preference shares are to be converted into 13% debentures of Rs.100/- each with regard to their 80% of dues (including arrears of Preference dividend) & for the balance (including dividend arrears) Equity, shares of Rs.100/- each (Rs.50/paid up shall be issued.) 3) All Equity shareholders agreed to pay the balance amount, making shares full paid up. 4) The Plant & Machinery was revalue at Rs.90,000/-. 5) The value of Stock was reduced by Rs.1,00,000/-. 6) Land & Building shall be written down to Rs.15,50,000/-. 7) Creditors agreed to Forgo their claims by 10%. 8) Loans was fully settled for Rs.2,00,000/-. 9) Goodwill, debit balance of profit & loss Account shall be written off. 10) Cost of reconstruction of Rs.5,000/- was paid. Above resolution was carried out.

403 You are required to : i) Pass journal entries in the books of the company. ii) Prepare Capital Reduction Account iii) Prepare Balance sheet after reconstruction
(Ans : Capital Reserve Rs.4,000/-, Tally 30,43,000/-)

2) The ledger balance of ZEE TV Ltd. include Building Rs.6,10,000/-, Furniture Rs.2,00,000/-, Computer Rs.3,00,000/-, Debtors Rs.3,00,000/-, Preliminary Expenses Rs.20,000/-, Cash at Bank Rs.80,000/-, Bills Receivable Rs.2,50,000/-, Stock Rs.40,000/-, 8% Preference Share Capital 2,000 shares Rs.100/- each, Equity Share Capital 80,000 shares of Rs.10/each, A 10% Debentures Rs.4,00,000/-, B 12% Debenture Rs.5,00,000/-, Outstanding Interest for one year on Debentures Rs.1,00,000/-. Creditors Rs.4,00,000/-, Bills Payable Rs.50,000/-, Outstanding Audit Fees Rs.50,000/-, Profit & Loss Account The company has incurred heavy losses. The following scheme of reconstruction is agreed upon. 1) 8% Preference shares are to be reduced by Rs.20/- per share, Equity shares be reduced by Rs.5/- per share. 2) To settle the claim of holders of A 10% Debenture by issue of new 11% Debenture of Rs.2,00,000/-, A Debenture holders agree to forgo their interest. 3) To settle the claim of holders of B 12% Debenture by issue of new 13% Debenture of Rs.5,00,000/- outstanding Debenture interest on B 12% Debenture holders be paid. 4) To write off Fictitious assets & debit balance of Profit & Loss Account. 5) Director refund Rs.60,000/- fees previously received by them. 6) Computer was to be written down by Rs.20,000/-. You are required to show : a) Journal entries to record the above transactions in books of ZEE Ltd. b) Balance sheet before reconstruction c) Balance sheet after reconstruction. Assume that all the formalities are duly complied.
(Ans : Balance sheet before reconstruction Tally Rs.25,00,000/-, Balance sheet after reconstruction Tally Rs.17,60,000/-, Capital Reduction Rs.7,40,000/-.)

404 3) The following is the Balance sheet of Sunrise Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Goodwill Patents Furniture Plant & Machinery Land & Building Stock in trade Sundry Debtors Bills Receivable Profit & Loss Account Preliminary Expenses Rs. 25,000 15,000 35,000 6,00,000 6,50,000 80,000 90,000 15,000 8,20,000 45,000 23,75,000

Issued & Subscribed Capital 10% Preference share 4,00,000 of Rs.100/- each Equity share of Rs.10/- each 10,00,000 12% Debenture 7,50,000 Bank overdraft 50,000 Sundry Creditors 1,40,000 Bills Payable 35,000


The Preference dividend is in arrears for four years. The following scheme of capital reduction was sanctioned by the court & agreed by shareholders. 1) The Preference shares are to be reduced to Rs.50/- each & Equity shares are to be Rs.2/- each, both being fully paid. 2) Of the Preference dividend in arrears three forth to be waived & remaining to be paid in cash. 3) The Debenture holders to take over Plant & Machinery at Rs.6,00,000/- in part satisfaction of their claim. The remaining claim should be converted into 14% Debentures. 4) Creditors agreed to reduce their claim by Rs.20,000/-, Bills Payable to be paid immediately. 5) Goodwill, Patents, Profit & Loss Account & Preliminary Expenses are to be written off. 6) The following assets are to be revalued as under Furniture Rs.25,000/-, Stock in trade Rs.68,000/-, Land & Building Rs.5,80,000/-, Sundry Debtors Rs.80,000/-. 7) A secured loan of Rs.1,50,000/- at 12% per annum is to be obtained by mortgaging Land & Building for payment of bank overdraft, Bills Payable & reconstruction expenses Rs.15,000/-. Pass journal entries to record above scheme & draft the Balance sheet of Sunrise Ltd. after reconstruction.
(Ans : Capital Reserve Rs.8,000/-, Balance sheet Tally 7,78,000/-.)

405 4) The Balance sheet of Colours Ltd. as at 31st October, 2009 appeared as follows.
Liabilities Share Capital 30,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up 1,000, 11% Preference shares of Rs.100/- each fully paid Rs. Assets Rs.

Fixed Assets Fixed Assets 4,00,000 (at cost) 3,00,000 (-) Depn Prov.3,00,000 1,00,000 Current Assets Stock & Stores 1,00,000 Receivables Other Current Assets

1,20,000 2,90,000 40,000

Secured loans Miscellaneous 11% Deb. 1,00,000 Expenditure Int. accured Profit & Loss Account & due on deb. 22,000 Bank O/D 1,26,000 2,48,000 Unsecured loans 1,00,000 Int. accrued & due 30,000 1,30,000 Current Liabilities & Provisions Current Liabilities


1,00,000 8,78,000 8,78,000

The scheme of reconstruction has been agreed amongst the shareholders & the Creditors with the following Salient features. 1) Interest due on unsecured loans is waived. 2) 50% of the interest due on Debentures is waved. 3) The 11% Preference shareholders rights are reduced to 50% & the remaining were converted into 15% Debentures of Rs.100/- each. 4) Current liabilities would be reduced by Rs.10,000/- on account of the provision no longer required. 5) The Equity shareholders agree to convert the existing shares into new ten rupee shares of total value Rs.1,00,000/-.

406 6) The debit balance in the profit & loss account is to be written off totally, Rs.52,000/- should be provided for doubtful debts & the value of fixed assets should be increased by Rs.80,000/-. Prepare the Capital Reduction Account & redraft the Balance sheet of the company based on the above scheme of reconstruction.
(Ans : Capital Reserve Rs.1,000/-, Balance sheet Tally Rs.5,78,000/-.)


Star One Ltd. was in serious Financial Crisis & the Directors considered in advisable to go in for a compromise scheme with its creditors. Balance sheet as on 30th April, 2010
Liabilities Preference share capital (Rs.100/- paid up) Equity share capital (Rs.10/- paid up) 12% Debentures Creditors Bank Loan Rs. Assets Land Building Plant & Machinery Trade Marks Goodwill Stock Debtors Profit & Loss Account Discount on issue of Debenture Rs. 80,000 2,60,000 3,75,000 75,000 1,50,000 1,60,000 2,73,000 5,12,000 10,000 18,95,000

5,00,000 7,00,000 2,00,000 2,80,000 2,15,000


Scheme as proposed by the directors is as follows : 1) Bank agreed to write interest amount outstanding of Rs.15,000/- included in the balance subject to immediate payment of 15% of their dues. 2) Land was revalued upward by 55% other tangible fixed assets are to be written down by 20% uniformly; all tangible & fictitious assets to be written off. 3) Debenture holder agreed to reduce their claim by 20% provided they are paid 20% immediately & balance being redeemed in 4 equal annual instalments. 4) Preference shareholders to reduce their shares to Rs.60/paid up. 5) Equity share holders to reduce their shares to Rs.2/- per share fully paid up & subscribed to such number of shares to

407 meet the cash requirement of the scheme & also leave a cash balance of Rs.25,000/-. Show Capital Reduction Account and the Balance sheet after carrying out the suggested scheme of reconstruction.
(Ans : Capital Reserve Rs.3,81,000/-, Balance sheet tally amount Rs.14,86,000/-)

6) The Balance sheet of Citizen Ltd. as at 31st October, 2010 was as under:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Share capital 1,50,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/15,00,000 each fully paid 5,000 11% Preference shares of Rs.100/each fully paid 5,00,000 Secured loans 11% Deb. 5,00,000 Int. due on Debentures 1,10,000 6,10,000 Bank overdraft 6,30,000 Unsecured loan 5,00,000 (+) Int. due 1,50,000 6,50,000 Current Liabilities 5,00,000 43,90,000

Fixed Assets Gross Block 20,00,000 (-) Depn 15,00,000 5,00,000 Current Assets Stock & Stores 6,00,000 Receivables 14,50,000 Other Current Assets 2,00,000 Profit & Loss Account 16,40,000


The scheme of reconstruction has been agreed amongst the shareholders & the Creditors as follows 1) Interest due on unsecured loans is waived. 2) 50% interest due on Debentures is waived. 3) 11% Preference shareholders rights are to be reduced to 50% & then converted into 15% Debentures of Rs.100/each. 4) Current liability would be reduced Rs.50,000/-.

408 5) The Bank agreed to the arrangement & to increase cash credit or overdraft limits by Rs.1,00,000/- upon the shareholders agreeing to bring in a like amount by way of new Equity. 6) Besides additional subscription as above the Equity shareholders agree to convert the existing Equity shares into new ten rupees share of total value of Rs.5,00,000/-. 7) The debit balance in Profit & Loss Account is to be written off totally Rs.2,60,000/-should be provided for doubtful debts & the value of Fixed Assets be increased by Rs.4,00,000/-. You are required to prepare Capital Reduction Account & Balance sheet after reconstruction.
(Ans : Capital Reduction Rs.5,000/-, Balance sheet Tally Rs.28,90,000/-.)

7) The following is the Balance sheet of Videocon Ltd. as on 31st December, 2009.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. 75,000 2,50,000 1,37,500 16,250 1,31,500 23,000 375 82,500

Issued Subscribed Goodwill Capital : Land & Building 30,000 Equity share Plant & Machinery of Rs.10/- each fully 3,00,000 Furniture paid Stock 2,000 12% Preference Debtors share of Rs.100/each fully paid 2,00,000 Cash in hand 11% Debentures 1,25,000 Profit & Loss Account Sundry Creditors 22,750 Bank overdraft 68,375



The Preference dividend was in arrears for 5 years. The Capital Reduction scheme was submitted as under : 1) Equity shares to be reduced to Rs.5/- each. 2) All arrears of Preference dividend to be cancelled. 3) Each Preference share to be reduced to Rs.75/- & then exchanged for one new 12% Preference shares of Rs.50/each & five Equity shares of Rs.5/- each.

409 4) The debit balance of Profit & Loss Account to be written off Plant & Machinery to be written down by Rs.47,500/- & goodwill is to be reduced as much as possible. 5) The Debentures are to be redeemed at a 5% premium, holders being given the option to subscribe at par for new 12% Debenture. Approval of the court is obtained, 1,00,000 new Equity shares are issued at par (sufficient new Equity shares are increased by increasing authorized share capital) payable in full on application. The whole issue is underwritten for 2% commission & the issue was fully taken up. Holders of old Debentures of Rs.50,000/- exercised their option & subscribed for the new Debentures. Expenses in connection with the with the scheme amounted to Rs.3,375/- & were written off. Journalise the transactions to record Reduction Scheme & set out new Balance sheet of the company.
(Ans : Balance sheet Tally Rs.8,75,250/-.)

8) The following is the Balance sheet of Ragini Shdhana Ltd. as on 31st December, 2009.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

20,000 Equity share of Rs.100/- each fully paid 20,00,000 18,000 7% Preference share of Rs.100/each fully paid 18,00,000 A 8% Debentures 3,00,000 (Secured on Virar work) B 8% Debentures 3,50,000 (Secured on Churchgate work) Creditors 2,50,000 Bills Payable 2,00,000 49,00,000

Virar Works 16,00,000 Churchgate Works 12,00,000 Stock on hand 9,00,000 Sales Ledger Adjustment Account 5,00,000 Cash at Bank 1,00,000 Invention Expenses 2,00,000 Profit & Loss Account 4,00,000


A scheme of Reconstruction was duly prepared & sanctioned whereby : 1) Equity shares were to be reduced to Rs.10/- each fully paid.

410 2) Preference shares were to be reduced to share of Rs.80/each fully paid, dividend being raised to 10%. 3) Debenture holders forgo their interest Rs.52,000/- which is included in Creditors. 4) B Debenture holders agreed to take over Chuchgate works at Rs.5,00,000/- & to accept an allotment of 3,000 Equity shares in Ragini Sadhana Ltd. of Rs.10/- each at par. They settled their account by paying necessary amount by a crossed cheque to the company. 5) Stock on hand was to be written down by Rs.2,00,000/- & a provision for doubtful debts be created to the extent of Rs.25,000/-. Any balance arising out of the above points to be applied as to 2/3 to write off the value of Virar works & 1/3 to Capital Reserve. You are required to prepare 1) Capital Reduction Account 2) Balance sheet after the above scheme is implemented.
(Ans : Capital Reserve Rs.2,29,000/-, Balance sheet Tally amount Rs.25,97,000/-)

9) Following is the Balance sheet of Star Pravah Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Chennai Works Delhi Works Workmen Compensation Fund / Investment Stock Sundry Debtors Discount on Debenture A 3,500 B 12,000 Profit & Loss Account Rs. 25,00,000 15,00,000

Share Capital Authorized Issued Subscribed & Paid up 5,00,000 Equity shares of Rs.5/- each fully paid 25,00,000 4,00,000 6% Preference shares of Rs.5/- each fully paid 20,00,000 6% A Debentures secured on Chennai works 1,00,000 6% B Debentures secured on Delhi works 5,00,000 Workmen Compensation Fund Chennai 35,000 Delhi 20,000 55,000 Bank overdraft 5,00,000 Sundry Creditors 2,00,000 58,55,000

55,000 12,00,000 45,000

15,500 16,19,500


411 On 1st April, 2010; a scheme of reduce capital implemented as under : 1) The Equity shares were reduced to Rs.0.25/- each. 2) The Preference shares were reduced to Rs.3.75/- each & the rate of dividend to be 5%. 3) The A & B Debenture holders waived interest payment of Rs.47,000/- which was included in Sundry Creditors. 4) The Directors were to refund Rs.75,000/- fees, they had received earlier. 5) The B Debenture holders formed a new company to take over the Delhi works for Rs.7,50,000/- & this price was satisfied on the same date by surrender of B Debentures & allotment of Rs.50,000/- fully paid shares of Rs.5/- each in the new company. The investments were valued at Rs.35,000/-, Stock Rs.60,000/- & Debentures at Rs.40,000/-. There was no actual liability to workmen at Delhi. The Assets were to be written down accordingly any fictitious assets were to be eliminated, only necessary reserves were to be retained & the balance available was to be written of the book value of the Chennai works. Journalise the above transactions in the books of the company & prepare the balance sheet after the above scheme is carried out.
(Ans : Balance sheet Tally amount Rs.23,38,000/-)


Unit Structure 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Objectives Introduction Meaning Calculation of Various Ratios Methods of ascertain pre-incorporation Profit / Loss Accounting Treatment Performa of P & L Account under equitable basis Solved Problems

After Studying this unit the students will be able to: Know the Concept of Profit / Loss Prior to Incorporation Calculate the Various Ratios Understand the Methods of ascertain pre-incorporation Profit or Loss Solve the practical problems. Understand the Treatment of Profit or Loss Prior / Post Incorporation

In the present scenario, corporate form of organization is preferred. Many existing Non Corporate concerns get themselves converted into a corporate one, Company is a separate legal entity and enjoy certain tax benefits. Hence existing Propriority / Partnership concern may get converted into a limited company. Therefore they decide to form a Ltd. Co. to take over their business. Formation of a limited co. requires number of formalities and is a time consuming task, such as name approval of proposed company, preparation of Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association etc. In such a situation the promoters who acquire

413 running business, may continue business on behalf of company prior to its incorporation. Therefore for first year; profit earned upto incorporation is considered as profits prior to incorporation.

13.2 MEANING :
Profits prior to incorporation means profits earned between the date of acquisition of business & the date of incorporation. Such situation arises in the first year of operation of the co; when same books of A/cs of the Vender are continued by promoters. The Profit / Loss Prior to Incorporation is determined nationally by allocating various Income & Expenses, Profit or Losses for the entire period (i.e. pre & post incorporation) between two time periods an appropriate logical basis.


13.3.1 TIME RATIO : Time Ratio is used for dividing fixed expenses which arise evenly spread within entire period. Pre Incorporation period consist from business acquired up date of Incorporation. Post Incorporation starts from date of Incorporation till accounting period end. The entire period is normally of a year (12 months). But it can be longer or shorter period also depending upon situation. Illustration 1 : Calculation & various Time Ratio Date of Business Acquired a) 1st April 08 Date of Incorporation 31st May 08 Accounting End 31st March 09 Time Ratio = 12 mths


Pre Incorporation Post Incorporation 2 Months 10 Months 1st Jan 08 31st March 08 31st Dec 08 Pre Incorporation 3 Months Post Incorporation 9 Months 31st Dec 08

=1:5 = 12 mths

=1:3 = 8 mths


1st May 08

30th Sept 08

Pre Incorporation 5 Months d) 1st Jan. 08

Post Incorporation 3 Months 31st March 09

=5:3 = 15 mths

1st April 08

Pre Incorporation 3 Months

Post Incorporation 12 Months


414 13.3.2 SALES RATIO / TURNOVER RATIO Sales Ratio is used for dividing gross Profit, variable expenses etc. Sales Ratio is calculated by comparing sales of pre & post Incorporation period. However if sales are not even / uniform per month, then Weighted Average Sales ratio should be calculated. Illustration : 2 (Various Sales Ratio) a) Net Sales Rs.16,00,000/Pre Incorporation Sales Rs.5,00,000/Post Incorporation Sales = Net Sales () Pre Incorporation Sales = 16,00,000 () 5,00,000 = Rs.11,00,000/Sales Ratio = 5:11 b) A Ltd. was incorporated on 1st May 08 to take over A & Co. business w.e.f. Feb. 08, period ended 31st Dec 08 monthly sales were doubled from 1st July.
Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

Pre Incorporation 3

Post Incorporation 14

Sales Ratio = 3:14 c) B Ltd. was incorporated on 1st May 08 to take over B & Co. business w.e.f. 1st Feb.08, period ending 31st Dec. 08. Monthly Sales were doubled from 1st Sept. 08.
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Pre Incorporation Post Incorporation 3 12

Sales Ratio = 3:12 = 1:4 d) C Ltd. was incorporated on 1st June 08 to take over business from 1st Jan 08 Accounting year ends 31st December 2008. A sale for each months of July to December was twice the monthly sales of January to June 08.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Pre Incorporation 5 Post Incorporation 13

Sales Ratio : 5:13 e) D Ltd. was incorporated on 1st May 08 to take over business from 1st March 08 for period ending 31st Dec.09. Trend of Sales were as under. Monthly Sales were doubled from 1st July & again from 1st Nov. monthly sales were double that of Oct. Month. Mar 1 2 Apr 1 May Jun July Aug Sep 1 1 2 2 2 18 Oct 2 Nov Dec 4 4

Sales Ratio = 2:18 = 1:9 13.3.3 WEIGHTED AVERAGE RATIO This ratio is calculated when Sales / Incomes expenses are not uniform throughout the period. Illustration : 3 (Calculated various Weight Average Ratio) A) There are 5 employees upto Incorporation (3 months) and then 8 employees in post Incorporation period (9 months) Salary Ratio : No. of employees X no. of months Pre = 5 X 3 = 15 Post = 8 X 9 = 72 Salary Ratio = 5:24

B) X Ltd. was incorporated on 01/08/07 to take over business from 1st April 07 closes accounts on 31st March 08 due to decrease selling price by 20% from 1st Nov. 07 sales in terms of volume (quantities) were doubled from 1st Nov. 07. Ascertain Sales Ratio.
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

A x B

2 80

2 80

2 80

2 80 160

2 80 160

100 100 Pre 400

100 100 100 100 100

=Sales 100 100

100 100 100 100 100 160 160 160 Post 1100

Sales Ratio = 4:11 A B Note : Quality Sold X Selling Price (Assuming Selling Price = Rs.100/-)


13.3.4 SPECIFIC RATIO Some expenses may be incurred during specific part of accounting period. This needs to allocated on basic given data. a) Interest to vendors paid for period upto date of payment. A company incorporated on 31/07/07. The business taken over on 01/04/07. Interest paid on 31/10/07. This interest is paid upto 31/10/07. These expenses to be allocated as time ratio as follows. Apr 1 May 1 4 Ratio = 4:3 b) Expenses incurred for specific period or an specific date. E.g. Profit or Loss an sale of Asset on a given date. Bad Debt pertaining to specific period. Depreciation an asset acquired during year. 13.3.5 SPECIFIC FOR FORM OF ORGANIZATION The expenses or Income related to particular form or organization is not to be allocated. These are to be pre Incorporation or post Incorporation as case may be. e.g. a) Directors Remuneration paid by company Post Incorporation b) Interest on Debenture Issued by company Post Incorporation c) Preliminary Expenses Post Incorporation (Written off by company) d) Remuneration or Salary to Partner Pre Incorporation Jun 1 July 1 Aug 1 Sep 1 3 Oct 1




The pre Incorporation Profit / Loss can be ascertained in three ways as follows : i) By preparing separate Profit & Loss A/c for the period upto date of incorporation. ii) By preparing usual Profit & Loss A/c for entire period and then dividing net Profit / Loss on appropriation basis between two periods. iii) Combined or Equitable basis as per available information


13.4.1 SEPARATE PROFIT & LOSS A/C In this method books of A/cs are balanced and trial balance as on date of Incorporation is prepared. The Profit & Loss A/c, Balance Sheet can be prepared. However this method, being inconvenient & is practically unnecessary. As number of adjustment like depreciation, stock valuation, outstanding expenses prepaid expenses are usually carried out for preparing Final Accounts. 13.4.2 PREPARING PROFIT & LOSS A/C FOR ENTIRE PERIOD AND DIVIDING NET PROFIT / LOSS ON SALE BASIS OR TIME BASIS Under this method, net Profit for both the period is estimate expense as well as Income are not uniform, some expense or Income may relate to either pre or post Incorporation period. Similarly all expenses or Income may not be in same proportion of Time or Sales basis. Therefore this method is not suitable for ascertainment of pre Incorporation Profit / Loss. Normally Trading Account is to be prepared for full period as combined Account to as certain Gross Profit. The Gross Profit is to be transferred to Profit & Loss A/c on ratio of sales. However, if information of Sales & Purchase for pre post period & stock an date of information is available. The Trading Account can also be prepaid for pre & post period separately in columnar format. 13.4.3 COMBINED OR EQUITABLE BASIS Under this method Trading Account is prepared for the entire period and gross Profit is ascertained. However if division of purchase, sales direct expenses, stock as on date of Incorporation & year end are available, then Trading Account can be prepared in two parts i.e. pre & post Incorporation, Gross Profit for pre & post Incorporation automatically is ascertained. 13.4.4 FOLLOWING PROCEDURE SHOULD BE FOLLOWED a) Profit & Loss Account Credit side b) Profit & Loss Account Debit side a) Profit & Loss Account Credit Side i) Gross Profit : Gross Profit is generally divided into sales ratio. In case there is a change in sales price or cost price between two periods then actual Gross Profit is worked by considering change in turn over and / or cost. In case details of sales are not available, then it is assumed that sales are spread

418 over equally / evenly in the entire period. So Gross Profit is divided in time ratio.

ii) Other Income : 1. Specific Income for a particular period monthly credited to that period e.g. share transfer fees should be credited in post Incorporation. 2. Discount received is on purchase basis, otherwise sales ratio. 3. Income received on time basis should be divided into time basis e.g. Income from investment, Rent received. b) Profit & Loss Account Debit Side i) Time Ratio : Fixed Expenses / Period Expenses which are incurred with reference to time should be allocated on time basis e.g. Salaries, Audit Fees, Postage, Depreciation on Fixed Assets, Rates, taxes. ii) Sales Ratio : Variable Expenses / Fluctuating Expenses which are related to turnover should be allocated in sales ratio e.g. Bad Debts w/off Advertisement, Sales Commission, Carriage outward. However if any specific information is given in the problem, then expense should be allocated accordingly e.g. Rent paid for pre Incorporation period. iii) Specific Expenses / Income : Corporate expenses incurred are charged to post period Director Fees, M.D. Fees, Debenture Interest etc. Expenses incurred by vendor are charged to pre Incorporation period. Expenses for which specific information is available are allocated accordingly. Illustration : 4 (Division on basis of information given) 4.1 Bad debts w/off in respects of debts taken from vendor should be debited to Pre-Incorporation & remaining bad debt, should be charged to Post-Incorporation. 4.2 Interest paid to vendor on purchase consideration should be allocated according to the ratio calculated with reference to actual period covered. E.g. A Ltd. was incorporated on 1st March 08 to take over business on 1st Jan 08 purchase consideration was discharged on 31st May 08. Interest paid to vendor Rs.20,000/-.

419 In above example interest is paid for the period 1 st Jan 08 to 31st May 08 (5 months.)

20,000 3 5 (1st March to 31st May 08 = 3 months) 4.3 Gross Profit is usually divided in Sales Ratio. However if there is change S.P. or C.P. or both, ratio should be work out accordingly. Z Ltd. increased its sales price by 20% in post period. However, cost of production remain same if pre sales Rs.3,00,000/- & cost period sales Rs.15,00,000/- preincorporation G.P. was 20% on sales. Find Gross Profit for pre & post incorporation separately.
Pre-Incorporation Interest = Pre S.P. Let 100 Revised 120 (Post) G.P. 20 40 C.P. 80 80 G.P. = 3,00,000 x 20% (Pre) = 60,000 (cost remains same)

Post Incorporation G.P. = 15,00,000 X

40 = Rs.5,00,000/120

4.4 Depreciation on Fixed Assets is usually divided in Time Ratio. However if Addition / Sales of fixed assets is given in the problem, then for division of depreciation should be after considering period for which it refers e.g. Y Ltd. was incorporated on 1st May 08 to take over business from 1st Jan 08, Y Ltd. closes its Books of Accounts on 31st Dec. 08. Depreciation decided to Profit & Loss A/c amounted Rs.30,000/includes depreciation @ 10% p.a. plant costing Rs.3,00,000/which was purchased 1st Oct. 08. Depreciation a) Dep. on plant purchased on 01/10/08 to 31/12/08 for Post3 Incp. 3,00,000 X 10% X 12 b) Remaining Depreciation in Time Ratio (30,000 7,500) = 22,500 in 1:2 Total Depreciation Pre Post


7,500 7,500

15,000 22,500

Provision for Income Tax Income Tax is payable at a specified percentage of Profit. Provision for Income Tax should be calculated at specified percentage net Profit for each period (pre/post) separately. However, if of Income Tax provision is specified for a specific

420 amount, same should be allocated an ratio of net Profit pre & post period. Pre-Incorporation Profit 75,000 Post-Incorporation Profit 1,25,000

1. Provision for Income Tax @ 30% of Profit. 75,000 @ 30% = 22,500, 1,25,000 @ 30% = 37,500 2. Provision for Income Tax Rs.36,000/Ratio of Profit 75:125 or 3:5 Rs.13,500 Rs.22,500


i) Profit prior to Incorporation is a capital Profit & hence it should be transferred to Capital Reserve. Capital Reserve may be used to write off Goodwill, Share Issue Expenses, Discount on issue of Debenture etc. ii) Loss prior to Incorporation should be debited to Goodwill Account. iii) Post Incorporation Profit / Loss should be transferred to Profit & Loss Appropriation Account, being revenue profit. The Final Account The Final Account companies includes Profit & Loss Account & Balance sheet. After preparing Profit & Loss Account as explain above, Balance Sheet is to be prepared. Since it includes Assets & Liabilities on a specific date, it should not be allocated. Same is prepared as simple statement.


Trading Accounts for the year / period Dr. Particulars Pre To Stock A/c To Purchase A/c To Direct Expenses A/c To Gross Profit c/d Post Particulars By Sales A/c By Stock A/c Pre Cr. Post


Note : If the period wise data of purchases, sales and direct expenses, stock on date of Incorporation is not available, columnar presentation is not possible.

Profit & Loss Account Dr.

Particulars To Salaries A/c To Rent A/c To Electricity A/c To Pre-Incorporation Specific Exp. A/c To Post-Incorp. Specific Exp. A/c To Administration Expenses A/c To Interest on Deb. vendor A/c To Bad debts A/c To Advertisement A/c To Audit Fees A/c To Provision for Income Tax A/c To Capital Reserve A/c To Net Profit c/d Basis Time Time Time Pre Post Time Post-Specific Time Pre Post Particulars By Gross Profit c/d By Commission on purchase By Investment Income By Share Transfer Fee By Goodwill A/c By Loss A/c Basis Sales Purch. or sales Specific Post (BF) (BF)

Pre Post

x x

Time Net Profit (BF) (BF)

x x

Note : The above basis would need to be changed as per specific data given. Balance sheet as on _________ Liabilities Share Capital Reserves & Surplus Security Premium Capital Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Loan Current Liabilities Creditors Amt. XXX Assets Fixed Assets Goodwill Tangible Assets Investment Current Assets Stock Debtors Bank Misc. Exp (not w/off) Preliminary Expenses Amt. XXX XXX XXX






Illustration : 1 (Simple problem) Jai Ltd. was incorporated on 1st March 08 to take over running business of JR & Co. with effects from 1st Jan. 08. The same books of accounts continued and following Profit & Loss Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2008, was prepared. Profit & Loss Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2008 Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. 3,72,000 5,400 600 To Salaries A/c 48,000 By Gross Profit b/d To Office Rent A/c 12,000 By Discount earned To Printing & Stationery By Share Transfer A/c 6,000 Fees To Directors Fees A/c 7,250 To Sundry Expenses A/c 3,000 To Depreciation A/c 9,000 To Advertisement Expenses A/c 24,000 To Preliminary Exp. w/off 2,500 To Sales Commission A/c 42,000 To Loss on sale of old Furniture A/c 3,000 To Audit Fees A/c 9,000 To M.D. Remuneration A/c 6,250 To Partner Salaries A/c 1,750 To Interest paid to vendor A/c (upto 30/04/08) 6,000 To Debenture Interest A/c 14,250 To Discount on issue of Debentures A/c 4,000 To Net Profit c/d 1,80,00 3,78,000


Other information : 1) Furniture was sold on 31st December 08.

423 2) Monthly average sale were double from 1st October 2008. 3) 50% of Advertising Expenses were related with sale and balance expenses for outdoor advertising were paid on monthly basis. 4) Purchase consideration was settle on 30/04/08 along with interest due upto that date. Prepare Profit & Loss Account for the year 31 st March appropriating between the pre and post Incorporation period. Solution : Jai Ltd. Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 08 Dr.
Particulars To Salaries A/c To Office Rent A/c To Preliminary Exp. A/c To Directors Fees To Sundry Exp. A/c To Depreciation A/c To Advertising Exp. A/c To Preliminary Exp. A/c To Sales Commission A/c To Loss on Sale of Furniture A/c To Audit Fees A/c To M.D. Remuneration A/c To Partners Salaries A/c To Interest paid to vendor A/c To Debenture Int.A/c To Discount on issue Debentures To Capital Reserve A/c To Net Profit c/d

Pre 8,000 2,000 Post 40,000 10,000 5,000 7,250 2,500 6,000 20,400 2,500 36,400 3,000 7,500 6,250 3,000 14,250 4,000 Particulars




TR 1,000 Post TR 500 TR 3,000 W/N 3,600 Post SR 5,600

By Gross Profit 49,600 3,22,400 c/d SR 720 4,680 By Discount 600 earned SR By Share Transfer Fee Post

Post TR 1,500 Post Pre 1,750

W/N 3,000 Post Post -

Pre 20,370 1,59,630

50,320 3,27,680 50,320 3,27,680

Working Note : 1) Time Ratio = 1:5 Date of Acquisition 1st Jan 08

Date of Incorporation 1st March 08

Date of year end 31st Dec 08

Pre Incorporation 2 Months Time Ratio = 2:10 = 1:5

Post Incorporation 10 Months

b) Sales Ratio = 2:13 Monthly average sales were doubled from 1st Oct. 08
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1 1 Pre-Incop 2

Post Incorporation Period 13

Sales Ratio = 2:13 c) Advertisement Expenses = Rs.24,000 Pre a) Sales promotion Exp. in Sales Ratio (24,000 X 50% = 12,000 in 2:13) b) Balance 50% in Time Ratio (12,000 in Time Ratio = 1:5) 1,600 2,000 3600 Post 10,400 10,000 20400

d) Interest paid to vendor Rs.6,000/- for the period from 01.01.08 to 30.04.08 (4 months) 2 Pre (2 months) = 6,000 X = 3,000 4 2 Post (2 months) = 6,000 X = 3,000 4 6,000

425 Illustration : 2 (Simple problem with basis allocation) The Trading and Profit & Loss Accounts of M/s. Priti & Co. for the period ended 31st March 2008 is as under Trading and Profit & Loss Account Dr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.


To Opening Stock 45,000 By Sales 15,25,000 To Purchases 7,12,000 (-) Return (25,000) 15,00,000 (-) Return (12,000) 7,00,000 By Closing Stock 47,000 To Wages 40,000 To Carriage 12,000 To Gross Profit c/d 7,50,000 15,47,000 To Salaries A/c 42,000 By Gross Profit b/d To Travelling Exp. A/c 45,000 By Discount A/c To Rent & Taxes A/c 18,000 By Share Transfer To Directors Fees A/c 12,000 Fees A/c To Discount A/c 18,000 To General Exp. A/c 6,000 To Depreciation A/c 48,000 To Debenture Interest A/c 25,000 To Interest on Purchase Consideration A/c 27,000 To Salaries to Partners A/c 20,000 To Carriage outwards A/c 29,000 To Net Profit c/d 4,84,000 7,74,000 15,47,000 7,50,000 22,000 3,000


1) In order to acquire the business of the firm, Priti Ltd. was incorporated on 1st Sept. 07. However, the business was taken over with effect from 1st June 07. The purchase consideration was paid on 30th Sept. 07. The net sales upto 1st Sept. 08 was Rs.6,00,000/- and not purchase upto 1st Sept. 08 was Rs.3,00,000/-. 2) Depreciation included Rs.18,000/- on Assets acquired by Prity Ltd. 3) Rent was paid for the period from 1st July 08 to 30th Oct. 08 Rs.6,000/-. Remaining rent was on premises taken over from vendor. 4) Salaries includes salary of managing direct Rs.2,000/- p.m. from Incorporation.


You are required to determine pre & post Incorporation Profit.

Solution : Profit & Loss Account for the period ending on 31st March 08 Dr.
Particulars To Salaries A/c To Travelling Exp. A/c To Rent & Taxes A/c To Directors Fess A/c To Discount A/c To General Exp. A/c To Depreciation A/c To Debenture Interest A/c To Interest on purchase consideration A/c To Salaries to Partners A/c To Carriage outward To Capital Reserve A/c To Net Profit c/d

Pre 8,400 18,000 6,600 7,200 1,800 9,000 Post 33,600 27,000 11,400 12,000 10,800 4,200 39,000 25,000 Particulars



WN8 SR WN5 Post SR TR WN4 Post

By Gross Profit c/d 2:3 3,00,000 4,50,000 By Discount Earned A/c Purch 9,000 12,000 . By Share Transfer Fee Post 3,000 A/c

WN7 Pre SR -

20,250 20,000 11,600

6,750 17,400

2,06,150 2,77,850 3,09,000 4,65,000 3,09,000 4,65,000

Working Note : 1) Time Ratio = 3:7 Date of Acquisition Date of Incorp. 1st June 07 1st Sept. 07 Pre Incorporation 3 Months

Year end 31st March 08

Post Incorporation 7 Months

Time Ratio = 3:7 2) Sales Ratio = 2:3 Pre = Rs.6,00,000/Post = Rs.15,00,000 (-) Rs.6,00,000 = Rs.9,00,000 Sales Ratio = 6:9 i.e. 2:3

427 3) Purchases Pre = Rs.3,00,000/Post = Rs.7,00,000 (-) Rs.3,00,000 = Rs.4,00,000 Purchase Ratio = 3:4 4) Depreciation Rs.48,000/Pre 9,000 9,000 Post 18,000 21,000 39,000

On Assets acquired in post period Remaining Depreciation Rs.30,000/- in Time Ratio i.e. 3:7

5) Rent and Taxes Rs.18,000/Pre 3,000 Post 3,000

Rent for July, Aug = 2m Sept, Oct. = 2m


Balance Rent 18,000 () 6,000 = Rs.12,000 in Time Ratio 3:7

3,600 6,600

8,400 11,400

6) Salaries Rs.42,000/Pre 8,400 8,400 Post 14,000 19,600 33,600

Salaries of M.D. Rs.2,000 X 7 month (post) Remaining Salaries Rs.42,000 (-) 14,000 = 28,000 in Time Ratio

7) Interest paid on purchase consideration Rs.27,000/- for the period 1st June 07 to 30th Sept. 07 = 4 months

3 4 1 Remaining Post (1 months) = 27,000 X 4

Pre (3 months) = 27,000 X

= =

20,250 6,750 27,000


Unit Structure 14.1 14.2 14.3 Solved problems Key Terms Exercise


Illustration: 1 (Calculation of Depreciation, Commission on Actual basis) H Ltd. was incorporated on 1st June 08 to take over a business from 1st Jan 08. The accounts were made upto 31 st December 08 as usual and Profit & Loss Accounts showed the following results. Profit and Loss A/c for the year on ended 31st December 08 Dr. Cr.
Particulars To Salaries A/c To Rent A/c To Directors Fees A/c To Bad debts To Travellers commission A/c To Audit Fees A/c To Office Expenses A/c To Discount A/c To Depreciation A/c To Debenture Interest A/c To Goodwill w/off To Advertisement A/c To Interest on purchase consideration (31/7/08) Rs. Particulars Rs. 2,10,000 12,000 24,000 By Gross Profit b/d 6,400 By Interest (from 7,000 Bank F.D. made 9,000 on 1st July 08) 18,900 4,000 10,000 6,000 25,000 9,000 4,000 7,200 35,000

To Printing & Stationery A/c To Net Profit c/d

6,600 49,900 2,22,000 2,22,000

Additional Information : 1) It is ascertained that safe for February, August, October, November and December were only half the average sales, January were one and half the times of the average of the year end those for July twice the average. Annual net sales amounted Rs.6,00,000/-. 2) Bad debts written off were : a) A debt of Rs.4,000/- taken over from vendor b) A debt of Rs.5,000/- in respect of Goods sold in August 08. 3) Travellers commission was 2.5 of sales upto 30/06/08 then it is increase to 4% on Sales. 4) Office Rent was Rs.6,000/-p.a. upto 31st August 08, then it was increased by 20%. 5) Depreciation on Furniture amounted to Rs.1,000/- which was discard on 30th May 08, sold at Book value. Depreciation @ 10% on New Furniture costing Rs.60,000/- purchased on 01/10/08. 6) Allocate expenses in an appropriate manner. Solution : Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st Dec.08 Dr.
Particulars To Salaries A/c To Rent A/c To Directors Fees A/c To Bad debts A/c To Travellers Commission A/c To Audit Fees A/c To Office Expenses A/c To Discount A/c To Depreciation A/c To Debenture Interest A/c To Goodwill w/off To Advertisement A/c To Interest on purchase consideration A/c

TR WN4 Post Act WN3 TR TR SR WN5 Post Post SR Pre 10,000 2,500 4,000 7,000 1,667 4,167 2,800 10,375 3,360 Post 14,000 3,900 7,000 5,000 11,900 2,333 5,823 3,200 14,625 9,000 4,000 3,840
Basis Pre Particulars Post By Gross Profit c/d SR 98,000 1,12,000 By Interest A/c 12,000




To Printing & Stationery A/c To Capital Reserve A/c To Net Profit c/d TR 2,750 24,381 98,000 3,850 25,519 1,24,000 98,000 1,24,000

Working Note : 1) Time Ratio = 5:7 Date of Acquisition 01/01/08 Date of Incorporation 01/06/08 Year end 31/12/08

Pre Incorporation 5 months Time Ratio = 5:7 2) Sales Ratio = 7:8 Total Sales = Rs.6,00,000 Average Monthly Sales = Pre January February March April May 75,000 25,000 60,000 60,000 60,000

Post Incorporation 7 months

6,00,000 = 50,000 12

June July August September October November December


60,000 1,00,000 25,000 60,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 3,20,000

Remaining 5 months Sales = Total Sales (-) Specific Sales Noted = 6,00,000 (-) 3,00,000 = 3,00,000

Remaining Monthly Sales =

300000 = 60,000/- p.m. 5

3) Travellers commission 2.5% of sales upto 30/06/08, then increase to 4% of sales. Pre = 2,80,000 X 2.5% 7,000

431 Post = June 60,000 X 2.5% July to Dec 2,60,000 X 4% Total Commission 1,500 10,400

11,900 18,900

4) Office Rent was Rs.6,000/- p.a. = Rs.500/- p.m. upto 31st August 08. After 1st August, 08, it was increase by 20% = 500 + 20% = Rs.600/- p.m. Pre (upto 31st May 08) 500 X 5 Post June + July + August = 500 X 3 Sept. to Dec = 600 X 4 2,500 15,00 2,400 3,900 6,400

5) Depreciation
a) On Furniture discarded on 30/05/08 b) New purchase on 01/10/08 in post 60,000 X 10% X Pre 1,000 Post 1,500

3 12



Balance Depreciation = 25,000 (1,000+1,500) = 22,500 in Time Ratio i.e. 5:7 10,375 14,625

Total Depreciation = Rs.25,000/6) Interest on purchase consideration Rs.35,000/- paid for the period from 1st Jan 08 to 31st July 08 = 7 months

35000 X 5 = 25,000 7 35000 Post = June & July = 2 months = X2 = 10,000 7 Total Rs. = 35,000
Pre = 1st Jan to 31st May = 5 months =

Illustration : 2 Cho. Chang Ltd. was Incorporation on 1st July 08 to acquire the business of KT & Co. as on 1st April, 08. The purchase price of Goodwill was agreed to the sum equal to 75% of the Profit of the

432 business for five years commencing from 1st April 08, payment to be made at the end of 5th year on ascertainment of the sum due.

The following is the trial balance of Cho. Chang Ltd as on 31 st March 09. Particulars Equity Share Capital (Rs.10/- each) Sundry Debtors Stock (on 31.03.09) Directors fees Bills Receivable Preliminary Expenses Sundry Creditors Net Profit for the year (as per agreement) Debit 80,000 1,55,000 20,000 18,000 20,000 2,75,000 Credit 2,00,000 15,000 60,000 2,75,000

Prepare a) Statement of Appropriation of Profit writing of 1/5 th of the preliminary expenses. b) Amount of Goodwill due for the year Solution : a) Statement of Appropriation Profit Pre-Incorporation Post-incorporation Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Net Profit for year Time Ratio 3 Pre = 60,000 X 12 9 Post = 60,000 X 12 Less : : i) Directors Fees ii) Preliminary Exp 1 20,000 X 5



2,000 4,000


15,000 b) Goodwill = 60,000 X 75% = Rs.45,000/-


433 Rs.45,000/- due for Goodwill base on Net Profit of year 07 08, however amount will be payable along with subsequent years value of Goodwill, at end of 5th year.

Illustration : 3 (Typical Sales Ratio, Rent & Taxes, Salaries, Travelling Expenses allocation) R. Rice Ltd. was registered on 1st Jan. 08 to acquire the business of Dalal Co. as on 1st November 07. The accounts of the company for the period ended 30th September 08 disclosed the following expenses / Income :
Particulars Office Expenses Rent & Taxes Audit Fees Bad debts (of which Rs.1,000/- debts created before 31.12.07) Salaries Debenture Interest Discount Received Bad debts realized Rs. 5,500 6,900 4,400 1,600 Particulars Formation Exp. (1/5 to be written off) Depreciation Printing & Stationery Commission Traveling Expenses Interest to vendors Discount on Debentures (1/10 to be written off) Carriage Outwards Rs. 15,000 4,400 1,650 7,200 16,600 6,000 10,000 9,000

44,800 5,000 9,000 1,500

Additional Information : a) Net Sales for the entire period amounted to Rs.5,00,000/- of which Rs.50,000/- related to the period from 1st Nov. 07 to 31st Dec. 07. b) Cost of goods sold for the above period amounted to Rs.3,20,000/-. c) There three employs upto 31st Jan. 08, four employees from Feb. 08 to 30th June 08 and there are 7 employees after wards. d) Bad debts realized Incorporation. related to sales effected prior to

e) Purchase consideration was discharged on 31st January 08. f) Rent was paid Rs.2,400/- p.a. upto 31st Mar 08, after it is increased by 25%. g) Travelling expenses includes to Rs.10,000/- towards sales promotion, balances expenses were season railway parties to office staff.

434 Show pre and post Incorporation results.

Solution : R. Rice Ltd. Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended as on 30th September 08 Dr.
Particulars To Office Salaries A/c To Office Expenses A/c To Rent & Taxes A/c To Audit fees A/c To Bad debts A/c To Debenture Interest A/c To Formation Expenses w/off To Depreciation A/c To Printing & Stationery A/c To Commission A/c To Travelling Expenses A/c To Interest to Vendor A/c To Discount on issue of Debenture A/c To Carriage outwards A/c To Capital Reserve A/c To Net Profit c/d


Pre 5,376 1,000 1,200 800 1,000 800 300 720 2,200 4,000

Post 39,424 4,500 5,700 3,600 600 5,000 3,000 3,600 1,350 6,480 14,400 2,000

Particulars By Gross Profit c/d By Discount A/c By Bad debts realized A/c



WN4 TR WN6 TR Act Post Post TR TR SR WN7 WN5

SR 18,000 1,62,000 SR 900 8,100 Pre 1,500 -

Post SR -

900 2,104 -

1,000 8,100 71,346 20,400 1,70,100

20,400 1,70,100

Working Note : 1) Time Ratio = 2:9 Date of Acquisition Date of Incorporation Year end

435 01/11/07 Pre Incorporation 2 months 01/01/08 30/09/08

Post Incorporation 9 months

Time Ratio = 2:9 2) Sales Ratio = 1:9 Pre = 50,000 Post = 5,00,000 (-) 50,000 = 4,50,000 50:450 i.e. 1:9 3) Gross Profit = Net Sales Less Cost of Goods sold = 5,00,000 (-) 3,20,000 = Rs.1,80,000 4) Salaries
Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 3 Pre 6 3 3 4 4 4 4 Post 44 4 7 7 7

Ratio = 3:22

3 = 5,376 25 22 Post = 44,800 X = 39,424 25

Pre = 44,800 X 5) Interest paid to vendor Rs.6,000/- for the period From 1st November 07 to 31st January 08 (3 months) 6000 Pre (November and December) = 2 = Rs.4,000 3 Post = 6,000 (-) 4,000 = Rs.2,000 (1 month) 6) Rent & Taxes Rs.6,900/Rent Pre = November, December = 200 X 2 Post = January, February & March = 200 X 3 April to 30th September = 250 X 6 (200 + 25% increase) Total Rent 400 600 1,500 2,100 2,500

Taxes (6,900 2,500) = 4,400 in Time Ratio i.e. 2:9 Pre = 4,400 X

2 = 800 11

436 Post = 4,400 X

9 = 3,600 11
Pre 400 800 1,200 Post 2,100 3,600 5,700

Rent and Taxes Rent Taxes Total 7) Travelling Expenses

Pre Sales promotion exp. In Sales Ratio Rs.10,000/- in 1:9 Bal. Season passes in Time Ratio 16,600 (-) 10,000 = 6,600 in 2:9 Total 1,000 1,200 2,200

Post 9,000 5,400 14,400

Illustration : 4 (Calculation of sales from G.P., Audit Fees typical adjustment) Hari Ltd. was incorporated on 1st June 08, to take over the running business of JR & Sons with effects from 1st April 08. The following Profit & Loss A/c was prepaid for the year ended 31st March 2009.
Particulars To Office Rent A/c To Printing & Stationery A/c To Office Expenses A/c To Advertisement A/c To Travelling Exp. A/c To Debenture Interest A/c To Auditor Fees A/c To Directors Fees A/c To Bad debts A/c To Interest on Capital A/c To Electricity Charges A/c To Commission A/c To Depreciation A/c To Net Profit c/d 2,000 8,000 7,500 10,000 6,000 12,000 4,700 4,000 3,000 19,000 24,000 1,11,800 Rs. Particulars By Income from Investment A/c 6,000 25,000 9,000 By Rent Received A/c Rs. 2,00,000

10,000 By Gross Profit b/d

2,31,000 2,31,000

Additional Information : 1) Gross Profit upto 30th May 08 amounted to Rs.50,000/- @ Rate of 20% on Sales; however, it was increased to 25% from 1 st June 08. 2) Office Rent was paid upto 31st July 08, there after Hari Ltd. purchased Own Building costing Rs.6,00,000/- on 1st August 08, depreciation charge on Building 2.5% p.a., part of Building was let out by company. 3) In lieu of interest on purchase consideration, the vendors would get 40% of the profit earned prior to Incorporation. 4) Investment was purchased on 1st October 08. 5) Board of Directors appointed Auditor on remuneration of 3,000/p.a. to audit books of accounts from 1st April, 08, however, he resigned on 31st July after auditing upto 30th June 08. He was paid upto 30/06/08. The price Home & Co. accepted to audit from 1st July 08, they were paid accordingly. 6) Commission on sales was paid @ 2% on sales upto 31 st May 08, after 1st June 08 it was increased by 1%. Find out the Profit prior to Incorporation and subsequent to Incorporation. Solution : Hari Ltd. Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended as on 31st March 08 Dr.

Pre 5,000 333 1,500 2,353 2,206 500 1382 4,000 500 1,000 Post 5,000 1,667 7,500 5,647 5,294 10,000 5,500 12,000 3,318 2,500 18,000 Particulars



To Office Rent A/c WN3 To Printing & Stationery A/c TR To Office Expenses A/c TR To Advertisement A/c SR To Travelling Exp. A/c SR To Debenture Interest A/c Post To Audit Fees A/c WN4 To Directors Fees A/c Post To Bad Debts A/c SR To Interest on Capital A/c Pre To Electricity Charges A/c TR To Commission A/c WN5

By Gross Profit c/d WN2 50,000 1,50,000 By Income from invest. A/c Post 6,000 By Rent recd Post 25,000

To Depreciation A/c WN6 1,000 To Profit to Vendor A/c WN7 12,090 To Capital Reserve A/c 18,136 To Net Profit c/d 23,000 81,574 50,000 1,81,000

50,000 1,81,000

Working Note : 1) Time Ratio = 1:5 Date of Acquisition 01/04/08 Date of Incorporation 01/06/08 Year end 31/03/09

Pre Incorporation 2 months Time Ratio = 1:5 2) Sales Ratio = 5:12

Post Incorporation 10 months

Gross Profit for pre-incorporation @ 20% was Rs.50,000/Gross Profit 50,000 Pre-sales = = Rs.2,50,000/G.P. 20% Post Gross Profit = 2,00,000 (-) Pre G.P. 50,000 = 1,50,000 Gross Profit ratio for post-Incorporation = 25% Gross Profit 1,50,000 Post Sales = = Rs.6,00,000/G.P. 25% Sale Pre = 2,50,000/Post = 6,00,000/Sales Ratio = 5:12 3) Office Rent : Rs.10,000/- paid from 1st April 08 to 31st July 08 (4 months) 10,000 Pre = (April, May) X 2 = 5,000 4 10,000 Post = (June, July) X 2 = 5,000 4 4) Audit Fees Pre First Auditors Fees Post 250 X 1 = 250

3,000 = 250/- p.m. 12

250 X 2 = 500

439 Audited April, May, June Months Price Home & Co. Bal. fees in post period (6,000 750) Audit Fees 5) Commission on Sales


5,250 5,500

Pre a) 2% on Sales upto 31/05/08 = 50,000 X 2% b) 3% on Rs.6,00,000/- post sales 1,000 1,000 6) Depreciation Pre a) On Building on Rs.6,00,000/- @ 2.5% p.a. from 1st August 08 to 31st March 09 = 8 months 8 6,00,000 X 2.5% X (post) 12 b) Balance Depreciation = 24,000 (-) 18,000 Rs.6,000/- in Time Ratio = 1:5 Total Rs. 7) Profit to vendor = 40% of Pre-Incorporation = 30,226 X 40% = Rs.12,090/-

Post 18,000 18,000



18,000 5,000



Illustration : 5 (Typical and having different selling price) Murali Ltd. was incorporated to take over running business of TR & Co. from 1st Jan 08. The following Profit & Loss A/c is prepared for the period ended 31st March 2009. Profit & Loss A/c for the period ended 31st March 09 Dr.
Particulars To Cost of goods sold A/c To Administrative Expenses A/c Rs. Rs. 10,00,000 78,000 Particulars By Sales Cash Retailers Wholesalers Rs. 3,40,000 2,40,000 6,40,000 Rs.


To Selling Expenses A/c To Office Rent A/c To Depreciation A/c To Interest paid to Vendor (purchase consideration paid (01/08/08) To Debenture Interest A/c To Preliminary Exp. A/c To Net Profit c/d Exports By Share Transfer Fees A/c By Interest on Fixed Deposit A/c 6,00,000 18,20,000 10,000 42,000

10,000 3,20,000 95,000 35,000

6,000 4,000 3,24,000 18,72,000 18,72,000

Additional Information : 1) Goods are sold on the following terms and conditions. a) At catalogue price at cash counter which is cost plus 100%. b) At catalogue price less 6.25% to retailers. c) At catalogue price less 20% to wholesalers. d) At catalogue price less 25% for exports. 2) TR & Co. sold goods through following channels only. a) At cash counter and retailers. However, Murali Ltd. discontinued the cash counter sale and retail, sale from the date of its Incorporation and decided to expand the Market through wholesalers and exports sales only. 3) Office Rent was Rs.10,000/- p.m. upto 31/08/08 and thereafter it increased by 20%. Balance Rent was for additional space acquired by the directors. 4) Average monthly administrative expenses doubted from date of Incorporation. 5) Depreciation includes Rs.5,000/- on the plant acquired in the post Incorporation period and Rs.15,000/- on plant which was transferred on 31st May 08 sister company. 6) Selling Expenses relates to export sales only. 7) Interest received on Fixed Deposits was from 1st April, 08.

441 Apportion the Profit Incorporation period. between pre-Incorporation and post

Solution : Murali Ltd. Profit and Loss Account for the period ended 31st March 09 Dr.
Basis Particulars Pre Post To Administrative Expenses A/c WN6 12,000 66,000 To Selling Expenses A/c Post 10,000 To Office Rent A/c WN5 40,000 2,80,000 To Depreciation A/c WN7 32,000 63,000 To Interest to vendor A/c WN8 20,000 15,000 To Debenture Int.A/c Post 6,000 To Preliminary Expenses A/c Post 4,000 To Capital Reserve A/c - 2,79,500 To Net Profit c/d 44,500


Basis Particulars Pre Post By Gross Profit c/d WN4 3,80,000 4,40,000 By Share transfer Fees Post 10,000 A/c By Interest on Fixed Deposit WN9 3,500 38,500 A/c

50,000 1,81,000

50,000 1,81,000

Working Notes : 1) Time Ratio = 4:11 Date of Acquisition 01/01/08 Date of Incorporation 01/05/08 Year end 31/03/09

Pre Incorporation 4 months Time Ratio = 4:11 2) Let the cost price be Rs.100/-

Post Incorporation 11 months

Cost counter price = 100 + 100 = Rs.200/- per unit a) Catalogue Price = Rs.200/b) Retail Price = 200 6.25% = Rs.187.50 c) Wholesale Price = 200 20% = Rs.160/-

442 d) Export Price = 200 25% = Rs.150/3) Gross Profit Ratio =

Gross Profit Sales S.P. () Cost = Gross Profit

Gross Profit Cash counter price 200 100 = 100 Retail Sales Wholesale Export Sale 187.50 100 = 87.50 160 100 = 60 150 100 = 50 G.P. Ratio=

S.P. Sales

100 200 87.50 187.50 60 160 50 150

4) Gross Profits Pre 1,70,000 Post -

a) On case counter sales 100 3,40,000 X 200 b) Retail Sales 87.50 2,40,000 X 100 c) Wholesales 60 6,40,000 X 160 d) Export Sales 50 6,00,000 X 150 Total Gross Profit




3,80,000 4,40,000

Gross Profit = Sales () Cost of Goods Sold = 18,20,000 () 10,00,000 = 8,20,000 5) Office Rent Rs.3,20,000/Pre a) From 01/05/08 to 30/04/08 = 10,000 X 4 = b) From 01/05/08 to 31/08/08 = 10,000 X 4 = c) From 01/09/08 to 31/03/09 = 12,000 X 7 = 40,000 Post 40,000 84,000

d) For Addition Space taken by directors = Post Incorporation [3,20,000 (40,000 + 40,000 + 84,000)] = Rs.1,56,000/Total Rent 40,000 Pre 4 X1 4 2,80,000 Post 11 X2 22


6) Monthly Administrative Expenses were doubled from date of incorporation

No. of Months It was doubled from date of Incorporation

Administrative Expenses Ratio = 4:22 Pre-incorporation = 78,000 X Post-incorporation = 78,000 X

4 = 26


22 = Rs.66,000 26 Rs.78,000

7) Depreciation : Rs.95,000/a) On Assets acquired in post period b) On Assets transferred used 01/01/08 to 31/05/08 (5 months) 15000 pre 4 5 15000 post 1 5 c) Balance Depreciation (95,000 20,000) = 75,000 in Time Ratio 4:11 Pre 12,000 Post 5,000 3,000

20,000 32,000

55,000 63,000

8) Interest paid to vendor Rs.35,000/- (from 01/01/08 to 01/08/08) = 7 months 35,000 Pre-Incorporation = Rs.20,000 4 7 35,000 Post-Incorporation = Rs.15,000 3 7 Rs.35,000 9) Interest received on fixed deposit from 1st April 08 to 31st March 09 (12 months) Pre-Incorporation April 08 only one month 3,500

42,000 1 12 Post-Incorporation 1st May 08 to 31st March 09 (11 months) Total Rs.

38,500 42,000

Illustration : 6 (Calculation of Sales commission on a provision for taxations) The N.C. Ltd. was registered on 1st April 2008 to take over business of C.N. & Sons from 1st January 2008. From the following information calculate the Profit earned by the company in pre and post incorporation period. 1) Sales during year ended 31st Dec 08 amounted to Rs.7,20,000/sales for the month of January, February, November and December 08 were half the monthly sales in each of remaining month. 2) Cost of goods sold Rs.2,20,000/-. 3) Rent and Taxes Rs.30,000/-. 4) Bad debts Rs.5,000/-. 5) Salaries (There are four employees in the Pre-Incorporation period and six employees in Post-Incorporation period) Rs.22,000/-. 6) Interest on purchase consideration (purchase consideration was paid on 1st June 08) Rs.30,000/-. 7) Partners Remuneration Rs.11,000/-. 8) M.D. Remuneration Rs.40,000/-. 9) Commission sales paid 2% of sales upto Incorporation, then after in post-Incorporation 5% on sales. 10) Provision for Taxation @ 30% for entire period. 11) Donation given by the company Rs.11,000/-. 12) Preliminary Expenses amounted to Rs.15,000/-, agreed to be written off over five years. Solution : Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st December 08 Dr.


Pre 7,500 1,000 4,000

Post 22,500 4,000 18,000

Particulars By Gross Profit c/d



To Rent & Taxes A/c TR To Bad debts A/c SR To Salaries A/c WN4 To Interest to

SR 1,20,000 4,80,000

vendors A/c WN5 To Partners Remuneration A/c Pre To M.D. Remuneration A/c Post To Sales Commission A/c To Donation A/c To Preliminary Expenses w/off To Provision for Taxation A/c To Capital Reserve A/c To Net Profit c/d WN6 Post Post WN8 18,000 11,000 2,880 12,000 40,000 28,800 11,000 2,250

22,686 1,02,435 52934 2,39,015 1,20,000 4,80,000 1,20,000 4,80,000

Working Note : 1) Time Ratio = 1:3 Date of Purchase 01/01/08 Date of Incorporation 01/04/08 Year end 31/12/08

Pre Incorporation 3 months Time Ratio = 1:3

Post Incorporation 9 months

2) Sales each of month January, February, November and December 2008 were half, for remaining each of monthly sales.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 Pre Post 2 8

Sales Ratio = 1:4 3) Gross Profit = Sales (-) Cost of goods sold = 7,20,000 (-) 2,20,000 = 6,00,000 4) Salaries Rs.22,000/-. There are four employees in PreIncorporation period and six employees Post-Incorporation.

Pre 3 X4 12 Post 9 X6 54

No. of months X No. of employyes

Ratio = 2:9

2 = 11 9 Post-Incorporation = 22,000 X = 11 Total Salaries

Pre-Incorporation = 22,000 X

Rs.4,000 Rs.18,000 Rs.22,000

5) Interest on purchase consideration, Rs.30,000/- paid for the period from 1st January 08 to 1st June 08, for 5 months. 30,000 Pre = Jan. + Feb. + Mar. = 3 months = X 3 = Rs.18,000 5 30,000 Post = Apr. + May = 2 months = X 2 = Rs.12,000 5 6) Commission on sales 2% in Pre-Incorporation and 5% on PostIncorporation sales Pre-Incorporation sales commission 1 = 7,20,000 X = Rs.1,44,000 X 2% = 2,880 5 Post-Incorporation sales commission 4 = 7,20,000 X = Rs.5,76,000 X 5% = 28,800 5 7) Preliminary Expenses to be w/off over 5 years 15,000 9 = X (post months) = Rs.2,250/-, balance preliminary 5 12 expenses should shown in Balance sheet. 8) Provision for Taxation @ 30%
Pre 1,20,000 (44,380) 75,620 (22,686) 52,934 Post 4,80,000 (1,38,550) 3,41,450 (1,02,435) 2,39,015

Gross Profit Less : Total Expenses N.P.B.T. Less : Tax @ 30% Capital Reserve


Illustration : 7

447 STC Ltd. was incorporated on 1st December 2007 to take over the business of C & Co. with effect from 1st April 2007. The accounts were maintained as usual upto 31st March 2008 and following balances were extracted from the books of accounts as on that date.

Particulars Stock on 1 April 2007 Carriage outwards Purchases Sales Sales Return Purchase Return Preliminary Expenses Office Expenses Sundry Debtors Sundry Creditors Land & Building Furniture Bills Receivable Bills Payable Directors Fees Salaries Interest on purchase consideration Capital Accounts of C & Co. Bank Balance (Dr.)

Rs. 2,00,000 44,000 20,50,000 25,60,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 48,000 1,40,000 1,80,000 16,00,000 1,50,000 65,000 2,25,000 82,000 1,20,000 75,000 17,00,000 41,000

Prepare the final accounts of STC Ltd. as on 31 st March 08, after considering following information / adjustments. 1) Stock as on 31st March 08 valued Rs.7,50,000/2) Depreciation Land & Building by 2% and Furniture by 10% p.a. 3) Net sales turnover for the Pre-Incorporation was Rs.15,00,000/-. 4) Purchase consideration was agreed Rs.21,00,000/- to be satisfied by the issue on 31st January 08 of Rs.1,00,000/- Equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid at Rs.11.40/- per share and by in 12% Debentures at 4% discount. 5) Write off 1/5 of Preliminary Expenses. 6) The company deals in only one type of product. The unit cost of sales reduced by 10% in post Incorporation period as compared to post Incorporation period in the year.

448 7) Salaries includes Salaries of company Secretary Rs.24,000/p.a. appointed on 1st December 07. 8) Provide Income Tax @ 40% for entire period and proposed Dividend @ 10%.

Solution : S.T.C Ltd. Trading Account for the year ended 31/03/08 Dr.
Particulars Rs. Rs. Particulars By Sales (-) Returns By Closing Stock A/c Rs. Rs. To Opening Stock A/c 2,00,000 To Purchases 20,50,000 (-) Returns (50,000) 20,00,000 To Gross Profit c/d 10,50,000 32,50,000

25,60,000 (60,000) 25,00,000 7,50,000


Profit & Loss Accounts for the year ended 31st March 08 Dr.

Pre Post Particulars By Gross Profit b/d



To Office Expenses A/c TR 32,000 16,000 To Directors Fees A/c Post 82,000 To Co. Secretaries Salaries A/c Post 8,000 To Staff Salaries A/c WN6 68,000 34,000 To Carriage outwards A/c SR 29,333 14,667 To Preliminary Expenses A/c Post 8,000 To Interest paid to vendor A/c WN9 60,000 15,000 To Depreciation Land & building TR 21,333 10,667 Furniture TR 10,000 5,000 To Debenture Interest A/c Post 20,000 To Provision for Taxation A/c WN10 1,11,734 1,34,666 To Capital Reserve A/c 1,67,600 To Net Profit c/d 2,02,000

WN8 5,00,000 5,50,000


5,60,000 5,50,000

5,60,000 5,50,000

Profit & Loss Account Dr.

Particulars Rs. Particulars To Proposed Dividend A/c 1,00,000 By Net Profit b/d To Surplus carried to Balance sheet 1,02,000 2,02,000

Rs. 2,02,000


STC Ltd. Balance sheet as on 31st March 2008

Liabilities Share Capital Authorized Issued, Paid up 1,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each fully paid (All above shares issued to vendor for consideration other than cash) Reserves & Surplus Securities Premium Capital Reserve P&L A/c Surplus Secured Loans 12% Debentures Unsecured Loans Current Liabilities & Provision a) Current Liab. Sundry Creditors Bills Payable Accrued Deb. Int (not due) ? Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs. 4,00,000 15,68,000 1,35,000

Fixed Assets Goodwill Land & Building 16,00,000 (-) Depreciation (32,000) Furniture 1,50,000 (-) Depreciation @ (15,000) 10% Investment Current Assets & Loans Advances a) Current Assets Stock Debtors Bank Balance b) Loans & Advances Bills Receivable Miscellaneous Expenditure (to the extent not w/off on adjusted) Preliminary Exp. Less : : w/off (1/5) Discount on issue of Debentures

10,00,000 NIL

1,40,000 1,67,600 1,02,000

7,50,000 1,40,000 41,000




10,00,000 NIL

40,000 (8,000)

32,000 40,000

1,80,000 2,25,000 20,000


b) Provisions Provision for Taxation Proposed Divd.

2,46,400 1,00,000

3,46,400 31,81,000 31,71,000

Working Notes : 1) Time Ratio = 2:1 Date of Acquisition 01/04/07 Date of Incorporation 01/12/07 Year end 31/03/08

Pre Incorporation 8 months Time Ratio = 2:1 2) Sales Ratio = 3:2 Gross Sales (-) Sales Return Net Sales 25,00,000 (60,000) 25,00,000

Post Incorporation 4 months

Pre Sales = Rs.15,00,000/Post Sales = Rs.10,00,000/- (Bal.) Sales = 3:2 3) Purchase consideration Less : Equity shares 1,00,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.11.40/- per share 12% Debentures @ Rs.96/- each 21,00,000 (11,40,000) 9,60,000

9,60,000 = 10,000, 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each at 4% 96 discount.

4) Accrued Debenture Interest (issued not due) 12 2 = 10,00,000 X X = Rs.20,000/12 100 5) Purchase consideration Less : Capital A/c of C & Co. Goodwill 6) Salaries Less : Company Secretarys Salaries (Post) 21,00,000 17,00,000 4,00,000 1,20,000 8,000


24000 X 4 Months 12 Salaries in Time Ratio 2 = 68,000 3 1 Post 1,02,000 X = 34,000 3 7) Cost of Sales
Pre 1,02,000 X Opening Stock Purchases (20,50,000 50,000) Less : Closing Stock Cost of Sales
Let pre cost per unit X Sales Ratio Cost of Production Ratio


2,00,000 20,50,000 22,00,000 (7,50,000) 14,50,000

Pre 100 X 2 200 Post 90 X 1 90

Cost of Sales Ratio = 20:9

20 = Rs.10,00,000 9 Post-Cost of Sales = 14,50,000 (-) 10,00,000 = 4,50,000

Pre-Cost of sales = 14,50,000 X 8) Gross Profit
Pre 15,00,000 (10,00,000) 5,00,000 Post 10,00,000 (4,50,000) 5,50,000

Sales (-) Cost of sales Gross Profit

9) Interest on purchase consideration Rs.75,000/- paid for the period 1st April 07 to 31st Jan. 08 75,000 Pre-Incorporation Interest = X 6 = Rs.60,000 10 Post-Incorporation Interest = 75,000 60,000 = 15,000

10) Provision for Taxation @ 40%

Pre 5,00,000 (2,20,666) 2,79,334 Post 5,50,000 (2,13,334) 3,36,666

Credit Total Less : Debit Total N.P.B.T.

Less : Income Tax @ 4% Profit After Tax (1,11,734) 1,67,600 (1,34,666) 2,02,000

Illustration: 8 (Typical Payment to vendor in installments same books of Accounts continued) Trial balance of A Ltd. as on 31.12.08 Particulars Opening Stock Purchase / Sales Wages Carriage Salaries Rent Capital TR & Co. 10% Bank Loan (1st Oct 08) Printing & Stationery Debtors / Creditors Bad debts Audit Fees Sundry Expenses Plant & Machinery Land & Building Bank Balance Furniture & Fixture Debit (Rs.) 50,000 6,00,000 25,000 30,000 24,000 18,000 Credit (Rs.) 7,50,000

5,00,000 1,00,000 6,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 4,000 2,00,000 3,00,000 5,000 58,000 13,90,000 40,000


Additional Information : 1) A Ltd. was incorporated on 1st July 2008 to take over business of TR & Co. as from 01.04.08. No entries relating to transfer of the business were entered in the books which were carried on without a break until 31st December 2008. 2) Purchase consideration agreed Rs.6,00,000/- and discharge as under :

453 a) 10,000 9% Preference shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.12/-. b) Rs.3,00,000/- 12% Debenture issued at 5% discount. c) Bal in Equity share of Rs.5/- each, at par shares were allotted on 1st July 2008 where as Debentures were allotted on 1st Oct. 2008. Provide interest on Purchase Consideration @ 12% p.a. 3) Monthly sales were doubled from 1st Oct. 2008. 4) Salary includes salary of companys secretary appointed on 1st July 2008 Rs.6,000/- & balance salary includes salary of manager Rs.1,000/- per month who resign on 1st August 08. 5) Bad debts includes Rs.8,000/- written off on 1st July 08. 6) Preliminary Exp. Amounted to Rs.12,000/- paid by directors, yet not accounted is to be written off over period of 5 years. 7) Gross Profit was 20% of sales throughout period. 8) Depreciate Land & Building by 6% p.a. & Plant & Machinery 15% p.a. Solution : Trading Account for the period ended on 31.12.2008 Dr.
Particulars To Opening Stock To Purchases To Wages To Carriage To Gross Profit (20% on Sales) Rs. Particulars

Rs. 50,000 By Sales 7,50,000 6,00,000 By Closing Stock (Bal. 1,05,000 25,000 fig) 30,000 1,50,000



Profit & Loss Accounts for the year ended 31st December 08 Dr.
Particulars To Salary A/c To Rent A/c To Bank Interest A/c To Printing & Stationery A/c To Bad Debts (Actual) To Audit Fees A/c TR 3,333 6,667 TR 2,000 8,000 4,000 2,000

Pre 7,667 6,000 Post 16,000 12,000 2,500 Particulars By Gross Profit b/d by Goodwill A/c SR 37,500 1,12,500 20,833 Basis




To Sundry Expenses A/c To Interest payable vendor A/c To Debenture Int.A/c To Preliminary Exp. w/off A/c To Depreciation on Land & Building A/c To Depreciation on Plant & Machinery A/c To Net Profit c/d 23,583 58,333 1,12,500 TR 7,500 15,000 TR 4,500 9,000 WN 1,200 WN 18,000 8,550 9,000 TR 1,333 2,667

58,333 1,12,500

A Ltd. Balance sheet as on 31.12.2008

Liabilities Share Capital Authorized Issued, Paid up 10,000 10% Preference shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up 39,000 Equity shares of Rs.5/each fully paid of all above shares allotted vendor for consideration in cash Reserve & Surplus Security Premium P&L A/c Secured Loan 12% Debentures (+) Interest due Unsecured Loan 10% Bank Loan (+) Interest due Current Liabilities ? Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs. Fixed Assets Goodwill 1,20,833 (1,00,000+20,833) Land & Building 3,00,000 (-) Depreciation (13,500) 2,86,500 (9 months) Plant & Machinery 2,00,000 (-) Depreciation (22,500) 1,77,500 (9 months) Furniture & Fixture 58,000 Investment NIL



Current Assets & Loans & Advances Sundry Debtors 50,000 Stock in trade 1,05,000 Bank balance 5,000 1,60,000 Miscellaneous Exp. (to the extend not w/off) Discount on issue of Debentures Preliminary Exp. 12,000 (-) w/off (1,200)

20,000 23,583


3,00,000 9,000 3,09,000

15,000 10,800

1,00,000 2,500 1,02,500

& Provisions Sundry Creditors 40,000 Interest payable to vendor 26,550 Preliminary Expenses payable 12,000

78,550 8,28,633 8,28,633

Working Notes : 1) TR & Co. Capital A/c Dr.

Particulars To 9% Preference Share Capital A/c To Debentures A/c To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c Rs.

Particulars Rs. By Bal b/d 5,00,000 1,00,000 (as per trial balance) 2,85,000 By Goodwill (Bal fig.) 1,00,000 1,95,000 20,000 6,00,000 6,00,000

2) Time Ratio Date of take over 01/04/08 Date of Incorporation 01/07/08 Year end 31/12/08

Pre Incorporation 3 months Time Ratio = 1:2 3) Sales Ratio Apr 1 May 1 Pre 3 Jun 1 July 1 Aug 1

Post Incorporation 6 months

Sep Oct 1 2 Post 9

Nov 2

Dec 2

Sales Ratio = 1:3 4) Salary Rs.24,000/Pre Salary to Secretary Salary to Manager (1,000 per month upto 31st July 08) 3,000 Post 6,000 1,000

Other Salary (Bal. Rs.14,000/- in TR) 4,667 7,667 9,333 16,333

5) Purchase Consideration
Rs. 9% Preference share Capital (+) Premium @ Rs.2/- per share 12% Debentures (-) 5% Discount on issue Bal. in Equity shares of Rs.5/- each 1,00,000 20,000 1,20,000 3,00,000 (15,000) 2,85,000 1,95,000 Rs.

1,95,000 5

= 39,000 Equity shares of Rs.5 each Purchase Consideration 6,00,000

Capital A/c ..Dr. 6,00,000 Discount on issue of Debentures A/c .Dr. 15,000 To 9% Preference Share Capital A/c 1,00,000 To Securities Premium A/c 20,000 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,95,000 To 12% Debentures A/c 3,00,000 Preliminary Expenses w/off Over 5 years from 1st July 08 onwards 1 6 = 12,000 X X 5 12 = Rs.1,200/Interest on Purchase Consideration

a) On Shares allotted on 1 July 08 from 01.04.08 to 01.07.08 (Pre) 3 3,15,000 X 12% X 12 b) For balance Purchase Consideration, by allotting Debentures on 01.10.08

Pre 9,450

Post -



Pre = From 01.04.08 to 30.06.08 = 3 months Post = From 1st July to 30th Sept. 08 = 3 months 6 2,85,000 X 12% X 12 Total Interest



Outstanding Interest payable to vendor Rs.26,550/Illustration : 9 (Division of Trading Account and P&L A/c) The Dil Ltd. was Incorporation on 1st July 08 to acquire the business of M/s. Top & Son, with effect from 1 st Jan. 08. The accounts were maintained as usual upto 31st December, 2008, on which date the following balances were extracted from the books. Particulars Purchase (upto 31st May 08, Rs.45,000/-) Sales (upto 31st May 08, Rs.1,20,000/-) Stock as on 1st January 08 Carriage Inwards (2% on Purchase) Rent Formation Expenses General Expenses Plant & Machinery Sundry Debtors Sundry Creditors Carriage Outwards (2.5% on Sales) Bills Receivable Bills Payable Interest on Purchase Consideration (upto 01/08/08) Cash at Bank Capital A/c of Top & Sons Directors Fees Land and Building General Reserve (31.12.07) Debit (Rs.) 1,35,000 4,80,000 50,000 2,700 15,000 6,000 18,000 60,000 40,000 25,000 10,000 22,000 5,000 21,000 9,000 90,000 6,000 2,20,000 14,700

Additional Addition : 1) Closing stock as on 31st May 08 and 31st December 08 was valued at Rs.60,000/- and Rs.1,10,000/- respectively.

458 2) Depreciation on Land & Building 5% p.a. and plant and machinery @ 20% p.a. 3) Rent upto 31st October 08 was Rs.1,000/- p.m., it was increased to 1,200 p.m. from 1st November 08, Rent includes advance paid to landlords. 4) Mangeri Salary at Rs.2,000/- p.m. is payable. The manager became a director on formation of the company. His remuneration as director is included in directors fees. 5) The Purchase Consideration was agreed at Rs.2,14,700/-, was satisfied on 01/08/08, by issued of 1,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.15/- per share and balance in 12% Debenture of Rs.100/- each at par. 6) Provide Income tax @ 40%. 7) Directors proposed Equity dividend @ 20%. Prepare Final Accounts of the DIL Ltd. showing in Profit in the pre and post Incorporation periods after written off 1/6 of formation expenses. Solution : Trading Account for the ended 31st December 2008 Dr.
Particulars To Opening Stock A/c To Purchases A/c To Carriage Inward A/c (2% on Purchase) To Gross Profit c/d (Bal figure) Pre 50,000 45,000 900 Post 60,000 90,000 1,800 Particulars Pre

Post By Sales 1,20,000 3,60,000 By Closing Stock 60,000 1,10,000 A/c

84,100 3,18,200

1,80,000 4,70,000

1,80,000 4,70,000

Profit & Loss Accounts for the year ended 31st December 08 Dr.
Particulars To Rent A/c To General Exp. A/c To Carriage Outwards A/c To Formation Exp. A/c To Interest paid to vendor A/c To Directors Fees A/c To Depreciation A/c On Land & Build.


Pre WN3 5,000 TR 7,500 WN 3,000 WN6 15,000 Post -

Post 7,400 10,500 9,000 1,000 6,000 6,000 6,417

Basis Pre Particulars Post By Gross Profit 84,100 3,18,200 b/d

TR 4,583

On Plant & Mach. To Managers Salary A/c To Debenture Int.A/c To Provision for Taxation A/c To Capital Reserve A/c To Net Profit c/d TR 5,000 Pre 10,000 Post 7,000 3,235

WN8 13,607 1,04,659 20,410 1,56,989 84,100 3,18,200 84,100 3,18,200

Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr.

Particulars Rs. Particulars To Proposed Dividend A/c 20,000 By Net Profit b/d To Surplus Carried to Balance sheet 1,36,989 1,56,989

Rs. 1,56,984


DIL Ltd. Balance sheet as on 31.12.2008

Liabilities I. Share Capital Authorized Issued, Paid up 1,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/each fully paid up (All the above Equity shares issued to vendor for consideration received in cash) ? Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs. Fixed Assets Goodwill 1,10,000 Land & Building 2,20,000 n (-) Dep (11,000) 2,09,000 Plant & Machinery 60,000 n (-) Dep (12,000) 48,000 II. Investment 1,00,000 III. Current Assets & Loans & Advances a) Current Assets Stock 1,10,000 Sundry Debtors 40,000 Bank balance 9,000 1,59,000 -

II. Reserve & Surplus Security Premium 50,000 Capital Reserve 20,410 b) Loans & (P.P.I.) Advances P&L A/c Surplus 1,36,989 2,07,399 Bills Receivable Rent Deposits III. Secured Loan 12% Debentures 64,700 IV. Miscellaneous (+) Accrued Int. 3,235 67,935 Exp. (to the extend not IV. Unsecured w/off) Loan Formation Exp. (-) w/off V. Current Liabilities & Provisions a) Current Liab. S. Creditors 25,000 Bills Payable 5,000

22,000 2,600


6,000 (1,000)


O/s Carriage Outwards O/s Managers Salaries 2,000 10,000 42,000

b) Provisions Proposed Divd. 20,000 Provision for Taxation 1,18,266 1,38,266 5,55,600 5,55,600

Working Notes : 1) Time Ratio Date of take over 01/01/08 Date of Incorporation 01/06/08 Year end 31/12/08

Pre Incorporation 5 months Time Ratio = 5:7 2) Sales Ratio Pre = Rs.1,20,000 Post Rs.4,80,000 Rs.1,20,000 Rs.3,60,000 Sales Ratio = 1:3 3) Rent Rs.15,000/-

Post Incorporation 7 months

a) From 01.01.08 to 31.05.08 (1,000X5) b) The month June, July, Aug, Sept., Oct c) For November, December 1200X2 Total Rent

Pre 5,000 5,000

Post 5,000 2,400 7,400

Rent Deposit = 15,000 (5,000 + 7,400) = 2,600 4) Carriage Outwards 2.5% of Sales Pre = 1,20,000 X 2.5% = 3,000 Post = 3,60,000 X 2.5% = 9,000 Total 12,000 Less : Paid (10,000) Outstanding 2,000


5) Interest paid to vendor Rs.21,000/- for period 1st January 08 to 1st August 08 = 7 months out of which 5 months are pre & balance post. 21,000 Pre = X 5 = Rs.15,000 7 Post = 21,000 (-) 15,000 = Rs.6,000

6) Debenture Interest = 64,700 X 12% X 7) Goodwill

5 = Rs.3,235/12

Top a son Capital Balance Add : General Reserve Balance Final Capital Balance Add : Goodwill (Balancing figure) Purchase Consideration

Rs. 90,000 14,700 1,04,700 1,10,000 2,14,700

8) Provision for Tax

Pre 84,100 (50,083) 34,017 13,607 20,410 Post 3,18,200 (56,552) 2,61,648 (1,04,659) 1,56,989

Profit & Loss Credit balance Less : P&L A/c Dr. Exp. N.P.B.T. Less : Income Tax 40% Profit after Tax

9) Closing stock as on 31st May 08 is opening stock for the post period.


1) Incorporation : Date of Registration i.e. date on which company comes in existence. 2) Pre-Incorporation : Period from date of acquisition to date of Incorporation. 3) Post-Incorporation : Period from Incorporation to year end. 4) Sales Ratio : Ratio between sales of pre and post Incorporation it is used for dividing Gross Profit and Variable Expenses, Selling and Distribution Expenses.

462 5) Time Ratio : Ratio indication period of pre-Incorporation & postIncorporation time. It is used to divide Fixed Expenses, Administrative Expenses. 6) Interest paid to Vendor : Interest is paid from date of acquisition to payment of purchase consideration, it should be divided considering actual period. 7) Purchase Consideration : It is the amount agreed to be paid to vendor for taking over business. 8) Pre-Incorporation Profit : Transfer to Capital Reserve 9) Pre-Acquisition Loss : Transfer to Goodwill 10) Goodwill : Excess of Purchase consideration over net assets taken over (Capital of vendor)

14.3.1 THEORY QUESTIONS : 1) What is pre-Incorporation Profit? 2) What are different methods of ascertaining Pre-Incorporation Profit? 3) What are different bases of Allocation of Income / Expenses? 4) How would you treat Pre-Incorporation losses in Accounts? 14.3.2 OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Fill in the blanks : 1) Interest on Debentures is ___________ expenditure. 2) Gross Profit are divided in the ratio of ___________ . 3) Interest paid to vendor is ___________ expenditure. 4) Share transferred fees received is ___________ Income. 5) Goodwill written off is charged to ___________ . 6) Audit fees are divided in the ratio of ___________ . 7) Fixed expenses are divided in the ratio of ___________ . 8) Depreciation on asset purchased after incorporation is charged to ___________ . 9) Managing directors renunciation charged to ___________ . 10) Interest on vendors capital is charged ___________ period.

463 11) The provision for Income tax is allocated in the ratio of ___________ . 12) The pre-incorporation period loss considered as ___________ . 13) Vendors salary is charged to ___________ period. 14) The fixed expenditure allocated in the ratio of ___________ . 15) Post-incorporation profit is transferred to ___________ .

Multiple Choice Questions : 1) Profit post incorporation are available for ___________ . a) Acquisition of fixed asset b) Debenture interest c) Payment of dividend d) For drawing by owner 2) Share issue expenses written off should be charged to ___________ . a) Trading Account b) Liabilities c) Post incorporation Profit d) None of these 3) Goodwill written off is charged to ___________ . a) Current Liabilities b) Floating Assets c) Capital Account (share) d) None of these 4) Discount allowed to Customers by a limited company is charged to ___________ . a) Pre-incorporation period b) Post-incorporation period c) Post acquisition period d) None of these 5) Profit upto date of incorporation is ___________ . a) Capital Reserve b) Capital Profit c) Security Premium d) Revenue Reserve 6) Expenses exclusively relating to vendor should be charged to ___________ period. a) Pre-incorporation b) Post acquisition period c) Post-incorporation d) Both 7) The excess of purchased consideration over net assets taken over is debited to ___________ . a) Fixed Assets b) Goodwill c) Capital Reserve d) None of above 8) The date of taken over 1st January 2008, incorporation 1st June 08 year end 31st December 2008. Time ratio is __________ . a) 5:1 b) 2:5

464 c) 1:6 d) None of these

9) Sales for the year Rs.15 Lakhs pre acquisition sales Rs.3 Lakhs, pre-incorporation Rs.2 Lakhs, Balance postincorporation. The sales Ratio is ___________ . a) 4:1 b) 3:5 c) 1:6 d) None of these 10) Purchased Consideration Rs.60,000/- net assets taken over Rs.45,000/-. The value of goodwill is ___________ . a) Rs.25,000/b) Rs.45,000/c) Rs.15,000/d) Rs.60,000/Match the Column : 1) Group A Group B i) Pre acquisition Loss a) Post incorporation ii) Company related expenses b) Goodwill iii) Asset c) Belongs to vendor iv) Salaries d) In Time Ratio e) In Sales Ratio 2) Group A i) M. D. Salaries ii) Contingent Liabilities iii) Share Capital iv) Purchase Consideration 3) Group A i) Audit Fees ii) Depreciation on Assets Purchased iii) Gross Profit iv) Pre-incorporation Loss 4) i) ii) iii) Group A Pre-incorporation Profit Net Profit upto preincorporation period Dividing point for ascertaining pre / post incorporation period Rent Gross Loss State whether True / False a) b) c) d) e) Group B Belongs to vendor Date of incorporation Sales Ratio Capital Reserve Time Ratio a) b) c) d) e) Group B Time Ratio Sales Ratio Post-incorporation Goodwill Sales Less Cost of Sales a) b) c) d) Group B Note to Balance sheet No Allocations Post incorporation Net Assets taken over

iv) v)

465 1) The Profit made on acquisition is debited to General Reserve. 2) Profit after incorporation is post acquisition. 3) Discount on issue of Debenture is charged to pre acquisition period. 4) Advertisement expense is allocated on the basis of Sales. 5) Depreciation on fixed asset taken over by vendor is charged to post incorporation period. 6) Debenture Interest is debited to post incorporation. 7) Pre acquisition Profit belongs to vendor. 8) Interest paid on purchased consideration is allocated in Sales Ratio of pre incorporation & post incorporation period. 9) Business Commencement Certificate date should be considered for allocation of expenses. 10) Provision for Sales Tax is allocated in the ratio between pre acquisition & pre incorporation period. 11) The partners salary before acquisition should be allocated to both the period in Sales ratio. 12) Bad debts realized should be debited to pre incorporation period. 13) The corporate expenses should be debited to post acquisition period. 14) The advertisement under the contract Rs.1,000/- month should be divided between pre & post incorporation period in Sales ratio. 15) The Gross Profit should be divided pre & post incorporation period in Sales ratio.

14.3.3 PRACTICAL QUESTIONS: Example : 1 Sonu Ltd. was incorporated on 01-07-2008 to take over the business of A.K. Enterprises as a going concern with effect from 01-04-2007. Their Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 3103-2007 is as follows : Dr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars


To Opening Stock 75,000 By Sales (upto 30-06-01 3,00,000 To Purchases 1,00,000 Rs.60,000/-) To Administration Expenses 12,000 By Closing Stock 46,500

To Directors Fees To Selling Expenses To Audit Fees To Preliminary Expenses To Net Profit 4,000 20,000 6,000 3,000 1,26,500 3,46,500 3,46,500

Prepare a statement showing the Profit earned prior to and after incorporation. Example : 2 TCSO Ltd. was incorporated on May 1, 2007 to take over the business of Ltd. as a going concern from 01-01-2007. The Profit and Loss Account for the year ending on 31-12-2007 is as follows : Profit and Loss Account of TSCO Ltd. Dr.
Particulars To Rent and Taxes To Insurance To Electricity charges To Salaries To Directors Fees To Auditors Fees To Commission To Advertisement To Discount To Office Expenses To Carriage Outwards To Bank Charges To Preliminary Expenses To Bad debts To Interest on Loan To Net Profit Rs. Particulars Rs. 4,20,000


50,000 By Gross Profit 6,000 3,000 60,000 2,500 6,000 24,000 12,600 3,000 7,500 9,000 1,200 7,500 6,000 9,000 2,12,700



467 The total turnover for the year ending 31-12-07 was Rs.15,00,000/divided into Rs.5,00,000/- for the period up to 01-05-07. Ascertain the profits earned prior to and post Incorporation period. Example : 3 OT Ltd. was incorporated on 1st July, 2008 to take over the running business of Mr. R with effect from 1st April, 2008. The following Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 09 was drawn up.

Particulars To Advertisement To Managing Directors Remuneration To Depreciation To Salaries To Insurance To Preliminary Expenses To Rent and Taxes To Discount To Debenture Interest To Net Profit Rs. Particulars Rs.


10,600 By Gross Profit 2,00,000 21,000 By Rent 5,000 By Bad debts Realized 6,000 4,000 By Income Tax Refund 4,300 18,000 (2006) 4,000 1,000 6,000 700 40,000 1,10,000 2,11,000 2,11,000

The following details are available : a) Average monthly turnover from July 2008 onwards was double than that of previous months. b) Rent for the first four months was paid @ Rs.400/- per month and thereafter it is increased by Rs.50/- per month. c) Bad debts realization of bad debts was in respect of bad debts written off during 2004. d) Advertisement expenses were directly proportionate to the sales. You are required to find out the Profit prior to Incorporation. Example : 4


Mr. OP formed a private Ltd. Company under the name and style of Dut K. Ltd. to take over his existing business as from 1st April, 2007, but the company was not incorporated until 1st July, 2007. No entries relating to transfer of the business were entered in the books, which were carried on without a break until 31st March, 2008.

The following balances were extracted from the books as on 31-03-2008.

Particulars Opening Stock Purchases Carriage Outwards Traveling Commission Office Salaries Administration Expenses Rent and Rates Directors Fees Fixed Assets Current Assets, excluding stock Preliminary Expenses Sales Mr.Xs Capital Account on 01-04-07 Current Liabilities Debit (Rs.) 40,000 1,80,000 3,000 30,000 20,000 18,000 24,000 8,000 2,00,000 54,000 6,000 Credit (Rs.)

3,20,000 2,50,00 23,000

You are also given that a) Stock on 31st March, 2008 Rs.75,000/b) The Gross Profit ratio is constant and monthly sales in April 2007, February 2008 and March 2008 are double the average monthly sales for the remaining months of the year. c) The Purchase Consideration was agreed to be satisfied by the issue of 5,000 Equity shares of Rs.100/- each. d) The half preliminary expenses are to be written off. You are required to prepare Profit & Loss Account for the year ended on 31st March, 2008 apportioning the Profit or Loss of the periods before and after incorporation. Depreciation shall be provided at 25% per annum on Fixed Assets.


Example: 5 B Ltd. company was incorporated on 1st March, 2008 to take over an existing business from 1st January, 2008. The Purchase Consideration was agreed at Rs.3,00,000/- to be satisfied by an issue of Rs.50,000/- 6% Mortgage Debentures; interest at 6% per annum to be payable on the Purchase Consideration from 1 st January, 2008 to the date of settlement. The Debentures were issued on 1st June 2008 on which date the company also allotted 25,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid to vendor. The Profit & Loss Account of the business for the year to 31 st December, 2008 appears as below : Dr.
Particulars To Purchase (after adjusting stocks) To Gross Profit 5,50,000 Rs. Particulars Rs.


16,50,000 By Sales (Jan. April) 10,00,000 By Sales (May & Dec.) 12,00,000

22,00,000 To Administrative Expenses To selling Expenses To Carriage Outward To Depreciation To Debenture Interest (Gross) To Interest on Purchase Consideration To Directors Fees To Preliminary Expenses To Goodwill (Amount written off) To Dividend on Equity Shares To Net Profit 2,51,250 25,000 10,000 10,000 4,000 9,000 1,00,000 80,000 22,000 20,000 18,750 By Gross Profit

22,00,000 5,50,000




Prepare a statement apportioning the balance of profits between the periods prior to and since Incorporation. Example : 6 S.R. Private Ltd. was incorporated on 1st May 2007 to acquire the business of Zero Lal as from January 1, 2007 on the basis of the Balance sheet dated December 31, 2007. The accounts for the year ended December 31, 2007 disclosed the following : a) There was a gross Profit of Rs.5,50,000/-. b) The sales for the year amount to Rs.10,80,000/- of which Rs.4,80,000/- was for the first six months. c) The expenses debited to Profit and Loss Account included Directors fees Rs.25,000/-; Bad debts Rs.6,600/-; Advertising Rs.12,000/- (under a contract amounting to Rs.1,000/- per month); Salaries and General Expenses Rs.54,000/-, Preliminary Expenses written off Rs.3,000/-; Donation to the political party given by the company Rs.5,000/-. Prepare a statement showing the amount of profit made before incorporation and state how it should be dealt with in the accounts of the company. Example : 7 The TY Ltd., was registered on 1st May, 2008 to take over the business of TK form 1st January, 2008. The company was granted certificate to commence business on 1st June, 2008. From the following information calculate the Profit earned by the company in the pre and post incorporated periods. a) The sales for the year ended 31st December, 2008 amounted to Rs.4,80,000/-. The trend of the sales was as under : January and February twice the average monthly sales June and July one and a half times the average sales in each month September, October and November half the average sales in each month. b) Cost of goods sold Rs.3,60,000/-. c) Salaries Rs.36,000/-. (There were 5 employees in the preincorporation period and 6 employees in the post incorporation period.) d) Bad debts Rs.12,000/-.

471 e) Interest on purchase price paid by the company to T.K. on 1 st August, 2008 Rs.21,000/-. f) Provision for Income-Tax Rs.40,000/-. g) Expenses exclusively related to company Rs.15,000/-. h) Advertising Rs.36,000/- (Rs.3,000/- per month under a contract) i) Commission on Sales Rs.18,000/-. j) Depreciation on machinery at 10% p.a. Rs.9,000/- (Machinery taken over from vendors Rs.60,000/- and balance on Machinery purchased on 1st October 2008).

Unit Structure 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 Objectives Introduction Method of Preparation of Final accounts Schedule VI of companies Act Balance sheet as per Schedule VI Vertical form of Balance Sheet Income statement or Profit and Loss Account Adjustment specifically applicable to Companies Accounting standard I

After studying the unit the students will be able to: Understand the methods of preparation of Final Accounts. Know the Requirements to Balance Sheet. Know the Requirements to Profit and Loss Account. Know the Account Standard I Understand the various adjustments Solve the practical Problems.



Every Organization or entity which maintains the books of accounts day to day transactions needs to prepare the Final Accounts at the end of Interval - normally one year. 15.1.1 THE FINAL ACCOUNTS COMPRISES: I. II. Profit and Loss Account showing Income, expenses, gains and losses pertaining to the period. Balance sheet enlisting assets, receivables, payables and capital on the specific date.

These accounts or statement has to be prepared in accordance with the requirements of provisions of the law; applicable to it. In addition to these, these accounts also need to comply with the statements and standard issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India to the extent these are relevant on applicable. The preparation and presentation of final accounts is essential for all entity irrespective of the form of organization and nature and volume of transactions. The Objective of preparation of Final Accounts is to satisfy or ensure that these represent a true and fair view of affairs and profits of the entity.



Irrespective of the form of organization and nature of activity, some of the steps involved for this purpose are commonly applicable to all. These Steps are: 15.2.1 PREPARATION OF TRIAL BALANCE Enlisting all balances extracted from books of accounts maintained during the specified period. This step is to satisfy that the arithmetic accuracy of accounting process is ensured. 15.2.2 SCRUTINISE THE ACCOUNTS To ensure that the proper accounting effect is made for the following-

473 i. ii. iii. iv. Provision is made for all unpaid expenses and outstanding income. Advance receipts of income, pre - payment of expenses is properly segregated. Accounting Errors - particularly affecting capital and revenue items are identified and rectified. Provision for all known losses, such as loss by fire or accident, depreciation, devaluation of investments, profit or loss on sale of investments or assets is shown in the accounts. Statutory Provisions as required under applicable laws e.g. Transfer to Reserve, Dividend, Tax.


15.2.3 Compliance with Accounting Standards (AS) and Statements issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) The ICAI has issued several Standards and Statements to ensure the uniformity in prepare at and presentation of Final Accounts. In many cases, it is mandatory or compulsory to comply with these, Statements and Standards. The ICAI while issuing such Statements and Standards, specify the type of entity and accounting period covered by the same and also extent to which it is mandatory. These Standards can he categorized as: a) Basic subject matters for preparation and presentation of Final Accounts which has general application eg. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Disclosure of Accounting Policies (AS 1) Valuation of inventories (AS 2) Depreciation (AS 6) Revenue Recognition (AS 9) Fixed Assets (AS 10) Investments (AS 13) Prior Period - items (AS 5) Income Tax (AS 22) Intangible Assets (AS 26) Contingencies & events after Balance Sheet (AS 4) b) Special Transaction or Items

474 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. Construction Contracts (AS 7) Research & Development (AS 8) Foreign Exchange Translation (AS 11) Government Grants (AS 12) Retirement Benefit Scheme (AS 15) Borrowing Costs (AS 16) Segment Reporting (AS 17) Related Party (AS 18) Leases (AS 19) Earnings per share (AS 20) Amalgamation (AS 14) Consolidated Statements (AS 21) Investments in Associates etc (AS 23) Cash Flow Statements (AS 3) Discontinuing Operation (AS 24) Interim Financial Reporting (AS 25)

xvii. Impairment of Assets (AS 28) xviii. Financial Reporting of interest in Joint Venture (AS 27) Till Date 28 AS have been issued. Of these AS enlisted as basic are Mandatory and should complied by every enterprise to whom these AS apply. The remaining AS, should be complied if there are transactions or events effected by the enterprise. c) Statutory Requirements Certain categories of enterprises are governed or represented by specific laws. These laws specify the provision relating to certain transactions or contracts as also form and requirements for the preparation and presentation of Final Accounts. Some such institutions are Companies Act - for Companies Partnership Act - for Partnership Firm Bombay Public Trust Act - for Trusts, Associations & Societies. Maharashtra State Co-operative Societies Act - for Cooperative Societies

475 Banking Regulation Act - for Banks Each of these laws require that the final Accounts prepared under these laws should i. ii. Be in form prescribed under law. Disclose the information required.

d) Forms of Presentation of Final Accounts The final Accounts can be presented in convenient form. These are: i. Horizontal Form or T form showing Debits, Credits, Assets & Liabilities as two sides of the statements this is also traditional or account form. ii. Vertical or Columinar form which shows all items as a single column after netting or setting off certain related items.

The form in which accounts should be presented if the form prescribed under the law. Where the law specify alternative form with options or such form is not specified the Final Accounts can be presented in any convenient form. The present syllabus requires the study of preparation and presentation of Final accounts of Companies governed under Companies Act.


The Companies Act 1956 contains elaborate provision for: i. ii. iii. Form of Balance Sheet. Requirement as to Profit & Loss A/c. Information to be disclosed in Final Accounts.

These requirements are specified in schedule W to the Companies Act. Schedule VI is divided into 3 parts: Part I - Balance Sheet This part specifies the form of Balance sheet and information to be disclosed for every item therein.

476 Part II Requirements as to profit & Loss A/c Specifying the matters or items to be shown separately. Part III - Interpretation of certain terms. The schedule VI enables the companies to present its accounts in horizontal or vertical form as K may consider appropriate. The schedule also indicates both the forms and presentation as also the sequence in which these items should be enlisted. The choice of the form is with the company. However present trend is to present statements in vertical form, supported by schedule to furnish other informal required to be disclosed. The present syllabus required the study only on Horizontal form only. The company Act also contains provision for maintenance of books of accounts and the method of accounting to be adopted. As now present provision. The companies should maintain account as per actual method of according all items of incomes and expenses, gains or losses are should be included on accrual basis. This implies maturing costs and revenue with five periods. The provisions of schedule VI - as per Vertical from of presentation are as mentioned: i. Corresponding figures for immediately preceding previous year should be stated. However in the case of first year after incorporation of company. This is not applicable. The figures for major group or heading be shows in statement. This can be supplemented by schedule to give the detail and other information required to be disclosed as per provision of schedule vi. Significant Accounting policies adopted for preparation and presentation of statement of accounts should be shown separately under a different schedule. The statement should be signed or authenticated at least by two Director and Secretary. The final statement of accounts must accompanied by report of Director and Auditor.



iv. v.

477 vi. The final accounts as well as report of directors and auditor should be placed before and approved by meeting of shareholder at the annual general meeting.


The form of final accounts and the information to be disclosed are as under:



Schedule VI part I (see sec. 211) A - HORIZONTAL FORM OF BALANCE SHEET Balance sheet of ......(Here enter the name of the company) as at ....... (Here enter the date as at which the balance sheet is made out)
Figures for the previous year Rs. Liabilities Figures for the current year Rs. Figures for the previous year Rs.


Share Capital: Authorized..... Share of Rs...... each Issued: (distinguishing between the various classes of capital and stating the particulars specified below, in respect of each class)... shares of Rs..... each Subscribed: (distinguishing between the various classes of capital and stating the particulars specified below, in respect of each class... shares of Rs..... each Rs..... called up) Of the above shares.... shares are allotted as fully paid-up pursuant to a contract without payments being received in cash. Of the above shares... shares are allotted as fully paid-up by way of bonus shares. (Specify the source from which bonus shares are issued, e.g., capitalization of profits or reserves or from share premium a/c) Less: Calls unpaid: (i) By directors. (ii) By others Add: Forfeited shares: (amount originally paid up) (Any capital profit on reissue of forfeited shares should be transferred to capital reserve). 1. Terms of redemption or conversion (if any)

Fixed Assets: Distinguishing as far expenditure upon: (a) Goodwill (b) Land (c) Buildings (d) Leaseholds (e) Railway sidings (f) Plant and machin (g) Furniture and fittin (h) Development of p (i) Patents, trademar (j) Livestock (k) Vehicles etc.

Notes: (1) Under each hea the additions there to from during the y depreciation written o end of the year are to (2) Where the origin additions and deduct any fixed assets whi from a country ou consequence of a c exchange at any time

of any redeemable preference capital are to be stated together with earliest date of redemption or conversion. 2) Particulars of any option on unissued share capital are to be specified. 3) In the case of subsidiary companies the number of shares held by the holding company as well as by the ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries shall be separately stated in respect of subscribed share capital. The auditor is not required to certify the correctness of such share holdings as certified by the management. Reserves and Surplus: 1. Capital reserves 2. Capital redemption reserve 3. Share premium account (showing details of its utilization in the manner provided in Sec.78 in the year of utilization) 4. Other reserves specifying the nature of each reserves and the amount in respect thereof. Less: Debit balance in profit and loss account (if any) (The debit balance in the profit and loss account shall be shown as a deduction from the uncommitted reserves, if any) 5. Surplus, i.e., balance in profit and loss account after providing for proposed allocations, namely, dividend, bonus or reserves. 6. Proposed additions to reserves. 7. Sinking funds. Notes: (1) Additions and deductions since last balance sheet to be shown, under each of the specified heads. (2) The word fund in relation to any reserve should be used only where such reserve is specifically represented by earmarked investments. Secured loans: 1. Debentures. 2. Loans and advances from banks. 3. Loans and advances from subsidiaries. 4. Other loans and advances. Notes: (1) Loans from directors and manager should be shown separately (2) Interest accrued and due on secured loans should be included under the appropriate subheads under the head secured loans. (3) The nature of security to be specified in each case. (4) Where loans have been guaranteed by managers and / or directors, a mention thereof shall also be made and also the aggregate amount of such loans under each head. (5) In case of debentures, terms of redemption or conversion (if any) are to be stated together with earliest date of redemption or conversion.

such asset, there ha reduction in the liabil expressed in Indian payment, towards the cost of the asset or fo whole or part of mo company from any indirectly, in any fore for the purpose of acq in either case t immediately before t change in the rate effect), the amount b so increased or red shall be added to, o deducted from the c arrived at after such shall be taken to be asset. Explanation. (1) In the context other expressions rate o currency and Indian c meanings respective under sub-section (1) income tax Act, 1961 explanation 3 of the as far as may be, a same paragraph as sub-section (1).

2. In every case w cannot be a unreasonable expe valuation shown by th For the purpose of valuation shall be the an asset stood in th the commencement deduction of the provided or written o diminution in value, asset is sold the am shall be shown as ded 3. Where sums have reduction of capital assets, every balanc balance sheet) subse or revolution shall sho and with the date of of the original cost. 4. Each balance s years subsequent reduction shall show reduction made. 5. Similarly, where su by writing up the a sheet subsequent to show the increased f

Unsecured Loans: 1. Fixed deposits 2. Loans and advances from subsidiaries. 3. Short-term loans and advances: (a) From banks (b) From others. [Short term loans include those which are due for repayment not later than one year as at the date of the balance sheet.] 4. Other loans and advances: (a) From banks (b) From others Notes: (1) Loans from directors and manager should be shown separately. (2) Interest accrued and due on unsecured loans should be included under the appropriate subheads under the head unsecured loan. (3) Where loans have been guaranteed by manager, and /or directors, mention thereof shall also be made together with the aggregate amount of such loans under each head. This does not apply to fixed deposits.

the increase in plac Each balance sheet subsequent to the d shall also show the made.

Investments: Showing nature of in valuation, for exam value, and distinguish 1. Investments in securities. 2. Investments in s bonds (showing se paid up and partly distinguishing the shares and showing investments in shares of subsidiary compan 3. Immovable proper 4. Investment in the firms. 5. Balance of unutil issue.

Current liabilities and provisions: A. Current liabilities 1. Acceptances. 2. Sundry creditors. (i) Total outstanding dues of small scale industrial undertaking (s); and (ii) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than small scale industrial undertaking (s) 3. Subsidiary companies. 4. Advance payments and unexpired discounts for the portion for which value has still to be given, e.g., in the case of the following companies. Newspaper, fire insurance, theatres, clubs, banking, steamship companies etc. 5. Unclaimed dividends. 6. Other liabilities (if any) 7. Interest accrued but not due on loans. The name (s) of the small scale industrial undertaking(s) to whom the company owe a sum exceeding Rs. 1 lakh which is outstanding for more than 30 days are to be disclosed. B. Provisions 8. Provisions for taxation. 9. Proposed dividends. 10. For contingencies. 11. For provident fund scheme. 12. For insurance, pension and similar staff benefit schemes. 13. Other provisions. A footnote to the balance sheet may be added

Notes: (1) Aggregate unquoted investment value thereof shall be (2) Aggregate am unquoted investments All unutilized monies be separately disclo sheet of the company which such unutilize invested. Current Assets, Loa (A) Current Assets 1. Interest accrued o 2. Stores and spare p 3. Loose tools. 4. Stock-in-trade. 5. Works-in-progress Notes: (1) In respect of valuation of stock sh amount in respect o also be stated separa (2) Mode or valuatio shall be stated. 6. Sundry debtors: (a) Debtors outst exceeding six months (b) Other debts Less: Provision

Notes: In regard to sundry de given separately of

show to separately 1. Claims against the company not acknowledged as debts. 2. Uncalled liability on shares partly paid 3. Arrears of fixed cumulative dividends. [The period for which the dividends are in arrear or if there is more than one class of shares, the dividends on each such class are in arrear shall be stated. The amount shall be stated before deductions of income tax except that in the case of tax-free dividends the amount shall be shown free of income tax and the fact that it is so shown shall be stated.] 4. Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for. 5. Other moneys for which the company is contingently liable. [The amount of any guarantees given by the company on behalf of directors or other officers of the company shall be stated and, where practicable, the general nature and amount of each such contingent liability, if material, shall also be specified.]

(a) Debtors consider of which the company (b) Debts considere company holds no s debtors personal secu (c) Debts considered Debt due by directors company or any of th jointly with any other firms or private com which any director is or a member to be se Debts due from othe same management sub-section (IB) of S with the name of the c The maximum amou other officers of the The provision to be s should not exceed stated to be consider any surplus of such created, should be s under reserves and s side) under a separa for doubtful or bad de

7. A. Cash balance on 7. B. Bank balance(a) With scheduled b (b) With others. Notes: [In regard to bank bal given separately(a) The balance lying on current accounts deposit accounts. (b) The names of t scheduled banks an with each such bank call account and de maximum amount ou during the year with e (c) The nature of the director or his relative (other than schedule (b) above.) "All unutilized monies be separately disclo sheet of the company which such unutilize inserted" (B) Loans and adva 8. (a) Advances an (b) Advances and loa in which the com subsidiaries is a partn 9. Bill of exchange.


10. Advances reco kind or for value to b taxes insurance etc. 11. Balance with cu (Where payable o dem Notes: The instructions reg apply to loans and ad Miscellaneous expe (to the extent not writt 1. Preliminary expen 2. Expenses inclu brokerage on under shares or debentures 3. Discount allowed or debentures. 4. Interest paid o construction (also sta 5. Development expe 6. Other sums (speci Profit and Loss Accou (Show here the debi loss account carried f of the uncommitted re

15.4.2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF BALANCE SHEET: a) The information required to be given under any of the items or sub items in this form, if it cannot be conveniently included in balance sheet itself, shall be furnished in a separate schedule or schedule to be annexed to and to form part of the balance sheet. This is recommended when items are numerous. b) Naye paise can also be given in addition to Rupees, if desired. c) In the case of *[subsidiary companies] the number of shares held by the holding company as well as by the ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries must be separately stated. The auditor is not required to certify the correctness of such shareholdings as certified by the management. [(CC) The item 'Securities Premium Account' shall include details of its utilization in the manner provided in section 78 in the year of utilization] d) Short - item loan will include those which are due for not more than one year as at the date of the balance sheet.

482 e) Depreciation written off or provided shall be allocated under the different asset heads and deducted in arriving at the value of fixed assets. f) Dividends declared by subsidiary companies after the date of the balance sheet *[should] not be included unless they are in respect of period which closed on or before the date of the balance sheet. g) Any reference to benefits expected from contracts to the extent not executed shall not be made in the balance sheet but shall be made in the Board's report. h) The debit balance in the profit and loss Account shall be shown as a deduction from the uncommitted reserves if any. i) As regards loans and advances, (1) [the amounts due from other companies under the same management within the meaning of sub-section (1B) of the section 370 should also be given with the names of the companies] the maximum amount due from every one of these at any time during the year must be shown. j) Particulars of any redeemed debentures which the company has power to issue should be given. k) Where any of the company's debentures are held by a nominee or a trustee for the company, the nominal amount of the debentures and the amount at which they are stated in the books of the company shall be stated. l) A statement of investment (whether shown under investment or under current assets as stock-in-trade) separately classifying trade investments and other investments should be annexed to the balance sheet, showing the names of the bodies corporate (indicating separately the names of the bodies corporate under the same management) in whose shares or debentures, investments have been made (including all investments, whether existing or not, made subsequent to the date as at which the previous balance sheet was made out) and the nature and extent of the investment so made in each such body corporate; provided that in the case of an investment company, that is to say, a company whose principal business is the acquisition of shares, stock, debentures or other securities, it shall be sufficient if the statement shows only the investments existing on the date as at which the balance sheet has been made out. In regard to the investments in capital of partnership firms, the names of the firms (with the names of all their partners, total capital and the shares of each partner), shall be given in the statement.]

483 m) If in the opinion of the Board, any of the current assets, loans and advances have not a value on realization in the ordinary course of business at least equal to the amount at which they are stated, the fact that the Board is of that opinion shall be stated. n) Except in the case of the first balance sheet laid before the company after the commencement of the Act, the corresponding amounts for the immediately preceding financial year for all items shown in the balance sheet shall be also given in the balance sheet. The requirement in this behalf shall, in the case of companies preparing quarterly or half-yearly accounts etc, relate to the balance sheet for the corresponding date in the previous year. o) The amounts to be shown under Sundry debtors shall include the amounts due in respect of goods sold or services rendered or in respect of other contractual obligations but shall not include the amounts which are in the nature of loans or advances. 1. Substituted by notification no. GSR 414, dated 21-3-1961. 2. Inserted, ibid. 3. Substituted by notification no. GSR 494 (E), dated 30-101973. p) Current accounts with directors, [managing agents, secretaries and treasurers] and manager, whether they are in credit, or debit, shall be shown separately. q) A small scale industrial undertaking has the same meaning as assigned to it under clause (i) of section 3 of the industries development and regulation Act 1951.


15.5.1 VERTICAL FORM OF BALANCE SHEET Part 1 - VERTICAL FORM OF BALANCE SHEET B. VERTICAL FORM Name of the company........... Balance Sheet as at............
Schedule No. Figures as at the end of current financial year Figures as at the end of previous financial year

I. Sources of Funds (1) Shareholders' funds: (a) Capital (b) Reserve and surplus (2) Loan funds: (a) Secured loans (b) Unsecured loans

TOTAL II. Application of funds (1) Fixed assets: (a) Gross block (b) Less: Depreciation (c) Net block (d) Capital work-in-progress (2) Investments (3) Current assets, loans and advance (a) Inventories (b) Sundry debtors (c) Cash and bank balances (d) Other current assets (e) Loans and advances Less: Current liabilities and provisions: (a) Liabilities (b) Provisions (4) (a) Miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off or adjusted (b) Profit and loss account TOTAL

Notes: (1) Details under each of the above items shall be given in separate schedules. The schedules shall incorporate all the information required to be given under part 1A of the Schedule VI read with notes containing general instructions for preparation of Balance sheet. (2) The schedules, referred to above, accounting policies and explanatory notes that may be attached shall form an integral part of the balance sheet. Substituted by notification no. GSR 414, dated 21-3-1961 Inserted by Notification No. GSR 129 (E), dated 22-2-1999 Inserted by Notification No GSR 220(E), dated 12-3-1979 15.5.2 REQUIREMENTS TO INDIVIDUAL ITEMS ARE AS UNDER: a) Share Capital The presentation of share capital should be as given below: SCHEDULE SHARE CAPITAL Authorized ........ Equity Shares of Rs. ....... each ........ % Preference shares of Rs. ....... each Issued ........ Equity Shares of Rs. ....... each ........ % Preference shares of Rs. ....... each Subscribed ........ Equity Shares of Rs. ....... each


xx xx xx xx xx



485 ........ % Preference shares of Rs. ....... each Called up ........ Equity Shares of Rs. ....... each Rs. ....... Calles up ........ % Preference shares of Rs. ....... each Rs. ....... Called up Called up Calls in arrears: From directors xx From others xx Share forfeited A/c (Money's received) Share application money Paid up Notes: i. Of the above shares....... Shares are allotted as fully paid up pursuant to a contract without payments being received in cash. Of the above shares....... Shares are allotted as fully paid up by way of bonus shares on capitalization of reserves. Where the information for a, b, c, d, or any of them is identical, shares may be combined. The amount of a, b and c should not be taken in totals. Terms and conditions of redemption / conversion of preference shares along with the date of conversion or redemption must be given. Ratio of dividend on preference share capital should be disclosed. Calls in arrears by directors and others. When a public issue is made any money received will become a pad of share capital only after allotment is done. Share application moneys and calls in advance must be shown separately. ICAI has suggested that Share application money should be shown under "Current Liabilities" as this has to be repaid within a short period. b) Reserves and surplus Contents The schedule should contain information about the following: All reserves belonging to shareholders are shown under this head. It includes following items. xx


xx xx xx



Add: Add:

xx xx xx xx

ii. iii. iv. v.

vi. vii. viii.

486 i. Capital Reserve - Profits arising due to non - business transactions or events such as: Profit prior to incorporation Profit on Re - issue of forfeited shares Profit on redemption of shares / debentures. ii. iii. iv. Capital redemption reserve. Securities premium as per sec: 78 of Companies Act and as per Sec 80 of Companies Act. Statutory Reserve - As per legal requirements - under Companies Act & Income Tax Act e.g. - Export profit reserve. Revaluation reserve (on revaluation of assets) Other reserves such as - General Reserve - Dividend Reserve etc.

v. vi.

As per schedule VI, the presentation is done as follows: Rs. Capital reserve Capital redemption reserve Securities premium A/c Statutary reserves Other reserves Surplus i.e. balance in profit and loss A/c Notes: 1. Any addition or deduction from reserves since the last balance sheet. 2. Any debit balance of profit and loss A/c will be deducted from General reserves or other uncommitted reserves. 3. In the case of securities premium details of utilization should be specified. c) Secured loans: It refers to loans secured by a fixed or flotation charge on the assets or property of the company. the schedule should contain information about the following: 1. Debentures and bonds 2. Loans from banks and financial institutions.

487 3. Loans from subsidiaries. 4. Loans from directors. As per schedule VI presentation is done as follows: Rs. SECURED LOANS: Debentures Loans from banks Loans from subsidiaries Other Loans Total Notes: 1. Particulars of security for each loan should be stated. 2. Terms of redemption or conversion of loan should be stated. 3. Interest accrued and due on loans / debentures should be included under appropriate item. 4. Loan guaranteed by directors or managers should be disclosed. 5. Future installments payable under hire purchase agreements should be show under secured loan separately. 6. Debenture guaranteed by Government is not a secured loan as no asset is mortgaged against such loans. 7. Application moneys received against a debenture issue pending allotment should be shovel as short term deposit. d) Unsecured Loans These are the loans which are not secured by the assets of the organization. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fixed deposits Loans and advances from subsidiaries Short term loans and advances. Other loans and advances Loans from directors. xx xx xx xx xx

Short term loans are those which are due for payment within one year from the date of balance sheet. Normally, such items are shown under current liabilities are expected to be repaid from current assets. The presentation is as follows: Rs.

488 UNSECURED LOANS: Fixed Deposits Loans and advances from subsidiaries Short term loans and advances a) From banks b) From others Other loans and advances a) From banks b) From others Total Notes i) ii) iii) iv) Loans from Directors Manager should be shown separately. Interest accrued and due should be included under the appropriate item. Loans guaranteed by directors, Managers, should be disclosed separately. Terms of redemption or conversion should be disclosed. e) Current liabilities and provisions: As per ICAI used in Financial statements defines current liability As per ICAI guidance note on terms used in financial statements defines current liability as liability including loans, deposits, bank overdraft which falls due for payment in a relatively short period, not more than 12 months from the date of balance Sheet. As per Schedule VI, the presentation is done as follows. Rs. CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS A. CURRENT LIABILITIES 1. Acceptances xx 2. Sundry Creditors i) Total outstanding dues to small scale Industrial undertakings xx ii) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than Small scale industrial undertakings xx 3. Subsidiary companies xx 4. Advance received from customers xx 5. Unclaimed dividends xx xx xx

xx xx

xx xx xx

489 6. 7. Other liabilities Interest accrued but not due on loans xx xx xx B. PROVISIONS 8. Provision for income tax xx 9. Proposed dividends xx 10. For contingencies xx 11. For provident fund scheme 1 gratuity xx 12 For insurance, pension and similar staff benefit schemes xx xx

Notes: Provisions for doubtful debts, provision for depreciation and provision for fluctuation in the value of investment should be deducted from specific assets on asset side. f) Contingent liabilities: As per guidance note issued by ICAI contingent liability means an obligation relating to an existing condition or situation which may arise in future depending on future events. Contents: It includes the following: Uncalled liabilities on partly paid - up shares held by company as investment. Arrears of dividend on cumulative preference shares. Estimated amounts of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account. Disputed liabilities on account of income - tax, sales tax, excise duty, custom duty for which provisions has not been made. Amount of any guarantees given by company on behalf of directors or other officers of the company. Workers claims. Not acknowledged as debts by company bills receivables discounted. Note: Contingent liabilities are shown as a footnote to the balance sheet. These are not included in the total. g) Fixed assets: As per As - 10 accounting for fixed assets "a fixed asset is an" asset held with the intention of being used for the purpose of producing or providing goods or services and is not held for sale in the normal course of business". As per schedule VI, the presentation is done as follows:

Description Op. Bal Addi tion Cost Deduc tion for sales or obslec enre Cl. Bal Accumulated Depreciation Op Provi, Provi, CIS Bal for the on Bal year assets sold Net WDV Op. Net WDV Cl.

Goodwill Land Building Leaseholds Railway Siding Plant & Machinery Furniture & Fittings Development of Property Patents, trade marks designs Live Stock Vehicles


h) Investments As 13 define investments as assets held by an enterprise for earning income by way of dividends, interest, and rentals for capital appreciation or for other benefits to the investing enterprise. It represents outside investments. It may be long-term or current investment current investments are intended to be held for not more than one year. A company can value its investments at cost or at market price. Contents: It includes the following i. Government and trust securities ii. Shares, debentures or bonds iii. Immovable properties iv. Investment in the capital or partnership firm v. Investment in subsidiary companies. As per schedule VI, the presentation is done as follows: Investments 1. Investments in Government or Trust securities 2. Investments in shares / debentures or bonds (showing fully paid / partly paid and different classes of shares) 3. Immovable properties 4. Investments in the capital of partnership firms 5. Balance of unutilized monies raised by issue. Notes: i. ii. Fully paid - up and partly paid - up shares should be show separately Each class of shares to be shown separately.

491 iii. Quoted and unquoted investments. In the case of quoted investments, market value should be disclosed by way of note. Nature of investment and mode of valuation whether at cost or at market value. A statement of investments seperately classifying trade investments and other investments. Balance of investment fluctuation reserve should be disclosed.

iv. v. vi.

i) Current assets and loans and advances This is a common heading. It is divided into two parts. A) Current assets B) Loans and advances As per ICAI guidance note, current assets are cash and other assets that are expected to be converted into cash or consumed in the production of goods or rendering of services in the normal course of business.

The presentation is done as follows: Rs. Rs. CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES Stock in trade: Raw materials xx Packing materials xx Finished goods xx Goods in transit xx Work in progress xx xx Sundry debtors (Unsecured) debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months: Considered good xx Considered doubtful xx Other debts Considered good xx Less: provision for doubtful debts xx xx Cash and bank balances Cash on hand xx Cheques on hand xx xx Bank balances with schedules banks Current A/c xx Fixed deposit A/c xx With other banks xx xx LOANS AND ADVANCES Advances recoverable in cash or in kind xx Balance with excise authorities' xx

492 Tax dedected at source and advance tax Bills receivable Expenses paid in advance xx xx xx


Notes: i. Mode of valuation of stock and work in progress - Cost or market value whichever is less. ii. Age wise classification showing debts outstanding for a period of more than six months and other debts. iii. Classification based on security and recoverability: a) Debtors considered good in respect of which the company is fully secured. b) Debts considered good for which the company holds no security other than the debtors personal security. c) Debts considered doubtful or bad. d) Related party debts and maximum outstanding. 1. Debts due by directors or other officers of the company. 2. Debts due from other companies under the same management. 3. Maximum amount due by directors or other officers of the company at any time during the year. e) Deduct provision for bad and doubtful debts from the sundry debtors. The provisions should not exceed the amount considered doubtful or bad. Any surplus provision already created should be shown as "Reserve for bad and doubtful debts" under the head Reserves and surplus iv. Bank balance with scheduled bank, and other banks. v. Bank balance in current account, call account and deposit account should be separately disclosed with each bank. In the case of non - scheduled bank, besides above information maximum balance at any time during the year should be stated. j) Miscellaneous expenditure (To the extent not written off) This refers to the deferred revenue expenditure to the extent not written - off. Contents: It includes the following items. Preliminary expenses. Capital issue expenditure. Debenture issue expenditure. Underwriting commission on issue of debentures. Discount on issue of shares or debentures. Development expenditure.




Disclosure: Amount unwritten off should be shown under this head Profit and Loss A/c Debit balance of profit and Loss A/c should be under this head. Any uncommitted reserve should be adjusted and net amount should be shown.


The Companies Act 1956, does not prescribe any format for the profit and Loss A/c, it is left to individual companies to choose the format which is appropriate. However, part II of schedule VI of companies Act lays down certain requirements which every company must comply. Every profit and loss A/c should satisfy the following requirements of disclosure. They are as under:

15.6.1 ITEMS TO BE DISCLOSED SEPERATELY IN PROFIT AND LOSS ACOUNT AS REQUIRED BY PART - II OF SCHEDULE - VI .............................Ltd. PROFIT AND LOSS A/C For the year ended-----------Schedule current year Previous year

INCOME Sales Other income Increase / Decrease in work in progress/stock of Finished goods Total Expenditure Cost of raw materials and spares Excise duty Employees remuneration and benefits Other expenses Interest Depreciation Total PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION AND EXTRA ORDINARY ITEMS: Extraordinary item PROFIT FOR THE CURRENT YEAR Prior period adjustments PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION Provision for taxation

PROFIT AFTER TAX Balance BIF from the previous year TOTAL AVAILAEILE FOR APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS Proposed dividend Corporate dividend tax General reserve Any other statutory reserves BALANCE CIF TO NEXT YEAR TOTAL

1. The profit and loss account shall disclose every material future, including credits or receipts and debits or expenses in respect of non recurring or exceptional transactions. 2. Items of income a) Turnover: Aggregate amount of sales, amount and quantity of sales of each class of goods separately. (In case of service companies' gross income derived from services). b) i) Income from investments distinguishing between trade investments and other investments. ii) Other income by way of interest specifying nature of income. iii) TDs should be deducted in above two cases. c) i) Profits or losses on investments (showing distinctly the profits or losses from a partnership firm). Profits or losses in respect of transactions of a kind, not usually undertaken by the company, if material. Amount of material by which any items shown in profit and loss account are affected by any change in basis of accounting. Miscellaneous income.




d) Dividend from subsidiary companies. 3. Expense i) Commission paid to sole selling agents (within the meaning of S.294) ii) Commission paid to other selling agents. iii) Brokerage and discount on sales (other than trade discount) In case of manufacturing companies: Item wise breakup of value and quantity of all important basic raw materials consumed. (Items valuing 10% or more of the total value of the raw valuing 10% or more of the total value of the raw material consumed shall be shown as a separate item).

495 Value and quantity of opening and closing stocks of each class of goods produced. Work-in-progress at the commencement and at the end of the accounting period. In case of trading companies: Value and quantity of purchases, opening and closing stocks each class of goods. (Items valuing 10% or more of the total value of the purchases, stocks or turnover, shall be shown as a separate item). i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Consumption of stores and spare parts Power and Fuel Rent Repairs to building Repairs to machinery 1) Salaries, wages and bonus 2) Contribution to other bonus 3) Workmen and staff welfare expenses Insurance Rates and taxes, excluding taxes on income. Miscellaneous expenses, [Expenses totaling 1% of the total revenue of the company of Rs. 5,000 whichever is higher shall be shown as a separate item)

vii) viii) xi)

4. Depreciation, renewals or diminution in the value of fixed assets. (If no provision is made, the fact and the quantum or arrears of depreciation u/s 205 (2) to be disclosed. 5. Interest on debentures and other fixed loans, showing separately amount paid / payable to the Managing Director, Manager. 6. Donations to political parties, giving name of party / person. 7. Income tax. 8. Dividends paid and proposed stating that it is subject to deduction of tax. 9. Provision for losses of subsidiary companies. 10. Amounts reserved for repayment of share capital / loans. 11. i) Amount set aside to reserves, and any amounts withdrawn from such reserves.

496 ii) Amount, if material, set aside to provision for meeting specific liabilities, contingencies, commitments and the amounts withdrawn from such provisions. 12. Payment to Directors including Managing Directors, Manager, if any by the company, subsidiary of the company and any other person for following. Managerial remuneration u/s 198. Other allowance and commission including guarantee commission (details to be given) Any other perquisite or benefits in cash or in kind. (Stating approximate money value where practicable). Pension, gratuities, payments from provident funds, in excess of own subscription and interest thereon, compensation for loss of office, retirement consideration etc.

a) b) c) d)

13. Computation of net profit u/s 349, with details of the commission payable as percentage of profits to the directors including Managing Directors, Manager (if any). 14. Payments to the Auditors (Whether as fees, expenses or otherwise for services rendered. a) b) As auditor As advisor, or in any other capacity, in respect of i) Taxation matters. ii) Company law matters. iii) Management services and In any other manner. In case of manufacturing cmpanys., in respect of each class of goods manufactured, detailed quantitative information in regards to a) The licensed capacity (where license is in force The installed capacity and The actual production

c) 15.

as on the last date of the year

b) c) 16. a) b)


Following information to be included by way of note: Value of imports on C.I.F. basis in respect of (i) raw materials (ii) components and spare parts (iii) capital goods. Expenditure in foreign currency for royalty, know-how, professional and consultation fees, interest and other matters. Value of imported raw materials, spare parts and components consumed; value of indigenous raw materials, spare parts and components consumed; and percentage of each to total consumption.

497 d) Dividends remitted in foreign currencies; number of nonresident shareholders; number of shares held by them on which dividends are due and the year to which dividends relate. Earnings in foreign exchange, namely (i) Exports (F.O.B. basis); (ii) royalty, know-how, professional and consultancy fees; (iii) interest and dividend (iv) other income, indicating the nature thereof.



As stated earlier the final accounts of Companies, should be in compliance with the statutory provision of the Companies Act. Such adjustments are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Managerial remuneration. Provision for income tax (incl. minimum alternate tax) Accounting for assessment of income tax. Transfer to reserve, out of current year profit Proposal of dividendDividend distribution tax. Issue of shares without consideration i.e. Capitalization of Reserve and issue of bonus shares. 8. Issue of shares, for non cash consideration 1. Managerial remuneration.

The remuneration to managerial personnel is payable as per term by the company and approved by the company law/registrar of companies. This consist of (1) Salary, (2) Perquisites and (3) Commission as a percentage on profit or turnover. The schedules XIII to companies Act specify the mode or remuneration and monetary limit. Where the remuneration is stated as percentage on profit or turnover the care should be taken too uncertain whether percentage is before or after applying the limit. The amount so calculated, should be provided for to the extent not included in trial balance. Corresponding the same should be shown as current liability. 2. a) Advance Tax / Tax deducted at source as income Payer of certain amount is required to deduct amount as income tax from payment to be made. The amount so

498 deducted is to be treated as tax paid. The receiver receives net amount. The entry should be passed Tax Deducted at source (TDS) to income. b The is required to estimate the tax payable on current income and pay the amount is through installments before end of financial year. The entry to be passed is. Advance Tax To bank A/c 3. Dr.

Provision for income tax (incl. minimum alternative Tax).

Income tax payable as percentage on profit currently for year ending 31-3-2003, income tax is payable @ 35 on taxable income. The provision should be made at above percentage or other information may be given. The entry would be: Profit & loss A/c To provision for income tax Dr.

NOTE: As per accounting standard 22, deducting with income tax, advance tax, TDS and provision for income tax should be shown as net balance. If net amount is debit, then show under heading loan & advance. And if it is credit show it as current liabilities. 4. Completion of assessment. The liability for income tax is determined by income tax officer after completion of assessment. On receipt of assessment order gross amount liability should be composed with (i) Advance tax & TDS difference would be refund or tax payable. This should be shown as current asset or current liability. And (II) provision for income tax- the difference should be shown as profit & loss appropriation account as prior period items.

Provision for Taxation

Gross tax liability P&L Appropriator Prior period item

Advance tax Refund Taxayable

Balance sheet Tax payable



Current assets Loan & Advances 5. Assessment under dispute.

Current liabilities

After receipt of assessment order, the company has right to file an appeal and challenge the order. If the assessment is disputed the balance sheet should disclose advance tax and provision for that year till the disposal of the matter. The information of amount of tax subject to appeal should be shown as contingent liability.

Illustration: Show necessary journal entries and disclosure of relevant items in final account. Trial Balance As at 31st March, 2009 Dr (Rs.) Advance income tax A.Y. 2008-2009 Advance income tax 2009-2010 Provision for income tax 2008-2009 Adjustments: a) The income tax assessment for 2008-09 has been completed during the year and tax liability has been fixed at Rs. 2, 20,000. No effect has been given to this in the accounts. Provision for income tax to be made for the A.Y. 2009-10 is for Rs. 1, 20,000 2, 00,000 1, 30,000 1, 80,000 Cr (Rs.)


Solution: Journal


Dr (Rs.) Profit & Loss A/c To provision for income tax A/c (being provided for taxation for the year 2009-10) Provision for income tax A/c P & L appropriation A/c To advance tax A/c To income tax payable A/c (being entry to record completion of tax Dr. Dr. 1, 80,000 40,000 Dr. 1, 20,000

Cr (Rs.)

1, 20,000

2, 00,000 20,000

assessment and resulting deemed / provision)

Provision for taxation A/c 2008-2009

To advance income tax To income tax payable 2, 00,000 20,000 (Bat. Fig) 2, 20,000 By balance b/d By profit & Loss 1, 80,000 40,000 2, 20,000

Profit & Loss A/c For the year ended 31st March, 2009 To provision for income tax A/c To prior period items: Provision for income tax 2, 30,000 40,000

Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2009

Liability Current Liabilities Income tax Amt. 20,000 Asset Loans & Advance: Advance income tax Less: Provision For income tax 1, 20,000 Amt. 1, 30,000 10,000


Corporate dividend tax

As per the finance bill 1997, a provision was introduced regarding payment of tax by the company and therefore, dividend received by the share holder was not taxable. The dividend tax should be treated as appropriation of profit as it is payable on amount do dividend declared which is an appropriation of profit. This tax is an addition to income tax on profits of the company. The rate laid down by the finance Act, 2001 w.e.f. 1-6-2001 is 10% with a surcharge of 2%, making an effective rate of 10.2%. This tax rate

501 is applicable for the year endeding 31.3.2002 it is addition to the proposed rate of dividend. For the year ending 31st March 2003, corporate dividend tax is not is force. While solving a problem, this adjustment should be shown, if specifically required. 7. Provision for the dividend

Dividends refer to the amount of the profit distributed among the shareholder. Preference shareholders are entitled to get dividend at the fixed rate. Preference dividend is paid before payment of the equity dividend. If proposed dividend on equity capital is specified, the dividend on preference share capital at a given rate should be added to the amount proposed dividend. Interim dividend: It is declared between two annual general meetings. It does not require approval of the shareholder. The amount of interim dividend is shown as debit profit & loss appropriation A/c Final dividend: It is the dividend proposed by the directors and declared by the shareholders in the annual general meeting. Companies are required to pay dividend within 42 days from the date of declaration. After expiry of the period, the unpaid dividend is transferred to unpaid dividend bank A/c which is to be transferred to "Investors education & protection fund A/c". Illustration: Rs. 4, 00,000 5, 00,000

13.5% preference share capital Fully paid equity share capital The board of Directors declared a dividend of 15% Dividend distribution Tax @ 10.2% Solution: Preference dividend 13.5% of 4, 00,000 Equity dividend Dividend distribution tax 10.2%

54,000 75,000 1, 29,000 13,158


Journal entry Particulars Profit and loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To proposed preference dividend A/c To proposed equity dividend A/c To dividend distribution tax Profit and loss A/c Rs. Appropriation Proposed dividend: preference Equity Dividend distribution tax Schedule: Provisions Rs. 13,158 54,000 75,000 54,000 75,000 13,158 Dr.(Rs.) 75,000 75,000 13,158 Cr.(Rs.) 1, 42,158

Provision for dividend tax Preference dividend Equity dividend 8. Transfer to reserves

As per the rules framed under the companies Act, companies are required to transfer certain percentages of their profit after tax to reserves to declare dividend out of current year's profit which is arrived at after making necessary provision for depreciation as required by the section 205 of the companies Act, 1956. The various rates of transfer based on the rate of dividend are as follows:
Rate of dividend Exceeds 10% but not 12% of the paid capital. Exceeds 12.5% but not 15% of the paid up capital. Exceeds 15% but not 20% of the paid up capital. Exceeds 20% Transfer to reserves 2% of the current profit 5% of the current profit 7% of the current profit 10% of the current profit

Illustration: X Ltd. declared 15% dividend on equity share capital. The net profit of the company after tax is Rs. 4, 00,000. How much amount will be transferred to reserve? Pass journal entry for transfer to reserve. Solution:

503 As the rate of dividend is 15%, the board should transfer 5% of the net profit to reserve i.e. 5% of Rs. 4, 00,000 = Rs. 20,000. Journal Entry Particulars Profit and loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To General reserve (being transfer to general reserve) 9. Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.) 20,000 20,000

Interest on debentures Interest for the full period for which the accounts are prepared or for which the debentures have been outstanding during such period should be provided for. Trial Balance As on 31st March 2010 Dr.(Rs.) 3,500

Particulars 14% Debentures Interest on debentures

Cr.(Rs.) 1,00,000

Interest on debentures for the full year will be 14% of Rs. 1, 00,000 = Rs. 14,000. The amount paid is Rs. 3,500. The remaining amount Rs. 1, 03,500 is still due. Interest on debentures is paid half yearly. It means Rs. 7,000 is already due for payment but Rs. 7,000 is not yet payable. The former is 'Accrual and Due' or 'Outstanding' and the later is accrued but not due. Accrued and due interest will be shown in the balance sheet along with debentures under secured loans. And interest accrued will be shown under current liabilities. Interest on Debentures Rs. 14,000 will be debited to profit & Loss A/c. Profit & Loss A/c Rs. Interest on debentures Add accrued and due Add accrued but not due 3,500 3,500 7,000


Schedule: Secured Loans Rs. 14% debentures Accrued and due Schedule: Current Liabilities 1, 00,000 3,500

504 Rs. Interest on debentures Accrued but not due 10. 7,000

Issue of bonus share. Sometimes the company may not be in the position to pay cash dividend inspire of adequate profit due to adverse effect on working capital position. Prudent companies, later on issue bonus shares to the existing equity shareholders. Such shares are issued as per guidelines issued by the SEBI. Issue of bonus shares refers to conversion of reserves into share capital. Following two entries are passed. 1. Profit and loss A/c General reserve A/c Securities Premium A/c Capital redemption reserves A/c To bonus to equity shareholder A/c Bonus to equity shareholder A/c To equity share capital A/c To securities premium A/c (if any) Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.



The fact regarding issue of bonus shares should be disclosed in the balance sheet in schedule on share capital. Numbers of bonus share and the sum of bonus should be disclosed.

Illustration: Share capital 2, 00,000 equity share of Rs. 10 each Securities premium General reserve Profit and loss A/c 20, 00,000 4, 00,000 10, 00,000 8, 00,000

The company decided to issue bonus share at the rate of 3 shares for every four share held and decided to utilize securities premium. General reserve and profit and loss A/c show the effect on financial statements. Solution:

2,00,000 3 1,50,000 4 Share of Rs. 10 each i.e. Rs. 15, 00,000

No. of bonus share =

505 Journal Particulars Securities premium A/c Dr. General reserve A/c Dr. Profit and loss A/c Dr. To bonus to equity shareholder A/c (being capitalization of profit for issue of bonus share) Bonus to equity shareholder A/c To equity share capital A/c (being issue of bonus shares to existing equity shareholder) Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.) 4, 00,000 10, 00,000 1, 00,000 15, 00,000

15, 00,000

15, 00,000

Schedule: Share capital Journal Entry Particulars Issued and subscribed 3, 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each (Of the above shares 1, 50,000 shares are Issued as bonus shares out of securities premium General reserve and profit & loss A/c Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.) 35, 00,000

35, 00,000

Schedule: Reserves and surplus Journal Entry Particulars Securities premium Less: Capitalized General reserve Less: Capitalized Profit and loss A/c Less: Capitalized Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.) 4, 00,000 4, 00,000 nil 10, 00,000 nil 10, 00,000 8, 00,000 17, 1, 00,000 00,000

11. Tax deduction on payments (T.D.S. payable) Some of the payments to be made by the company are subject to deduction of income tax. The person making such payment have to pay tax at applicable rate and balance to the person entitled thereto.

506 Some of the items covered are interest, dividend. There are other items also subject to similar condition. The rate of tax to such is 10.2% for the years ended 31-3-2002 item. When a provision for such payment is required. The amount is current liabilities should be split in two parts as under: Illustration A company has received a sum of Rs. 5, 00,000 as fixed deposit on which interest is payable @ 14%. Interest for 3 months is to be provided. Tax deduction @ 10.2% Journal Entry Particulars Interest on FDR To TDS payable To interest payable Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.) 17,500 1,785 15,715


12. Depreciation: Section 205 (2) lays down that depreciation should be provided to the extent specified by section 350 i.e. at the rates specified in schedule XIV on reducing balance or straight line method. The schedule specify rate of depreciation on various assets. Depreciation is to be provided on Prorata period rate. The law does not make it compulsory for a company to provide for depreciation on fixed assets. However, it provides that dividend cannot be declared without providing depreciation for previous and current year.

13. Profit on revaluation of fixed assets: A company may fix assets for various purposes. Any profit on revolution should be accounted as follows: Assets A/c To capital reserve A/c Dr.

It should be added to fixed assets in the schedule and added to capital reserve in a schedule of 'Reserves and surplus'. 14. Special points to be considered: At the time of giving effect to various adjustments, in the process of preparing final account, following points should be given special consideration:

507 1. Depreciation at a specified percentage as per the specified method should be computed to adjustments regarding purchase of asset, sale of assets or commission relating to fixed assets. 2. Provision for bad and doughtful debts specified rate should be computed on debtors balance after giving effect to the other adjustments regarding debtors. Such as additional bad debts, goods sent to customers on approval etc. 3. Provision for discount on debtors should be computed on the amount of debtors remaining after providing for bad and doughtful debts. 4. Provision for incomes / expenses as per accrual method should be made for full period where information is available directly or indirectly. 5. The interest on loans or debentures should be separated in balance sheet. Accrual but not be - Current liabilities Accrued and due - add to loan 6. Provision for the income tax should be made at specified rate on the net profit after charging all the expenses including managerial remuneration managerial remuneration may be as a certain percentage of net profit. If the provision for the both managerial remuneration and income tax is required to be made, firstly managerial remuneration should be provided and then on the remaining profit, provision for income tax should be made. 7. When dividend on equity share capital is declared, effect should be given for. i) Dividend on preference share capital at state percentage. ii) Transfer of profit to reserve. iii) Dividend tax


Disclosure of Accounting policies This AS deals with different accounting policies to be adopted by the concern in the preparation and presentation of financial statements and its disclosure in the such statement. In view of diverse according policies; disclosure of policies adopted is necessary for proper appreciation of statements. The purpose of

508 AS is to promote better understanding of statements by establishing the disclosure of significant accounting policies. For this AS: I] Fundamental accounting assumptions undertaking the preparation and presentation of statements. If these are followed, no disclosure is required. These assumptions are. Going concern: An enterprise will continue in operation for foreseeable future. The liquidation or material curtailment of operation is neither necessary nor intended. Consistency in policies from one period to another period particularly where the different alternatives are generally accepted in given situation. Accrual of revenue and costs is the basis of recognition thereof. Considerations in selection of accounting policies. Prime consideration is to enable representation of true and fair view of statement of affairs and profit or loss. Major considerations for them are: Prudence - i.e. conservatism concept Substance over legal term of transaction & events. Materiality - Material item are those items the knowledge of which might influence the decisions of user of statements. Statutory or legal requirements, as applicable to the entity.





a) b) c) d)


The AS gives illustrative list of areas where different policies might be adopted by different enterprises. Some areas are: Depreciation & amortization - re: method, period, rate Expenditure during construction. Translation of foreign currency item. Valuation of inventories. Valuation of investments / Goodwill / Fixed assets. Profits on long-term contracts. Contingent liabilities. Retirement benefits. Method of accounting - accrual / cash The ASB had issued separate AS for these items.

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix)


509 All significant accounting policies adopted should be disclosed so as to form part of financial statements. Any change in policy, which has a material effect, should be disclosed together with monetary effect of such change (Rs. AS 5) If fundamental assumptions are not followed or applicable, the fact should be disclosed.

Unit Structure 16.1 Solved Problems



Illustration no.1 The Aurangabad Flour Mills Ltd. has an authorized capital of 1,200 equity shares of Rs. 100 each. The public have subscribed 720 equity shares of Rs. 100 each and have paid the full amount on these shares. The following is the Trial Balance of the company on 31st March, 2010.
Dr. Rs. 16,000 9,500 4, 05,000 80,000 12,000 5,000 1,600 1,000 1,250 1,000 400 260 1,200 6,500 250 12,000 50,000 5,000 24,000 15,000 12,000 30,850 5,000 72,000 22,000 14,000 8,350 1,050 900 77,190 1,600 45,000 7, 33,450 Cr. Rs.

Stock of Wheat Stock of flour Purchasing of Wheat Manufacturing expenses Sales of flour Salaries Wages Printing & Stationary Postage and Telegram Travelling expenses Audit fees Sundry expenses Interest on investment Rent received Profit and Loss appropriation A/c Balance on 1.4.2009 Directors fees Land Buildings Furniture Motor vehicles Stores and spare parts Advances Book debts 6% Maharashtra state electricity board loan Share capital General reserve Dividend equalization reserve Provision for taxation Unclaimed dividends Deposits Trade creditors Cash in hand Cash at bank

5, 30,000

7, 33,450

Other information: 1. Stock on 31.3.2010: Wheat - Rs. 20,000, Flour - Rs. 35,100. 2. Outstanding expenses were: Manufacturing expenses - Rs. 22,250; Salaries - Rs.600; Wages- Rs. 500; Printing and stationary - Rs. 1,200. 3. Interest accrued on investments - Rs. 150. 4. Provide Rs. 12,000 for taxation for the year 2010.

511 5. Provide depreciation on : a) Building at 5% b) Furniture at 10% c) Motor vehicles at 15%. 6. Directors propose the following appropriations of profit: a) To declare a dividend of 10% on equity capital. b) To transfer a sum of Rs. 3,500 to general reserve. c) To transfer Rs. 2,500 to dividend equalization reserve. From the above, prepare the profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March, 2010 and the balance sheet as on that date.

Solution: Profit & Loss A/c of Aurangabad Flour Mills Ltd. For the year ended 31st March, 2010
Rs. Rs.

To stock of wheat To stock of flour To purchase of wheat To mfg. expenses 80,000 Add: Outstanding 22,250 To salaries 12,000 Add: Outstanding 600 To wages 5,000 Add: Outstanding 500 To printing & stationary 1,600 Add: Outstanding 1,200 To postage & Telegram To travelling expenses To Audit fees To sundry expenses To Director's Fees To Depreciation: Buildings 2,500 Furniture 500 Motor Vehicles 3,600 To provision of taxation To net profit c/d 16,000 9,500 4, 05,000 1, 02,250 12,600 5,500 2,800 1,000 1,250 1,000 400 250 By sales of flour Stock Wheat 20,000 Flour 35,100 By interest on Investments 260 Add: interest Accrued 150 By Rent 5, 30,000


410 1,200

6,600 12,000 10,560 5,86,710 3,500 2,500 7,200 3,860 17,060 By balance b/d By net profit b/d

5, 86,710 6,500 10,560

To general reserve To dividend equalization Reserve To proposed dividend To balance surplus carried forward

______ 17,060

Aurangabad Flour Mill Limited Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2010

Liabilities Rs. Rs. Assets Rs Rs

Share capital: Authorized 1,200 equity shares of Rs. 100 each Issued & subscribed: 720 equity shares of Rs.100 each Fully called and paid up Reserves & Surplus Dividend equalization Fund General Reserve Surplus - Profit & Loss A/c Balance Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Current liabilities & Provisions A. Current Liabilities Creditors - Trade Creditors for expenses Unclaimed Dividend Deposits B. Provisions Provision for Taxation Proposed Dividend Fixed Assets: Land (cost) Building (cost) 50,000 Less: Depreciation to-date 2,500 Furniture (Cost) 5,000 Less: Depreciation to-date 500 Motor vehicles (Cost) 24,000 Less: Depreciation to-date 3,600 Investments: (at cost) 6% Maharashtra State Electricity Board loan Current Assets, Loss & Advances: A. Current Assets: Interest Accrued on Investment Stock of wheat (at cost) Stock of flour (at cost) Stock & Spare parts Books debts Cash in hand Cash at bank B. Loans & advances: Advances 2, 49,100 . 12,000 .

1, 20,000




16,500 25,500




45,860 Nil Nil


77,190 24,550 1,050 900 20,350 7,200

150 20,000 35,100 15,000 30,850 1,600 45,000 1, 47,700 12,000 1, 59,700 2, 49,100

1, 03,690


Illustration No. 2 The Trial balance of Alpha Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009 is given below:
Debit Balances Rs. Credit Balances Rs.

Calls in Arrears Freehold buildings Plant & Machinery Interim dividend paid Opening stock Furniture Patterns Patents Sundry Debtors Cash in hand Cash at bank Purchases Preliminary Expenses Sinking Fund Investment Wages Repairs & Renewals Factory power Rates & Taxes Salaries Travelling Expenses Discount allowed Directors Fees Bad debts Debentures interest 5,000 2, 00,000 2, 40,250 25,000 1, 90,000 5,000 51,500 40,000 2, 77,000 4,500 88,000 6, 36,550 8,000 50,000 2, 95,000 12,000 25,000 13,500 11,250 10,750 20,200 4,200 2,500 8,000 ________ 22,23,200 Authorized Capital 60,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each Issued & Subscribed Capital 8% Debentures (Secured) Profit & Loss A/c Bill payable Sundry Creditors Sales Discount received Sinking fund Redemption of Debentures Provision for Doubtful debts Royalties received Interest on Sinking fund Investment Sale of Machinery

6, 00,000 4, 00,000 2, 00,000 21,400 90,000 1, 77,000 12, 35,000 11,800

50,000 12,500 3,500 2,000 20,000

_________ 22, 23,200

Additional Information: 1. A Machine acquired on 1st April 2007 at a cost of Rs. 25,000 and depreciated every year at 10% on written down value was sold during the year for Rs. 30,000. Its written down value is included in the plant and machinery at Rs. 2, 40,250. Depreciate plant & machinery, furniture, pattern and patents at 10%. Write of Rs. 2,000 from preliminary expenses. Transfer Rs. 10,000 to sinking fund for redemption of debentures. Maintain bad & doubtful debts provision at 5% on sundry debtors. Stock was valued at Rs.80,750 (at cost).

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

You are required to prepare profit & loss account showing gross profit and net profit for the year ended 31st March, 2009 and a balance Sheet (in prescribed from) as on that date. Company final accounts Alpha Ltd. Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st March 2009
To opening stock To purchases To wages 1, 90,000 6, 36,550 2, 95,000 By sales By closing stock 12, 35,000 80,750

To repair & renewals To factory power To rates & Taxes To salaries To travelling exp. To discount allowed To Directors fees To bad debts To Preliminary Exp. written off To Debenture int (+) O/s To loss on sale of mach To debenture asset To N.P. C/d 8,000 8,000 12,000 25,000 13,500 11,250 10,750 20,200 4,200 2,500 2,000 By discount received By royalties received 11,800 3,500

16,000 2,500 39,425 58,175 13, 31,050

13, 31,050

Profit & Loss appropriation A/c To inter in dividend pd. To transfer to sinking fund To balance c/d 25,000 10,000 44,575 79,575 By balance b/d By N.P. b/d 21,400 58,175 79,575

Profit & Loss on sale of machinery

1. 1/1/07 - Cost Dep. for 07-08 1/4/08 - W.D.V. (-) Sale price Loss 25,000 (2,500) 22,500 (20,000) 2,500 2. Plant & Machinery (-) sold (WDV book value (-) Dep. (1070) Cl. bal. 2, 40,250 (22,500) 2, 17,750 (21,775) 1, 95,975

* To dep on fixed assets: - 21,775 + 500 + 5,150 + 4,000 = 31,425

Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2009

Liabilities I. Share capital Authorize d: 60,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each Issued; subscribe d, calledup & paid Rs. Rs. Rs. Assets I. Fixed assets Freehold buildings Plant & Machinery Furniture (-) Dep. Patterns (-) Dep. Patents (-) Dep. II.

6, 00,000 4, 00,00 0 (5,00 0)

50,00 0 2,000 10,00

3, 95,000

5,000 (500) 51,50 0 (6,15 0) 40,00 0 (4,00 0)

2, 00,00 0 1, 95,97 5 4,500 46,35 0 4, 82,825 50,000


up 40,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully called-up (-) callsin-arrears II. Reserves & Surplus Sinking fund for redemptio n of debentur es (+) Interest received (+) Current year transfer Profit & Loss A/c III. Secured loans 8% Debentur es (+) O/s debentur e int. IV. Unsecure d loans V. Current liabilities & provision al (+) Current liabilities Bills payable Sundry creditors 0 62,00 0 44,57 5 1, 06,575 Investment Sinking fund investment III. Current Assets, Loans & Advances A) Current assets Sundry Debtors 2, 77,000 (-) R.D.D. (12,500) Cash in hand Cash at bank Closing stock IV. Miscellaneo us Expenditure Preliminary expenses (-) written off 36,00 0

2, 00,00 0 8,000 90,00 0 1, 77,00 0

2, 08,000

2, 67,000 ______ _
9,76,57 5

2, 64,50 0 4,500 88,00 0 80,75 0 8,000 (2,00 0)

4, 37,750

6,000 ______ _
9,76,57 5

517 Illustration 3 : The following balances relate to Himalaya Co. Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009:
Motor car (Cost less Depreciation) Sundry Debtors Furniture (Cost less Depreciation) Plant (Cost less Depreciation) Compensation to employees Closing stock Rent and Taxes Selling Expenses Office expenses, etc. Security deposit Advance income tax Cash in hand Cash at bank Dr. Rs. 8,000 60,000 Cr. Rs. Share forfeiture Account Share Capital Profit & Loss (31.3.2008) Gross profit Development rebate reserve Bank overdraft 0 UCO Sundry creditors Liabilities for expenses 500 1, 00,000 1,500 54,150 1,350 25,000 11,000 3,500

4,000 15,000 2,000 35,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 4,000 9,000 2,500 27,500 ________ 1, 97,000

________ 1, 97,000

The following additional information is also available: a) Share capital consists of: i) 15,000 10% cumulative preference shares of Rs. 100 each, out of which 500 shares are fully called up and paid-up. ii) 15,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each, out of which 5,000 shares are fully called up and paid-up. Transfer Rs. 900 to be development rebate reserve account on 31st March 2009. Bank overdraft secured by the hypothecation of stock. The manager is entitled to 5% commission on the net profit of the company. Addition made to plant during the year ended 31st March, 2009 was Rs. 8,000. Depreciation written off up to 31st March, 2008 and rates against each are as under: Amount (Rs.) Rate (%) Plant Furniture Motor Car g) 2,000 10,000 10,000 15 10 20

b) c) d) e) f)

Provision for taxation to be made at Rs. 9,600.

518 h) The amount shown against shares forfeited account represents unadjusted profit on reissue of forfeited shares made during the year. Sundry debtors include outstanding Rs. 1,000 for more than six months. Office expenses include Rs. 1,500 as audit fee and Rs. 500 as audit expenses.

i) j)

Your are required to draw: i) The profit & loss account for the year ended on 31st March, 2009, and The balance sheet (in schedule VI-form 1) as on that date. Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31/3/09
Rs. To compensation to employees To rent sales & Tax To selling expenses To audit fees To Audit expenses To office expense To Depreciation To prov. for tax To net profit c/d By gross profit 2,000 8,000 10,000 1,500 500 2,000 10,000 3,050 9,600 9,500 ______ 54,150 By balance b/d By N.P. b/d Rs. 54,150


______ 54,150 1,500 9,500

To transfer to Rebate Reserve. To balance c/d

900 10,100 11,000


Himalaya Co. Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2009

Assets I. Share capital Authorized: 15,000 1070 per shares of 100 each 15,000 equity shares of Rs. Rs. Rs. Assets I. Fixed assets Motor car (-) Dep. 20% Furniture (-) Dep. 10% Plant Rs. 8,000 1,660 4,000 400 15,00 0 1,050 Rs. Rs.

15, 00,00 0 1, 50,00 0

16, 50,00 0

6,400 3,600 13,95 0 23,95 0


Rs.10 each Issued subscribed, called-up & paid-up 500, 10% cumulative per share of 100 each fully paid. 5000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. II. Reserves & surplus Capital reserve Developmen t rebate reserve (+) Current year transfer Profit & Loss A/c III. Secured loans Bank o/d (Secured by hypothecatio n of stock) IV. Unsecured loans V. Current liabilities & provisions A. Current liabilities Sundry creditors Liabilities for expenses B. Provisions Provisions for tax 1,300 900 50,00 0 50,00 0 00,00 0 (-) Dep. 15% II. Investme nt III. Current Assets, Loans & Advance A. Current Assets Debtors (More than 6 months) 1,000 Debtors (Less than 6 months) 59,000 Closing stock Cash in hand Cash at bank B. Loans & Advances Security deposit Advance income tax


500 2,250 10,10 0 25,00 0

12,85 0 25,00 0

11,00 0 3,500 9,600

60,00 0 35,00 0 2,500 27,50 0 4,000 9,000

1, 25,00 0 1, 38,00 0 24,10 0 1, 61,95 0

13,00 0

14,50 0 9,600

24,10 0 1, 61,95 0

Illustration 4: The Trial balances of the Ajantha Ltd. on 31st March, 2009 was as under
Debit balances Opening Stock Purchases Carriage inwards Salaries Advertisement Rs. 55,000 3, 70,000 5,000 55,000 10,000 Credit balances Share Capital Securities premium General reserve Debenture redemption Fund Rs. 4, 00,000 40,000 50,000 35,000

Sales expenses Office expenses Interest paid Interest paid on debentures Audit fees Direction fees Land & Buildings (after deducting Depreciation up to 31.3.2008 Rs. 5,000) Plant & Machinery (after deducting Depreciation up to 31.3.2008 Rs. 12,000) Furniture (after deducting Depreciation up to 31.3.2008 Rs. 6,000) Investments Debtors Cash at bank Cash in hand Prepaid expenses Preliminary expenses 12,000 25,100 5,000 3,000 1,000 1,500 Sales Share transfer fees Interest on debenture Redemption fund Investments Sundry Income Profit & Loss A/c (1.4.2008) Creditors Deposits and loans 12% Mortgage Debentures 5,20,000 100

2,100 9,000 21,400 77,000 1, 20,000 50,000



14,000 1, 55,000 4, 05,000 24,000 6,000 5,000 20,000 _________ 13, 24,600

_________ 13, 24,600

Taking into account the following information, you are required to prepare the final accounts of the company in accordance with the provisions of companies Act, 1956. a) Closing stock is valued at cost at Rs. 1, 90,000. However, its market value is Rs. 2, 10,000. b) Charge depreciation on original cost of land & buildings at 5% and furniture and plant & machinery at 10%. c) Write off half of the preliminary expenses. d) Transfer Rs. 30,000 to general reserve and Rs. 5,000 to debenture redemption fund. e) Make provision for taxation Rs. 30,000 and for final dividend at Rs. 10 per share.

f) Details of investments are as follows: 1,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid up in subsidiary company: Rs.1, 00,000. 250 shares of Rs. 100 each in A Ltd., Rs. 80 per share paid up: Rs. 20,000. Debenture redemption fund investments Rs. 35,000. g) Of the debtors, Rs. 2, 00,000 are outstanding for more than six months. All debtors are considered good but unsecured.


h) One of the customer directly paid Rs. 20,000 to one of the supplier since the intimation was not received in time effect is yet to be given. The authorized capital of the company is Rs. 10, 00,000 divided into 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each of which 4,000 shares are issued and fully paid up. Solution: In the books of Ajantha Ltd. Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st March 2009
Particulars To opening stock To purchase To carriage inward To salaries To Advt. To sales expenses To office expenses To interest paid To Debenture interest + O/s interest To audit fees To Directors fees To Debenture (C.Y.Dep) To preliminary expenses To prov. for tax Rs. Rs. 55,000 3, 70,000 5,000 55,000 10,000 12,000 25,100 5,000 6,000 1,000 1,500 14,000 10,000 30,000 Particulars By sales By share transfer fees By share income Rs. Rs. 5, 20,000 100 9,000

3,000 3,000

By closing stock

1, 90,000

To N.P. C/d

1, 19,500 _______ 7,19,100 _______ 7, 19,100

Profit & Loss appropriation A/c To transfer to G.R. To transfer to Deb. R.R To proposed dividend To balance c/d 30,000 By Balance b/d 5,000 By N.P. b/d 40,000 65, 900 _______ 1, 40,900 21,400 1, 19,500

_______ 1, 40,900

522 Ajantha Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2009

Assets I. Share capital Authorized: Rs.10,550 equity shares of Rs.100 each Issued, subscribed called up, paid-up 4,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each Reserves & surplus Sec. Premium General reserves + Current year transfer Deb. redemption fund + Interest received on investment + Current year transfer Profit & Loss A/c Secured loans 1290 mortgage deb. + O/d interest. Unsecured loans Deposits & loans Current liabilities & provisions A) Current liabilities Creditors 77,000 (-) Direct payment (20,000) + Advance paid 5,000 B) Provisions Provisions for tax Proposed dividend Rs. Rs. Rs.

10, 00,000 4, 00,000 40,000 50,000 30,000 35,000 2,100 5,000 80,000

42,100 65,900 50,000 3,000

2, 28,000

53,000 1, 20,000

-62,000 30,000 40,000


1, 32,000 ________ 9, 33,000

Assets I. Fixed assets Land & Building (-) Dep. prov. b/d + Current year dep. Plant & Machinery (-) Dep. prov. b/d + Current year dep. Furniture (-) dep. prov. b/d + Current year dep. II Investment 1,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each fully p 250 shares of Rs.100 each in A Ltd. Rs. 80 paid up Deb. redemption fund investment III Current assets, loans & advances A) Current assets Sundry debts: more than 6 months 2, 0 Less than 6 months 2, 0 (-) Direct receipt (20 Cash at bank Cash in hand Closing stock B) Loans & advances Prepaid expenses Advance to suppliers IV Miscellaneous expense preliminary exp (-) write off.

Illustration No.5 Prepare a balance sheet in as at 31st March, 2009 from the following information of ABC Limited as required under part IB of schedule VI of the companies Act 1956 of Hind Plasto Ltd. Rs. 10, 00,000 11, 45,000 3, 72,000 2, 75,000 55,000 1, 70,000 4, 75,000 50,000 2, 25,000 3, 00,000 12, 25,000

Term loan Sundry creditors Advances Cash and bank balance Staff advances Provision for taxation Securities premium Loose tools Investments Loss for the year Sundry debtors

523 Miscellaneous expenses Loans from debtors Provision for doubtful debts Stores Fixed assets (W D V) Finished goods General reserve Capital work in progress Additional information: a) Share capital consists of: i) 30,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid up. ii) 10,000 10% redeemable preference shares of Rs.100 each fully paid up. Term loans are secured. Depreciation on assets Rs. 5, 00,000. Schedule need not be given. However, groupings should form part of the answer. 58,000 2, 00,000 20,200 4, 00,000 51, 50,000 7, 50,000 20, 50,000 2, 00,000

b) c) d)

Hind Plasto Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2009

Assets I. Share capital Issued subscribed , called-up & paid-up 30,000 equity shares of 100 each fully paid. 10,000 10% redeemabl e per share of Rs.100/fully paid up II. Reserves & surplus Sec. Premium General reserve 20, 50,000 (-) Loss for the years III Secured loans Term loan Rs. Rs. Rs. Assets I Fixed assets (-) Depreciation Net block Capital work in progress II Investment III Current assets, Loans & Advances A) Current assets Bank balance (Scheduled bank) Unscheduled bank Cash balance Loose tools S. Drs. 12, 25,000 (-) R.D.D. (20,200) Stores Finished goods B) Loans & advances Advances Rs. Rs. 56, 50,000 (5, 00,000 ) 51, 50,000 2, 00,000 2, 25,200 Rs.

30, 00,00 0 10, 00,00 0 4, 75,00 0 17, 50,00 0 11, 45,000 10, 00,00 0 2, 00,00 0

40, 00,000

53, 50,000 2, 25,200

20, 50,000 (3, 00,000 )

22, 25,000 10, 00,000 2, 00,000

2, 00,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 12,04,80 0 4,00,000 7,50,000 3, 72,000 55,000


31, 06,800

13, 15,000

31,06,800 58,000 26, 79,800 ________ _ 87, 40,000

1, 70,000

________ _ 87, 40,000

11, 45,00 0

4, 27,000

(secured on F.A.) IV Unsecured loans Loan from debtors V Current liabilities & provisions A) Current liabilities ???????? B) Provisions Provisions for tax 1, 70,00 0 Staff advances IV Miscellaneou s expenditure

Illustration: 6 The following balances have been extracted from the books of Paramount Distribution Ltd. as on 31st March 2009.
Debit Rs. Credit Rs.

Goodwill Plant & Machinery at cost Additions Furniture & Fixtures at cost Motor Carat cost Calls in arrears Advance in payment of Income tax: 2007-08 2008-2009 Establishment expenses Rent and taxes Postage and Telegram Motor car expenses Travelling & conveyance Advertisement Director's fees Depreciation: On plant On Furniture On motor car Interest & Bank charges Auditor's remuneration (including Rs.800 for taxation work) Cash in hand Cash at bank Sales ledger balances closing stock 25,000 1, 20,000 20,000 16,500 24,800 2,000 Share capital Development rebate reserve Gross profit Miscellaneous receipts Profit & loss Appropriation A/c Term loan from bank Provision for taxation: 2007-08 Liabilities for expenses (including Rs.2,000 Interest on term loan) Purchase ledger balances Provision for depreciation up to 31st March 2009 On furniture & fixture On motor car On plant & Machinery 3, 00,000 17,250 1, 38,000 6,800 5,250 1, 00,000 80,000

75,000 10,000 45,000 12,000 2,000 6,000 4,500 7,200 6,900 8,500 1,200 3,000 10,000

25,000 45,000

4,500 9,800 55,000

1,800 10,200 25,000 1, 90,000 1, 60,000 _______ 7, 86,600

________ 7, 86,600

The following further particulars are available: a) Share capital of Rs.3, 00,000 is represented by 1,000, 9% cumulative preference shares of Rs.100 each fully paid up and the balance by equity shares of Rs.10 each fully called up. b) No effect has been given to the Board Resolution passed on 15th September, 2008 forfeiting 400 equity shares for nonpayment of final call of Rs.5 per share. c) 5,000 of the equity shares were issued for consideration other than cash as fully paid. d) Term loan from bank is secured by hypothecation of fixed assets of the company. e) Of the debtors, Rs.30, 000 are due for more than six months. f) Advertisement includes Rs.1,200 paid for a hoarding of the company for the period 1st October, 2008 to 30th September, 2007.

526 g) Provision for taxation to be made at Rs. 18,650 for 2009-10 assessment years. h) Preference dividend is in arrears for three years including current year. i) No proposal has been made by Directors for dividend on either class of share. Prepare final Accounts. Solution: In the books of paramount distributors. Profit & Loss for the year ended 31/3/09.
Particulars To establishment exp. To rent & Taxes To postage & Telegram To motor car expenses To travelling & Con. To advertisement (-) Prepaid To Directors fees To Depreciation: Plant Furniture Motor car To interest & Bank charge To Auditors remun. Taxation To I.T. prov. To balance C/d Rs. Rs. 45,000 12,000 2,000 6,000 4,500 6,600 6,900 8,500 1,200 3,000 10,000 Rs. 1, 38,000 6,800

By G.P. b/d By miscellaneous receipts

7,200 (600)

1,000 800

1,800 18,650 18,650 1, 44,800

1, 44,800

Profit & Loss appropriation A/c To balance c/d 23,900 23,900 By balance b/d By balance b/d 5, 250 18,650 23,900

Working notes: Journal Entries for forfeiture Equity share capital A/c (400x10) To C.I.A. A/c (400 x 5) To share forfeiture A/c


4,000 2,000 2,000


Paramount Distribution Ltd Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2009

Liabilities I. Share capital Authorized: Issued; subscribed, called-up & paid up 1,000 9% cumulative per shares of Rs.100 each fully paid-up. 3,000 equity share capital of Rs.10 each fully called up (-) Forfeited during the year Share forfeiture A/c (5,000 of above equity share are issued for considerati on other than cash) II. Reserves & Surplus Developme nt rebate reserve Profit & Loss A/c III. Secured loans Term loan from bank (secured by hypothecati on of fixed asset) IV Unsecured loans V Current liabilities & Rs. Rs. Rs. ? Assets Fixed Assets Goodwill Plant & Machinery at cost Additions (-) Dep. Prov. Furniture (-) Dep. prov. Motor car at cost (-) Dep. prov. II Investmen ts III Current assets, Loans & Advances A) Current assets Cash in hand Cash at bank Sales ledger balances (s.??) 1, 60,000 More than 6 months 30,000 Closing stock B) Loans & Advances Advance income tax 200708 2008-09 Prepaid advt. Rs. Rs. 25,00 0 Rs.

2, 00,00 0 (4,00 0)

1, 00,00 0 2, 98,00 0

1, 96,00 0 2,000

1, 20,000 20,000 (55,00 0) 16,500 (4,500) 24,800 (9,800)

85,00 0 12,00 0 15,00 0 1, 37,000


17,25 0 23,90 0 1, 00,00 0

41,15 0 1, 00,00 0 -

10,200 25,000

1, 90,000 1, 60,000 75,000 10,000 600

23,00 0 2,000 45,00 0 80,00 0 18,65 0

3, 85,20 0

4, 70,800
_______ __

85,60 0

70,00 0 98,65 0

1, 68,65 0 6, 07,80 0

6, 07,800

Provisions A) Current liabilities O/s expenses Interest on term loan Purchase ledger balance B) Provision Provision for tax Provision for income tax

Illustration 7 Following balances are extracted from the books of account of Modern Industries Limited as on 31st March 2009. Particulars Share capital 1, 00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each Freehold factory premises Leasehold office premises 5,000, 6% Debentures of Rs. 100 each Bank balance General reserve Motor Car Plant & machineries Sinking fund for leasehold premises Sundry debtors Computer Profit & Loss account: Year ended 31.3.2008 22,455 Year ended 31.3.2009 6,25,000 Less: Debenture interest 6, 47,000 30,000 Goodwill Stock Cash-in-hand Debit Rs. Credit Rs. 10, 00,000

7, 00,000 5, 00,000 5, 00,000 10,500 75,000 1, 15,000 2, 70,000 15,000 2, 50,000 30,000

6, 17,455 2, 00,000 1, 30,000 1,955 22, 07,455

22, 07,455

At the meeting of the Board of Directors, it was decided to provide: 1. 3% depreciation on freehold factory premises. 2. 10% bonus on the year's salary to office staff of Rs. 80,000.

529 3. 15% bonus on the year's wages to factory workers of Rs.1, 00,000. 4. 10% Sinking Fund on leasehold premises. 5. Rs. 3,000 as director's fees. 6. 15% dividend for the year to shareholders (ignore income tax) 7. Transfer Rs. 30,000 to General reserve account. Prepare profit and loss account, profit and loss appropriation account and balance sheet in the prescribed form as per schedule VI of the companies Act, 1956, as on 31st March, 2009

Solution: Modern Industries Limited Profit and Loss A/c (Revised) for the year ended 31st March 2009
Rs. 30,000 21,000 8,000 15,000 3,000 5, 48,000 6, 25,000 50,000 30,000 1, 50,000 3, 40,455 5, 70,455 Rs. 6, 25,000

To debenture interest To depreciation on premises To bonus to staff To bonus to workers To director's fees To net profit c/d

By Profits b/d

6, 25,000 By balance b/d By net profit b/d 22,455 5, 48,000

To transfer to sinking Fund on lease hold To transfer to general reserve To proposed dividend To balance C/d

________ 5, 70,455

Modern Industries Limited Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2009

Rs. Share Capital Authorized Issued, subscribed and called up 1, 00,000 equity share of Rs.10 each Reserved and Surplus: General Reserve 75,000 Add: Additions 30,000 Sinking fund for lease hold 15,000 Add: Addition 50,000 Fixed Assets Freehold premises 7, 00,000 Less: Depreciation 21,000 Lease hold premises Plant and machinery Motor car Computer Goodwill Investment Rs.

10, 00,000

1, 05,000


6, 79,000 5, 00,000 2, 70,000 1, 15,000 30,000 2, 00,000 NIL

Profit and loss account Secured Loans: 6% debentures Rs. 5, 00,000 Unsecured Loans Current liabilities & provisions (A) Current liabilities Directors fees Bonus to office staff Bonus to workers Proposed dividend 3, 40,000 5, 00,000 NIL Current Assets, Loans and advances (A) Current assets Sundry debtors Stock Cash in hand Bank balance (B) Loans and advance Misc. Expenditure and Losses

3,000 8,000 15,000 1, 50,000 _________ 21, 86,455

2, 50,000 1, 30,000 1,955 10,500 NIL NIL ________ 21, 86,455

Illustration 8 The Auto Paris Manufacturing Co. Ltd. was registered with an authorized capital of Rs. 10, 00,000 divided into shares of Rs. 10 each, of which 40,000 shares had been issued and fully paid. The following is the Trial Balance extracted on 31st March 2009. Stock (1st April 2008) Purchases and sales Returns Manufacturing wages Sundry Manufacturing expenses Carriage inwards 18% Bank loan (Secured) Interest on bank loan Office salaries and expenses Auditors' fees Director's remuneration Preliminary expenses Freehold premises Plant and machinery Furniture Loose Tools Debtors and Creditors Cash in hand Cash at bank Advance payment of tax P & L A/c on 1st April 2008 Share Capital Debit Rs. Credit Rs. 1, 86,420 7, 18,210 11, 69,900 12,680 9,850 1, 09,740 -19,240 -4,910 --50,000 4,500 -17,870 -8,600 -26,250 -6,000 -1, 64,210 -1, 28,400 -5,000 -12,500 -1, 05,400 62,220 19,530 -96,860 -84,290 -38,640 -4, 00,000 17, 30,610 17, 30,610

You are required to prepare Trading and profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2009 and a balance sheet as at that date after taking into consideration the following adjustments.



On 31st March, 2009 outstanding Manufacturing Wages and outstanding Office salaries stood at Rs. 1,890 and Rs. 1,200 respectively. On the same date stock was valued at Rs. 1, 24,840 and loose tools at Rs. 10,000. Provide for interest on Bank Loan for 6 months. Depreciation on plant and machinery is to be provided @ 15% while on office furniture it is to be @ 10% Write off one-third of balance of preliminary expenses. Make a provision for income tax @ 50%. The directors recommended a maiden (first) dividend @ 15% for the year ending 31st March 2009 after a transfer of 5% of net profits to General Reserve.

ii. iii.

iv. v. vi.

Solution: The Auto Parts Mfg. Co. Ltd. Trading and Profit & Loss A/c on 31st March, 2009 Cr.
Particulars To stock (1-4-2008) To purchase A/c 7, 18,210 Less: Returns 9,850 To wages A/c 1, 09,740 Add: Outstanding 1,890 To sundry Mfg. expenses A/c To carriage inwards To gross profit c/d To interest on bank loan 4,500 Add: Outstanding 4,500 To office salaries & Expenses 17,870 Add: Outstanding 1,200 To auditors' Fees To directors' Remuneration To Depreciation: L. Tools 2,500 P & Mach. 19,260 Furniture 500 To preliminary expenses To provision for tax To net profit Rs. 1, 86,420 7, 08,360 By stock (31-3-2009) 1, 11,630 19,240 4,910 10, 30,560 2, 51,500 12, 82,060 By Gross Profit b/d 9,000 Particulars By sales A/c 11, 69,900 Less: Ret 12,680 Rs.


11, 57,220 1, 24,840

12, 82,060 2, 51,500

19,070 8,600 26,250

22,260 2,000 82,160 82,160 2, 51,500

_______ 2, 51,500

Profit & Loss App. A/c Dr.

Particulars To Dividends (15%) To general reserves (5% of N/P) Rs. 60,000 4,108 Particulars By P & L A/c (1-4-08) By Current Profits

Rs. 38,640 82,160

To balance shown in the balance sheet 56,692 1, 20,800 _______ 1, 20,800

The Auto Parts Mfg. Co. Ltd. Balance sheet as on 31.3.2009

Particulars Share capital General Reserve A/c P & L A/c balance 18% Bank loan (Secured) Proposed dividends Outstanding expenses Interest on bank loan Mfg. Wages Office salaries Creditors Rs. 4, 00,000 4,108 56,692 50,000 60,000 4,500 1,890 1,200 62,220 Particulars Plant & Machinery 1, 28,400 - Dep. 19,260 Freehold premises Furniture 5,000 - Dep. 500 Loose Tools 12,500 - Dep. 2,500 Debtors Cash in hand Cash at bank Stocks Advance Tax 84,290 -82,160 Preliminary exp. 6,000 - W /off 2,000 Rs. 1, 09,140 1, 64,210 4,500 10,000 1, 05,400 19,530 96,860 1, 24,840 2,130 4,000 ________ 6, 40,610

________ 6,40,610

Illustration 9 The following balances and particulars are extracted from the books of Pant Co. Pvt. Ltd. for the year ended 31st March 2009.
Share capital: Authorized, issued & Fully paid up (50,000 equity shares) General reserve (as at 1/4/08) Furniture (including addition of Rs. 5,000) Office equipments (as at 1.4.08) Motor car (Purchased on 30.12.2008) Sundry debtors (unsecured) Advance to staff Cash in hand Balance with Bank of India (including fixed deposits of Rs. 1, 00,000) Loans (from Directors) Liability for expenses and goods Provision for tax (as on 1/4/08) Profit & Loss a/c (as on 1/4/08) closing stock (20,000 metres) Advance tax paid Depreciation written off up to 1/4/08 (Furniture: Rs. 5,000, Office equipment: Rs. 2,000) Opening stock (10,000 metres) Legal charges including Rs. 3,000 paid to auditors for tax representation Salaries to staff Miscellaneous expenses (including Rs. 4,000 for tour within India) Rs. 36,000 for foreign tour) Purchase of cloth (2.10 lakh metres) Audit fees Interest on fixed deposit with bank Sales (2 lakh metres) (including export sales of Rs. 10 lakhs) Rs. 5, 00,000 1, 50,000 35,000 22,000 30,000 8, 50,000 10,000 2,000 1, 40,000 2,00,000 2,67,000 1,00,000 3,000 3,00,000 1,90,000 7,000 1,50,000 10,000 50,000 2,00,000 30,39,000 4,000 5,000 35, 00,000

Further information:

533 a) Rate of depreciation - Furniture 10%, Office equipment 15% and motor car 20%. b) M.D. is entitled to commission @ 10% of net profits after providing such commission subject to maximum of Rs. 36,000 p.a. c) Debtors include Rs. 1, 50,000 outstanding for more than 6 months. Out of this Rs. 20,000 is considered doubtful for which provision is to be made in the accounts. d) Tax liability for 1994 is estimated at Rs. 2, 00,000 for which provision is to be made. e) Transfer to General reserve Rs. 50,000 out of net profits and proposed dividend is @ 6% on equity shares. Prepare the Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2009 in accordance with the requirements of companies Act, 1956.

Solution: Pant Co. (P) Ltd. Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31.3.09
Particulars To Opening stock To purchases To travelling expenses: - Within India 4,000 - Outside India 36.000 To paid to auditors - Audit fees 4,000 - Tax representation fees 3,000 To legal charges To salaries to staff To provision for bad debt To misc. expenses To M.D.'s remuneration (T.N.I) To provision for taxation To Net profit c/d To Proposed dividend To General reserve To Balance c/d Rs. 1, 50,000 30, 39,000 Particulars By Sales: - Domestic 25, 00,000 - Export 10, 00,000 By closing stock By Interest on fixed deposit Rs.


35, 00,000 3, 00,000 5,000

7,000 7,000 50,000 20,000 1, 60,000 32,000 2, 00,000 1, 00,000 38, 05,000 30,000 50,000 23,000 1, 03,000

By Balance b/d (previous year) By net profit b/d

_________ 38, 05,000 3, 000 1, 00,000 1, 03,000

Working Notes:

534 (1) Computation of M.D's remuneration: Net profit after taxation provision As per profit and loss A/c Rs.1, 32,000 Add: Provision for taxation Rs.2, 00,000 Add: Provision for bad debt Rs. 20,000 Rs.3, 52,000 M.D's remuneration: 3, 52,000 x (10+110) = Rs. 32,000

(2) According to Companies Act where during any financial year any addition has been made to an asset, the depreciation such asset will be calculated on a prorata basis from the date of such addition. As the Motor Car has been acquired on the last day of the Accounting year no depreciation on the same is chargeable. Balance sheet as at 31.3.2009 of Pant Co. (P) Ltd.
Liabilities Share capital Authorized, issued Subscribed & Fully paid up (50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up) Reserve and Surplus: General reserve 1,50,000 Add: Appropriations during the year 50,000 Profit & Loss A/c Secured loan: Unsecured loan Loan from directors current liabilities & provisions: Liability for Goods and Expenses 2,67,000 Remuneration to M.D. 32,000 Provision for taxation (1, 00,000 + 2, 00,000) Proposed dividend Rs. Assets Fixed Assets: Furniture 30,000 Addition during the year 5,000 35,000 Less: Depreciation 5,000 Rs.

5, 00,000


2, 00,000 23,000 -2, 00,000

2, 99,000 3, 00,000 30,000

Office equipment 22,000 Less: Depreciation 2,000 Motor car Investments Current assets, loans and advances Stock-in-trade Sundry debtors - Due for more than six months 1,50,000 - Others 7,00,000 8,50,000 Less: provision for bad debt 20,000 Cash & Bank balance Cash in hand 2,000 Cash at bank 40,000 Fixed deposit 1,00,000 Advances: Advance tax paid 1,90,000 Advances to staff 10,000

20,000 30,000 NIL 3, 00,000

8, 30,000

1, 42,000


2, 00,000 15,52,000

Illustration 10

535 The following trial balance was extracted from the books of Cash Chemists Ltd. as March 31st 2009.
Debts Cash in hand Unpaid calls Professional charges Income tax paid Sundry sales ledger balances Bank charges Advertising Office equipment at cost Motor expenses Purchases Motor vehicles at cost Stock on 31st March 2008 Travelling expenses Rent, rafes etc Repairs and renewals Salaries and wages (including directors' Rs. 15,000) Trade expenses Printing stationary etc Electric charges Rs. 250 600 2,570 10,000 1,27,000 1,430 3,000 10,600 5,000 8,72,400 83,900 69,000 14,900 12,000 3,200 Credits Share capital (Rs.1,50,000 in Rs.10 shares) 8,000 shares issued Provision for taxation Profit and loss account Bank overdraft Sales Motor vehicles depreciation to 31st March, 2008 Provision for doubtful debts at 31st March 2008 Sundry purchase ledger balances Rs.

80,000 16,900 44,000 16,000 10,42,000

34,000 4,200 62,000

69,500 6,400 4,900 2,450 12,99,100


Debts amounting to Rs. 3,600 are to be written off as bad and the provision for bad debts is to be increased to Rs. 6,150. The sales ledger balances include goods supplied on sale or return basis amounting to Rs. 4,800. These goods cost Rs. 4,000 and at March 31, 2009 one half had been retained by the customer. The stock in godown at March 31, 2009 is valued at Rs. 81,000. The motor expenses include licenses for the year ended December 31 which cost Rs. 1,200 and insurance for the year to September 30, 2009 which cost Rs. 2,000. No provision has been made for expenditure on repairs amounting to Rs. 800. The professional charges included Rs. 1,000 in respect of the costs of increasing the authorized capital from Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 during the year and these costs are to be written off though not as charge against revenue. Depreciation of 20% on the original value of the motor vehicles and 10% on the office equipment is to be provided. Provision is to be made for electric charges estimated at Rs. 450 telephone charges of Rs. 520 and audit fee of Rs. 1,260. The income tax liability for the accounting year ended 31st March, 2008 (assessment year 2008-09) has been agreed at Rs. 15,050. For the accounting year ended on 31st March, 2009 (assessment year 2009-10) the provision for taxation is to be Rs. 23,500.

536 Prepare trading and loss account for the year ended 31st March 2009 and balance sheet as at that date. Solution: Cash Chemists Ltd. Trading and profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2009
Rs. To stock as on 1.4.2008 To Purchases To Gross profit c/d 69,000 8, 72,000 1, 81,200 By Sales 10, 42,000 Less Goods on sale on return basis 2,400 By Stock on 31-3-09 In godown 81,000 One sale or return at cost 2,000 By Gross Profit 69,500 2,900 4,900 6,400 4,000 12,000 14,900 3,100 3,000 1,430 1,570 3,600 1,950 Rs.

10, 39,600

11, 22,600 To salaries and wages (includes Rs.15,000 for a director's fees) To electric charges To printing and stationery To trade expenses To Repairs and renewals To rent, rates etc. To travelling expenses To motor expenses To advertising To Bank charges To Professional charges To bad debts written off To provision for bad debts To depreciation: Motor vehicles 16,780 Office equipment 1,060 To telephone charges To Audit fees To provision for taxation To net profit c/d

83,000 11, 22,600 1, 81,200

17,840 520 1,260 23,500 8,830 1, 81,200

1, 81,200

Profit and Loss Appropriation Account

Rs. To professional charges for increasing the authorized capital written off To balance carried to balance sheet By balance b/d By Profit for the year By excess provision for Income tax written back: Provision made 16,900 Actual liability 15,050 Rs. 44,000 8,830

1,000 53,680 54,680


M/s Cash Chemists Ltd. Balance Sheets as at 31st March 2009

Liabilities Share capital: Authorized: 15,000 share of Rs.10 each issues, Subscribed and paid up: 8,000 share of Rs.10 each fully called up 80,000 Less: Calls in arrear 600 Reserves and surplus: Profit and loss account Secured loans: Bank overdraft Current liabilities and provisions: (A) Current liabilities: i) Creditors for purchases ii) Creditors for expenses iii) Liability towards income tax Assessment year 200809 (15,050-10,000) B) Provisions: Provision for taxation (08-09) Rs. Assets Fixed Assets: i) Office equipment at cost 10,600 Less: depr. Written off 1,060 ii) Motor vehicles at cost 83,900 Less: Depreciation Written off up to 31-3-2008 34,000 49,900 Less: Depreciation written off during the year 16,780 Current Assets, Loans and Advances A) Current assets: i) Stock in trade ii) Sundry debtors 1, 27,000 Less: Goods out on sale or return basis 2,400 1, 24,600 Less: Bad Debts written off 3,600 1, 21,000 Less: Provision for bad debts 6,150 iii) Cash in hand B) Loans and advances: Prepaid expenses Rs.

1, 50,000


79,400 53,680 16,000



62,000 3,030

5,050 23,500

1, 14,850 250 1,900 2, 42,660

2, 42,660

Working notes: 1. Adjustment for outstanding and pre-paid expenses:

Amount as per trial balance Rs. 2,450 3,200 5,000 --Outstanding expenses (+) Rs. 450 800 -520 1,260 3,030 Pre-paid expenses (-) Rs. --(Ins. 1,000 License 900) --1,900 Expenses for the year Rs. 2,900 4,000 3,100 520 1,260

Electric charges Repairs and renewals Motor expenses Telephone charges Audit fees

2. Provision for income-tax Rs. 16,900 as shown in the trial balance is assumed to be fully for the assessment year 2008-09. Therefore, the excess provision has been written back. 3. Income-tax paid (Rs.10,000) as shown in the trial balance is also assumed to be for the Assessment year 2008-09 so that when the assessment is over, liability for the balance amount is created. It is assumed that no advance tax has been paid for the assessment year 2009-10. 4. Provision for income-tax for the assessment year 2008-09 is shown under profit and loss account and not under profit and loss appropriation account since it is a charge on profits and not appropriation of profits.


Illustration 11 Fine Products Ltd. was registered with a nominal capital of Rs.5, 00,000 divided into equity shares of Rs.100 each. The following Trial Balances is extracted from the books on 31st March, 2008:
Debits Buildings Machinery Closing Stock Purchases (adjusted) Salaries Directors' fees Rent Depreciation Bad debts Interest Accrued on investment 12,000 Shares of A Ltd. of Rs.10 each Rs. 8 paid up Debenture interest Loose tools Advance Tax Sundry Expenses Sundry Debtors Bank Rs. 2,90,000 1,00,000 90,000 2,10,000 60,000 10,000 26,000 20,000 6,000 2,000 1,20,000 28,000 23,000 60,000 18,000 1,25,000 30,000 12,18,000 Credits Sales Salaries Outstanding Provision for Bad Debts (1.4.2007) Equity share capital General reserve Profit and loss Sundry Creditors Depreciation on: Building 50,000 Machinery 55,000 14% Debentures Interest on Debentures accrued but not due Interest on Investment Unclaimed dividend Rs. 5,20,000 2,000 3,000 2,00,000 40,000 25,000 92,000

1,05,000 2,00,000 14,000 12,000 5,000


You are required to prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31st March, 2008 and Balance Sheet as at that date after taking into consideration the following information: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Closing stock is more than opening stock by Rs. 30,000. Provide for doubtful debts @ 4% on Debtors. Make a provision for income tax for Rs. 76,000. Depreciation expense includes depreciation of Rs. 8,000 on Buildings and that of Rs. 12,000 on Machinery. The directors recommended a dividend @ 25%.

Solution: This problem has been solved considering 'Corporation Dividend Tax' @ 17% Fine Products Ltd. Profits and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2008
Particulars To purchases (Note 1) To gross profit c/d Rs. Rs. 2,10,000 3,10,000 5,20,000 Particulars By Sales Rs. Rs. 5,20,000 5,20,000

To Salaries To Directors' Fees To Rent To Depreciation on: Building Machinery To Bad Debts To Provision for Doubtful debts New (4% on Rs.1,25,000) Less: Old (1.4.2004) To Debenture interest To Sundry Expenses To provision for income tax To net Profit c/d 60,000 10,000 26,000 8,000 12,000 By Gross Profit b/d By Interest on investment 3,10,000 12,000

20,000 6,000

5,000 3,000

2,000 28,000 18,000 76,000 76,000 3,22,000 7,600 50,000 8,500 34,900 1,01,000 3,22,000 25,000 76,000

To General Reserve (Note 2) To proposed dividend on equity shares To corporate Dividend Tax @ 17% To Balance c/d

By Balance b/f By Net profit (current year's Profit)


Balance Sheet of Fine Products Ltd. as at 31st March, 2008

Liabilities Share Capital: Authorized 5,000 equity Shares of Rs.100 each Issued and Paid up 2,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each Reserve & Surplus General Reserve (Note 3) Profit & Loss A/c Secured Loans 14% Debentures Unsecured Loans Current liabilities & Provisions A: Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors Unclaimed dividend Salaries Outstanding Interest on Debentures accrued but not due B. Provisions Provision for taxation Proposed Dividend on Equity Shares Corporate dividend tax Rs. Assets Fixed Assets: Building (at cost) Less: Provision for Depreciation Machinery (at cost) Less: Provision for Depreciation Investments 12,500 Shares of A Ltd. of Rs.10 each, Rs.8 paid up Current Assets, Loans and Advances A. Current Assets: Interest Accrued on Investment Loose Tools Closing Stock Sundry Debtors Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts Bank Balance B. Loans and Advances: Advance Tax Miscellaneous Expenditure Rs. 2,90,000 50,000 1,00,000 55,000 2,40,000 Rs.


2,00,000 47,600 34,900 2,00,000 NIL



92,000 5,000 2,000 14,000 76,000 50,000 8,500 7,30,000

1,25,000 5,000

2,000 23,000 90,000

1,20,000 30,000

60,000 NIL 7,30,000

Working Notes: 1. It is given that purchases are adjusted. It means opening stock is already included in it (as opening stock is not appearing in the Trial Balance) and closing stock is already deducted from it. Therefore opening and closing stock will not be shown in the Profit and Loss Account. Only the closing stock will be shown in the Balance Sheet.

540 2. When proposed dividend exceeds 20% of the paid-up capital, the amount to be transferred to reserve should not be less than 10% of the current profits. Here, proposed dividend is 25%. Therefore the minimum amount to be transferred to General Reserve = 10% of Rs. 76,000 = Rs. 7,600. General Reserve: Opening Balance Add: Transferred during the year Rs. 40,000 7,600 47,600


Illustration 12 On 31st March 2009 the following balances appeared in the books of the Alfa Hotels Ltd:
Debits Interests on Debentures Rates and taxes Stock of provisions on 1.4.2008 Purchases of provisions Salaries and wages Provident fund contribution Miscellaneous Expenses Directors Fees Managing Director's Salary Land Buildings Furniture and Fittings Linen, Crockery, Glassware Cutlery and Utensils Sundry debtors Prepaid Expenses Advance against Purchase of buildings Cash in hand Balance at Bank Rs. 60,000 18,000 2,50,000 25,00,000 7,50,000 30,000 50,000 24,000 2,15,000 15,00,000 50,00,000 15,00,000 3,20,000 3,50,000 25,000 15,00,000 15,000 4,74,000 1,45,81,000 Credits 12% Mortgage Debentures Share capital General Reserve Unclaimed Dividends Provision for bad debts Trade Creditors Expenses owing Visitors' Credit balances Staff provident fund Profit and loss A/c Income from Board and Lodging Miscellaneous Receipts Depreciation Account: Buildings Furniture etc. Linen, Crockery, etc. Rs. 5,00,000 40,00,000 5,00,000 15,000 50,000 2,50,000 80,000 10,000 7,50,000 81,000 51,00,000 65,000 20,00,000 10,00,000 1,80,000


After taking the following information into account, prepare the Company's Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2005 and its Profit and Loss Account for the year then ended: i. ii. Stock of provision on 31st March, 2008 was valued at Rs.3, 00,000. Provide Rs.1, 00,000 for depreciation of furniture and fittings; Rs. 20,000 for depreciation of linen, Crockery, glassware, etc. Make a provision for taxation @ 50% The directors decide to recommend a dividend @ 10% on the paid-up capital of the Company and transfer the remaining balance on Profit and Loss Account to General Reserve.

iii. iv.

541 v. The entire paid-up share capital of the Company consists of fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10 each.

Solution: This problem has been solved considering 'Corporate Dividend Tax' @ 17%. Alfa Hotels Ltd. Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2009. Dr. Cr.
Debits To Stock of provisions on 1.4.2007 To Purchases of provisions To Salaries and wages To P.F contribution To Miscellaneous Expenses To Rates and Taxes To Directors Fees To Managing Director's Salary (Note 1) To Interest on Debentures To Depreciation on: Furniture and Fittings Linen, Crockery, etc To provisions for taxation To net profit c/d Rs. 2,50,000 25,00,000 7,50,000 30,000 50,000 18,000 24,000 2,15,000 60,000 1,00,000 20,000 7,24,000 7,24,000 54,65,000 4,00,000 68,000 3,37,000 8,05,000 By Balance b/f By net profit c/d (Current year's profit) Credits By income from Board and Lodging By Miscellaneous Receipts By Stock of Provision on 31.3.2005 Rs. 51,00,000 65,000 3,00,000

54,65,000 81,000 7,24,000

To Proposed dividend To corporate Dividend tax To general Reserve


Balance Sheet of Alfa Hotels Ltd. as at 31st March, 2009

Liabilities Share Capital: Authorized: Issued and Subscribed 4,00,000 equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid Reserve & Surplus General Reserve (Note 2) Secured Loans 12% Mortgage Debentures Unsecured Loans Current liabilities & Provisions A: Current Liabilities Trade Creditors Visitors' Credit Balance Expenses Owing Unclaimed Dividend B. Provisions Provision for taxation Proposed Dividend Corporate Dividend Tax Staff provident fund Rs. *** Assets Fixed Assets: Land Buildings (at cost) Less: Provision for Depreciation Furniture and Fittings (at cost) Less: Provision for Depreciation Linen, Crockery, Glassware, etc (at cost) Less: Provision for Depreciation Investments Current Assets, Loans and Advances A. Current Assets Stock of provisions Sundry debtors Less: Provision for Bad Debts Cash at bank Cash in Hand B. Loans and Advances: Rs. Rs. 15,00,000 50,00,000 20,00,000 15,00,000 11,00,000 3,20,000 2,00,000 1,20,000 NIL 4,00,000 30,00,000

40,00,000 8,37,000 5,00,000 NIL

2,50,000 10,000 80,000 15,000 7,24,000 4,00,000 68,000 7,50,000

3,00,000 3,50,000 50,000 3,00,000 4,74,000 15,000 25,000 15,00,000

Prepaid expenses Advance against purchase of Buildings Miscellaneous Expenditure NIL 76,34,000


Working Notes: 1. Managerial Remuneration: Where in any financial year a company has no profits or its profits are inadequate, it may pay remuneration to a managerial person, by way of salary, dearness allowance, perquisites and any other allowances, not exceeding Rs. 75,000 per month of Rs. 9, 00,000 per annum if the effective capital of the Company is less than Rs. 1 crore. [Notification No. GSR 36(E) dated 16.1.2002 issued by the Department of Company Affairs.] In this problem, Companys capital is Rs. 40,00,000 and managerial remuneration paid is Rs. 2,15,000. Therefore, it is not violating rule for payment of managerial remuneration. 2.
37,000 8, 37,000

General Reserve: Rs. Balance as per last Balance sheet 5, 00,000 Add: Amount transferred during the current year 3,

Illustration 13 The following is the Trial Balance of Bee Ltd. as on 31st March, 2008: Debits Stock as on 1.4.2007 Purchases Wages Carriage Furniture Salaries Rent Sundry trade expenses Dividend paid Debtors Plant and Machinery Cash at bank Patents Bill Receivable Rs. 75,000 2,45,00 0 30,000 950, 17,000 7,500 4,000 7,050 9,000 27,500 29,000 46,200 4,800 5,000 Credits Purchases Returns Sales Discount Profit and Loss Account Share Capital Creditors General Reserve Bills payable Rs. 10,000 3,40,000 3,000 15,000 1,00,000 17,500 15,500 7,000

543 5,08,00 0 5,08,000

Prepare the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2005 and a Balance Sheet as on that date after considering the following adjustments: I. II. III. IV. V. Stock as on 31st March, 2007: Rs. 88,000. Provide for income tax at 50%. Depreciate plant and machinery at 15%; furniture at 10%; and patents at 5%. On 31st March, 2007 outstanding rent amounted to Rs.800 and salaries Rs. 900. The Board recommends payment of a dividend @ 15% per annum. Transfer the minimum required amount to General Reserve. Provide Rs. 510 for doubtful debts. Provide for managerial remuneration at 10% on profit before tax.


Solution: This problem has been solved considering Corporate Dividend Tax @17%. Bee Ltd. Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2008 Dr. Cr.
Particulars To opening stock To purchases Less: Purchase returns To wages To carriage To Gross profit c/d Rs. 2,45,000 10,000 Rs. 75,000 2,35,000 30,000 950 87,050 4,28,000 Particulars By Sales By closing stock Rs. Rs. 3,40,000 88,000


To salaries Add: Outstanding salaries To Rent Add: Outstanding Rent To Sundry trade expense To Depreciation on: Plant and machinery @15% Furniture @10% Patents @5% To provision for bad debts To Managerial remuneration (Note 1) To provision for taxation To net profit c/d 7,500 900 4,000 800 By Gross profit b/d By discount 87,050 3,000


4,800 7,050

4,350 1,700 240 6,290 510 6,351 28,324 28,325 90,050 9,000 90,050 15,000 28,325

To dividend To proposed dividend (Note 2) To corporate dividend tax (Note 4) To General Reserve (Note 3) To Balance c/d

6,000 2,550 1,416 24,359 43,325

By balance b/f By net profit (Current year's profit)


Balance Sheet of Bee Ltd. as at 31st March, 2008

Particulars Rs. Rs. Particulars Rs. Rs.

Share Capital: Authorized Issued and Subscribed Reserves and Surplus General reserve (Note 3) Profit and loss account Current Liabilities and Provisions A. Current liabilities Bills payable Creditors Outstanding expenses: Salaries Rent Managerial remuneration B. Provisions Provisions for taxation Proposed Dividend Corporate Dividend Tax (Note 4) ? 1,00,000 16,916 24,359 Fixed Assets: Plant and Machinery Less: Depreciation furniture Less: Depreciation Patents Less: depreciation Investment Current Assets, Loans and Advances A. Current Assets: Stock Debtors Less: Provision for bad debts Cash at bank B. Loans and Advances Bills Receivable Miscellaneous Expenditure 29,000 4,350 17,000 1,700 4,800 240

24,650 15,300 4,560

7,000 17,500 900 800 6,351

88,000 27,500 510 26,990 46,200

8,051 28,324 6,000 2,550

5,000 NIL 2,10,700


Working Notes: Rs. (1) Calculation of profits for the purpose of managerial remuneration Profits before tax and managerial remuneration 63,000 Add: Provision for doubtful debts (being discount 510 allowed) 63,510 Managerial remuneration = 10% of Rs. 63,510 = Rs.6,351. 2. Dividend of Rs.9,000 appearing in the Trial Balance is treated as interim, dividend. The Board recommends payment of dividend @ 15% p.a. It means that interim dividend is also a part of 15% dividend per annum. Therefore Rs.6,000 (Rs. 15,000 - Rs. 9,000) is to be provided as proposed Dividend. Where proposed dividend exceeds 12.5% but does not exceed 15% of the paid-up capital, the amount to be transferred to Reserve should not be less than 5% of the current profit. Therefore, amount to be transferred to Reserve = 5% of Rs. 28,325 = Rs. 1,416. Corporate dividend tax is payable on Rs. 15,000 (Rs. 9,000 paid + Rs. 6,000 proposed) @ 17% = Rs. 2,550.



Illustration 14

546 Anynymous Limited closed its books on 31st March every year. A newly appointed assistant drew up the following Trial Balance as on 31.3.2008:
Particulars Sh. Capital (4 lac eq. Sh. of Rs. 10 each) Purchases Stock as on 1st April 2007 Creditors Bad debts Fixed assets at cost: Land Fixed assets at cost: Furniture Accumulated depreciation: Building Motor vehicles Postage & Telegram Motor vehicle expenses Interest received Auditors Fees 13% Debentures Cash and Bank balances Dr. Cr. 40,00,000 Particulars Calls-in-arrears Sales Debtors Provision for doubtful debts Bad debts recovered Fixed assets at cost: Buildings Fixed assets at cost: Motor vehicle Accumulated depreciation: Furniture Salaries Printing and stationery Investments (at cost) Director's fees Profit & Loss A/c (Cr. balance) Total Dr. 12,000 14,50,000 5,000 200 25,00,000 Cr. 55,00,000

40,00,000 7,00,000 5,00,000 3,000 17,00,000 5,00,000 60,000 50,000 10,000 45,000 15,000 5,000 18,00,000 1,75,700

3,10,000 1,00,000 3,50,000 15,000 5,00,000 14,500 2,60,000 1,22,90,200 1,22,90,200

The following information is available further: a) The value of stock as on 31.3.2008 is Rs. 10, 00,000. b) Anonymous Ltd. has appointed an agent during the year and goods were sent out at an invoice price of Rs.5, 00,000 which was determined by adding 25% margin on cost. As on 31.3.2008, the entire stock was still lying with the agent as unsold. The value of the closing stock shown above does not include the stock with the agent. c) Depreciation should be provided on written-down values of the assets at the following rates: Buildings 5%; Furniture 10%; and Motor vehicles 20%. d) Market value of investments as on 31.3.2008 was Rs. 6, 50,000. e) Provision for doubtful debts is required to be maintained at Rs.10,000. A provision for discounts or debtors is to be created at 0.5% of debtors. f) The debenture has been issued on 1st October, 2007. Interest is payable semi-annually on 31st March and 30th September.

547 g) Provision for income tax to be created at 50%. The depreciation allowable for income tax calculation is Rs.3, 50,000. h) The directors propose a dividend of 10% on capital. You are required to prepare: (i) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2008; and (ii) Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2008. Solution: Anonymous Limited Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2008 Dr. Cr.
Particulars To opening stock To purchases To Gross profit c/d Rs. Rs. 7,00,000 40,00,000 22,00,000 ________ 69,00,000 3,50,000 10,000 15,000 45,000 Particulars By Sales By closing stock a/c Add: Stock with Agent (Note 1) By Gross profit b/d By interest received By bad debt recovered Rs. 10,00,000 4,00,000 14,00,000 ________ 69,00,000 22,00,000 15,000 200 Rs. 55,00,000

To salaries To postage & Telegram To printing & stationery To motor vehicle expenses To depreciation (Note 6) On buildings On furniture On vehicles To bad debts To provision for doubtful debts New Less: old To prov. for discount on debtors (Note 2) To director's fees To auditors fees To interest on debentures (Note 4) To provision for tax (Note 3) To net profit c/d To proposed dividend (Note 5) To corporate dividend tax To balance c/d

1,22,000 40,000 52,000

2,14,000 3,000

10,000 5,000

5,000 7,200 14,500 5,000 1,17,000 6,46,750 7,82,750 22,15,200 3,98,800 67,796 5,76,154 10,42,750

By balance b/d By net profit b/d

________ 22,15,200 2,60,000 7,82,750


548 Balance Sheet of Anonymous Limited as at 31st March, 2008

Liabilities Share capital Authorized (4,00,000 Shares of Rs.10 each) Issued & sub. (4,00,000 sh. of Rs.10 each) Called-up Capital Less: calls-in-arrears Reserves and surplus Profit & Loss A/c Secured loans: 13% Debentures Add: Accrued interest Unsecured loans: Current liabilities & Provisions A. Current Liabilities Sundry creditors B. Provision Provision for taxation Proposed dividend To corporate dividend tax Rs. Rs. 40,00,000 ________ 40,00,000 Assets Fixed Assets: Land Rs. Rs. 17,00,000

Buildings (at cost)


40,00,000 12,000


5,76,154 18,00,000 1,17,000

19,17,000 NIL

5,00,000 6,46,750 3,98,800 67,796

Less: Accumulated depreciation Furniture (at cost) Less: Accumulated depreciation Motor vehicles (at cost) Less: Accumulated depreciation Investments: Investment (at cost) (Market value Rs. 6,50,000) Current Assets, Loans and advance A. Current Assets Stock-in-trade Sundry-in-trade Sundry debtors Less: Provision for doubtful debts Less: provision for discount Cash and bank balances B. Loans & Advance Miscellaneous Expenditure

1,82,000 5,00,000 1,40,000 3,10,000 1,02,000



2,08,000 5,00,000

14,00,000 14,50,000 10,000 14,40,000 7,200 14,32,800 1,75,700 NIL NIL 80,94,500


Working Notes: 1) Cost of goods with the agent Invoice price of goods Less: Margin included (25/125 Rs.5,00,000)

Rs. 5,00,000 1,00,000

2) Provision for discount on debtors Balances of debtors as on 31.3.2008 Less: Provision for bad debts (new) Good Debts Provision for discount on debtors @ 0.5% 4) Interest on debentures 13% Interest for 6 months on Rs.18,00,000 5) Proposed Dividend Paid up share capital (Rs.40,00,000 -12,000) Proposed dividend @ 10% on Rs.39,88,000 Furniture@10% 5,00,000 1,00,000 4,00,000 40,000

Rs. 14,50,000 10,000 14,40,000 7,200 Rs. 1,17,000 Rs. 39,88,000 3,98,800

3) Provision for income tax Profit before tax Add: Book depreciation Less: Depreciation as per I.T. rules Provision for tax @ 50% 6. Calculation of depreciation Original cost (Rs.) Less: Accumulated depreciation Written-down value Depreciation

4,00,000 Rs. 14,29,500 2,14,000 16,43,500 3,50,000 12,93,500 6,46,750

Building @5% 25,00,000 60,000 24,40,000 1,22,000

Motor vehicles @20% 3,10,000 50,000 2,60,000 52,000

549 Illustration 15 The following balances have been extracted from the books of Sure Success Ltd. as on 31st March 2009
Debit balances Land: at cost Buildings (cost less depreciation) Plant (cost less depreciation) Furniture (cost less depreciation) Selling expenses Director's fees Administrative expenses Sinking fund investment Calls-in-arrear Bad debts Sundry debtors Audit fees Advance payment of : Income-tax for 2001 Income-tax for 2002 Closing stock Cash in hand Cash at bank Debenture interest Rs. 37,250 1,50,000 80,000 15,000 12,000 2,400 38,000 40,800 3,000 2,000 1,45,000 1,000 Credit Balances Share capital General reserve Share premium Gross profit Provision for taxation (opening balance) Bad debts rekeased 6% debentures (unsecured) Profit and loss account (opening balance) Sinking fund for debenture Redemption Sundry creditors Interest on sinking fund Investment Miscellaneous receipts Liabilities for expenses Rs. 2,00,000 80,000 20,000 1,02,250 15,000 1,500

2,00,000 5,000 40,800 23,000 2,500 3,000 4,000

12,000 8,000 65,000 5,600 68,000 12,000 6,97,050


The following further particulars are available: 1. The basis of valuation of closing stock has been changed from this year resulting in an additional profit of Rs. 3,000 as compared to valuation on old basis. 2. Administrative expenses include Rs.6,000 paid to managing director, as an advance against his remuneration.

3. Sinking fund is to be credited with Rs.20,000 which together with the interest received would be invested on 1st April 2009. 4. Income-tax assessment for 2007-08 has been completed on 20th March, 2009 on a gross demand of Rs. 14,000 but no effect has been given in the books.

5. At a meeting held on 25th February, 2009 the board of directors decided to allot one fully paid bonus share against two shares held by members who are not in default in payment of calls. This was sanctioned by the members on 18th December, 2008 but no effect has been given to it. 6. The managing director is entitled to a remuneration calculated at 5 per cent of the net profits. 7. Provision for taxation are to be made as follows: (a) Income-tax at 45% (b) Special surcharge at 5% on income-tax.

550 8. Out of sundry debtors, Rs.40,000 are due for more than six months. There is no doubtful amount. 9. Depreciation written off up to last year at rates mentioned against each are as follows: (a) Building Rs.5,000 at 2% (b) Plant Rs. 45,000 at 15% (c) Furniture Rs.5,000 at 10%

10. Market value of sinking fund investments on 31st March, 2009 Rs.42,000. 11. Calls-in-arrear are due on 1,000 shares, out of 20,000 shares of 10 each fully called up. You are required to prepare the profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March 2009 and a balance sheet as at that date. Solution: Sure Success Ltd. Profit and Loss Account For the year ending 31st March, 2009
Rs. To administration expenses (38,000-6,000) To provision for depreciation To selling expenses To directors fees To Audit fees To Debenture interest To bad debts To managing director's remuneration To provision for taxation 47.25% of Rs.29,070 To balance c/d 32,000 17,250 12,000 2,400 1,000 12,000 2,000 1,530 13,735 15,353 1,09,250 By balance b/d By net profit for the year By excess provision for taxation; written back (15,000 - 14,000) By Gross profit b/d By Bad debts recovered By Miscellaneous receipts By interest on sinking fund investment Rs. 1,02,250 1,500 3,000 2,500

_______ 1,09,250 5,000 15,335

To Sinking fund for redemption of debentures To balance c/d

21,319 - 16 ______ 21,335

1,000 21,355

Note: The basis of valuation of closing stock was changed this year resulting in an additional profit of Rs. 3,000 as compared to valuation on the previous basis. Note regarding managerial remuneration. Rs. Balance as per profit and loss account 15.335 Add: Income-tax provision 13,735

551 Managing director's remuneration Profit before tax and remuneration Remuneration at 5% Balance Sheet of Sure Success Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009
Liabilities Share capital: Authorized ...shares...Rs...each Issued, subscribed 29,500 Equity shares of Rs.10 each fully called up 2,95,000 Less: calls-in-arrear 3,000 (Out of the above, 9,500 shares of Rs.10 each have been issued as fully paid-up as bonus shares out of share premium and general reserve) Reserve and surplus: Share premium 20,000 Less: Utilized for issue of bonus shares 20,000 Profit and loss account Sinking fund for redemption of debentures: Balances b/f 40,800 Addition during the year 21,319 General reserve 80,000 Less: Utilized for Issue of bonus shares and for bonus suspense account 80,000 Secured loans: Unsecured loans: 6% debentures Current liabilities and provisions: A) Current liabilities: Sundry creditors B) Provision taxation 13,735 Less: Advance payment 8,000 Bonus suspense account Rs. Assets Rs. Fixed Assets Land at cost Building at cost 1,55,000 Less: Depreciation 8,750 Plant at cost 1,25,000 Less: Depreciation 57,000 Furniture at cost 20,000 Less: Depreciation 6,500 Investments: Against sinking fund for redemption of debentures (Market value Rs.42,000) Current Assets, Loans and Advances: A) Current assets: Stock in trade (at or below cost) Debtors (unsecured considered good) Due for more than 6 months 40,000 Other debts 1,05,000 Cash in hand Cash in bank B) Loans and advances: (Unsecured considered good) Due from managing director (Maximum amount due Rs.6,000) Rs. 37,250 1,46,250

1,530 30,600 1,530


68,000 13,500





1,45,000 5,600 68,000





5,735 5,000 5,93,870

_______ 5,93,870

Working Notes: (i) Creditors: Sundry creditors For expenses For tax (14,000-12,000)

23,000 4,000 2,000

552 Total (ii) Depreciation On building Rs.1,50,000 at 2% On plant Rs.80,000 at 15% On furniture Rs.15,000 at 10% 29,000 Rs. 3,750 12,000 1,500 17,250

(iii) Transfer to debenture redemption fund: Annual installment 20,000 Add: Interest received 2,500 Less: Income tax applicable to this item 47.25% i.e. 45% + 5% of 45% 1,181 1,319 21,319 (iv) Advance against managing director's remuneration: Amount paid 6,000 Less: Amount payable 1,530 Balance due 4,470 (v) Bonus shares: Total number of shares Less: 'Defaulting members', not eligible at present

20,000 1,000 19,000

Bonus shares at the rate of 1 for 2, 9,500 of Rs. 10 each Illustration 16 The following is the Balance Sheet of Trinity Ltd. as at 31.3.2008 Trinity Ltd. Balance sheet as at 31st March 2008
Liabilities Share capital Authorized 10,000 10% Redeemable Preference shares of Rs.10 each 90,000 Equity share of Rs.10 each Issued, Subscribed & paidup Capital 10,000 10% Redeemable Preference shares of Rs.10 each 10,000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each (A) Reserves and Surpluses General reserve Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Gross block Less: Depreciation Investment Rs. 3, 00,000 1, 00,000 2, 00,000 1, 00,000

1, 00,000 9, 00,000 10, 00,000

1, 00,000 1, 00,000 2, 00,000 1, 20,000

Current assets and Loans & Advances Inventory 25,000 Debtors 25,000 Cash and Bank Balances 50,000 Misc. Expenditure to the extent not written off

1, 00,000 20,000

Share premium Profit and loss A/c (B) Current liabilities and Provisions (C) Total (A+B+C) 70,000 18,500 2, 08,500 11,500 4, 20,000 Total 4, 20,000

For the year ended 31.3.2009 the company made a net profit of Rs. 15,000 after providing Rs.20,000 depreciation and writing off the miscellaneous expenditure of Rs.20,000: The following additional information is available with regard to company's operation: 1. The preference dividend for the year ended 31.3.1996 was paid before 31.3.2009. 2. Except cash and bank balances other current assets and current liabilities as on 31.3.2008. 3. The company redeemed the preference shares at a premium of 10%. 4. The company issued bonus shares in the ratio of one share for every equity share held as on 31.3.2009 5. To meet the cash requirements of redemption, the company sold a portion of the investments, so as to leave a minimum balance of Rs. 30,000 after such redemption. 6. Investments were sold at 90% of cost on 31.3.2009. You are required to a) Prepare necessary journal entries to record redemption and issue of bonus shares. b) Prepare the cash and bank account. c) Prepare the balance sheet as at 31st March 2009 incorporating the above transaction. Solution: Journal entries in the books of Trinity Ltd. (a)
10% Redeemable preference Capital Dr. Premium on redemption of preference share Dr. To preference shareholders (Being the amount payable to preference shareholders on redemption) General Reserves A/c Dr. To capital redemption reserve (Being transfer to the later account on redemption of shares) Bank A/c Dr. Profit and loss A/c Dr. To investments (Being amount realized on sale of investments and loss thereon adjusted) Dr. Rs. 1, 00,000 10,000 Cr. Rs.

1, 10,000

1, 00,000 1, 00,000

45,000 5,000 50,000

Preference shareholders A/c Dr. To bank (Being payment made to preference shareholders Share premium A/c To premium on redemption of preference shares (Being amount of premium payable on redemption of preference shares) Capital redemption reserve A/c Dr. To bonus to shareholders (Amount adjusted for issuing bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1) Bonus to shareholders A/c Dr. To equity share capital (Being the issue of bonus shares) 1, 10,000 1, 10,000 10,000 10,000

1, 00,000 1, 00,000

1, 00,000 1, 00,000

(b) Dr.

Cash and bank A/c

Rs. 50,000

Rs. 10,000 1, 10,000 30,000

To balance b/f To cash from operations Profit 15,000 Add: Depreciation 20,000 Add: Miscellaneous Expenditure Written off 20,000 To investments

By preference dividend By preference shareholders By balance c/f

55,000 45,000 1, 50,000

1, 50,000

(c) Balance Sheet of Trinity Limited as at 31st March 2009 (after redemption)
Rs. Share Capital Authorized capital Issued, subscribed and paid up capital 20,000 equity share of Rs.10 each fully paid (10,000 shares have been allotted as bonus shares by capitalizing capital redemption reserve) Reserves and surpluses General reserve 20,000 Share premium 60,000 Profit and loss A/c 18,500 Current liabilities and provisions Sundry creditors 10, 00,000 Fixed assets Gross block 3, 00,000 Less: Depreciation up to 31.3.08 1, 00,000 For the year 20,000 1,20,000 Investment (Market value Rs. 45,000) Current Assets, Loans and Advances Inventory 25,000 Debtors 25,000 Cash and bank balance 30,000 Rs.

2, 00,000

1, 80,000


98,500 11,500 ________ 3, 10,000

80,000 ________ 3, 10,000




Unit Structure 17.1 Exercises

17.1.1 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS: Multiple Choice Questions 1. Accounting Standard 1 is (a) Recommendatory (b) Mandatory (c) Optional (d) No longer valid Purpose of Accounting Standard 1 is to establish a standard as to (a) The desirable accounting policies (b) The fundamental accounting assumptions (c) Disclosure of accounting policies (d) Preparation of final accounts Vide Accounting Standard 1, fundamental accounting assumptions should (a) Always be disclosed (b) Be disclosed if not allowed (c) Be disclosed in notes to accounts (d) Be disclosed in auditors report Following is an example of an accounting policy (a) Going concern (b) Accrual (c) Treatment of retirement benefits (d) Disclosure A concern should select an accounting policy which enables it to (a) Show good profits (b) Present a true and fair view of its state of affairs and profit or loss (c) Calculate the correct amount of cash in hand (d) Pay the proper amount of income-tax





556 6. According to AS 1, Disclosure should be made of (a) Fundamental accounting assumptions (b) All accounting principles (c) All significant accounting policies (d) All Accounting policies According to AS 1, Disclosure should form part of (a) The final accounts (b) The Auditors report (c) The Directors Report (d) The Books of Accounts According to AS 1, any change in accounting policy (a) Should never be made (b) Is not possible (c) Should be disclosed (d) Requires permission of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Which of the following should be deducted from the share capital to find out paid-up capital? (a) Calls-in-advance (b) Calls-in-arrears (c) Securities Premium (d) Bonus Dividends are usually paid on (a) Authorized capital (b) Issued capital (c) Paid up capital (d) reserve capital Which of the following is not shown under the head Share Capital in the balance sheet of a company? (a) Preference Share Capital (b) Calls-in-arrears (c) Forfeited Shares (d) Preference Dividend Which of the following items is not taken in Profit and Loss Appropriation Account (a) Proposed Dividend (b) Provision for Taxation (c) Transfer to general reserve (d) Transfer to dividend equalization reserve Which of the following items cannot be shown as reserves? (a) Securities premium (b) Capital Reserve (c) Capital Redemption Reserve (d) None of the above As per schedule VI, to the companies Act, 1956 unclaimed dividends are to be shown as (a) Current Assets (b) Current Liability (c) Reserves and Surplus (d) None of the above Interim dividend of a company can be declared by










557 (a) Only by shareholders (b) Board of directors after approval of stock exchange (c) Board of directors (d) None of the above Which of the following is not an example of contingent liability? (a) Liability in respect of bills discounted (b) Interim dividend (c) Liability under guarantee (d) All (a), (b) and (c) of the above Which of the following items cannot be shown under the heading Provision with respect to balance sheet under the Companies Act, 1956? (a) Provision for taxation (b) Proposed dividends (c) Provision for doubtful debt (d) Unclaimed dividend Which of the following is not an item under Current Assets, Loans and Advances under Part I of Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956? (a) Interest accrued on investment (b) Bills receivable (c) Closing Stock (d) Preliminary expenditure not written off Which of the following is not a secured loan? (a) Debentures (b) Fixed Deposits (c) Term loan from banks (d) None of the above Advance tax that appears in the trial balance is shown (a) As a current liability in the balance sheet (b) As an expense in the profit and loss account (c) Under the head loans and advances in the balance sheet (d) Only in cash flow statement as an outflow of cash from operations Fill in the blanks. 1. . 4. A financial year a company may be for a period less or more than ____________ year. Interest accrued on investments is required to be shown under ____________ in the balance sheet of a company. Unutilised Monies from share issues is required to be shown under ____________ in the Balance Sheet of a company.






Answer: 1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. c, 5. b, 6.c, 7. a, 8. c, 9. b,10. c, 11. d, 12. b, 13. d, 14. b, 15. c ,16. b, 17. d, 18. d, 19. b, 20. c

558 5. 6. Livestock is required to be shown under ____________ in the Balance sheet of a company. Interest accrued but not due on a Secured Loan is required to be shown under ____________ in the balance sheet of a company. Uncalled amount of partly paid shares is required to be shown under ____________ in the balance sheet of a company. Option on Unissued Shares is required to be shown under ___________ in the balance sheet of a company. Arrears of Fixed cumulative Preference Dividends are required to be shown under ____________ in the balance sheet of a company. According to Schedule VI, in case any addition is made to any asset during the financial year, depreciation should be calculated on a ____________ basis from the date of such addition. Interest from Sinking Fund Investments is required under Schedule VI to be credited to the ____________ .

7. 8. 9.



Answer: (1) a calendar, (2) Current Assets, (3) Investments, (4) Fixed Assets, (5) Current Liabilities, (6) Contingent Liabilities, (7) Share Capital, (8) Contingent Liabilities, (9) (10) pro-data, (11) P&L Account,

Match the following columns : Column A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Debentures Fixed Deposits Acceptances Proposed Dividends Interest out of capital during construction 6. Due for more / less than 6 months 7. Tax Demand Letter Received 8. Disputed Tax Demand 9. Tax Demand Accepted Exceeds Provision for Tax 10. Provision for Tax More than Tax Demand Accepted 11. Tax Paid Exceeds Accepted Tax Demand

Column B a) Provisions b) Unsecured Loans c) Misc. Expenditure not written off d) Sundry Creditors e) Sundry Debtors f) Secured Loans g) Profit and Loss Account h) Current Liabilities i) Debit P&L Appropriation Account j) Show as Current Assets k) No Entry l) Credit P&L Appropriation Account m) Show as Contingent Liability

Answer: (1) (f), (2) (b), (3) (h), (4) (a), (5) (c), (6) (e), (7) (k), (8) (n), (9) (i), (10) (m), (11) (j).

559 State whether True or False. 1. 2. 3. 4. Schedule XIV specifies the rates of depreciation for various categories of assets on the written down value basis. Calls unpaid are added back to Authorised Share Capital in the Balance Sheet. Any dividend remaining unpaid after 3 year from its due date can be transferred to capital reserve. The brokerage and discount on sales, including the trade discount, related to turnover is to be disclosed separately in the Profit and Loss Account. If the dividend is not claimed within 7 years from the date of its transfer to a special bank account, the amount is distributed to the remaining shareholders. Capital profit realized in cash can be used for paying dividend. Dividend can be paid out of capital, but interest cannot be paid out of capital. One of the few assets that is usually not depreciated is Goodwill. Amount paid on Forfeited Shares is added to Paid-up Capital in the Balance Sheet. Sundry Debtors are to be classified as (i) Small Scale Industries; and (ii) others. Unclaimed dividends are shown under Provisions in the Balance Sheet. Under Secured Loans; Short Term Loans and Other Loans are to be shown separately. Current liabilities are deducted from Current assets so as to show the amount of Net Current Assets in the Horizontal format of balance sheet. The titles Sources of Funds and Application of Funds appear in the horizontal format of balance sheet. In Fixed Assets schedule, Closing WDV + Depreciation for the year = Opening Gross Block Provision for bad debts is shown under Provisions in the Balance Sheet. If the dividend is not claimed within 7 years from the date of its transfer to a special bank account, the company retains it.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17.

560 18. Calls in advance are shown under Current Liabilities in the Balance Sheet.

True : 6, 8, 9, 18. False : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12,13,14, 15, 16, 17.

17.1.2 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS Illustration 1. The following balance appeared in the books of Bright Ltd. as on 31st March 2009.
Debit Rs. Equity shares of Rs.10 each, fully paid up General reserve Unclaimed dividend Trade creditors Buildings (at cost) Purchases Sales Manufacturing expenses Establishment charges General charges Machinery (at cost) Furniture (at cost) Opening stock Book debts Investments Provision for depreciation on fixed assets Advance payment of income tax Cash at Bank Director's Fees Interest on investments Profit and Loss Account (1.4.2008) Staff provident fund Credit Rs. 6, 00,000 2, 30,000 526 42,858 10, 83,947 3, 50,000 26,814 31,078 2, 30,000 35,000 1, 72,058 1, 02,380 2,88,950 91,000 50,000 72,240 1,800 8,544 16,848 37,500 ____________ 21, 11,223

2, 50,000 5, 00,903


21, 11,223

From the above mentioned balances and the following information prepare the company's balance sheet as on 31st March, 2009 and its Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that data: a) b) c) d) e) f) The stock on 31st March, 2009 was valued at Rs. 1, 48,680. Provide Rs. 29,000 for depreciation of fixed assets and Rs. 8,000 for managing director's remuneration. Interest accrued on investments amounted to Rs. 2,750. Make a provision of Rs. 50,000 for income-tax. The directors propose a dividend @ 8%. Transfer Rs. 25,000 to general reserve.
Balance total RS. 10,60,000)

(Answer: N/P Rs.74,268

561 Illustration 2 From the following particulars furnished by Pioneer Ltd. prepare the balance sheet as at 31st March, 2009 as required by part I, Schedule VI of the companies Act. give notes at the foot of the balance sheet as may be found necessary:Debit Rs. Equity capital (Face value of Rs.100) Calls in arrear Land Building Plant and Machinery Furniture General reserve Loan from State Financial Corporation Stock: Finished goods 2, 00,000 Raw Materials 50,000 Provision for taxation Sundry debtors Advances Proposed dividend Profit and loss Account Cash balance Cash at bank Preliminary expenses Loans (Unsecured) Sundry creditors (For goods and expenses) Total Credit Rs. 10, 00,000

1,000 2, 00,000 3, 50,000 5, 25,000 50,000 2, 10,000 1, 50,000

2, 50,000 68,000 2, 00,000 42,700 60,000 1, 00,000 30,000 2, 47,000 13,300 1, 21,000 2, 00,000 19, 09,000 19, 09,000

The following additional information is also provided: 1. 2. 3. Miscellaneous expenses included Rs. 5,000 audit fees and Rs.700 for out-of-pocket expenses paid to the auditors. 2,000 equity shares were issued for consideration other than cash. Debtors of Rs. 52,000 are due for more than six months.


The cost of assets: Building Plant & Machinery Furniture

4, 00,000 7, 00,000 62,500


The balance of Rs. 1, 50,000 on the loan account with State Finance Corporation is inclusive of Rs. 7,500 for interest

562 accrued but not due. The loan is secured by hypothecation of the plant and machinery. 6. 7. 8. Balance at bank includes Rs. 2,000 with Perfect Bank Ltd. which is not a scheduled bank. Bills receivable for Rs. 2, 75,000 maturing on 30th June, 2009, have been discounted. The company had contract for the erection of machinery at Rs. 1, 50,000 which is still incomplete.

Notes: (i) Estimated amount of contract remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for Rs. 1, 50,000. The company had given this contract for purchase of machinery. (ii) Bills receivable discounted maturing on 31st June, 2009 amount to Rs. 2, 75,000.
(Answer: Balance Total Rs.19, 08,000)

Illustration 3 Trial Balance of Chintu Products Ltd. as on 31st March 2009

Debit Machinery Building Land Furniture Sundry Debtors Salaries Goods in Transit (at cost) Postage and Telegram Motor vehicles Repairs & maintenance Sales tax Royalty Travelling & conveyance Insurance Rebate and discount Audit fee Closing stock: Raw materials Work-in-progress Stores Finished goods Investment in national Savings certificates Security deposit Income-tax advance for Current year Gratuity paid Cash Bank balance-current A/c Bad debts Rs. 36,00,000 24,00,000 6,00,000 2,40,000 6,00,000 7,50,000 60,000 4,500 4,50,000 66,000 12,000 11,400 70,800 52,500 20,400 6,000 12,00,000 3,00,000 1,80,000 24,00,000 1,50,000 75,000 7,80,000 1,05,000 15,000 1,65,000 51,000 1,43,64,600 Credit Share capital Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Development rebate reserve General reserve Gross profit Sundry creditors Provision for taxation Provision for doubtful debts Rs. 89,70,000 1,20,000 6,75,000 12,27,600 28,50,000 4,50,000 9,000 63,000


The following further particulars are available.

563 1. The company's Board of Directs are entitled to a remuneration of 3% on the annual net profit of the company. (before provision for taxation for the year) Depreciation to be provided at the following rates: Buildings 5% Furniture 10% Machinery 15% Motor vehicles 20% Repairs and maintenance expenses include Rs.24,000 spent on machinery, which the directors have decided to capitalize. No adjustment has so far been made. Share capital is made up of 9, 00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each which were fully paid except in respect of 15,000 shares on which the final call of Rs. 2 per share remained unpaid. Sundry debtors include Rs.90,000 outstanding for a period exceeding 6 months consisting of Rs. 45,000 considered as doubtful. The remaining debts are considered good. Income-tax assessment for the preceding year has been completed during the year resulting in a gross demand of Rs. 3, 60,000 and no adjustment has been made for this. Amount of provision for taxation related to last year and has been arrived at after deduction of advance payment of Rs. 3, 45,000 for that year. Provision for taxation to be made for the year is Rs. 8, 70,000. The Board of Directors have recommended payment of dividend aggregating Rs. 1, 35,000. You are required to prepare the profit and loss account for the year 31st March 2009 and the balance sheet as on that date. Illustration 4: The following balances have been extracted from the books of Nitin Publishing Company Ltd. 31st March 2009.
Rs. Plant and Machinery (Cost less depreciation) Furniture and fixtures (Cost less depreciation) Motor car (Cost less depreciation) Opening stock Purchases Publication expenses Royalties to authors Wages 85,000 12,000 15,000 1,35,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 25,000 40,000 Sales Share capital Investment allowance reserve Creditors for goods Term loan (bank) Liabilities for expenses Provision for taxation (Year ended 31st March 2009) Miscellaneous receipts Profit & Loss appropriation Rs. 5,80,000 3,00,000 17,250 45,000 1,00,000 25,000 80,000 8,300 5,250







8. 9.

Call in arrears Power Debtors Advance payment of income-tax for the year ended (i) 31st March 2008 (ii) 31st March 2009 Goodwill Establishment Rent & taxes Postage & Telegram Motor Car expenses Travelling & conveyance Electric charges Advertisement Directors fees Managing Director's Minimum remuneration Depreciation Interest & bank charges Audit fees Cash in hand Cash in bank 2,000 3,500 1,20,000 75,000 1,10,000 25,000 45,000 12,000 2,000 6,000 4,500 600 6,600 900 6,000 20,083 10,000 2,500 2,117 95,000 11,60,800 account


The following further particulars are available 1. Closing stock Rs. 1, 60,000 2. Managing director is entitled to a remuneration of Rs. 6,980. 3. Royalties to authors include Rs. 5,000 paid in advance. 4. Share capital of Rs. 3, 00,000 is represented by 1,000 9% Cumulative preference shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid-up and the balance by equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully calledup. 5. Term loan from bank is secured by hypothecation of fixed assets of the company. 6. No effect has yet been given to the Board Resolution passed on 15th September, 2008 forfeiting 400 equity shares for non-payment of final call of Rs. 5 per share. 7. Income-tax-assessment for the year ended 31st March, 2008 has been completed on 26th February, 2009 for a gross demand of Rs. 78,000 and the amount of demand remained unpaid on 31st March, 2009. 8. 5,000 of the equity shares were issued for consideration other than cash as fully paid. 9. Liabilities for expenses include interest accrued and due on term loan. 10. Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c balance has been arrived at as follows:

Balance from last year 7,500 Less: investment allowance reserve created for the year
(2,250) Rs. 5,250

11. Provision for taxation to be made for the current year Rs. 75,000. 12. Plant and machinery includes cost of new plant installed during the year Rs. 20,000.

565 13. Preference dividends are in arrears for three years including the current year. 14. No proposal has been made by the directors for dividend on either class of shares. 15. Depreciation charged up-to-date on the different is as follows: Rs. (i) Plant and machinery 55,000 (ii) Furniture and fixtures 4,500 (iii) Motor car 9,800 16. Of the debtors Rs. 35,000 is due for more than six months. You are required to prepare the profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March, 2009 and the balance sheet on that date on the basis of the above information and taking into account the adjustments not made so far. No journal entries are required. Ignore last year figures. Illustration 5: The following trial balance has been drawn from the books of Samson Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009
Debit Goodwill (at cost) Plant (at cost) Opening balance 15,000 Additions 6,000 Administrative expenses Managing director's minimum remuneration Selling expenses Director's fees Dividend paid (last year's) Trade investments (at cost) in fully paid shares of Rs. 10 each Payment to auditors Security deposit Calls in arrear Closing stock (at cost) Furniture (at cost) Opening balance Debtors Advance recoverable in cash Cash in hand Income-tax paid (last year) Interest on loan Advance payment of income tax Cash with scheduled bank Depreciation Rs. 1,00,000 Credit Share capital Gross profit Creditors Liabilities for expenses Provision of taxation (last year's) Proposed dividend (last years) Secured loan Unsecured loan Miscellaneous receipts Depreciation provision Plant 8,900 Furniture 2,200 Sale proceeds of old plant Profit & loss appropriation A/c (Opening balance) Rs. 1,00,000 70,000 30,000 8,500 30,000

21,000 30,000 6,000 10,000 600 3,600

4,500 1,00,000 50,000 2,000

1,05,100 3,000 5,000 2,000 15,000 4,000 40,000 2,500 1,200 28,500 7,500 5,000 22,000 1,100 4,13,100

11,100 3,000 4,000


566 The following further particulars are available: 1. Unsecured loan is from a director carried from last year, interest payable at 6% p.a. falling due on quarterly basis at the end of each quarter. 2. Liabilities for expenses include the last quarter's interest due on unsecured loan. 3. Payment to auditors include Rs.2,000 paid for taxation work. 4. Proposed dividend and dividend paid relate to last year's account. 5. Market value of trade investments is Rs.85,000. 6. Sundry debtors include Rs. 10,000 due for more than six months of which Rs.2,000 is considered doubtful. 7. Provision for taxation is to be made at 45 per cent. Assessment for last year has been completed without any dispute. 8. Secured loan is from the company's banks obtained against charge of all assets of the company. 9. Dividend for the year is proposed to be paid at 10%. No dividend is payable in respect of shares where there are calls in arrears. 10. Share capital is represented by 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully called-up of which the last call of Rs. 2 per share on 1,000 shares has not been received. 11. A plant costing Rs.8,000 on which depreciation provision was Rs. 4,000 was sold for Rs.3,000. Illustration 6: The following information was obtained from ABC Company Ltd. as on 31-3-2009. Rs. Profit and loss account - Debit balance as on 2009 2,00,000 Preliminary expenses 10,000 Plant and machinery 1,00,000 Furniture and fixtures 20,000 Motor Car 15,000 Sales 20,00,000 Miscellaneous receipts 1,20,000 Opening stock of finished goods 3,00,000 Consumption of raw materials 9,00,000 Closing stock of raw materials at cost 5,00,000 Bank overdraft 1,00,000 Securities premium 3,60,000 Share capital 6,00,000 Unsecured loan (taken on 1-1-2009 at 18% 3,00,000

567 interest due half-yearly) Sundry debtors (including Rs.1,00,000 over six months) Salaries and wages Office administrative expenses Selling and distribution expenses Sundry creditors Income tax advances Miscellaneous advances Interim dividends The following information is given: 1. 2. Closing stock of finished goods at cost Rs. 6, 00,000 The original costs of fixed assets are Plant and Machinery Rs.2, 00,000 Furniture and fixtures Rs. 30,000 Motor car Rs. 25,000 Depreciation is to be charged for the year on written down values @ 10% on plant and machinery and furniture and fixtures @ 20% on motor car. The entire authorized share capital which consists of equity shares of Rs. 10 each has been issued and subscribed. The share capital is paid up to the extent of 30% and there are no calls in arrears. Taxation provision is to be created for Rs. 3, 50,000 Preliminary expenses are to be written off. The directors have proposed a final dividend of Rs.6 on each equity share in addition to the interim dividend already declared.

7,00,000 2,00,000 4,00,000 1,50,000 4,15,000 3,00,000 40,000 60,000


4. 5. 6.

Prepare profit and loss account for the period ending 31-3-2009 and balance sheet as on that date for ABC Company Ltd. Illustration 7: The following is the Trial Balance of Subhash Limited as on 31.3.2008:
Debit Land at cost Plant and Machinery at cost Debtors Stock (31.3.2008) Bank Adjusted purchases Rs. 1,10000 3,85,000 48,000 43,000 10,000 1,60,000 Credit Equity share capital (shares of Rs.10 each) 10% Debentures General Reserves Profit and loss Account Securities Premium Sales Rs. 1,50,000

1,00,000 65,000

Factory expenses Administration expenses Selling expenses Debenture interest Interim Dividend paid 30,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 9,000 Creditors Provision for Depreciation Suspense Account 36,000 20,000 3,50,000 26,000 86,000 8,35,000 2,000 8,35,000

Additional information: a) On 31.3.2008 the company issued bonus shares to the shareholders on 1:3 basis. No entry relating to this has yet been made. b) The authorized share capital of the company is 25,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. c) The company on the advice of independent valuer wishes to revalue the land at Rs. 1, 80,000. d) Proposed final dividend 10% (in addition to interim dividend). e) Suspense Account of Rs.2,000 represents cash received for the sale of some of the machinery on 1.4.2007. The cost of the machinery was Rs.5,000 and the accumulated depreciation thereon being Rs. 4,000. f) Depreciation is to be provided on plant and machinery at 10% on cost. g) Transfer necessary amount to General Reserve. You are required to prepare Subhash Limited's Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31.3.2008 and a balance sheet on that date in vertical form as per the provisions of Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956. Your answer to include detailed schedules, only for the following: (1) Share Capital; (2) Reserve and Surplus; and (3) Fixed Assets. Ignore previous years' figures and taxation.
[Ans. Net Profit Rs.7, 405. Balance carried to Balance Sheet Rs. 8,005. Reserves & Surplus Rs. 10,755. Fixed Assets Rs. 22,750. Net Current Assets Rs.1,13,005 Balance Sheet Total Rs.1, 35,755]

8. Following Trial Balance is prepared from books of Usha Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 2009:
Debit Interest on Debenture Unclaimed Dividends paid Sundry Debtors Buildings at cost Rs. 6,250 1,800 18,500 2,50,000 Credit Sales Interest Provision for Doubtful Debts Share capital 5% Debentures Rs. 3,57,000 2,000 1,850 2,00,000 2,50,000

Plant & Machinery at cost 4% Govt. Securities at cost Income tax paid Year End 31.3.2008 25,000 Year End 31.3.2009 16,000 Purchases Wages Prepaid Expenses Bad Debts Opening Stock Directors Fees Audit Fees Establishment Expenses Cash and Bank Balances Calls in Arrears 3,50,000 50,000 Sundry Creditors Unclaimed Dividends Security Deposit Fixed Deposit Provision for Depreciation till 31.3.2008: Buildings 25,000 Plant & Machinery 49,000 Provision for Income tax 31.3.2008 General Reserve Securities Premium Profit & Loss A/c as on 1.4.2008 13,100 2,500 2,000 25,000

41,000 1,18,500 31,550 1,750 600 7,750 7,350 1,850 71,900 58,800 1,500


25,500 30,000 5,100 30,550



You are further informed: a) Stock on 31st March, 2009 was valued at Rs. 11,100. Market Price was Rs. 16,000. Sales included in following: i) Rs.37,500 made for and on behalf of consignors terms cash payment only on which 4% commission was due to the company and the net amount was not yet paid. ii) Rs.3,000 sold on sale or return basis, costing Rs.2,000. 50% of these were approved by customer while for balance 50% no intimation has been received from customers regarding approval nor the time limit go vie such consent has elapsed. iii) Rs. 2,000 returns outward to suppliers, by mistake were entered in sales register. c) On 20th March the discounted dishonored bill of Rs. 500 was paid by the company on behalf of customer who has been declared insolvent. Nothing could be recovered from his estate by the company and the same was agreed to be written off as bad debts. Provision for doubtful debts was desired at 10% on sundry debtors. Directors resolved the following appropriations: i) Transfer Rs.5,000 to general reserve and Rs.12,500 to debenture redemption reserve. ii) Dividend at 10% on equity share capital.






Depreciation to be provided on Buildings at 5% p.a. and on Plant & Machinery at 10% p.a. on written down value basis. Last year income tax assessment was completed without any modification or change. Debentures were issued on 1st April, 2007 on floating charge of all assets. Bank has credited by mistake Rs. 10,000 on 30th March, 2008 and rectified the said mistake on 5th May, 2008 and has also debited in the month of March, 2009 Rs.500 as Bank Charges and commission which has not been considered by the company in its books. Authorized capital of the company was 50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each out of which 20,000 equity shares were fully called up. Provision for income tax for current year to be made at Rs. 20,000/-






Your are required to prepare Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2009 and Balance Sheet as on that date as required by the Companies Act, 1956.
[Ans. Net profit Rs. 20,650. Balance carried to Balance Sheet Rs. 13,850. Reserves & Surplus Rs. 66,450. Fixed Assets Rs. 4, 84,650. Net Current Assets Rs. 13,550. Balance Sheet Total Rs. 5, 48,200. Sales Rs. 3, 16,500. Debtors Rs.13, 050]



Unit Structure 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Objectives Introduction Accounting Standard No.11 (Revised) Accounting procedure Proforma Journal Entries

After studying the unit the students will be able to: Know the meaning of Foreign currency transactions Understand the Need for conversion Explain the Recognition of exchange fluctuation Know the Translation of foreign currency transactions Solve the practical problems on Foreign currency transactions

A transaction like sale or purchase of goods involves two parties. Whenever such transaction is entered with another party situated in India, the transaction is in Indian currency, recording of such transaction does not pose any problem. But if the other party is located outside India then the transaction entered might be in foreign currency and then we have to translate this transaction from foreign currency into India currency. This translation is done by applying the foreign exchange rates prevailing at the time of transaction. Accounting Standard No.11 deals with recording and translation of such type of foreign currency transactions.

This standard is applicable from 1.04.2004. This standard is mandatory in nature. 20.2.1 OBJECTIVE:

572 The transactions entered into by an organisation in foreign currency must be included in the financial statements of the organisation in its reporting currency. 20.2.2 SCOPE: 1. The standard should be applied in transactions entered in foreign currencies. accounting for

2. This standard also deals with accounting for foreign currency transactions in the nature of forward exchange contracts. 3. This standard does not specify the currency of presentation of financial statements. Normally an organisation prepares its financial statements in currency of home country. 4. The standard does not deal with the restatement of an enterprises financial statements from its reporting currency into another currency for the convenience for user accustomed to that currency of for similar purpose. 5. This standard does not deal with the presentation in a cash flow statement of cash flows arising from transactions in a foreign currency and the transactions of cash flows of a foreign operation. 6. This standard does not deal with the exchange difference arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that they are regarded as an adjustment interest cost. 20.2.3 DEFINITIONS: The following terms are used in this Statement with meanings specified: (a) (b) (c) Average rate is the mean of the exchange rates in force during a period. Closing rate is the exchange rate at the Balance Sheet date. Exchange Difference is the difference resulting from reporting the same number of units of a foreign currency in the reporting currency at different exchange rates. Exchange rate is the ratio for exchange of two currencies. Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction. Foreign Currency is a currency other than the reporting currency of an enterprise. Monetary items are money held and assets and liabilities to be received or paid in fixed or determinable amounts of money.e.g. Cash, Receivables, Payables etc.

(d) (e)

(f) (g)

573 (h) Non-monetary items are assets and liabilities other than monetary items.e.g. Fixed Assets, Inventories, Investments etc. Reporting currency is the currency used in presenting the financial statements.



Record the initial transaction entered in foreign currency by converting in Indian Rs. by multiplying the transaction amount with the foreign exchange rate as on the date of transaction. Subsequently when the payment is made or is received in the same year it should be recorded at foreign exchange rate on the date of settlement. Any profit or loss arising due to exchange fluctuation should be treated as revenue item, and hence it should be transferred to profit and loss A/c. at the end of the year. Any balance payable or receivable to or from a foreign party, at the end of year ,should be adjusted at the closing foreign exchange rate. The foreign exchange rate for any payment made or received in the subsequent year should be compared with the closing rate of the earlier year to find the profit or loss on exchange fluctuations.


20.4.1 Transactions which need to be translated: Following four types of transactions are required to be translated. I. II. III. Import of goods Export of goods Purchase of Fixed Assets

IV. Foreign currency loans X = Amount of transaction in Foreign Currency R1= Foreign Exchange on the date of transaction R2= Foreign Exchange on the date of settlement R3= Foreign Exchange on the date of Year End R4= Foreign Exchange on the date of settlement in the next year. 20.4.2 Import of goods
Sr. no 1. Particulars Purchase of goods/ raw materials Dr. Rs Cr. Rs.

Purchases A/c Dr. To Foreign Supplier A/c Payment to foreign supplier Foreign Supplier A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (if loss) Dr. To Foreign exchange Fluctuation A/c (if Profit) To Bank A/c Year end adjustments Adjusting closing balance payable to foreign suppliers A- If closing rate is more than transaction rate(loss i.e. R3 > R1 ) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Foreign Supplier A/c. OR B if closing rate is less than the transaction rate (Profit i.e. R1 > R3 ) Foreign Supplier A/c. Dr To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c B. Closing of nominal A/c. A- If foreign exchange fluctuation A/c shows credit balance Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c OR B- If foreign exchange fluctuation A/c shows Debit balance Profit & Loss A/c Dr To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c 4. Payment to foreign supplier in the next year Foreign Supplier A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (if loss) Dr. To exchange Fluctuation A/c(if profit) Sr. no 1. Particulars Export of goods Foreign Customer A/c Dr. To Export Sales A/c Receiving Payment from Foreign Customer Bank A/c. Dr. X R1 X R1 X R1 X(R2- R1) X(R1- R2 ) X R2


3. A.

X(R3 - R1 ) X(R3 - R1 )

X(R1 R3 ) X(R1 R3 )



XR3 X(R4 - R3 ) X(R3 - R4 ) Dr. Rs Cr. Rs.

X R1 X R1


X R2

Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (If Loss) Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (If profit) To foreign Customer A/c. Year end Adjustments Adjusting Closing balance receivable from foreign customer A- If closing rate is more than the transaction rate (Profit R3 > R1 ) Foreign customer A/c Dr To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Adjusting Closing balance receivable from foreign customer B- If closing rate is less than the transaction rate (Loss ( R1 > R3 ) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Foreign customer A/c Closing of nominal A/c. A- If foreign exchange fluctuation A/c shows credit balance Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c B- If foreign exchange fluctuation A/c shows Debit balance Profit & Loss A/c Dr To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Receiving payment from foreign customer in the next Year Bank A/c. Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (If Loss) Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (If profit) To foreign Customer A/c. X(R2 R1 ) X(R1 R2 ) X R1

3. A

X( R3 - R1 ) X( R3 - R1 )

X(R1 R3 ) X(R1 R3 )




X R4 X(R4 R3 ) X(R3 R4 ) X R3 Dr. Rs Cr. Rs.

20.4.3 Purchase of Fixed Assets Particulars Purchase of Fixed Assets 1. Fixed Assets A/c To Foreign Supplier A/c. Payment To foreign supplier 2. Foreign Supplier A/c Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (if loss)


X R1 X R1

Dr. Dr.

X R1 X(R2- R1)

To exchange Fluctuation A/c To Bank A/c Year end adjustments Adjusting closing balance payable to foreign suppliers A- If closing rate is more than transaction rate (loss R3 > R1 ) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Foreign Supplier A/c. B if closing rates is less than the transaction rate (Profit R3 > R1) Foreign Supplier A/c. Dr To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Providing Depreciation Depreciation A/c. Dr. To Fixed Assets A/c. Note: Depreciation should be provided on original amount Closing of nominal A/c. A- If foreign exchange fluctuation A/c shows credit balance Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c B- If foreign exchange fluctuation A/c shows Debit balance Profit & Loss A/c Dr To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c C- Profit & Loss A/c. Dr. To Depreciation A/c. Payment to foreign supplier in the next year Foreign Supplier A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (if loss) Dr. To exchange Fluctuation A/c To Bank A/c X(R1- R2) X R2

3. A

X(R3 - R1 ) X(R3 - R1 )

X(R1 R3) X(R1 R3) XX XX




X R3 X(R3 R4) X(R4 R3) X R4

Note: Accounting treatment of profit/loss arising out of fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate while making payment for purchase of Fixed Assets by a Ltd company According AS 11 profit/loss arising out of fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate should be treated as revenue item. This is applicable even in case of fixed assets. However, as per Schedule VI of Company Act 1956, requirements such exchange difference should be adjusted in the cost of respective fixed assets.

577 Since the syllabus of T Y B Com specifically states the application of AS 11 student should follow the AS11 and accordingly any such Profit/loss should be treated as revenue item. 20.4.4 Foreign Currency Loan Account Particulars 1. Availing the foreign currency loan Bank A/c 2. Dr. X R1 X R1 To Foreign Currency Loan A/c Part Re-payment to foreign currency loan Foreign Currency Loan A/c Dr. X R1 X(R2- R1) X(R1- R2 ) X R2 Dr. XX XX Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (if loss) Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c To Bank A/c 3. Payment of Interest Interest A/c To Bank (Interest Should be calculated on the loan in foreign currency & then it should be converted into Indian Rupees) 4. A. Year end adjustments Adjusting closing balance payable to foreign currency loan A- If closing rate is more than transaction rate(loss i.e. R3 > R1 ) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Foreign currency loan A/c. Or B if closing rate is less than the transaction rate (Profit i.e. R1 > R3 ) Foreign currency loan A/c. B. Dr X(R1 R3 ) X(R1 R3 ) To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c If the interest payment dates & year end date are different then provide for outstanding interest as follows Interest A/c To Outstanding Interest A/c (Interest Should be calculated on the loan in foreign currency & then it should be converted into Indian Rupees) Dr XX XX X(R3 - R1 ) X(R3 - R1 ) Dr. Rs Cr. Rs.

C. Closing of nominal A/c. A- If foreign exchange fluctuation A/c shows credit balance Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c OR B- If foreign exchange fluctuation A/c shows Debit balance Profit & Loss A/c Dr XX XX To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c C- Interest A/c Profit & Loss A/c To Interest A/c 5. Payment to foreign Currency loan in the next year Foreign Currency loan A/c Dr. XR3 X(R4 - R3 ) X(R3 - R4 ) XR4 Dr XX XX XX XX

Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (if loss) Dr. To exchange Fluctuation A/c (if profit) To Bank 6. Payment of Outstanding Interest in the Next Year Outstanding Interest A/c Dr.

X R3 X(R4- R3) X(R3- R4 ) X R4

Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (if loss) Dr. To Foreign exchange Fluctuation A/c To Bank A/c

Check Your Progress Define the following terms 1. Average rate 2. Closing Rate 3. Exchange Rate 4. Fair Value

579 5. Monitory Items 6. Non-Monitory Items Give the Journal Entries for the following transaction 1. Payment to foreign supplier if there is profit. 2. Availing the foreign currency loan. 3. Yearend adjustments.



Unit Structure 21.1 21.2 21.3 Practical problems Key terms Exercise


Illustration No. 1 Pass Journal Entries for the following Foreign Exchange transactions in the books of Sonu Ltd. Sonu Ltd. of Pune exported goods worth $1,00,000 on 12th January, 2010 to Universal Traders of USA. The payment for the same was received as follows: 15th February, 2010 2nd March, 2010 12th April, 2010 $ 50,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000

The company follows financial year as accounting year. The Exchange Rate for $1 was as follows : 12th January, 2010 15th February, 2010 2nd March, 2010 31st March, 2010 12th April, 2010 Solution: In the Books of Sonu Ltd.
Date 2010 Jan 12. Particulars Universal Traders A/c Dr. To Export Sales A/c (Being goods exported at Exchange Rate being $ 1 = Rs 46) Bank A/c Dr. To Universal Traders A/c To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (Being amount received $ 50000 @ Rs 48, Fluctuation $ 50000 [48-46]) Bank A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Dr. To Universal Traders A/c (Being amount received $ 10000 @ Rs 45, Fluctuation $ 10000 [45-46]) Dr. Rs. 4,60,000 Cr. Rs 4,60,000

Rs. 46 Rs. 48 Rs. 45 Rs. 49 Rs 50

Feb 15

2,40,000 2,30,000 1,00,000 4,50,000 10,000 4,60,000

Mar 2

Mar 31 Universal Traders A/c Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (Being difference in Foreign Excahnge accounted for at the end of the year $40000 [49 - 46]) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Briong profit on Foreign Exchange Fluctuation transferred to Profit & Loss A/c) Bank A/c Dr. To Universal Traders A/c To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (Being amount received $ 50000 @ Rs 48, Fluctuation $ 50000 [48-46]) 1,20,000 1,20,000

Mar 31

2,10,000 2,10,000

Apr 12

20,00,000 19,60,000 40,000

Universal Traders A/c

Date 2010 Jan. 12 Feb. 15 Mar. 31 To Export Sales A/c (100000 x 46) To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (40000 x [49-46]) 46,00,000 Particulars Rs Date 2010 Feb. 15 Mar. 2 Mar.31 By Bank A/c By Bank A/c By Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c By Bal b/d 24,00,000 4,50,000 Particulars Rs

1,00,000 1,20,000 Mar.31

10,000 19,60,000

48,20,000 Apr. 1 Apr. 12 To bal c/d To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c 19,60,000 40,000 Apr.12 By Bank

48,20,000 20,00,000



Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c

Date Particulars Rs Date Particulars Rs

2010 Mar. 31 Mar 31 To Universal Traders To Profit & Loss A/c 10,000 2,10,000 2010 Feb. 15 Mar.31 By Universal Traders By Universal Traders 1,00,000 1,20,000

2,20,000 Apr.12 By Universal Traders

2,20,000 40,000

Illustration No. 2 Pass necessary Journal Entries in the books of N Ltd. Of Nasik. A machine was imported on 20th January, 2010 from Jackie Chan of China for US $200000. The payment for the same was made as follows : US $ 150000 on 27th February, 2010. US $ 50000 on 15th March, 2010 The exchange rate for $ 1 was as follows : On 20th January, 2010 Rs. 47.00 On 27th February, 2010 Rs. 46.50 On 15th March, 2010 Rs. 48.00 The company follows financial year as accounting year. Solution : In the Books of N Ltd., Nasik
Date Particulars Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs

2010 Jan. 20

Machinery A/c Dr. To Jackie Chan A/c (Being machinery purchased at $ 200000 and Exchange rate of $ 1 was Rs 47) Jackie Chan A/c Dr. To Bank A/c To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (Being amount paid $ 150000 @ Rs 46.50, Fluctuation $ 150000 [46.5-47])

94,00,000 94,00,000

Feb 20

70,50,000 69,75,000 75,000

Mar.15 Jackie Chan A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being payment made $ 50000 @ Rs 48, Fluctuation $ 50000[48-47]) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Being loss on foreign exchange transferred to Profit & Loss A/c) 23,50,000 50,000 24,00,000


25,000 25,000

Jackie Chan A/c

Date 2010 Feb 20 Feb 20 Mar.15 Particulars To Bank A/c To Fluctuation Exchange A/c To Bank A/c Rs 6975000 75000 2400000 9450000 Date 2010 Jan. 20 Mar.15 Particulars By Machinery By Fluctuation Exchange A/c Rs 9400000 50000


Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c

Date 2010 Mar. 15 Mar. 31 Particulars To Jackie Chan A/c To Jackie Chan A/c Rs 50000 25000 Date 2010 Feb. 20 Particulars By Jackie Chan A/c Rs 75000



Illustration No. 3 Ashish Ltd. Has entered into the following transcations in foreign currency during the year ended 31st March. 2010. You are required to pass necessary journal entries for the year ended 31st March, 2010. Date 2009 June 10 June 20 August 16 August 31 Particulars Goods worth $ 10000 exported to G of Germany Payment received from G of Germany $ 10000 Raw Material imported worth $ 5000 from S of South Korea Payment made to S of South Korea $ 5000

584 October 10 October 15 November 3 November 15 December 15 Payment received from SA of South Africa $ 20000 as advance. Goods worth $ 2000 imported to SA of South Africa A machine worth $ 12000 imported from UK industries of UK. Payment made to UK industries of UK $ 6000 Payment made to UK industries of UK $ 6000

2010 January 15

March 15

Exported goods to BK Industries of Bangladesh worth $ 2000. Payment was outstanding as on 31st March, 2002 Imported machinery worth $ 10000 from GK of Germany. Payment was outstanding as on 31st March, 2002

The exchange rate for $1 was as follows Date 2009 10th June 20th June 16th August 31st August 10th October 15th October 3rd November 15th November 15th December 2010 15th January 15th March 31st Match Solution: In the Books of Ashish Ltd.
Date Particulars Dr. Rs. 467500 467500 Cr. Rs

Exchange Rate Rs. 46.75 46.50 48.00 48.50 48.75 49.00 48.60 48.70 48.40

49.00 49.50 50.00

2009 Jun 10.

G of Germany A/c Dr. To Export Sales A/c (Being goods exported of $ 10000 at exchange Rate $ 1 = Rs 46.75)

Jun 20 Bank A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Dr. To G of Germany A/c (Being amount received $ 10000 @ Rs 46.5, Fluctuation $ 10000 [46.75-46,5]) Raw Material A/c Dr. To S of South Korea A/c (Being raw material purchased of $ 5000 at exchange rate $ 1 = Rs 48) S of South Korea A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being amount paid $ 5000, Fluctuation $5000 [48.5-48]) Bank A/c Dr. To SA of South Africa A/c (Being received advance of $ 20000 @ 48.75 from SA of South Africa) SA of South Africa A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Export Sales (Being amount received $ 50000 @ Rs 48, Fluctuation $ 50000 [48-46]) Plant & Machinery A/c Dr. To UK Industries (Being purchased machinery at $ 10000 @ Rs. 48.60) UK Industries Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being amount paid $ 6000, Fluctuation $ 6000[48.70- 48.60]) UK Industries A/c Dr To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c To Bank A/c (Being amount paid $ 6000, Fluctuation $ 6000[48.60- 48.40]) BK Industries A/c To Export Sales A/c (Being goods exported $2000 @ 49) Dr. 465000 2500 467500


240000 240000


240000 2500 242500

Oct. 10

975000 975000

Oct. 15

975000 5000 980000

Nov. 3

583200 583200


291600 600 292200


291600 1200 290400

2010 Jan. 15

98000 98000



Plant & Machinery A/c Dr. To GK of Germany A/c (Being machinery purchased for $ 10000 @ Rs 49.5) BK Industries A/c Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (Being the difference in exchange rate accounted for $ 2000 [50-49])

495000 495000

2000 2000

Mar.31 Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c To GK of Germany A/c (Being the difference in exchange rate accounted for $ 10000 [50-49.5]) Dr. 5000 5000


Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (Being profit on foreign exchange fluctuation recorded)

12400 12400

Illustration No. 4 On 1st January, 2010 Deep technologist of Mumbai imported raw materials worth U.S $ 60000 from Watson Traders U.S.A When the exchange rate was Rs.39 per $ The payment for the same was made as follows:Date of payment 1 Feb 2010 1 March 2010 1 May 2010 1 July 2010
st st st st

amount in U.S$ 17000 10000 25000 8000

Rate per $ 41 38 40 41

The exchange rate on 31st March was Rs.42 per $. Deep technologist follows financial year as accounting year. Journalise above transaction in the books of Deep technologist and prepare Watson traders account and foreign exchange fluctuation account in the books of Deep technologist. Solution : In the books of Deep technologist Journal Entries
Date 2010 Jan.1 Particulars Purchases A/c. To Watson Traders (Being raw material purchased) Feb.1 Watson Traders A/c. To Bank A/c. (Being amount paid at Rs.41/$ and loss due to exchange fluctuation Rs.2/$ on payment of $ 17000 adjusted) Dr. 663000 34000 697000 Dr. Dr. Rs 2340000 2340000 Cr. Rs.

Foreign Exchange fluctuation Dr.

Mar.1 Watson Traders A/c. To foreign exchange fluctuation A/c. To Bank (Being amount paid at Rs. 38/$ and profit due to exchange fluctuation Re.1/$ on payment of $ 10000 adjusted) Mar.31 Foreign exchange fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Watson Traders (Being closing Balance $ 33000 payable adjusted at closing rate Rs. 42/ $) Mar. 31 Profit and Loss A/c. To Foreign exchange fluctuation A/c. (Being nominal A/c. closed by transfer to P/L A/c.) May1 Watson Traders A/c. To Foreign exchange fluctuation A/c. To Bank (Being amount paid at Rs.40/$ and profit due to exchange fluctuation Rs.2/$ on payment of $ 25000 adjusted) July 1 Watson Traders A/c. To Foreign exchange fluctuation A/c. To Bank (Being amount paid at Rs.41/$ and profit due to exchange fluctuation Re.1/$ on payment of $ 8000 adjusted) 2011Mar.31 Foreign exchange fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c. (Being nominal A/c.closed by transfer to P/L A/c.) 58000 58000 Dr. 336000 8000 328000 Dr. 1050000 50000 1000000 Dr. 123000 123000 99000 99000 Dr. 390000 10000 380000



Date 2010 Feb.1 To Bank 17000 41 697000 Particulars U.S.$ Rate Rs. Date 2010 Jan.1 Feb.1 By Purchases A/c. By Foreign exc.fluctuation A/c. 60000 39 2340000 34000 Particulars U.S.$ Rate Rs.


To Bank To Foreign exc. Fluctuation A/c.



380000 10000 Mar.31 By Foreign Exc.fluctuation A/c. 99000


To Balance c/d

33000 60000

42 ---

1386000 2473000 2009 60000 ---2473000

2009 May1 To Bank To foreign exc.fluctuati on A/c. July 1 To Bank To Foreign exc.fluctuati on A/c 33000 -25000 ----40 --1000000 50000


By Balance b/d






328000 8000







Date 2010 Feb.1 To Watson Traders Particulars Rs. Date 2010 34000 Mar.1 99000 Mar.31 133000 2011 Mar.31 To Profit & Loss A/c. 2011 58000 May1 July1 58000 By Watson Traders By Watson Traders 50000 8000 58000 By Watson Traders By Profit &Loss A/c. 10000 123000 133000 Particulars Rs.

Mar.31 To Watson Traders

589 Illustration. 5 X took a foreign currency loan of US $ 500000 @ 10% p.a. on 1-1-2009. Interest is payable yearly with an installment for principal of US $ 100000. X closes the books of account as on 31st March every year. Exchange rates are as follows: 1-1-2009 31-3-2009 32.25 32.50 31-12-2009 31-3-2010 33.90 33.50

Accounting Year - Financial Year Show the Ledger Accounts, from 1-1-2009 to 31-3-2009, 1-4-2009 to 31-3-2010. Solution: Dr.
Date 31-309 Particul ars By Balance c/d $ 500000 Rate 32.50

LEDGER Loan Account .

Rs. 16250000 Date 1-109 31-309 16250000 Particulars By Bank $ 500000 Rate 32.25 Rs.



By P &L A/c. (Loss on FE on valuation) By Balance b/d By P &L A/c. (Loss on FE on payment) By P &L A/c. (Loss on FE on valuation)




16250000 1-409 3112-10 31-310 500000 (100000) 32.50 1.40 16250000 140000

31-1209 31-310

To Bank To Balance c/d

100000 400000

33.90 33.50

3390000 13400000






Date 31-309 Particulars To Outstanding Interest A/c $ 12500

Interest Account
Rate 32.50 Rs. 406250 Date 31-309 Particulars By P&L A/c.(transfer) $ -Rate --

Rs. 406250

406250 31-1209 31-3 10 To Bank To Outstanding (400000x 10%x3/12) 1606250 37500 10000 33.90 33.50 1271250 335000 31-309 By P&L A/c.(ltd) ---

406250 1606250


590 Outstanding Interest Account Dr.

Date 31-309 31-1209 31-310 Particulars To Balance c/d $ 12500 Rate 32.50 Rs. 4,06,250 4,06,250 To Bank To Balance c/d 12500 10000 33.90 33.50 423750 3,35,000 1-409 3112-05 31-310 7,58,750 By Balance b/d By P & L A/c. (Loss on F.E. On Payment) By Interest 10000 33.50 3,35,000 7,58,750 12500 (12500) 32.50 1.40 Date 31-309 Particulars By Interest $ 12500

Rate 32.50 Rs. 4,06,250 4,06,250 4,06,250 17,500

Illustration No. 6 Ashish had entered into the following transactions in foreign currency during the year ended 31st March 2009. You are required to write up the Foreign Exchange Difference Account in the ledger for the year ended 31-3-05 according to As 11(revised w.e.f. 1-4-2008). Date 10-6-08 20-6-08 16-8-08 31-8-08 Particulars Goods worth $ 10000 exported to G of Germany. Payment received from G of Germany $ 10000 New material imported worth $ 5000 from S of South Korea. Payment made to S of South Korea $5000.

10-10-08 Payment received from SA of South Africa $ 20000 as advance. 15-10-08 Goods worth $ 20000 exported to SA of South Africa. 3-11-08 A machine worth $ 12000 imported from UK industries of UK.

15-11-08 Payment made $ 6000 to UK industries in UK. 15-12-08 Payment made $ 6000 to UK industries in UK. 15-1-09 Exported goods to BK industries of Bangladesh worth $ 2000 Payment was outstanding as on 31-3-05. 15-3-09 Imported machinery worth $ 10000 from GK of Germany. Payment is outstanding as on 31-3-05.

591 The exchange rate for $ 1 during the year was as follows. Date Exchange Rate (Rs.)
46.75 46.50 48.00 48.50


Exchange Rate (Rs.)

48.75 49.00 48.60 48.70


Exchange Rate (Rs.)

48.40 49.00 49.50 50.00

10-6-08 20-6-08 16-8-08 31-8-08

10-10-08 15-10-08 3-11-08 15-11-08

15-12-08 15-1-09 15-3-09 31-3-09

Solution : In the Books of ASHISH Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Account

Date 20-6-08 Particulars To G ($10000x[46.7546.50]) To S [$ 5000x( 48.0048.50)] To SA {$ 20000x((48.75 - 49.00)} To UK Industries [$ 6000x (48.6048.70)] To GK [$ 10000x (49.50-50)] Rs. 2500 Date 15-12-08 Particulars By UK industries [$ 6000(48.6048.40)] By BK Industries [$ 2000x(5049)] By Profit & Loss A/c.[Net Loss(Tfd.)] Rs. 1200















Note : Exchange difference on payables even in respect of fixed assets is to be adjusted in the Profit & Loss A/c. according to the AS 11 (revised w. e. f. 1-4-2004). Illustration No. 7 From the following details of foreign currency transactions of M/s Fema for the year ended 31st March 2009, prepare the foreign currency fluctuations A/c for the year 1st April 2008 to 31st March 2009.

592 Import Particulars : (a) On 15-4-2008 , goods worth $ 5000 purchased from C of China . The rate of exchange is $ 1= Rs.48.60. Payment is made on 30-5-2008 when the rate of exchange is $ 1= Rs. 48.90. (b) On 12-6-2008 advance amount $ 1000 paid to F of France. The rate of exchange is $ 1 = Rs. 48.50 .On 20-6-2008 goods imported worth $ 10000 from F of France .The rate of exchange is 1$ =48.00. On 30-6-2008 payment made to F of France $9000. The rate of exchange is $1 = Rs. 48.90. (c) On 10-7-2008 , Machinery purchased from G of Germany for $ 50000. The rate of exchange is $ 1= Rs. 46.80 . On 28-72008 payment made to G of Germany $50000. The rate of exchange is $1 = Rs. 47.20. (d) On 28-1-2009 goods purchased from K of Korea $15000. Rate of exchange is $1= Rs. 47.30. On 20-4-2009 payment made to K of Korea $ 15000. The rate is $1= Rs.47.80. Export Particulars : (e) On 28-5-2008,exported goods to C of Canada worth $120000, rate of exchange is $1=Rs.47.35. On 28-6-2008, payment received from C of Canada,$ 40000at exchange rate of $1=Rs.47.60.On 28-8-2008 payment received from C of Canada ,$80000at exchange of rate of 1$= Rs. 47.00. (f) On 1-10-2008 advanced received from J of Japan $ 10000 exchange rate being $1=Rs. 46.00 On 15-10-2008, exported goods worth $30000 of J of Japan at exchange rate of $1= 46.25. On 28-12-2008, payment received from J of Japan ,$20000 at exchange rate of $1= Rs. 46.25. (g) On 2-1-2008 exported goods to S of Sri Lanka $40000. Exchange rate is $1=Rs. 45.40 . On 20-3-2009, $ 20000 received from S of Sri Lanka exchange rate being $1= Rs.46.30. On 20-5-2009 $ 20000 received from S of Sri Lanka exchange rate being $ 1= Rs. 48.80 The rate of exchange on 31st March ,2009 was $1=Rs. 45.60.

593 Solution : Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Account for The Year Ended 31st March 2005 Dr. Cr.

To C of China {5000x(48.9048.60)} To F of France {1000 x (48.5048.00)} To G of Germany {50000x (47.2046.80)} To C of Canada {80000 x (47.3547.00)} To J of Japan {10000x (46.2546.00)} To Profit & Loss A/c.( Net Tfd )



By C of Canada {40000 x (47.6047.35)} By F of France {9000 x(48.00-47.90)} By S of Sri Lanka {20000x(46.3045.40)} By S of Sri Lanka{20000 x(45.6045.40)} By K of Korea {15000x(47.3045.60)}



















5900 58400 58400

Illustration No. 8 On 1st January 2009 MARINA LTD. an Indian importer purchased $ 250000 worth goods from Gemini Trading Company of USA. The payment for the import was made as follows: On 10th February 2009 On 15th March 2009 On 20th April 2009 ---------$ 100000 $ 75000 $ 75000

Marina Limited closes its books on 31st March every year. The exchange rate for $ 1 was follows : 1st January 2009 -----Rs. 49.00 10th February 2009 ----Rs. 49.50 15th March 2009 ---Rs. 47.60 31st March 2009 ----Rs. 45.00 th 20 April 2009 ----Rs. 46.75 (1) Pass Journal Entries. (2) Prepare Gemini Trading Company Account and Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Account in the books of Marina Limited.




Purchase A/c. Dr. To Gemini Trading Co. A/c. ( Being import of goods from Gemini Trading Co. at the Exchange rate of Rs. 49.00 per $) Gemini Trading Co. A/c. Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr To Bank A/c.. (Being payment made of $ 100000 at the exchange rate of Rs.49.50 & Loss transferred to Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c ). Gemini Trading Co. A/c. Dr. To Bank A/c. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c.[Being payment made of $ 75000 and exchange gain of Rs. 1.40 (Rs. 49.00Rs.47.60)] Gemini Trading Co. A/c. Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (Being entry for a year and monetary items for $ 75000 payable to suppliers Gain of Rs. 4 [Rs. 49 Rs.45]) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c. (Being Profit and Foreign Exchange Fluctuation transferred to Profit and Loss A/c.) Gemini Trading Co. A/c. Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. To Bank A/c.. (Being payment made $ 75000and exchange loss of Rs. 1.75[Rs. 46.75-45.00]) Profit and Loss A/c. Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c.( Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Accounts Balance transferred to Profit and Loss A/c.))





12250000 12250000


4900000 50000 4950000


3675000 3570000 105000


300000 300000


355000 355000


3375000 131250 3506250


131250 131250

595 Gemini Traders A/c.

Date 2009 Feb.10 To Bank 100000 49.50 4950000 Particula rs U.S.$ Rate Rs. Date 2009 Jan.1 Feb.10 By Purchases A/c. By Foreign exc.fluctuation A/c. 250000 49 12250000 50000 Particulars U.S.$ Rate Rs.


To Bank To Foreign exc. Fluctuatio n A/c.



3675000 105000


To Foreign exc. Fluctuatio n A/c. To Balance c/d 75000 45




250000 2010 April 20 To Bank 75000 -----


12300000 2010




46.75 ---



By Balance b/d By Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c.



3375000 131250

April 20 75000 3506250



Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Account

Date 2009 April 10 31-8-09 Particulars To Gemini trading co A/c To Profit & loss A/c [$ 5000x( 48.0048.50)] Rs. 5000 Date 2009 March 15 Particulars By Gemini trading co By Gemini trading co Rs. 105000

355000 31-3-10


405000 2009 April 20 To Gemini Trading Co.A/c 131250 2010 March 31 131250 By Profit & loss A/c

405000 131250


596 Illustration No. 9 Yadav Ltd. entered into following transactions during the year 2008. (a) Purchased raw materials worth US $ 7500 on 15th February 2008 from Ammy Inc., payment due after 30 days. The actual payment was however made on 31st March 2008. (b) Goods exported to UK worth $ 6800 on 15th March 2008Payment due after 15 days. The actual payment was received on 13th April 2008. (c) Imported machinery worth 15000 on 15 th April 2008 from Germany payment was made immediately. (d) Special raw materials worth $ 15000 on were imported on 21st May 2008. The payment was made on 10th June 2008. (e) Spare parts from machinery imported from UK on 30th June 2008 worth 10000, payment was due after one month which was duly made. (f) Plant and Machinery worth 10000 was purchased from Sweden , the payment for the same was made in two equal installments on 20th Oct. 2008 and 20th Dec.2008. (g) Raw materials worth 11000 imported from UK 0n 15th December 2008. Payment due after two months. Pass journal entries (including for bank transactions) for the above Accounting year in calendar year. The exchange rate were: Date 2008 15-2 12-315-3 31-3 13-04 15-04 21-05 10-06 30-06 30-07 20-08 15-10 20-10 15-12 18-12 20-12 31-12 US $ 46.00 46.10 47.00 48.00 47.10 47.50 48.20 47.90 46.20 48.20 48.25 48.80 48.60 47.90 48.00 48.40 47.50 80.00 80.20 80.40 82.40 81.20 81.60 81.80 82.00 81.00 81.20 81.40 82.00 83.30 82.60 82.60 82.90 82.00

597 Solution: In the books of Yadav Ltd. Journal Entries

Date 2008 15-2 Particulars Raw materials A/c Dr. To Ammy Inc. (Being raw materials imported at exchange rate Rs. 46/$.) UK Customer A/c. Dr. To Export Sales A/c. (Being goods exported to UK at exchange rate Rs. 80/) Ammy Inc. A/c. Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Bank (Being amount paid at exchange rate Rs. 48/$) Bank A/c. To UK Customer A/c. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (Being amount received exchange rate 81.20/ ) Dr. Debit Rs. Credit Rs.

345000 345000


546720 546720


345000 15000 360000


552160 546720 5440

6800 at Dr. 1224000 1224000


Machinery A/c. To Bank (Being machinery purchased at exchange rate Rs 81.60/) Raw Materials A/c To USA Supplier (Being special raw materials purchased at exchange rate Rs.48.20/$)



723000 723000


USA supplier A/c Dr. To bank To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c (Being payment made at exchange rate Rs47.90/$) Machinery A/c Dr. To UK Supplier A/c (Being machinery purchased at exchange rate Rs.81/ )

723000 718500 4500


810000 810000

30.07 UK Supplier A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Bank (being payment made to UK Supplier at exchange rate Rs.81.20/ ) Plant & Machinery A/c Dr. To Swedish Supplier ( Being plant & Machinery purchased at exchange rate Rs.81.40/ ) Swedish supplier A/c. Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Dr. To Bank (Being amount paid at exchange rate 83.30/ ) Raw materials A/c. Dr. To UK Suppliers (Being raw materials imported at exchange rate 82.60/ ) Swedish supplier A/c. Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Dr. To Bank (Being amount paid at exchange rate 83.30/ ) UK Supplier A/c. Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (Being Foreign exchange fluctuation adjusted) 810000 2000 812000


814000 814000


407000 9500 416500


908600 908600


407000 7500 414500


6600 6600

Illustration No. 10 Jaya Traders purchased a machine for $ 1200000 on 30th June 2007 . Out of this $ 1000000 was financed by a foreign currency loan. The loan carried an interest rate of 10% p.a. On the date of acquisition the exchange rate was 1$= Rs.45.00 The firm closes books on 31st December every year. Depreciation is provided at 10% on WDV basis. The company paid $ 200000(Exchange rate Rs.46.50/$) on 31st December 2007 and 150000 on31st December 2008(Exchange rate Rs. 47.00/$) alongwith outstanding interest on respective dates. You are required to prepare Machinery A/c. and Foreign currency loan A/c.for the years 31st December 2007 and 31st December 2008 in the books of Jaya Traders.

599 Solution: In the Books of Jaya Traders Foreign Currency Loan A/c.
Date 2007 Dec.31 To BAnk 200000 46.50 9300000 Particula rs U.S.$ Rate Rs. Date 2007 June 30 Dec.31 By Machinery By Foreign Exchange fluctuation By Foreign Exchange fluctuation 1000000 45.00 45000000 300000 Particulars U.S.$ Rate Rs.


To Balance c/d






46500000 2008 2008 Jan.1 Dec.31 To Bank 150000 47.00 7050000 Dec31 By Balance b/d. By Foreign Exchange fluctuation By Foreign Exchange fluctuation 800000 46.50


37200000 75000

To Balance c/d






37600000 2009 2009 Jan 1 By balance B/d 650000 47.00



Machinery A/c
Date 2007 June 30 To Bank To Foreign currency loan A/c 9000000 45000000 Dec 31 By Depreciation A/c By Balance C/d 2700000 Particulars Rs. Date 2007 Particulars Rs.

Dec 31 54000000 2008 Jan 01 To Balance b/d 2008 51300000 Dec 31 Dec 31 51300000 2009 Jan 01 To Balance B/d 46170000 2009

51300000 54000000

By Depreciation By balance c/d

5130000 46170000 51300000

600 Illustration No. 11 On 1st Jan.2008 Suhani Ltd. imported $ 100000 worth of goods from Jimmy Traders of U.S.A. The payment for the same was made on 15th April 2008.Suhani Ltd. closes its accounts on 31st March every year. The exchange rates on the relevant dates were :-1-1-2008 31-3-2008 15-4-2008 1$=Rs.46 1$=Rs.45 1$=Rs.48

Journalise the above transactions in the books of Suhani Ltd. in accordance with Accounting Standard 11. In the books of Suhani Ltd. Journal entries
Date 2008 1-1 Purchase A/c. Dr. To Jimmy Traders U. S. A. A/c. (Being goods purchased worth U.S.A.100000 at exchange rate Rs.46/$) 31-3 Jimmy Traders of U.S.A. A/c. Dr. 100000 100000 To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (Being Exchange rate fluctuation at Rs.{46.00-45.00}per $ on amount payable to Jimmy Traders of U. S. A. adjusted) 31-3 Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c. (Being profit on foreign exchange transfer to P& L A/c.) 15-4 Jimmy Traders of U.S.A. A/c. Dr. Dr. To Bank A/c. (Being amount paid Traders,U.S.$100000 Rs.48.00/$) 4800000 to Jimmy at 4500000 300000 Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c 100000 100000 4600000 4600000 Particulars Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

601 Illustration No. 12 Mitul Ltd. an Indian Exporter, sold goods to Charlie Inc. at U.S. $ 25000 on 1-1-2008. 30 days later Mitul Ltd. received a remittance of U.S. $ 10000 being part payment. The Foreign Bank deducted $ 10 as charges while remitting the amount of Mitul Ltd. The local Bank deducted their charges of Rs.750 while crediting the amount to the account of Mitul Ltd. Mitul Ltd. closes its account on 31st March every year. The Exchange rates were:1-1-2008 31-1-2008 31-03-2008 1$=Rs.46 1$=Rs.45 1$= Rs.48

Journalise the above transactions in the books of Mitul Ltd. as per According Standard 11. Solution: Journal Entries in the books of Mitul Ltd.
Date 2008 1-1 Particulars Charlie Inc. U.S. A/c. To Export Sales A/c. (Being goods sold worth U.S. $ 25000at Rs. 46/$) 31-1 Bank A/c. Bank charges Inc. U. S. A/c. Dr. Dr. 448800 1200 10000 460000 Dr. Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

1150000 1150000

Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Charlie Inc.,USA (Being $ 10000 received at rs.45/$ after deducting Bank charges of Rs.10x45 i.e. Rs.450+Rs.750) 31-3 Charlie Inc. U.S. A/c. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (Being amount receivable from Charlie Inc. U.S. $15000 adjusted at Rs. 2 / $ [48-46]) 31-3 Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Profit& Loss A/c. (Being Profit on Foreign exchange fluctuation A/c. transferred to P & L A/c.) Dr.

30000 30000

20000 20000

602 Illustration No. 13 Kadambari Food Products purchased food processing machinery from Watson Inc. USA for US $ 20000 on 1 st Jan.2004. The price of the machinery was payable as 5000 US $ on 1-1-2004 and balance in 3 annual instalments of 5000 $ on 1 st Jan each year. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of the firm for the year 2004,2005, 2006,2007 and 2008. The firm charges depreciation at 20% p.a. on W.D.V. method. The exchange rates per $ were:Rs. On 01-01-2004 40 31-12-2004 41 31-12-2005 42 31-12-2006 39 The Firm follows Calendar year & Accounting year Solution: Journal of Kadambari Food Products
Date 1-1-04 Particulars Machinery A/c. Dr. To Watson Inc.USA A/c. ( Being Machinery purchased exchange rate 1$=40 Rs.) Watson Inc. USA A/c Dr. To Bank A/c. (Being amount paid @ exchange rate 1$= 40Rs.) Depreciation A/c. Dr. To Machinery A/c. (Being depreciation charged @ 20 % p.a. on W.D.V. Method) Watson Inc. USA A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Bank A/c. (Being 5000 US $ paid to Watson Inc. at exchange rate 1$=41 Rs.) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Watson Inc. USA A/c (Being closing balance payable to Watson Inc. adjusted at exchange rate 1$=41 Rs.) Dr. Rs. 800000 800000 Cr. Rs.


200000 200000


160000 160000


200000 5000 205000


10000 10000

31-12-04 Profit & Loss A/c. Dr. To Depreciation A/c. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (Being nominal A/c. transferred to P & L) A/c.) Watson Inc.USA A/c Dr. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Bank A/c. (Being 5000 US $ paid to Watson Inc. at exchange rate 1$=42 Rs.) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Watson Inc.USA A/c (Being closing balance payable to Watson Inc. at exchange rate 1$=42 Rs.) Depreciation A/c. Dr. To Machinery A/c. (Being depreciation Provided @ 20%) Profit & Loss A/c. Dr. To Depreciation A/c. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. (Being nominal A/c. transferred to P & L) A/c.) Watson Inc.USA A/c Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. To Bank A/c. (Being 5000 US $ paid to Watson Inc. USA at Rs. 39 / $) Depreciation A/c. Dr. To Machinery A/c. (Being depreciation provided at 20 % p.a. W.D.V.) Profit & Loss A/c. Dr. To Depreciation A/c. (Being depreciation transferred to P & L A/c.) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c. Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Being nominal A/c transferred to P & L A/c.) 175000 160000 15000


205000 5000 210000


5000 5000


128000 128000


138000 128000 10000


210000 15000 195000


102400 102400


102400 102400


15000 15000

Working Note: Depreciation


Date 1-1-04 31-12-04 1-1-05 31-12-05 1-1-06 31-12-2006 1-1-07

Particulars Purchase Depreciation @ 20% W.D.V. Opening Balance Depreciation @ 20% p.a. W.D.V. Opening Balance Depreciation @ 20 % p.a. W. D. V. Opening Balance

Amount 800000 160000 640000 128000 512000 102400 409600

Illustration No. 14. Anand Exports on 10-10-07 goods worth $ 200000 to A Ltd. in New York. The payment was received on 1-1-08. On the date of Export, the exchange rate was $1= Rs. 45. The dollars were actually received when the exchange rate was $1= Rs.48. Record the transactions in the book of Anand in accordance with AS11. Solution :Journal of Anand
Date 2007 Oct.10 No. 1 Particulars A Ltd. A/c Dr. To Sales A/c. (Being Exports of $200000 to A Ltd. transferred at 1$=Rs.45) Bank A/c. Dr. To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c To A Ltd. A/c. (Being the receipt of $ 200000 from A Ltd. translated at 1 $= Rs.48 ) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Being nominal A/c closed) Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs. 9000000


01.01.2008 2

9600000 600000 9000000

31.03.2008 3

600000 600000

Ledger of Anand

605 A Ltd. Account

Date 10-107 18-107 Particulars To Sales To Gain on FE $ 200000 (200000) 200000 Rate 45 3 Rs. 9000000 600000 ________ 9600000 Date 18-107 Particulars By Bank $ 200000 Rate 48 Rs. 9600000


________ 9600000

Illustration No. 15 On 1st January 2008 Bhavesh imported $ 200000 worth of goods from John of USA. The payment for the import was made on 25-5-2008. Bhavesh closes its books on 31st March every year. The exchange rates on the relevant dates were:01.01.08 31-3-2008 1-5-2008 1$=Rs.46 1$=Rs.45 1$=Rs.48

Record the above transactions in the books of Bhavesh in accordance with AS11. Solution :Journal of Bhavesh
Date 2007 Jan.1 No. 1 Particulars Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs. Purchases A/c. Dr. 9200000 To John Ltd. A/c. 9200000 (Being imports of $ 200000 from John Ltd.translated at 1$= Rs.46) John Ltd. A/c. Dr. 200000 To Foreign Exchange 200000 fluctuation A/c. (Being gain [$200000xRs.1] on valuation on closing date accounted) Foreign Exchange fluctuation 200000 A/c Dr. 200000 To Profit & Loss A/c (being nominal A/c closed) John Ltd. A/c. Dr. 9000000 Foreign Exchange fluctuation 600000 A/c Dr. 9600000 To Bank (Being the payment of $ 200000 to John Ltd translated at 1 $= Rs.48) Profit & Loss Dr. 600000 To Foreign Exchange 600000 fluctuation A/c (Being nominal A/c closed)

2007 Mar.31

2007 Mar 31

2007 May 15

2008 Mar 31

Ledger of Bhavesh

606 John of USA Ltd. A/c.

Date Particulars $ Rate Rs. Date Particulars $ Rate Rs.


To Foreign Exchange Fluctuation A/c To Balance c/d




By Purchases








9200000 25-507 To Bank 200000 48 9600000 1-4-06 By Balance b/d By Loss on FE 200000 45

9200000 9000000

15-402 9600000




21.2 KEY TERMS :

Average rate: It is the mean of the Foreign exchange rate. Closing rate: It is the Foreign Exchange rate as on Balance Sheet date. Exchange rate: It is the Foreign Exchange rate as given by the RBI Foreign currency: It is the Currency of the foreign country. Foreign Currency transaction: It is a transaction entered in a foreign currency. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Account: it is an account through which profit or loss due to Foreign Exchange Fluctuation is recorded. Forward rate: It is the Foreign Exchange rate fixed by the terms of agreement for exchange between two foreign currencies at a specified future date. Reporting currency: It is the currency of the country in which the financial statements are prepared. Settlement date: It is the date on which foreign currency transaction is paid or received.




21.3.1 OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Multiple Choice Questions : 1. The exchange rate at the balance sheet date is known as (a) Average Rate (b) Closing Rate (c) Non-monetary Rate (d) Monetary Rate Reporting currency is the currency used (a) In recording the financial transactions (b) In presenting the financial statements (c) In settling the financial transactions (d) None of the above Monetary items (a) Are assets and liabilities to be received or paid in money (b) Are assets to be received in fixed or determinable amounts of money (c) Are money held and assets and liabilities to be received or paid in fixed or determinable amounts of money (d) None of the above Non-monetary items which are carried in terms of historical cost denominated in a foreign currency should be reported using the exchange rate at the date of the (a) Balance Sheet (b) Transaction (c) Settlement (d) None of the above The contingent liability denominated in foreign currency at the balance sheet date is disclosed by using the (a) Average Rate (b) Closing Rate (c) Non-monetary Rate (d) Monetary Rate
1. b, 2. b, 3. c, 4. b, 5. b.






Fill in the blanks. 1. 2. ____________ is the mean of the exchange rates in force during a period. ____________ difference is the difference resulting from reporting the same number of units of a foreign currency in the reporting currency at different exchange rates.

608 3. 4. ____________ rate is the ratio for exchange of two currencies. ____________ value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction. ____________ items are assets and liabilities other than monetary items. ____________ currency is the currency used in presenting the financial statements. Cash, receivable, and ____________ items. payable are examples of

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fixed assets, inventories and investments in Equity shares are examples of ____________ items. The contingent liability denominated in foreign currency at the balance sheet date is disclosed by using the ____________ rate.

Answers: (1) Average Rate, (2) Exchange, (3) Exchange, (4) Fair, (5) Non-monetary, (6) Reporting, (7)Monitory, (8) Non-monetary, (9) Closing

State whether True or False. 1. Exchange rate is the rate at which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction. Inventories is a non-monetary item. A foreign currency transaction should be recorded, on initial recognition in the reporting currency, by applying to the foreign currency amount the exchange rate between the reporting currency and the foreign currency at the date of the recording. Closing rate is the exchange rate at the close of the date on which a transaction takes place. Foreign Currency is a currency other than the Indian rupee. Monetary items are defined by AS 11 as assets and liabilities other than non-monetary items. Reporting currency is the currency used in recording the financial transactions.

2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

609 8. Exchange difference is the difference resulting from reporting the same number of units of a foreign currency in the reporting currency at the closing exchange rates. A foreign currency transaction arises when an enterprise buys or sells goods or services whose price is denominated in the reporting currency.
True: 2 False: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.



21.3.2 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS 1. Sailata Ltd. imported raw materials worth US $ 100000 from Silverline (USA) Inc. New York on 20th March 2008, when the exchange rate was US $1=Rs. 40.10 . Sailata agreed to pay the amount due to the Silverline (USA) Inc. in four equal instalments falling on 20th April, 20th May, 20th June, 20th July 2008 . Exchange rates on these dates were as follows :20th April 2008 20th May 2008 20th June 2008 20th July 2008 Rs.40.60 Rs. 40.00 Rs. 39.70 Rs.38.90

Prepare Silverline (USA) Inc. A/c. in the books of Sailata Ltd. 2. During the year ended 31-12-2008. A Ltd. entered into the following transactions in foreign currency. Pass Journal entries for the same (including for bank transactions) Also prepare the Foreign Currency Fluctuation A/c. (a) A machine was imported on 10th January 2008 from A in Singapore worth US $ 14500. The payment for the same was made on 1February 2008. (b) A machine was imported on 11 February 2008 from Machinery Manufacturers Inc. USA for US $5000. The payment for the same was made as: i) ii) iii) US $ 2000 as advance on 11 February 2008 US $ 5000 on 28 February 2008 Balance on 31st March 2008

(c) Order for Machinery spares was placed on 10 th September 2008 for US $ 5000. The bank made the payment for the same on delivery of spares after a week.

610 (d) Goods worth US $ 5700 exported to Excel Industries, Dubai on 2nd Nov.2008. The payment for the same was due after three months. (e) Raw materials worth US $16000 Imported on 1st December 2008 from Five Pharma Ltd. USA . The payment for the same was to be made after two months. The Foreign Exchange Rates for US $ were as under:Date 10.01.2008 1.02.08 11.02.08 28.02.08 31.03.08 10.09.08 17.09.08 02.11.08 01.12.08 31.12.08 Rs./$ 47.50 47.90 48.10 49.00 50.10 48.20 47.50 47.60 48.90 47.00

3. Pass Journal entries for the following Foreign Currency transactions :K Ltd. invoiced goods to Graff Traders of West Germany for US $ 600000 on 10th March 2008. The payment for the same was received as follows. On 15th March 2008 25th March 2008 25th April 2008 US $200000 US $150000 Balance Rs. 42/$ Rs. 43/$ Rs.44/$

The exchange rate on 10th March 2008 was Rs. 40/$ and on 31st March 2008 Rs. 45/$.K Ltd. follows financial year as accounting year. 4. Ceat Ltd. purchased a machine for US $ 1000000 on 30 th June 2006, from Thompson of USA ,out of which $800000 was financed by a foreign currency loan and the balance was received by way of Government Grant. The loan carried interest at 9% p.a. On the date of acquisition exchange rate was $1= Rs.40. The Foreign currency loan was repaid in two equal annual instalments on 30th June 2007 and 30th June 2008 along with interest due there on.

611 Ceat Ltd provides depreciation at 20% p.a. WDV. Method on 31st March every year. The exchange rate were as under:31st December 2006 31st March 2007 30th June 2007 31st March 2008 30th June 2008 Rs.42/$ Rs. 44/$ Rs.43/$ Rs. 45/$ Rs. 44/$ Accounts in the

You are required to prepare following Ledger books of Ceat Ltd. a) Machinery A/c. b) Foreign currency loan A/c. c) Interest A/c. d) Depreciation A/c. e) Outstanding interest A/c.

5. Radha Enterprises sold to Manhattan and Co. of USA goods on 31st December 2008 valued at $ 50000. Half the amount was paid by the Wales Co. on 31st January 2009,when the rate of exchange was 1$= Rs.48as against 1$= Rs.45 on 31st December 2008 The rate of exchange on 31st March2009 was 1$= Rs. 46 Pass necessary Journal entries in the books of Radha enterprises and show the relevant extract of balance sheet as on 31st March 2009. 6. Kailas Ltd. borrowed from Uk , money market a sum of 100000 pounds on 1st January 2008 for a period of 6 months for working capital requirement. The loan was repaid on the due date together with interest at 6 %. The exchange rate for the pound sterling is given below:On 1st January 2008 31st March 2008 30th June 2008 1pound= Rs. 58 1 Pound= Rs.59 1 Pound= Rs.60

Pass necessary entries in the books of Kailas Ltd. for the above transactions and show the relevant extract of its balance sheet as on 31st March 2008. 7. Manoj trading Co. an Indian exporter sold goods to Tom Ltd. invoicing at $25000 on 1st January 2008. The exchange rate at the time of invoice was Rs.46.later Manoj Trading Co. received

612 remittance of $ 10000 being part payment. The foreign bank deducted $ 20 as charges while remitting the amount to Manoj trading co. the rate of exchange at the time of remittance was Rs.44 The local bank deducted their charges of Rs. 1000 while crediting the amount in the accounts of Manoj Trading Co. Record the following transaction in the books of Manoj Trading Co. 8. Stock at cost to Progressive company ltd. on 31st march 2009 was valued at the cost of 10000 being purchased on 31 st December 2008. the currency rate of exchange were: 1 =Rs.70 (31st March 2009) and Rs.68 (31st December 2008) The market value on 31st March 2009 of the stock was lower than its cost by 10% thereof when Progressive company ltd. paid half the amount due on the purchases. Show the entries passed by Progressive company ltd. on relevant extract of its balance sheet as on 31st March 2009.

Unit Structure 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.6 Objectives Introduction Benefits of Purchase of Own Debentures Debenture interest and interest on Own Debentures Accounting entries for Debenture interest Purchase of Own Debenture cum interest and ex-interest Purchase of Own Debentures Own Debentures held as investment and later on cancellation of Own Debentures.

613 22.7 22.8 22.9 Accounting Entries for Own Debentures Disclosure of Investment of Own Debentures in Balance sheet. Debenture Trustees

After studying the unit the students will be able to: Know the meaning of Own Debentures Understand the Accounting for interest on Own Debentures Record Own Debentures purchased cum Interest / ex interest transactions. Explain the procedure for Cancellation of Own Debentures. Solve the practical problems on the unit.

The companies Act, 1956 does not prohibits purchase of its Own Debentures by a company. A company if authorized by its Articles of Association, Debenture Deed etc.; can buy its Own Debentures in the open market, which were issued to public earlier. Acquisition of Own Debentures by a company is treated like purchase of any other investment, only difference is instead of debiting Investment Account, it is debited to Own Debentures Account. The Debentures so purchased by a company can be held as investment or it may purchase for immediate cancellation or it may resold in open market or company may cancelled afterwards if the company so desires. Debentures when purchased for investments are popularly known as Own Debentures. Purchased of Own Debentures in open market

Purchased of Own Debentures in open market

Purchased of Own Debentures for immediate cancellation

Purchased of Own Debentures as Investment

i) Own Debentures purchased as Investment and resold in market

ii) The Own Debentures may be subsequently cancelled if the company so desires






Purchase of Own Debenture benefits the company in following ways : a) If market price of Own Debenture is less than face value of Debentures, by purchasing it in open market company may gain / profit on purchases. e.g. If face value of Debenture is Rs.500/each, and it market price is Rs.475/-. The company can save Rs.25/- on cancellation. b) If Debentures are redeemable at premium, by purchasing Own Debentures below face value, company can save premium payable on redemption of Debentures. c) After purchase company saves on interest payable on such Debentures. d) Resell of Own Debentures in open market, company can make profit, when market condition is favorable. e) Sinking Fund may be invested in Own Debentures, so investment may not be open market risk.


Debenture interest is calculated on face value of Debenture outstanding during fixed rate of interest. Debenture interest being expenses is debited when it due and at the end year it is transferred to Profit & Loss Account. Total Debenture interest payable can divided into three parts.

615 1. Interest on Own Debentures held as Investment. It is credited to Interest Own Debenture Account and at the end of the year it is credited to Profit & Loss Account as income. 2. Interest on Own Debentures held a Sinking Fund Investments : Interest on Own Debentures is credited to Sinking Fund Account and not to Profit & Loss Account. 3. Interest on Debentures held by outsiders : Debenture interest is payable to outsiders, therefore it is credited to Debenture holders. However, once Own Debentures are resold in the open market, interest amount from date of sale, will be payable to outsider and upto date of sale it is credited to interest on Own Debentures. Similarly, after cancellation Own Debentures, no interest accrues on Debentures cancelled. Interest on Own Debentures is recorded only upto date of cancellation or upto resell in open market. According to Income Tax Act, 1961, a company is liable to deduct income tax at the prescribed rate on Gross amount of interest, the net amount is paid to Debenture holders. However, income tax act does not provide for deduction of tax on interest accrued but not due; while purchase / sale of Own Debentures. 22.3.1 ACCOUNTING ENTRIES FOR DEBENTURE INTEREST
Date 1. Particulars For Debenture interest due. Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c XX XX XX Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

2. For payment & interest to outsiders Debenture holders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c To TDS on Debenture Interest A/c (if any) 3. For transfer of Debenture interest Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Debenture Interest A/c 4. For transfer of interest on Own Debentures Interest on Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c OR To Sinking Fund A/c XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX



Cum means with and ex-interest means without. When Own Debentures are purchase / resold before due date of payment of interest, if interest accrued included in the quotation price it is cum interest. It is total amount to be paid by buyer to the seller. Similarly interest accrued not included in quotation price, it is exinterest price. When Own Debenture purchased in open market, it is required to make distinction between capital portion and revenue portion of total amount paid for acquiring the Own Debentures. In case of cum-interest price it includes interest accrued from last payment of interest upto date of purchase. Illustration : 1 On 1st November, 2007 Z Ltd. purchase Own 12% Debentures for 12,100 cum interest (face value Rs.10,000/-). It due date of payment of interest on 12% Debentures is 31st December every year. Solution : Since it is cum-interest, interest for expired period is included in quotation price. i.e. Rs.12,100/- includes interest from 1st Jan. 07 to 1st Nov. 07. (10 months) Interest is always calculated on face value.

617 Interest accrued = 10,000 X

12 10 X = Rs.1,000/100 12

Therefore, cost of Own Debenture = 12,100 1,000 = Rs.11,100/In above case, if it is then Z Ltd. require to pay for purchase of Own Debenture + Accrued Interest. Amount paid up Z Ltd. = 12,000 (cost) + 1,000 (interest) = Rs.13,100/In above case, the price of Rs.12,100/- represents the price actually paid for the purchasing Own Debentures. Cum-interest = Ex-interest (cost) + Accrued interest for expired period Illustration : 2 On 31st Aug. 08, KB Ltd. purchased Own, 400 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each at Rs.120/- cum-interest. Interest payable half yearly on 30th June & 31st December every year. Solution : Cum-interest amount paid 400 X 120 Less : Interest for expired period of 2 months. Face value 400 X 100 = 40,000 Accrued Interest for 2 month. 12 2 40,000 X X 100 12 Cost of Own Debenture Rs. 48,000

(800) 47,200

Illustration : 3 In continuation of above problem, on 30th sep. 08 Z Ltd. purchased Own 500, 12% Debentures ex-interest @ Rs.125/- each interest payable on 30th June and 31st December every year.

618 Solution : Total amount payable by Z Ltd. 500 Debentures @ Rs.125/- each (cost = ex-int) Add : Interest accrued for 3 months. (1st July 08 to 30th Sept. 08) 12 3 50,000 X X 100 12 Total amount payable for purchased of Own Debentures Rs. 62,500

1,500 64,000

Brokerage paid, if any, should be added to cost of Own Debentures. It is to be calculated on quotation price.


A company can buy back its Own Debentures which are issued to public earlier, in open market, if it is authorized by Articles of Association and as per terms of issue of Debentures. While recording purchase / cancellation of Own Debentures / Resell of Own Debentures etc., following points should be considered. i) Interest Accrued till date of purchase / sale interest is always calculated on face value and considering expired period (from last payment of interest till purchase / resell of Own Debentures.) ii) Whether purchase / resell of Own Debenture is cum-interest of ex-interest. iii) Brokerage paid is added to cost in case of purchaser, it is deducted from Gross amount in case of resell. iv) If quotation price does not mentioned about cum or ex-interest, in the given problem. It is assumed that quotation price is exinterest and suitable note should be given. 22.5.1 PURCHASE OF OWN DEBENTURE FOR IMMEDIATE CANCELLATION: Own Debentures are purchase and immediately cancelled. Normally when Debentures traded below face value, company may purchased Own Debentures and cancelled immediately. So, company saves interest payable on Debentures and also premium payable on redemption if any. There can be profit on cancellation if it is purchase below face value. Normally combined entry passed for acquisition and cancellation of Own Debentures.

619 Journal entry

Date 1. Particulars For purchased & cancellation of Own Debentures Debentures A/c Dr. (face value of Debenture purchased.) Debenture Interest A/c .. Dr. (accrued upto date of cancellation) To Bank A/c (Total amount paid) To Capital Reserve A/c (Profit on cancellation of Own Debentures) If Debentures are redeemed out of profit, addition entry required to transfer profit. Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c .......... Dr. To Debenture Redemption Fund A/c (Amount equal to face value of Debentures cancelled.) Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)




Illustration : 4 On 1st April, 09 M.D. Ltd. purchase Own 500, 12% Debenture of Rs.100/- each @ Rs.97/- cum-interest from open market for immediate cancellation. Debenture interest payable annually on 31st Dec. every year. Solution : Journal in the books of M.D. Ltd.
Date 1. Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

12% Debentures A/c (face value) ...Dr. 50,000 Debenture Interest A/c . Dr. 1,500 To Bank A/c 48,500 To Capital Reserve A/c 3,000 (Being 500 Own Debentures purchase for cancellation, interest @ 12% on Rs.50,000 for 3 months recorded.) Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c ... Dr. 50,000 To Debenture Redemption Reserve A/c 50,000 (Being profit transferred to the extent of face value of Debentures cancelled.)


620 22.5.2 PURCHASE OF OWN DEBENTURES AS INVESTMENT Purchased of Own Debentures by a company is treated like purchase of any other Investment only difference is that instead of debiting Investment A/c, it is debited to Own Debentures at purchased cost. Interest accrued Own Debentures also should be accounted.
Date 1. Particulars Own Debentures A/c (cost).. Dr. Debenture Interest A/c (accrued Int.) ..Dr. To Bank A/c (Total Amt. paid) Debit (Rs.) XX XX XX Credit (Rs.)

Illustration : 5 (Own Debentures are purchased as investments) In the books of N.M. Ltd. the 12% Debentures Account shows a credit balance of Rs.5,00,000/- consisting of 5,000 Debentures of Rs.100/- each as on 1st April 08. During the year Debentures were purchased in the open market as follows : 1st July, 500 Debentures at Rs.96/- ex-interest. 1st December, 400 Debentures at Rs.99/- cum-interest. The Debentures, purchased were retained as investment of the company. Interest on Debentures was payable half yearly on 30 th Sept. and 31st March every year. You are required to passed journal entries in the books of N.M. Ltd. Solution : In journal of N.M. Ltd.
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) 48,000 1,500 Credit (Rs.)

1st July Own Debentures A/c ..Dr. 08 Debenture Interest A/c .. Dr. To Bank A/c (Being 500 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each at Rs.96/- ex-interest as investment and Debenture interest for the period of three months.) 30th Debenture Interest A/c ..........Dr. 28,500 Sept. To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 08 To Debenture holders A/c (Being interest due @ 12% on Rs.4,50,000/held by outsiders for 6 months and on Rs.50,000/- held by company for 3 months.)


1,500 27,000

30th Sept. 08 1st April 08 31st Mar. 08 Debenture holders A/c ...........Dr. To Bank A/c (Being payment for interest due to outsiders.) Own Debentures A/c ..Dr. Debenture interest A/c .. Dr. To Bank A/c Debenture Interest A/c ..........Dr. To Interest on Own Debentures A/c To Debenture holders A/c (Being interest due @ 12% p.a. on Rs.4,10,000/held by outsiders and Rs.50,000/- held by company for 6 month and on Rs.40,000/- for 4 months.) Debenture holders A/c ..........Dr. To Bank A/c (Being interest due on outsider paid.) Profit & Loss A/c .Dr. To Debenture interest A/c (Being Debenture interest transferred.) Interest on Own Debentures A/c ..Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Being interest on Own Debenture transferred.) 27,000 27,000 38,800 800 39,600 29,200 4,600 24,600

31st Mar. 08 31st Mar. 08 31st Mar. 08

24,600 24,600 60,000 60,000 6,100 6,100

22.5.3 FOR PURCHASE OF OWN DEBENTURES AS INVESTMENT AND RESELL OF OWN DEBENTURES IN OPEN MARKET. A company may acquire its Own Debenture and subsequently the company may decide to resell in the open market. If market condition are favourable, company need funds, the company can earn some profit and funds available. Accounting procedure should as follows. i) For purchase of Own Debenture ii) For resell of Own Debenture iii) For Accounting for Debenture interest and Interest on Own Debentures.
Date 1. Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

For Purchase of Own Debentures. Own Debenture A/c (ex-int.)..Dr. XX Debenture Interest A/c (Cost accrued Int.)..Dr. XX To Bank A/c (cum-int. amt. paid) XX 2. Bank A/c (I) ..Dr. XX To Own Debentures A/c (II) XX To Debentures on Own Interest A/c (III) XX Note : I) Bank = cum-interest () Brokerage II) Own Debentures = Amt. received () Accrued Interest III) Accrued Interest = Debentures interest from last due date of interest or interest on purchased of Own Debentures which ever a earlier.

Note : In case due date of Interest and year end of company are different, care should taken to account for accrued but not due; Debenture interest at the end of year. 3. For Profit / Loss on resale of Own Debentures. a) For Profit Own Debentures A/c ..Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c b) For Loss Profit & Loss A/c .Dr. To Own Debentures A/c Profit = Net Sales proceeds of Own Debentures Less : Cost of Own Debentures sold Profit on Debentures OR Loss on sale of Own Debentures 4. For Interest due on Debentures / year end Debentures Interest A/c (I) Dr. To Debenture holders A/c (II) To Interest on Own Debentures (III)




Note : I) Debenture Interest = Total Interest due for the period () Debenture interest paid at the time of purchased, only if it is purchased after lat due date. II) Debenture holders = Interest payable for entire due period

Face value of Debentures by outsiders


X Rate of Interest

No. of Months



For Debenture Interest paid to outsiders. Debenture holders A/c ..Dr. To Bank A/c At the end of year a) For transferring Debenture Interest Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Debentures Interest A/c b) For transferring Interest on Own Debentures Interest on Own Debentures A/c .Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c




Illustration : 6 On 01/01/08 12% Debenture A/c showed a credit balance of Rs.6,00,000/- (Rs.100/- each) Interest is payable on 30th June and December every year. Company made following purchases and sale in the open market in respect of

623 31/03/08 Rs.50,000/- Debentures acquired @ Rs.99/- cum-interest 30/04/08 Rs.20,000/- Debentures sold @ Rs.101/- ex-interest 01/10/08 Rs.40,000/- Debentures acquired @ Rs.96/- ex-interest 30/11/08 Rs.20,000/- Debentures sold @ Rs.108/- cum-interest, which was purchased on 31/03/08. Company closes books on 31st December every year. Pass journal entries (including cash). Solution : Journal
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

31.03.08 Own Debentures A/c Dr. 48,000 (49,500 1,500) Debenture Interest A/c Dr. (50,000X12%X ) 12 To Bank A/c (50,000X99%) 1,500


30.04.08 Bank A/c .Dr. 21,000 [(200X101)+Int. (20,000X12%X

4 12

)] 20,200 800

To Own Debentures A/c (200X101) To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (20,000X12%X

4 12

(Being 200 Own Debentures sold @ Rs.101/- ex-interest.) 30.04.08 Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Profit and Loss A/c (Profit on sale of Own Debentures transferred.) (i.e. 1,000 1,000

48000 500

X 200 = 19,200 cost)

35,300 34,200

30.06.08 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c (5,70,000X12%X

6 12

) 1,100

To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (Being half yearly Debenture interest provided.)

Workings : (No. of Debentures = 6,000 300 = 5,700 [face value = Rs.100/-]) Outsider (5,70,000 X 12% X ) = 12 On Own Debentures 1 50,000 X 12% X = 500 12 2 30,000 X 12% X = 600 12 Total Interest


1,100 35,300

01.10.08 Own Debentures A/c Dr. 38,400 (400 X 96) Debenture Interest A/c Dr. (40,000 X 12% X 1,200

3 12

) 39,600

To Bank A/c (Being 400, 12% Debentures acquired at Rs.96/- ex-int, interest accrued for 3 months.) 30.11.08 Bank A/c (200 X 108) ..Dr. 21,600 To Own Debentures A/c To Debenture Interest A/c (20,000 X 12% X

20,600 1,000

5 12

) 1,400 1,400

30.11.08 Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Profit and Loss A/c (Being profit on sale of 200 Own Debenture transferred.) Workings : Rs. Sale Proceeds Less : Cost of Own Debentures Profit on sale 20,600 (19,200) 1,400

31.12.08 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Interest on Own Debenture A/c To Debenture holders A/c (Being Debenture interest due for six months.)

35,800 2,800 33,000


Workings : Debenture Interest on Own Debentures Opening Bal X Month (300 X 3) 01.10 Purchased (300 + 400 = 700 X 2 months) 30.11 Sold 200 sold (700 200 = 500 X 1 month) Interest on Own Debentures Outsiders Total Debentures (-) Own Debentures With outsiders Debenture interest held by outsiders = 5,50,000 X 12% X

900 1,400 500 2,800

6,000 (500) 5,500

6 12

= 33,000

31.12.08 Profit & Loss A/c Dr. 72,000 To Debenture Interest A/c (Being Debenture Interest transferred.) 31.12.08 Interest on Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Being Interest transferred.) on Own Debentures 3,900 3,900 72,000

A company may purchase Own Debentures treat as investment and later on cancelled Own Debentures to reduced liabilities. Cancellation Own Debentures may be on due date of interest or it may be cancelled on any time other than due date of interest. In such a case, care should be taken about Interest accrued for expired period up to date of cancellation. In such a case, following accounting procedure should be followed: 22.6.1 ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE a) Acquisition of Own Debenture b) Pass entry for cancellation of Own Debenture c) Pass entry for accrued Debenture interest and interest on Own Debentures for expired period. i.e. From date of interest upto date of cancellation.

626 Note : i) After cancellation of Own Debentures, no interest accrues on Debentures cancelled. ii) Profit on cancellation of Own Debenture is capital profit and hence it should be transferred to capital reserve. 22.6.2 ACCOUNTING ENTRIES
Date 1. Particulars For Acquisition of Own Debentures Own Debentures A/c (ex-int. + brokerage)..Dr. Debenture Interest A/c (accrued interest) .. Dr. To Bank A/c (cum-int + brokerage) 2. For cancellation of Own Debentures Debentures A/c (face value of deb. cancelled)...Dr. To Own Debentures A/c 3. For Profit on cancellation of Own Debentures Own Debentures A/c (profit on cancelled)..Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Profit = face value of Debentures cost of Own Debentures) 4. In case, loss on cancellation of Own Debentures Securities Premium / Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Own Debentures A/c 5. For interest due on Debentures cancelled and interest on Own Debentures Debenture interest A/c ..Dr. To Interest on Own Debentures A/c Debenture interest = face value X rate of return X XX XX XX XX XX XX Debit (Rs.) XX XX XX Credit (Rs.)


Expired period 12

Alternatively above entries can be combined as under Debenture Interest A/c .. Dr. To Own Debentures A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c To Capital Reserve A/c Note: In case of loss on cancellation it should be accounted accordingly. XX XX XX XX

627 Illustration : 7 01.01.09 Parag Ltd. holds Own 400, 10% Debenture, of Rs.100/each purchased @ Rs.88/- as Investment. On 31.03.09 the company decided to cancel all above Own Debentures. Debenture interest payable on 30 th June and 31st December every year. Pass journal entries. Solution : In the books of Parag Ltd.
Debit Credit (Rs.) (Rs.) 31.03.09 10% Debentures A/c (400X100)..Dr. 40,000 To Own Debentures A/c (400X88) 35,200 To Profit on cancellation of Own Debentures A/c 4,800 (Being 400, Own Debentures cancelled.) 31.03.09 Debentures Interest A/c Dr. 1,000 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 1,000 (Being accrued interest on Debentures upto cancellation.) Date Particulars 400X100 = 40,000 3 40,000 X 10% X = 1,000 12 31.03.09 Profit on Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Capital Reserve A/c (Being profit on cancellation of Own Debentures transferred.)

4,800 4,800

Illustration : 8 On 1st January 08, Z Ltd.s books showed, credit balance 5,000, 6% Debentures on 30th June and 31st December every year. The company made following purchases of Own Debentures in open market. On 01.05.08, 400 Debentures purchased @ Rs.94/- ex-interest On 01.09.08, 600 Debentures purchased @ Rs.95/- cum-interest On 01.12.08, company decided to cancelled Own 1,000 Debentures Pass entries for the year ended 31st December 08.

628 Solution: Journal in Z Ltd.

Date 2008 May 1 Particulars Own Debentures A/c (400 X 94) Dr. Debenture Interest A/c Dr. (40,000 X = 800) 100 12 To Bank A/c (Being 400, 10% Debenture purchased @ Rs.94/- ex-interest, interest accrued for 4 months.) June 30 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c = 13,800) 100 12 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c = 400) 100 12 (Being Debenture interest due for 6 months and on 400 Own Debentures for 2 months.) June 30 Debenture holders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being Debenture interest due to outsides paid.) Sept. 1 Own Debentures A/c....Dr. (57,000 Int. 600) Debenture Interest A/c Dr. (60,000 X 60% X ) 12 To Bank A/c (600 X 95) 13,800 13,800 (40,000 X (4,60,000 X 14,200 13,800 Debit (Rs.) 37,600 800 Credit (Rs.)



56,400 600

57,000 94,000 6,000

Dec. 1

10% Debentures A/c Dr. 1,00,000 To Own Debentures A/c (37,600+56,400) To Capital Reserve A/c (Bal fig.) (Being 1,000 Own Debentures of Rs.100/each costing Rs.94,000/- cancelled.) Debentures Interest A/c Dr. To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (Being interest on Own Debenture, upto cancellation accounted.) 1,900

Dec. 1


a) On 400X100= 40,000 X 6% X

5 12


b) On 600X100=60,000 X 6% X

3 12

= 900

1,900 Dec. 31 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. (4,00,000 X 6% X ) 12 To Debenture holders A/c (Being Debenture interest due on 4,000 debentures of Rs.100/- each held by outsiders.) Dec. 31 Debenture holders A/c .Dr. To Bank A/c (Being Debenture interest paid.) Dec. 31 Profit & Loss A/c ..Dr. To Debenture Interest A/c (Being Debenture interest transferred.) Dec. 31 Interest on Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Being balance in interest Own Debentures transferred.) 12,000 12,000 29,500 29,500 2,300 2,300 12,000







22.7.1 No Sinking Fund exists Various entries are already given above steps wise 22.7.2 When Sinking Fund exists Under Sinking Fund method of redemption, out of distributable profit some part of profit transferred to sinking Fund A/c. Amount appropriated is invested in Securities. As companies are allowed to buy their Own Debentures from market, instead of purchasing other securities, companies may buy their Own Debentures which are earlier issued to public. Own Debentures purchased is a part of Sinking Fund Investment. Therefore, interest on Own Debentures, profit or loss on cancellation / resell of redemption of Own Debentures are transferred to Sinking Fund A/c.

630 To the extent face value Debentures cancelled / redeemed; Sinking Fund balance transferred to General Reserve. When entire Debentures are redeemed, balance in Sinking Fund transferred to General Reserve. Sinking Fund is also known as Debenture Redemption Fund. Accounting Entries
Date 1. Particulars For Annual Appropriation Profit & loss Appropriation A/c ... Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c For purchase of Own Debentures as Sinking Fund Investment Own Debentures / S.F. Investment A/c .Dr. Debenture Interest A/c .Dr. To Bank A/c For Debenture Interest due Debenture Interest A/c .Dr. To Debenture holders A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c For Debenture interest of outsiders paid Debenture holders A/c ..Dr. To Bank A/c For transfer of interest on Own Debentures Interest on Own Debentures A/c .Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c Debit (Rs.) XX XX Credit (Rs.)






Above entries 1 to 5 to be repeated every year till Debentures are to be redeem. 6. In the last year, when Debentures are to redeem For annual appropriation Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c ...Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c For Debenture Interest due. Debenture interest A/c ..Dr. To Debenture holders A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c For Debenture interest paid to outsider Debenture holders A/c ..Dr. To Bank A/c




9. For transfer of interest on Own Debenture Interest on Own Debentures A/c .Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c


10. For cancellation of Own Debentures, on redemption of Debentures Debentures A/c .Dr. To Own Debentures / S.F. Investment A/c Note : Any Profit or Loss on cancellation should be transferred to Sinking Fund. a) For Profit Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Sinking Fund A/c b) For Loss on cancellation Sinking Fund A/c ..Dr. To Own Debentures A/c 11. For redemption of Debentures held by outsiders a) At par Debentures A/c ...Dr. To Debenture holders A/c b) At Premium Debentures A/c ..Dr. Premium on Redemption of Debentures A/c..Dr. To Debenture holders A/c 12. For payment to Debenture holders Debenture holders A/c ..Dr. To Bank A/c 13. For transferring premium on redemption Sinking Fund A/c Dr. To Premium on redemption of Debentures A/c Note : if it is not provided at the time of issue of Debentures. 14. For transferring balance Sinking Fund Sinking Fund A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c Note : In case of partial redemption of Debenture, Sinking Fund to the extent face value of Debentures redeemed should be transferred.)







632 Illustration : 9 Following balances appeared in book of Zeed Ltd. as on 1st April 08. Rs. 12% Debentures (Rs.100/- each) 10,00,000 Sinking Fund A/c 8,50,000 Sinking Fund Investments a) 5% Govt. Loan (FV 3,00,000) b) Own Debentures (FV 6,00,000)

2,80,000 5,70,000

Annual Appropriation towards Sinking Fund Rs.60,000/-. 12% Debentures are due for redemption @ 5% premium on 31st March, 09. Debenture interest payable annually on 31st March every year. Own Debentures were cancelled. 5% Govt. Loan realized at 10% premium. You are required to pass journal entries for the year ended 31st March 09, and prepare Sinking Fund A/c. Solution : Journal of Zeed Ltd.
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) 1,20,000 Credit (Rs.) 48,000 72,000

2009 Debenture Interest A/c... Dr. March To Debenture holders A/c 31 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (6,00,000X12%) (Being Debenture interest due for the year.) March Debenture holders A/c Dr. 31 To Bank A/c (Being Debenture interest paid.) March Interest on Own Debentures A/c Dr. 31 To Sinking Fund A/c (Being interest on Own Debentures transferred.) March Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c .Dr. 31 To Sinking Fund A/c (Being annual appropriation transfer.) March Bank A/c Dr. 31 To Sinking Fund A/c (Being 5% interest on Govt. loan received.)

48,000 48,000 72,000 72,000

60,000 60,000 15,000 15,000

March Bank A/c Dr. 31 To Sinking Fund Investment A/c (5% Govt. Loan) To Sinking Fund A/c (Being Sinking Fund investment realized at Profit.) March 12% Debentures A/c Dr. 31 To Own Debentures A/c (Sinking Fund Investment) To Sinking Fund A/c (Being Own Debentures cancelled.) March 12% Debentures A/c Dr. 31 Premium on redemption of Debentures A/c......................................................Dr. To Debenture holders A/c (Being Debenture holders claim transferred.) March Debenture holders A/c Dr. 31 To Bank A/c (Being amount due to Debentures holders paid.) March Sinking Fund A/c .Dr. 31 To Premium on redemption of Debenture A/c (Being premium on redemption of Debentures transferred.) 3,30,000 2,80,000 50,000

6,00,000 5,70,000 30,000 4,00,000 20,000 4,20,000

4,20,000 4,20,000

20,000 20,000

March Sinking Fund A/c ..Dr. 10,57,000 31 To General Reserve A/c 10,57,000 (Being balance in Sinking Fund transferred.)

Sinking Fund A/c Dr.

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. 8,50,000 72,000 60,000 50,000 30,000 To Premium on By bal b/d redemption of By Interest on Own Debentures A/c 20,000 Debenture A/c To General Reserve A/c 10,57,000 By Profit & Loss (Bal. transferred) Appropriation A/c By Sinking Fund Invest. A/c (Profit on
sale of 5% Govt. Secu.)


By Own Debentures A/c

(Profit on cancellation of Own Debentures)

By Interest on S.F. Invt. A/c 10,77,000

15,000 10,77,000





Debenture issued to the public is liabilities. Normally Debentures are secured on some assets. Therefore, it is shown on liability side of Balance sheet. If Own Debentures purchased as investment, it appears as Investment on assets side, so long Own debentures are not cancelled or resold in the open market. Debenture interest accrued and due, remains unpaid Balance sheet date, it is added to Debentures. However, if Debenture interest accrued but not due is shown on liability side of Balance sheet under heading current liabilities. If due date of interest and date of Balance sheet is same, assuming interest paid on due date, then no interest is outstanding shown in Balance sheet. Balance sheet as on _________ (Extracts only)
Liabilities Secured loans 10% Debentures Current Liabilities Accrued but not due Debentures interest Rs. XXX Assets Investment Own Debentures (face value __ market value __) Current Assets Interest accrued on Own Debenture Misc. expenditure (to the extend not w/off) Discount on issue of Debentures XXX Rs. XXX





Some people are elected by Debenture holders or the prospectus for issue of Debentures names a few persons. The persons so elected or named are called Debenture Trustees. Debenture trustees are the persons appointed to look after the interest of Debenture holders Trustees look after the matter pertaining, for payment of Debenture interest, redemption of Debentures, security offered to Debenture holders, Sinking Fund if any, Sinking Investments etc. As per Sec. 117B introduced by the Companies Amendment Act, 2000, a company is required to appoint Debenture Trustees, before making Public offer for subscription of Debentures.

635 Check Your Progress Give journal entry for Purchase of own debentures as investment. Define the following terms 1. Cum- Interest 2. Ex-Interest 3. Sinking Fund 4. Debenture trustees Show the extracts of Balance Sheet If Own Debentures are purchased as investment. Give the journal entries when the Own Debentures are purchased for immediate cancellation.


Unit Structure 23.1 23.2 23.3 Practical problems Key terms Exercise


Illustration : 1 BD Ltd. issued 1,000, 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each on 1st January 2002. Interest payable half yearly on 30 th June and 31st December every year. It purchase Own Debentures as under : 1st July 2007 60 Debentures @ Rs.95/st 1 January 2008 100 Debentures @ Rs.96/1st July 2008 150 Debentures @ Rs.95/Company cancelled Own Debentures on 31st December 2008. You are required to prepare following ledger accounts in the books BD Ltd. for two years 2007 and 2008. a) Debentures Account b) Own Debentures Account c) Interest on Debentures Account d) Interest on Own Debentures Account Solution : In the books BD Ltd. 12% Debentures Account Dr.
Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars 31.12.07 To Bal c/d 1,00,000 01.01.07 By bal b/d 1,00,000 31.12.08 To Own Debentures A/c 31.12.08 To Bal c/d 01.01.08 By Bal b/d 31,000 69,000 1,00,000 01.01.09 By Bal b/d 1,00,000 69,000

Rs. 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000

637 Own Debentures Account Dr.

Date Particulars No. 60 Rs. 5,700 Date Particulars 01.07.07 To Bank A/c 31.12.07 By bal b/d

No. 60 Rs. 5,700

01.01.08 01.01.08 01.07.08 31.12.08

60 5,700 60 5,700 To Bal b/d 60 5,700 31.12.08 By 12% Debenture 310 31,000 To Bank A/c 100 9,600 A/c To Bank A/c 150 14,250 To Profit on cancellation of 1,450 Debentures A/c 310 31,000 310 31,000

Interest on Debentures Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars 30.06.07 To Bank A/c 31.12.07 To Bank A/c 31.12.07 To Int. on Own Debentures A/c

Rs. 6,000 31.12.07 By Profit & Loss A/c 12,000 5,640 360 12,000 12,000

30.06.08 To Bank A/c 30.06.08 To Int. on Own 31.12.08 Debentures A/c 31.12.08 To Bank A/c To Int. on Own Debentures A/c

5,040 31.12.08 By Profit & Loss A/c 12,000 960 4,140 1,860 12,000 12,000

Interest on Own Debentures Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars 31.12.07 To Profit & Loss A/c 360 31.12.07 By Debenture Interest A/c 360 31.12.08 To Profit & Loss A/c 2,820 30.06.08 By Debenture Interest A/c 31.12.08 By Debenture Interest A/c 2,820

Rs. 360 360 960 1,860 2,820

638 Illustration : 2 On 01.04.2005 CBI Ltd. had 20,000, 12% Debentures of Rs.100/each. Interest on Debenture is payable half yearly on 30th Sept. and 31st March. CBI Ltd. purchased on 1st July 07, 1,000 Debentures at Rs.97/each cum-interest. On 1st January, 08 CBI Ltd. purchased 2,000 Debentures at Rs.99/- ex-interest. Own Debentures were st cancelled on 31 March 08. Give journal entries for the year ended 31st March 08. Solution : Journal in CBI Ltd.
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) 94,000 3,000 Credit (Rs.)

2007 Own Debentures A/c (97,000 3,000).. Dr. July 1 Debenture Interest A/c .Dr. (1,00,000 X 12% X ) 12 To Bank A/c (1,000 X 97) (Being 1,000, 12% Debenture purchase @ Rs.97/- cum-interest.)


Sept. Debenture Interest A/c Dr. 1,20,000 30 To Debenture holders A/c 1,17,000 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 3,000 (Being interest on 19,000 Debentures @ 12% p.a. held by outsiders and Interest Own 1,000 Debentures @ 12%, for 3 months.) Sept. Debenture holders A/c .Dr. 1,17,000 30 To Bank A/c 1,17,000 (Being Interest on outsider paid.) 2008 Own Debentures A/c (2,000X99) .. Dr. 1,98,000 Jan 1 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. 6,000 (2,00,000X12%X

3 12

) 2,04,000

To Bank A/c (Being 2,000 Debenture purchased @ Rs.99/- ex-interest.)

March Debenture Interest A/c .Dr. 1,14,000 31 To Debenture holders A/c 1,02,000 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 12,000 (Being interest on 17,000 Debentures @12% p.a. to the outsiders and 1,000 Own Debentures for 6 month, 2,000 Debentures for 3 months due.) March 12% Debentures A/c (3,000X100) Dr. 3,00,000 31 To Own Debentures A/c 2,92,000 (94,000+1,98,000) To Capital Reserve A/c 8,000 (Being 3,000 Own Debentures of Rs.100/each cancelled.) March Debenture holders A/c Dr. 1,02,000 31 To Bank A/c 1,02,000 (Being Debenture interest due to outsiders paid.) March Profit & Loss A/c .. Dr. 2,40,000 31 To Debenture Interest A/c 2,40,000 (Being Debenture interest transferred.) March Interest on Own Debentures A/c Dr. 31 To Profit & Loss A/c (Being interest on Own Debentures transferred.) 15,000 15,000

March Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c ..Dr. 3,00,000 31 To Debenture redemption Reserve A/c 3,00,000 (Being transfer of profit to DRF equivalent to face value of Debentures redemption of Debentures.)

Illustration : 3 On 01.04.07 the following balance appears in the books S.I.E.S. Ltd. 12% Debentures (Rs.100/- each) Sinking Fund Sinking Fund Investments : Own Debentures (face value Rs.4,00,000) 10% Investments (face value Rs.9,00,000) On 01.06.07 Rs.15,00,000/Rs.12,35,000/Rs.3,75,000/Rs.8,60,000/-

company purchased 500 Own Debentures at Rs.95/-ex-interest. On 01.09.07 company purchased 2,000 Own Debentures @ Rs.99/- cum-interest.

640 On 01.02.08 company purchased 1,500 Own Debentures @ Rs.99/- cum-interest. Interest on Debentures and S.F. Investments is receivable on half yearly basis on 30th Sept. & 31st March every year. On 31.03.08 company sold S.F. Investment @ 94% ex-interest. Annual appropriation to Sinking Fund Rs.3,50,000/-. The company redeemed all Debentures by cancellation and by payments on 31 st March 2008. You are required various ledger accounts. In the books S.I.E.S. Ltd. 12% Debentures Account Dr.
Date Particulars Rs. 8,00,000 7,00,000 Date Particulars 31.03.08 To Own 31.03.08 Debentures A/c To Bank A/c
(Payment to Outsider Debentureholders)

Rs. 15,00,000 01.04.07 By Bal b/d



Own Debentures Account Dr.

Date 1.04.07 1.06.07 1.09.07 1.02.08 31.3.08 Particulars To Bal b/d To Bank A/c To Bank A/c To Bank A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Profit on cancellation) No. Rs. Date Particulars

No. Rs. 4000 3,75,000 31.3.08 By 12% 8000 8,00,000 500 47,500 Debentures A/c 2000 1,88,000 1500 1,42,500 --

8000 8,00,000

8000 8,00,000

Sinking Fund Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars


31.03.08 To S.F. Invt. A/c 14,000 01.04.07 By Bal b/d 12,35,000 (loss on sale) 30.10.07 By Bank A/c 90,000 31.03.08 To General 31.03.08 (Int. on S.F. Invt. Reserve A/c 18,21,500 31.03.08 9,00,000 X 10%) (bal transferred) 31.03.08 By Bank A/c 90,000 (S.F. Invt. Int.) By Profit & Loss Appro. A/c 3,50,000 By Int. on Own Debenture A/c 70,500 18,35,000 18,35,000

641 Sinking Fund Investment Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars 01.04.07 To Bal b/d (face value 9,00,000)

Rs. 8,60,000 31.03.08 By Bank A/c 8,46,000 (9,00,000X94%) 31.03.08 By Sinking Fund 14,000 A/c (Loss transferred) 8,60,000 8,60,000

Debenture Interest Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars 01.04.07 To Bank A/c (1 Month) 01.09.07 To Bank A/c (2,000 X 5 mon) 30.10.07 To Debenture holder A/c 30.10.07 To Int. on Own Debentures A/c 01.02.07 To Bank A/c (1,500 X 4) 31.03.07 To Bank A/c 31.03.07 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 500 31.03.08 By Profit & Loss A/c 10,000

Rs. 1,80,000

57,000 28,500 6,000 42,000 42,000 1,80,000


Interest on Own Debentures Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. 70,500 Date Particulars 31.03.08 To Sinking Fund A/c 30.10.07 By Debenture Int. A/c 31.03.08 By Debenture Int. A/c

Rs. 28,500 42,000 70,500


Working Note : Interest on own Debentures 6 30.10.07 4,000 X 100 X 25% X = 24,000 12 5 500 X 100 X 12% X = 2,500 12 1 2,000 X 100 X 12% X = 2,000 12 Closing 6,500 Debentures Total Rs. 28,500 31.03.08

6 = 12 2 1,500 X 100 X 12% X = 12 Interest on own Debentures

6,500 X 100 X 12% X

39,000 3,000 42,000

642 Illustration: 4 (Debentures purchased as Investment, part of Own Debentures cancelled on a subsequent date) In the books of S.M. Mukund Ltd. the 12% Debentures Account show a credit balance of Rs.20,00,000/- consisting of 20,000 Debentures of Rs.100/- each as on 1st April, 2008. During the year Debentures were purchased in the open market as follows. 1st July 08 500 Debentures at Rs.94/- ex-interest 1st Sept. 08 1,000 Debentures at Rs.97/- ex-interest 1st Oct 08 1,200 Debentures at Rs.94/st 31 Jan 09 400 Debentures at Rs.93/- cum-interest. 1st March 09 900 Debentures at Rs.96/- cum-interest. The Debenture interest payable half yearly on 30th Sept. and 31st March every year. Debentures held by company, purchased prior to 31st December 08 were cancelled on 31st December 08. You are required to show the journal entries and ledger accounts in the books of S. Mukund Ltd. and also show the items would appear in the Balance sheet as on 31st March 2009. Solution : S. Mukund Ltd.
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) 47,000 1,500 48,500 Credit (Rs.)

2008 Own Debentures A/c Dr. July 1 Debenture Interest A/c .Dr. To Bank A/c (Being 500, Own Debenture purchased @ Rs.94/- ex-interest.) Sept 1 Own Debentures A/c Dr. Debentures Interest A/c ...Dr. To Bank A/c (Being 1000, Own Debentures purchased at Rs.97/- ex-interest.) Sept 30

97,000 5,000 1,02,000

Debenture Interest A/c Dr. 1,13,500 To Debenture holders A/c 1,11,000 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 2,500 (Being interest due on 18,500 Debentures held by outsiders and on 1,500 Own Debentures.) Debenture holders A/c Dr. 1,11,000 To Bank A/c 1,11,000 (Being interest on Debenture held by outsiders paid.)

Sept 30

Oct 1 Own Debenture A/c .Dr. 1,12,800 To Bank A/c 1,12,800 (Being 1200, Debentures purchase @ Rs.94/-. No interest was accrued.) Dec 31 12% Debentures A/c Dr. 2,70,000 To Own Debentures A/c 2,56,800 To Capital Reserve A/c 13,200 (Being 2700, Debentures of Rs.100/each cancelled, profit on cancellation transferred to Capital Reserve A/c.) Dec 31 Debenture Interest A/c .Dr. To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (Being accrued interest on Own Debenture cancelled.) 2009 Own Debentures A/c Dr. Jan 31 Debenture Interest A/c .Dr. To Bank A/c (Being 400, Own Debentures purchased at Rs.93/- cum-interest.) Mar 1 Own Debentures A/c ... Dr. Debenture Interest A/c .Dr. To Bank A/c (Being 900, Own Debentures purchased at Rs.96/- cum-interest.) Mar 31 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Debenture holders A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (Being interest on 16,000 Debentures held by Outsider and 1,300 Own Debentures due.) Mar 31 Debenture holders A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being interest on Debentures held by outsiders paid.) 8,100 8,100

35,600 1,600 37,200

81,900 4,500 86,400

97,700 96,000 1,700

96,000 96,000

Mar 31 Profit & Loss A/c .. Dr. 2,31,900 To Debenture interest A/c 2,31,900 (Being Debenture interest transferred.) Mar 31 Interest on Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Being interest Own Debentures transferred.) 12,300 12,300

Mar 31 Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c ..Dr. 2,70,000 To Debenture Redemption Reserve A/c 2,70,000 (Being amount equal to face value of Own Debentures cancelled transferred to DRF.)

Ledger Accounts 12% Debentures Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars Rs. 20,00,000 31.10.08 To Own 01.04.09 By Bal b/d Debentures A/c 2,70,000 31.03.09 To Bal c/d 17,30,000 20,00,000 01.04.09 By Bal b/d


20,00,000 17,30,000

Own Debentures Account Dr.

Date 01.07.08 01.09.08 01.10.08 31.12.08 Particulars No. Rs. Date Particulars To Bank A/c To Bank A/c To Bank A/c To Capital Reserve A/c 31.01.09 To Bank A/c 01.03.09 To Bank A/c

No. Rs. 500 47,000 31.12.08 By 12% 2700 2,70,000 1000 97,000 31.03.09 Debentures A/c 1300 1,17,500 1200 1,12,800 By Bal c/d 1,32,000 400 35,600 900 81,900 4000 3,87,500 4000 3,87,500

Interest on Own Debentures Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars 31.03.09 To Profit & Loss A/c 12,300 30.09.08 By Debenture Int. 31.12.08 A/c 31.03.09 By Debenture Int. A/c By Debenture Int. A/c 12,300

Rs. 2,500 8,100 1,700


Debenture Interest Account


Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars 01.07.08 To Bank A/c 1,500 31.03.09 By Profit & Loss 01.09.08 To Bank A/c 5,000 A/c 30.09.08 To Debenture holders A/c 1,11,000 30.09.08 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 2,500 31.12.08 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 8,100 31.01.09 To Bank A/c 1,600 01.03.09 To Bank A/c 4,500 31.03.09 To Debenture holders A/c 96,000 31.03.09 To Interest on Own Debentures A/c 1,700 2,13,900

Rs. 2,31,900


S. Mukund Ltd. Balance sheet as on 31st March 2009

Liabilities Reserves & Surplus Capital Reserve Debenture Redemption Reserve Rs. Assets Rs. 1,17,500

Investments 13,200 12% Own Debentures (face value 2,70,000 Rs.1,30,000)

Secured Loans 17,300, 12% Debentures of Rs.100/each fully paid up 17,30,000

Working Note : 1) 1st July 08

500 Debentures ex-interest purchased @ 94/Interest accrued for 3 months 3 50,000 X 12% X = 12 Amt paid 47,000 1,500 48,500

2) 1st Sept. 08 1,000 Debentures @ Rs.97/- purchased ex-int. 97,000 5 Interest accrued 1,00,000 X 12% X = 5,000 12 Amt paid 1,02,000 3) 30thSept.08 Interest due

held by outsiders 18,50,000 X 12% X on Own Debentures 1st July to 30th Sept. 50,000 X 12% X 1,00,000 X 12% X

6 12


3 12

1,500 1,000 2,500 1,13,500

= 12 Total Debentures Interest Due 4) 1st Oct. 5) 31.12.08 6) 31.12.08

1,200 purchased at 94/= 1,12,800 No interest accrued on interest paid on 30th Sept. 08 cancellation 2,700 X 100 Debentures Interest on Own Debenture cancelled. From 1st Oct. to 31.12.08 (3 months) (500 + 1,000 + 1,200 = 2,700) 3 2,700 X 100 X 12% X = 8,100 12 400 Debentures purchased @ 93/- cum-int. Less : Int. accrued 4 months. 4 (10th Oct. to 31st Jan. 09) 4,000 X 12% X 12 Cost of Own Debentures 900 Debentures @ 96/- cum-interest Less : accrued interest (1st Oct. to 1st Mar 09) 5 9,00,000 X 12% X 11 37,200 (1,600) 35,600 86,400 (4,500) 81,900

7) 31 Jan 09

8) 1st Mar 09

9) 31st Mar 09 Debenture Int. on 20,000 () 2,700 Debenture cancelled = 17,300 outstanding Debenture Out 17,300 Debentures () 1,300 Own Debentures = 16,000 Debentures held by outsiders. Debentures interest payable to outsider 6 = 16,000 X 100 X 12% X = Rs.96,000 12 Interest on Own Debentures On 400 Debentures 1st Feb and March 400 X 100 X 12% X On 900 Debentures purchased 1st March one month 900 X 100 X 12% X Interest on Own Debentures

2 12


1 12

900 1,700

Illustration : 5 (Preparing Ledger Accounts)

647 On 1st Jan. 06, Rajesh Ltd. issued 20,000 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each, at par. Accordingly to the terms of the issue, the Debenture holders had the option of getting the Debentures converted into Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.20/- per share after 1st Jan. 08. The company had the right to buy at any time its Debentures in the open market for cancellation or / and as Investment. On 1st April 07 the company purchased 1,000 Debentures @ Rs.99/- cum-interest. On 31st Aug. 07, it purchased 2,000 Debentures at Rs.98/- exinterest for immediate cancellation. On 1st July 08 the company purchased 7,000 Debentures @ Rs.98/- ex-interest. On 31st Dec. 08, Own Debentures were cancelled by the company and remaining Debentures were converted into Equity shares, as per option exercised by all Debenture holders Debenture interest payable on 30th June and 31st December every year. Prepare 1) 12% Debenture Account, and 2) Own Debenture account 3) Debenture Interest Account for the year 2006, 2007 and 2008. Solution : Rajesh Ltd. 12% Debentures Account Dr.
Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars Rs. 20,00,000 20,00,000 2007 Jan.1 By Bal b/d 20,00,000 2006 Dec.31 To Bal c/d 2006 20,00,000 Jan. 1 By Bank A/c 20,00,000 2007 Aug.31 To Bank A/c Aug.31 To Capital Reserve A/c (Profit on cancellation) Dec.31 To Bal c/d 1,96,000 4,000


18,00,000 20,00,000 20,00,000 2008 Jan.1 By Bal b/d 18,00,000

2008 Dec.31 To Own Deb. A/c To Equity shares Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c

8,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 18,00,000


Own Debentures Account Dr. Cr.

Date 2007 Apr.1 Particulars To Bank A/c No. Rs. Date Particulars No. Rs.

1000 96,000

2007 Dec.31 By Bal c/d

1000 96,000 1000 96,000

1000 96,000 2008 Jan.1 To Bal b/d 1000 96,000 July 1 To Bank A/c 7000 6,86,000 Dec.31 To Capital Reserve A/c 18,000 (profit on cancellation) 8000 8,00,000

2008 Dec.31

By 12% Deb. A/c 8000 8,00,000

8000 8,00,000

Debentures Interest Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. 1,20,000 1,20,000 Date Particulars 2006 Jun.30 To Bank A/c Dec.31 To Bank A/c 2006 Dec.31 By Profit & Loss A/c

Rs. 2,40,000 2,40,000 2,32,000

2,40,000 2007 2007 Apr.1 To Bank A/c 3,000 Dec.31 By Profit & Loss A/c Jun.30 To Bank A/c 1,14,000 Jun.30 To Int. on Own Deb. A/c 3,000 Aug.31 To Bank A/c 4,000 Dec.31 To Bank A/c 1,02,000 Dec.31 To Int. on Own Deb. A/c 6,000 2,32,000 2008 2008 Jun.30 To Bank A/c 1,02,000 Dec. 31 By Profit & Loss A/c Jun.30 To Int. on Own Deb. A/c 6,000 Dec.31 To Bank A/c 60,000 Dec.31 To Int. on Own Deb. A/c 48,000 2,16,000

2,32,000 2,16,000


Working Note : 1) 1st April 08 Purchased 1,000 Debentures @ Rs.99/- cum-int. 99,000
Less : Interest for expired period 3 1,00,000 X 12% X = 12 Cost of Own Debentures (3,000) 96,000

2) 31st Aug 07 Purchased 2,000 Debentures @ Rs.98/- ex-int.=1,96,000 Profit = 2,00,000 1,96,000 = 4,000

Deb. Int. = 2,00,000 X 12% X 3) 1st July 08

2 12

= Rs.4,000

Purchased 7,000 @ Rs.98/- ex-interest = Rs.6,86,000/Interest accrued = Nil

4) 31st Dec. 08 Remaining 10,000 Debentures of Rs.100/- each to be converted in Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.20/- per share. 10,00,000 No. of Equity shares issued = = 50,000 20 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.20/- (Rs.10/- premium per share.)

Illustration : 6 (Summary transaction given) Ork Ltd. has issued 10% Debenture at par value of Rs.50,00,000/- divided into 10,000 Debentures of Rs.500/- each redeemable at any time after giving one month notice. Under terms of issue the company had power to purchase its Own Debentures in the open market and either resell them or cancelled them. On 1st January 2008, the following were the balances in the relevant accounts in the books of company. 1) 10% Debentures 2) Own Debentures (face value Rs.10,00,000/-) 3) Sinking Fund Account 4) Sinking Fund Investment in 6% RBI bonds (face value Rs.24,00,000/-) Rs.45,00,000 Rs.9,78,000 Rs.32,00,000 Rs.22,22,000

During 2008 the following transaction took place relating above. a) Purchased Own Debentures (face value Rs.50,000/-) at Rs.52,000/-. b) Resold Own Debentures out of opening balancing (face value Rs.4,00,000/-) Rs.4,18,000/c) Interest received on Sinking Fund Rs.1,94,000/- (including Own Debentures) d) Own Debentures held on 31st Dec. 2008 cancelled. e) Annual Appropriation towards Sinking Fund Rs.1,00,000/f) Investment in Sinking Fund in 6% RBI Bonds (face value Rs.3,00,000/-) Rs.2,65,000/-. Show necessary ledger accounts for the year ended 31 st Dec. 2008. Solution : Ork Ltd.

650 10% Debentures Account Dr.

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. 45,00,000 45,00,000 38,50,000 To Own Debentures A/c 6,50,000 By Bal b/d To Bal c/d 38,50,000 45,00,000 By Bal b/d


Own Debentures Account Dr.

Face Face Rs. Particulars value value To Bal b/d 10,00,000 9,78,000 By Bank A/c 4,00,000 To Bank A/c 50,000 52,000 By 12% Deb. 6,50,000 To Sinking A/c Fund A/c 26,800 (Profit on sale) To Capital Reserve A/c 11,200 Particulars 10,50,000 10,68,000

Rs. 4,18,000 6,50,000

10,50,000 10,68,000

* Profit on cancellation of Own Debentures is Capital Profit.

Sinking Fund Investment Account Dr.
Particulars To Bal b/d To Bank A/c Face Rs. Particulars Value 24,00,000 22,22,000 By Bal c/d 3,00,000 2,65,000 27,00,000 24,87,000 27,00,000 24,87,000 Face Value 27,00,000 27,00,000

Rs. 24,87,000 24,87,000

To Bal b/d

Sinking Fund Account Dr.

Particulars To General Reserve A/c To Bal c/d Reserve. Particulars

Reserve. 6,50,000 By Bal b/d 32,00,000 28,44,000 By Bank A/c 1,94,000 (int recd on S.F.Invt) By Profit & Loss 1,00,000 Appropriation A/c 34,94,000 By Bal b/d 34,94,000 28,44,000

651 Note : To the extend face value of Debentures redeemed or Own Debenture cancelled, Sinking Fund become Free Reserve, so Rs.6,50,000/- transferred to General Reserve. Illustration: 7 (When Debentures are purchased for immediate cancellation, there is no Sinking Fund.) Mahavir Ltd. has 5,000, 6% Debentures of Rs.100/- each, as on 1 April, 2008, as per the terms of issue, the company purchased the following Debentures for immediate cancellation.

30th June 08 31st Aug 08 1st Feb. 09 1st March 09

500 Debentures @ Rs.97/- cum-interest 1,000 Debentures @ Rs.100.50 cum-interest 300 Debentures @ Rs.102/- ex-interest 200 Debentures @ Rs.97/- ex-interest.

Debenture interest is payable on 31st March annually every year. Income Tax as was deductible at the rate of 10.50% at source. Pass journal entries in the books Mahavir Ltd. and prepare ledger accounts i) 6% Debentures A/c and ii) Debenture Interest A/c Solution : Mahavir Ltd
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) 50,000 750 Credit (Rs.)

2008 6% Debentures A/c (500X100) ..Dr. Jun.30 Debenture interest A/c .Dr. 3 (50,000 X 6% X ) 12 To Bank A/c (500X97) To Capital Reserve A/c (Being 500, 6% Own Debentures purchased at Rs.97/- cum-interest for immediate cancellation.)

48,500 2,250

Aug.31 6% Debentures A/c (1,000X100)Dr. 1,00,000 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. 2,500 5 (1,00,000 X 6% X ) 12 To Bank A/c (1,000X100.50) To Capital Reserve A/c (Being 1,000, 12% Debenture of Rs.100/each purchased @ Rs.100.50 each cuminterest.)

100,500 2,000

2009 6% Debentures A/c (300X100)Dr. 30,000 Feb.1 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. 1,500 10 (30,000 X 6% X ) 12 Loss on cancellation of Deb. A/c Dr. 600 To Bank A/c [(300 X 102) + 1500] 32,100 (Being 300 Debentures purchased at Rs.102/- ex-interest, for expired period of 10 months.) Feb.1 Securities Premium A/c / P&L A/c Dr. 600 To Loss on cancellation of Own Deb. A/c 600 (Being loss on cancellation transferred.) Mar.1 6% Debentures A/c (200X100) ..Dr. 20,000 Debenture interest A/c .Dr. 1,100 11 (20,000 X 6% X ) 12 To Bank A/c [(200X97) + 1100] 20,500 To Capital Reserve A/c 600 (Being 200, Own Debentures of Rs.100/each purchased @ Rs.97/- ex-interest for immediate cancellation.) Mar.31 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. 18,000 To Debenture holders A/c 16,110 To Income Tax Payable A/c 1,890 (Being interest due on outstand 3,000 Debenture of Rs.100/- each for the year ended 31st Mar.09 subject T.D.S. @ 10.50%.) Mar.31 Debenture holders A/c Dr. 16,110 To Bank A/c 16,110 (Being payment made to Debenture holders for interest due.) Mar.31 Income Tax Payable A/c Dr. 1,890 To Bank A/c 1,890 (Being T.D.S. on Debenture interest deposited with government.) Mar.31 Profit & Loss A/c ..Dr. 23,850 To Debenture Interest A/c 23,850 (Being Debenture interest transferred.) Mar.31 Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c ..Dr. 2,00,000 To Debenture Redemption Reserve A/c 2,00,000 (Being transfer of face value of Debentures cancelled to Debenture Redemption Reserve.)

Note : Income Tax Act does not provide for T.D.S. on interest for broken period, as it is accrued but not due. Hence, no tax is deducted in case of purchase of Debentures in middle of interest period. Mahavir Ltd.

653 6% Debentures Account Dr.

Date 2008 Jun.30 Particulars Rs. Date 2008 Apr.1 Particulars By Bal b/d

Rs. 5,00,000

To Bank A/c 47,750 (excl. Interest) Jun.30 To Capital Reserve A/c 2,250 (profit on cancellation) Aug31 To Bank A/c 98,000 (100500-2500) Aug.31 To Capital Reserve A/c 2,000 2009 Feb.1 To Bank A/c 30,000 (32100-1500600) Mar.1 To Bank A/c 19,400 (20500-1100) Mar.1 To Capital Reserve A/c 600 Mar.31 To Bal c/d 3,00,000 5,00,000

5,00,000 2009 Apr.1 By Bal b/d 3,00,000

Debentures Interest Account Dr.

Date Particulars Rs. 750 2,500 Date 2009 Mar.31 Particulars By Profit & Loss A/c 2008 Jun.30 To Bank A/c Aug.31 To Bank A/c 2009 Feb.1 To Bank A/c Mar.1 To Bank A/c Mar.31 To Debenture holders A/c Mar.31 To Income Tax Payable A/c

Rs. 23,850

1,500 1,100 16,110 1,890 23,850 23,850

Illustration : 7 (Own Debentures and cancellation of Own Debentures) On 01.04.05, Bhart Ltd. issued 25,000, 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each @ 20% premium. These Debentures are redeemable at par after 3 years. Interest is payable annually on 31st March every year.

654 On 1st January 2007, company buys 3,000 Debentures, from open market at Rs.98/- cum-interest. These are sold away on 1st Oct. 2007 at Rs.110/- cum-interest per Debentures. On 1st May 07, it buys 2,000 Debentures at Rs.103/- ex-interest. These are cancelled on 1st Aug. 07. On 1st Feb. 08, it buys 2,000 Debentures at Rs.104/- cum-interest. These Debentures along with other Debentures are redeemed on 31st March 2008. Pass journal entries, ignore creation of Debenture Redemption Reserve. Solution : Journal of Bhart Ltd.
Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

2005 Bank A/c Dr. 30,00,000 Apr.1 To 12% Debentures A/c 25,00,000 To Securities Premium A/c 5,00,000 (Being 25000, 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- each, issued at 20% premium.) 2006 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. Mar.31 To Bank A/c (Being Debenture interest paid.) Mar.31 Profit & Loss A/c ..Dr. To Debenture Interest A/c (Being Debenture interest transferred.) 2007 Own Debentures A/c .. Dr. Jan.1 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being 3000, Debentures @ Rs.98/cum-interest, interest accrued for 9 months.) Mar.31 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (Being Debentures interest paid to outsiders on 22,000 Debentures of Rs.100/- each and Own 3000 Debentures for 3 months.) 3,00,000 3,00,000 3,00,000 3,00,000 2,67,000 27,000 2,94,000

2,73,000 2,64,000 9,000

Mar.31 Profit & Loss A/c ..Dr. To Debenture Interest A/c (Being Debenture transferred.) Mar.31 Interest on Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Profit & Loss A/c (Being interest on Own Debenture transferred.) May.1 Own Debentures A/c .. Dr. Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c (Being 2000, Own Debentures purchased @ Rs.103/- ex-interest, accrued interest for one month.) Aug.1 12% Debentures A/c Dr. Debenture Interest A/c Dr. Loss on cancellation of Deb. A/c Dr. To Own debentures A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (Being 2000, Own Debentures purchased on 1st May 07 cancelled, interest accrued for 3 months.) Oct.1 Bank A/c Dr. To Own Debenture A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Being 3000, Own Debentures sold at Rs.110/- cum-interest, at profit.) 2008 Own Debentures A/c Dr. Feb.1 Debenture Interest A/c.Dr. To Bank A/c (Being 2000, Own Debenture purchased @ Rs.104/- cum-interest, inter for expired period of 10 months.) Mar.31 Securities Premium A/c ..Dr. To Loss on cancellation of Own deb. A/c Mar.31 Debenture Interest A/c Dr. To Bank A/c To Interest on Own Debentures A/c (Being Debenture on 21000, Debenture held by outsiders and on 2000, Own Debentures for 2 months.) 3,00,000 3,00,000 9,000 9,000

2,06,000 2,000 2,08,000

2,00,000 6,000 6,000 2,06,000 6,000

3,30,000 2,67,000 18,000 45,000

1,88,000 20,000 2,08,000

6,000 6,000 2,56,000 2,52,000 4,000

Mar.31 12% Debentures A/c ..Dr. To Own Debentures A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Being 2000, Own Debentures Rs.100/- each cancelled. To Bank A/c (Being 21,000 Debentures held by outsiders redeemed at par.) Mar.31 Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Debentures Interest A/c (Being Debenture interest transferred.) Mar.31 Interest on Own Debentures A/c Dr. To Profit and Loss A/c (Being interest on Own Debenture transferred.) 28,000 28,000 2,84,000 2,84,000 of 2,00,000 1,88,000 12,000

Mar.31 12% Debentures A/c Dr. 21,00,000 21,00,000

Working Note : 1) 31.03.06 Debenture Interest = 25,00,000 X

12 = Rs.3,00,000/100

2) 01.01.07 Purchase of 3,000 Own Debentures at Rs.98/- cum-interest. 2,94,000 Less : Interest accrued for 9 months. 9 3,000 X 100 X 12% X = (27,000) 12 Cost of Own Debentures purchased 2,67,000 3) 31.03.07 Debenture Interest Outsiders 22,000 X 100 X 12% Own Debentures 3 (3,000 X 100 X 12% X ) 12 Total Interest

2,64,000 9,000


4) 01.05.07 Purchased of Own 2000 Debentures at Rs.103/- ex-interest. 2,06,000 Interest accrued for 1 month 2,000 1 (2,000 X 100 X 12% X ) 12 Total amount paid 2,08,000

657 5) 01.08.07 Cancellation of 2,000 Own Debenture purchase on 01.05.07, face value Less : Cost of Own Debentures Loss on cancellation

2,00,000 2,06,000 (6,000)

Int. on Own Debenture cancelled for period 1st May 07 to 1st Aug. 07 = 3 months 3 2,00,000 X 12% X = Rs.6,000/12 6) 01.10.07 For resale of 3,000 Own Debentures purchased on 1st Jan. 07 @ Rs.110/cum-interest. Less : Interest on Own Debentures for expired period from 1st April to1st Oct.07 6 months. 6 (3,000 X 100 = 3,00,000 X 12% X ) 12 Net Sales proceed Less : Cost of Own Debentures Profit on Sale of Own Debentures (transferred to Capital Reserve)



3,12,000 2,67,000 45,000

7) 01.02.07 2,000 Debentures purchased at Rs.104/- cum-interest. (2,000 X 104) Less : Int. accrued 10 (2,000 X 100 X 12% X ) 12 Cost of Own Debentures

2,08,000 (20,000)


8) 31.03.07 Cancellation of 2,000 Own Debentures Purchased on 01.02.07 face value (2,000 X 100) 2,00,000 Less : Cost of Own Debentures (1,88,000) Profit on cancellation 12,000

9) Remaining Debenture redeemed Debentures issued (-) Cancelled on 1st Aug. (-) Cancelled on 31st Mar 08 (Own) Debentures with outsiders

25,000 2,000 23,000 2,000 21,000

Debentures with outsiders to be redeem at par 21,000 X 100 = Rs.21,00,000/-

658 10) 31.03.07 Debenture interest With outsiders (21,000 X 100 X 12%) Own Debentures 2 (2,000 X 100 X 12% X ) 12 Total interest due

2,52,000 4,000


11) 31.03.07 Interest on Own Debentures On 1st Aug. 07 On 1st Oct. 07 On 31st Mar 07

6,000 18,000 4,000 28,000

23.2 KEY TERMS :

Own Debentures : Debentures issued earlier and brought back by company. Cum-interest : It is price which included interest for expired period. Cum-interest = Ex-interest price + Interest accrued Ex-interest : Price does not include accrued interest. It is price paid for Capital portion. Resale of Own Debentures : Sale of Own Debentures which was purchased as investment. Cancellation of Own Debentures : Own Debentures purchased in open market and cancelled by company to reduced liabilities. Profit on cancellation of Own Debenture should be transfer to Capital Reserve. Loss on cancellation should be debited to Securities Premium / Profit & Loss Account.

Sinking Fund Investment: Sinking Fund created for redemption of Debentures, can be invested in Own Debentures. Interest on S.F. Investment, profit or loss on sale of S.F. Investment should be transfer to Sinking Fund. After redemption of Debentures, balance in S.F. should be transferred to General Reserve.


23.3.1 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS: Multiple Choices 1) Interest on Own Debentures should be credited to ___________ Account. a) Own Debentures c) Goodwill b) Investment Account d) Profit & Loss Account

2) As per AS-13 Own Debentures should be treated as ___________ investment. a) Long term c) Temporary b) Current d) Trade

3) A company can purchased it Own Debentures only if it is authorized by ___________ . a) Stock Exchange c) Debenture holders b) Share holders d) Terms of issue of Deb.

4) Balance in Own Debenture Account should be carried over at ___________ . a) Market value c) Cost b) Face value d) Market value or cost whichever is less 5) Own Debentures can be ___________ and cancelled. a) Issue c) Reissue b) Purchased d) Redemption

6) The profit on cancellation of Own Debenture credited to ___________ Account. a) Security Premium c) C.R.R. b) Capital Reserve d) Goodwill Account

7) Purchase of Own Debentures is credited to ___________ Account. a) Own Debentures c) Debentures b) Bank Account d) Capital Reserve

Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1) ___________ of Own Debentures means Debentures issued by same company.

660 2) The Own Debentures can be held as ___________ . 3) Balance in Own Debentures indicates ___________ . 4) At the end of year, Balance is interest Own Debentures is transferred to ___________ Account. 5) On purchased of Own Debentures, ___________ Account is credited. 6) Cancellation of Own Debentures amounts to ___________ of Debentures. 7) As ___________ issued by I.C.A.I. in relation to Own Debentures. 8) Purchased of Debentures of ___________ company is called Own Debentures. 9) Own Debentures can be purchased ___________ or ___________ . 10) Interest on Own Debentures is transferred to ___________ Account at the end of year. 11) Cost of Own Debentures ___________ method. Match the following. Group A a) Own Debentures b) AS 13 i) ii) Group B Capital Reserve Is applicable should be calculated by

c) Profit on cancellation of Own iii) Ex-interest price Debentures iv) Investment d) Cost of Own Debenture v) Sinking Fund Creditor e) Interest on Own Debentures vi) Profit and Loss debited as Sinking Fund Investment vii) Sinking Fund debited f) Debenture Interest State whether True or False 1) The Buy-Back of equity shares has to be authorised by Articles of Association. 2) Buy-Back of shares increases earning per share. 3) Before Buy-Back of shares debt-equity ratio can be more than 2:1. 4) Buy-Back should not exceed 25% of Issued capital.

661 5) Only fully paid shares can be brought Back. 6) Premium on Buy-Back can be provided out of securities premium. 7) Buy-Back of shares can be out of issue of equity shares. 8) Issue of Bonus shares is allowed, after Buy-Back of shares. 9) Buy-Back of shares is governed by section 77A of companies Act. 10) Buy-Back of shares reduces paid up share capital. 11) Terms of Buy-Back are stated at the time of issue of shares. 12) The Buy-Back amount payable should not exceeds 25% of Authorised share capital. 13) Buy-Back of shares amount to reduction of capital. 14) The shares brought back must be cancelled and destroyed after Buy-Back. 15) The directors can Buy-Back any number of shares, on and when they want. 16) Buy-Back cannot exceeds 25% of paid up capital and reserves on per latest audited Balance sheet. 17) A defaulting company cannot Buy-Back its own shares.

3.3.2 THEORY QUESTIONS: 1) How would you account for interest on Debentures and Own Debentures? 2) Write note on: a) Own Debentures b) Ex-interest & Cum-interest c) Purchase and cancellation of Own Debentures d) Debentures Trustees 3) Sinking Fund invested in Own Debentures 23.3.3 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS 1) On 1st Oct. 2008, a company purchased 500, 6% Debentures in open market 96% for immediate cancellation. Interest is payable on 30th June and 31st December every year. Pass journal entries, if quoted price is a) cum-interest b) ex-interest. 2) On 1st April, 2008 the following balances appeared in the books. 6% Debentures (face value Rs.100/- each) Rs.6,00,000/Own Debentures (3,000 Own Debentures) Rs.2,92,000/-

662 During the year ended 31st March, 09 following transactions take place; 01.05.09 Purchased 200 Own Debentures at Rs.95/- cuminterest 01.06.09 Purchased 300 Own Debentures at Rs.98/- exinterest 01.08.09 Cancelled 1,000 Debentures out of opening balance in Own Debentures 01.11.09 Remaining Own Debentures cancelled. Debenture interest was payable on 30th Sept and 31st March every year. Pass journal entries to record above transactions and prepared Own Debentures Account. 3) 1st April 08, Sehgal Ltd. has 10,000, 12% Debentures of Rs.100/- outstanding. The directors acquire in the open market for immediate cancellation as follows. 01.05.08 500 Debentures @ Rs.96/- ex-interest 01.09.08 1,000 Debentures @ Rs.97/- cum-interest 30.11.08 400 Debentures @ Rs.97/- ex-interest 01.12.09 1,900 Debentures @ Rs.104/- ex-interest Debenture interest is payable half yearly on 30th Sept. & 31st March. Show the following ledger accounts a) 12% Debentures Account b) Debenture interest Account 4) Zee Kumar Ltd.s Balance sheet as on 31st March 08 shows following balances. a) 6% Debentures (Rs.1,000/- each) Rs.20,00,000/b) Own Debentures (200 Debentures) Rs.1,92,000/Debenture interest is payable half year on 30 th Sept. & 31st March every year. The following transactions taken places during year ended 31 st March 2009. 01.05.08 Purchased 300, Own Debentures @ Rs.960/- cuminterest 01.09.08 Purchased 200, Own Debentures @ Rs.995/- exinterest 01.11.08 All Own Debentures cancelled.

663 31.12.08 Purchase 400 Own Debentures @ Rs.985/- exinterest 01.02.09 Purchase 600 Own Debentures @ Rs.995/- cuminterest Show following ledger accounts for the year ended 31 st March 2009. a) 6% Debentures Account b) Own Debentures Account c) Debenture Interest Account d) Interest on Own Debentures Account 5) Following balances appeared in the book of Shetty Ltd. as on 1st Jan. 08. 12% Debentures (Rs.100/- each) Rs.10,00,000/Sinking Fund Account Rs.7,50,000/Sinking Fund Investments Own Debentures (2,000 Debentures) Rs.1,92,000/8% RBI Bonds (face value Rs.6,00,000/-) Rs.5,58,000/Interest is receivable on Bonds and payable on Debentures on 30th June & 31st December every year. On 1st April 08 company sold 50% of RBI Bonds at 95% of face value and utilized the proceeds to acquire Own Debentures of the face value of Rs.3,00,000/-. On 1st May 08 company decided to cancelled Own Debentures held on 1st Jan. 08. Pass necessary journal entries for the year ended on 31 st December 08. 6) Hina Ltd. purchased for immediate cancellation 2008, 12% of its Own Debentures of Rs.100/- each on 31st December,2008 the dates of interest being 31st March and 30th September. Pass journal entries regarding cancellation of Debenture if : a) Debentures are purchased at Rs.98/- ex-interest b) Debentures are purchased at Rs.98/- cum-interest 7) On 1st January 08, A Ltd. has Rs.20,000, 12% Debentures. In accordance with the powers under the deed, the directors acquire in the open market for immediate cancellation as follows: March 08, 31 Rs.1,000 at Rs.96/- cum-interest August 08, 31 Rs.2,000/- at Rs.100/- cum-interest December 08, 31 Rs.2,000 at Rs.98/- ex-interest

664 Debenture interest is payable half yearly on 30 th June and 31st December; journalise the transactions for the year 31st December 2008. 8) Ami Ltd. issued Rs.2,50,000/- 6% Debentures on which interest is payable on 31st March and 30th September. The company has powers to purchase Debentures in the open market for cancellation. The following purchases were made during the year ended 31st December, 2008 and the cancellations were made on the following 31st March 09. 31st July Rs.20,000/- nominal purchased for Rs.18,100/ex-interest st 1 September Rs.30,000/- nominal purchased for Rs.29,000/cum-interest. Draw following ledger accounts for the year ended 31st March 09. a) 6% Debenture Account b) Debenture Interest Account c) Own Debentures Account 9) KT Ltd. issued Rs.2,50,000/- 10% Debentures on which interest is payable half yearly on 31st March and 30th September. The company has power to purchase Debentures in the open market for cancellation thereof. The following purchases were made during the year ended 31st December 2008 and the cancellation were made on the following 31st March 2009. 1st March Rs.15,000/- nominal value purchased for Rs.14,750/- ex-interest. 1st September Rs.30,000/- nominal value purchased for Rs.29,980/-. You are required to draw up the following accounts upto the date of cancellation. 1) Debentures Account 2) Own Debenture Investment Account 3) Debenture Interest Account 4) Interest on Own Debentures Account Ignore taxation and make calculation to the nearest rupee. 10) The following balances appeared in the books of Z Ltd. at the beginning of the year 2008. Particulars Sinking Fund Account Sinking Fund Investment Account (8% Maha. Govt. Loan at par) 12% Debentures Account Rs.100/- each Own Debentures Account (FV Rs.3,00,000/-) Rs. 12,00,000 6,00,000 15,00,000 5,75,000

665 The trustees have power to purchases, for immediate cancellation any Debenture available at a market, price below par, and to realize investments of the Sinking Fund for the purpose. The said debentures are due for redemption at the end of this year, at a premium of 5%. The under mentioned transactions took place during the year. a) First half years interest on Debentures was paid. b) Immediately after six months, Debentures of Rs.2,00,000/were purchased at Rs.1,93,500/- from market and cancelled. For this purpose investment of Rs.1,94,000/- were sold and Rs.1,93,500/- were realized. c) Interest of Rs.48,000/- was received at the end of the year on the investments. d) Second half yearly interest was paid on 6% Debentures. e) Remaining investment was sold at the end of the year at Rs.4,09,600/- and the proceeds were utilized for redemption of Debentures. f) Own Debenture were cancelled. h) Remaining Debentures were fully redeemed at the end of the year. Prepare the following ledger account and also show the workings : 1) 12% Debentures Account 2) Sinking Fund Investments Account 3) Sinking Fund Accounts and 4) Debentures Interest Account 5) Own Debentures Account

666 Revised Syllabus of T.Y.B. Com (w.e.f. academic year 2009-2010) Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper III (Financial Accounting) Topics At Glance

Sr. No. 1.

Topics COMPANY ACCOUNTS (Including provisions of Companies Act relevant to specific sub topics) 1.1 Shares (Objectives, Presentation, Disclosure) 1.2 Debentures (Objectives, Presentation, Disclosure) 1.3 Redemption of Preference Shares 1.4 Redemption of Debentures (Including Purchase or buy back of own debentures) 1.5 Buy Back Equity Shares 1.6 Amalgamation of Companies (w.r.f. AS14) (excluding inter company holdings) 1.7 Capital Reduction Reconstruction and Internal Accounting, Accounting,

No. of Lectures


10 14 07 18 09 08 18 11 11

1.8 Ascertainment and Treatment of Profit Prior to Incorporation 1.9 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies 2 3 Investment accounting w.r.t. AS 13 Accounting for translation of foreign currency transactions vide as 11 (excluding foreign branches & forward exchange contracts and hedging contracts) Total





(Including provisions of Companies Act relevant to the specific sub topics) 1.1 Share (Objectives, Accounting, Presentation, Disclosure) (i) Shares & Share capital (ii) Issue of shares- by different modes IPO, Private Placements, Preferential, Rights, ESO, SWEAT and ESCROW account.

(iii) Issue of shares at par, premium and discount. (iv) Application for shares including minimum subscription, price band. (v) Allotment of shares including over and under subscription and calls in arrears / received in advance.

(vi) Issue of shares for cash including forfeiture and reissue of forfeited shares. (vii) Issue of shares for consideration other than cash. (viii) Capitalisation of reserves & issue of bonus shares. 1.2 Debentures Disclosure) (i) (ii) (Objectives, Accounting, Presentation,

Issue of debentures at par, premium and discount. Issue of debentures with consideration of Redemption.

(iii) Issue of debentures for cash receivable in installments or at a time. (iv) Issue of debentures for consideration other than cash. 1.3 Redemption of Preference Shares (i) (ii) Company Law/Legal Provisions for redemption. Sources of redemption including divisible profits and proceeds of fresh issue of shares.

(iii) Premium on redemption from security premium and profits of company. (iv) Capital Redemption Reserve Account creation and use.

668 1.4 Redemption of Debentures (including purchase or buy back of own debentures) (i) By payment from sources including out of capital and / or out of profits. (ii) Debenture redemption reserve & debentures redemption sinking fund excluding insurance policy. (iii) By conversion into new class of shares or debentures with options including at par, premium and discount. (iv) Purchase/buy back of own debentures for immediate cancellation or holding including ex and cum interest for purchase / sale price (excluding brokerage thereon.) Buy Back of Equity Shares (i) Company Law / Legal Provisions (including related restrictions, power, transfer to capital redemption reserve account and prohibitions). (ii) Compliance of conditions including sources, maximum limits and debt equity ratio. Amalgamation of Companies (w.r.t. As 14) (excluding inter company holdings) (i) In the nature of merger and purchase with corresponding accounting treatments of pooling of interests and purchase methods respectively. (ii) Computation and meaning of purchase consideration. (iii) Problems based on purchase method of accounting only Capital Reduction and Internal Reconstruction (i) Need for reconstruction and Company Law provisions. (ii) Distinction between internal and external reconstructions. (iii) Methods including alteration of share capital, variation of share holder rights, sub division, consolidation, surrender and reissue/cancellation, reduction of share capital, with relevant legal provisions and accounting treatments for same. Ascertainment and Treatment of Profit to Incorporation with : (i) Principles for ascertainment (ii) Preparation of separate, combined and columnar profit & loss a/c including different basis of allocation of expenses / incomes.





669 1.9 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies (i) Relevant provisions of Companies Act related to Final Account (excluding cash flow statement) (ii) Vertical and horizontal formats of profit & loss a/c and balance sheet. (iii) AS. 1 in relation to final accounts of companies (disclosure of accounting policies) Investment Accounting w.r.t. AS 13 (a) For shares (variable income bearing securities) (b) For debenture bonds etc. (fixed income bearing securities) Accounting for transactions of purchase & sales of investments with ex & cum interest prices & finding cost of investment sold & carrying cost as per weighted average method. Columnar format for investment account Accounting for Translation of foreign currency transactions vide AS 11 (Excluding foreign branches & forward exchange contracts and hedging contracts) In relation to purchase & sale of goods, services and assets and loan and credit transactions. Computation and treatment of exchange differences. Pattern of question paper Maximum Marks 100 Duration 3 Hours 9 6 20 Marks 16 Marks 16 Marks each

2 2.1


2.3 3



No of questions to be asked No of questions to be answered Question No.01 Compulsory - Practical question Question No.02 Compulsory - Objective Question No.03 to Question No.09

Note : (1) From Question No. 03 to Question No. 09 not more than one question may be theory including short problems / questions (2) Student to answer any four out of Question No. 03 to Question No. 09. (3) Objective questions to be based on all topics and include Inter alia questions like :

670 (a) Multiple choice (b) Fill in the blanks (c) Match the columns (d) True of False Reference Books Title of Books Advanced Accounting Advanced Accounts Advanced Accounting Financial Accounts Author /s Publishers

R.L. Gupta & M. Sultan Chand & Radhaswami Sons M.C. Shukla & T.S. S. Chand & Co. Grewal H. Chakraborthy S.N. Maheshwari Navbharat Vikas Taxmann Thomson New Central Book Agency Pearson Education

Advanced Accounting & Sehgal Ashok Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Advanced Accounting Warren Carl Financial Paul

Financial Accounting for Ambrish Gupta Management

Question Paper
T.Y.B.Com. Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper-III April 2010 Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

N.B: (1) Question No.1 and 2 are compulsory and carry 20 Marks and 16 Marks respectively. (2) Attempt any four questions from question No. 3 to 9. (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks assigned to the question. (4) All working notes should form part of your answer. 1. Following balances appeared in the books of Nervous Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009 (20) Debit Balance Goodwill Rs. Credit Balance 2,50,000 10,000 7% Cumulative Rs. 10,00,000

671 Preference shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid Land and Building Plant and Machinery Investments Current Assets Profit and Loss Account 12,00,000 2,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid 11,00,000 8% Debenture of Rs. 100 each (secured on Land and Building) 1,20,000 Debenture interest due 17,20,000 Loan from Directors 8,50,000 Current Liabilities 52,40,000 20,00,000 10,00,000

40,000 2,00,000 10,00,000 52,40,000

Note: (a) Claims for damages against the company pending in the court of law amounted to Rs. 1,00,000 (b) Arrears of Preference dividend Rs. 70,000. The Board of Directors agreed to present the realistic picture of the state of affairs of the companys position and the following scheme of reconstruction was sanctioned, approved and implemented: (i) Preference Shares were reduced to equal number of fully paid Preference Shares of Rs. 80 each. (ii) Equity Shares were reduced to equal number of fully paid Equity shares of Rs. 2.50 each. (iii) Preference shareholders waived half of the arrears of dividend and 14,000 Equity shares of Rs. 2.50 each fully paid were issued to them in lieu of the balance. (iv) 8% Debenture holders took over part of the security having book value Rs. 3,60,000 at Rs. 5,00,000 in part satisfaction of their loan and 1,20,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 2.50 each fully paid were issued to them for the balance loan. (v) Debenture holders waived their interest due on Debentures. (vi) The claims for damages pending in the court of law were settled by issue of 12,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 2.50 each fully paid. (vii) Directors converted their into Equity shares of Rs. 2.50 each fully paid. (viii) All intangible and fictitious assets were written off. (ix) The assets were revalued as under: Plant and Machinery Rs. 7,00,000, Investments Rs. 1,00,000. You are required to prepare:

672 (i) Necessary Journal Entries to record the above scheme of reconstruction in the books of Nervous Ltd. (ii) Capital Reduction Account in the books of Nervous Ltd., and (iii) Balance Sheet of Nervous Ltd. after reconstruction. 2. (a) Rewrite the statements given in A Group with the corresponding most appropriate statement from B Group. (8) A Group Internal Reconstruction Redemption of Preference Shares Free Reserve Miscellaneous Expenditure Equity Shareholder Sweat Shares are issued to Share forfeited Account Allocation of Debenture interest in Pre and Post Period B Group No Special Rights Employees Bankers Post Incorporation Period Time Ratio Approval of Court is Necessary Discount on issue of debenture Dividend Equalisation Reserve Approval of Court is not Necessary Schedule of Share Capital (b) Choose the most appropriate answer from the following and rewrite the complete statement. (8) (i) Profit or loss on sale of sinking fund investment is transferred to Profit and Loss A/c Sinking Fund A/c General Reserve A/c Security Premium A/c (ii) Capital Redemption Reserve is not created out of Profit and Loss A/c General Reserve Dividend Equilisation Reserve Securities Premium (iii) A Company must be registered/incorporated under: Income Tax Act 1961 Partnership Act 1932

673 Companies Act 1956 Cooperative Societies Act 1960 (iv) Following is not a Fixed Asset Goodwill Copyright Loose tools Livestock (v) Capital Redemption Reserve can be utilized for Conversion of partly paid Equity Shares into fully paid Equity Shares Payment of arrears of Preference dividend Issue of fully paid Bonus shares To write off discount on issue of debentures. (vi) In the Balance Sheet of a limited Company unclaimed dividend appears under the heading. Provisions Share Capital Miscellaneous Expenditure Current Liabilities

(vii) When a Limited Co. takes over the business of another Limited Co. the excess of Net Assets value over purchase consideration is Goodwill Securities Premium Capital Gain Capital Reserve (viii) A new company cannot issue shares at Par Premium Discount Par to Promoters 3. Mehul Plastics Ltd. was formed with an authorized capital of Rs. 40,00,000 dividend into 2,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, 20,000 8% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each. (16)

674 The Company issued for public subscription 80,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 2.00 per share, payable as follows. On application Rs. 3.00 On allotment Rs. 4.00 (Including Premium) On 1st Call Rs. 2.00 and Final Call Rs. 3.00 The Company received applications for 1,40,000 Equity shares. Out of these, letters of regret were issued to the applicants of 20,000 shares. Full allotment was made to the applicants of 40,000 shares and pro-rata allotment was made to the balance applicants and the excess money received from them on application was adjusted towards allotment money due. All money due on allotment and call were received except from Mr. Kamal holding 500 shares, to whom full allotment was made, but who failed to pay the allotment and both calls. His shares were forfeited and reissued to Mr. Bhavesh at Rs. 9.00 per share credited as fully paid. Give necessary journal entries (including cash transactions) in the books of the company and also give schedule of Share Capital and Reserves and Surplus as it would appear in the Balance Sheet of the Company. 4. Sunderam Brothers was taken over by Sundaram Ltd. on 1 st May, 2008, however the company was incorporated on 1 st Feb, 2009. (16) The following was Trading and Profit and Loss account for the period from 1st May, 2008 to 31st March, 2009. Dr. To Opening Stock To Purchases To Wages To Gross Profit c/d To Salaries To Rent (net) To Delivery Van Expenses To General Expenses Rs. 45,000 2,00,000 80,000 7,00,000 10,25,000 72,000 39,000 14,000 22,000 By Sales By Closing Stock Cr. Rs. 8,60,000 1,65,000

By Gross Profit b/d By Discount

10,25,000 7,00,000 7,000

675 To Advertisement Expenses To Bad Debts Written off To Debenture Interest To Directors Meeting Fee To Preliminary Expenses To Net Profit c/d 3,50,000 14,000 72,000 8,000 4,000 1,12,000 7,07,000


You are informed that: (a) Salaries in pre-incorporation and post-incorporation period were Rs. 6,000 p.m. and Rs. 9,000 p.m. respectively. (b) Gross profit percentage is fixed. Average monthly turnover is nine times in May, October and November, 2008 as compared to Average monthly turnover of remaining months. (c) Audit Fees Rs. 5,500 is to be provided for the above period. (d) Rent on the Debit side is after subtracting rent received at Rs. 4,000 p.m. from 1st Dec., 2008. You are required to prepare Profit and Loss A/c in columnar form, apportioning various incomes and expenses on suitable basis in the Pre and Post Incorporation period from 1st May, 2008 to 31st March, 2009. 5. Mr. Taitler purchased raw materials from M/s Richo Inc of USA on 1st Oct, 2008 for US $8,400. Amount to be paid in four equal half yearly installments commencing from 31 st March, 2009 along with interest @ 12% per annum. (16) Rate of exchange per US $ as on various dates was as follows: 1st October 2008 Rs. 45 per US $ st 31 March 2009 Rs. 46 per US $ th 30 September 2009 Rs. 43 per US $ st 31 March 2010 Rs. 44 per US $ Pass necessary Journal Entries in the books of Mr. Taitler for the years ended 31st March, 2009 and 31st March, 2010. 6. Following is the Trial Balance of Sunil Ltd. as on 31st March 2009: (16)


Particulars Stock in Trade Cash at Banks Preliminary Expenses Loan from State Bank of India Sundry Debtors Sundry Creditors Profit and Loss A/c Bills Receivable Bills Payable Outstanding Expenses Prepaid Expenses Investments in shares of Rohan Ltd. (7,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 6 per share called and paid up) Subscribed Capital 4,000 7% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each 85,500 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each.

Debit (Rs.) 3,59,000 1,11,000 17,000

Credit (Rs.)

1,47,500 6,49,500 1,41,500 4,10,000 85,000 91,000 45,000 6,500 42,000


4,00,000 8,55,000 16,80,000

The following further particular are available:(1) The Authorised Capital of the company was 5,000 7% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each and 1,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each. However company issued only 4,000 7% Preference shares of Rs. 100 each and 90,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each to the public. (2) Dividend on Preference shares is in arrears for the two years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. (3) The Bank statement shows a wrong credit of Rs. 1,000 on 29th March, 2009 the same being detected and adjusted by the bank on 4th April, 2009. (4) Out of the issued capital 1,000 7% Preference shares of Rs. 100 each were issued for consideration other than cash. (5) One Bill Receivable of Rs. 10,000 endorsed in favour of Rolta Ltd., our supplier, has been returned dishonored on 26 th March, 2009 for which entry has to be made in the books of accounts.

677 (6) The balance of Rs. 1,47,500 in the loan account with State Bank of India is inclusive of Rs. 17,500 for interest accrued but not due. The loan is secured by hypothecation of stock. (7) Sundry debtors, are unsecured and considered good. (8) Balance at Bank includes Rs. 9,000 with the Goregaon Co-Op Urban Bank Ltd. which is not a Scheduled Bank. (9) Market Value of investment in shares of Rohan Ltd. was Rs. 30,000 wherease market value of stock in trade was Rs. 3,80,000 as on 31st March, 2009. You are required to prepare Balance Sheet of Sunil Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009 as per Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 in Horizontal or Vertical Form. Ignore previous years figure.

7. Following is the Balance Sheet of Royal Press Ltd. as on 31.03.2009: (16) Liabilities Share Capital Authorised 1,50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each 40,000 9% Preference Shares of Rs. 10 each Issued Subscribed and paid up 1,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, fully paid 30,000 9% Preference shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 8 called up 2,40,000 Less: Calls in 6,000 2,34,000 Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Investments 15,00,000 Other Current Assets 4,00,000 19,00,000 Rs. 12,00,000 2,00,000 3,00,000

678 arrears (Rs. 2 per share) Securities Premium Revenue Reserves Sundry Creditors Bank Overdraft 50,000 1,58,000 2,00,000 58,000 17,00,000 17,00,000

The Preference Shares on which calls were in arrears were forfeited and cancelled and then the final call of Rs. 2 per share was made by the Board of Directors, which was paid by all the shareholders. Subsequently the company redeemed the Preference Shares at a premium of 5%. For the purpose of redemption of Preference Shares the company issued 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at 10% premium and 1,000 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each at 5% discount, redeemable at 10% premium at the end of 5 years. Both the issues were fully subscribed and paid for. You are required to give: (1) Necessary Journal Entries in the Books of the company. (2) Bank A/c (3) Balance Sheet of the company thereafter. 8. Josh Ltd. and Ashish Ltd. were amalgamated on and from 1 st April 2009. A new company namely Shilpa Ltd. was formed to take over the business of Josh Ltd. and Ashish Ltd. (16) Balance Sheets as on 31st March, 2009
Liabilities Josh Ltd. (Rs.) Ashish Ltd. (Rs.) Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid 12% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Statutory 4,00,000 3,75,000 Land and Building 1,00,000 Plant and Machinery 75,000 Computers 15,000 Stock 75,000 Debtors Assets Josh Ltd. (Rs.) Ashish Ltd. (Rs.) 3,00,000 1,50,000


1,50,000 1,80,000

85,000 25,000 1,00,000



2,00,000 1,00,000 1,25,000 2,00,000

Reserves 10% Debenture of Rs. 100 each Sundry Creditors Bills Payable 30,000 1,10,000 1,00,000 10,00,000 15,000 Bills Receivables 70,000 Bank 25,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 7,50,000 90,000 60,000 20,000 80,000

Additional Information: (a) Shilpa Ltd. issued five Equity shares, for each Equity shares of Josh Ltd. and four Equity shares, for each Equity share of Ashish Ltd. The shares are of Rs. 10 each, issued at Rs. 30 each. (b) Preference Shareholders of both the companies are issued equivalent number of 15% Preference shares of new company at Rs. 150 per share (face value Rs. 100). (c) 10% Debenture holders of Josh Ltd and Ashish Ltd. are discharged by Shilpa Ltd. issuing such number of its 15% Debentures of Rs. 100 each so as to maintain the same amount of interest. (d) Shilpa Ltd. revalued following assets taken over from Josh Ltd. and Ashish Ltd.: Josh Ltd. (Rs.) Ashish Ltd. (Rs.) 4,00,000 2,00,000 1,20,000 1,50,000 70,000 10,000 1,50,000 80,000 1,10,000 1,90,000

Land and Building Plant and Machinery Computers Stock Debtors

You are required to (i) Compute Purchase Consideration. (ii) Pass journal entries in the books of Shilpa Ltd., under purchase method. (iii) Prepare Balance Sheet of Shilpa Ltd., after amalgamation. 9. On 1st April, 2009, 200 6% debentures of Rs. 100 each of Excellent Ltd. were held as investment by Mr. Tushar at a cost of Rs. 18,200. (16)

680 Excellent Ltd. pays interest on 1st May and 1st November every year. The following other transactions were entered by him during the year ended 31st March, 2010 in regard to these Debentures.
Date 1 April, 2009 1st October, 2009 1st December, 2009 1st February, 2010

No. of Debentures 100 100 200 100

Transaction Sale Purchase Purchase Sale

Rate Rs. 98 cum-interes Rs. 104 ex-interest Rs. 97 cum-interest Rs. 97 ex-interest

You are required to prepare investment in 6% Debentures in Excellent Ltd. account for the year ended 31 st March, 2010 as it would appear in the books of Mr. Tushar. (Apply AS 13)

Question Paper
T.Y.B.Com. Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper-III Model Paper I W.N. : 1) Q. No. 1 and 2 compulsory. 2) From remaining answer any four question. 3) Working note should farm part of your answers. Q.1 A Ltd. decided to redeem its outstanding Preference share and 12% Debenture. Both redeemable at 10% premium. Balance Sheet as on 31.03.10
Liabilities 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each Rs.6/paid 10% Preference Shares of Rs.100/each Rs.80/- paid Securities Premium C.R.R. Assets Fixed Assets Current Assets 1,20,000 Bank Balance Discount on issued on Debenture 3,20,000 Sinking Fund 2,00,000 Investment 1,00,000 Rs. Rs. 8,00,000 4,20,000 2,60,000 20,000 4,40,000

P&L A/c Sinking Fund 12% Debentures (Rs.100/- each) Current Liabilities 3,50,000 3,00,000 4,00,000 1,50,000 19,40,000 19,40,000

After satisfying all required legal formalities directors decided to redeem Preference Shares & Debentures for the above. 1) 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each issued @ 200% premium. 2) K holding 200 Preference Shares & 100 Debentures was expired, hence all other Preference shares & Debentures redeemed as per terms. 3) Sinking Fund investment sold for Rs.3,90,000/-. 4) Final call was made on Equity shares amount was received except on 100 shares held by Z which was forfeited. You are required to pass entries and prepare Balance Sheet after above transaction. Q.2 A) Fill in the blanks with suitable words & write sentence again. 1) The company making up ___________ A/c with Bank. an IPO has to open

2) Debenture interest accrued but not due is shown in the Balance Sheet as ___________ . 3) Own Debentures can be held as ___________ . 4) Buy back of shares can be of ___________ paid up shares. 5) Amalgamation is covered under ___________ . 6) Amalgamation includes ___________ reconstruction. 7) Credit balance in Capital Reduction A/c is transferred to ___________ A/c. 8) Ex-interest price includes ___________ only. B) Match the columns.

682 Group A i) ii) Sweat Shares Non-payment of calls Group B a) Contingent Liability b) Only shares d) Part of buy-back e) Employees f) AS 11 g) Forfeiture of Shares h) Investment i) To be liquidates j) Purchase Method k) AS - 13

iii) Unpaid Dividend

Preference c) Calls in Advance

iv) Own Debentures v) Transfer Company vi) Amalgamation Adjustment A/c vii) Currency Conversion viii) Investment A/c

Q.3 X Ltd. was incorporated on 01/07/2008 to take over business of Z from 01/05/2008 for Rs.20 Lakhs. Ledger Balance as on 31st December 2008
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.

Fixed Assets 6,00,000 Current Assets 1,00,000 Preliminary Expenses 40,000 Investment (Net) 45,000 Directors Fees 10,000 Rent 50,000 Purchases 13,60,000 Audit Fees 11,000 st Stock as on 1 May 70,000 Sales 15,00,000 2008 12% Debentures 4,00,000 Rent 60,000 Printing & Stationery 18,000 Wages 40,000 Carriage 20,000 Selling Expenses 60,000 10% Investment 1,00,000 Office Expenses (face value 36,000 Rs.90,000/-) Traveling Expenses 15,000 Commission 45,000 received

683 Share Transfer Fees received 4,000/-, Bad Debt w/off Rs.30,000/- (upto 31st July 08 Rs.18,000/-) Travelling Expenses Rs.33,000/Additional Information : 1) Fixed Assets includes Rs.2,00,000/-, Plant purchased on 1st Oct 08 provide Depreciation Fixed Assets @ 24% p.a. 2) W/off Preliminary Expenses in 5 years. 3) Investment was purchased on 1st June 08. 4) Monthly averages sales in the month of June, July, August were 5 times of monthly sales in remaining period. 5) Purchase Consideration was agreed Rs.20 Lakhs of which Rs.12 Lacs was paid on 30th September 2008. Balance amount yet not paid provide Interest on Purchase Consideration @ 15% p.a. 6) G.P. % was 20% upto 30th June 08 & then it was 25% of Sales. You are required to prepare Trading & P&L A/c, ascertaining Pre & Post Incorporation Profit. Q.4 The following is the Balance Sheet of Bad day Ltd. as on 31st December 2002.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. 75,000 2,50,000 1,37,500 16,250 1,31,500 23,000 375 82,500

Issued Subscribed Goodwill Capital Land / Building 30,000 Equity Shares Plant / Machinery of Rs.10/- each fully 3,00,000 Furniture paid Stock 2,000 12% Preference Debtors Shares of Rs.100/2,00,000 Cash in hand each fully paid up 1,25,000 Profit and Loss A/c 11% Debentures 22,750 Sundry Creditors 68,375 Bank Overdraft 7,16,125


The Preference dividend was in arrears for 5 years. The capital reduction scheme was submitted as under : 1) Equity shares to be reduced to Rs.5/- each. 2) All arrears of Preference dividend to be cancelled.

684 3) Each preference Share to be reduced to Rs.75/- and then exchanged for one new 12% Preference share of Rs.50/each and five equity shares of Rs.5/- each. 4) The debit balance of Profit and Loss Account to be written off, Plant / Machinery to be written down by Rs.47,500/and Goodwill is to be reduced as much as possible. 5) The Debentures are to be redeemed at 5% premium; holders being given the option to subscribe at par for new 12% Debentures. Approval of the court is obtained. 1,00,000, new Equity shares are issued at par (sufficient new Equity shares are increased by increasing Authorised Share Capital) payable in full on application. The whole issue is underwritten for 2% commission and the issue was fully taken up. Holders of old Debentures of Rs.50,000/- exercised their option and subscribed for the new Debentures. Expenses in connection with the scheme amounted to Rs.3,375/- and were written off. Journalise the transactions to record Reduction scheme and set out new Balance Sheet of the company. Q.5 Z Ltd. purchased from John of USA goods costing $ 40,000 1st July 2006. Payments were made as under at the exchange rate specified. Date 1 July 06 1st Nov. 06 1st Mar. 07

$ 10,000 15,000 12,000

Rate (per $) 46 48 45

30th Jun 07 balance amount $ = 47. 31.12.06 rate was $ = 44. 31.12.07 rate was $ = 48. You are required to pass journal entries in the book of Z Ltd., for the year ended 31st December 06 & 31st December 07. Q.6 Ketan holds following 12% Securities on which interest due date 31st July & 31st Jan every year. Balance on 10.01.09 Purchases 01.02.09 01.05.09 01.11.09 Sales 01.06.09 01.10.09 Rs.19,00,000/- F.V. Rs.20,00,000/Rs.10,00,000/- C.I. @ Rs.98/Rs.4,00,000/- Ex-int. @ Rs.99/Rs.4,02,000/- C.I. (F.V. Rs.40,000/-) Rs.5,00,000/- @ Rs.110/- Int. Rs.6,00,000/- @ Rs.104/- Ex-int.


You are required to prepare Investment Account in the books of Ketan for the year ended 31st December 2009. Q.7 X Ltd. issued 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each. Amount payable as under Rs.3/- per share on Application, Rs.6/- per share on Allotment, Rs.3/- on 1st Call and Rs..3/- on Final Call. Application received 90,000 and Allotment was made as under. 1) To refuse allotment to the applicants of 10,000 shares. 2) To allot in full to applicants 20,000 shares. 3) To allot balance shares to the applicant of remaining applications. Mr. Y holding 400 shares, to whom shares were allotted on pro rata basis fail to pay allotment money his shares forfeited after 1st call. These forfeited shares reissued to R as fully paid @ Rs.9/- per share. Pass entries & show Balance Sheet. Q.8 The following information is obtained from the books of X Co. Ltd. as on 31st March 2007.
Particulars Profit and Loss A/c Debit balance as on 01-04-2008 Preliminary Expenses Plant & Machinery Furniture and Fixture Motor Car Sales Miscellaneous Receipts Opening Stock of Finished Goods Consumption of Raw Material Closing Stock of Raw Materials at Cost Bank Overdraft (Secured against Stock) Security Premium Share Capital Unsecured Loan Sundry Debtors (including Rs.1,00,000/- over 6 months) Salaries and Wages Office Administration Expenses Selling and Distribution Expenses Sundry Creditors Advance Income Tax Deposits with B.S.E.S. Interest on Overdraft paid Interim Dividends Tax deducted at Source payable (from salary and wages) Rs. 2,00,000 10,000 1,00,000 20,000 15,000 20,00,000 1,20,000 3,00,000 9,00,000 5,00,000 1,00,000 3,60,000 6,00,000 3,00,000 7,00,000 2,00,000 4,00,000 1,40,000 4,00,000 3,00,000 40,000 10,000 60,000 15,000


The following further information is given 1) Closing Stock of finished goods at cost is Rs.6,00,000/-. 2) The original costs of fixed assets are : Plant and Machinery Furniture and Fixture Motor Car Rs. 2,00,000 30,000 25,000

Depreciation is to be charged for the year on written down values @ 10 per cent on Plant and Machinery and Furniture and Fixture and @ 20 per cent on Motor Car. There were no additions and disposal during the year. 3) The entire Authorised Share Capital which consists of Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each has been issued and subscribed. The share capital is paid upto the extent of 30 per cent and there are no calls in arrear. 4) The unsecured loan was taken on 1st January 2009 at 18% p.a. interest. Necessary provisions are to be made in the accounts. 5) Office administration expenses include auditors fee Rs.5,000/- (including fees for taxation services Rs.1,000/-) and Directors fees Rs.3,000/-. 6) Taxation provision is to be created for Rs.3,50,000/-. 7) Preliminary Expenses are to be written off. 8) The Directors have proposed a final dividend of Rs.6/- on each Equity Share in addition to the interim divided already declared. Prepare Profit and loss account and Balance Sheet of the company for the year ended 31st March 2009, keeping in view the requirements of disclosure under the Companies Act. Q.9 The balance sheet of M Ltd. as on 31-03-2007 is as follows :
Liabilities Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each Securities Premium A/c General Reserve Profit & Loss A/c Assets Net Block of Fixed 3,00,000 Assets Investments 1,00,000 Current Assets 1,50,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 Rs. Rs. 8,00,000 1,00,000 7,50,000

Debentures Current Liabilities 8,00,000 1,00,000 16,50,000 16,50,000

Keeping in view all the legal requirements, ascertain the maximum no. of Equity shares that M Ltd. can buy back @ Rs.30/- per share, being the current market price. Assume that the buy-back is carried out actually on the permitted terms and accordingly record the entries in the Journal of M Ltd. and prepare its balance sheet thereafter.


Unit Structure 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 Objectives Investment meaning & types Terms of Transactions Types of Transactions Accounting Entries Investment Account

After studying the unit the students will be able to: Know the meaning of Investment and Types of Investment. Explain the types of transaction Understand the Accounting Entries Solve the practical problems on the unit.


18.1.1 DEFINITIONS The investment of funds basically means surplus funds of the business are utilized as source of additional income. The accounting standards have defined as under:Investments are the assets held by enterprise for any one or more of the following objectives / advantages accruing to investing enterprise. i) Earning income by way of dividend, interest or rental. ii) Capital Appreciation iii) Any other benefit. 18.1.2 TYPES OF INVESTMENT

689 Thus the investment can be in various forms, since the aforesaid objective can be achieved in varying forms of investment. These may be. i) Securities yielding fixed income. Such as Debentures, Bonds, Certificates, Deposits. ii) Shares. iii) Jewellery iv) Capital in Partnership firm v) Immovable Property. These investments are classified as I) Current Investment: These are investments to be held for not more than one year from date of acquisition and which are readily realizable. II) Long Term Investments: The investments which are not current are Long Term. The aforesaid classification is basically, based on intention of investing enterprise. as to period of holding and its ready realisability. Of these forms of investment, special accounting is required in case of investment in shares, Bonds, Debentures & Securities. When the investments are in aforesaid securities issued by different authorities and companies it is necessary to maintain separate account for each or a separate investment register.


The aforesaid securities are generally purchased an sold at the price prevailing at recognized stock exchange through brokers. This is called transaction price. The Brokers charge as service charge commission / Brokerage which is generally expressed as absolute amount or percentage of transaction price. In case of purchase the amount is added to transaction price. In case of sale, it is deducted from price. In addition the buyer of securities is required to pay Stamp Duty. Thus, I) Cost of Investment Purchased Include i) Transaction Price.............. ii) Add Commission / Brokerage................ iii) Add Stamp Duty.............. Total............ This is called four value of Investment II) Sale Proceeds of Investment Comprises Transaction Price................

690 Less: Commission / Brokerage.............. Total............... When Investments are acquired in exchange for any other assets, the Fair Value of Asset exchanged is cost of Investment. In case of sale, it is also necessary to ascertain Cost of Investment sold. The cost of investment sold can be arrived as under i) F.I.F.O. Method ii) Weighted Average method iii) The Accounting standard 13, prescribes weighted Average method for this purpose. The Carrying Amount represents amount at which balance in A/c is carried forward. The carrying amount to be adopted is (i) In case of Long Term Investment - Fair value (as above) (ii) In case of current Investment Fair value (as above) Or Market Value whichever is lower. However, in case of long term investment. If the decline in value of investment is of long term nature, it is advisable to provide for such loss.


(A) Fixed-interest bearings investment: In case of Fixed-interest bearings investment such as securities, Debentures, Bonds the interest is received by the holder of investment on specific datesnormally half yearly. In such case a special treatment is to be given to interest from date of the transaction. For this purpose transactions are categorized as a) Cum last payment to interest: This type of transaction mean transaction is inclusive of above referred interest. The cost of investment is to be segregated between interest and value of investment. Thus

691 Transaction cost Commission / Brokerage (+ Stamp Duty)

Interest at specified Rate From Date of Last Payment To date of transaction

Value of Investment


Ex-Interest: The price is exclusive of interest Hence aforesaid interest is to paid/received in condition to price. Transaction Price Commission / Brokerage (+ Stamp Duty) Add

Invest as stated Above Value of Investment

In case the transaction (whether Cum Interest or Ex interest) is not specified, it is assumed that transaction is cum-interest. The amount received on sell or renouncement is to be treated as Income, as specified in AS-13. In case of Bonus Shares, the investor has NIL Cost. For purpose of carrying Amount, average cost of shares after bonus shares. However for purpose of Income Tax computation aforesaid averaging of cost is not to be considered. (B) Shares: The Shares transactions are of various types (i) By Purchase/sale through Broker (ii) Rights Share (iii) Bonus Shares The transaction through Broker may be cum dividend or ex dividend in the same manner as cum interest or ex-interest. However difference is interest is related to time period. Whereas dividend relate to declared amount.

692 In case of Rights Shares, the issuing company makes offer to shareholder to subscribe and pay for Shares at specific price. Payable directly to company. The Shareholder if desire to Purchase additional shares, can acquire such right from any other shareholder on payment of additional amount called Premium. In case shareholder do not wish to invest, he can sell right and receive premium. The cost of investment in such case is, i) Subscribing to Shares: Amount paid to company at right Price. ii) Additional Shares : Amount paid to seller of rights and paid to company.


The accounting entries are 1. Purchase: Investment A/c Dr. (Face Value & Amount Column Income A/c Dr. (Income Column) To Bank 2. Sale : Bank Dr. To Investment A/c (Face value & Account Column) To Income (Income Column) 3. Profit / Loss on sale : Investment (Amount Column) To Profit or Loss on sale of Investment To Investment (Amount Column) 4. Receipt of Income on Due Date Bank A/c Dr. To investment A/c (Income column) 5. Receipt of Bonus Shares: Entry only in Face value columns. Note: (i) Face value Column can be fitted as Number column in case of Shares. (ii) In case transaction for item 1 and 2 above is on due date of payment of interest the entry will not have debit or credit to Income column.



The investment Account is maintained in multi column form. The separate columns are :

693 1. Date 2. Particulars 3. Folio 4. Face Value or No. of Shares / Debenture 5. Income-interest or Dividend 6. Cost / Value
Date Particulars No. To Balance FV (Rs.) Income Investment Date or capital Particulars To Bank (Sale) No. FV (Rs.) Income Investment or capital

To Bank (Purchase)

By Loss on Sale

By Balance To Profit on Sale

To Profit/ Loss A/c

Note: 1. The Accrued Interest should be shown as Balance in Income Column in case of opening & Closing Balances. 2. Balance in Icome column should be transferred to Profit & Loss A/c. Check Your Progress Give the proforma of Investment Account. Explain the following terms 1. Ex-Interest transaction 2. Cum-Interest transaction 3. Current Investment 4. Long Term Investment


Unit Structure 19.1 19.2 Practical problems Exercise


Illustration 1 On 1.2.2009, Messrs File Investment service purchased 9% Debentures of Rs. 100 each of Messrs Alpha Oil Limited having Face Value of Rs. 16,000 @ 95% (Cum-Interest), the expenses being Rs. 100. On 1.4.2009 they sold debentures having face value of Rs. 6,000 @ 92% (ex-interest), the expenses being Rs. 60. On 1.8.2009 they again sold debentures having face value of Rs. 4,000 @ 101% (cum-interest), the expenses being Rs. 40. On 1-11-2009, they further purchased debentures of Rs. 18,000 @ 103% (ex-interest), the expenses being Rs. 200. Beside expenses (as stated above), they paid % brokerage on both purchase and sale. The interest on debentures is payable on June 30 and December 31 every year but received on 15th July and 15th January (next month). On 31-12-2009 the Debentures on hand was valued @ Market Price of 104%. Prepare 9% Debentures Account in the books of Messrs File Investment Service for the period ended 31.12.2009. Prepare Investment Account with detailed working under Weighted Average Method.

695 Answer 1: Messrs File Investment Services 9% Debenture Account of Aplha Oil Limited
Date 2009 Feb. Aug.1 Nov.1 Particulars Face Value Rs. 16,000 18,000 Interest Rs. 120 540 1035 Aug.1 Dec.31 Capital Rs. 15,218 155 18,786 Date 2009 April April July 15 Particulars

1.To Bank A/c To P/L A/c To Bank Account To P/L A/c

1. By Bank A/c By Profit & Loss By Bank

Dec.31 Total 34,000 1,695 34,159

Interest: 10,000 x 9/100 x 6/12 = 450 By Bank Account Sale (Cum-Int) By Accrued Interest Interest 24,000 x 9/100 x 6/12 = 1,0 By Balance c/d Total

Answer 2: Messrs Share Associates 12% Redeemable Debentures of Beta Products Ltd.
Date 2009 Jan May 31 Particulars Face Value Rs. 50,000 20,000 Intere st Rs. 1000 Capital Rs. 52,000 19,600 Date 2009 March 31 Particulars

August 31

1 To Balance b/f To Bank A/c Purchase (Cum interest) 20,000 x 103% 20,600 Interest: 1.1.09 to 31.5.09 (5 mth) 20,000 x 12/100 x 5/12 1000 Capital 19,600 To Bank A/c Purchase (Ex-int) 10,000 x 104% 10,400 Interest: 1-7-09 to 31-08-09 (2 mth) 10,000 x 12/100 x 2/12 200 To P & L A/c To Profit & Loss A/c

June 30 10,000 200 10,400

By Bank A/c Sales (Cum Interest) 30,000 x 107% 32, Interest: 1-1-09 to 31-3-09 (3 mth) 30,000 x 12/100 x 3/1 Capital 31 By Bank Interest: 40,000 x 12/100 x 6/12

Oct 31

Oct 31 Dec 31

510 4,800 Dec 31

By Bank Sale (Ex. Interest) 15,000 x 105% 15, Interest: 1.7.009 to 31.10.09 ( 4 mth) 15,000 x 12/100 x 4/12 By Bank Interest: 35,000 x 12/100 x 6/12 2

Dec 31 Total 80,000 6,000 82,510 By Balance c/d Total

Answer 3: Messrs Cash Credit Limited 9% (Tax Free) Govt. Bonds

Date 2008 Apr 1 Apr 1 May 31 To Balance b/f To Interest accrued (reversal) 60,000 x 9% x 3 mths To Bank A/c Purchase (Cum-int) 50,000 x 102% + Brokerage x 0.2% Interest: 1.1.08 to 31.5.08 (mths) 50,000 x 9/100 x 5/12 Capital Sep 1 To Bank A/c Purchase (Cum-Interest) 30,000 x 106.50% 31,950 64 32,014 Interest: 1.7.08 to 31.8.08 (2 mths) 30,000 x 9/100 x 2/12 Capital Dec. 1 Feb. 28 To P/L A/c To Bank A/c Purchase (Ex-Interest) 50,000 x 106% + Brokerage 50,000 x 0.2% Interest: 50,000 x 9/100 x 2/12 Mar. 28 To P & L A/c Total 750 190,000 5,175 9,600 197,712 Total 106 53,106 Mar 31 53,000 2009 Mar 31 By Interest accrued 80,000 x 9% x 3 mths By Balance c/d 50,000 750 450 31,550 815 53,106 Dec. 31 Dec. 1 Brokerage 30,000 x 0.2% 1875 49,227 30,000 450 31,564 Jun 30 51,000 102 51,102 Interest: 1.1.08 to 30.4.08 (4 mths) 50,000 x 9/100 x 4/12 Capital By P & L A/c By Bank Interest: 60,000 x 9/100 x 4/12 By Bank A/c Sale (Ex-Interest) 60,000 x 103% - Brokerage x 0.2% Capital Interest: 1.7.08 to 30.11.08 (5 mths) 60,000 x 9/100 x 5/12 By Bank A/c Interest : 30,000 x 9/100 x 6/12 50,000 1,875 49,227 Particulars Face Value Rs. 60,000 Intere st Rs. 1,350 Capital Rs. 63,000 Date 2008 Apr. 30 By Bank A/c Sale (Cum-Interest) 50,000 x 1012% - Brokerage x 0.2% Particulars









Answer 4: Messrs Manan Finance Limited 6% Government of India Securities

Date 2008 Apr 1 Aug.31 To Bank A/c To Bank A/c Purchase (Cum-Interest) 30,000 x 103% Interest: 1.4.01 to 31.8.01 (5 mths) 30,000 x 6/100 x 5/12 Capital Nov 30 To Bank A/c Purchase (Cum-Interest) 15,000 x 104% Interest: 1.10.01 to 30.11.01 ( 2 mths) 15,000 x 6/100 x 2/12 2009 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 To Profit & Loss A/c To Profit & Loss A/c Profit on Investment A/c [SP 47475 47250 PCP] 3,600 225 150 15,600 750 30,150 15,000 150 15,600 2002 Jan. 31 Sep. 30 30,900 Particulars Face Value Rs. 75,000 30,000 Intere st Rs. 750 Capital Rs. 78,750 30,150 Date 2008 Jun 30 By Bank A/c Sale (Cum-Interest) 45,000 x 107% Interest: 1.4.01 to 31.6.01 ( 3mths) 45,000 x 6/100 x 3/12 Capital By Bank Interest: 60,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 By Bank A/c Sale (Ex-Interest) 22,500 x 105% (Also equal to prop CP) Interest: 1.10.01 to 31.1.02 (4 mths) 22,500 x 6/100 x 4/12 By Bank A/c By Bank 52,500 x 6/100 x 6/12 By Balance c/d Calculation of Cost: Op. Bal. Rs. 7,500 = 78,750 / 75,000 x 7500 Purchase Rs. 30,000 Purchase Rs. 15,000 Cost by FIFO basis Calculation of Market Price: *52500 x 106/100 Total 120,000 4,500 124,725 (Cost Market Price) Total Particulars




78750 75000

x45, 000








Answer 5: Good Bank Ltd.

Date 2009 Jan. 1 May 15 May 15 To Balance b/f To Bonus (issued) (1:2 on 10,000) To Bank (Rights) (Entitled to 3:5 rights i.e. 3/5 x 10,000 = 6,000 Shares sold 4,000 rights: see Contra Accepted 2,000 rights shares @ a premium of Rs. 3) 3+4 = 7 pd on Application Jun. 15 Mar. 31 To Bank (Rights) (Balance Rs. 6 paid) To Profit & Loss A/c 28,000 12,000 Dec. 31 2,000 2,000 14,000 Oct. 15 Particulars No. Rs. 10,000 5,000 Face Value Rs. 100000 50000 Interest Rs. 125000 Capital Date 2009 May 25 By Bank A/c Sale of Rights 4000 x Rs. 2 By Bank (Dividend @ 20%) 20/100 x 1,00,000 NB: Bonus and Rights Not entitled to Dividend By Balance c/f Particulars







Answer 6: Wadala Investments Limited Investment A/c Equity Shares in Mumbai City Ltd.
Date 2008 Apr.1 Aug. 1 To Balance b/f To Bank 50 (Purchase of Shares Cum-dividend) [Note A See Contra] Oct.1 Jul. 1 To Bonus (Issue) (3:7 of 1,050 Shares) To Profit & Loss A/c (Dividend Income) 2002 537.50 450 4,500 Nov 1 Particulars No. Rs. 1000 50 Face Value Rs. 10000 500 Interest Rs. 14250 846 Capital Date 2008 Aug 15 By Bank (Dividend @ 20%) 20/100 x 10,000 20/100 x 500 [Note A See Contra] By Bank (Sale of 450 Shares @ Rs. 11.25 = 5,062.50 (-) Brokerage 25.00 Rs. 11.25 = 5,037.50 Particulars

Mar 30 Total 1500 15,000 2,004 15,633.50 By Balance c/f Total

Answer 7: Medical Services Ltd Investment A/c Equity Shares of Sick Ltd.
Date 2008 Apr. 1 Jun. 1 To Balance b/f To Bank (Purchase of Shares Cum-dividend) Aug. 2 To Bonus (Issue) (1:5 of 25,000 Shares) Sep. 30 To Bonus (Issue) (1:3 of 30,000 Shares) (50% of 10,000 = 5,000) Shares accepted paid @ Rs. 15) 5000 50000 75000 Oct 20 5000 50000 Particulars No. Rs. 20000 5000 Face Value Rs. 200000 50000 Interest Rs. 320000 70000 Capital Date 2008 Sep 30 By Bank (Sale proceeds of rights Shares 5000 x Rs. 1.50) [Note: Amt. received for Rights will be entered in Capital column and Reduces the Cost] By Bank (Dividend @ 15% on Rs. 2,00,000 x 15% Rs. 50,000 x 15%** Particulars

Nov. 1 To profit & Loss A/c (Profit on sale of 20,000 Shares- Refer Note 1) 2857 **Dividend rate was Not known @ the time of purchase of 5,000 Shares on 1.6.2008 By Bank (Sale of Rs.13 per Share) 2009 Mar 31 To Profit & Loss A/c (Dividend Income Transfered) Total 35000 350000 30000 467857 30000 2009 Mar 31 By Balance c/f (Refer Note 2)


In the Books of PSI Investments 12% Partly Convertible Debentures of Ted Ltd. A/c (Interest Date 30th June, and 31st December)
Date Particulars Nominal Value Rs. 600000 300000 Interest Capital Value Rs. 18000 3000 618000 303000 Date Particulars

2008 Apr. 1 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 2009 Mar 31 Mar 31 To P & L (Int. trant) To P & L A/c (Profit) 900000 66250 87250 7000 928000 To Balance b/f To Int. accrued To Bank

2008 June 30 Sep 30 Dec 31 Dec 31 2009 Feb 1 Mar 31 Mar 31 By Bank By Bal. c/d By Int. Accrued By Bank By Bank By Bank By Equity shares

Equity Shares in Ted Ltd. A/c

Date 2008 Dec 31 2009 To 12% Partly convertible Debentures A/c 21000 536250 Particulars No. of Shares Interest Capital Value Date 2009 Mar 1 Mar 31 By Bank By Bal c/d Particulars

Mar 31 To P & L A/c (Profit) 21000 56250 592500

Solution: In the Books of MRK Investment in Equity Shares of X Ltd. A/c

Date Particulars No. of Shares Rs. Face Value Rs. Dividend Rs. Cost Rs. 2008 To Bal. b/d To Bank To Bonus share To Bank To P & L (Profit on sale) 2009 Mar 31 To P & L (Dividend) Total 90,000 900,000 100,000 100,000 1310,000 2009 Mar 31 By Bal. c/d Total 50,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 750,000 160,000 300,000 100,000 Sep Oct 31 Nov 15 By Bank By Bank (Dividend) By Bank Date Particulars

No Sh R

2008 April 1 July 1 Aug 1 Sep 30 Nov 15

Date 1-4-08 1-4-08 31.05-08 Particulars To Bal. b/f To Accounted int To Bank A/c (Purchase) 1-12-08 To Bank A/c 10,000 375 10,000 31-12-08 By Bank A/c (Int. Recd.) 31-12-09 To P & L A/c (Profit on sale) 31-3-09 31-3-09 To P & L A/c (Int.) Total 290,000 274,100 18,750 31-3-09 By Bank c/d By Accounted Int. c/d Total 1,100 1-3-09 By Bank Face Value 200,000 80,000 Interest 4500 3,500 Capital Value 190,000 73,000 Date 1-6-07 30-6-08 30-11-08 Particulars By Bank A/c By Bank (Int Recd.) By Bank A/c



Solution: In the Books of Ajay Investment Account in Equity Shares in Vipro Ltd. For the year ended 31st March, 2009
Date Particulars Face Value (Rs) Dividend (Rs) Cost (Rs) Date Particulars


2008 April 1 July 1 Aug 5 Nov 1 To Balance b/d To Bank To Bonus Shares To Profit & Loss A/c (Profit) 3,00,000 60,000 60,000 4,20,000 96,000 72,857

2008 Oct. 22 Nov. 1 By Bank By Bank

2009 Mar. 31 To Profit & Loss A/c 4,20,000 42,000 42,000 5,88,857

2009 Mar. 31 By Balance c/d

Solution: In the Books of Abhishek Investment in Equity Shares of Raj Entertainment Ltd. Account for the year ended 31st March, 2009
Date 2008 April 1 July 1 July 31 Aug. 22 Oct 15 To Balance b/d To Bank A/c To Bank A/c To Bonus A/c To Bank A/c 10,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 3,000 1,60,000 80,000 1,32,000 NIL 45,000 Particulars No. of Shares Dividend Rs. Cost (Rs) Date 2008 Oct 31 By Bank Particulars



Jan 1 Mar 31 To Profit & Loss A/c To Profit & Loss A/c (WN) 28,000 40,000 40,000 1,85,750 6,02,750 Jan 10 Mar 31 By Bank By Balance c/d

Solution: In the Books of Mr. Mayur Investment Account in Equity Shares of Jai Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 2009
Date 2008 April 1 June 22 Aug 16 Sept 30 Nov 15 To Balance b/d To Bank To Bonus Issue To Bank A/c (Right Share) To Profit & Loss A/c 2009 Mar 31 To Profit & Loss A/c (Balance Figure) 50,000 60,000 7,28,00 60,000 2009 Mar 31 By Balance c/d 5 48,000 1 2 30,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 4,50,000 80,000 1,50,000 Particulars WN No. of Shares Dividend Rs. Cost (Rs) Date 2008 Oct 31 Nov 15 By Bank By Bank (Sale) Particulars

Solution: In the Books of Mandar Investment Account of 6% Government Securities for the year ended 31st March, 2009 (Due Date for Interest 30th June and 31st December)
Date Particulars WN Face Value Rs. 75,000 30,000 45,000 Interest Rs. Capital Rs. Date Particulars

2008 April 1 May 1 Nov. 1 To Balance b/d To Bank To Bank 1 2 6 1,125 600 900 78,000 28,800 45,450

2008 Jun. 30 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Dec 31 By Bank By Bank By Profit & Loss A/c By Bank

2009 Feb. 1 Mar. 31 To Profit & Loss A/c To Profit & Loss A/c (Balance Figure) 1,50,000 8,220 1,52,386 5,595 Mar. 31 10 136 2009 Feb. 1 Mar. 31 By Bank By Profit & Loss A/c By Balance c/d

Solution: In the Books of M/s Bhagwati Investment Account of 12% Debentures in Mansi Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 2009 (Due Date for Interest 30th June and 31st December)
Date Particulars WN Nominal Value Rs. Interest Rs. Cost Rs. Date Particulars

2008 April 1 To Opening Balance b/d June 1 To Profit & Loss A/c (Profit on Sale) Sep. 1 To Bank A/c (Purchase) Dec. 1 To Bank A/c (Purchase) 6 40,000 2,000 41,200 5 70,000 1,400 68,600 3 1,500 1 80,000 2,400 76,000

2008 Jun. 1 By Bank A/c (Sold) Jun. 30 By Bank A/c (Half yearly) Dec 31 By Bank A/c (Half yearly)

2009 Mar.31 To Profit & Loss A/c (Interest Transfer) 11,300 Feb. 1 2009 Feb. 1 By Bank A/c (Sold) By Profit & Loss A/c (Loss on Sale) Mar.31 By Profit & Loss A/c (Loss on Valuation) Mar. 31 1,90,000 17,100 1,87,300 By Balance c/d

Solution: In the Books of Bangalore Investments 12% Debentures in Minerva Ltd. Account (Interest 30th June, 31st December)
Date Particulars WN Nominal Value Rs. Income Rs. Capital Rs. Date Particulars

2009 April 1 Jun. 1 Nov. 1 To Balance b/d To Bank A/c To Bank A/c 1 2 4 1,20,000 40,000 40,000 1,800 1,000 800 1,40,000 39,800 38,400

2009 Jun. 30 Nov.30 Nov.30 By Bank A/c By Bank A/c By Profit & Loss A/c Dec 31 Dec 31 By Bank A/c By Profit & Loss A/c Dec 31 By Bank A/c

2010 Mar 31 To Profit & Loss A/c (Balance Figure) 7,800

2010 Mar.31 Mar.31 By Balance c/d By Profit & Loss A/c

2,00,000 11,400 2,18,200

Solution: In the Books of Mr. Dharmesh Investment Account of 12% Debentures of XYZ Ltd. for the year ended 31st December 2008 (Due Date for Interest 31st December)
Date Particulars WN Nominal Value Rs. Income Rs. Capital Rs. Date Particulars

2008 Jan. 1 Apr. 1 Sep. 1 To Balance b/d To Bank To Profit & Loss A/c Dec 31 To Profit & Loss A/c 1,20,000 12,700 1,11,300 12,100 1 3 1,00,000 20,000 600 91,000 19,000 1,300

2008 Sept 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec 31 Dec 31 By Bank By Bank By Bank By Bank By Balance c/f

Solution: In the Books of Mr. Mehta 12% IDBI Bonds Account

Date Particulars Face Value Rs. Interest Rs. Cost Rs. Date Particulars

2008 To Opening Balance To Bank (800 x 96) 2,00,000 80,000 6,000 1,600 1,90,000 75,200

2008 Jun. 30 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Dec.31 By Bank By Bank (700 x 94) By Profit & Loss A/c By Bank

2009 To Profit & Loss A/c 25,800

2009 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 Mar. 31 By Bank (300 x 96) By Profit & Loss A/c By Balance c/d

2,80,000 33,400 2,65,200

Note: 1-2-2009 (Buy-Gain-Int) 6000 @ 95% 15200 Expen. 100 Brokerage @ 1/4% Less: Interest On 16000 for Int. Investment (Sell-Ex. Int. 6000 @ 12% (-) Brokerage @ 1/4% (-) Expenses

38 15338 120 15218 5520


14 60 5446 5707 261 4040 40 10 3990 30 3960


(15218x6000) 16000


Loss Sell (Cum Int) 4000 @ 10% (-) Expenses (-) Brokerage @ 1/4% (-) Interest

(-) Cost

(152118x6000) 16000

3805 155 18540 200 46 18786


Loss Buy (Ex. Int.) 18000 @ 10.3% (+) Expenses (+) Brokerage @1/4% Interest

708 On 18000 for 4mth. FV Cost of Investment-24000 Market Value @ 104 Illustration 2: Messrs Share Associates wants you to prepare Investment Account (with detailed notes and workings). The Company gives you the details for the year 2009 relating to 12% Redeemable Debentures of Rs. 100 each of Beta Products Limited: Jan.1 Mar. 31 May 31 Aug. 31 Oct. 31 : Balance Rs. 52,000 having Face Value of Rs. 50,000. : Sale of Rs. 30,000 @ Rs. 107 cum interest. : Purchase of RS. 20,000 @ 103 cum-interest. : Purchase of Rs. 10,000 @ 104 ex-interest. : Sale of Rs. 15,000 @ 105 ex-interest. 540 Cost 24492 24960

Interest is payable on 30th June and 31st Dec. every year. The Accounting year of the Company ends on 31st December. Market Price of Debentures as at 31st December was Rs. 99. What will be the difference, if Market Price Rs. 103 on 31st December, instead of Rs. 99 as mentioned above. (Hint: If Market Price is Rs. 101, the new Profit on Investment Account will be Rs. 150, instead of old loss of Rs. 400).

709 March 31 Cost of Investment Oct 31

52000 x30000 50000 Profit /Loss Nil Cost of Investment 50,000 - 30000 20000 - 20800 20000 - 19600 10000 - 10400 50000 - 50800


50800 15240 x15000 50000 Sales - 15750 Profit 510 31Dec Balance F.V. 35000 = 35560 If Investment are treated as Short Term / current to be reflected at cost or Market Value whichever is lower (i) If Market Price @ 99 - 34650 Cost - 35560 (Lower Rs. 34650/-)
Sales (ii) If Market Price is 103 Cost (Lower Rs. 35560) Illustration 3: On 1-4-2008, Messrs Cash Credit Limited had a balance of 9% (Tax free) government Bonds costing Rs. 63,000, having face value of Rs. 60,000. During the year, the Company had the following transactions: April 30 2008 May 31 2008 Sep 1, 2008 Dec, 1 2008 Feb. 28, 2009 : Sales : Purchases : Purchases : Sales : Purchases Rs.50,000 @101% cum-interest Rs.50,000 @102% cum-interest Rs.30,000 @106.50% cum-interest Rs. 60,000@103% ex-interest Rs. 50,000@106% ex-interest - 36050 35560

Interest is payable half-yearly on 30th June and 31st December every year. Brokerage was paid at 0.20% on purchase and sale. The Company closes its account on 31st March Medical Services Limited. On which date the market value was Rs. 105.25%. Prepare Ledger Account in the books of Messrs Cash Credit Limited, with detailed working with weighted Avarage Method.


Note: Cost of Bonds Sold 30-4 63000 x 50000 = 52500 60000 Sale 48899 Loss 3601 Dec. 1 60000 50000 30000 - 63000 - 49227 - 31564

-140000 - 143781 - 50000 - 52500 90000 - 91291

91291 x60000 90000

Loss = Sale Profit 60861 61676 815

Illustration 4: Manan Finance Limited gives you the following details for the Accounting Year from 1.4.2009 relating to 6% Govt. of India Securities of Rs. 100 each: Apr. 1: Balance Rs. 78.750 having Face Value of Rs. 75,000. June 30 : Sale of Rs. 45,000 @ Rs. 107 cum-interest. Aug 31 : Purchase of Rs. 30,000 @ 103 cum-interest. Nov. 30 : Purchase of Rs. 15,000 @ 104 ex-interest. Jan. 31 : Sale of Rs. 22,500 @ 105 ex-interest. Interest is payable on 30th September and 31st March every year. Market Price of Securities as at 31st March was Rs. 106. Prepare Account under FIFO Method.


Illustration 5: On 1.1.2009 Good Bank Ltd. had 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each in Old (Nagaland) Ltd. purchased at Rs. 1,25,000. The Company, like other Investment Companies, doesnt make any apportionment of Dividends (received or receivable) in between Capital and Revenue. On 15.5.2009, Old Ltd. made a BONUS issue of 1 fully paid share for every 2 share held on 15.5.2009. In addition, on the same day RIGHT shares were issued at 3 Shares for every 5 Shares held on that date at a premium of Rs. 3 payable as under: Rs. 7 to be paid on application (including Premium) and the balance in one call after a month. Bonus and Right Shares announced on 15.5.2009 are not to rank for Dividend for the year ending 30th June, 2009. 2,000 Right Shares were taken up by Good Bank Ltd. and the balance rights were sold at Rs. 2 each on 25.5.2009. on 15.10.2009 the Company declared a Dividend @ 20% for the year ending on 30.6.2009. Prepare Investment Account in the books of Good Bank Ltd.

Illustration 6: Wadala Investments Ltd. held on 1.4.2008, 1,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each in Mumbai City Ltd. at a book value of Rs. 14,250. It had the following further transactions during the year 2008-2009 in respect of these Shares: a) Purchased on 1-8-08 50 Shares cum-dividend for RS. 846 (including Brokerage) and registered. b) The Company declared and paid on 15.8.2008 dividend at 20%. c) The Company declared on 1-10-2008 a BONUS issue of 3 shares for every 7 Shares held in the Company. d) The Company sold 450 Shares on 1-11-2008 at Rs. 11.25 per Share and paid brokerage of Rs. 25. Prepare Investment Account in the books of Wadala Investments Ltd. for the Accounting Year from 1-4-2008 to 30.3.2009.


Note A: Out of the Dividend of Rs. 2,100 received, Rs. 96 must be credited to Capital Column as it pertain to shares purchased on cumdividend basis (Dividend to calculate upto 1st Aug. 2008). For 14 days, Dividend of Rs. 4 taken to Revenue A/c Rs. 846 paid at the time of purchase should be entered in the Capital column as dividend rate was not known as on that date. Note B: Profit on Sale of Shares is calculated as under: Cost of total 1,500 Shares including Bonus Shares: For 1,500 Shares (14,250 + 846 96) For 1 Share (Rs. 1500 Shares) For 450 Shares sold Cost (Rs. 1 0x 450) Sale Price as above Profit on Sale of Shares Rs. 15000.00 10 4500.00 5037.50 537.50

Note C: Shares are to be valued at cost or market price, whichever is less. After the Bonus issue, there is no difference between par value and cost value. Illustration 7: On 1.4.2008 (having accounting year ending 31-3-2009), Medical Services Ltd. had 20,000 Equity Shares of Sick Ltd. having face value of Rs. 10 each at Rs. 16 per Share. On 1.6.2008, Medical Services Ltd. purchased 5,000 additional Equity Shares in Sick Ltd. at a premium of Rs. 4 per Share cum-dividend. On 30.06.2008 the Directors of Sick Ltd. announced a BONUS and RIGHTS issue. Bonus was declared at 1:5 and the same was received on 2.8.2008. Right Shares at 1:3 was issued on 10-8-2008 at Rs. 15 Share, payable not later than 30-9-2008. Medical Services Ltd. exercised their option to 50% and the balance was sold at Rs. 1.50 per Share. Dividends for the year ended 31-3-2008 at 15% was declared by the Sick Ltd. and received by Medical Services Ltd. on 20-10-2008. On 1.11.2008 Medical Services Ltd. sold 20,000 Equity Shares of Sick Ltd. at a premium of Rs. 3 per Share. Prepare Investment Accounts in the books of Medical Services Ltd. for the year ended 31-3-2009.


Note 1: Cost Price calculation 1.4.2008 1.6.2008 2.8.2008 30.9.2008 [20,000 Shares] [5,000 Shares] [5,000 Shares] [5,000 Shares] 320000.00 70000.00 75000.00 465000.00 (-) 30.9.2008 Sales Proceeds (-) 30.10.2008 Dividend on Purchases Cost Price of 35,000 Shares -7500.00 -7500.00


Therefore, Cost price of 20,000 Shares [4,50,000/35,000 x 20,000] (-) Sale Price of 20,000 Shares @ Rs. 13 Profit on sale of 20,000 Shares 2857.00 257143.00 260000.00

Note 2: Cost price calculation : 1.4.2008 1.6.2008 2.8.2008 30.9.2008 [20,000 Shares] [20,000 Shares] [5,000 Shares] [5,000 Shares] 75000.00 465000.00 465000.00 (-) 30.9.2008 Sales Proceeds (-) 30.10.2008 Dividend on Purchases Cost Price of 35,000 Shares -7500.00 -7500.00 320000.00 70000.00

- 450000.00

Therefore, Balance of 15,000 Shares [4,50,000/35,000 x 15,000] 192857.00

M/s A Investments submits you following details regarding, investment in 12% Partly Convertible Debentures of Ted Ltd.

714 (a) Opening balance as on 1-4-2008, 6,000 debentures of Rs. 100 each Purchased on 31st Jan. 2008 at Rs. 104 cum-interest. (b) Aug. 1,2008 Purchased 3,000 debentures at Rs. 102 cum interest. (c) Sep. 30, 2008 Sold 2,000 debentures at Rs. 106 ex-interest. (d) Dec. 31, 2008 Received equity shares of Rs. 10 at the premium of Rs. 15 per share in conversion of Rs. 75 per debentures at par, the balance Rs. 25 per debenture being non convertible portion. (e) Feb. 1, 2009 Sold 4,000 debentures (non-convertible portion of Rs. 25 each @ Rs. 26 ex-interest). (f) Mar 1, 2009, sold 60% of the shares received at Rs. 30 per share. On 31st Mar, 2009 the debentures and shares of Ted Ltd. were quoted at Rs. 34 and Rs. 26 respectively. Interest on debentures is receivable each year on 30th June and 31st Dec. 2009. You are required to give 12% Debentures and equity Shares in Ted Ltd. A/c for the year ended 31st March 2009.

Solution: Working Notes: Rs. 1) Opening balance as on 1-4-2008 6,000 debentures Face value Purchased on 31st Jan 2007 @ 104 cum-interest Less: Interest @ 12% for 1 month Capital Value 2) Interest received on June 30, 2008 12 6 6,00,000 x x Rs.36,000 100 12 3) Purchase of 3,000 debentures at 102 cum interest on Aug 1, 2008 Face Value 3,00,000 Purchase cost 3,000 x 102 3,06,000 Less: Interest @ 12% for 1 month 3,000 Capital Value 3,03,000 4) Sale of 2,000 debentures at 106 ex-interest on Sept. 30,2008 Face Value 2,000 x 100 2,00,000 Sale price ex-interest 2,000 x 106 2,12,000 Interest @ 12% for 3 months 6,000 Capital Value 2,12,000 6,00,000 6,24,000 6,000 6,18,000

715 5) Interest received on 31st Dec. 2008 12 6 7,00,000 x x = Rs. 42,000 100 12 6) Amount of debentures converted into equity shares = 7,000 x 75 = Rs. 5,25,000 No. of equity shares received = Total cost of debentures Opening balance + Purchased Total Cost Less: Sold 2,000 debentures (FIFO) Cost of Balance as on 31-12-2008 75% is converted in equity shares i.e. Cost of 21,000 equity shares 6,18,000 3,03,000 9,21,000 2,06,000 7,15,000 5,76,250 5,36,250

5,25,000 25

21 ,000

7) Sale of 4,000 debentures @ Rs. 26 ex-interest on Feb 1. Face value 4,000 x 25 1,00,000 Sale price 4,000 x 26 ex-interest 1,04,000 Interest for 1 month 1,000 8) Sale of 60% Shares on March 1,2009 at Rs. 30 per share Total shares 21,000 60% shares 12,600 Sold for 12,600 x 30 = 3,78,000 9) Profit on sale of shares on Mar 1, 2009 Cost of 12,600 shares

5,36,250 x 12,600 21 ,000

3,21,750 3,78,000 56,250

Sold for Profit = 3,78,000 3,21, 750 =

10) Valuation of closing balance of equity shares

5,36,250 x 8,400 = 2,14,500 21 ,000

11) Valuation of closing balance of 12% debentures (non convertible part)


Add Less: Sold Less: Conversion

Date 1-4-2008 1-8-2008

No. of Debentures 6,000 3,000 9,000 2,000 7,000

Cost Rs. 6,18,000 3,03,000 9,21,000 2,12,000 7,09,000


31-12-2008 Balance Less: Sale Feb. 1 Balance out of Purchase of 1-8-2008 25 * 101 x 100

7,000 x 75 7,000 x 25 4,000 x 25 3,000 x 25.25* =

5,36,250 1,72,750 97,000 75,750

On 1st April 2008 MR-K had 50,000 equity shares of X Ltd. at a cost of Rs. 15 per share (Face value of Rs. 10). On 1-7-2008 she purchased another 10,000 shares of the company at Rs. 16 per share. The directors of X Ltd. announced a bonus and right issue as follows: Bonus on 1-8-2008 on 1:6 basis Rights on 1-9-2008 on 3:7 basis @ price Rs. Due date of payment 30-9-2008 Shareholders can transfer their rights in full or in part. Accordingly, Shilpa sold 1/3rd of her entitlement to Miss Rucha for a consideration of Rs. 2 per share. Dividends for the Year ended 31st March 2008 at the rate of 20% was declared by the company and received by Miss Shilpa on 31-10-2008. Dividends for shares acquired by her on 1-7-2008 are to be adjusted

717 against cost of purchase. On 15-11-2008 Miss Shilpa sold 50,000 equity shares at a premium of Rs. 5 share. You are requested to prepare Investment A/c in the books of Miss Shilpa. Books of Accounts are closed on 31st March 2009 and shares are valued at Average Cost.

Working Notes: (a) Profit on sale of 50,000 equity shares: Amount paid for 90,000 shares Less: Amount received on sale of Rights Dividend received for pre-acquisition Period Cost of 90,000 shares Cost of 50,000 shares Sold for Profit Rs. 12,10,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 Rs. 11,70,000 6,50,000 7,50,000 Rs. 1,00,000

11 ,70,000 x 50,000 90,000

(b) Value of Closing Stock Illustration: 10

11 ,70,000 x 40,000 90,000


Ankush Ltd. held on 1st April 2008 Rs. 2,00,000 of 9% Government bonds (2001) at Rs. 1,90,000 (Face Value of Bonds Rs. 100 each). Three months interest had been accrued on the above date. On 31st May 2008 the company purchased same Government bonds of the face value Rs. 80,000 at Rs. 95 cum interest. On 1st June 2008, 600 bonds were sold at Rs. 94 ex-interest. Interest on the bonds was payable each year on 30th June and 31st December and was credited by the bank on same date. On 30th November 400 bonds were sold at Rs. 97 cum interest. On 1st December, the company purchased the same 100 bonds at par ex-interest. On 1st, March 2009 the company sold 100 bonds at Rs. 103 (ex-

718 interest). The market price of the bonds on 31st March 2009 was Rs. 96. Prepare 9% Government bonds (2005) A/c in the books of Ankush Ltd. following first in first out method.

Working Notes: (1) Interest accrued on 1-4-2008 Face value x Interest Rate x Period 3 2,00,000 x 9% x = Rs. 4,500 12 (2) Purchased on 31st May 2008- Cum Int. Face value = Rs. 80,000 Purchased price @ Rs. 95 Less: Interest @ 9% on 80,000 for 5 months Capital Value

Rs. 76,000 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 73,000

(3) Sale on 1-6-2008, 600 bonds at Rs. 94 ex-interest. Face value Rs. 60,000 Sale Price @ Rs. 94 Rs. 56,400 Interest @ 9% on 60,000 for 5 months Rs. 2,250 (4) Interest received on 20-6-2008 6 2,00,000 x 9% x = Rs. 9,400 12 (5) Sale on 30-11-2008, 400 bonds at Rs. 97 cum interest Face value = 40,000 Sale price 400 x 97 = Rs. 38,800 5 Less: Int. 40,000 x 9% x Rs. 1,500 12 Capital Value Rs. 37,300 (6) Int. received on 31-12-2008 6 1,90,000 x 9% x = Rs. 8,550 12 (7) Closing Balance (FIFO) Method Opening Balance Sales (Bank) + Purchase = Closing Balance

719 Closing Balance = 2,00,000 (60,000 + 40,000 + 10,000) + (80,000 + 10,000) = 2,00,000 1,10,000 + 90,000 = Rs. 1,80,000

19.2.1 OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Multiple Choice Questions : 1. Interest is always calculated on the (a) Market Value (b) Cost of purchase (c) Nominal/Face Value (d) Higher of cost and fair value The cost of right shares is (a) Added to the cost of investments (b) Subtracted from the cost of investments (c) No treatment is required (d) None of the above Any reduction to market value of currency investment from cost, on valuation date is debited to (a) Revaluation reserve (b) Profit and Loss Account (c) Capital Reserve (d) General Reserve Investments in immovable properties are to be shown under (a) Fixed assets (b) Currency assets (c) Current Investments (d) Long-term Investments Interest on securities is paid (a) To the holder of the security on the due date, in respect of his actual period of holding (b) To the holders of the security on the due date, irrespective of his actual period of holding (c) To the original purchaser of the security (d) None of the above When dividend is actually received on the due date.






720 (a) The entire amount is entered in the capital Column (Cr.) of the Investment Account. (b) The entire amount is entered in the income Column (Dr.) of the Investment Account. (c) The pro-rata amount relating to the period after the date of acquisition is entered in the Income Column (Cr.) of the Investment Account. (d) The pro-rata amount relating the period before the date of acquisition is entered in the Income Column (Cr.) of the Investment Account. 7. When the rights shares are subscribed (a) Nominal Value is entered in the NV column (Cr.) and Cost is entered in the Capital column (Cr.) of the Investment Account. (b) Nominal value is entered in the Capital column (Dr.) of the Investment Account. (c) Nominal Value is entered in the NV column (Dr.) and Cost is entered in the Capital column (Dr.) of the Investment Account. (d) Cost is entered in the NV column (Dr.) of the Investment Account. When the rights are sold (without subscribing) (a) Sale proceeds are credited to the Investment Account (b) Sale proceeds are debited to the Investment Account (c) No entry is made in the Investment Account and Sale proceeds are credited to the Profit and Loss Account (d) None of the above If an investment is acquired in exchange of another asset say Building, the acquisition cost of the investment is determined by reference to (a) The market value of the Building (b) The market value of the investment acquired (c) The lower of the two market values (d) The higher of the two market values Short term investments are carried at (a) Market Value (b) Cost Price (c) Cost or Market Value whichever is less (d) None of the above
5. b, 6. c, 7. c, 8. c, 9. a, 10. c.




1.c, 2. a, 3. b, 4. d,

Fill in the blanks.

721 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The current investments are valued on closing date at ------------------------Value of the security. If a security is transferred on the exact date when interest falls due, the entire interest upto that due date belongs to the ____________. Dividend on shares accrues on the date of its ____________. Dividend on shares is paid to the holder of the share on the date of ____________ , irrespective of his actual period of holding. When shares are purchased, Cost is entered in the (Capital / NV) column (Dr.) in the Investment Account. Weighted Average Cost of Securities on Date of Sale ? = Total Cost of Investments Total Number of Securities on date of Sale Long term investments are carried at
Answer: (1) Lower of the cost or market value (2) Seller, 3) Declaration, (4) Book-closure, (5) Capital, (6) Number of Securities Sold , (7) Cost Price


State whether True or False. 1. 2. 3. 4. Total Payment by purchaser = Ex-interest Price Accrued Interest Dividend on shares is paid to the holder of the shares on the date of declaration, irrespective of his actual period of holding. If a security is transferred on the exact date when interest falls due, the entire interest upto that due date belongs to the purchaser. If a security is transferred on any date other than the due date for payment of interest, the purchaser has the right to claim the interest upto the date of transfer as his income. If a security is transferred on any date other than the due date for payment of interest, the seller has the right to claim the interest after the date of transfer as his income. Ex-interest price less Accrued Interest = Cost of the investment Interest is always calculated on the Market Value of the Security. Dividend is always calculated on the Face Value or Nominal Value of the shares. Dividend on shares accrues on the date of the book closure by the company.


6. 7. 8. 9.

722 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Interest is paid to the holder of the security on the due data, in respect of his actual period of holding. When bonus shares are received only the Nominal Value of such bonus shares is entered in the Investment Account. When the rights are sold (Without subscribing) no entry is made in the Investment Account. When the rights are sold (without subscribing), sale proceeds are credited to the Profit and Loss Account. Whether the price is cum-interest or ex-interest, accrued interest is always calculated and entered in the Income column in the Investment Account. Investment held as long term investment is always valued at cost at the year end as per As 13. Nominal Value column in the Investment.
False: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10,

15. 16.

True: 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4

Explain the term Investment as per AS-13. a) What are constituent of cost of Investment? b) What are the types of Investment? What is the carrying amount of investment in different cases? Write short Notes: (a) Ex-interest (b) Current Interest (c) Rights Shares (d) Bonus Shares


Janapriya Finance Ltd. purchased on 1st February, 2009 Rs. 64,000 12% Debentures of Bharat Brewery Ltd. at 98 ex-int, plus brokerage 1/8% and expenses on purchases including stamp duty Rs. 100. On 30th June 2009, Rs. 24,000 Debentures were sold at 102 ex-interest, less brokerage at 1/8% and expenses on sale Rs. 20. On 1st August 2009, Rs. 32,000 Debentures were purchased at 101 cum interest, plus brokerage at 1/8% and expenses on purchase Rs. 60. On 31st, October, 2009, Rs. 16,000 Debentures were sold at 102 cum interest, less brokerage at 1/8% and expenses on sale Rs. 20. The market price of Debentures on 31st December 2009 was 95.

723 Interest on Debentures is payable on 31st March and 30th September every year. Show the Investment Account for the year ended on 31st December 2009 in the books of Janapriya Finance Ltd. transferred to P & L A/c Rs. 6880. Q.6 On 15th March O.P Ltd. purchased Rs. 10,000 9% Govt stock (Interest payable on 1st April, 1st July, 1st October and 1st January) at 88 com-interest. On 1st August, Rs. 20,000 stock is sold at 88 cum-interest, and on 1st September, Rs. 30,000 stock is sold at 891/4 ex-interest. On 31st December the date of the balance sheet, the market price was Rs. 90. Show the Ledger account of the Investment for the year ignoring Income tax, Brokerage etc, and making apportionments in months. Q.7 Mr. Asoka Auddy furnishers the following details relating to his holding in 6% Debenture Bonds of M/s. Pyne & Co. Ltd. On On On On On 1.1.09 1.3.09 1.7.09 Face value of Debenture Bonds Rs. 90,000 (cost Rs. 88,500) 150 unit purchased Ex-interest at Rs. 98. Sold 300 units ex-interest out of the original holdings at Rs. 100.

1.10.09 Purchased 75 units at Rs. 98 cum-interest. 1.11.09 Sold 300 units Ex-interst at Rs. 99 out of the original holdings. Interest dates are 30th. September and 31st March. Mr. Auddy closes his books on 31st, December each year. Show the Investment Account in the books of Mr. Auddy.


Kalyani investment held 100; 6% stock @ Rs. 102 on 1.1.2009 on which interest is payable half-yearly on 30th June and 31st December. The following were his transaction in the same stock during the year ending 31.12.2009. On On On On 1.3.09 Purchased 200 stock en-interest @ Rs. 104.

31.8.09 Sold 100 stock ex-interest @ Rs. 106. 1.10.09 Purchase 300 stock cum-interest @ Rs. 105. 30.11.09 Sold 200 stock cum-interest @ Rs. 107

Assuming brokerage @ 1/4% Draw up Investment Account in the books of Kalyani Investment Ltd.

724 Calculate profit or loss on sale on the basis of average cost an on the date of sale. (8) On 1.4.2005, Sunshine Ltd. had in 5% debentures amounting to Rs. 3,00,000. Interest is payable half-yearly. On 30th June and 31st December. During the year ended 31.3.06, the following purchases were made in the open market: 15.6.05 Rs. 50,000 nominal ex-int; cost Rs. 49,450. 11.11.05 Rs. 40,000 nominal cum-int; cost Rs. 40,250 The debentures, thus purchased, were not cancelled until 30.6.08. Draw up the own Debenture Investment Account; (Calculations are made in months and to the nearest rupee). (9) Samar Financiers held Rs. 20,000, 6% Debentures in Stabdi Electronic Ltd. on 1st July, 2000 with a book value of Rs. 17,262. Interest is payable on 30th June and 31st December. On 1st October 2008 a further Rs. 10,000 of these Debentures were purchased at 100 cum-interest, brokerage etc. costing Rs. 140. On 1st, January 2009 one half of the total holding of the Debentures was sold at Rs. 111, brokerage, etc. on such sale amounting to Rs. 50, the proceeds being invested on the same day in equity shares of Rs. 1 at Rs. 5 each of the Manolex India Ltd., brokerage, etc. on purchase being Rs. 250. On 31st May 2009 a dividend of 30% was received from Manolex India Ltd., together with a bonus issue of one equity share for each five already held. On 20th June 2009 all equity Shares in Manolex India Ltd. were sold at Rs. 4.50 each, brokerage, etc. on such sale being Rs. 50. Show the Ledger Accounts in respect of the above investments for the year ended 30th June, 2009. Ignore income tax. No apportionments are required of accrued dividend on the equity Shares of Manolex India Ltd. (10) On 1.1.2009 X Ltd. had 5,000 Equity Share of Rs. 10 each in Alpha Ltd. purchased for Rs. 62,500. The Company, unlike Investment Companies does not make any apportionments of dividends (received or receivable) in between Capital and Revenue. On 15.5.2009 the Alpha Ltd. made a Bonus issue of one fully paid share for Two held on 15.5.89. In addition, on the same day Right Shares were issued at 3 for 5 held on that date at a premium of Rs. 3, Rs. 7 to be paid on application and the balance in one call after a month. These Shares were not to rank for dividend for the year ending 30th June, 1989. 1,000 Rights were taken up by X Ltd, balance rights being sold at

725 Rs. 2 each on 25.5.1989. On 15.10.89 the company declared a dividend of 20% for the year ending 30th June 2009. Make out the Investment Account in the books of X Ltd. Ignore income tax. (11) On 1st April 2009 Mr. Das had 10,000 Equity Shares in Indian Steel Ltd. Face Value of the Share was Rs. 10 each but their book value was Rs. 16 per share. On 1st June 2009 Mr. Das Purchased 2,500 more equity shares in the company at a premium of Rs. 4 per ahead. On 30th, June 2009. The directors of Indian Steel Ltd. announced a bonus and right issue. Bonus was declared at the rate of one equity held and these shares were received in 2nd August 2000. The terms of the right issue were: (a) Rights shares to be issued to the existing share holders on 10th August, 2009. (b) Right issues would entitle the holders to subscribe to additional equity at the rate of one share for every three share held at 15 per share the whole sum being payable by 30th September. (c) Existing share holders may, to the extent of their entitlement, either wholly or in part, transfer their rights to outsiders. (d) Mr. Das exercise his option under the issue for 50% of his entitlements and the balance of rights, he sold to Rahul for a consideration of Rs. 1.50 per share. (e) Dividends for the year ended 31st March 2009 at the rate of 15% were declared by the Company and received by Mr. Das on 20th October, 2009. (f) On 1st, November Mr. Das sold 10,000 Equity Shares at a premium of Rs. 3 per share. Show the investment Amount as it would appear in Mr. Dass books as on 31.12.2009 and the value of held on that date. (I.C.W.A. (Inter) adapted) Q.9 On 1st April, 2009 Santosh purchased 50,000 equity shares of Telco Ltd. at a cost of Rs. 15 per share. On 16th May, 2009 he acquired another 10,000 shares of the same company for Rs. 16 per share. The directors of Telco Ltd. announced a bonus and right issue. Bonus basis 1:6 on 31st Aug 2009. Rights basis 4:7 on 12th Sept. 2001 at Rs. 20 per share. The date for payment 30th Sept. 2009.


Shareholders can transfer their rights in full or in part. Accordingly, Santosh sold 40% of his entitlement to Paritosh at Rs. 3 per share. Dividend for the year ended 31st March 2009 at the rate of 25% was declared by Telco Ltd. on 25th Oct. 2001 and received by Santosh on 4th Nov. 2009. Dividends for Shares acquired by him on 16th, May 2009 are to be adjusted against the cost of the purchase. On 26th Nov. 2009 he sold 47,000 shares at Rs. 20 per share. You are required to prepare the Investments Account in the books of Mr. Santosh. Q.10 Mr. Sudhanshu holds on 1st April 2008 Rs. 50,000 6% Gold Bonds, at a cost of Rs. 48,000, Investments on which interest is payable on 1st Jan and 1st July each year. Following ire the transactions of sales and purchases of be same security during the year ended 31st March 2009. Purchases (i) On 1.5.2008 Face value Rs. 40,000 @ 102 cum-interest. (ii) On 1.11.2008 Face value Rs. 30,000 @ 101 ex-interest. Sales (i) On 1.8.2008 Face value Rs. 30,000 @ 103 ex-interest. (ii) On 1.3.2009 Face value Rs. 40,000 @ 101 cum-interst. Brokerage @ 1% was paid on sale & purchase of Investments Income Tax is deducted on interest @ 10% by the Governments. Prepare investment account in the books of Mr. Sudhanshu. Q.11 Nutan Bharat Bank Limited held on 1st January 2009, 1,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each in Double Century Limited at a book value of Rs. 14,250. It had the following further transactions during the year 2000, in respect of these shares: (1) Purchased on 1st April, 2009, 50 shares cum-dividend for Rs. 850 (including brokerage) (the shares were immediately registered in its name). (2) The company declared and paid on 15th April, 2009, dividend at 20%. (3) The company declared on 1st June, 2009, a bonus issue of 3 shares for every 7 shares held in the company. (4) The bank sold 450 shares on 1st July, 2009, at Rs. 11.25 per share and paid brokerage and transfer charges Rs. 25.

727 You are required to prepare the investment account in the Banks ledger in respect of these shares. Q.12 On 15th May, 2009, Alpha Limited made a bonus issue of 1 fully paid share for every two held on 15th May, 2009. In addition, on the same day rights shares were issued at 3 for every 5 held on that date it a premium of Rs. 3, Rs. 7 to be paid on application and the balance in one call after a month. These shares are not to rank for dividend for the year ending 30th June, 2009. 2,000 rights shares were taken u by X Ltd., balance rights being sold at Rs. 2 each on 25th May 2009. On 15th October, 2009 the company declared a dividend of 20% for the year ending 30th June, 2009. Q.13 On 1st April 2009, Sundhya had 20,000 Equity Shares in Alpha Ltd. Face value of the shares was Rs. 10 each but their book value was Rs. 16 per share. On 1st June 2009, Singh purchased 5,000 more equity shares in the company at a premium of Rs. 4 per share. On 30th June, 2009, the directors of X Ltd announced a bonus and rights issue. Bonus was declared at the rate of one equity share for every five shares held and these shares were received on 2nd August 2009. The terms of the rights issue were: (a) Rights shares to be-issued to the existing shareholders on 10th August. (b) Rights issue would entitle the holders to subscribe to additional equity shares at the rate of one share for every three shares held at Rs. 15 per share the whole sum being payable by 30th September, 2009. (c) Existing shareholders may, to the extent of their entitlement, either wholly or in part, transfer their rights to outsiders. (d) Singh exercised his option under the issue for 50% of his entitlements and the balance of rights, he sold to Ananth for a consideration of Rs. 1.50 per share. (e) Dividends for the year ended 31st March 2009, at the rate of 15% were declared by the company and received by Singh on a 20th October. (f) On 1st November, 2009, Singh sold 20,000 equity shares at a premium of Rs. 3 per share. Show the investment account as it would appear in Singhs books as on 31.12.2009 and the value of shares held on that date. Problem No. 1

728 On 1st April, 2008; Mr. Ajay had 30,000 equity shares in Vipro Ltd. face value of the share was Rs. 10 each but his purchase price was Rs. 14 per share. On 1st July, 2008; Ajay purchased 6,000 additional equity shares of the same company for a price of Rs. 16 per share. On 31st July, 2008; the directors of the company announced a bonus and rights issue. Bonus was declared at the rate of one equity share for every six shares held. Bonus shares were received on 5th August, 2008. 1. Rights shares to be issued to the existing holders on 17th August, 2008. 2. Rights offered were at the rate of one share for every three shares held at Rs. 15 per share. Full amount was payable by 30th September, 2009. 3. Existing shareholders may to the extent of their entitlement, either wholly or in part, transfer their rights, to outsiders. 4. Ajay exercised his option and subscribed for 60% of his entitlement and the balance of rights, he sold to Vikas for a consideration of Rs. 1.50 per share. 5. Dividend for the year ended 31st March, 2008 at the rate of 14% was declared by the company and received by Ajay on 22nd October, 2008. 6. On 1st November, 2008; he sold 25,000 shares at Rs. 15 per share. Prepare Investment Account of equity shares in Vipro Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 2009 in the books of Mr. Ajay. Apply AS-13. The market price of an equity share was Rs. 14 as on 31st March, 2009.

Working Notes: 1. Bonus Shares: 1:6 No. of Shares held No. of Bonus Shares

= 30,000 + 6,000 = 36,000 shares 1 = x 36,000 6 = 6,000 shares

2. Rights Shares: Rights Shares Ratio: 1:3 Ajays holding

= 30,000 + 6,000 + 6,000 = 42,000 shares 1 Rights Entitlements = x 42,000 3 = 14,000 shares Rights Share subscribed = 60% of 14,000 = 8,400 shares @ Rs. 15 per share = 1,26,000

3. Sale of Rights Entitlements:

729 No. of Rights Entitlements not subscribed = 40% of 14,000 = 5,600 Sale of Rights Entitlements = 5,600 shares @ Rs. 1.50 = Rs. 8,400 As per AS- 13, Sale of Rights Entitlements is credited to Profit & Loss Account. 4. Dividend received: Dividend on 22nd October, 2008 for the year ending 31st March, 2008. Ajays holding on 22nd October, 2008 = 50,400 (30,000 + 6,000 + 6,000 + 8,400) shares. These will be no dividend on 14,400 shares (6,000 + 8,400) as these shares were not in existence as on 31st March, 2008. Out of remaining 36,000 share (50,400 14,400), 6,000 shares were purchased by Ajay after 31st March, 2008. Hence, dividend on these shares will be pre-acquisitions dividend. Pre-acquisition dividend = 14% of Rs. 60,000 = Rs. 8,400

It will be deducted from cost. So, Normal dividend = 14% of Rs. 3,00,000 = Rs. 42,000

5. Profit or Loss on Sale: Cost of Shares Sold Date 1.4.2008 1.7.2008 5.8.2008 22.10.2008 Face Value Rs. 3,00,000 60,000 60,000 4,20,000 1.11.2008 -2,50,000 1,70,000 Sale Proceeds : Cost Rs. 4,20,000 96,000 -8,400 5,07,600 3,02,143 2,05,457

730 25,000 shares @ Rs. 15 Less: Cost of Shares Sold Profit on Sale 6. Valuation on 31st March, 2009: Cost Price = Rs. 2,05,457 = 2,38,000 Whichever is less. Market Price = 17,000 x 14 = Rs. 3,75,000

5,07,600 x2,50,000 4,20,000

= Rs. 3,02,143 72,857

= Rs.

Problem No. 2

(October, 2008)

On 1st April, 2008; Mr. Abhishek had 10,000 equity shares (of Rs. 10 each) in RAI Entertainment Ltd. at the cost of Rs. 1,60,000. On 1st July, 2008; he acquired 4,000 more shares in the same company for Rs. 80,000 On 31st July, 2008; he further acquired 6,000 more shares at Rs. 22 per share. On 10th August, 2008; Rai entertainment Ltd. announced bonus shares to the equity shareholders in the ratio of 1 bonus share for every 4 shares held on 5th August, 2008. Abhishek received the bonus shares on 22nd August, 2008. The directors of Rai Entertainment Ltd. issued rights shares to the equity shareholders as on the following terms: 1 Rights shares to be issued to the existing shareholders as on 31st August, 2008.

2. Right offered was at the rate of Rs. 15 per share in the ratio of 1 share for every 5 shares held. Full amount was payable on or before 15th October, 2008. 3. Shareholders would be entitled to renounce their entitlement either wholly or in part to the outsiders. 4. Abhishek exercised his right of option under the issue of 3,000 shares and sold the balance to Mr. Raj @ Rs. 4 per share. On 20th October, 2008; Rai Entertainment Ltd. declared the dividend @ Rs. 4 per share for the year ending 31st March, 2008. Abhishek received the dividend on 31st October, 2008. On 10th January, 2009 Abhishek sold 7,000 shares @ Rs. 40 per share.


Prepare Investments Account in the books of Abhishek for the year ended 31st March, 2009.

Working Notes:

1. Bonus Shares

20,000 x1 4 1 x 25,000 5


2. Rights Shares


i) Purchased 3,000 Shares ii) Sold 2,000 Shares 3. Date 1.4.2008 1.7.2008 31.7.2008 22.8.2008 15.10.2008 31.10.2008 Cost of Shares Purchased Particulars Purchase Purchase Purchase Bonus Rights Dividend Total No. of Shares 10,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 3,000 28,000 Cost Rs. 1,60,000 80,000 1,32,000 Nil 45,000 (40,000) 3,77,000

4. Cost of shares sold =

3,37,000 x 7,000 = 94,250 28,000

5. Profit Loss on Sale of Shares: Sale Proceeds Less: Cost of Shares sold (Weighted average cost as per AS-13) Profit = Rs. 94,250 = Rs. 1,85,750 = (7,000 x 40) = Rs. 2,80,000


Problem No. 3

(April, 2008)

On 1st April, 2008; Mr. Mayur had 30,000 equity shares in Jai Ltd. at a book value of Rs. 4,50,000 (face value Rs. 10 per share). On 22nd June, 2008; he purchased another 5,000 shares of the company for Rs. 80,000. The Directors of Jai Ltd. announced a bonus issue of equity shares in the ration of one share for seven shares held on 16th August 2008. On 31st August, 2008; the Company made a right issue in the ratio of three shares for 8 shares held on payment of Rs. 15 per share. Due date for the payment was 30th September, 2008. Mr. Mayur subscribed to 2 rd of the right shares and sold remaining of his entitlement to Vinayak 3 for a consideration or Rs. 2 per share. On 31st October, 2008; received dividends from Jai Ltd. @ 20% for the year ended 31st March, 2008. Dividend for shares acquired by him on 22nd June, 2008 are to be adjusted against the cost of purchase. On 15th November, 2008; Mayur sold 30,000 equity shares at a premium of Rs. 5 per share. You are required to prepare Investments Account in the book of Mr. Mayur. Assume that the books of accounts are closed on 31st March, 2009 and shares valued at weighted average cost.

733 Working Notes: 1. Date 1.4.2008 22.6.2008 16.8.2008 30.9.2008 31.10.2008 15.11.2008 Cost of Shares Sold Particulars Opening Balance Purchases Bonus Shares Right Shares Dividend Sold Balance 2. Bonus Shares = No. of Shares 30,000 5,000 35,000 5,000 40,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 Cost Rs. 4,50,000 80,000 5,30,000 5,30,000 1,50,000 6,80,000 (10,000) 6,70,000 4,02,000 2,68,000

30,000 x 6,70,000 50,000

35,000 x1 7
40,000 x3 8


3. Rights Shares =

= 15,000 15,000

Purchased 10,000 Sale of Rights Shares

2 3

Sold 5,000 = 5,000 x Rs. 2 = Rs. 10,000

1 3

4. As per AS-13, profit on sale of right entitlement is directly credited to Profit & Loss Account. Dividend received on 31st October, 2008 = 30,000 x 10 x 20% = Rs. 60,000 Dividend received on Shares purchased on 22nd June, 2008 = 5,000 x 10 x 20%

734 = 10,000 Which is adjusted to Investment Account Sold: 30,000 Shares at Rs. 15 = Rs. 4,50,000 Less: Cost of Shares sold = Rs. 4,02,000 Profit = Rs. 48,000

Problem No. 4 During the year ended 31st March, 2006; a company had acquired shares of Telecom Ltd. as follows: Date of Acquisition 4.5.2005 25.8.2005 15.12.2005 18.2.2006 No. of Shares 500 500 1,000 750 Purchase Cost per share Rs. 55.00 60.00 70.00 75.00 Rs. 80

On 15th March, 2006; a company sold 1,000 shares at per share. Calculate profit or loss on sale of shares. Solution: Cost of Shares Purchased Date 4.5.2005 25.8.2005 15.12.2005 18.2.2006 No. of Shares 500 500 1,000 750 2,750 Rate Rs. 55.00 60.00 70.00 75.00

Cost Rs. 27,500 30,000 70,000 56,250 1,83,750

Profit / Loss on Sale of Shares Rs. 80,000 66,820

Sale Proceeds (1,000 x 80) Less: Cost of Shares sold (Weighted Average Cost as per AS-13) 1 ,83,750 x1 ,000 2,750 Profit Problem No. 5


(October, 2007)

735 Mr. Mandar holds as on 1st April, 2008; Rs. 75,000 (cost price Rs. 78,000) 6% Government securities as investment on which interest is payable half yearly on 30th June and 31st December every year. The following transactions took place during the accounting year ended 31st March, 2009. Purchases: i) On 1st May, 2008; face value Rs. 30,000 @ 98 cum-interest. ii) On 1st November, 2008; face value Rs. 45,000 @ 101 interest. Sales: i) On 1st August, 2008; face value Rs. 36,000 @ 97 cum-interest. ii) On 1st February, 2009; face value Rs. 24,000 @ 102 ex-interest. Market price of investment at 1% discount on 31st March, 2009. Write up Investment Account closing it on 31st March 2009 in the books of Mrs. Mandar. Investments are to be valued at cost or a market value whichever is less. (Apply AS-13) ex-

Working Notes: Sr. No



Accrued Interest

Amount Rs.

75,000 x
2. 1.5.2008

6 3 x 100 12


Cum-interest Price

30,000 x

98 100


Less: Accrued Interest

6 4 x 30,000 x 100 12
Cost of Purchase 3. 30.6.2008 Interest received:

600 28,800

1 ,05,000 x

6 6 x 100 12


4. 1.8.2008 Sale: Cum-interest Sale

36,000 x

97 100 6 1 x 100 12


Less: Accrued Interest

36,000 x
5. 1.8.2008 Profit /Loss Cost Sale 6. 1.11.2008



36,617 34,740 1,877

Ex-Interest Purchase 101% of Rs. 45,000 Accrued Interest 6% of 45,000 for 4 months 900 45,450



Interest received: 6% of 1,14,000 (75,000 + 30,000 + 45,000 -36,000) for 6 months 3,420

8. 1.2.2009 Ex-interest Sale: 102% of 24,000 9. Accrued Interest 6% of 24,000 for 1 month 10. 1.2.2009 Loss on Sale: Sale Profit 11. 31.3.2009 Cost of Investment Sold & Carrying Cost: 24,480 136 Less:Cost of Investment sold 24,344 120 24,480

F.V. Rs. 1.4.2008 1.5.2008 30.6.2008 1.8.2008 75,000 30,000 1,05,000 36,000 69,000 1.11.2008 31.12.2008 1.2.2009 31.3.2009 31.3.2009 45,000 1,14,000 24,000 90,000 Cost M.V. (99% of 90,000) Loss 12. 31.3.2009 Interest accrued: 6% of 90,000 for 3 months

Cost Rs. 78,000 28,800 1,06,800 36,617 70,183 45,450 1,15,633 24,344 91,289 91,289
1,15,633 1,14,000 x ,000

1,06,800 1,05,000

x 36,000


= 24,344

89,100 2,189


Problems No. 6

(March, 2007)

738 Miss Bhagawati entered into the following transactions of purchase and sales of 12% debentures of Rs. 100 each of Mansi Ltd. Interest is payable on 30th June and 31st December every year. Transactions are as under: Date
01.04.2008 01.06.2008 01.09.2008 01.12.2008 01.02.2009

No. of Debentures
8,000 300 700 400 900

Opening Balance at a cost of Rs. 76,000 Sold at Rs. 105 each cum-interest Purchased at Rs. 98. each ex-interest Purchased at Rs. 108 each cum-interest Sold at Rs. 97 each ex-interest

Prepare Investments Account of 12% debentures in the books of Bhagwati for the year ended 31st March, 2009. The market value on 31st March, 2009 was Rs. 67,500 of the said investment. Apply AS-13.

Working Notes:
1 1.4.2008: Accrued interest on opening balance for 3 months

80,000 x 12% x

3 12

Rs. Rs.

2,400 31,500 1,500

1.6.2008: Sale at cum-interest (i) Cum Interest Price received (300 x 105) (ii) Interest accrued for 5 months (January-May)


30,000 x 12% x
(iii) Sold cum-interest, So credit to capital 3 1.6.2008: Profit on Sale (i) Sale Price (ii)Cost (iii) Profit

5 12
Rs. 30,000


30,000 28,500 1,500

30,000 x

76,000 80,000

Rs. Rs.

4 30.6.2008: Half-yearly interest received Rs. 3,000

(80,000 30,000) x 12% x

5 1.9.2008: Purchased Ex-interest (i) Ex-interest Price paid

6 12

(700 x 98)

Rs. Rs. Rs.

68,600 1,400 70,000

(ii) Accrued Interest for 2 months (July & August)

70,000 x 12% x
(iii) Total Payment 6 1.12.2008: Purchased cum-interest (i) Price paid months (July-November)

2 6

(400 x 108)



(ii) Purchased after due date; so Accrued Interest for 5

40,000 x 12% x
(iii) Credit to Capital (as purchased cum-interest)

5 12

Rs. Rs.

2,000 41,200

31.12.2008: Half-yearly Interest received

1 ,60,000 x 12% x
8 1.2.2009: Sale Ex-interest (i) Price received (Ex-interest) (ii) Accrued Interest

6 12



(900 x 97)

Rs. Rs.

87,300 900

90,000 x 12% x
9 Loss on above Sale (i)Cost (ii) Sale Price (iii) Loss 10 31.3.2009: Interest Due & Valuation (i) Interest Due

1 12

90,000 x

1 ,57,300 1 ,60,000

Rs. Rs. Rs.

88,481 87,300 1,181

70,000 x 12% x

3 12



(ii) Valuation Book Value (Balance Figure) (1,87,300 1,18,481) Market Value (Lower of the two) 11 Loss on valuation is the balancing figure of the account at the year-end. Rs. Rs. Rs. 68,819 67,500 67,500

Problem No. 7

(March, 2006)

Banglore Investment hold 1,200 6% debentures of Rs. 100 each in Minerva Ltd. as on 1st April, 2009 at a cost of Rs. 1,40,000. Interest is payable on 30th June and 31st December each year. Other details are as under:
Date 01.06.2009 01.11.2009 30.11.2009 31.12.2009 Details 400 Debentures are purchased cum interest at 400 Debentures are purchased ex-interest at 600 Debentures are sold cum-interest for 800 Debentures are sold ex-interest for Rs. 40,800 38,400 64,500 77,300

Prepare Investment Account valuating closing balance on 31st March, 2010 at cost or market price whichever is lower. The debentures are quoted at par on 31st March, 2010.

Working Notes:
1 Accrued interest on opening balance for 3 months (January to March)

Rs.1 ,20,000 x
2 (i) Price Paid (ii) Purchased after due date:

6 5 x 100 12





Accrued Interest for 5 months (January to May)

Rs. 40,000 x
(iii) Purchased cum-interest; so cost

6 5 x 100 12



(Rs. 40,800 Rs. 1000) 3 Interest amount upto 30th June received

Rs. Rs.

39,800 4,800

Rs. , 0,000 x
4 (i) Price paid (ii) Purchased after due date; so accrued interest for 4 months (July to October) Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 800 38,400 64,500 1,500

6 6 x 100 12
Rs. 38,400

Rs. 40,000 x
(iii) Purchased ex-interest 5 (i) Price received

6 4 x 100 12

(ii) Sold after due date. So Interest due for 5 months (July to November)

Rs. 0,000 x

6 5 x 100 12
Rs. 63,000

(iii) Sold cum-interest; so credit to capital (Rs. 64,500 Rs. 1,500) 6 Loss on Sale: Sale Proceeds Less: Cost on Investments sold Loss on Sale

Rs. Rs. Rs.

63,000 65,460 2,460

7 (i) Price received (ii) Sold after due date; so interest due for 6 months (July to December) (iii) Sold ex-interest 8 Loss on Sale: Sale Proceeds Less: Cost of Investments sold Loss on Sale 9 Interest amount upto 31st December received Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 77,300 87,280 9,980 1,800 Rs. Rs. Rs. 77,300 2,400 77,300

Rs. 80,000 x

6 6 x 100 12

Rs. 60,000 x

6 6 x 100 12
Rs. 900

Accrued Interest on closing balance for 3 months (January to March)

6 3 Rs. 60,000 x x 100 12


Loss on Valuation 31.3.2010 Market Price (at par) Cost of Investments Loss on Valuation on 31.3.2010 Rs. Rs. Rs. 60,000 65,460 5,460

Cost of Investment Sold

Date Particulars Face Value Rs. 1,20,000 40,000 1,60,000 40,000 2,00,000 30.11.2009 Sold 60,000 1,40,000 31.12.2009 31.12.2009 Sold Balance 80,000 60,000 Cost Rs. 1,40,000 39,800 1,79,800 38,400 2,18,200 65,460 1,52,740 87,280 65,460
2,18,200 2,00,000 x 60,000

1.4.2009 1.6.2009 30.6.2009 1.11.2009

Opening Balance Purchased Balance Purchased

65, 460
1,52,740 1, 40,000 x 0,000


Problem No. 8

(March, 2005)

743 On 1st January, 2008; 1,000 12% debentures of Rs. 100 each of Shiva Ltd. were held as investment by Mr. Dharmesh at a cost of Rs. 91,000. Interest is payable on 31st December. On 1st April, 2008; Rs. 20,000 of such debentures were purchased by Dharmesh @ Rs. 98 cum-interest. On 1st September, 2008; Rs. 30,000 of such debentures were sold at Rs. 96 ex-interest. On 1st December, 2008; Rs. 50,000 of such debentures were sold at Rs. 99 cum-interest. Interest is received on due date. Prepare Investment Account for 12% debentures of Shiva Ltd. in the books of Mr. Dharmesh valuing closing stock as on 31st December, 2008 applying AS-13. The debentures were quoted at Rs. 93 on 31st December 2008.

Working Notes:
1 1.4.2008: (a) Price paid (b) Accrued Interest (c) Purchased cum-interest (200 x 98)
20,000 x 12 x 3

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

19,600 600 19,000

100 12

2 1.9.2008: (a) Price received ex-interest (b) Accrued Interest Total Receipts 3 1.9.2008: Profit / Loss on Sale: Sale Proceeds - Cost Profit
30,000 1, 40,000

(19,600 600)

(300 x 96)
30,000 x 12 x

Rs. Rs. Rs.

28,800 2,400 31,200

100 12

Rs. Rs.
x 1,10,000

28,800 27,500 1,300


4 1.12.2008: (a) Price received (cum-interest) (b) Accrued Interest Cost of Investments 5 1.12.2008: Profit / Loss on Sale: Sale Proceeds - Cost Loss 6 31.12.2008: Interest (12% of Rs. 40,000) Rs. 4,800
50,000 90,000 x ,500

(500 x 99)
50,000 x 12 x

Rs. Rs. Rs.

49,500 5,500 44,000


100 12

(49,500 5,500)

Rs. Rs. Rs.

44,000 45,833 1,833

7 31.12.2008 Valuation of Stock: Closing Balance (Cost) Nominal Value Rs. 40,000 Market Price (400 x 93) Rs. 37,200 Valuation is at cost price as per AS-13, i.e. cost or market price whichever is lower Rs. 36,667

Problem No. 9 Mr. Arvind entered into following transactions of purchase and sale of equity shares of Aspi Ltd. The shares have paid up value of Rs. 10 per share.
Date 01.01.2008 15.03.2008 20.05.2008 25.07.2008 20.12.2008 01.02.2009 No. of Shares 600 900 1,000 2,500 1,500 1,000 Terms Buy @ Rs. 20 per share Buy @ Rs. 25 per share Buy @ Rs. 23 per share Bonus shares received Sale @ Rs. 22 per share Sale @ Rs. 24 per share

Additional Information: 1. On 15th September 2008; dividend @ Rs. 3 per share was received for the year ended 31st March, 2008. 2. On 12th November, 2008; the company made a rights issue of equity shares in the ratio of one share for five shares held on payment of Rs. 20 per share. He subscribed to 60% of the shares and renounced the remaining shares on receipt of premium of Rs. 3 per share. 3. Shares are to be valued on weighted average cost basis. You are required to prepare investment Account for the year ended 31 March, 2008 and 31st March, 2009.


746 In the Books of Mr. Arvind Investment A/c (Equity Shares of Aspi Ltd.)
Date 2008 Jan.1 Mar. 15 To Bank A/c To Bank A/c 600 900 1,500 12,000 22,500 34,500 Particulars No. Rs. Date 2008 Mar. 31 By Balance c/d 1,500 1,500 34,500 34,500 Particulars No. Rs.

Apr. 1

To Balance b/d




By Bank A/c (#1)

May 20 May 20 Nov 12 Dec 20

To Bonus A/c To Bank A/c To Bank A/c To Profit & Loss A/c

2,500 1,000 600 -

23,000 12,000 15,187 Dec.20

(Dividend) By Bank A/c


3,000 33,000

2009 Feb.1 To Profit & Loss A/c 5600 63312 12,125

2009 Feb. 1 Mar. 31 By Bank A/c By Balance c/d 1,000 3,100 5600 63312 24,000 36,812 -

Note: 1. Dividend is received on 15th September, 2008; @ Rs. 3 per share on 25,000 shares. Out of these, dividend for 1,000 shares is preacquisition dividend, therefore Rs. 3,000 is credited to Investment Account. 2. Number of shares held on 12th November, 2008 is 5,000 shares. Right issue is of 1:5, i.e. 1,000 shares. Number of shares subscribed is 60%, i.e. 600 shares @ Rs. 20. Premium on renouncement is 400 x 3 = Rs. 1,200. 3. Profit on 1,500 shares sold on 20th December, 2008: Total number of shares [1,500 + 2,500 (Bonus) +1,000 + 600] = 5,600 shares.

747 Weighted Average Cost of 1,500 shares 66,500 x1 ,500 5,600 Sale Price of 1,500 shares Profit Rs. 17,813

Rs. 33,000 Rs. 15,187

4. Profit on 1,000 shares sold on 1st February, 2009: Total number of shares [1,500 + 2,500 (Bonus) + 1,000 + 600] = 5,600 shares. Weighted Average Cost of 1,000 shares 66,500 x1 ,000 5,600 Sale Price of 1,000 shares Profit Cost of Shares Sold
Date 1.1.2008 15.5.2008 20.5.2008 25.7.2008 15.9.2008 12.11.2008 Bonus Capital Dividend Right Particulars No. of Shares 600 + 900 1,500 +1,000 2,500 +2,500 5,000 5,000 +600 5,600 20.12.2008 Sold -1,500 4,100 1.2.2009 Sold 1,000 3,100 Cost Rs. 12,000 22,500 34,500 23,000 57,500 57,500 (3,000) (1,000 share x Rs. 3) 54,000 12,000 66,500 17,813 48,687 11,875 36,812 (October, 2003)
1,000 4,100 x 687
1,500 5,600 x 66,500

Rs. 11,875 Rs. 24,000 Rs. 12,125

Problem No. 10.

Mr. Mehta furnishes the following information regarding his holding in 12% IDBI bonds.


2008 April 1

Opening Balance-Nominal value of 12% bonds Rs. 2,00,000 Cost Rs. 1,90,000. Three months interest had accumulated as interest was receivable half yearly on 30th June and 31st December.

August 31 He purchased a further Rs. 80,000 of the bonds at Rs. 96 cum interest. October 31 Sold 700 12% bonds of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 94 ex-interest. 2009 February 28 Sold 300 12% bonds of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 96 cum interest. The face value of each bond was Rs. 100. Prepare 12% IDBI Bonds Account for the year ended 31st March, 2009. Use Weighted Average.

Working Notes:
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. Date Computation Amount

1.4.2008 Accrued Interest 12% of 2,00,000 for 3 months 3.6..2008 Interest received 12% of 2,00,000 for 6 months 31.8.2008 Cum Interest Price 96% of 80,000 Less: Interest 12% of 80,000 for 2 months (July, August) 31.10.2008 Sale 700 bonds @ Rs. 94 ex-interest Cost of Bonds Loss 31.10.2008 Accrued Interest 12% of 70,000 for 4 months (July

6,000 12,000 76,800 1,600 75,200


65,800 66,300 500


to October) 31.12.2008 Interest Received 12% of 2,10,000 for 6 months 28.2.2009 Sale 300 Bonds @ 96 cum interest Interest 12% of 30,000 for 2 months (January, February) Cost of Bonds Sold Loss 31.3.2009 Accrued Interest 12% of 1,80,000 for 3 months 2,800 12,600 28,800 600 28,200 28,414 214 5,400

6. 7.


Date 1.4.2008 31.8.2008 31.10.2008 31.12.2008

Cost of Bonds Sold Face Value Rs. Cost Rs.

2,00,000 +80,000 2,80,000 -70,000 2,10,000 1,90,000 75,200 2,65,200 -66,300 1,98,900
1,98,900 2,10,000

x 30,000

= 28,414 28.2.2009 -30,000 1,80,000 28,414 1,70,486

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