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STEP BY WICKED STEP Colins story: The Bluebird of Happiness

Narrator: Hello everyone. Today Im going to tell you about Colins story The Bluebird of Happiness. Siew Sheng as Colin is the main character of the story and now lets begin with the story. SCENE 1 Narrator: Colin never knew his real father. His mum left his father a few weeks after he was born. She says he was a bit of a rough-house and they were much safer away from him. Then she took up with his dad. Colin calls him that because he came when he was eight months old, and dont remember any time before that. He looks a bit like Colin, anyway. His hair is dark, like him, though he has silver patches over his ears. He knows the words of practically every song youve ever heard, and he rolls his own cigarettes out of tobacco in a tin. And he cant sit on a park bench without every dog in the world coming up to say hello to him. Sometimes they even try to follow him home. By the way, Colin calls him Dad, but he has so many nicknames for him Such as Col. Collie. Sonny-boy. Buster. Mr Bluebird But Colin dont even know why is he called Mr Bluebird. Narrator: Alright, lets get on. Colins mum worked in a shop, so it was Dad who walked him to school and back. He got his tea, and took him to the park. Colin used to swing as high as the bar, then lean over so far backwards that, when he swung down again, his hair brushed the woodchips, and all the clouds rolled underneath his feet. (Act it after saying) Narrator: And so his Dad will tease him: Who you think you are? The bluebird of happiness? (Dad rolls cigarette and shoo the dogs, get home) SCENE 2 (Before that, everyone is helping to move furniture) Narrator: Colin and his mum are moving to a new house, but Colin doesnt really know where are they moving to and he dont even realize that his Dad is not following them. Colin: Mum, whos going to have the flat after us? (Mum gives her a funny sideways look and ignores him) (Starts the journey, in the van) Colin: Where are we going? Mum: Somewhere nice. Narrator: After they moved in, Colin: Mum, whens Dad coming? When will he be here? Will he be here for my birthday?

Narrator: And she always came out with the same old answer, Mom: Soon. When hes ready. When he can. It was all right for you. You didnt know the half of it. SCENE 3 Narrator: Colin had to start at another school. For Colin, it wasnt nice because everyone had friends already. Nobody bothered with him. (Classmates act unfriendly) While her Mum found a job in a canteen, and when she came home she was always too busy doing things like making toast and finding clothes, and too tired to talk much about herself. (Make yourself busy and tired) Mum: Ahh, the canteen is so noisy! It had given me a headache, and my legs ached all day. Colin: Mum, then when will dad be here? Mum: Soon. SCENE 4 (In Colins room) Narrator: Sometimes Colin thinks about his Dad and pretends that hes there. He even talk to him, too. (Imaginary) Colin: Dad, Im going to give you a little small quiz about me today. What are my favourite animals? Dad: Its 3D! Dog, Dolphin and Donkey. Colin: I hate that teacher. Dad: Miss Alice? Colin: Yeah. Colin: Dad, I couldnt sleep. Dad: Worrying for tomorrows test? Colin: Uh huh. SCENE 5 (At home, Mums talking on the phone)

Colin: Mum, whos that? (Mum didnt answer) Mum, whens Dad coming? Mum: Ah, soon. Colin: When will he be here? Mum: When hes ready. Colin: Will he be here for my birthday? Mum: When he can. It was all right for you. You only saw his good side, you didnt know the half of it. Narrator: And then Colin started to write letters, and he didnt tell his Mum about this either. He doesnt want his Mum to post it for him too in case she threw it away. Narrator: But it doesnt matter. There was no reply after he posted so many letters. He thought, maybe Dad have left the flat ages before. Maybe it was empty, and the letter just lay on the doormat. Or maybe the family moved in after us just werent the sort to bother with other peoples letters. Colin: Actually, just like what Id said, I pretended he is here, always. And every night I actually take out a tobacco tin inside my boot and put it under pillow and very softly, I hum our favourite song. When I was ready, I unscrewed the lid and smell it. Narrator: He stayed awake for hours and hours and hours, talking to his Dad, although he wasnt there. SCENE 6 (At new school) Narrator: Colin sleeps in the class. Of course, the teacher is angry of him now.
Colin: ......(falling asleep) Teacher: (knock Colin's table)Colin, wake up! Do you understand what I'm teaching just now? Colin: I'm so sorry, teacher. I just fall asleep. Teacher: Why recently you look so tired? Is it because not enough of sleep? Colin: Maybe...... Teacher: But many teachers complained about you to me. Are you facing any problem? Colin: Nothing, teacher. Everything goes well! Teacher: Alright, then make sure you wouldn't fall asleep on the next lesson. Colin: Yes, teacher.

Narrator: On the other hand, the teacher phoned his Mum. Teacher: Good morning Colins Mum. Do you know why Colin is being like this recently? Mum: Nothing is wrong with him! Hes just missing his Dad. Colin hasnt seen his father since he was a baby. Narrator: Although Colin doesnt like it when his Mum tells lies, but he still loves his Mum. Its just that sometimes he gets the feeling that Mum thinks the things that are happening to both of them are only happening to her. (Teacher looks upset, and counselor passed by) Counselor: Hey Miss Siau, you look unhappy today. What happened to you? Teacher: Im worrying about the new student in my class. He always complained by some teachers because he sleeps in the class and not concentrating while teacher are teaching. Counselor: I heard about the news too. This seems serious. The student still remain the same attitude? Teacher: Yes, I warned him too. But its kind of useless. Counselor: Oh. Whats the students name? Since hes a new student, maybe he couldnt adapt to new environment? Teacher: His name is Colin. I just called his mother and talked to her, too. But she seems like so busy with her job and dont really understand what his son needs. So now Im thinking what can I do for him. Counselor: I would like to counsel him tomorrow and solve his problems. Do you think its ok? Teacher: Yes! Thank you for your help. Counselor: Youre welcome. (In counselors room) Counselor: Hi Colin. Im Miss Ho, the counselor of the school. Would you like to tell me more about you?

Colin: Er, my name is Colin. (stops for a long while) I think thats all. Counselor: Youre a new student right? How is your day in this school? Can you adapt to the environment yet? Colin: Yes. Im fine with it. Counselor: How about the relationship with you classmates? (Colin dont answer) Anything happened? Colin: They dont really understand me. I cant find anyone to talk to. Counselor: Are you facing any problems? Share them with me. I will help you. Colin: I miss my Dad. When I was 8 months old, I left him. Then I start my life with another Dad. He treated me well. Hes such an understanding and caring person. Id spend lots of happy moment with him but now, my Mum left him and Id to follow. I miss him so much. Counselor: Then do you tell your Mum that you miss him badly? And do you still keep in touch with him? Colin: No, I never tell my Mum. She doesnt like Dad. After we move to the new house, my Dad and I lost contact. But still, everyday I write a letter to him. Counselor: I see. So you often sleep in class is because you cant sleep well last night due to missing your Dad? Colin: I always pretend that Dad is with me at night. I hide my Dads tobacco tin in my boot and Ill smell it every night because I think thats the smell of my Dad. Counselor: But why are you hiding the tobacco tin? Colin: I must hide it! My Mum will throw it away if she sees it. I want to find him badly. Counselor: I understand you. Feel free to talk to me, its better to say out your problems rather than keep it in your heart. I hope you can find your Dad soon. Good luck, Colin. Colin: Thanks Miss Ho. SCENE 7 (At home) Narrator: Unexpectedly, his Mum threw his boots away. And Colin is very upset. So, Colin decided to get some fresh air outside. (Walks on a crowded place) The crowd: Jack!

Narrator: Colin turns his head and searching hard, he thought it was his Dad. He even walks past someone in a jacket like his Dad. Narrator: It has been five years that Colin hasnt seen him! His Mum thought hed forgotten him, but Colin always secretly, sneaks his name and their old address on all the forms that Mums filled in for school, to show he still matters. (Teacher hands in forms to Colin) Colin: Im saving up now, too. And Im going to have enough, to go back and find him. Im just waiting now. Waiting and hoping. (Sings The bluebird song after finishes the line) THE END.

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