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Field Health Service Information System 2011 Department of Health Information Management Service



Field Health Service Information System 2011

Table of Contents
I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 What is FHSIS ................................................................................................................ 2 FHSIS Objectives............................................................................................................ 3 FHSIS Background ......................................................................................................... 2 Objectives of Revision ................................................................................................... 2 Features & Principles of Revision ................................................................................. 3 II. Components of FHSIS ......................................................................................................... 1 Recording ...................................................................................................................... 2 Reporting ...................................................................................................................... 3 Flow of Report .............................................................................................................. 2 Output Reports ............................................................................................................. 2 Relationship of Recording & Reporting Forms ............................................................. 3 III. Guidelines in filling up the FHSIS Tables Client List....................................................................................................................... 2 Summary Table ............................................................................................................. 3 Monthly Consolidation Report ..................................................................................... 2 IV. Guidelines in filling up the FHSIS Forms Monthly Form for Program Report (M1) ...................................................................... 2 Monthly Form for Morbidity Disease Report (M2) ....................................................... 3 Quarterly Form for Program Report (Q1) ..................................................................... 2
Quarterly Form for Morbidity Disease Report (Q2) ................................................................... 2

Annual Forms ................................................................................................................ 2 V. VI. A-BHS Report A1 Report A2 Report A3 Report

Software Operations Manual .............................................................................................. 5 Data Dictionary .................................................................................................................... 5

Field Health Service Information System 2011

Field Health Service Information System 2011

The Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) is a major component of the network information sources developed by the Department of Health (DOH) to enable it to better manage its nationwide health service delivery activities. This has been designed to provide the basic service data needed to monitor activities in each programs. Additional information relevant to these programs will be available from other sources such as Hospital Services Information System, Financial Information System, Physical Resources Information System and Human Resources Information System. The FHSIS is the official system of the Department of Health and as per EO 352, was included by National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) in a system of designated statistics. The FHSIS to date is the only information system in the whole government machinery that is in place down to the barangay level. It remains viable because of the dedication of the field health personnel who recognize that information can be a powerful tool in improving the health of the Filipino people and the effectiveness of health services delivery. However, some changes have occurred over time. The implementation of the Local Government Code (LGC) in 1992 challenged the full implementation of the FHSIS. Devolution has redefined the political responsibilities of both the DOH and the Local Government Units (LGU). Some public health workers have moved on and were replaced by new personnel who assumed position without clear and complete knowledge of the FHSIS. With these changes, as the experiences of devolution deepen and as the mandates of the DOH and LGU health workers evolve, so too must the public health reporting system evolve within the context of a decentralized environment. What is Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS)? It is a network of information It is intended to address the short term needs of DOH and LGU staff with managerial or supervisory functions in facilities and program areas. It monitors health service delivery nationwide.

What are the objectives of FHSIS? To provide summary data on health service delivery and selected program accomplishment indicators at the barangay, municipality/city, and district, provincial, regional and national levels. To provide data which when combined with data from other sources, can be used for program monitoring and evaluation purposes. To provide a standardized, facility-level data base that can be accessed for more in-depth studies. To minimize the recording and reporting burden at the service delivery level in order to allow more time for patient care and promote activities. 4

Field Health Service Information System 2011

Importance of FHSIS Helps local government determine public health priorities. Basis for monitoring and evaluating health program implementation. Basis for planning, budgeting, logistics and decision making at all levels. Source of data to detect unusual occurrence of a disease. Needed to monitor health status of the community. Helps midwives in following up clients. Documentation of RHM/PHN day to day activities.

Historical Background 1987 - Conceptualization stage 1988 - Consultative meetings 1989 - Pilot implementation (Region 4 & 7) 1990 - Nationwide implementation 1993 - Devolution 1996 - 1st modification (Modified FHSIS) 2006-2007 2nd modification (FHSIS v. 2008)

Objectives of Revision Update/Change some indicators based on the present needs of Central Office Program Managers and LGUs

Features and Principles of 2008 Version Key health indicators to be monitored at the national level are identified and targeted under the FHSIS version 2008

Field Health Service Information System 2011

Field Health Service Information System 2011


These are facility based documents. Data are more detailed and contains day to day activities of the health workers. The source of data for this component is the services delivered to patients/clients.

1. Individual Treatment Record (ITR) The fundamental building block or foundation of the Field Health Service Information System is the INDIVIDUAL TREATMENT RECORD. This is a document, form or piece of paper upon which is recorded the date, name, address of patient, presenting symptoms or complaint of the patient on consultation and the diagnosis (if available), treatment and date of treatment. This record will be maintained as part of the system of records at each health facility on all patients seen. This record may be as simple as the following example prepared on plain bond paper:

Sample of ITR:

DELA CRUZ, ROSE M. 2106 Rizal Avenue, Siniloan, Laguna Age: 25 years Birthday: February 7, 1980 Religion: Catholic Weight: 115 lbs Occupation: Housekeeper 4/15/2007 Complaint: Headache & vomiting Vital signs: BP = 120/80 mmHG Diagnosis: Treatment/Recommendations:

NOTE: Do not rely on records maintained by the client/patient. In areas where the home based maternal record is in use, there must still be a treatment record available in the facility.

Field Health Service Information System 2011 2. Target Client List (TCL)

The Target Client Lists constitute the second building block of the FHSIS and are intended to serve several purposes. First is to plan and carry out patient care and service delivery. Such lists will be of considerable value to midwives/nurses in monitoring service delivery to clients in general and in particular to groups of patients identified as targets or eligibles for one or another program of the Department. The primary advantage of maintaining the Target Client Lists is that the midwife/nurse does not have to go back to individual patient/family records as frequently in order to monitor patient treatment or services to beneficiaries.

The second purpose of Target Client Lists is to facilitate the monitoring and supervision of service delivery activities. The third purpose is to report services delivered. Again, the objective is to avoid having to go back to individual patient/family records in order to complete the FHSIS Reporting

The fourth purpose of the Target Client Lists is to provide a clinic-level data base which can be accessed for further studies

The Target Client Lists to be maintained in the FHSIS version 2008 are as follows: Target Client List for Prenatal Care Target Client List for Post-Partum Care Target Client List of Under 1 Year Old Children Target Client List for Family Planning Target Client List for Sick Children NTP TB Register (same as program) National Leprosy Control Program Form 2-Central Registration Form (same as program)

3. Summary Table The Summary Tables is a form with 12-month columns retained at the facility (BHS) where the midwife records monthly all relevant data. The Summary Table is composed of: (1) Health Program Accomplishment (2) Morbidity Diseases. a. Health Program Accomplishment the midwife records on this summary table all the data that are found in the TCL. This summary table is an easy source of data for reports being prepared by the Midwife. It would be wise to keep this updated as this can serve as proof of accomplishments to show LGU officials whenever they visit the facility. This also serves as the data source for any survey, special study, or research that may include the 8

Field Health Service Information System 2011 facility. Most importantly, this can serve as a tool for the midwife to assess her own accomplishments. b. Morbidity Diseases the midwife in the BHS accomplish this table on a monthly basis. This summary table can also be the source of ten leading causes of morbidity for the municipality/city. This summary table will help the nurse and MHO to get the monthly trend of diseases.

4 The Monthly Consolidation Table (MCT) The Consolidation Table is an essential form in the FHSIS where the nurse at the RHU records the reported data per indicator by each BHS or midwife. This is the source document of the nurse for the Quarterly Form. The Consolidation Table shall serve as the Output Table of the RHU as it already contains listing of BHS per indicator.

Field Health Service Information System 2011

These are summary data that are transmitted or submitted on a monthly, quarterly and on annual basis to higher level. The source of data for this component is dependent on the records. 1. The Monthly Form 1.1 Program Report (M1) The Monthly Form contains selected indicators categorized as maternal care, child care, family planning and disease control. These indicators are practically the same indicators found in the TCL and Summary Table. The midwife should copy the data from the Summary Table to the Monthly Form which she regularly submits monthly to the PHN. It helps the midwife capture the monthly data so that it would be easier for the nurse to consolidate and prepare the quarterly report. 1.2 Morbidity Report (M2) The Monthly Morbidity Disease Report contains a list of all diseases by age and sex. The Midwife uses the form for the monthly consolidation report of Morbidity Diseases and is submitted to the PHN for quarterly consolidation. 2 The Quarterly Form 2.1 Program Report (Q1) The Quarterly Form is the municipality/city health report and contains the three-month total of indicators categorized as maternal care, family planning, child care, dental health and disease control. There should only be one Quarterly Form per municipality/city. In the event that there are two or more RHUs/MHCs in the municipality/city, the consolidation shall be done by or under the direction of the MHO/CHO who sits as vice chairman of the Local Health Board (LHB). The Quarterly Form is submitted to the Provincial Health Office (PHO) for computer processing. 2.2 Morbidity Report (Q2) The PHN uses the form for the Quarterly Consolidation Report of Morbidity Diseases to consolidate the Monthly Morbidity Diseases taken from the Summary Table. The Quarterly Consolidation Report of Morbidity Diseases is submitted every third week of the first month of the succeeding quarter. 3. The Annual Forms (A-BHS, A1, A2 & A3) The Annual Forms consists of data and indicators needed only on a yearly basis. ABHS Form is the report of midwife which contains data on demographic, environmental and natality. While, the report of nurse at the RHU/MHC are the Annual Form 1 which is the report on vital statistics: demographic, environmental, natality and mortality. Annual Form 2 is the report that lists all diseases and their occurrence in the municipality/city. The report is broken down by age and sex. Annual Form 3 is the report of all deaths occurred in the municipality/city. The report is also broken down by age and sex.


Field Health Service Information System 2011


Focus of Responsibili ty Office Person

Recording Tools Forms

Reporting Frequency Schedule of Submission to higher level every second week of succeeding month every second week of January



- ITR - TCL - ST

- Monthly Form (M1 & M2) - A-BHS Form

Monthly Annually


- Quarterly Form (Q1 & Q2) - Annual Forms > A1 > A2 > A3 - Quarterly Report (Q1 & Q2) - Annual Report > A1 > A2 > A3 - Quarterly Report - Annual Report > A1 > A2 > A3

Quarterly Annually

every third week of the first month of the succeeding quarter every third week of January

Quarterly Annually


Prov./City FHSIS Coordinator

every fourth week of the first month of the succeeding quarter every fourth week of January

Quarterly Annually


Regional FHSIS Coordinator

every second week of the second month of the succeeding quarter every second week of March

Output Reports or Tables will be produced at the PHO from the data reported in FHSIS Reporting Forms. Computer-generated output reports will then be disseminated down to the RHU/MHC and up through the DOH system to the Regional Health Offices. The objective in designing the output formats is to make the reports useful for monitoring/management purposes at each level.


Field Health Service Information System 2011


For Program Accomplishment:








Legend: Source of data Output of Midwife Output of Nurse

For Morbidity: M2 Q2 A2




Legend: Source of data Output of Midwife Output of Nurse


Field Health Service Information System 2011

For Demographic, Environmental, Natality and Mortality:

Environmental (RSI) ST Natality





Mortality (LCR) Demographic (Baseline data)

Legend: Source of data Output of Midwife Output of Nurse


Field Health Service Information System 2011


Field Health Service Information System 2011


Target Client List for Prenatal Care
The target client list for prenatal care will include all pregnant women eligible for pre-natal care/service. The individual patient record or pre-natal record must still be maintained together with this list to record information of importance to the patient which otherwise is not included in the client list (e.g. the FHB, Wt., BP) for every pre-natal visit. The target client list must be properly filled-up and updated as soon as possible following a patients visit by the midwife in the BHS and the nurse/midwife in the RHU. The trained BHW can also be given the responsibility of recording provided they are under the direct supervision of the nurse or midwife. Column 1 DATE OF REGISTRATION Write in this column the month, day and year a pregnant woman was first seen at the clinic for pre-natal visit. Column 2 FAMILY SERIAL NUMBER Enter in this column the number that corresponds to the number of the family folder or envelope or individual treatment record. This column will help you to easily facilitate retrieval of your record. Column 3 - NAME Write the given name, middle initial and family name of the woman. Column 4 ADDRESSES Write the complete address: number of the house, name of the street, barangay, municipality and province. This column will help you to monitor or follow-up the client. Column 5 AGE Write the age of the woman at her last birthday. .

Column 6 LAST NORMAL MENSTRUAL PERIOD /GRAVIDA-PARITY LMP/GP - Write in this column 2 entries. First is the date of the last menstrual period (month, first day of LMP and the year) followed by gravida-parity (G-P) of the client. LMP is important because this is the basis for computing the EDC of the mother while GP is important to know if pregnancy is of risk. Example: (5) LMP/G-P (6) 2-14-07/ 4-3 (7)

This means that the last menstrual period of the woman was 2-14-07 and she had 4 pregnancies (gravida) including the current pregnancy and 3 deliveries (parity).


Field Health Service Information System 2011 Column 7 EDC or EXPECTED DATE OF CONFINEMENT Write in this column the expected date of delivery. This column is important for follow-up visits to prevent post maturity. Formula for Computing EDC: LMP: January-March = + 9 mos. + 7 days + 0 April-December = - 3 mos. + 7 days + 1 year Example: LMP = Formula = EDC = 4 14 2007 - 3 + 7 + 1 1 21 2008

Column 8 PRENATAL VISIT (DATES) This has 3 sub-columns representing the trimester of pregnancy. All dates of pre-natal visits either clinic or home of a particular pregnant woman must be entered in this column corresponding to the trimester of pregnancy when the visit was undertaken. If a pregnant woman comes in the clinic in the first 3 months of her pregnancy (i.e. first trimester) enter the date of that check-up under column 8, 1st trimester. Dates of all succeeding visits should be indicated in the appropriate trimester column. It is possible that more than one date appears in each column. Also, visits from other DOH facilities, private hospital/clinic should also be recorded in this column as long as theres a way to validate that the visit is a PNV. This column is important for early detection of risk pregnancies thus protecting both the mother and the baby. Trimesters of Pregnancy: The First Trimester = the first 3 months (up to 12 weeks) The Second Trimester = the middle 3 months (13-27 weeks) The Third Trimester = the last 3 months (28 weeks and more)

Column 9 TETANUS STATUS Write in this column the tetanus toxoid immunization already received by the pregnant woman (either from the past pregnancy or present pregnancy) when she made her first visit to the facility. The record of past pregnancies can be used to obtain this information. Use the following codes:

Code TT1 The woman has received only one dose of tetanus toxoid during this pregnancy from other DOH facility (e.g transferred residence) The woman has received 2 doses of tetanus toxoid this pregnancy from other DOH facility (e.g. transferred residence) and any woman who has received TT1 and TT2 during the past pregnancy. The woman has received TT1 and TT2 together with TT3 The woman has received TT1, TT2, TT3 and TT4 16

TT1 & TT2


Field Health Service Information System 2011 TT5 TTL NONE The woman has received TT1, TT2, TT3, TT4 and TT5 Presently pregnant woman who already received the 5 doses tetanus toxoid (Fully Immunized Mother) Women without previous history/record of tetanus immunization or women having her pre-natal visit for her first pregnancy If no information can be obtained from the records or history of the woman.


Column 10 - TETANUS TOXOID VACCINATION GIVEN Write in this column the date each tetanus toxoid is given during the course of the present/current pregnancy. Tetanus Toxoid (TT) Immunization Schedule Interval As early as possible during first pregnancy or even in a non-pregnant child bearing age woman 4 weeks after first dose within the same pregnancy 6 months after TT2 1 year after TT3 1 year after TT4

TT Dose TT1 TT2 TT3 TT4 TT5

Column 11 MICRONUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTATION This has 2 sub columns iron and Vitamin A supplementation. For Vitamin A column, write the date and for iron column write the date and number of iron with folic acid supplementation was given to pregnant woman during visit.

Column 12 RISK FACTOR/DATE DETECTED Indicate in this column the risk factor (use codes) and the date this was detected. It is possible that several codes appear in this column. Risk factors are conditions that a woman has in her medical history or history of previous pregnancies or deliveries, which put her at risk for complications in this pregnancy and/or delivery. Use the following codes/factors for risk pregnancy.

Codes A

Risk Factor An age less than 18 or greater than 35



Field Health Service Information System 2011 B C Being less than 145 cm (49) Tall Having a fourth (or more) baby (or so called multiparous) Having with one or more of ff: - a previous caesarian section - 3 consecutive miscarriages or a stillborn baby At risk of cephalo-pelvic Disproportion The mother is most likely to have postpartum hemorrhage or malpresentation - She may need another caesarian section - She may have a condition that causes miscarriages and needs treatment or she may have an abnormal labor or a disease such as diabetes which needs treatment - She may have another postpartum hemorrhage with this delivery

- postpartum hemorrhage

Having one or more of the following medical conditions: - Tuberculosis - Heart Disease - Diabetes - Bronchial Asthma - Goiter If the mother had any of these factors or history of any of them, she should be closely monitored by the midwife or referred to a physician, she will probably need to deliver the baby in the hospital.

Column 13 PREGNANCY Write the date (month, day and year) when the current pregnancy was terminated in the sub-column DATE TERMINATED and in the OUTCOME sub-column, write the outcome of the pregnancy whether it is a live birth, stillbirth or abortion and the sex. It is possible that two codes appear in this subcolumn. Use the following codes: Code LB Definition Livebirth - the complete expulsion or extraction from the mothers womb of a product of conception, irrespective after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of muscles. Stillbirth death of the fetus prior to the complete expulsion from the mother; the death is indicated by the fact that after separation, the fetus does not breath or show any evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical 18


Field Health Service Information System 2011 cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles. (20 weeks and above) Abortion termination of pregnancy before the fetus becomes viable. (before the 20th week or 5 months of pregnancy)


Column 14 LIVEBIRTHS In case of live birth, the weight of the infant in grams must appear in the BIRTHWEIGHT sub-column. If there is more than 1 birth, all birth weights in grams must appear. In the PLACE OF DELIVERY sub-column, write home if delivery occurred at home, hospital if delivery occurred in the hospital and so on. It is possible that two entries appear in this sub-column in case of multiple births at different places. In the ATTENDED sub-column, write the corresponding code of the persons designation with the highest professional rank. Code A B C D E Designation Doctor Nurse Midwife Hilot/TBA Others

Column 15 REMARKS Make a note under this column why a pregnant woman failed to return for the next prenatal care. Indicate dates and reasons such as transferred to another province, presently ill, hospitalized, etc. Also include other data of importance to the patient.

Target Client List for Post-Partum Care

The Target Client List for Post-Partum Care will include all the women within the catchment area who had a delivery. This list should be considered as an extension of the TARGET CLIENT LIST FOR PRE-NATAL CARE. The names of women are entered upon termination of pregnancy or women, whose terminations of pregnancy were not attended by the midwife or nurse, their names are also entered in the list upon knowledge of a birth in the catchment area, visit to facility or a home visit. The list must be properly updated and exact dates indicated in each column by responsible personnel i.e. the midwife in the BHS, the nurse or the midwife in the RHU or the trained BHW under the direct supervision of the nurse or midwife. Column 1 DATE AND TIME OF DELIVERY Write in this column the month, day, year and time of termination of pregnancy of the mother. Column 2 FAMILY SERIAL NUMBER Enter in this column the number that corresponds to the number of the family folder or envelope or individual treatment record. This column will help you to easily facilitate retrieval of your record. 19

Field Health Service Information System 2011 Column 3 - NAME Write the given name, middle initial and family name of the woman. Column 4 ADDRESSES Write the complete address: number of the house, name of the street, barangay, municipality and province. This column will help you to monitor or follow-up the client. Column 5 DATE OF POSTPARTUM VISITS This column is divided into two sub-columns. Write the date of postpartum visits at home or at the clinic within 24 hours upon delivery and within one week after delivery. Column 6 DATE AND TIME INITIATED BREASTFEEDING write the date and the time postpartum mother initiated breastfeeding. Column 7 DATE SUPPLEMENTATION WAS GIVEN This column is divided into iron and vitamin supplementation. For iron supplementation column, write the date/s and number of tablet given to post-partum women. For Vitamin A, write only the date supplementation was given. Column 8 REMARKS Under remarks column enter information which you feel important for post-partum care mothers.

Target Client List for Family Planning

The Target Client List for Family Planning will include all eligible women aged 15-49 and men who are receiving a family planning service provided by the reporting clinic. The Family Planning Service provided by the reporting clinic will include Condom, Depo-medroxy Progestone Acetate (DMPA), Intra-Uterine Device (IUD), NFP-Lactational Amenorrhea Method (NFP-LAM), NFP-Basal Body Temperature (NFP-BBT), NFP-Cervical Mucus Method (NFP-CM), NFP-Sympothermal Method (NFP-STM), NFP-Standard Days Method (NFP-SDM) Pills, Female Sterilization/Bilateral Tubal Ligation (FSTR/BTL) and Male Sterilization/Vasectomy. The Target Client List should be by Family Planning Method and be updated immediately after a client visits the facility. Column 1 DATE OF REGISTRATION Indicate in this column the date (month, day and year) an eligible person made the first clinic visit or the date when client re-start to avail Family Planning Service. Column 2 - FAMILY SERIAL NUMBER Indicate in this column the number that corresponds to the number of the family folder or envelope or individual treatment record. This column will help you to easily facilitate retrieval of your record. Column 3 NAME Write the given name, middle initial and family name of the client. 20

Field Health Service Information System 2011 Column 4 ADDRESS Write the complete address: number of the house, name of the street, barangay, municipality and province. This column will help you to monitor or follow-up the client. Column 5 AGE Indicate in this column the age of the client as of last birthday. Column 6 TYPE OF CLIENT Indicate in this column any of the following categories: Code CU NA CM CC RS Type of Client Current Users current users carried over from last year client list. New Acceptors a client who has NEVER accepted any FP method at any clinic before Changing Method a user who is shifting to another Method Changing Clinic a continuing users using the same method, however the client is new to the clinic Restart a client who is previously a drop-out or stop using a FP method and who has accepted a FP method again. Classify as a re-start but considered as current users.

NOTE: For clients who are changing methods, they should be recorded as a DROP-OUT from their previous method and indicate the reason as CHANGING METHOD. The client is still categorized as current users.

Column 7 PREVIOUS METHOD refers to last method used prior to accepting the new method. Using the following codes Add code for NONE to cover New to Program. Codes CON INJ IUD NFP-LAM NFP-BBT NFP-CM NFP-STM NFP-SDM FSTR/BTL MSTR/VASECTOMY PILLS Methods Condom Depo-medroxy Progestone Acetate (DMPA) Intra-Uterine Device Lactational Amenorrhea Method Natural Family Planning-Basal Body Temperature Natural Family Planning-Cervical Mucus Method Natural Family Planning-Sympothermal Method Natural Family Planning-Standard Days Method Female Sterilization/Bilateral Tubal Ligation Male Sterilization/Vasectomy Pills

Column 8 FOLLOW-UP VISITS Write in this column 2 entries, in the upper space is the scheduled date of visit and at the lower space is the actual date of visit. A client 21

Field Health Service Information System 2011 who is scheduled for a particular month and failed to make the clinic visit will have only one date entered in that particular month. Column 9 DROP-OUT If a client failed to return for the next service date, he or she is considered to be a drop-out. Enter the date the client became a drop-out under the column Date and indicate the reason under column Reason. Possible reasons include: (use letter codes). Code A B C D E F G H I J K L Reason Pregnant Desire to become pregnant Medical complications Fear of side effects Changed clinic Husband disapproves Menopause Lost or moved out of the area or residence Failed to get supply IUD expelled Lack of supply Unknown

The following are the definitions for each method drop-out: a. Pill - A client is considered drop-out from the method if she failed to come and get her re-supply from the last 21 white pill up to the last brown pill. The service provider should undertake a follow-up visit of the client within this period before dropping her from the method. b. DMPA A client is considered drop-out if she failed to visit the clinic on the scheduled date of visit up to the last day of 2 weeks after the scheduled date of visit. The service provider should undertake a follow up visits during the above period prior to dropping her out from the method. c. IUD client is considered drop-out if: c.1 client decided to have it removed c.2 had expelled IUD that was not re-inserted and c.3 client did not return on the scheduled date of follow-up visits for the first year after insertion follow-up visits should be after one month, six months, and twelve month and yearly thereafter. Follow up of the client should be done before dropping her out from the method. d. Condom client is considered drop-out if she/he fails to return for resupply on scheduled visit e. LAM client is considered drop-out if any one of the three (3) conditions is not met as follows: e.1 Mother has no menstruation or amenorrheic within six 22

Field Health Service Information System 2011 months. Spotting or bleeding during the last fifty-six (56) days postpartum is not considered return of menses. e.2 Fully/exclusive breastfeeding means no other liquid or solid except breastmilk be given to the infant, intervals should not exceed four hours during the day and six hours at night. e.3 Baby is less than six (6) months old f. NFP- client is considered drop-out if the client fails to return to the clinic from the last 2 weeks of the 3rd cycle to be validated by the service provider and to get NFP autonomous user chart for succeeding cycles.

g. Voluntary Surgical Contraception a. Female Sterilization client is considered drop-out if woman reaches her menopausal age (45 years and above) and other conditions that the client undergo such as hysterectomy or bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. NOTE: Follow up of clients should be undertaken prior to the dropping out of the client from the method. Column 10 REMARKS Indicate in this column the date and reason for every referral MADE to other clinic and referral RECEIVED from other clinic which can be due to medical complications or unavailable family planning services and other pertinent findings significant to client care.

Target Client List for Under One Year Old Children

The Target Client List for Under One Year Old Children should include all children under one year old eligible for immunization against the seven (7) vaccine preventable diseases (VPD), iron supplementation, newborn screening and breastfeeding. An entry should be made on this list when a delivery is made of pregnant women on the TCL-PN. Also, include list of eligible newborns and infants from the local birth registration office and from births that occurred within the community including transferees to have a complete list of expected number of children. The updated recording of this list is the responsibility of the midwife in the BHS and the nurse/midwife in the RHU. A trained BHW or volunteer can also be given the responsibility of recording provided they are under the supervision of the nurse/midwife. Column 1 DATE OF REGISTRATION Write in this column the month, day and year an infant was seen at the clinic or at home for health services. Column 2 DATE OF BIRTH Write in this column the month, day and year of birth. This column is important for immunization schedule. Column 3 - FAMILY SERIAL NUMBER Indicate in this column the number that corresponds to the number of the family folder or envelope or individual treatment record. This column will help you to easily facilitate retrieval of your record. 23

Field Health Service Information System 2011

Column 4 NAME OF CHILD Write the complete name of the child. Column 5 SEX Write the sex of infant. M for male and F for female. Column 6 COMPLETE NAME OF MOTHER Write in this column the name of the mother Column 7 COMPLETE ADDRESS Record the clients permanent place of residence. This column will help you to monitor or follow-up the client. Column 8 DATE OF NEWBORN SCREENING This is divided into two sub-columns. The first sub-column refers to those given referral only and on the second sub-column refers to newborn screening done in your health center. Only write the date. Column 9 - CHILD PROTECTED AT BIRTH (CPAB) Write the Tetanus Toxoid Status of the mother in the sub-column TT STATUS and Date the mother was assess of her TT status. Column 10 MICRONUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTATION This column consists of 2 sub-columns. For Vitamin A Supplementation column, write the age in months and the date Vitamin A was given and on the Iron column write the birthweight of the infant and the date iron was started given and date completed. Column 11 DATE IMMUNIZATION RECEIVED Indicate in these columns the exact date the child received each antigen or vaccine. Routine Immunization Schedule for Infants Vaccine BCG Age Birth or Anytime after birth No. of Doses 1 Reason BCG is given at the earliest possible age protects against the possibility of infection from other family member An early start with DPT reduces the chance of severe pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus The extent of protection against polio is increased the earlier the OPV is given An early start of Hepatitis B reduces the chance of being infected and becoming a carrier At least 85% of measles can be prevented by immunization at this age 24

DPT1 DPT2 DPT3 OPV1 OPV2 OPV3 HepaB1 HepaB2 HepaB3 Measles

6 weeks 10 weeks 14 weeks 6 weeks 10 weeks 14 weeks Birth (w/in 24 hrs) 6 weeks 14 weeks 9 months

Field Health Service Information System 2011

Column 12 DATE FULLY IMMUNIZED Write the exact date the child was given the last dose of the scheduled immunization which makes the child a fully immunized child. Note: A Fully Immunized Child (FIC) is a child that has received all of the following:

a. One dose of BCG at birth or anytime before reaching 12 months b. 3 doses each of DPT , OPV and Hepa B as long as the 3 rd dose is given before the child reaches 12 months of age. c. One dose of anti-measles vaccine before reaching 12 months Column 13 CHILD WAS EXCLUSIVELY BREASTFED This column is divided into 6 subcolumns. For sub-columns 1st to 5th month, put a check if the child was exclusively breastfed while for sub-column 6th month, write the date if the child was exclusively breastfed. Column 14 REMARKS Write the reasons why a child failed to return for the next immunization schedule or why a child reaching 1 year of age was not fully immunized, to include illnesses, hospitalization, and other data of importance to the child.

Target Client List for Sick Children

The Target Client List for Sick Children should include all children under 6 years of age (1) who are sick with Measles, Severe Pneumonia, persistent Diarrhea, Malnutrition, Xerophthalmia, Night Blindness, Bitots spots, Corneal Xerosis, Corneal Ulcerations and Keratomalacia and are eligible for Vitamin A supplementation (2) Anemic children who are eligible for Iron; (3) Children with Diarrhea and (4) Children with Pneumonia. The updated recording of this list is the responsibility of the midwife in the BHS and the nurse/midwife in the RHU. A trained BHW or volunteer can also be given the responsibility of recording provided they are under the supervision of the nurse/midwife.

Column 1 DATE OF REGISTRATION Indicate in this column the date (month, day and year) the child was identified to be sick. Column 2 - FAMILY SERIAL NUMBER Indicate in this column the number that corresponds to the number of the family folder or envelope or individual treatment record. This column will help you to easily facilitate retrieval of your record. Column 3 NAME OF CHILD Write the complete name of the child.

Column 4 DATE OF BIRTH Write in this column the month, day and year of birth. Column 5 SEX Write the sex of infant. M for male and F for female. 25

Field Health Service Information System 2011

Column 6 COMPLETE ADDRESS Record the clients permanent place of residence. This column will help you to monitor or follow-up the client. Column 7- VITAMIN A On the first sub-column, put a check in the column that corresponds to the following age-group: 6-11, 12-59 and 60-71 months. For the second subcolumn, write the corresponding codes for the diagnosis/findings and on the last column write the date Vitamin A was given. Use the following codes for diagnosis/findings:

Code A

Diagnosis/Findings Measles

Severe Pneumonia


Persistent Diarrhea Malnutrition


Definition History of fever (38C or more) or hot to touch; and generalized non-vesicular rash of 3 or more days duration and at least one of the following: cough, coryza or conjunctivitis Presence of any general danger sign or chest indrawing or stridor in calm child An episode of soft to watery Stools lasting more than 14 days Children whose weight are Classified as below normal or Very low below normal Used to include all signs and symptoms affecting the eye that can be attributed to Vitamin A deficiency. It Includes ocular manifestation of VAD like nightblindness, conjunctival xerosis, bitots spots, corneal xerosis, corneal ulcer/keratomalacia and corneal scar. Described as having difficulty in seeing in the dark with the child refusing to play after dusk, stumbles on furniture, gropes for food, as questions at dusk like: It is already dark? Where is the door? - These are foamy, soapy, whitish patches seen in the white part of eye (scleral conjunctiva). Frequently associated with Nighblindness. It can be removed but may re-accumulate later. 26

Night Blindness

Bitots spots

Field Health Service Information System 2011

Corneal Xerosis

Corneal Ulcerations

Cornea is cloudy and dry with an orangepeel appearance. Some people call this fish scale over the years. Childs vision is diminished even at daytime - Cornea becomes soft, bulges with large perforation or holes in the surface. Children with prolonged diarrhea and measles frequently develop this stage. - Cornea becomes soft, bulges with large perforation or holes in the surface. Children with prolonged diarrhea and measles frequently develop this stage. 36


Schedule of High Dose of Vitamin A for High Risk Children Diagnosis Measles Preparation per capsule 100,000 IU for infants 6-11 months old 200,000 IU for children 12-71 mos. old Vit. A Dosage & Schedule of Administration Give one capsule upon diagnosis regardless of when the last dose of vitamin A capsule (VAC) was given Give one capsule upon diagnosis, except when the child was given VAC less than 4 weeks before diagnosis Give one capsule Immediately upon diagnosis. Give one capsule the next day, and 1 capsule 2 weeks after.

Severe pneumonia, 100,000 IU for infants persistent diarrhea or 6-11 months old malnutrition 200,000 IU for children 12-71 mos. old Cases with Xerophthalmia,incldg. night blindness, Bitots spots, corneal xerosis, corneal ulcerations, and keratomalacia 100,000 IU for infants 6-11 mos old 200,000 IU for children 12-71 mos. old

COLUMN 8 ANEMIC CHILDREN GIVEN IRON SUPPLEMENTATION On the first column, write the age in months of the sick children followed by the date started iron and date completed. COLUMN 9 DIARRHEA CASES Write the age in months of the sick children followed by the dates ORT, ORS and ORS with zinc was given.


Field Health Service Information System 2011 COLUMN 10 PNEUMONIA CASES Write the age in months of the sick children followed by the date antibiotic treatment was given. . COLUMN 11 REMARKS Write other data of importance to child care.

The Summary Tables are intended to record data in the facility to facilitate the capture and recall of data. Summary Table Health Program Accomplishments The Summary Table Health Program Accomplishments is a health facility based document which records the performance of the BHS per month for one year, is filled up by the midwife, and is her source of data for the Monthly Form. The table has provision for quarterly totals which should be equivalent to the quarterly total of the PHN in her Consolidation Table. The quarterly totals are also provided in this Summary Table so that the midwife can already make preliminary analysis of her performance using these data. Filling up the table The first column lists exhaustively the indicators of your health service delivery in the BHS. The next column is the Target column where you will place, at the start of the year, the targets of your BHS for each Indicator. Please consult your PHN for the figure you will enter in this column. Under each succeeding monthly columns, record the number being asked that corresponds to each indicator for the month. Under each quarter, write the totals required.

Summary Table Morbidity Diseases The Summary Table Morbidity Diseases records all the diseases that occur for the entire year. The diseases are recorded on a monthly basis and by age and sex. This Summary Table shall also be the source of data for the Annual Report 2 Morbidity Diseases Report. Filling up the table On the Summary Table Monthly Morbidity Diseases, write on the space provided the month, the name of disease and the number of cases 28

Field Health Service Information System 2011 per disease and per age and sex.


The Monthly Consolidation Table is a health facility-based document in which the PHN records the report of the midwives in the municipality. At the end of every quarter, the PHN get the totals of the different indicators to fill-up the Quarterly form for submission to the PHO. Write the month and year which corresponds to the Monthly Report of each BHS. The first column lists the indicators/diseases in the Monthly Form. On the succeeding column, write the name of each BHS on top and the corresponding monthly data of each BHS.


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The Monthly Form is the reporting form that the midwife fills up to report her accomplishments from the first day to the last day of the month and submits to the nurse at the RHU/MHC for consolidation. Spaces are left blank for those indicators the municipality/city needs to generate at their level. a. Heading Fill up the data asked for in the heading: the Month being reported and the Year, the complete names of the BHS, the Municipality or City, Province and the Projected Population. MATERNAL CARE

Pregnant women with 4 or more prenatal visits write on the space

provided the total number of pregnant women who had 4 or more prenatal visits during the month/quarter such that at least one visit occurs during the first trimester, one during the second trimester and at least 2 visits during the third trimester.

Pregnant women given 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid write on the space provided the total
number of pregnant women given 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid during the month/quarter.

Pregnant women given TT2 plus write on the space provided the total number of
pregnant women given TT2 plus during the month/ quarter. TT2 plus includes 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th doses of Tetanus Toxoid given to pregnant women.

Pregnant women given complete iron with folic acid supplementation write on the
space provided the total number of pregnant women given complete tablet of 60 mg of Fe with 400 mcg Folic acid, once a day for 6 months or 180 tablets. The iron tablets referred to are those given for free to the mother by the RHUs and BHSs and do not include prescribed iron tablets. Iron tablet should be given as soon as pregnancy was diagnosed. If the pregnant women did not take full course of the 180 tablets, she will not be included in the report.

Pregnant women given Vitamin A supplementation write on the space provided the
total number of pregnant women given Vitamin A supplementation. Vitamin A supplementation refers to 1 capsule/tablet of 10,000 I.U. twice a week to start from the 4th month of pregnancy until delivery.

Post partum women with at least 2 post-partum visits write on the space

provided the total number of post-partum women who were seen by the midwife/PHN/MHO at home or at the clinic twice or more than twice after delivery such that first visit should be within 24 hours upon delivery and the second visit within one week after delivery.


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Post partum women given complete iron supplementation write on the

space provided the total number of post-partum women given complete tablet of 60 mcg of Fe with 400 mcg Folic acid, once a day for 3 months or a total of 90 tablets. If postpartum mother did not take full course of 90 tablets, she will not be included in the report.

Post partum women given Vitamin A supplementation write on the space provided
the total number of post-partum or lactating women given 200,000 I.U. of Vitamin A capsule within 4 weeks after delivery.

Post partum women initiated breastfeeding within 1 hour after delivery write on the
space provided the total number of post-partum or lactating women who initiated breastfeeding within 1 hour after giving birth. .


Current Users write on the space provided the total number of FP

clients who have been carried over from the previous month after deducting the drop-outs of the present month and adding the new acceptors of the present month. This consists of CU for pills, IUD, injectables, condom, NFP (BBT, CM, STM, SDM and LAM) Female STR and Male STR.

(Note: In preparing the quarterly report for this portion, the nurse at the RHU/MHC shall consolidate only the data of the third month of the quarter.)

Formula: Current users from the previous month - Drop-outs present month + Acceptors (New + Other) present month = Current Users ending month of Feb

(Jan) (Feb) (Feb) -

21 - 2 + 6 = 25

New Acceptors write on the space provided the number of clients who are using a family planning method for the first time or a client who has never accepted any modern family planning method at any clinics before (new to the program). It includes new acceptors for pills, IUD, injectables, condom, NFP (BBT, CM, STM, SDM, and LAM) Female STR and Male STR. Other Acceptors write on the space provided the number of clients who are Changed Method, Changed Clinic and Restart. Drop-outs write on the space provided the number of clients who drop-out during the month/quarter due to pregnancy, desire to become pregnant, medical 32

Field Health Service Information System 2011 complications, fear of side effects, changed clinic, husband disapproves, menopause, lost or moved out of the area or residence, failed to get supply, IUD expelled and other reasons.


Immunization by antigen (BCG, DPT1 to DPT3, OPV1 to OPV 3, Hepatitis B2 to B3 and

anti-Measles vaccine) write on the space provided the total number of infants 011 months who were given the specific antigen during the month/quarter.

Infant given Hepatitis B1 within 24 hours after birth write on the space provided the
total number of infants given Hepatitis B1 within 24 hours after birth during the month/quarter.

Infant given Hepatitis B1 more than 24 hours after birth write on the space provided
the total number of infants given Hepatitis B1 more than 24 hours after birth during the month/quarter.

Fully Immunized Child write on the space provided the total number of children 0-11
months who completed their immunization schedule during the month/quarter. To be fully immunized, the child must have been given BCG, 3 doses of DPT, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of HepaB and one dose of anti-measles vaccine before reaching 1 year of age. The child is counted as FIC as soon as all the required vaccines are administered without waiting for the child to reach 1 year of age.

Completely Immunized Child (12-23 mos) write on the space provided the total number
of children 12-23 months of age who completed their immunization schedule during the month/quarter. To be completely immunized, the child must have been given BCG, 3 doses of DPT, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of HepaB and one dose of anti-measles vaccine.

Child Protected at Birth (CPAB) write on the space provided the total number of
children whose (1) Mother has received 2 doses of TT during this pregnancy, provided TT2 was given at least a month prior to delivery, or (2) Mother has received at least 3 doses of TT anytime prior to pregnancy with this child.

Infants 6 months of age seen - write on the space provided the total number of infants
seen at 6th month at the facility or during home visit.

Infants exclusively breastfed until 6 months - write on the space provided the total
number of infants seen to be exclusively breastfed from birth up to 6 th months. Exclusively breastfeeding is giving no other food (including water) other than breast milk. Drops of vitamins and prescribed medication (by doctor only) given while breastfeeding is still exclusive BF.

Infant referred for newborn screening - write on the space provided the total number of

Field Health Service Information System 2011 infants given referral for newborn screening.

Infant 6-11 months old given Vitamin A - write on the space provided the total number of
infants 6-11 months old given Vitamin A Supplementation. Vitamin A supplementation refers to 1 dose of 100,000 I.U. One capsule is given anytime during the 6-11 months but usually given at 9 months during the measles immunization. NOTE: Vitamin A given during Garantisadong Pambata should not be included in this report.

Children 12-59 months old given Vitamin A - write on the space provided the total
number of children 12-59 months old given Vitamin A Supplementation.Vitamin A supplementation refers to 200,000 I.U. Dosage and duration is 1 capsule every six months. NOTE: Vitamin A given during Garantisadong Pambata should not be included in this report.

Children 60-71 months old given Vitamin A - write on the space provided the total
number of children 60-71 months old given Vitamin A Supplementation.Vitamin A supplementation refers to 200,000 I.U. Dosage and duration is 1 capsule every six months. NOTE: Vitamin A given during Garantisadong Pambata should not be included in this report.

Sick Children 6-11, 12-59 and 60-71 months old seen - write on the space provided the
number of sick children whose ages ranges from 6 to 11 months, 12-59 months and 60-71 months old seen during the month/quarter. High Risk or Sick Children are those with the following categories: (1) severe pneumonia (2) persistent diarrhea (3) measles (4) under nutrition and (5) Cases with Xerophthalmia, including night blindness, Bitots spots, corneal xerosis, corneal ulcerations and keratomalacia

Sick Children 6-11 months old given Vitamin A - Write on the space provided the number
of sick children whose ages ranges from 6 to 11 months and were given Vitamin A during the month/quarter. Dosage of Vitamin A for 6-11 months old infants is 100,000 IU. NOTE: Vitamin A given during Garantisadong Pambata should not be included in this report.

Sick Children 12-59 months old given Vitamin A Capsule- write on the space provided the
number of sick children whose ages ranges from 12 to 59 months old and were given Vitamin A capsule during the month/quarter. Dosage of Vitamin A for 12-59 months old children is 200,000 IU (1 capsule every 6 months). 34

Field Health Service Information System 2011

NOTE: Vitamin A given during Garantisadong Pambata should not be included in this report.

Sick Children 60-71 months old given Vitamin A Capsule- write on the space provided the
number of sick children whose ages ranges from 60 to 71 months old and were given Vitamin A capsule during the month/quarter. Dosage of Vitamin A for 60-71 months old infants is 200,000 IU. Dosage of Vitamin A for 12-59 months old children is 200,000 IU (1 capsule every 6 months). NOTE: Vitamin A given during Garantisadong Pambata should not be included in this report.

Infant 2-6 months old with low birth weight - write on the space provided the number
of infant whose ages ranges from 2 to 6 months old with low birth weight seen during the month/quarter. Low birth weight (LBW) Infant refers to infant with birth weight less than 2.5 kilograms or 2,500 grams.

Infant 2-6 months old with low birth weight given iron supplements - write on the space
provided the number of infant whose ages ranges from 2 to 6 months old with low birth weight and was given iron during the month/quarter. Dosage is 0.3 ml once a day to start at two months of age until 6 months when complementary foods are given. (Preparation is 15 mg. elemental iron/0.6 ml)

Anemic Children 2-59 months old seen - write on the space provided the number of
anemic children whose ages ranges from 2 to 59 months old seen during the month/quarter.

Anemic Children 2-59 months old seen given iron supplements - write on the space
provided the number of anemic children whose ages ranges from 2 to 59 months old and was given iron supplementation during the month/quarter. Dosage is 1 tsp. once a day for 3 months or 30 mg. once a week for 6 months with supervised administration.

Diarrhea cases 0-59 months old seen - write on the space provided the total number of
diarrhea children 0-59 months old seen during the month/quarter.

Diarrhea cases 0-59 months old given ORT - write on the space provided the total number
of diarrhea children whose ages ranges from 0 to 59 months old and was given ORT during the month/quarter. Oral Rehydration Therapy includes other hydrating fluids other than ORS.

Diarrhea cases 0-59 months old given ORS - write on the space provided the total number
of diarrhea children whose ages ranges from 0 to 59 months old and was given ORS during the month/quarter.

Diarrhea cases 0-59 months old given ORS with zinc - write on the space provided the

Field Health Service Information System 2011 total number of diarrhea children whose ages ranges from 0 to 59 months old and was given ORS with zinc during the month/quarter. Dosage for children less than 6 months is 10 mg. elemental Zn/day and for children more than 6 months is 20 mg elemental Zn/day x 10-14 days.

Pneumonia cases 0-59 months old seen - write on the space provided the total number of
children 0-59 months old seen with pneumonia during the month/quarter.

Pneumonia cases 0-59 months old given treatment - write on the space provided the
total number of children 0-59 months old seen with pneumonia and was given antibiotic treatment during the month/quarter.

Diseases Control: Tuberculosis: TB symptomatics who underwent Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy (DSSM) write on the space provided the total number of person who present symptoms or signs suggestive of TB, in particular cough or long duration (2 or more weeks of cough). Smear positive (+) discovered write on the space provided the number of patient with the following: (1) at least 2 sputum specimens positive for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) on direct sputum smear microscopy with or without radiographic abnormalities consistent with active TB; or (2) with one sputum specimen positive for AFB and with radiographic abnormalities consistent with active TB as determined by clinician ; or (3) with one sputum specimen positive for AFB with sputum culture positive of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (M.tb) New Smear (+) cases initiated treatment - write on the space provided the number of new smear positive cases given treatment and registered in a DOTS facility. New smear positive cases are TB patients that have not taken anti-TB drugs before or if they have taken anti-TB drugs it is for less than 1 month. New smear positive cases cured write on the space provided the number of new smear positive cases who have completed treatment and is smear negative in the last month of treatment and on at least one previous occasion in the continuation phase Smear positive re-treatment cases initiated treatment write on the space provided the number of smear positive re-treatment cases given treatment and registered in a DOTS facility. Re-treatment cases refer to Relapse, Return after Default, Treatment Failure and Other type of TB cases.

Smear positive re-treatment cases who got cured - write on the space provided the
number of sputum smear positive (+) re- treatment patient who has completed treatment and is now sputum smear negative (-) in the last month of treatment and 36

Field Health Service Information System 2011 on at least one previous occasion in the continuation phase. Leprosy:

Leprosy Cases - write on the space provided the number of leprosy cases. Include both
multibacilliary (MB) and paucibacillary (PB).

Leprosy Cases below 15 years of age - write on the space provided the number of leprosy
cases below 15 years of age. Include both multibacilliary (MB) and paucibacillary (PB).

Newly Detected Leprosy Cases - write on the space provided the number of newly
detected leprosy cases. Include both multibacilliary (MB) and paucibacillary (PB).

Newly Detected Leprosy Cases with Grade 2 disability - write on the space provided the n
umber of newly detected leprosy cases with Grade 2 disability. Include both multibacilliary (MB) and paucibacillary (PB).

Cases Cured - write on the space provided the number of leprosy cases who have received
a complete treatment. For PB patients 6 blister packs and for MB patients 12 blister packs. Malaria: Malaria case among less than 5 years of age and above 5 years of age write on the space provided the total number of malaria cases among less than 5 years of age and above 5 years of age. Cofirmed malaria cases by species: P.falciparum, P.vivax, P.malariae and P.ovale write on the space provided the total number of malaria cases by species by sex and pregnant women.(P. falciparum, P.vivax, P.malariae and P.ovale). Cofirmed malaria cases by method: Slide and Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) write on the space provided the total number of malaria cases by method (slide and RDT). Households at risk write on the space provided the total number of households at risk of malaria. Households given Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) write on the space provided the total number of householdsgiven insecticide treated nets.

Schistosomiasis: Symptomatic Case - write on the space provided the number of schistosomiasis cases.

Positive Case - write on the space provided the number of schistosomiasis cases found
positive. 37

Field Health Service Information System 2011

Case examined with low, medium and high intensity - write on the space provided the
number of schistosomiasis cases with low, medium and high intensity.

Cases treated - write on the space provided the number of schistosomiasis cases treated.
Treatment of cases is the administration of Praziquantel, 600 mg given just one day in 2-3 divided doses at 40-60 mg/kg.

Cases referred to hospital facilities - write on the space provided the number of
schistosomiasis cases referred to hospital facilities.

Filariasis: Case examined - write on the space provided the number of blood smears examined.

Case positive (+) - write on the space provided the number of blood smears positive for
microfilariae which includes old and new cases.

Adenolymphangitis Cases - write on the space provided the number of lymphedema


Person given Multi-Drug Administration - write on the space provided the number of
persons given Multi-Drug Administration.

Microfilaria Density (MFD) in the slides found positive (+) - write on the space provided
the total count of mf in the slides found positive.


The Monthly Report of Morbidity Diseases contains a list of all diseases by age and sex. It summarizes the monthly report of morbidity diseases. The Midwife forwards this report to the PHN at the RHU/MHC.

a. Heading Write the full name of the BHS/BHC, RHU/MHC. the month and the year for which the report is being prepared.

b. Filling up the report List all diseases encountered in your area and for each disease write on the space provided the month total number of males (M) and females (F) for the corresponding age grouping.


Field Health Service Information System 2011


The Quarterly Form is the official health report of the municipality/city for the quarter. It contains the consolidated three month reports of all the BHSs and the RHU/MHC for health service delivery during the quarter. The PHN forwards this report to the Provincial FHSIS Coordinator at the PHO every third week of the first month of the succeeding quarter for provincial consolidation. The municipality/city prepared only one quarterly report. In case there is more than one RHU/MHC in the municipality/city, the MHO/CHO who sits as the vice chairman of the LHB shall be responsible for directing the consolidation of all the quarterly data from different RHUs/MHCs and the preparation of one Quarterly Form for the municipality/city. Spaces are left blank for those indicators the municipality/city wants to generate based on their local needs and interests. a. Heading Fill up the heading with the data being asked for: Identify the Quarter and Year. Place full name of the Municipality/City and the Province to which the LGU belongs. Projected Population for the year write on the space provided the city or municipality population.

b. Filling up the form The Quarterly Form is designed by program with the indicators listed in the first column, followed by the eligible population, number of male and female cases, the total for both sexes, the percentage accomplishment, the interpretation or analysis of data and recommendations or actions taken by your area. Denominators for some indicators are listed below for easy computation. All indicators found in the Monthly Form should have the same definitions except for Dental Health which can only be found in the Quarterly Form. DENTAL HEALTH

Orally Fit Children 12-71 months old - write on the space provided the number of
children whose ages ranges from 12 to 71 months old and meet all of the following upon oral examination: (1) caries-free or decayed teethy filled (2) has healthy gums (3) no oral debris and (4) no dento-facial anomaly that limits normal function.

Children 12-71 months old provided with Basic Oral Health Care (BOHC) - write on the
space provided the number of children whose ages ranges from 12 to 71 months old and were provided with Basic Oral Health Care during the quarter. Basic Oral Health Care refers to one of more of the following services: (1) Oral Examination (2) 80% Attendance to Supervised Tooth Brushing (3) Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) and (4) Oral Urgent Treatment (OUT) which includes removal of unsavable teeth or referral of complicates cases of treatment of post-extraction complications 39

Field Health Service Information System 2011 or drainage of localized oral abscess.

Adolescent and Youth (10-24 years old) provided with Basic Oral Health Care (BOHC) write on the space provided the number of youth and adolescents whose ages ranges from 10 to 24 years old and were provided with Basic Oral Health Care during the quarter. Basic Oral Health Care refers to one of more of the following services: (1) Oral Examination (2) Education and counseling on health effects of tobacco/smoking, diet and oral hygiene.

Pregnant women provided with Basic Oral Health Care (BOHC) - write on the space
provided the number of pregnant women who were provided with Basic Oral Health Care during the quarter. Basic Oral Health Care refers to one of more of the following services: (1) Oral Examination (2) Scaling (3) Permanent Filling and (4) Gum Treatment.

Older Persons 60 years old and above provided with Basic Oral Health Care (BOHC) write on the space provided the number of older persons ages 60 years old and above who were provided with Basic Oral Health Care during the quarter. Basic Oral Health Care refers to one of more of the following services: (1) Oral Examination (2) Extraction and (3) Gum Treatment.


The Quarterly Report of Morbidity Diseases contains a list of all diseases by age and gender. It summarizes quarterly of diseases that are reported in the municipality/city for which the PHN is responsible. The PHN forwards this report to the Provincial FHSIS Coordinator at the PHO every third week of the first month of the succeeding quarter for provincial consolidation.

a. Heading Fill the Year for which the report is being prepared. Write the full name of the Municipality/City and Province and the quarter.

b. Filling up the report Write in the space provided the disease name, the quarter total number of males (M) and females (F) for the corresponding age grouping reported for the particular disease. Data for the quarterly consolidation come from the Monthly Report of the Midwife and data found in the RHU.


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Annual BHS Report ( A-BHS) The Annual BHS Report Form contains basic information about the BHS which are submitted only once year. It consists of data categorized under demographic, environmental and natality. The midwife in the BHS fills-up the form and submits to the RHU/MHC for consolidation. a. Heading Fill in the required information for the Year, complete name of the BHS, municipality/city and the province.

b. Filling up the form. For Demographic Profile, write the population, number of barangays and households. The indicators are the same with those found in the Annual Form 1 and same definitions must be followed.

Annual Form 1 Vital Statistics Report (A1-RHU) The Annual Form contains basic information about the municipality or city which is being submitted only once a year. It consists of data categorized under demographic, environmental, natality and mortality. The nurse in the RHU/MHC fills up the form and submits to the PHO for computer processing. a. Heading Fill in the required information for the Year, complete name of the RHU and province. b. Filling-up the form The Annual Form consists of the program indicators listed in the first column, followed by the number, the percentage accomplishment or ratio/rate, the interpretation or analysis of data and the recommendations or action taken by your area. To facilitate computation of rates/ratios, denominators for some indicators are listed below.


Field Health Service Information System 2011 Demographic Information

No. of Barangays write on the space provided the actual number of barangays
within the municipality/city.

No. of BHSs write on the space provided the actual number of barangay

health stations. A BHS can be considered a reporting unit if the following conditions are satisfied:

a. It renders/delivers health services to a defined catchment area which may be composed of one or more barangays. b. A midwife renders regular service to the area. In cases where the midwife of the area is in prolonged leave of absence or resigned but a replacement is expected, the BHS is still remains a reporting unit. The reports will be expected to be submitted by the nurse (2) or midwife(s) who took over the servicing of the area. c. Health services may be provided from any physical structure designated for the purpose i.e. a BHS building, a barangay hall or a place of residence. d. The catchment area served is not a service area of any RHU. For instance, Poblacion in most cases is the catchment area served by the RHU. Thus, Poblacion BHS cannot be considered a reporting unit. The reports of this BHS should be prepared and submitted by the RHU. e. It should not include satellite BHS which are visited by the midwife but part of the catchment of the mother BHS.

No. of Health Workers in LGU this includes nationally paid public health workers
and those hired by the local government. Write on the space provided the total number of doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, nutritionists, medical technologists, engineers, sanitary inspectors and active BHWs. NOTE: Hospital personnel are not included in this indicator.

Environmental No. of Households (HH) write on the space provided the actual number of households in the municipality. The data should be based on actual household survey within the locality.

Households with access to improved or safe water supply write on the space
provided the number of households covered by or have access to the following types of drinking water sources that conform to the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) (i.e., free from bacterial, chemical, physical and other contaminants):


Field Health Service Information System 2011 Level I (Point Source) A protected well (shallow and deep well) improved dug well, developed spring, rainwater cistern with an outlet but without distribution system. Level II (Communal Faucet System or Standpost) refers to a system composed of a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network, and a communal faucet located not more than 25 meters from the farthest house. It is generally suitable for rural and urban areas where houses are clustered densely enough to justify a simple piped water system. Note: For reporting purposes Level II system may also include a communal faucet connected to Level III where group of households get their water supply. Level III (Waterworks System) A system with a source, transmission pipes, a reservoir, and a piped distribution network for household taps. It is generally suited for densely-populated areas. Examples of these are MWSS and water districts with individual household connections. Note: For reporting purposes of Level III system may also include a Level I system with piped distribution for household tap serving individual or group of housing dwellings such as apartments or condominiums.

Households with sanitary toilet facilities write on the space provided the total
number of households with sanitary toilets. This refers to households with flush toilets connected to septic tank and/or sewerage system or any other approved treatment system, sanitary pit latrine or ventilated improved pit latrine.

Households with satisfactory disposal of solid waste write on the space

provided the total number of households with garbage disposal through composting, burying, city/municipal system storage, collection and disposal.

Households with complete basic sanitation facilities write on the space provided
the total number of households which satisfy the presence of the following basic sanitation elements, namely: access to safe water, availability of a sanitary toilet and satisfactory system of garbage disposal.

Food Establishments write on the space provided the total number of food
establishments which includes restaurants, sari-sari stores, canteens, coffee shops, carinderia, refreshment parlors, bakeries, and water refilling stations, food manufacturing, bottling, dairy and canning establishments.

Food Establishments with Sanitary Permit write on the space provided the total
number of food establishments with sanitary permit.


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Food Handlers write on the space provided the total number of food handlers
employed in food establishments

Food Handlers with Health Certificates write on the space provided the total
number of food handlers with health certificates.

Salt Samples Tested write on the space provided the number of salt samples

Salt Samples Tested found (+) for iodine write on the space provided the
number of salt samples tested and found positive for iodine. Natality

No. of live births

Male write on the space provided the total number of males who were born alive in the municipality/city. Female write on the space provided the total number of females who were born alive in the municipality/city.

Weight at birth
2,500 gms and greater write on the space provided the total number of live births with weights equal to or greater than 2,500 grams. Less than 2,500 gms write on the space provided the total number of live births with weights less than 2,500 grams. Not known write on the space provided the total number of live births whose weights at birth are not known.

Deliveries Attended by:

Doctors write on the space provided the number of deliveries attended by doctors. Nurses write on the space provided the number of deliveries attended by nurses. Midwives write on the space provided the number of deliveries attended by midwives. Trained Hilot/TBA write on the space provided the number of births attended by trained hilot or health worker not mentioned above. Others write on the space provided the number of births attended by those other than the above mentioned. 105


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Deliveries by Type:
Normal write on the space provided the number of livebirths by normal spontaneous delivery (NSD). Others write on the space provided the number of livebirths delivered other than NSD.

Deliveries by Place:
Home write on the space provided the total number of livebirths that were delivered at home. Hospital write on the space provided the total number of livebirths that were delivered in government or private hospitals and clinics. Others write on the space provided the total number of livebirths that were delivered in places other than the home, private hospital and clinics and government hospitals.

Birth by type of pregnancy:

Normal write on the space provided the total number of pregnancy that is classified as normal. Risk write on the space provided the total number of pregnancy that are classified as risk pregnancy. Unknown write on the space provided the total number of pregnancy that are not classified under risk or normal pregnancy. Mortality Deaths by sex: Male write on the space provided the total number of male deaths Female write on the space provided the total number of female deaths

Infant Mortality write on the space provided the total number of infant

Maternal Mortality write on the space provided the total number of pregnant
women who died due to causes related to pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium.

Deaths due to Neonatal Tetanus write on the space provided the total number
of deaths 3 to 28 days of age due to tetanus neonatorum.

Perinatal Deaths write on the space provided the total number of fetus who died
from 22nd week of gestation (the time when birth weight is normally 500mg) and ends 7 completed days after birth.

Under Five Mortality write on the space provided the total number of deaths
among children under five years of age. 45

Field Health Service Information System 2011 106 Annual Form 2 Morbidity Disease Report This report is prepared by the PHN as the annual consolidation of the monthly and quarterly morbidity disease reports from the BHSs and the RHUs. The Source of this report is the Summary Table. The report consists of all reported causes of morbidity diseases with age and sex breakdown, and submitted to the PHO.

Annual Form 3 Mortality Report This report is the annual consolidation of all deaths occurred in your area. The Source of this report is the Summary Table. The PHN who prepares this report breaks down the number reported in each disease by age and gender.


Field Health Service Information System 2011


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Software Operations Manual:

Rural Health Unit


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Rural Health Unit On-line Reporting

The Electronic Field Health Service Information System consists of three levels of reporting. First is the Rural Health Unit reporting where the entire statistical data from the RHU records are reported to the system and will be viewed by the Provincial Health Office.

1. Logging-In

Type-in the e-FHSIS URL : The e-FHSIS log-in page will display, type-in the User Name and Password assigned to your respective RHU Click the Login button


Field Health Service Information System 2011 2. Navigating through the e-FHSIS Menus A. FHSIS Program

The FHSIS Programs Menu, consisting of three (3) sub-menus such as Field Health services, Disease Control and Statistical Data, is where you can ADD, EDIT, FILTER and VIEW records/ data encoded in the e-FHSIS system.

Field Health Services

Child Care Dental Health Family Planning Maternal Care

Disease Control

Tuberculosis Leprosy Malaria Schistosomiasis Filariasis Environmental Health Morbidity Mortality BHS Mortality Natality

Statistical Data


Field Health Service Information System 2011

ADD button


Click on the Programs Menu, choose what type of program you are going to encode If its the first time for the facility to add a record, notice that there is no available records for you to view Click on the ADD button


Field Health Service Information System 2011


From the library, select the Barangay where the report is from Indicate the date of report Fill-up all the fields of data base from the Barangay report (e-FHSIS requires the reporting facility to input the total number of patients treated in their facility segregated by gender/ sex). Fields with red asterisk are all required fields. The system wont allow you to save the data without filling up all the required fields. In the lower part of the reporting page, the Remarks field allows you to choose whether the report being submitted is unofficial or official. Records tagged as unofficial will still be available for editing while records tagged as official will be not. Once you are done encoding, click on the Submit button to fully save the data.

Go Back button

Click on the Submit to fully save the data


Field Health Service Information System 2011 B. REPORTS

To view statistical reports on e-FHSIS, click on the REPORTS Menu, consolidated reports by month, by type of data and by Barangay can be viewed.

Choose from the drop-down list the name of the Barangay you want to view the report and the Date covered

On the search filters, choose the Barangay name and the date covered Click the Search button, the table of reports pertaining to your search will appear Click on the Reset button to clear all filters used in viewing the current reports.


Field Health Service Information System 2011 C. DOWNLOADS

In the Search Box, type the key word for the Click on the Downloads Menu to view and download available forms and instructional materials for e-FHSIS.



Click Account Management Menu click the Facility Profile to view the RHU facility profile To edit the facility profile, click on the Update Profile button beside the edit icon

Change the information you want to change or update, be sure to fill all the required fields Click on the EDIT button to fully save the changes you made.

Click on the Update Profile Button to edit EDIT Icon your facility profile


Field Health Service Information System 2011 E. CHANGE PASSWORD


To change the password, click on the Change Password Menu, type the current password that you are using in the Old Password box Type your new password in the New Password box Re-type the new password in the Confirm Password box Click on the Change Password button to save the changes Notice the terms and conditions of changing your password on the left side of the screen.


Field Health Service Information System 2011


To exit from the system, simply click on the Logout Menu.


Field Health Service Information System 2011 3. Getting familiar with the systems icons and buttons
Printer Friendly - Allows users to print reports without printing the entire web page Export to HTML - Allows users to export data from your program into a text file Export to Excel - Allows users to export data from your program into an Excel file Export to Word - Allows users to export data from your program into an Word file Export to XML - Allows users to export data from your program into an XML file Export to CSV - Allows users to export data from your program into a CSV file Calendar - Allows users to encode dates without typing Edit View Allows users to edit any part of the data/ information in the system

Allows users to view each record reported into the system. Search Button - It is click after typing the key word for the subject or data you are looking for inside the search box located on the left side of the search button. Exact phrase - Is tick if you want the system to search only for data which matches the exact words that you have typed in the search box All words - Is tick if you want the system to search for all the data which contains and matches all the words that you have typed in the search box Any word - Is tick if you want the system to search for all the data which contains and matches any word that you have typed in the search box


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Show all button - Let users to go back and view the entire/whole data from previous filtering Add button - Allows users to add new sets of data once clicked Navigation Button - Allows users to navigate through the pages of the data listed and being viewed Back to login page button - Allows users to add new sets of data once clicked Go Back button - Allows users to add new sets of data once clicked


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Software Operations Manual: Provincial Health Office


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Provincial Health Office On-line Reporting

The second reporting level for Electronic Field Health Service Information System is the Provincial Health Office (PHO) reporting, it is where the entire statistical data from the Health Facilities/ RHUs from different cities and municipalities are viewed.

1. Logging-In

Type-in the e-FHSIS URL : The e-FHSIS log-in page will display, type-in the User Name and Password assigned to your respective PHO Click the Login button


Field Health Service Information System 2011 2. Navigating through the e-FHSIS Menus A. FHSIS Programs

The menus in the PHO reporting level is just the same with the RHU reporting system, except that it doesnt have a menu for the Account Management. Like the RHU reporting, the FHSIS Programs Menu in PHO reporting is consist of three (3) sub-menus such as Field Health services, Disease Control and Statistical Data, is where you can ADD, EDIT, FILTER and VIEW records/ data encoded in the e-FHSIS system. The only difference is that the PHO can view all the statistical data encoded by all RHU from different cities and municipalities which are under their monitoring.

Field Health Services

Child Care Dental Health Family Planning Maternal Care

Disease Control

Tuberculosis Leprosy Malaria Schistosomiasis Filariasis Environmental Health Morbidity Mortality BHS Mortality Natality

Statistical Data


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Search filters include the City/ Municipality name and the Health Facility Name


To search records inside the FHSIS Programs, users may type the keyword inside the search box
Go Back button

Tick anyClickthethe Add and of on three buttons under the search box as to how the words inside the search Confirm Button to fully box will besave the data the system searched by Click the search button beside the search box. All records in relation to the keyword you have entered will appear. To view all the records again, just click on the Show all option


Another option in searching through the files inside the system is the filter options above each table. Simply choose on the several filtering fields like the City/ Municipality name, Health Facility name, Barangay name, Date, and Remarks. Once the filter fields are filled up, click on the Search button


Field Health Service Information System 2011


PHOs are allowed to add data on behalf of RHUs in the event that they are not capable of doing so due to some problems like absence of electricity, computer is not available, internet connection is interrupted, etc. To add a data/ record, just choose the field corresponding to the information that you will encode from the FHSIS Programs Menu. Choose from the library the City/ Municipality where the RHU or the Health Facility belongs Choose from the library the RHU or the Health Facility name, then the Barangay name Fill up the statistical data base from what the RHU had sent to the PHO. Fields with red asterisk are all required fields. The system wont allow you to save the data without filling up all the required fields. In the lower part of the reporting page, the Remarks field allows you to choose whether the report being submitted is Pending or Confirm. Records tagged as Pending will still be available for editing while records tagged as Confirm will be not. Once you are done encoding, click on the submit button to fully save the data.


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Upon reviewing the record, the PHO may edit any part of the record as long as it is supported by documents from the requesting RHU who wants the report to be edited. Editing is only allowed to records which are tagged as Pending reports. To confirm the report, just choose from the FHSIS Programs Menu the field corresponding to the data which is needed to be confirmed From the table of reports, click on the View icon of the record you want to review and confirm

Edit button

To edit a record, just click on the Edit button/ icon Edit the content of the data for correction Once editing is done, click on the Edit button below the form to fully save the changes An Update succeeded phrase will appear on the upper right side of the form to notify the user that the change has been saved.

Edit button to save the



Field Health Service Information System 2011


One of the PHOs main roles in e-FHSIS is to validate and confirm records/ data reported by the RHUs in each barangay. Submitted reports which are tagged as Pending are needed to be confirmed base from the documents sent by RHUs to the PHO. Any discrepancy must be raised to the concerned RHU. To confirm the report, just choose from the FHSIS Programs Menu the field corresponding to the data which is needed to be confirmed From the table of reports, click on the Edit icon of the record you want to review and confirm.

If all details are correct base from the documents sent by the RHU, on the Remarks field, choose and click Confirm Once editing is done, click on the Edit button below the form to fully save the changes An Update succeeded phrase will appear on the upper right side of the form to notify the user that the change has been saved.

Edit button to save the

Choose Confirm on the Remarks field



Field Health Service Information System 2011 B. REPORTS

PHOs can view statistical reports on e-FHSIS, just click on the REPORTS Menu, click on Consolidated, click on Monthly, choose the type of data you want to view, and click by City/ Municipality.

Choose from the drop-down list the Choose from the drop-down list the name ofof the Province, City/ name the Province, City/ Municipality, Health Facility you want toto Municipality, Health Facility you want view the report and the Date covered view the report and the Date covered

Reports can be viewed by Province, by City/ Municipality, by Health Facility and by Date Select from the libraries the data you want the system to filter Click on the Search button, base from your search criteria, all reports which corresponds to it will appear To do another search, click on the Reset button to clear all filters used in viewing the current report and repeat the entire steps


Field Health Service Information System 2011


Under the A1, A2 and A3 reports, several sets of report can be viewed. A1 Report Demographic Profile & Environmental Health Natality Report Mortality Report Morbidity Report Mortality Report

A2 Report A3 Report

Click on the report you want to view From the library, choose what Province and Year of report you want to view , click on the Search Button

To filter reports, click on what Province and Year of report you wish to view


Field Health Service Information System 2011 C. DOWNLOADS

Click on the Downloads Menu In the Search Box, type the key word for the forms and instructional materials for e-FHSIS you want to view and download Click on the Search button


To change the password, click on the Change Password Menu, type the current password that you are using in the Old Password box Type your new password in the New Password box Re-type the new password in the Confirm Password box Click on the Change Password button to save the changes


Field Health Service Information System 2011


To exit from the system, simply click on the Logout Menu

3. Getting familiar with the systems icons and buttons (please refer to page 56)


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Software Operations Manual:

Centers for Health Development


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Centers for Health Development On-line Reporting

The third reporting level for Electronic Field Health Service Information System is the Center for Health Development (CHD) reporting where the entire statistical data from the different Provincial Health Offices under their region are viewed.

1. Logging-In

Type-in the e-FHSIS URL : The e-FHSIS log-in page will display, type-in the User Name and Password assigned to your respective PHO Click the Login button


Field Health Service Information System 2011 2. Navigating through the e-FHSIS Menus A. FHSIS Programs

The menus in the CHD reporting level is just the same with the PHO and RHU reporting system, except that it doesnt have a menu for the Account Management but an Upload Menu is added. Like the PHO and RHU reporting, the FHSIS Programs Menu in CHD reporting is consist of three (3) sub-menus such as Field Health services, Disease Control and Statistical Data CHDs can view all the submitted and Confirmed reports from the PHO main responsibility is to consolidate all the reports submitted to them. They can also FILTER and VIEW records or data which were submitted and Confirmed by the PHO. CHDs can view the entire statistical data encoded by all the RHU from different cities and municipalities which are under the PHOs within their respective region.


Field Health Service Information System 2011

Search data by Date or by typing any key word in the search box


To search records inside the FHSIS Programs, users may type the keyword inside the search box Tick under the search box as to how the words inside the search box will be searched by the system Click the search button beside the search box. All records in relation to the keyword you have entered will appear. To view all the records again, just click on the Show all option
Click on the Add and Confirm Button to fully any ofsave the databuttons the three


Another option in searching through the files inside the system is the filter options. Simply choose on the Date of the report you wish to view or search the name of the Province, City/ Municipality, Health Facility or Barangay report you wish to view by typing it in the Search box. Click on the Search button To view again all the records, click on the Show All button


Field Health Service Information System 2011


CHDs are allowed to add data on behalf of PHOs and RHUs in the event that they are not capable of doing so due to some problems like absence of electricity, computer is not available, internet connection is interrupted, etc. To add a data/ record, just choose the field corresponding to the information that you will encode from the FHSIS Programs Menu. Choose from the library the Province and the City/ Municipality where the RHU or the Health Facility belongs Choose from the library the RHU or the Health Facility name, then the Barangay name Fill up the statistical data base from what the RHU and the PHO had sent to the CHD. Fields with red asterisk are all required fields. The system wont allow you to save the data without filling up all the required fields.

Once you are done encoding, click on the submit button to fully save the data. Notice that there is no Remarks field on the CHD reporting. All data encoded by CHD are automatically tagged as confirmed data.


Field Health Service Information System 2011 B. REPORTS

CHDs can view statistical reports by clicking on the REPORTS Menu, click on Consolidated, click on Monthly, choose the type of data you want to view, and click by Region.

Choose from the drop-down list the name of the Province, City/ Municipality, Health Facility you want to view the report and the Date covered

Like in PHO Reports, CHDS can be view reports by Province, by City/ Municipality, by Health Facility and by Date Select from the libraries the data you want the system to filter Click on the Search button, base from your search criteria, all reports which corresponds to it will appear To do another search, click on the Reset button to clear all filters used in viewing the current report and repeat the entire steps


Field Health Service Information System 2011


Click on the Upload Menu Click the Upload File button Click on the Choose File button, then locate and select the file you want to upload Click on the Submit File button A confirmation message will appear once the uploading has been successful


Field Health Service Information System 2011 D. DOWNLOAD

Click on the Downloads Menu In the Search Box, type the key word for the forms and instructional materials for e-FHSIS you want to view and download Click on the Search button


To change the password, click on the Change Password Menu, type the current password that you are using in the Old Password box Type H. LOG-OUT your new password in the New Password box Re-type the new password in the Confirm Password box Click on the Change Password button to save the changes


Field Health Service Information System 2011

To exit from the system, simply click on the Logout Menu

3. Getting familiar with the systems icons and buttons (please refer to page 56)


Field Health Service Information System 2011


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