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168217, June 27, 2006, First Division, Callejo, Sr. J. Facts: In September 1994, three separate Criminal Informations charging Joy Lee Recuerdo of Estafa under Article 315, paragraph 2(d) of the Revised Penal Code involving 18 worthless bank checks were simultaneously filed by the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Bulacan. Evidence adduced by the Prosecution tend to establish that herein private respondent Yolanda G. Floro is engaged in the business of buying and selling of jewelry since 1985. Herein accused-appellant/petitioner Joy Lee Recuerdo, on the other hand, a dentist by profession, who was introduced to Floro by the latters cousin Aimee Aoro in the first week of December 1993, became her customer. Sometime in the second week of December 1993, at around 7:30 in the evening, Recuerdo went to the house of Floro and purchased from her two pieces of jewelry, to wit: a 2.19 carat diamond round stone in white gold setting worthP220,000.00 pesos, and one piece of loose 1.55 karat marquez diamond with a value of P130,000.00 pesos. For the 2.19 carat diamond stone, accused issued and delivered to the complainant then and there ten post-dated checks each in the amount of P22,000.00 drawn against Unitrust Development Bank. For the 1.55 carat marquez loose diamond, accused issued and delivered to complainant then and there ten (10) postdated checks, each in the amount of P13,000.00 drawn against PCI Bank, Makati. In yet another transaction that transpired in the early evening of February 7, 1994, Recuerdo once again proceeded at Floros house and bought another set of jewelry, this time a pair of diamond earrings worth P768,000.00 pesos. She was given seven (7) postdated checks one for P168,000.00 as downpayment and another six (6) postdated checks drawn against Prudential Bank, Legaspi Village, Makati Branch, each for P100,000.00 representing the balance in the aggregate amount of P600,000.00 pesos. Floro deposited the aforementioned checks at Liberty Savings & Loan Association, Meyc[a]uayan, Bulacan. Upon presentment for encashment by said depositary bank with the different drawee banks on their respective maturity dates, the six (6) Prudential Bank checks were all dishonored for having been drawn against closed accounts Issue: Is Recuerdo guilty of estafa under Art. 315 par. 2(d)? Ruling: The crime of Estafa under Article 315, paragraph 2(d) of the Revised Penal Code has the following basic elements: Postdating or issuance of a check in payment of an obligation contracted simultaneously at the time the check was issued; The postdating or issuance was done when the offender had no funds in the bank, or that his funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the amount of the check; and Damage to the payee thereof

The existence of the foregoing elements of the crime was concretely established by the prosecution through convincing evidence, warranting petitioners conviction of the offense of Estafa. The trial court found private complainant Floros testimony that petitioner issued the subject checks as payment for the purchase of pieces of jewelry simultaneous to their transactions to be categorical and credible. There was sufficient evidence established by the prosecution that the checks were issued by the accused to the complainant in exchange of the pieces of jewelry given to her on two separate occasions.

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