Mid English Presentation (Syntax)

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Middle English: [More meruayle con my dom adaunt] [I se byonde at myry mere] [A crystal clyffe ful relusaunt;] [Mony ryal ray con <fro hit> rere]. [At e fote erof er sete a faunt], [A mayden of menske, ful debonere;] [Blysnande whyt wat hyr bleaunt] [I knew hyr wel], [I hade sen hyr ere.] [As glysnande golde <at man> con schere] [So schon at schene] <an-vner shore>. [On lenghe I loked <to hyr> ere]; [e lenger], [I knew hyr more and more]. [..] clause boundary <..> prepositional phrase Example 1: DAT. adj. n. 3rd s. GEN. 1sts. NOM. inf. v. p.p. n. v. Direct Translation: More marvels did my judgement overwhelm I saw beyond that pleasant lake A crystal cliff extremely luminous; Many royal rays did from it rise. At the foot thereof there sat a child, A maiden of value, very gracious; Shining white was her mantle I knew her well, I had seen her before. Like gleaming gold that one might cut, So shone that fair beneath shore. At length I looked to her there; The longer, I knew her more and more.

More meruayle con


dom adaunt

Order: Indirect Object Verb Subject Example 2: ACC. adj. adj. 3rds. NOM. inf. n. v. prep. p.p. v.

Mony ryal ray con <fro hit> rere

Order: Direct Object Verb Subject Example 3: d.a. adv. p.p. v.

p.p. adv. conj. adv.

e lenger, I knew hyr more and more

The MnE translation says The longer I looked which has the verb look, here it seems to be implied. Example 4: NOM. NOM. adv. v. adj. adj.

ACC. prep. n.

So schon at schene <an-vner shore>.

Order: Verb Subject Direct Object The MnE translation is so shone that fair one. schene is the subject, so it is substantive adjective.

Notes The sentence structure is relatively familiar throughout, much easier than OE I found it slightly difficult determing case and subject because of the word order, and there seemed to be quite a few infinitive verbs which added to the confusion. The poetic aspects like alliteration definitely had an effect on the syntax. o ex. mony royal ray con fro hit rere Clauses seem to be easier to identify however, possibly because of the poems structure The poem seems to be telling a story (like SGGK) rather than a riddle like a lot of the poems in OE, which is what I think makes it unique and more accessible. Lots of adjectives, and even double adjectives (flowery language) o ex. mony ryal and ful debonere Lots of words from Old French!

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