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Wiring, Estimation and Costing of Architecture Block (first floor).

(a) Total height of ceiling from floor = 4 mts (b) Height of horizontal run from floor = 2.5 mts (c) Height of SBs and MB from floor = 1.5 mts (d) Height of bed side switch board from floor=1.5mt. (e) Teak wood switch and main board are to be used.

Plan Of The Block


Socket Outlet 15 ampere 1.

2. Socket Outlet 5 ampere

3. Exhaust Fan

4. Fluorescent Lamp

5. Distribution switch board without switches Power

Sr. no. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of appliance Tube lights Ceiling fans CFL Exhaust 5-amp socket Numbers 81 79 2 3 23 Load (watts) 81*40=3240 79*60=4740 2*15=30 3*100=300 23*100=2300

Total load = 10610 watts. Total load current= 10610/230/0.8=57.66 A SELECTION, SPECIFICATION AND RATINGS OF MAIN SWITCH :Taking 50% future expansion of full load; 100 A , 250 v Grade DPIC Main Switch should be installed. SELECTION AND RATING OF DISTRIBUTION BOARD :Total Points = 82 + 78 + 156 + 2 + 3 = 321 Point Total Numbers Of Sub-Circuits = 321/10 = 32 Sub=Circuits But practically , 19 Sub-Circuit will be needed as follows :LECTURE HALL 4 Total electrical points=20(9 tube lights, 9 fans, 2-5 amp sockets) Sub - Circuit S1 For tube lights and 5amp sockets. Sub Circuit S2 For fans. Load on S1=9*40+200=560 watt. Current=560/230/0.8= 3.04 amp. Hence MCB of rating 6 amp should be installed for sub-ckt 1. Load on S1=9*60=540 watt. Current=540/230/0.8= 2.93 amp. Hence MCB of rating 6 amp should be installed for sub-ckt 2.

LECTURE HALL 5 Load is same as lecture hall-5. Hence 2 Sub Circuit S3 and S4 and 2 6-amp MCBs are needed. SECTION C Load is same as lecture hall-5. Hence 2 Sub Circuit S5 and S6 and 2 6-amp MCBs are needed. TUTE-ROOM Total load= 4*40+2*60+100=380 watts Current= 380/230/0.8= 2.06 amp. Hence MCB of 6 amp rating for Sub Circuit S7 is needed. LECTURE HALL 2 Sub Circuit S8 For 4 tube lights,4 fans and 1 5-amp socket. Sub Circuit S9 For 4 tube lights,4 fans and 1 5-amp socket. Hence 2 MCBs of 6-amp ratings are needed. STORE ROOM Sub Circuit S10 For 4 tube lights,1 fan and 1 5-amp socket. Hence 1 MCB of 6-amp ratings are needed. LIBRARY Part I Sub Circuit S10 and S 11 For fans (8 fans and 1 5-amp socket load on each sub ckt.) Sub Circuit S12 For lights. Part II Sub Circuit S13 for tube lights and S14 for fans. Hence a total of 5 6-amp MCB are needed for library. PROF.ROOMS + SERVER ROOM Total load= 3*40+3*60+2*100=500 watts. Current= 500/230/0.8=2.71 amp.

Hence 1 MCB of 6-amp is needed for Sub- Circuit S15. FACULTY ROOM 1 AND 2 Total load= 4*40+4*60+2*100=600 watts. Current= 600/230/0.8=3.26 amp. Hence 1 MCB of rating 6-amp for Sub- Circuit S16 is needed. FACULTY ROOM 3 AND 4 Load same as formerly calculated. Hence 1 MCB of rating 6-Amp for Sub- Circuit S17 is needed. WASH ROOM TOTAL LOAD = 6*40+3*100= 540 WATTS Hence 1 MCB of rating 6-amp for Sub Circuit S18 is need to be insatalled. CORRIDOR Total load= 6*40+3*60+100=520 watts Hence 1 MCB of rating 6 Amp for Sub- Circuit S19 is needed.

1) From main distribution board to H.R = 2M 2) ALONG H.R i) For LH4 , LH5 And Section C with tute-room = 32 M ii) For LH2 , control room and library = 52 M iii) For , server room , faculty room 1,2,3 and 4 with wash room = 29 M TOTAL = 115 M LECTURE HALL 4 From H.R to SB1 = 2 M From H.R to SB2 = 2 M For lights and fans = 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 m TOTAL = 28 M LECTURE HALL 5 AND SECTION Same as LH2 = 28 M Total = 28 + 28 = 56 M TUT- ROOM From H.R to SB1 = 2 M

From H.R to lights and fans = 7 M TOTAL = 9 M LECTURE HALL 2 Along H.R = 11 M From H.R to SB1 and SB2 = 2 + 2 = 4 M From H.R to lights and fans = 2 * ( 0.5 + 17 ) = 35 M TOTAL = 50 M STORE ROOM From H.R to SB1 = 2 M From H.R to lights and fans = 10 M TOTAL = 12 M LIBRARY PART I From H.R to SB1 and SB2 = 4 M From H.R to lights and fans = 8*4 + 18 = 50 M + 1 = 51 M For tube and fans at room at corner = 4 M TOTAL = 59 M LIBRARY PART -2 From H.R to SB3 and SB4 = 4 M From H.R to lights and fans = 36 + 1 = 37 M TOTAL = 41 M PROF.ROOM From H.R to SB1 = 2 M Along H.R = 4 M From H.R to lights and fans = 7 M TOTAL = 13 M SERVER ROOM From H.R to SB1 = 1 + 2 = 3 M Along H.R = 2 M From H.R to lights and fans = 3 M TOTAL = 8 M FACULTY ROOM 1 From H.R to SB1 = 1 + 2 = 3 M Along H.R = 2 M From H.R to lights and fans = 6 M TOTAL = 11 M FACULTY ROOM 2 From H.R to SB1 = 1 + 2 = 3 M Along H.R = 2 M From H.R to lights and fans = 6 M

TOTAL = 11 M FACULTY ROOM 3 From H.R to SB1 = 1 + 2 = 3 M Along H.R = 2 M From H.R to lights and fans = 6 M TOTAL = 11 M FACULTY ROOM 4 From H.R to SB1 = 1 + 2 = 3 M Along H.R = 2 M From H.R to lights and fans = 6 M TOTAL = 11 M WASH ROOM(HE) From H.R to SB1 = 1 + 2 = 3 M Along H.R = 2 M From H.R to lights and exhaust = 5.6 M TOTAL = 10.6 = 11 M WASH ROOM(SHE) From H.R to SB1 = 3 M Along H.R = 5 M From H.R to lights and exhaust FAN = 5.6 *2 = 11.2 M TOTAL = 19.2 M

TOTAL CONDUIT USED = 115 + 28 + 56 + 9 + 50 + 12 + 59 + 41 + 13 +

8 + 44 + 11 + 20 = 466 M ADDING 10 % WASTAGE = 466 + 46.6 = 512.6 = 520 M

TOTAL( with corridor) = 520 + 23 = 543 M WIRE CALCULATIONS:LECTURE HALL 4 PHASE WIRE (lights control from SB1 nd fans from SB2) From S1 to SB1 = 2 + 3 + 0.5 + 17 + 3 = 25.6 = 26 M From S2 to SB2= 26 + 4 = 30 M From SB1 to L1 = 2 + 0.5 + 2 = 4.5 M From SB1 to L2 = 2 + 0.5 + 4 = 6.5 M From SB1 to L3 = 2 + 0.5 + 7 = 9.5 M From SB1 to L4 = 4.5 M From SB1 to L5 = 6.5 M From SB1 to L6 = 9.5 M From SB1 to L7 = 7.5 M From SB1 to L8 = 9.5 M

From SB1 to L9 = 12.5 M TOTAL = 126.5 = 127 M From SB2 to F1 = 8 + 2.5 = 10.5M From SB2 to F2 = 13.5 M From SB2 to F3 = 16.5 m From SB2 to F4 = 4.5 + 2.5 = 7 M From SB2 to F5 = 10 M From SB2 to F6 = 13 M From SB2 to F7 = 7 M From SB2 to F8 = 10 M From SB2 to F9 = 13 M TOTAL = 100.5 = 101 M TOTAL = 127 + 101 = 228 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION From S1 to SB1 = 2 + 3 + 0.5 + 17 + 3 = 25.6 = 26 M From S2 to SB2= 26 + 4 = 30 M SB1 to L1-L2-L3=2+0.5+2+5=9.5 SB1 to L4-L5-L6=2+0.5+2+5=9.5 SB1 to L7-L8-L9=2+0.5+2+5+3.6=13.1 SB2 to F1-F2-F3=2+0.5+2+3.6+8=16.1 SB2 to F4-F5-F6=2+0.5+2+8=12.5 SB2 to F7-F8-F9=2+0.5+2+8=12.5 TOATL NEUTRAL: 129.6 M [LECTURE HALL 5] PHASE WIRE From S3 to SB3= 9.5 + 1 + 2 = 12.5 M From S4 to SB4 = 8.5 M From SB3 to all tube lights = 71 M From SB4 to all fans = 101 M TOTAL PHASE = 193 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: S3- SB3= 12.5M S4-SB4 = 8.5 M For lights and fan same amount of neutral wires are needed as LH-2. TOTAL NEUTRAL = 12.5+8.5+19+13.1+16.1+25=94.2 M [SECTION C] PHASE WIRE From S5 to SB5 = 3 + 3 + 2 = 11 M From S6 to SB6 = 8.5 M From SB5 to all tube lights = 71 M From SB6 to all fans = 101 M TOTAL PHASE = 188.5 M = 189 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: S3- SB5= 12.5M

S4-SB6 = 8.5 M For lights and fan same amount of neutral wires are needed as LH2. TOTAL NEUTRAL = 8+8.5+19+13.1+16.1+25=89.7 M [TUTE ROOM] PHASE WIRE: From S7 to SB7 = 10 M From SB7 to L28 = 5.5 M From SB7 to L29 = 7.5 M From SB7 to L30 = 8.5 M From SB7 to L31 = 10.5 M TOTAL PHASE = 42 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: S7-SB7=10 M SB7 to L28-F28-L29=2+0.5+1.5+3=7 M SB7 to L31-F29-L30=2+0.5+4.5+3=10 M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 10+10+7=27 M [LECTURE HALL 2] From S8 to SB9 = 15 M From S9 to SB9 = 15 M From SB9 to L52 = 9.5 M From SB9 to T53 = 9.5 M From SB9 to L54 = 9.5 M From SB9 to L55 = 7.5 M From SB9 to F41 = 8.5 M From SB9 to F42 = 8.5 M From SB9 to F43 = 14.5 M From SB9 to F44 = 14.5 M From SB9 to L56 = 16.5 M From SB9 to L57 = 16.5 M From SB9 to L58 = 16.5 M From SB9 to L59 = 14.5 M From SB9 to F45 = 15.5 M From SB9 to F46 = 15.5 M From SB9 to F47 = 21.5 M From SB9 to F48 = 21.5 M TOTAL PHASE WIRE = 220 + 30 = 250 M NEUTRAL WIRE CALCULATION: S8-SB9=15M SB9 to L52-L55,F41-F44=2+0.5+3+4.6+3*4=22.1 SB9 to L56-L59,F45-F48=2+0.5+3+4.6+3*4=22.1 TOTAL NEUTRAL WIRE = 15+22.1+22.1=59.2 M

[STORE ROOM] From SB10 to SB10 = 22.5 M From SB10 to T60= 6.5 M From SB10 to T61 = 12.5 M From SB10 to T62 = 12.5 M From SB10 to T63 = 12.5 M From SB10 to F49 = 9.5 M TOTAL PHASE = 76 M S10-SB10=22.5M SB10 to L60-L63,F49= 2+0.5+10+2=14.5M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 22.5+14.5=37 M [PROF. ROOM] From SB15 to SB15 = 17 M From SB15 to L35= 11 M From SB1 to L36 = 11 M From SB2 to F30 = 11 M From SB2 to F31 = 9 M TOTAL PHASE = 59 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: S15-SB15=17M SB15 to L35,L36,F30,F31=2+1+2.8+4+2.6=12.4M TOTAL NEUTRAL =17+12.4=29.4M [SERVER ROOM] PHASE WIRE: From S15 to SB16 = 4 M From SB16 to L37= 6.5 M From SB10 to T32 = 7.5 M TOTAL PHASE = 18 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: S15-SB16=4M SB10 to L37,F32= 2+0.5+0.5+1+3=7M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 22.5+14.5=11 M [FACULTY ROOM 1] PHASE WIRE: From S16 to SB17 = 17 M From SB17 to L33= 7 M From SB17 to L34= 7 M From SB10 to F33 = 7 M From SB17 to F34= 5 M TOTAL PHASE = 18 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION:

S16-SB17=17M SB10 to L38,L39,F33,F34= 2+0.5+1.5+4+2=10M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 17+10=27 M [FACULTY ROOM 2] PHASE WIRE: From SB17 to SB18 = 6 M From SB17 to L40= 7 M From SB17 to L41= 7 M From SB10 to F36 = 7 M From SB17 to F35= 5 M TOTAL PHASE = 32 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: SB17-SB18=6M SB18 to L40,L41,F35,F36= 2+0.5+1.5+4+2=10M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 6+10=16 M [FACULTY ROOM 3] PHASE WIRE: From S17 to SB19 = 23 M From SB17 to L42= 7 M From SB17 to L43= 7 M From SB10 to F38 = 7 M From SB17 to F37= 5 M TOTAL PHASE = 49 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: S17-SB19=23M SB10 to L42,L43,F37,F38= 2+0.5+1.5+4+2=10M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 23+10=33 M [FACULTY ROOM 4] PHASE WIRE: From SB19 to SB20 = 6 M From SB17 to L44= 7 M From SB17 to L45= 7 M From SB10 to F40 = 7 M From SB17 to F39= 5 M TOTAL PHASE = 32 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: SB19-SB20=6M SB20 to L45,L44,F44,F45= 2+0.5+1.5+4+2=10M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 6+10=16M

[WASH ROOM(HE)] PHASE WIRE: From S18to SB21 = 29 M From SB21 to L46= 6.5 M From SB21 to L47= 8 M From SB21 to E1 = 9 M TOTAL PHASE = 52.5 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: S18-SB21=29M SB21 to L46,L47,E1= 2+0.5+1.5+5.6=9.6M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 38.6 M [WASH ROOM(SHE)] PHASE WIRE: From S18to SB21 = 29 M From SB21 to L46= 6.5 M From SB21 to L47= 8 M From SB21 to E1 = 9 M TOTAL PHASE = 52.5 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: SB21-SB22=8.5M SB22 to L48-L51,E2,E3= 2+0.5+1.5+5.6+1+1+5.6=17.2M TOTAL NEUTRAL = 25.7 M [LIBRARY PART-1] From S10-SB11= 51 M From S11-SB11=51M From SB11 F50=11 M From SB11 F51=11 M From SB11 F52=13M From SB11 F53=13 M From SB11 F54=15 M From SB11 F55=15 M From SB11 F56=17 M From SB11 F57=17 M From SB11 F58=19 M From SB11 F59=19 M From SB11 F60=21 M From SB11 F61=21 M From SB11 F62=23 M From SB11 F63=23M From SB11 F64=25 M From SB11 F65=25 M

FROM S12 to SB12=51 M From SB12- L64=7 M From SB12- L65=9 M From SB12- L66=11 M From SB12- L67=13 M From SB12- L68=15 M From SB12- L69=17 M From SB12- L70=19 M From SB12- L71=21 M From SB12- L72=23 M TOTAL PHASE WIRE=576 M NEUTRAL CALCULATION: From S10-SB11= 51 M From S11-SB11=51M SB11 to F50-F65=2 +0.5+3.6+18+4*8=56.1M SB12 to L64-72=2+0.5+3.6+18=24.1M TOTAL NEUTRAL= 51+51+56.1+24.1=182.2M [LIBRARY PART-2] From S13-SB13= 40 M From S14-SB14=40M From SB13-L1=8.5M From SB13-L2=8.5M From SB13-F66=10.5M From SB13-F67=10.5M From SB13-F68=12.5M From SB13-F69=12.5M From SB13-L73=8M From SB13-L74=10M From SB14-F70=14.5M From SB14-F71=14.5M From SB14-F72=16.5M From SB14-F73=16.5M From SB14-F74=18.5M From SB14-F75=18.5M From SB14-L75=12M From SB14-L76=14M From SB14-L77=16M TOTAL PHASE WIRE= 302M NEUTRAL WIRE CALCULATION: S13- SB13= 40M SB13 to F66-F75,L73-L77,L1-L2=2+0.5+3.5+12+4*6=42 M

TOTAL NEUTRAL WIRE=82 M [CORRI-DOR] From S19 -- SB8= 15 M From SB8 L32=4.5 M From SB8 L33=9.5 M From SB8 L34=14.5 M From SB8 L78=9.5 M From SB8 L79=15.5 M From SB8 L80=21.5 M From SB8 F76=12.5 M From SB8 F77=18.5 M From SB8 F78=24.5 M TOTAL PHASE WIRE= 143.5M NEUTRAL WIRE CALCULATION: S19 - SB8 = 15M SB8 L32-34,L78-80,F76-78=2+0.5+3.5+0.5+17+3.5+20= 47 M TOATL NEUTRAL= 15+47= 62M

OVERALL TOTAL CALCULATED PHASE WIRE: = 2346.5 M+ 10% wastage =2581.15= 2582 m apprx OVERALL TOTAL CALCULATED NEUTRAL WIRE: =959.6 M+n10% wastage =1055.56m= 1060m apprx

Sr. No. 1. Specification Quantity Rate (Rs) DPIC main switch 100A, 1 250 volts MCB distribution board 6A With din rail and steel mounting board and other attachments 3. Iron clad main board 1 60x60cm with 4 rag bolts and nuts each of diameter 10x150mmlong for fixing MB with wall Conduit pipe black 543 enamel and light gauge (25mm dia) Conduit pipe accessories: 1. Coduit socket to connect two pieces of conduit 125 2. Bends 3. Junction box(2 way) 4. Junction box(3 50 way) 50 30 6. PVC insulated copper 2582+1060= 3642m conductors single core 250Vgrade wire of size 200/pc 200/19 90/pc 1710 290/pc Amount (Rs) 290






3 5 5 6/m


1.5 mm2 or 1/1.40 dia 7. 8. Earth wire 14SWG, G.I. 50m 5/m 2/pc 250/900/-

Machine screws 3mm dia 450 25mm long for fixing ceiling roses and lamps Machine screws 3mm dia 65 15 mm long for fixing Bakelite junction box cover Earthing set complete 1 with pipe,GI pipe, earth wire, CI frames , CI covers, thimbles, charcoal Teak wood frame and 1 shutter door Fan Exhaust fan Tubelight Set 5 amp Socket Flush Switch 79 3 81 30 190










12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

1200/1000 150 15 14 10


Ceiling rose,Bakelite for 160 tubes and fans GRAND TOTAL


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