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Immaculate Lord! All the stains and defects are mine, mine only How is the goldsmith responsible for the lack of purity of the gold entrusted to bieIs the son-in-law to be blamed if one's Gzoghtzr is unable to bex the labour pains? Devoid of charitabte acts of devotion znd compatsion over s sercs of former lives, how can one Blame the Lord for his present ills?Wren Lam myself feeling guilty over my commissions and emissions bow can I blame you? afr aaa =a a. acer gordi? stan? (Aa) aL art a oni were rast! (a=) a4. done apn ofaet snped. sinenig “aapengat aa (sac) AL aaa aan stage, pra ucgint wer at (sax) repr an ARR areidtes foe artis toys (sfracer) wer] aie sesrerr Sth afifieg sf eaeresepat! (sacs) KAPI MELA 22 KHAND CAPU P. MIVALLA GUNADOSHA- Memr? Sg} RAMA! (MIVALLA) A. NAVALLA NE GANI NALINADALA NAYANA! (uvaLLa) C1. BANGARUBAGUGA PADIVANNE GAGUNTE. ANGALARCCUCU 'BATTU- ‘NADUKO NELA! @fvaLta) 2. TANATANAYA PRASAVA VE- DANA KORVA LEKUNTE ANAYA ALLUNIPAI AHAN- KARA BADANELA! (MIVALLA) 3. BJANMAMUNA PATRA- MERIGI DANAMBIKA POJINCA MARACI VEL- PULA NADU KONNELA Q@aVALLA) 4. NAMANASUNA PREMA NANNALAYA JESINA RAJILLUSEITYAGA RAJANUTA CARANA! (alvaLLa) Lvaceu Aro:SR'M'PN'S AvarS:SWDNPMIGIR'S 21222 S$... SNDNP, BOPMGGRS, | RNY Sa6 IMGRSRMPNPN owl h gonids aha ne oi son m SRGRSNDNPM —PSNFMGRS, | SRN',S. 4 IMGRS RMEN SN” | mioval lb gusadS sta moi oom SRSKGRSNDNPM [PSNENPMGRS | BGESN'S,,.... [MGRSRMPNMP 3S, . SNDNP, mi val bo guaa 6 sha mom sion om (iva) WPUNSRGR, — RNGR SWS... 86.6.6 RSGRSN'N,S.. eel oe gl ft valle ne got NEC. OF BERMG GREN'S, 84. NS, GCS S@Mbs GREN'S, a wal b =e od od at walla ne Hoi MGR, 3.8, INDPNMENSRG | GS. SNDNPM =P, SNPMGRS, ERY'S, na}i oa dale na ya ne siwl la gen dS sha mE i OG. DOPPMMM | PPLP.MNPM «= IGRPMGRS, ein m mo pi oma seri gi mma SP.MNPMGR —SRGRSN'S... 9 Ls SSO IOMNPMGGM. I pai om man civdl pala af da kon 25 1S. NDNP, IMP.PMGRR [wR MPR, P.. OP... 1 nd ma nas Bh peo paona la ya = oS om misic same 05 A. refite aint sijanoea carn (aivalisy =

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